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Description of gifts & gracespreached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Dec 22, 2002
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Distribution of gifts and graces
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Dec 15, 2002
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Diversity amidst unity
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Dec 8, 2002
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Christian unity maintained Pt3
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Dec 1, 2002
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The fulness God would have us enjoypreached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Wed Sep 20, 2023
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Living for the Lord's return
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Sep 17, 2023
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Funeral service for Miss Edna Weirpreached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Mon May 12, 2003
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preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Tue Nov 11, 2008
The day when it is God's turn to answer
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Jan 15, 1995
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In defence of 'Open-air preaching' - Letter
Dr Edward Cooke shared this letter with me a week ago, which he had submitted to the ‘Belfast Newsletter’, and since it has not appeared in that newspaper, I am forwarding you all a copy.
He rightly objects to the attitude of the ‘Belfast Telegraph’ journalist, Lindy McDowell’s scornful attitude toward those who seek to witness for Christ in the open-air.
While I would not give a ‘blanket’ endorsement to all that goes on under the name of ‘open-air gospel preaching’, I believe that there are many earnest souls seeking to warn their fellow countrymen of the need of Christ on the streets, in the absence of any real gospel witness in so many churches today.
Here is Dr Cooke’s letter.
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster.
Brooklyn Beckham and Street Preaching
Lindy McDowell writes in the Belfast Telegraph today that ‘some of our street preachers are to oratory what Brooklyn Beckham is to gourmet cooking’ and within her article she captions a photograph of the back of a street preacher. Ms McDowell seems to suggest that the public arena should be reserved only for the intellectuals and professional clergy and that ordinary Christians should be denied their same Human Rights freedoms of those who have been educated in the clerical colleges and the diminishing theology schools in the UK university sector. Yet, the reverse is true, if ordinary individuals are restricted from accessing main stream media and cannot preach in the different denominational churches, then the public arena must be seen as a place sacred for their discourses, no matter how unstructured and poorly polished their religious discourses are. Paradoxically, Ms McDowell, has access to the mainstream media and gets well paid to air her views, whilst the people she denigrates are denied similar access and give freely of their time to bring people to faith.
Ms McDowell also needs to be mindful of using photographs of people who can be identified. The person in the hat, with ‘Jesus loves You’ emblazoned on his back, is known to me. This photograph was taken at the Appleby Horse Fair and was taken outside the Appleby COE parish church. Moreover, the man in the photograph is a highly effective, courteous man, who gives freely of his time during the ‘gypsy’ raucous horse fair and is accompanied by several other NI ‘street preachers’ who over the years travel to the horse fair to promote the gospel. These same NI evangelising preachers will recognise this man in the hat, and will be aggrieved that he is associated with the Belfast Telegraph article.
Kindest Regards,
Dr Edward Cooke
Posted on 2023-09-30 a 8:14 pm
Unholy Rejoicing over an Unholy Agreement
I draw attention to a report on the BBC NI website which highlights the ‘unholy rejoicing’ in the ecumenical camp over the 25th anniversary of the ‘Good Friday Agreement’.
It is well named for it is called after the day on which, as Peter put it: “The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied him in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let him go. But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; and killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses,” Acts 3:13-15.
The GFA witnessed the ‘killing’ of true peace in Northern Ireland and the issuing in of a ‘peace’ that was bought by placating, to a small degree, the murderers and terrorists of Irish Republicanism!
The ‘GFA’ was a pact with the devil, drawn up by men whose ‘stock and trade’ are lies and deceit. It exonerated terrorist murderers, deemed them upright and honourable and eventually elevated them into government with the assistance of the treacherous ‘power-sharing’ deal the DUP made with Sinn Fein/IRA.
Today, we have those who constantly glory in their decades-long campaign of murder, bombing and terror, overlording affairs in Northern ireland — all as a direct result of the GFA.
That is something only those with no idea of the truth that “The LORD our God is holy,” Psalm 99:9, and who are joined in an unholy amalgam with the aim of destroying the truth of the Bible and delivering us back into the hands of the Papacy, can rejoice over!
As I have often said over the last 50 years, the outcome of the falsehoods of ‘Ecumenism’ will be a total betrayal of our Protestant heritage.
The picture below is a foreshadowing of the ungodly ‘unity’ planned by the ecumenical churches here.
Here is that BBC report.
Catholic and Protestant church leaders from Ireland have travelled to Rome to mark the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement
They are taking part in an ecumenical prayer service and a seminar, to reflect on events since the peace deal was signed in Belfast in 1998.
In a joint statement, the Irish church leaders said the agreement had saved “countless” lives in the past 25 years. Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-28 a 6:05 pm
Madness governs Northern Ireland
Madness governs Northern Ireland to a degree that would have been unimaginable but a few short years ago!
Mr Jim Allister KC, leader of the Traditional Unionist Party, was correct in what he said of the decision to appoint convicted terrorist, Gerry Kelly, to the panel charged with the task of appointing a new Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland!
It is a case equivalent to the ‘devil being put in charge of who enters heaven’!
This is a degree of lunacy that is an indication of just what took root when the DUP entered an agreement to share power with Sinn Fein/IRA. From that foul sowing has sprung the innumerable manifestations of our society in the grip of a blind mania, born of a rejection of the wisdom and truth of God’s Word.
For the cause of that departure we point an accusing finger at the ecumenical ‘false prophets’ of the main churches here in Ulster.
Here is a report in the ‘Belfast News Letter’ which contains the comments of Mr Allister.
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
Sinn Fein involvement in selecting new PSNI chief constable branded ‘perverse’
The inclusion of a former IRA bomber on a panel responsible for selecting a new PSNI chief constable has been branded “perverse” by Jim Allister.
The TUV leader said that having Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly involved in the process is the outworkings of the “constant pandering to republicanism”.
Former chief constable Simon Byrne resigned from the post earlier this month after a High Court judge ruled that two probationer constables had been unlawfully disciplined for an arrest made following an event commemorating the 1992 Sean Graham bookmakers massacre.
Gerry Kelly has been an MLA for North Belfast since 1998 and sits on the NI Policing Board. Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-27 a 5:30 pm
A very big lie
This headline appeared on the local BBC news website this morning.
Derry declared UN International City of Peace
This most undeserved ‘honour’ was bestowed by that organisation which is but a ‘den of lying, poisonous vipers’, the United nations!
This headline appear in a newspaper just under three weeks ago.
Molotov cocktails thrown at police in Derry with KIDS involved in riot
Parents of such junior terrorists must bear much blame for the actions of the children involved in these riots and I am sure that many would have encouraged their offspring to engage in such lawlessness.
Londonderry, or ‘Derry’ as Irish republicans would insist on it being called, was the ‘birthplace of the 1969 riots which in turn gave rise to some 30 years of IRA terrorism.
It still harbours the offspring of that terrorism in the form of the ‘dissent’ IRA, an republican group which is extensively striving to re-ignite the terrorism of former years.
This is a familiar headline in recent years.
Police uncover weapons in Derry ‘dissident hide’
Yet the UN has the brazen audacity to speak of this city as a ‘city of peace’!
In truth, it has long been a city of terror, murder, rebellion and persecution! The ‘Fountain Estate’, within the city was a Protestant enclave of some 1500 people. That has been reduced by over 80% by constant attacks by Roman Catholic republicans.
Read the following report from some 5 years ago in the nationalist, ‘Irish News’.
Protestant enclave once a thriving community
The article, dated 10 July, 2018, commendably reports that: “Despite the dramatic drop in its number of residents, the interface has been repeatedly targeted in sectarian attacks during contentious periods – with residents saying that a ‘siege mentality’ still exists.”
The UN shamefully honours such activities by the republican majority within this city.
Naturally, the enemies of truth and righteousness hail this honour. The BBC reports contains these comments.
“The city and district’s inclusion in the prestigious initiative was led by the former First Derry Presbyterian Minister, Rev David Latimer. Rev Latimer has worked on numerous peace and reconciliation projects, many involving local young people. ‘If people are enjoying security, prosperity and quality of life then they will not think about lifting up guns and bombs.’ ”
Latimer is a rejector of the true gospel of Christ, a notorious apostate from Biblical truth. His endorsement gives an insight into the thinking behind the UN announcement and but proves the sickening deceitfulness behind the bestowing of this dubious ‘honour’!
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
25th September 2023
Posted on 2023-09-25 a 5:16 pm
The ‘partiality’ of the ‘Impartial Reporter’!
On Monday 18th September, I received the following email at 8.03 am.
Hi Rev Foster,
Long time, no speak.
Rodney Edwards here, now the Editor of The Impartial Reporter.
I would be very keen to feature you in the paper this week regarding your comments on the DUP and a ‘United Ireland’.
Would you care to expand on those thoughts in a 900-word piece?
At 11.29, I sent in the requested article. However, unsurprisingly, it was not received with enthusiasm by the ‘Impartial Editor’.
I set forth excerpts from his response.
Thanks, Rev. Foster.
The term ‘sodomy’ is pejorative and, indeed, offensive to very many. Can I change this to homosexuality?
I have a responsablity, (sic) you will understand, to be careful with our use of language and not to cause offence.
I defended my position and refused to allow any substitution of the Bible term ‘sodomy’. Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-23 a 10:47 pm
Sabbath football
I have just sent the following letter into the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ in response to an article in today’s edition:
Irish League: More Sunday football could be on the cards as NIFL chief executive Gerard Lawlor unveils new five-year strategy to grow local game
Perhaps you could pray that it is printed.
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
Dear Editor,
I must comment on the article in your newspaper: “Irish League: More Sunday football could be on the cards as NIFL chief executive Gerard Lawlor unveils new five-year strategy to grow local game.”
This ‘plan’ involves an insulting and nigh blasphemous call by the Northern Ireland Football League chief.
His call entails a breaking of God’s commandment regarding the observance of the Sabbath Day. Furthermore, he adds insult to injury by calling for a ‘adult’ conversation.
He is reported as saying: “I’m a traditionalist and we all want to play at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon, but to evolve and develop we need to come outside of our comfort zone. All I’m asking for is people to soul search. I’m asking for adult conversations.”
By adult, he obviously means an absence of any reference to God and the Bible in any ‘conversation’, even as he as a Nationalist ignores God and His Word regarding the keeping of the Sabbath. Rather, let it be, as he states, all about ‘helping to grow the local game with increased attendances and additional revenue.’
Increased attendances and more money for the organisers of this sport is his sole motivation!
That is the be all and end all of so many in today’s Bible-rejecting society.
Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
Kilskeery, Co Tyrone
Posted on 2023-09-21 a 11:43 pm
Kilskeery Annual Autumn Conference 2023, Sunday evening
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Posted on 2023-09-17 a 9:40 pm
Kilskeery Annual Autumn Conference 2023, Sunday morning
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Posted on 2023-09-17 a 3:44 pm
Kilskeery Annual Autumn Conference 2023, Friday evening
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Posted on 2023-09-16 a 9:10 pm
Why were not more terrorist attacks stopped in Belfast?
In today’s (15/9/23) Irish nationalist newspaper, ‘The Irish News’, the following headline appears.
Stakeknife: British intelligence may have been aware of every IRA operation in Belfast
The secretive world of anti-terrorist undercover operatives and their activities will never be fully known. It would be to the endangering of many and the shaming of high officials who sanctioned what amounted to unlawful actions on many occasions.
If there is an ounce of truth in the above headline then the question must be asked, ‘Why were not more terrorist attacks stopped in Belfast?’
Away back in 1971, 52 years ago, British Tory Home Secretary, Reginald Maudling, a cabinet minister during Edward Heath’s infamous premiership, spoke of an “acceptable level” of violence in the Northern Ireland conflict.
This took place in a December 1971 press conference in which he stated that the British government could not eliminate the Provisional Irish Republican Army’s terrorist attacks but only reduce them to an “acceptable level”. Critics maintained that any violence was unacceptable. Nevertheless, the concept influenced the British government’s strategy in dealing with Northern Irish terrorism, and continues to be used in discussions of ongoing political violence in Northern Ireland.
What Maudling said was an unmitigated lie and the disclosure of a policy of mere containment of the IRA while the terrorist organisation carried out what had become British policy. That policy was gradually to move Northern Ireland out of the UK into a united Ireland by using the terrorism of the IRA to weary the Ulster unionist population of the turmoil and make them ready to sue for a ‘peaceful’ solution! Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-15 a 5:24 pm
You are Invited ...
September 15th & 17th 2023
Preparing for the Lord’s return
Friday 15th, 8.00pm
Looking for the Lord’s return
Preacher: Rev Brian McClung (Newtownabbey FPC)
Lord’s Day 17th at 11.30am
Living for the Lord’s return
Preacher: Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
Lord’s Day 17th at 7.00pm
Praying for the Lord’s return
Preacher: Rev David McMillan (Armagh FPC)
“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh,” Matthew 24:44.
All are welcome to the services
or to join in via Facebook
Posted on 2023-09-15 a 4:53 pm
Parental opposition to RSE - time will tell how far it will go!
The article below appears in today’s (13/9/23) ‘Belfast Telegraph. I welcome the matter of the grossly immoral material of the ‘RSE (relationships and sex education)’, forced upon Northern Ireland secondary schools by our arrogant, ‘double-barrelled buffoon’ of a Secretary of State, Christopher Heaton-Harris, being raised in the House of Commons.
However, I take issue with the notion that ‘Parents in Northern Ireland are genuinely angry, they are fearful, teachers are feeling vulnerable and fearful’, as being a true picture of the response to this evilly invasive interference in the affairs of the educating of children in Ulster, by London ‘Mandarins’!
Yes, there is discontent with the corrupt teaching, born of the liberal and perverted thinking of this God-rejecting age, that is contained in the RSE scheme the children are going to be taught. But I see no signs of an angry response amongst parents that warrants the warning issued by the two DUP MPs — “Interfere in our children at your peril!”
Today’s Protestant parents have embraced the teaching of evolution as a fact, when it is in truth only a theory. They have in like manner tolerated the introduction of literature texts which employ grossly foul language and explicit sexual narratives. They have not manifested any real opposition to the topic of ‘LGBT++ism’ and the pushing of the perverted notions of that element within our society.
Therefore, I see no signs of any real change of attitude amongst parents today toward these latest immoral innovations being introduced to the classrooms of their children.
There have been rallies organised by various groups to highlight the corruptions of this RSE scheme. Have Protestant parents been flocking to them? That is not the case as far as I am informed! Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-13 a 4:56 pm
An appeal to our ‘Burning Bush’ web page readers
The ‘Burning Bush’ publication started out in 1970 as a very simple 4 page – A4 sized folded publication. It was very basic in its design and structure. My wife typed up my articles (after a grammatical examination!) and I then cut up the typed article and stuck it on a template and it was then copied from that and a few hundred copies printed off by the late Pastor Brian Green in London. It was not distributed on a regular basis at the first but issued only when there was a matter to be addressed. But very soon, for the sake of cost, it was changed to an A4 sized sheet folded in half to make a 4-page A5 publication and copied by ourselves. That was issued somewhat irregularly until 1988, when the IRA bombed the ‘Poppy-day’ remembrance service in Enniskillen on 8th November, murdering 11 people and injuring many dozens, very seriously, in a ‘no warning’ bombing. The bomb was placed in a Roman Catholic property adjacent to the war memorial where the service had traditionally taken place.
Details of that horrific crime were given in the publication I produced at that time, “The Remembrance Day Massacre in Enniskillen” and of which some 50,000 were distributed world-wide. From that time, ‘The Burning Bush’ became a standardised ‘tabloid-sized’ publication, issued on a monthly basis until its final edition in early 2007 when the newspaper edition ceased and it became only an Internet publication.
The articles in my printed edition were first mounted on a website provided for me by Mr Steven Lee, the founder of ‘SermonAudio’ from about 1998 until I moved to my own present website, set up by my son, Rev Andy Foster, minister of Penticton Free Presbyterian Church in Canada.
The reason I parted company with ‘SermonAudio’ may be seen in the following articles. “My sermon on Dr Beeke’s errors removed from SermonAudio” and “Why I have closed my account with SermonAudio”.
I was saddened that I had to leave SermonAudio for Mr Lee had been very kind to me, placing some of my sermons amongst the first that were mounted on his pioneering website. However, by God’s grace I have ever been ready to take whatever measures necessary, irrespective of the consequences, to preach and publish what Paul the apostle called, “all the counsel of God”. I must confess, that became increasing costly in terms of personal relationships amongst some of my ministerial brethren.
I was brought up, in my first months as a Christian, under the bold preaching of Dr Ian Paisley in 1964, when he from his pulpit in the old church on the lower Ravenhill Road, Belfast, stoutly denounced the apostasy and defended his action most boldly and unequivocally, when challenged, from the Word of God. I still recall the impression made upon me by a message he preached one Lord’s Day evening in the summer of 1964. It was upon the words of Paul in Acts 20.
“And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publickly, and from house to house, testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God,” verses 20-24.
The atmosphere of that meeting and the impact of what was said, have lived with me ever since. For that reason I felt that I could not be curtailed in my denunciations of sin and compromise and must sadly part company with ‘SermonAudio’.
The number of visitors to our ‘Burning Bush’ website since 1998, when it first was mounted on the Internet, presently stands at some 1,06,780, even as I write this letter. That is, of course, a very small number compared to the many faithful gospel sites on the Internet which have a much greater outreach. But I count it a blessing from the Lord that a witness established in weakness and maintained by a mere handful of people, in what might be considered the ‘backwoods’ of County Tyrone in north western Northern Ireland, has reached to the far corners of the earth with the truth of God! I rejoice in each and every visitor. For a preacher who has ministered to no great crowds, it is wonderful to be able to witness to over one million visitors to our website over the last twenty five years.
The visitors to our website come from all over the world, from lands where I will never visit and even if I could, I would find it difficult to preach the Word of God, given the opposition to God and His Truth within the regime governing those lands.
I have often wondered about the individuals whose hearts were moved to visit the site, whose eyes read over the articles mounted and who may have listened to my ‘Ulster’ brogue with a degree of puzzlement! The information available to me of the visitors coming to the ‘Burning Bush’ website is limited to when they visit, what they look at on our website, how long they stay and the country where they live. I don’t know their exact location though I believe that I could seek out, with some decree of exactness, the general area within the country from which they are computing, but that is all.
As I say, I have often looked at the statistics available to me and wondered about the person or persons behind the visits. Is it a man or is it a woman? Is it a young person? Were they Christians looking for information on the issues I deal with in my articles? Were they those anxious to obtain some knowledge of the message of the Bible? Did they copy the article or the sermon recording they downloaded and share it among friends? Were their neighbours gathered in by those who visited our website and downloaded items from it and were they shared with those neighbours? Have any been brought savingly to faith in Christ and converted by what they read or heard on our website?
Of course, I don’t know the answers to these questions. BUT I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW! I am sure that is understandable.
I have of course received many emails from readers of the ‘Burning Bush’ since it was first commenced some 53 years ago, 99.9% of which have been a blessing to read. A few have been angered by what they have read in our publication or on our website. While it has not brought me joy to read the often times angry epistles for invariably they were tainted with falsehoods and vitriol, though I always recall a statement from that great Ulster evangelist, W P Nicholson, who in his own distinctive style, used to respond to those who complained about his blunt style of preaching, by saying: ‘When you throw a stone amongst a pack of dogs, the one which squeals is the one you have hit!’
I have hit a few readers, who I believe needed to be ‘hit’, since 1970!
Now as I have said, I would like to know something more about those who visit our site. That is why I am writing and publishing this letter as my 80th birthday is but weeks away. If any feel that they could let me know at least something of any help or benefit of blessing they have received from the articles or recordings on the website and if they share copies of the articles or audio sermons amongst their friends and acquaintances, it would be a great joy for me to hear from them.
I prayerfully leave the matter with our visitors with, of course, a solemn assurance that all information I receive will be treated in the strictest confidence and I will not respond to any such contacts except with a brief word of thanks, except where I am asked to correspond further.
Your servant in the glorious gospel of Christ,
Ivan Foster
11th September, 2023
Posted on 2023-09-11 a 4:47 pm
David leaves us a lesson in true repentance
Some brief comments on Psalm 51 — Part 1.
{By Rev Ivan Foster, Rtd}
This Psalm was part of my daily reading today (9.9.23). I have read it many times before BUT I always see something fresh and to the blessing of my soul.
We must ever remember the words of John.
“If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us,” 1 John 1:8-10.
Because we ever sin and have need of repentance, which is a gift from God and not self-induced (Acts 5:31), we need the instructions and guidance given us here by divine inspiration from the pen of David.
As the fall of the Jewish people brought blessings to the Gentiles, (Romans 11:11-12) even so the sad lapse by David has brought instruction to all believers who read the Bible and find themselves in the same erring circumstances as David, perhaps not the exact same turn of events but in the same place of disobedience and transgression as his terrible offence.
From the title of the Psalm given us in our Authorised Version, there come some precious truths.
To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.
1. Even when we deserve to be forsaken, the Lord pities erring believers.
David’s sin was a most grievous breach of God’s Law, made all the more so in that the Lord had permitted David to have many wives, in exemption to the general order established by Him. For him then to steal the wife of a good, loyal and godly soldier like Uriah by murdering him, was a most heinous crime.
2. God’s mercy always comes to us via His Word.
Nathan was sent of God to David. “And the LORD sent Nathan unto David,”2 Samuel 12:1. It was not an easy task to undertake. I have no doubt that the actions of David, surely known by all within his court, would have been most distressing to a man of God such as Nathan. Furthermore, approaching David on such a solemn mission with a most dreadful outcome, would not have been easy. David was at the zenith of his kingly power. Perhaps this why Nathan never approached David before being sent on that task by the Lord. Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-09 a 7:16 pm
4 Problems With Western Australia’s New Abortion Laws
The following article was sent to me by a reader in Perth, Western Australia. It highlights the horrendous attitude toward the aborting of healthy babies for mere whimsical notions on the part of both mothers to be and their doctors, and is a universal plague.
Such an inhuman and cruel attitude to the destruction of life human life was part of the accusation laid against Judah of old and made part of the reason the judgment of God fell upon that people.
Consider these words:
“And they left all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made a grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal. And they caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger,” 2 Kings 17:16-17.
These words are part of a lengthy indictment of Israel by the Lord. These two verses link the abandonment of the commandments of God by a people and their cruel mistreatment of children.
Those two crimes are indissolubly linked in the widely accepted behaviour of today’s society. The murder of the unborn is increasingly becoming legal, with less and less restriction being placed upon the circumstance in which an unborn baby may be brutally killed.
As I have often said: the blame for the renunciation of everything God deems sacred and the dreadful crimes that are then sanctioned by the law, lies at the feet of the false prophets in apostate denominations, of which we have some here in Ulster.
There is a day coming when all engaged in this wickedness will stand before the Lord and give an account of their depraved actions and then enter into the eternal consequences of their crimes!
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
4 Problems With Western Australia’s New Abortion Laws
(Article published in the THE EPOCH TIMES)
By Peter Abetz
September 7, 2023
Updated: September 7, 2023
The Abortion Legislation Reform Bill 2023 has been sold to the public as being necessary to bring it into line with other states and “modernise” Western Australia’s (WA) abortion law.
The reality is that it does neither.
Most significantly, the Bill fails to include four important provisions that the South Australian Parliament included when it changed its abortion law in 2021.
In light of research conducted at La Trobe University, which found that in some ethnic communities in Australia, there are 125 boys born for every 100 girls, South Australia included a ban on sex-selection abortions.
It is abhorrent to think that WA’s Bill will now allow a baby to be aborted simply because it is female. Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-08 a 8:00 am
O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself
Try as I might, I could not ignore these comments by Peter Robinson, who was one of the main architects of the ‘power-sharing’ deal with Sinn Fein/IRA in 2006/7.
That was the political catalyst that has brought about the disastrous situation that Unionists find themselves in today!
Here is my response!
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
“O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself,” Hosea 13:9.
I saw this ‘Belfast telegraph’ headline this morning, when it was sent to me by a friend, and could do nothing other than smile!
“Peter Robinson responds to ex-DUP man’s ‘new Ireland’ prediction: ‘Defeat will first originate in your head’”
The former party leader has responded to comments made by DUP co-founder Wallace Thompson
The ‘comments’ referred to by Mr Robinson were those of Mr Wallace Thompson who is described in a Belfast Telegraph’ article, an interview with him by Mr Sam McBride, as: “ . . . a Paisleyite, a founding member of the DUP, a former special adviser to Nigel Dodds, and a leading evangelical Protestant, but Wallace Thompson now believes a form of Irish unity is inevitable — and he’s willing to consider it.”
What I found laughable in Mr Robinson’s comment was the brazen assumption that every Unionist in Northern Ireland will have forgotten that the ‘defeat’ Peter Robinson is referring to, originated in the ‘heads’ of the DUP leadership, who in a fit of political greed and an unbridled desire for political advance, sold out to Sinn Fein/IRA and placed them in the place of power, which they, with devilish cunning, have used to seize the domination they now enjoy! Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-06 a 9:11 pm
Further evidence of the accuracy of Bible prophecy
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived,” Revelation 18:23.
This is the headline and the opening line of an article in ‘The Irish Examiner’ of 4th September 2023.
Irish gangs ‘have travelled to South America to discuss importing fentanyl’
The synthetic opiate is 50 times more powerful than heroin and has killed thousands in the US
It clearly indicates how that ‘drug smuggling’ has almost attained to the status of a legitimate business activity. What used to be called ‘smuggling’ is now referred to as ‘importing’! The ‘drug business’ rivals the largest international commercial enterprises. It is reported that such evil activities involve vast sums of money.
A United Nations publication of 1998, ‘Economic and Social Consequences of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking,’ states that:
“With estimates of $100 billion to $110 billion for heroin, $110 billion to $130 billion for cocaine, $75 billion for cannabis and $60 billion for synthetic drugs, the probable global figure for the total illicit drug industry would be approximately $360 billion. Given the conservative bias in some of the estimates for individual substances, a turnover of around $400 billion per annum is considered realistic.”
These activities of the illegal (on paper anyway) suppliers of ‘street drugs’ can be reported in newspapers yet the police forces of the world cannot really do anything to stop their activities.
Another headline, this time in a British newspaper, heralded the truth of the growing acceptance of this illegal practice. We’ve surrendered on drugs – and not one MP will fight it – (Daily Mail-2nd September 2023). There is the following statement in that article: “But the police and courts do nothing to prosecute the serious crime of drug possession, the only proven way to combat the problem.”
There has always been the use of drugs, from the ‘legal’ alcoholic beverages which lie at the centre of a world-wide business empire, to the use of such drugs as opium by wealthy Victorians.
But never has there been such a universal usage as is currently the case. Even children have been entrapped in this evil undertaking, both as ‘workers’ in the distribution of them and addicts!
I say that this ‘phenomenon’ is foretold in the Word of God. In the beginning of this article, I quote Revelation 18:23. We have there a statement regarding the capital of the Antichrist’s empire, the city Babylon, yet to be rebuilt.
Verse 10 of this chapter, records the cry of the merchants who will thrive under Antichrist’s brief reign: “Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.” That judgment will bring to an end their mercantile activities. Amongst those activities there was that of “sorceries” by which “all nations (were) deceived”.
The word ‘sorceries’ is a very important and informative one, the implications of which can be easily overlooked. The Greek word translated ‘sorceries’ is pharmakeia. It is the word from which we have our English word ‘pharmacy’. The Greek word carries the meaning of ‘the use or the administering of drugs’!
In other words, these antichristian merchants, will be engaged in a trade whereby “all nations (within Antichrist’s domain, are) deceived”, or ‘caused to stray, led astray, led aside from the right way’. Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-04 a 4:11 pm
You are Invited ...
Posted on 2023-09-02 a 10:55 pm
Crumbling Britain!!
I can but excuse myself for sending out yet another article today by quoting Jeremiah!
“Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay,” Jeremiah 20:9.
Most sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
It is almost impossible to keep up with the visible evidences of the withdrawal of God’s kindness and mercy toward our nation, occasioned by the continuing and stubborn defiance of the Lord by the nation’s leadership, political and ecclesiastical, and its general population.
Blindness and ignorance of God’s truth has engendered the notion that we can ‘thumb our nose’ at the Lord and His truth, without any ramifications. That is most certainly not so!
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting,” Galatians 6:7-8. This warning was written some 2000 years ago but is imperatively true still today!
Of late there has arisen, suddenly and without warning as far as the general public are concerned but that which must have been known by various agencies of government for quite some time, a great alarm about the innumerable buildings which were constructed by using a ‘a cheap version of concrete, and which are now in danger of collapse.
As a result, belatedly, schools have been forced to close on the very eve of a new school year. Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-02 a 10:39 pm
The criteria of a man of God
“Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel. So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll. And he said unto me, Son of man, cause thy belly to eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee. Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth as honey for sweetness. And he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the house of Israel, and speak with my words unto them,” Ezekiel 3:1-4.
On August 29th, I began reading the book of Ezekiel as part of my daily reading. On Thursday, the last day of August, I read the above verses at the beginning of the chapter in Ezekiel for that day.
I was immediately struck by what it was the Lord said to Ezekiel and saw the character and features of a true servant of God set out in the verses. I would like to share the thoughts that arose in my heart at that time.
While there is much in this book which, on the surface, appears ‘hard to understand’ (2 Peter 3:16), that difficulty arises from the dulness of our minds regarding the things of God and is not to be made an excuse to avoid reading and studying this wonderful book.
The verses which head this article are not difficult to ‘decipher’! The Lord here speaks plainly though employing metaphorical language at times.
“Moreover he said unto me, Son of man . . . .”
I recall that early in my Christian walk, I heard Dr Paisley quote a saying by the great C H Spurgeon. The honoured Baptist preacher was in conversation with a young man who was enquiring about the requirements of being a preacher of God’s Word. CHS questioned the young man on his desire to be a preacher and told him that if there was anything else in life that he COULD DO, then he was to do it! Preachers are men who can do NONE OTHER than preach. They are driven men.
It is true, many of God’s great servants were most reluctant to respond to God’s call. Moses was one such. He put up many objections. This was the final one. “And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue,” Exodus 4:10. The Lord answered this objection also. “And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man’s mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say,” Exodus 4:11-13. Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-02 a 8:00 am
Time is but ‘a little while’!
“For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be,” Psalm 37:10.
It is acknowledged by many scientists that the universe is boundless. Every new and improved telescope that man has produced gives evidence of this truth. The Evolutionists pontificate about the ‘big bang’ as being the origin of the universe billions of years ago and that it is ever expanding, but I do not believe either notion.
Genesis chapter 1 tells us clearly HOW the universe came into being. Nehemiah wrote: “Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee,” Nehemiah 9:6.
I believe that here the prophet is telling us, by divine inspiration, that there was an immediate and complete creating of all that exists. Isaiah the prophet put it like this. “It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in,” Isaiah 40:22. Here the prophet is telling us, again by divine inspiration, that as one pulls across a curtain or erects a tent, so the Lord in the six days of creation, stretched out — spread out the heavens in one glorious act so that what they are today came into existence on the second day of creation. “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day,” Genesis 1:6-8.
Here is a Christian scientist’s view on the subject: Age of the Universe
1. Of course, that is God’s view of time for He sees it in the light of His eternity. There is just no illustration that comes anywhere near setting forth this truth. To speak of a speck of dust in comparison to the earth, falls very far short of truly illustrating the contrast between time and eternity! If we were to replace the earth with the endless universe, we might be getting nearer to a proper resemblance of the true relationship between ‘time’ and ‘eternity’!
2. God has ordered all things that will take place within the sphere of time. This is a mystery to our human minds. It appears to contradict the freedom of man and seems to suggest fatalism, we cannot do other than that which God has predestinated! Click to read more…
Posted on 2023-09-01 a 8:00 am