This headline appeared on the local BBC news website this morning.
Derry declared UN International City of Peace
This most undeserved ‘honour’ was bestowed by that organisation which is but a ‘den of lying, poisonous vipers’, the United nations!

This headline appear in a newspaper just under three weeks ago.
Molotov cocktails thrown at police in Derry with KIDS involved in riot
Parents of such junior terrorists must bear much blame for the actions of the children involved in these riots and I am sure that many would have encouraged their offspring to engage in such lawlessness.
Londonderry, or ‘Derry’ as Irish republicans would insist on it being called, was the ‘birthplace of the 1969 riots which in turn gave rise to some 30 years of IRA terrorism.
It still harbours the offspring of that terrorism in the form of the ‘dissent’ IRA, an republican group which is extensively striving to re-ignite the terrorism of former years.
This is a familiar headline in recent years.
Police uncover weapons in Derry ‘dissident hide’
Yet the UN has the brazen audacity to speak of this city as a ‘city of peace’!
In truth, it has long been a city of terror, murder, rebellion and persecution! The ‘Fountain Estate’, within the city was a Protestant enclave of some 1500 people. That has been reduced by over 80% by constant attacks by Roman Catholic republicans.
Read the following report from some 5 years ago in the nationalist, ‘Irish News’.
Protestant enclave once a thriving community
The article, dated 10 July, 2018, commendably reports that: “Despite the dramatic drop in its number of residents, the interface has been repeatedly targeted in sectarian attacks during contentious periods – with residents saying that a ‘siege mentality’ still exists.”
The UN shamefully honours such activities by the republican majority within this city.
Naturally, the enemies of truth and righteousness hail this honour. The BBC reports contains these comments.
“The city and district’s inclusion in the prestigious initiative was led by the former First Derry Presbyterian Minister, Rev David Latimer. Rev Latimer has worked on numerous peace and reconciliation projects, many involving local young people. ‘If people are enjoying security, prosperity and quality of life then they will not think about lifting up guns and bombs.’ ”
Latimer is a rejector of the true gospel of Christ, a notorious apostate from Biblical truth. His endorsement gives an insight into the thinking behind the UN announcement and but proves the sickening deceitfulness behind the bestowing of this dubious ‘honour’!
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
25th September 2023