I have just sent the following letter into the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ in response to an article in today’s edition:
Irish League: More Sunday football could be on the cards as NIFL chief executive Gerard Lawlor unveils new five-year strategy to grow local game
Perhaps you could pray that it is printed.
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
Dear Editor,
I must comment on the article in your newspaper: “Irish League: More Sunday football could be on the cards as NIFL chief executive Gerard Lawlor unveils new five-year strategy to grow local game.”

This ‘plan’ involves an insulting and nigh blasphemous call by the Northern Ireland Football League chief.
His call entails a breaking of God’s commandment regarding the observance of the Sabbath Day. Furthermore, he adds insult to injury by calling for a ‘adult’ conversation.
He is reported as saying: “I’m a traditionalist and we all want to play at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon, but to evolve and develop we need to come outside of our comfort zone. All I’m asking for is people to soul search. I’m asking for adult conversations.”
By adult, he obviously means an absence of any reference to God and the Bible in any ‘conversation’, even as he as a Nationalist ignores God and His Word regarding the keeping of the Sabbath. Rather, let it be, as he states, all about ‘helping to grow the local game with increased attendances and additional revenue.’
Increased attendances and more money for the organisers of this sport is his sole motivation!
That is the be all and end all of so many in today’s Bible-rejecting society.
Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
Kilskeery, Co Tyrone