June 2022

Audio sermons and bulletins

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KICS assembly talks. Current series: “KICS Studies – Some of my Favorite Psalms”

Featured sermon series: Studies in Job

Part 12: Job's Christ;  Part 13: The History of Hypocrisy;  Part 14: Peace Depends On Our Acquaintance With God;  Part 15: Distressed Soul's Search for God

See all messages in this series here.

Recently Preached Sermons

Light, liberty and life - in answer to prayer!
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Wed Jun 15, 2022

Blameless and harmless
preached by Rev. David Linden on Sun May 29, 2022

God the hearer and answerer of prayer
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Wed May 18, 2022

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Framing mischief by a law
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Jun 30, 1985

A happy prospect for a suffering saint
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Aug 14, 1994

Catching the soul with the Gospel lure
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Jun 27, 2004

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McGuinness and Dugdale - guilty of blood!

July 4, 2023 – Update on the Rose Dugdale criminal saga

English heiress who was involved in failed IRA helicopter-bomb plot ‘estranged from family’

June 30, 2022:

These two articles from the ‘Belfast Telegraph’ highlight the abominable and hypocritical character of the leading figures within the Sinn Fein/IRA movement. They were lauded as ‘peace-makers’ and heralded as leaders to be followed, when in truth they were amongst greatest murderers and criminals in Ireland, north and south.

The Democratic Unionist Party is guilty of helping to spread the lie regarding Martin McGuinness, who was a cold-blooded mastermind of murder, when they entered a power-sharing arrangement with Sinn Fein/IRA which resulted in him being appointed as Deputy First Minister in Stormont back in 2007.

The curse of God has been upon the Unionist cause ever since the endorsement that arrangement received from the Unionist people!

The Bible declares the fate of such as these two:

“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death,” Revelation 21:8.

Being the subject of innumerable republican hero-worshipping ballads will not spare them from this terrible fate.

Sincere regards,

Ivan Foster

Martin McGuinness

Former IRA man claims Martin McGuinness supplied car used for Co Fermanagh bombing

Part-time UDR soldier was targeted in 1972, claims new book

‘Belfast Telegraph’,  June 27 2022 09:59 PM

A former IRA member has claimed that Martin McGuinness supplied a car used to bomb a garage along the border in 1972.

The details have been disclosed by Eddie Gallagher, who had been an IRA member from Donegal.

He made the claims in a new book by Sean O’Driscoll — ‘Heiress, Rebel, Vigilante, Bomber’ — which tells the story of London heiress turned IRA member Rose Dugdale. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-30 a 6:15 pm

Letter: In the past terrorists were hanged, now they are at the heart of government

A letter from Richard Ferguson

“Belfast Newsletter’, Monday, 27th June 2022.

Sir Henry Wilson was, as Jonathan Buckley points out (‘Honouring a war hero,’ June 23, see link below), “murdered by cowardly IRA terrorists”.

In like manner so too were hundreds of members of the Ulster Special Constabulary (USC), RUC, UDR and Northern Ireland Prison Service murdered by cowardly IRA terrorists.

There is however one significant difference between the terrorists who murdered Sir Henry and those who murdered members of the security forces in the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Those who murdered Sir Henry received the just reward of their deeds, both gunmen being convicted, sentenced to death and hanged.

Their successors in PIRA however, rather than facing the full rigours of the law, have been elevated to the heart of government in Northern Ireland. Such is the abominable out working of the Belfast/St Andrews agreement.

Regrettably I must remind Mr Buckley that it is he and his party who have been the chief implementers of that sordid system of government that sees terrorists rewarded with the highest offices of the land.

Richard Ferguson,


Honouring war hero who was murdered by the IRA a century ago is least we can do

Posted on 2022-06-28 a 6:40 pm

Good news and bad in today's Belfast Newsletter

Below are two reports from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’, sent to me by a very good friend of our witness who I can’t say that I have ever met, one report being good and the other abominable.

The men who were arrested last August for preaching against sodomy and like perversion, in Larne, Co. Antrim, have been declared innocent of the charges brought by the police. This court decision follows a like decision regarding a similar charge brought against the same men in a Dundalk court in the Republic of Ireland. There the charge was likewise dismissed some days ago.

The only dissenter was a renegade papist priest, Pat Buckley who represents no one but his own perverted views.

A video of the arrest in Larne may be seen on the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ website.

Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-28 a 5:48 pm

Is this the reason for our declining numbers?

“The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come,” Isaiah 57:1.

Reading this verse today, it occurred to me that little real thought has been given to the meaning of this verse and its clear implications.

Every true believer is concerned with the very obvious decline in the number of those who adhere faithfully to the Word of God and openly stand for righteousness. The word ‘perisheth’ in our text carries the figurative meaning of ‘vanishing away’. Christians are ‘vanishing’ from society. The believer can plainly see this taking place. They are not deceived by the swelling ranks of those who ‘profess’ godliness but recognise it as a religion that can easily set aside any portion of God’s Word which they consider inappropriate and unsuited to them.

That is not the religion of Jesus Christ! “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them,” Isaiah 8:20.

Now while there undoubtedly is an increase in the ranks of such false and empty ‘Christianity’, I believe we must acknowledge that there is a very obvious decline in the numbers of those who seek to believe the whole Bible and witness to others of its message.

The above verse deals with that which we see before us today, Christian.

Please note:


Isaiah says: “The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.” Note the words “no man layeth it to heart” and “none considering”. What is happening is not noticed by mankind generally. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-25 a 6:18 pm

Presbyterian minister attends and participates in Romish prayers to Mary!

Rev. Steve Stockman
Fitzroy Presbyterian Church

Below is an article from the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of Thursday June 23rd.

I might also give the link to another article in that newspaper which is headlined:

Anti-gay preaching row: Solicitor accuses Garda of ‘bogus prosecution’ after judge dismisses all charges against Northern Ireland trio

It is worth a read.

But to return to the article upon which I wish to make a few comments.

The article in question  highlights the very evident presence of ‘jackasses’ in the pulpits of churches that profess to be Protestant.

There is no greater evidence of the utter folly, upon which the Protestant people attending such churches as those of the ilk of Fitzroy Presbyterian Church, are being fed!

The minister of that church advertises his cretinous character in the picture published in the article! He looks like a refugee from some pagan festival, in complete contrast to the exhortation of Holy Scripture. “Let us watch and be sober (circumspect),” 1 Thessalonians 5:6.

He further demonstrates his blindness and empty-headedness with what he has to say on the subject of the Bible’s teaching on Mary, the Saviour’s mother. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-24 a 7:59 pm

Cosy, comfortable churches!

“I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine,” 2 Timothy 4:1-2.

It was once said to me that ‘you cannot scold people into revival!’ That remark was prompted by my seeking to obey the sentiments of the text above!

‘Rebuking sin’ and those who engage in it, both privately and sometimes publicly if necessary, is an essential and integral part of preaching God’s Word.

Again I refer to the text above.

Many ministers in modern evangelicalism, seeks to provide a ‘feel good factor’ for those attending their services. Without doubt, where such a course and objective is sought, numbers will increase. I believe in these, the last days, consisting of ‘perilous times’, ( 2 Timothy 3:1) faithful preaching may well fail to fill pews where the ‘gospel of feeling good’ may succeed!

Such ‘comfort zones’ are but the product of those evangelical preachers who see their mission as that of filling the church and being popular. I believe a survey of churches where it is seen that numbers are increasing, will invariably show that such an approach has been adopted by the minister.

I am not referring to places of worship where there is outright Bible-denying sermons. No, I am referring to places which fit well within the evangelical and orthodox camp!

Such places avoid controversy like the plague! There is, to a very large degree, an avoidance of any outright, downright and unmistakable denouncing of the evils and failures of today’s professing evangelical Christians. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-21 a 12:01 am

The blind leading the blind

DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

This article is in response to the aggravating arrogance of the DUP leader, Jeffrey Donaldson, as he would seek to further delude unionists and exonerate himself and his party from the blame that is rightly theirs for the distressing state of affairs in our province.


A leading article in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of today (18th June 2022) has the headline: ‘Splintered unionism’ to blame for lost seats, insists DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson’.

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

This is a statement of the obvious by a man who would lay the blame on those who wish to maintain ‘traditional’ Unionist values in the face of the departures from the paths of truth and righteousness by his party, the DUP.

It was the DUP which ‘split’ away from those truths which had formerly been the basis of Unionism. That split came when the DUP, for the most self-seeking, self-promoting and egotistical of motives, entered an arrangement with those guilty of support for and involvement in over forty years of ruthless terrorism, which saw hundreds of innocent Protestant and Roman Catholic civilians slaughtered as well as members of the security forces guilty of carrying out only their duties. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-18 a 6:25 pm

A timely reminder

Seeing this letter in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’ I thought that I might draw your attention to it.

There can be no doubt that Sinn Fein still harbours the spirit that gave rise to the slaughter in Altnaveigh, outside Newry, Co. Down, 100 years ago.

The merciless murders in the last ‘troubles’ are celebrated still by Sinn Fein, led by Michelle O’Neill, who is now vying to become ‘First Minister’ as a result of the ‘power-sharing’ agreement the DUP entered into with Sinn Fein/IRA in 2007!

On 17th June 1922, the IRA, in the early hours, attacked Protestant homes and burned them, with 6 members of that small rural community being brutally murdered.

The man who led the IRA group, Frank Aiken, later became a Dublin government minister and served as the deputy Prime Minister from 1965 to 1969 and Minister for External Affairs from 1951 to 1954 and 1957 to 1969.

Obviously Dublin had no feelings of regret for the actions of this murder!

You may read an account of the massacre here:

Altnaveigh Massacre Remembered

(archived pdf)


Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster.

Centenary of massacre is a reminder of republican hatred, which is undiminished

Belfast Newsletter ‘Letters’

Friday, 17th June 2022, 12:10 pm

The 100th anniversary of the Altnaveigh massacre is a timely reminder of the true nature and face of Irish republicanism. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-17 a 4:37 pm

Joe Biden is Sinn Fein's willing 'poodle'

A few comments on the ‘Protocol’ issue may be in order since new legislation may well be announced by Westminster today.

The roots of the controversy are buried beneath the ‘soil’ of much incomprehensible comment and argument over the last couple of years.

This is no attempt at an analysis of the legal aspects of the ‘Protocol’ but rather a seeking to remind us all of that out of which the whole matter has sprung.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster


SINN Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald

Poor old Joe Biden! It is not enough that he must toe the line laid down by that political ‘Harpy’, fellow Democrat, Nancy Pelosi, but now he has to dance to the tune of Sinn Fein’s ‘terrorist aficionado’, Mary Lou McDonald!

Sinn Fein’s McDonald warns of massive US resistance to Brexit changes in heated newspaper rant

SINN Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald has warned the UK Government can expect considerable backlash should their new Northern Ireland Bill impact the Brexit deal aspects safeguarding the Ireland peace agreement.”

So a ‘Daily Express’ article begins.

This is bullying of the same ilk as that practised by the IRA – the threat of ruthless retaliation if their demands were not met!

For years the IRA went about Northern Ireland, mostly at night, and by the threat of slaughter by the bomb and bullet forced from a weak and contemptible Westminster government a surrender deal yielded to by compliant and self-seeking Unionist politicians. It was a surrender which gained a place in the government of Northern Ireland for Sinn Fein/IRA.

This is in truth what the odious ‘Stormont Executive’ is! It is the IRA’s ‘reward’ for decades of terror and murder. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-13 a 6:27 pm

Brandon Lewis - a modern-day Herod!

I had to respond to the article below: we have reproduced the full wording of an article in ‘The Irish News’ of today, Friday 10th June.

It emphasises, if that were needed, what a reprobate Northern Ireland has occupying the office of the Northern Ireland Secretary of State.

This ally of Boris Johnston manifests all the moral deficiency of his boss! We again have presented to us the moral morass into which our nation — the land of the great Protestant Reformation, the Authorised Version of the Bible and the Missionary revival of the 18th century — has sunk under the leadership and shepherding of apostate ecumenical pulpiteers masquerading as God’s servants!

I would have you notice the following statements in the article.

However, speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour show yesterday, Mr Lewis said it was “morally bankrupt” not to ensure abortion access was available for all who require it.

“There’s not just a legal duty but a moral duty to make sure that women and girls here in Northern Ireland can access good quality healthcare, the same way that people across the UK can.”

“It’s morally bankrupt not to make sure that people here in Northern Ireland have access to these services.”

Nothing demonstrates the utter destitution of all righteousness there is within the ranks of Government when a senior member of it can utter such wickedness. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-10 a 8:40 pm

Two recent letters to the Newsletter

You may have seen the following letters recently published in the Belfast Newsletter.

The first was from Dr J E Hazlett Lynch rightly protesting at those republicans who jeered his family when they gathered at Carnon Cross, Ardboe at which his brother, Kenneth, and two RUC colleagues were brutally murdered on June 2nd 1977.

I submitted a response in support of his letter but also seeking to highlight the hypocrisy of Mrs Naomi Long, leader of the ‘pious’ Alliance Party, and her readiness to condemn a comparatively lesser sin of the posting of a video mocking a lady murdered some years ago, while in coalition with the terrorist supporting and glorifying Sinn Fein party, guilty of hundreds of murders of innocent Protestants and Roman Catholics!

Here are the two letters,

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

The hypocrisy of republicans who jeer at murder victims

A letter from Rev Dr JE Hazlett Lynch:

6th June 2022, 5:58 am

The scurrilous hypocrisy of the IRA/Sinn Fein community beggars belief. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-10 a 8:34 pm

Some of the things hated by God!

“ . . . . which thing I hate,” Revelation 2:15.

It is all too commonly believed that such is the character of the Lord that there is nothing that He hates!

Such a notion is the offspring of the witness and ministry of those who claim to serve the Lord and preach His Word but who are in fact usurpers and deceivers misrepresenting the Lord in a most reprehensible way.

One day they will learn that they could not have been more wrong!

There cannot be LOVE without HATE. When the heart’s affections are set upon something, they will react most strongly when that which is diametrically opposed to that loved is presented to them. That which stirs up love, when replaced by that which is its antithesis, creates animosity and loathing!

The God of Holiness cannot love sin. Rather, it generates a hatred of it in the very being of God, which in turn produces wrath and judgment. God has reserved a most awful penalty for that which He hates.

Christians, being “partakers of the heavenly calling,” (Hebrews 3:1) and “partakers of the divine nature,” (2 Peter 1:4) will share in this hatred of sin. “Ye that love the LORD, hate evil,” Psalm 97:10. Please note that the child of God is directed by Him to HATE EVIL! Such a hatred is fuelled by the Word of God. “Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way,” Psalm 119:104. “I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love,” Psalm 119:163. Such a hatred is entirely intrinsic and integral to the heart that loves the Lord. “Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies,” Psalm 139:21-22.

What now for all those fools who say that we should never HATE anything? Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-09 a 12:02 am

Sodomite-supporting DUP man resigns

There has been a resignation from the DUP by a former mayor of Londonderry.

He claims that he has done so, citing his desire to “move forward with a new political pathway”.

His ‘moving forward’ really means moving backwards to support the the sodomite rebellion against God.

He displayed where he desired to stand and the people amongst which he wished to be associated back in August last year.

The following article which we published in ‘The Burning Bush’ at the time reveals the true character of the man.

DUP mayor launches ‘Gay Pride’ event in Londonderry

I would say that ‘Unionism’ is much better off without him.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Posted on 2022-06-07 a 10:35 pm

Utter hypocrisy and duplicity which permeates society

Conor Murphy, Alliance MLA Eoin Tennyson, DUP representatives Jonathan Buckley and William Irwin, Archbishop Eamon Martin and Lord Eames


This picture was posted by IRA supporter (at least such) Conor Murphy. He and Sinn Fein vice president, Michelle O’Neill have publicly engaged in the marking of the Queen’s platinum celebrations. O’Neill wrote a letter to the Queen congratulating her for reaching 70 years on the throne!

They were joined in this act of hypocrisy by two DUP politicians, pictured above peeping over Murphy’s shoulder as they creep along at his heels.

The hypocrisy involved is of the highest order since both Murphy and O’Neill are prominent in Sinn Fein, the political wing of the IRA. The IRA did its best to murder the Queen and did actually murder her cousin, Lord Mountbatten, in 1979.

The IRA campaign which began in the lates 1960s and lasted some 40 years, was directed chiefly, if not exclusively, against those loyal to Her Majesty or who showed any sympathy toward the United Kingdom.

For O’Neill and Murphy to now put on a show of pleasure at the Queen’s seventy years on the throne, runs entirely contrary to what it was the whole Republican movement desired and sought after by every foul means.

The two DUP politicians pictured are of that ilk which has yielded entirely to the sham ‘peace and good will’ manufactured by the lies and deceit of the ecumenical churches.

The ‘peace’ philosophy has persuaded the DUP and others under the influence of the ecumenical drug, to accept the IRA/Sinn Fein claim that they have changed. The change they claim for themselves does not preclude them celebrating most passionately the so-called ‘heroic’ exploits of their comrades in murder and terror. Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-04 a 6:54 pm

Pro-abortionist honoured by the Queen

Mrs Sarah Jane Ewart has been awarded an OBE (Order of the British Empire)  ‘For services to Abortion Legal Reform in Northern Ireland

(The following information has been taken from the “Abolish Abortion NI” Facebook website)

“ . . . the… mercies of the wicked are cruel,” Proverbs 12:10

In 2018 Sarah Ewart took a case against the laws in Northern Ireland that protected the life of children in the womb. Her case revolved around the fact that she had to travel to England to have her disabled child put to death.

Four years later and Ms Ewart’s case is still being used by pro abortion legislators to push further death on Northern Ireland. However, in yet another example of how sin sick our nation is Ms Ewart has been awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for ‘ services to Abortion Legal Reform in Northern Ireland ‘.

The murder of a disabled child is sold by the pro abortion lobby as a compassionate necessity.

The reality is that it is often a painful death, with poison injected straight into the child’s heart or brain.

Lord have mercy on this land.

To the comments on the “Abolish Abortion NI” website, we add these comments of our own and some verses from God’s Word.

It is the mark of a nation’s abandonment of God and all His laws when it celebrates the slaughter of innocent infants! Click to read more…

Posted on 2022-06-03 a 4:16 pm

Framing Mischief by a Law - a sermon from 1985

Since I again had no duties in Kilskeery Independent Christian School today I am sending out this recording of a message from 1985. I trust that it will be a blessing.

This is a message I preached in Kilskeery back on 30th June, 1985. It is hard to believe that it is 37 years ago!

It was a day or so after I had been arrested along with the late George Graham of Kilkeel, who was the local member of the Stormont Assembly back then. I mention Mrs Ethel Smyth in the message. She was a DUP councillor on the local Down District Council. Ethel passed away in August last year. She was a courageous Christian and unflinching in her stand against the enemies of our Province.

Firebrand DUP Down councillor Ethel Smyth remembered

I was later charged with disorderly conduct and Mr Graham with assault upon a policeman because the constable’s cap was knocked off as the arrest took place. We were later brought to court in Downpatrick and found guilty. The chief witness against me so contradicted himself that the magistrate told him to leave the witness box and I believed that the case against me would be dismissed. However, during a recess, a message came to me saying that if I did not change my plea to guilty the Prosecutor would demand the maximum penalty against Mr Graham which would mean 6 months imprisonment.

Click here to read the sermon notes.

I was deeply troubled by this for I believed myself innocent though my barrister said that to even delay at a police barricade when told to go away is technically a breach of the law. I was also troubled at the thought that if I persisted in my plea, I would be condemning Mr Graham to jail for 6 months.

In the end I changed my plea to guilty and was fined. I refused to pay the fine and was imprisoned for a week in Crumlin Road Jail, my fourth visit to that establishment since my first visit in 1966.

It brought home to me the opportunities Ulster has had, and turned down, of successfully resisting the Roman Catholic/Republican/IRA conspiracy that is presently reaching its end-game here in our land!

Rightly or wrongly, I cannot imagine in today’s atmosphere and outlook, such a message being preached!

I hope you enjoy the recording. It is not of the best quality. I had to remove some pauses, noisy or inaudible sections so it is a little shorter than the original message, though substantially it is what was said.  It is amongst the first of the recordings made in Kilskeery and the tape, a 60 minute tape, ran out just before the end so there is just a little missing.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Rev. Ivan Foster (Ret’d)

Posted on 2022-06-02 a 12:01 am