Brandon Lewis – a modern-day Herod!

I had to respond to the article below: we have reproduced the full wording of an article in ‘The Irish News’ of today, Friday 10th June.

It emphasises, if that were needed, what a reprobate Northern Ireland has occupying the office of the Northern Ireland Secretary of State.

This ally of Boris Johnston manifests all the moral deficiency of his boss! We again have presented to us the moral morass into which our nation — the land of the great Protestant Reformation, the Authorised Version of the Bible and the Missionary revival of the 18th century — has sunk under the leadership and shepherding of apostate ecumenical pulpiteers masquerading as God’s servants!

I would have you notice the following statements in the article.

However, speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour show yesterday, Mr Lewis said it was “morally bankrupt” not to ensure abortion access was available for all who require it.

“There’s not just a legal duty but a moral duty to make sure that women and girls here in Northern Ireland can access good quality healthcare, the same way that people across the UK can.”

“It’s morally bankrupt not to make sure that people here in Northern Ireland have access to these services.”

Nothing demonstrates the utter destitution of all righteousness there is within the ranks of Government when a senior member of it can utter such wickedness.

Brandon Lewis is the personification of that evil warned of by Isaiah the prophet.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20.

Brandon Lewis is claiming that it is ‘morally’ imperative that the murder of the unborn be made more freely available in Northern Ireland.

Could anything be more antithetical and incompatible to the Word of God than this?

God’s Law utterly condemns murder, which is what abortion entails.  “Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder,” Matthew 19:18.

The murder of the innocent was principally what brought God’s judgment upon apostate Israel.

“And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. And now therefore thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel, concerning this city, whereof ye say, It shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence,” Jeremiah 32:35-36.

The horrific slaughter of the innocent infants by Herod in his attempt to slay Christ, is written into the common consciences of nations familiar with the Bible’s record of the account.

“Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not,” Matthew 2:16-18.

Brandon Lewis ‘out-Herods’ the monster revealed in the gospel record. Abortion accounts for many, many more murders than did Herod’s act of cruel depravity!

It is absolutely deplorable that a minister of Her Majesty’s Government should declare that it is ‘a moral duty’ that the way be opened and legalised for women to murder their unborn offspring! How more utterly incompatible with the mind and purpose of God can a man be?

Yet this is the state into which our nation has descended! Millions of unborn children have been slaughtered in Great Britain since the introduction of David Steel’s Abortion Act in 1968.

Now Brandon Lewis would impose this regime of massacre upon Ulster, which because of the objections of the population here back in 1968 to its enactment, was not made law in Ulster.

There are still objections though the terrorist-supporting party of Sinn Fein and its ‘liberal’ confederates, the Alliance Party and the Social Democratic and Labour Party and others of that ilk, are vociferous in their support of what Brandon Lewis is striving for. Indeed, it is at their behest that he is acting.

The remnant opposed to the introduction of Lewis’ scheme is largely composed of Biblical Christians and also quite a few Roman Catholics. Sadly, it is a shrinking remnant. The opposition within Stormont, is seen in the ‘dragging of the Health Minister’s feet’ in introducing the new regulations. Brandon Lewis issued this rebuke to the Minister, Robin Swann. “The minister for health here just fundamentally doesn’t want to provide these services,” Mr Lewis said, adding: “He has had plenty of time to do it.”

It will be to Mr Swann’s lasting shame if he finally capitulates and complies with Westminster’s demand. What he and whatever few like-minded ‘opponents’ of abortion that are in Stormont, should do is resign from Stormont and take no part in this legalising of infant slaughter.

Sadly, I fear that such action will not be taken. Maybe the cords of the ‘love of money’ are just too strong.

Should this be spinelessly acquiesced to by the members of the Stormont Assembly, they will but drive another nail in the coffin of the Province as it slides down the road of rebellion against God and His Law.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster.

Brandon Lewis criticises health minister over full abortion access

Paul Ainsworth

10 June, 2022 01:00

Health minister Robin Swann’s department has said it is currently ‘working to assess operational readiness’ for abortion services.

SECRETARY of state Brandon Lewis has accused health minister Robin Swann of making “excuses” for delaying full access to abortion services for women in the north.

Mr Lewis has said he is giving the Department of Health a “few more weeks” to make significant movement, warning that if none is made, then the Northern Ireland Office “will commission those services” within months.

Westminster removed most restrictions on abortion in Northern Ireland in 2019 when the executive was not in place.

Services are offered by some health trusts on an ad-hoc basis, while the department can fund access for services in Britain for women who cannot get them at home.

However, speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour show yesterday, Mr Lewis said it was “morally bankrupt” not to ensure abortion access was available for all who require it.

He said he had recently taken away the need for an executive to make the decision on services, allowing the department to do it alone.

“The minister for health here just fundamentally doesn’t want to provide these services,” Mr Lewis said, adding: “He has had plenty of time to do it.”

“There’s not just a legal duty but a moral duty to make sure that women and girls here in Northern Ireland can access good quality healthcare, the same way that people across the UK can.”

The pandemic is “no excuse” for the delay, Mr Lewis said.

“This has just been a refusal by the executive here in Northern Ireland, and the parties here…to provide these services. There are no two ways about it.

“I think some of the ministers involved in this fundamentally want to end abortion.”

A team of “experts” has been installed at the NIO to prepare to commission the services directly, Mr Lewis said, continuing: “We will give the Department of Health a few more weeks to do that.”

“It’s morally bankrupt not to make sure that people here in Northern Ireland have access to these services.”

A spokesperson for the Department of Health told The Irish News: “The department continues to engage with the Northern Ireland Office to progress these matters, and is working to assess operational readiness to provide commissioned abortion services, pending approval of a draft service model and business case which will be subject to confirmation of available funding.”

Meanwhile, early abortion services in the Western Health Trust area are to resume as early as next month.

The trust said “staffing resourcing issues” were to blame for their halting in April of last year.

The trust has apologised for the removal of services, and a spokesperson said: “In the interim, from 1 April 2022, this service has been available to anyone in the Western Trust area via our neighbouring health and social care trusts.

“The trust is currently working to recommence the early medical abortion clinic within the next number of months in accordance with the Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2020, and have recruited to a number of vacancies to support the service going forward.”