September 2021

Audio sermons and bulletins

Click here to listen to all the sermons on this website!

KICS assembly talks. Current series: “KICS Studies – Challenging Questions of Christ”

  • Part 1
  • See all the talks in this series here.
  • See all the KICS assembly talks listed here.

KICS assembly talks. Previous series: “KICS Studies in Jonah – The Inside Story of a ‘Down & Out'”

Featured sermon series: Studies in Second Corinthians.

Part 13: Minister's record/achievement, 2;  Part 14: The minister's sufficiency, 1;  Part 15: The minister's sufficiency, 2;  Part 16: The minister's sufficiency, 3;  Part 17: Superiority of the Gospel to the Law, 1;  Part 18: Superiority of the Gospel to the Law, 2;  Part 19: Superiority of the Gospel to the Law, 3;  Part 20: Mercy and Motivation, Pt 1

See all messages in this series here.

Kilskeery Fall Conference 2021

Helped to be faithful - Faithful to the end
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Sep 26, 2021

Rewards for the faithful - Faithful to the end
preached by Rev. Paul Hanna on Sun Sep 26, 2021

Commanded to be faithful - Faithful to the end
preached by Rev. David McMillan on Fri Sep 24, 2021

Recently Preached Sermons

Stand fast in the faith, quit you like men
preached by Rev. Jonathan Creane on Sun Sep 5, 2021

The way of life and the way of death, pt 2
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Aug 22, 2021

The way of life and the way of death, pt 1
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Aug 22, 2021

View all recently preached sermons

Older Sermons Recently Added

Defense of the Outbreak of Revival in 1859
preached by Rev. Hugh Hanna on Sun Jun 19, 1859

Atheist Stephen Hawking Dies
preached by John Pittman Hey on Sun Mar 25, 2018

Samson -- Shorn, Shackled, Sightless and Subjugated
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Aug 2, 1998

View all recently added sermons

Watch Kilskeery Free Presbyterian services live online here


Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms - Part 13

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 13, which covers from the bottom of page 360 to the top of page 365.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

But however great the blessings of the millennial age, they still fall very short of the perfection of God. Sin, death, and occasional transgression, will yet be there, and repressive power (something unknown in heaven) will be perpetually needed, in order to prevent manifestations of evil, and sights of sorrow. The spirit therefore of the millennial saints will long for something more perfect yet to come. They will be taught, even as we, to look for New Heavens and a New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.*

(* In Isaiah lxv. 17, the subjects of joy and thanksgiving, presented to Israel at the commencement of their millennial blessing, are two — one future; the other, present. The final intention of God to create New Heavens and a New Earth, is first spoken of, and presented to them as an object of hope: next is mentioned, that which God will at that time be giving them, as a present joy; for at that time He will make Jerusalem and her people a joy.

“Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth,” strictly – Behold, I, the Creating One of new heavens, &c. For this abstract use of the present participle as not defining time, see “Occasional Papers,” No. II. Page 96.) Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-30 a 6:12 pm

Two statements marking DUP's 50th birthday!

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the Democratic Unionist Party. Two statements related to that event appeared on the BBC Northern Ireland news site this morning.

One was by Baroness Paisley, widow of the late Dr Ian Paisley, the other was by Lord Hay of Londonderry.

The BBC report read:

‘In a statement, Baroness Paisley said the party’s “more recent tolerance of changing moral attitudes in society is a far cry from the code of practice Ian unashamedly espoused”.

“Yet, despite his clear and unequivocal views, the party grew to being the majority voice of the unionist people in this province. That is perhaps a lesson which today needs heeding.”

She added that “Ulster faces very uncertain days.” ’

We have no wish to be churlish, but the moral changes within the DUP over the last 50 years require a stronger condemnation than the words of the Baroness proffer. The changes could well be likened unto day giving way to night! Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-30 a 5:49 pm

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms - Part 12

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 12, which covers from page the middle of 356 to almost the bottom of page 360.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

Its relation to Heaven and to the Earth during the Millennium, is analogous to that which the Holy Place occupied in the Temple. It was situate intermediately between the Holy of Holies and the external court where Israel worshipped. The Holy Place was the place of Priestly service, the place of intercession, the place where the golden Candlestick was set-the type of Christ, in that pure, perfect, unchanging heavenly light, wherewith, whether in Earth or Heaven, He hath shone and ever shineth for His people. All this, and more, the Heavenly City will be. Thence the regulations of God’s government, as well as the instructions of His grace, will reach Israel and the earth. “The nations shall walk by means of the light thereof, and the Kings of the Earth shall bring their glory and honour unto it.” There, also, remedial means will be provided for meeting the exigencies of mortal life below. In the vision of the City were seen Trees of Life; and “the leaves of the Trees were for the healing of the nations.” Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-22 a 8:23 pm

Stormont hatred of righteousness displayed once again

What Jim Allister, leader of the ‘Traditional Unionist Voice’ party, correctly calls a ‘pan-nationalist front’, has once again united in support of convicted IRA criminals who presently hold positions with a publicly financed wage! This has been reported in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’.

TUV Political Appontments bill defeated

Mr Allister is quoted as saying after the defeat of his attempt to introduce a Bill in Stormont which would have prevented those with terrorist convictions being appointed to public bodies that the “pan-nationalist front of Alliance, the SDLP and Sinn Fein” had united to ensure Sinn Fein’s Paul Kavanagh could remain on the Education Authority, and that Gerry Kelly will keep his seat on the Policing Board.

He also said that it is difficult to view the police as an unbiased body when a convicted IRA bomber sits on its ‘watchdog’ committee!!

This is the situation which Sinn Fein, the SDLP and the Alliance parties are determined to see continue in Ulster. This has been a year in which the Bible-rejecting and anti-Unionist majority in Stormont has clearly demonstrated its bigoted attitude toward the Protestant people of Northern Ireland by opposing any significant recognition of the centenary of the founding of Northern Ireland!

The evil coalition of ‘Alliance, the SDLP and Sinn Fein’ is determined to crush every manifestation of our Protestant heritage. All three parties have shown support and sympathy for abortion and sodomy.

In this they have had the aid of the leaders of the Ecumenical churches. Under the headline: “Presbyterian moderator urges preservation of ‘precious’ powersharing government”, an article was recently published by ‘The Irish News’, an Irish nationalist newspaper. It is not surprising that the leaders of the apostasy see in any public body founded upon a partnership which includes Sinn Fein/IRA, something to be cherished and preserved!

The forming of the ‘power-sharing’ union between the DUP and Sinn Fein/IRA in Stormont in 2007 has resulted in what is now all too obvious — the dominant position of Irish Republicanism in the running of Ulster. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-22 a 8:06 pm

Ex-IRA gunrunner Gerry McGeough attacked while saying rosary at Cookstown Pride parade

A Free Presbyterian protest against the sodomite-glorifying parade in Cookstown on Saturday past, was one in which the Word of God condemning the wickedness for which He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, was publicly displayed.

On another part of the street, Irish Roman Catholicism was represented by a former IRA gunman, Gerry McGeough, and his friends engaging in the saying of the ‘Rosary’, that is praying to Mary, something strictly forbidden in the Word of God. But then what would you expect from an unrepentant former member of the IRA!!

The former gunman was punched in the face (there awaits him a much a more severe retribution in eternity from a hand more powerful than that of his female assailant) by a supporter of the sodomites who was acquainted with McGeough and had been engaged in a long-time dispute with him. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-20 a 4:58 pm

Answer to Mr. Cubitt

September 24, 2021 — It is obvious that this letter is not going to be published in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’.

I have wondered if the various media outlets receive some sort of ‘grant’ to promote the present vaccinations which were produced by the use of foetal tissue and gag any letters exposing the use of tissue from an aborted child in their manufacture .

(Letter submitted to “The Belfast Newsletter” on September 17, 2021)


As one who has refused the vaccinations presently on offer on the grounds that they have been produced or have been tested by the use of foetal material (an acknowledged fact), I see that Mr Cubitt has resorted to the logic of Nebuchadnezzar or indeed a Hitler with regards the forcing of others to submit to his idea of what is right. Both of these evil dictators denied to others the right of conscience.

I am against abortion. That was the position of 99% of the population when I was young. However, I failed to change my view on the subject when church and state persuaded a large number of folk to adopt a ‘liberal’ view of the slaughter of the unborn.

Now Mr Cubitt, one of that ‘enlightened liberal group’, calls for me and those like me to be forcefully vaccinated and that on the pretext that I do not ‘love my neighbour’!! Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-17 a 7:41 pm

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms - Part 11

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 11, which covers from page 353 to the middle of page 356. A large portion of this extract is made up of a *note.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

But whilst the saints individually and collectively, are thus filled with all fulness in Him; there will also be awarded to each, the individual meed of grace. Each will be placed before the tribunal *

* I have used the word tribunal in preference to judgment-seat, because less liable to misapprehension—the thought commonly connected with judgment-seat being that of arraignment as a criminal.

Indeed the thought of criminal arraignment ought to be connected with the ·”great white Throne,” before which the wicked dead raised at the close of the millennium will stand, to be judged out of things written in books according to their works. This is strictly judgment; but it is said that he who believeth shall not come into judgment. See John V. 24. All who have believed in Jesus previously to His return, will be raised in the first resurrection, and will reign with Him during the millennium: consequently, they will not stand before the great white Throne at all. Nor will the saints who live during the millennium stand before it to be arraigned, because the Book of Life will be opened, and their names will be found written there. Consequently, they too will not come into judgment. The prayer of every saint, in every dispensation must be, “Lord, enter not into judgment with Thy servant; for in Thy sight shall no man living be justified.” Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-15 a 7:04 pm

"Party of civil rights" opposes right to Christian protest

This article was sent to me earlier today and I feel that there are interesting details within it which serve to highlight the utter hypocrisy of many in public as well as pointing the way in which society is moving with regards shutting down those voices and opinions with which it disagrees.

There is a growing animosity, in Church and State and amongst the general public who have been moulded by the opinions sanctioned and promoted by the two former institutions, toward any criticism of sodomy and its related perversions, especially those criticisms based upon the Word of God. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-15 a 5:52 pm

Sodom all around!

Another week begins and the ‘watchman’ must cry aloud once more: “‭Now‭ [it is] high time‭ to awake‭‭‭ out of‭ sleep‭: for‭ now‭ [is] our‭ salvation‭ nearer‭ than‭ when‭ we believed‭‭.‭ ‭The night‭ is far spent‭‭,‭ the day‭ is at hand‭‭: let us‭‭ therefore‭ cast off‭‭ the works‭ of darkness‭, and‭ let us put on‭‭ the armour‭ of light‭,” Romans 13:11-12.

The western world is rapidly becoming a virtual Sodom. That may be seen in the latest disgusting and stomach-turning report of the vileness enacted in the name of the Lord.

I just read in my daily reading this morning Ezekiel 16. There the prophet was required to set before the people of Jerusalem, just prior to their overthrow in judgment and the captivity by Babylon, the wickedness into which they had descended.

I commend the chapter to you and ask that you read it carefully. You will surely see that the spirit that is at work today in ‘Christendom’ was at work then, some 2600 years ago! Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-13 a 5:50 pm

Pay-outs made to Claudy bombings families after report found ‘cover-up’ of IRA priest’s involvement

“Father” James Chesney

This story of the betrayal of the victims of the IRA in Claudy, Co. Tyrone, by the Royal Ulster Constabulary, the Northern Ireland Office and the British Government, in order to placate the Church of Rome and conceal its links, at the highest level, as this press report shows, with terrorism and murder, portrays just what the Ulster Protestant people have had to endure and the true face of Roman Catholicism!

It must be remembered that this took place at a time when the Roman Catholic Church and Irish Republicanism were claiming that the police force in Northern Ireland, and Protestants in general, were discriminating against the Roman Catholic Community!

Is that not the very essence of irony!

The British Government was in full cooperation in this evil machination, not only in covering up this horrendous crime but to the extent of sympathetically listening to the complaints of Rome regarding the charges of police harassment of Romanists and endorsing these complaints before the world and helping Rome in the creation of the image of the ‘persecuting Ulster Protestant’! Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-11 a 7:44 pm

You are Invited ...

Kilskeery Annual Autumn Conference



Friday 24th September


Rev David McMillan

Lord’s Day 26th September 11.30am


Rev Paul Hanna

7.00 pm


Rev Ivan Foster

We would welcome visitors at these services
or via our live on-line video broadcasts

Posted on 2021-09-10 a 7:10 pm

MLA calls on Parades Commission to oppose Free Presbyterian protest at LGBT parade

Rev. Marcus Lecky

We request prayer for Rev Marcus Lecky who has announced a protest against a sodomite ‘celebration in Cookstown later this month and also suggest the Orange Order should look at the membership of Joshua Cuddy, an openly self-acknowledged pervert and member of the Order.

The Orange Order has always presented itself as a’Christian” organisation. The tolerated presence of one who openly rejects God Word and lives in defiance of God’s holy standards, certainly challenges that claim.

Ivan Foster

Mid Ulster Pride: MLA calls on Parades Commission to oppose Free Presbyterian protest at LGBT parade

(Thursday 9th September 2021)

An SDLP MLA has said a protest by a church group over a planned LGBTQ+ parade has “no place in Mid Ulster” because it is “intolerant”.

Last year saw the first Pride Parade in Cookstown, and the small march – limited by Covid restrictions – was preceded by a small Free Presbyterian protest.

This year the parade is planned for September 18, and Rev Marcus Leckey of the Free Presbyterian Church in Cookstown has once again lodged an application with the Parades Commission to protest against it.

However SDLP Mid Ulster MLA Patsy McGlone has condemned those behind the planned protest. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-09 a 5:19 pm

Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms - Part 10

We continue with our extracts from Benjamin Wills Newton’s book, Prospects of the Ten Kingdoms, the chapter 14 —


We come to Part 10, which covers from page 350 to the middle of page 353.

Click here to see the other articles about this book.

Whilst the Lord is thus re-gathering Israel, and at the same time sending many judgments among the spared nations, who are to be broken before they are healed, He will introduce His saints into their heavenly mansions above, according to the promise “I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also. In my Father’s house are many mansions.” This is the period of which it is said, that He who loved the Church and gave Himself for it, will present it unto Himself “a glorious Church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.” (Eph. v.) See also Rev. xix. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-08 a 5:59 pm

Covid Aware!

No one can claim that the pupils of Kilskeery Independent Christian School do not take precautions against the Covid virus seriously!

Even the stuffed animals on display wear masks!!

Posted on 2021-09-08 a 5:17 pm

A rainbow crossing to where?

Rainbow crossing: NI’s first rainbow crossing unveiled in Londonderry

The first rainbow pedestrian crossing in Northern Ireland has been unveiled in Londonderry”

It links the Guildhall to the Peace Bridge with the aim of showing support for the city’s LGBTQ+ community The brainchild of the Foyle Pride Committee, it is also thought to be the first rainbow pedestrian crossing on the island of Ireland.

Jim Doherty, chairman of the Pride committee, said it would become a tourist attraction.

“It is in a brilliant location,” he told BBC Radio Foyle’s Mark Patterson Show.

“It is iconic, a good reflection of where we live.” He said there were similar crossings in other locations, including Berlin, San Francisco, and Camden.

“We thought it would be nice to have one realised here in Derry,” Mr Doherty said.

Earlier this year Derry City and Strabane District councillors unanimously agreed to fund the crossing after an approach from Foyle Pride. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-07 a 8:47 pm

The way forward to where?

The Belfast Telegraph, the media ‘champion of Ecumenism’, states in its ‘Viewpoint’ of today (4/9/21) that “Integration is the only way forward for our children.”The immediate question that comes to my mind is “the way forward to where?”

The article informs its readers that “Integrated education was created by a group of idealistic Protestant and Catholic parents, who led the fight to establish Lagan College, the first integrated school, 40 years ago.”

It is rather a coincidence that the first Integrated School came into existence just two years after the first Free Presbyterian Independent Christian School in Kilskeery. Nothing stirs the devil’s camp like a moving forward in the Lord’s!

“And Samuel took a sucking lamb, and offered [it for] a burnt offering wholly unto the LORD: and Samuel cried unto the LORD for Israel; and the LORD heard him. And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel: but the LORD thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines, and discomfited them; and they were smitten before Israel,” 1 Samuel 7:9-10.

Sadly, the victory granted to Israel in answer to Samuel’s prayers and their diligent response to the Lord’s intervention, did not follow the commencement of Independent Christian schools. It says in verse 11 that “the men of Israel went out of Mizpeh, and pursued the Philistines, and smote them, until [they came] under Bethcar.”

Sadly, there were few who seized upon the opportunity presented by the door the Lord opened back in 1979. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-04 a 7:36 pm

"Studies in Jonah" KICS talks resume

Rev Ivan Foster’s addresses to pupils in Kilskeery Independent Christian School recommence today.

He takes up the study of the book of Jonah where he left off at the end of the last term in June.

He will speak every Tuesday and Thursday mornings DV.

View the notes here

Posted on 2021-09-02 a 6:11 pm

Independent schools vs. "integrated status"?

The news item below is part of a news report on today’s BBC Northern Ireland news site.Its information is to be noted by those who care for the future of the truth of the gospel in Ulster.This Roman Catholic school is to become an ‘Integrated School’. That does not mean that it ceases to be a ‘Roman Catholic’ school. It just means it has access to better Government financial funding! It has not thrown over its Romish teachings and ethos and all its pupils, including the ‘Protestant’ pupils it hopes to recruit, will be subject to those falsehoods.

The change of status was approved by former Education Minister, DUP MLA, Mr Peter Weir, a professing Christian! The promotion of ‘Integrated Education’ has been the policy of the DUP for a number of years now! As we have said in the past, the DUP is now part of the Ecumenical Camp in our land!

In truth, this is but part of the ‘ecumenicalising’ of Northern Ireland. It is a less direct attempt by Rome to subtly embrace the Protestants of Ulster who have been lulled into a sleep of death. Sadly, there are many, many who have succumbed to Rome’s trickery. It is little wonder that this is so for the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian Church and the Methodist Church have all laboured to sell this deceit to their people.

Today saw the commencement of the 43rd school year of the first Bible-based Christian school in Ulster, Kilskeery Independent Christian School.

It began in September 1979. It is staffed by dedicated and faithful Christians who sacrificially labour to the honour of the Lord and for the spiritual and eternal well-being of children. It has been sustained financially by the kindness of the Lord through the generosity of many Christians, including the fee-paying parents. The school, unlike the Roman Catholic and Integrated schools receives absolutely no financial support whatever from the Government. In that we rejoice for it means that the school is in control of its curriculum content, the character of its teachers and is free to teach the Word of God to the pupils in its entirety. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-01 a 7:49 pm

Geronimo the alpaca killed as legal row ends

So ran the BBC news site headline of August 31, 2021.

It is one of many accounts with which the public were regaled in the saga of an alpaca that was infected with ‘bovine tuberculosis’ or cattle TB as we ‘country folk’ would know it!

As such the animal, like any other animal so infected, was a threat to the health of other animals nearby. A department of Agriculture website says this of the disease. “It is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) which can also infect and cause disease in many other mammals including humans, deer, goats, pigs, cats, dogs and badgers. In cattle, it is mainly a respiratory disease but clinical signs are rare. TB in humans can be caused by both Mycobacterium bovis and the human form, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.”

The owner of the alpaca and her friends claimed that the putting down of the animal was murder. The alpaca was brought to England from New Zealand in August 2017 by his owner Helen Macdonald. It twice tested positive for bovine tuberculosis in August and November that year.

More than 140,000 people from around the world had signed a petition against Geronimo’s culling.

I find the reports of the ‘concern’ for this sick and infectious animal in great contrast with the legal murder of perfectly healthy unborn children in the United Kingdom and across the world generally. Click to read more…

Posted on 2021-09-01 a 12:01 am