February 2023

Audio sermons

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KICS assembly talks. Current series: “KICS Studies – Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross”

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After conversion, What then? Pt4
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Mar 10, 2002
featured on Sun Feb 26, 2023

After conversion, What then? Pt3
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Mar 3, 2002
featured on Sun Feb 19, 2023

After conversion, What then? Pt2
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Feb 24, 2002
featured on Sun Feb 12, 2023

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Where, why and when was Jesus born?
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Tue Dec 20, 2022

A most sacred knowledge to have
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Oct 30, 2022

A mountain-top Psalm
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Oct 30, 2022

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The day when it is God's turn to answer
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Jan 15, 1995

To the highest purity from the deepest depravity
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Oct 30, 1994

Framing mischief by a law
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Sun Jun 30, 1985

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(4th April 1936 – 24th February 2023)

Mrs Olive Orr (nee Foster), late of the Loopland Fold, Belfast, went to be with Christ, on Friday 24th February in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, aged 86 years.

Deeply regretted and lovingly remembered by the wider Foster family circle, Kilskeery, Lisburn, Maghaberry, Canada, Crumlin, Belfast, Ballymena.

We extend our sympathies to her daughter Sharon Adamson and husband Malcolm and their family (Lurgan).

Olive was converted to Christ shortly after her brother Ivan in April 1964 and has been a faithful, fervent Christian over the years, standing with the Free Presbyterian Church in its witness against the modernism and  ecumenical apostasy of this age.

She was pre-deceased by her husband, Hamilton, on November 6th, 2010.

Funeral service in Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church, Ravenhill Road, Belfast, Tuesday 28th February at 1.00 pm DV.

 “For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth,” Job 19:25.

Posted on 2023-02-26 a 4:03 pm

Letter — Glaring hypocrisy of Sinn Fein over murder bid

TUV: Sinn Fein ‘hypocritical’ to condemn Omagh shooting but defend many others

The following letter appeared in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’. It states a truth which many will understand and share.

It is stomach-turning to have to listen to the glaringly deceitful ‘sympathy’ of the Sinn Fein/IRA leader, a constant attender at gatherings glorifying the IRA murderers of policemen.

Of course, being in political consort with O’Neill makes such a joint statement a minor affair as far as ‘Sir Jeff’ and his followers are concerned.

Earlier this week, Mr Jim Allister stated his revulsion at the same ‘cosy’ photo-opportunity which makes ready headlines for newspapers!

Letter: Glaring hypocrisy of Sinn Fein over murder bid on DCI John Caldwell

A letter from Cliff Cardwell:

Many unionists will be disappointed in Sir Jeffrey Donaldson’s decision to co-sign a letter condemning Wednesday’s murderous attack in Omagh along with Michelle O’Neill.

Ms O’Neill still believes that countless similar acts of terror were “unavoidable”.

The Sinn Fein hypocrisy is glaring.

Cliff Cardwell

Posted on 2023-02-25 a 9:34 pm

What doest thou here, Elijah?

Much has been written about Mrs Kate Forbes and her bid to become the leader of the Scottish National Party. Her views of many of the moral issues of today have brought her much criticism because she is a professing Christian.

Just how she came to be a member of the ungodly SNP is a mystery to me. I cannot understand how any believer in the Lord Jesus Christ could campaign under the banner, let alone seek to lead, a party which has strongly advocated abortion, ’same-sex marriage’ and the utter lunacy of ‘transgenderism’.

However, this lady has desired to head up such an evil political amalgam and apparently is supported in that ambition by her church, the ‘Free Church of Scotland’, a church that has strayed from the path of faithful allegiance to the Word of God and has adopted some of the views and notions of ‘Contemporary Christianity’!

She has been widely attacked in the press by members of her own party and her stance repudiated.

Maybe today she is wondering: ‘Why has this happened to me now? After all I have been widely seen as a successful  Cabinet Secretary for Finance and the Economy for over two years?’ Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-24 a 1:01 am

What about the Church of Ireland?

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

Where does it stand on the issue of Welby’s rejection by many??

For the believer of the Bible and the follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, the news that many Anglicans have cast over the leadership of Archbishop Welby, that man so deprived of wit and wisdom, grace and godliness, is a most heartening item of news.

Our nation has been led to the brink of ruin by Welby and his apostate predecessors and if it turns out that he has been rejected by Anglicanism, then good will come of it.

Would that the stand taken by Samuel against wicked king Saul was taken today against those equally rebellious and wicked.

“And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath rejected thee from being king over Israel,” 1 Samuel 15:26.

But amongst the Anglicans who have acted so, where do those members of the Church of Ireland, who would claim to be believers in Christ, stand?

That is the question for many in our land.

Reader, if you profess faith in Christ and belong to the Church of Ireland, please consider this ‘mealy-mouthed’ response of the Church of Ireland spokesman, reported in the article below,  to the question of just where it stands regarding Welby.

“Asked where the Church of Ireland stands on the motion to allow the blessing of same-sex couples in civil partnerships, a spokesperson said: “The Church of Ireland is a synodical Church and matters such as these are considered by its members at our General Synod. No such item has appeared on the General Synod agenda but if it were to do so, it would be discussed by its members.”


Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)

22nd February 2023

Group of global Anglican church leaders ousts Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby over gay blessing reform

(‘Belfast Newsletter’)

A group of Anglican church leaders from around the world have ousted the Archbishop of Canterbury as their head following the decision to allow the blessing of same-sex couples in England. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-24 a 12:54 am

Rising with the fleas!

There is a political ‘conundrum’ surfacing in Scotland amongst the SNP supporters which is reminiscent of the situation here amongst the DUP.

Kates Forbes is a professing Christian who has found her rather hesitant stand for what the Bible teaches regarding marriage and gender, being criticised for even what cannot be said to be a forthright witness for the truth of God.

The report below, from today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter,  is indicative of the worldly view of her position.

Of course, such tentative comments as she has made on these very present-day topics, is easily understood for one cannot be in the company of such as make up the Scottish National Party, Romanists, Atheists and expat Irish Republicans, without being robbed of the power to give a strong forthright witness for Christ.

I am reminded of the situation in Sodom and the weak and compromising, less than clear witness of Lot. His response to the sodomites attacking the door of his home and their shameful and outrageous demands, was most wrong and on a par with the sinful desires of the sodomites. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-24 a 12:46 am

A tribute to Mrs Mollie Monteith

As a tribute to a dear Christian lady who faithfully served the Lord and unashamedly stood for Him amidst the ecumenical apostasy here in Ulster for over 56 years I am having a link to the video of her funeral service, held yesterday, in Omagh Free Presbyterian Church mounted.

The lady was Mrs Mollie Monteith.

My wife Ann and I along with our family owe a great debt of gratitude to Mollie and her husband Ernie for the loving and generous kindness they showed to us in the early days of the Free Presbyterian witness in the west of Ulster. That we will never forget.

To Ernie and to the family, Anne, Marion, Christie, Edgar, Marty, Darrell and Helen and their respective spouses and families, we offer our sincere and prayerful sympathy.

“‭The memory‭ of the just‭ ‭is‭ blessed‭,‭” Proverbs 10:7.


Posted on 2023-02-21 a 6:36 pm

Judge tells defendants: 'It has been a pleasure dealing with you.'

‘Just Stop Oil’ protesters told by judge they should feel ‘PROUD’ as he refuses to send them to prison and that ‘It has been a pleasure dealing with you.’

The judge went on to say that these creators of havoc and inconvenience for thousand of people attempting to travel to work or leave their children to school, were ‘good people with admirable aims’

So it is now ‘official’ — lawlessness and anti-social behaviour is to be encouraged as something good and the lawless are to be proud of their actions!

Surely, ‘the lunatics have taken over the asylum’, as the old saying goes !!!

The judge at Wolverhampton Magistrates Court, said to ‘Just Stop Oil’ activists, who have been a source of  exasperation and rage for thousands of motorists in parts of England in recent months with their blocking of roads, that they should feel “proud” and that they should “feel guilty for nothing”. He further said:‘You are intelligent and articulate, and you have been a pleasure throughout to deal with.’  The protesters avoided jail time for blocking the Esso Fuel Terminal in Birmingham last April.

The comments of the judge, one Judge Graham Wilkinson, have sparked fury for being a “soft-touch” on the seven protesters who caused widespread chaos as petrol stations were forced to close due to supply issues. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-18 a 8:14 pm

La Mon House bombing 45th anniversary

The article I have reproduced from the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of 17th February 2023, will prove to be poignant reminder of a most horrific atrocity carried out by the IRA back in 1978. I knew the owners of the hotel for I was living with my parents in a rented house belonging to them, the late Mr and Mrs Wesley Huddleston, in the mid-60s, a mere 100 yards away from the building destroyed.

The reported hypocritical, dissembling responses of Gerry Adams at the time, along with the quotations from prominent southern politicians, register afresh the ongoing bitter animosity seated deep within the psyche of the Irish Roman Catholic republican!

That being so, it is utterly galling to see the prominence given to those two political harpies, Sinn Fein leaders, McDonald and O’Neill, by the BBC yesterday when reporting on the latest ‘Protocol’ developments even though it is chiefly the concern of Unionists.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

La Mon House bombing 45th anniversary

Belfast Newsletter- 17th February 2023.

By Henry Patterson

‘You build up resistance, but these injuries were horrific – the worst ever’. ​Norman Hughes was Northern Ireland’s senior plastic surgeon when the La Mon House bombing occurred, 45 years ago today. He treated eight of the most severely burned survivors, five men and three women.

Firemen tackle the fire at La Mon House restaurant near Belfast 45 years ago on February 17 1978 when at 12 people died and 23 were injured in a bomb blast.

He told the Belfast Telegraph, ‘It would depress anyone to see them. What is it supposed to achieve?’.

In the same report a nurse, Jane McCall from Holywood, spoke of her experience , ‘The injuries are dreadful. I had one student nurse who was sick and then asked me if it was normal to be sick looking at people in such a condition. You build up a certain amount of resistance but these injuries were horrific, the worst ever.’ Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-18 a 7:59 pm

A good question with a sadly familiar answer!

Statue of UDR Soldier and ‘Greenfinch’ in Lisburn city centre.

A call has been made for all local councils in Northern Ireland to ‘honour’ the 50th anniversary of the female UDR soldiers, or Greenfinches, but Sinn Fein/IRA has vetoed the call.

DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, who is also President of the Ulster Defence Regiment Association, has challenged Sinn Fein to justify how it can veto a public honour for them at Armagh Craigavon and Craigavon (ABC) Borough Council when republicans “glorify and eulogise those who set out to murder women”.

197 members of the regiment were killed both on and off duty, including four women (Greenfinches), as well as over 60 killed after leaving the Regiment. Over 400 were seriously wounded and many still continue to suffer both psychologically and physically as a result of their service.

In 2006, when Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, came to Belfast to present the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross to The Ulster Defence Regiment, she said that the contribution of the Regiment to peace and stability within Northern Ireland had been unique and had required ‘uncommon courage and conviction’.

The cap badge of the regiment

Her Majesty reflected that no challenge faced by The Ulster Defence Regiment went unmet, whatever the personal cost.

The Victoria Cross is the only higher combat gallantry award presented by the United Kingdom

Sir Jeffrey was speaking after Sinn Fein blocked a motion from UUP Alderman Glenn Barr to honour the female UDR soldiers at the local authority last month.

The formation of the female UDR soldiers, or Greenfinches, in 1973 was the first case of complete integration of men and women in a British military unit and it proved to be a very successful model. The initial recruitment drive attracted over 530 applications from women.

Once again the unremitting and relentless hatred of all things British is seen on the part of Sinn Fein/IRA. Its members glory in the cowardly deeds of those who waited in ambush to shoot down and murder those dedicated to offering protection to civilians. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-17 a 5:31 pm

Popery exposed - again!

Here is yet another shameful exposure of the iniquities of Roman Catholicism.

It is a report from ‘The Guardian’ newspaper, dated yesterday, Monday 13th February 2023 and sent to me by a watchful friend.

I cannot help but be amazed that this evil system of falsehood and lies and blasphemy retains its standing amongst men despite the repeated laying bare of its true character. Were this any other organisation, it would be condemned, ostracised and repudiated by all. The old saying is yet again proved true! “The devil takes care of his own!”

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

“Pope Francis”

Portugal: Catholic clergy abused nearly 5,000 children since 1950, inquiry finds

Independent commission reaches conclusion after hearing evidence from over 500 survivors last year

Catholic clergy in Portugal have abused nearly 5,000 children since 1950, an independent commission said on Monday after hearing hundreds of survivors’ accounts.

Thousands of reports of paedophilia within the church have surfaced around the world, and Pope Francis is under pressure to tackle the scandal.

The Portuguese inquiry, commissioned by the church in the staunchly Catholic country, published its findings after hearing from more than 500 survivors last year.

“This testimony allows us to establish a much larger network of victims, at least 4,815,” the commission head, Pedro Strecht, told a press conference in Lisbon that was attended by several senior church officials. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-14 a 4:21 pm

Challenge Facing PCI Moderator Elect

Rev. Sam Mawhinney

The Challenge Facing PCI Moderator Elect, Rev Sam Mawhinney!

Although the next leader of the church, the Rev Sam Mawhinney, is not in favour of female ordination, the church said it remains its ‘settled’ policy. The general secretary of his church, Rev Trevor Gribben, has stated that the clear, longstanding and settled position of its General Assembly is “that the Presbyterian Church in Ireland ordains men and women on an equal basis”.

That means that Sam Mawhinney belongs to a denomination that stoutly defies the Word of God, as the above statement from its general secretary indicates. It also means, should he become the new moderator in June of this year, he will lead a church in its determined defiance of God and His Truth!

Dr Mawhinney has said he recognised ‘there are people who disagree with me’ on the issue of women ministers. ‘I don’t want to make it a primary issue, but it is something that I hold,’ he added.

Dr Mawhinney is based at Adelaide Road Presbyterian Church in Dublin city centre and is the first moderator from the Republic of Ireland to be elected in almost a quarter of a century.

Standing up for what the Bible teaches on any subject ought to be a ‘primary issue’ for any who profess faith in Christ. However, in this ecumenical age, flexibility of conscience and pliancy of heart and mind when it comes to principles and obedience to God, are essential qualifications for a moderator of the PCI!!

The ‘settled’ doctrinal position of the PCI is anti-Bible on more issues than the ordination of women as elders and ministers. It long ago ceased to be faithful to the cardinal doctrines of the gospel. Back in the 1920s, almost one hundred years ago, it exonerated a man, a man of heresy, a professor in its theological hall, Professor J E Davey, when he denied the deity of Christ and atonement for sin by His blood.

Professor J E Davey was a graduate of a number of universities, including that of Heidelberg, from which he brought back to Belfast the false and destructive notions of ‘German Rationalism’. In June 1917, he became the youngest person ever appointed to a chair at Assembly’s College, the Presbyterian College in Belfast. It is now called ‘Union College’. He would subsequently hold chairs of Biblical Literature, Hebrew and Old Testament, and New Testament Language, Literature and Theology. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-13 a 5:30 pm

True repentance

This is a brief article on a subject which I have been pondering of late.

I trust that it will be a blessing and help to you all.

Our heart is deceitful, even as Jeremiah stated (Jeremiah 17:9) and we must ever guard against its deceptions.

How we need to be on guard against deception of every form!

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster


“‭H‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭ow then can I do‭‭ this great‭ wickedness‭, and sin‭‭ against God‭?‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬  Genesis 39:9.

Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife
Bartolome Esteban Perez Murillo

Oftentimes I fear that our repentance is more a case of being vexed at the grief that sin brings to us — our loss of a quiet conscience and our sense of God’s presence — but such feelings fall far short of true repentance. Sin injures us but that ought not to be our chief concern when we have sadly yielded to temptation.

The words of Joseph on this occasion serve to show us what our attitude to sin and our response when faced by it, ought to be.

1. Joseph considered ‭that ‬what faced him in this wicked temptation was chiefly to act against the Lord.

Had he responded to this woman’s demands, he would have sinned against her and he would have sinned against her husband. As he says: “‭But he refused‭‭, and said‭‭ unto his master’s‭ wife‭, Behold, my master‭ wotteth‭‭ not what ‭is‭ with me in the house‭, and he hath committed‭‭ all that he hath‭ to my hand‭;‭ ‭There is‭ none greater‭ in this house‭ than I; neither‭ hath he kept back‭‭ any thing‭ from me but thee, because‭ thou‭ ‭art‭ his wife‭: how then can I do‭‭ this great‭ wickedness‭‭‭‭?‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

Yes, what she was demanding entailed injury to herself and her husband by Joseph should he have yielded to her.

He knew also that it would injure himself. He does not mention himself here because he is chiefly occupied by thoughts of others who would be hurt by his wrong-doing. But let us ever be aware that sin is a great self-inflicted wound, oftentimes, so great we never really get over it!

Be that as it may, it is clear that Joseph realised that his yielding to this temptation would be CHIEFLY a sin against God!

When we sin we strike against the heart of God. He loves His people with an immeasurable love. Sin requires us forgetting that love and treating God as if He doesn’t care about us. Please remember what we read in Genesis 6. “‭And GOD‭ saw‭‭ that the wickedness‭ of man‭ ‭was‭ great‭ in the earth‭, and ‭that‭ every imagination‭ of the thoughts‭ of his heart‭ ‭was‭ only‭ evil‭ continually‭.‭ ‭And it repented‭‭ the LORD‭ that he had made‭‭ man‭ on the earth‭, and it grieved‭‭ him at‭ his heart‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ verses 5-6.

The actions of the population of the earth back then was to forget that God was their Creator and they owed allegiance to Him alone. Failure to do so struck against the affection He had for His own creatures.

When we sin we strike against the knowledge of God. To act in defiance and disobedience is to act as if God cannot see us and does not know what we do! That is a great insult directed against Him. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-10 a 5:14 pm

A timely warning about Francis Chan's visit

A timely warning from brother Cecil Andrews’ “Take Heed Ministries website” regarding the recent visit to Coleraine of one of today’s modern ‘religious charlatans’!

(Click on image below to access the full pdf article.)(Click on image above to access the full pdf article.)

Posted on 2023-02-10 a 10:56 am

Church of England backs plans to bless gay couples

This BBC news report below tells of the Church of England engaging in further wicked ‘semantics’!

It says that “its position on gay marriage will not change and same-sex couples will still be unable to marry in church” but it will bless couples who enter into a union with someone of the same gender!

That is a ludicrous position to adopt. To bless indicates an ‘agreement with and support for’ such a union and also implies deviously that God is pleased with it, since His ‘so-called servants’ pronounce His blessing upon it!

It is to be noted that it states at the end of this news report, that the ‘new prayers’ of blessing have their origins with man and not of God!

It is the Church of England, under the leadership of that ‘arch apostate’, Justin Welby, descending further toward eternal perdition!

To him, he says, disagreement with this plan is ‘painful’!

Believe me, the pain has not yet begun for him and his fellow rebels who reject the teaching of God’s Word!

This decision embraces the Royal Family since the King is the figurative head of the Church of England. Thus we are seeing a repeat of history, especially the history in the years before the fall of Jerusalem, under God’s judgment, at the hands of the Babylonians in BC 588. (Jeremiah 52)

The wrath of God, provoked by the wickedness of the people who would not heed the warnings of Jeremiah and other prophets, is today in like fashion being provoked by the rebellion of the nations, encouraged on this path by today’s ecumenical false prophets,  and it will result in a world-wide visitation of God’s judgment. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-09 a 5:34 pm

Former Irish Presbyterian moderator answered

It is my reaction to the scandalous statement by a former Irish Presbyterian Moderator who claims to be an ‘evangelical’. His words have no place in the vocabulary of a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ!

This article is an addendum to my recent article: “Pope and Protestant leaders denounce God as ‘unjust’”.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Former NI Presbyterian chief: ‘Yes – God loves gay and straight alike… but He also sets out a demanding lifestyle’

A former Presbyterian moderator has stressed that the Bible sets out “a pretty demanding lifestyle” for its followers, as a trio of major church leaders joined together to voice God’s love for gay people.

‘Belfast Newsletter’

Dr Norman Hamilton, former Irish Presbyterian moderator

The following is the response of Dr Norman Hamilton, former Irish Presbyterian moderator, to the recent statements by the Pope and Archbishop Welby and Scottish moderator, Greenshields,  as reported in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of February 6th.

I have deemed his response an ungodly endorsement of sodomy.

Rev Norman Hamilton was reacting to comments from current Scottish moderator Rev Iain Greenshields and Archbishop Justin Welby, in which they sought to echo recent remarks from the Pope about homosexuality.

But as the Moderator knows well, being loved by God is not the same as being a follower of Christ. If that were so, everyone in the world would automatically be a Christian. The fact Christ loves and died for President Putin doesn’t make him a follower of Jesus.

“Christ in fact demands that our money, our time, our gifts, our whole being (including our sexuality) is offered to Him unconditionally. He calls us to a pretty demanding lifestyle – but also promises his enabling for it.’

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland, and the Evangelical Alliance, were both asked to comment; neither did.”

These words are words of compromise and appeasement. Norman Hamilton, because his church has adopted an ambiguous position on the whole issue of the perversion that is rampant in the world, even as the Saviour said would be the case, Luke 17:28-30. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-07 a 5:31 pm

Pope and protestant leaders denounce God as ‘unjust’!

I have to highlight these most recent wicked pronouncements of the leaders of ‘Antichristian apostasy’ in the world today, as reported on the BBC news website and also in the ‘Belfast Telegraph’. The articles were drawn to my attention by a friend who keeps watch for such things. I do not think I have ever encountered such blatant and audacious defiance of God than the words uttered by this triumvirate of wickedness!

I am compelled to seek to refute their deceit and lies.

The Pope and two of his ecumenical ‘lapdogs’, the leader of the Church of England and the moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Archbishop Justin Welby and Dr Iain Greenshields respectively, have declared God to have sinfully. unlovingly  and unjustly criminalised sodomy!

A BBC news report states: ‘Speaking to reporters after visiting South Sudan, the Pope said such laws were a sin and “an injustice”.’ This blasphemous statement was enthusiastically endorsed by the two puppets, Welby and Greenshields. The men were on a mission to Sudan but they came not as God’s servants but rather as latter-day ‘incarnations’ of “Elymas the sorcerer”, encountered by Paul and Barnabus on the isle of Cyprus and who sought to “turn away the deputy (Sergius Paulus) from the faith,” Acts 13:8. What Paul said of him may well be said of this wicked ‘trinity’. “Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?” Acts 13:9-10.

No member of this trio seem to realise that it was the God of Heaven in His eternally just law, Who declared ‘sodomy’ as a sin and a crime worthy of death.

“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination,” Leviticus 18:22.

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them,” Leviticus 20:13.

This second verse indicates the penalty that is to be carried out against those guilty of this crime under the Mosaic administration. Furthermore, it indicates who it is to blame for their death — “their blood shall be upon them”.

The ‘death sentence’ was what Israel was to inflict upon those guilty. However, I would remind my readers that the sentence that God imposes is eternally and infinitely more severe. It is not a term in jail but it is eternity in the fires of damnation. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-06 a 6:23 pm

More DUP 'double talk'!

In a sermon, preached by Rev Daniel Henderson of Moneyslane Free Presbyterian Church and entitled: ‘We will not be silent’ His text was Psalm 94:16-17: “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity? Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence”.

Rev Henderson highlighted the failure of professed believers on Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon Council, to raise any objections to the floodlighting of Banbridge town hall to celebrate ‘Pride Day’, the sodomite day of vaunting their wickedness. (Watch the sermon here).

A report on Rev Henderson’s letter of protest appeared in the local newspaper, ‘The County Down Outlook’.

“A MONEYSLANE clergyman’s claims the DUP raised no objection to lighting up Banbridge Town Hall to celebrate Pride Day have been rejected by the party’s group leader on the ABC (Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon) Council.

Rev Daniel Henderson wrote to The Outlook in response to an article in last week’s edition detailing the 56 occasions this year on which council buildings will be lit up to show support for various charities and causes.

One such event is to celebrate Pride on 29 July, when Banbridge Town Hall will be lit up in the colours of the Rainbow Flag adopted by the LGBT+ movement.

And Moneyslane Free Presbyterian Church minister Rev Henderson said “many of the Christians in political office in my local ABC Borough Council have let the cause of Christ down” as he said “no objection was raised”.

Click here to see an extract of the council committee meeting minutes.

The list of occasions on which civic buildings were to be lit up was approved at the council’s Governance, Resources and Strategy Committee meeting on 12 January, with the matter not requiring to be put to a vote and Rev Henderson said this meant “no objection was raised”. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-06 a 5:55 pm

Sammy Morrison: Scandalous health statistics conceal real scale of abortion in Northern Ireland

This letter by Samuel Morrison on the concealing of the truth by our public health authorities, about abortion numbers, appears on the website of the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ and is worthy of note.

For this reason I am sending out this copy of it.

Sincerely in Christ’s name,

Ivan Foster

Sammy Morrison: Scandalous health statistics conceal real scale of abortion in Northern Ireland

The Department statement saying there were 53 abortions in Health and Social Care hospitals in Northern Ireland in 2021/22 is seriously misleading. From March 2020 until September last year 4,136 abortions were performed in the province

William Wilberforce, the famous 18th century abolitionist, once famously warned the British public: ‘You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.’

He did that after a highly successful campaign to highlight the evils of the slave trade. Characters such as Olaudah Equiano, an ex-slave, toured the British Isles in order to bring the reality of its evils home to people.

In 1791 Equiano visited Belfast to promote his autobiography and build opposition to the slave trade here.

Personal stories such as Equiano’s were an important aspect of the campaign against slavery but so were statistics.

The infamous drawing illustrating how slaves were packed onto ships is one famous example of how the abolitions used data as well as personal stories to fight their cause.

One cannot appreciate the scale of anything without statistic.

That is why the current practice of the Department of Health to release figures on abortion which hide the true scale of the issue is so scandalous. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-02 a 6:17 pm

Devout born-again Christian mother sues school

God’s Judgment of Sodom and Gommorah

This mother’s fears are fully justified. We see the ‘LGBT’ and its confederate, ever enlarging groups, dominating public life in the United Kingdom by demanding acceptance and respect for its perverted agenda.

It would turn our land into modern day Sodoms and Gomorrahs!

Recently the Scottish Government and  Prison Service has been exposed as complying with the utterly ludicrous demands of men masquerading as women. One depraved and demented being, serving a  life sentence for murder, is demanding that he be considered a woman and not content with this lunacy, he has now gone on to identify as a ‘baby’ and demands nappies, a dummy, have meals blended like baby food and for prison staff to take by the hand when he leaves is cell. The headlines in ‘The Daily Record’ of 9th April, 2022, reads: Trans Scots killer now identifying as infant demands nappies and baby food in jail. It goes on to say. “Sophie Eastwood, formerly Daniel, is demanding nappies to wear and food to be blended like a baby’s and has already been supplied with a dummy at Polmont prison.”

He obviously will not be short of dummies since it is understood that prison bosses are treating the demands seriously and considering which protocols might be established in dealing with the prisoner!!

The United Kingdom has become one great kingdom of LOONIES!! It is stupefying to think that such outrageously absurd demands are acceded to! And yet day and daily there are those ‘experts’ and government representatives, who are ready to enter television studios to defend such insanity.

The report which follows is of a court case in which a professing ‘born again’ mother, Mrs Izzy Montague, is suing a school for refusing to allow her request to have her son excluded from taking part in an LGBT pride parade in which the school was participating.

As is stated, it is the ‘first case of its kind in UK’.

Does that tell us just where society is being led and that the vast majority are indifferent to being thus led asininely, ‘by the nose’! Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-02 a 5:59 pm

Mocked by the disciples but memorialised by the Saviour

Mary seated at the feet of Jesus
Jan Vermeer, ca 1653

A memorial instituted 2000-years ago but observed worldwide still

“‭Verily‭ I say‭‭ unto you‭, Wheresoever‭‭ this‭ gospel‭ shall be preached‭‭ in‭ the whole‭ world‭, ‭there‭ shall also‭ this, that‭ this woman‭‭‭ hath done‭‭, be told‭‭ for‭ a memorial‭ of her‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Matthew 26:13.

What a contrast were this woman’s thoughts to those abroad in that day. In verses 3 and 4 of this chapter we read: “‭Then‭ assembled together‭‭ the chief priests‭, and‭ the scribes‭, and‭ the elders‭ of the people‭, unto‭ the palace‭ of the high priest‭, who‭ was called‭‭ Caiaphas‭,‭ ‭And‭ consulted‭‭ that‭ they might take‭‭ Jesus‭ by subtilty‭, and‭ kill‭‭ ‭him‭.‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

What a disparity there was in the feelings of this dear woman and those of these evil men!

1. Her thoughts prompted actions which were very much disapproved of by the disciples.

“‭But‭ when his‭ disciples‭ saw‭‭ ‭it‭, they had indignation‭‭, saying‭‭, To‭ what purpose‭ ‭is‭ this‭ waste‭?‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ verse 8. The word ‘waste’ means something very strong and dismissive of what the woman had done. It is used by divine inspiration as the destination of those who follow the broad path through life, Matthew 7:13. The word ‘destruction’ is the same Greek word as ‘waste’. It is also applied to Judas, ‘the son of perdition’ John 17:12. Here it is the word translated ‘perdition’.

Such usage of the word by the disciples shows how far removed were their thoughts from those of the woman. Out of a heart of deepest love and devotion she poured the very expensive ointment on the head of the Saviour. Click to read more…

Posted on 2023-02-01 a 3:19 am