This mother’s fears are fully justified. We see the ‘LGBT’ and its confederate, ever enlarging groups, dominating public life in the United Kingdom by demanding acceptance and respect for its perverted agenda.
It would turn our land into modern day Sodoms and Gomorrahs!
Recently the Scottish Government and Prison Service has been exposed as complying with the utterly ludicrous demands of men masquerading as women. One depraved and demented being, serving a life sentence for murder, is demanding that he be considered a woman and not content with this lunacy, he has now gone on to identify as a ‘baby’ and demands nappies, a dummy, have meals blended like baby food and for prison staff to take by the hand when he leaves is cell. The headlines in ‘The Daily Record’ of 9th April, 2022, reads: “Trans Scots killer now identifying as infant demands nappies and baby food in jail”. It goes on to say. “Sophie Eastwood, formerly Daniel, is demanding nappies to wear and food to be blended like a baby’s and has already been supplied with a dummy at Polmont prison.”
He obviously will not be short of dummies since it is understood that prison bosses are treating the demands seriously and considering which protocols might be established in dealing with the prisoner!!
The United Kingdom has become one great kingdom of LOONIES!! It is stupefying to think that such outrageously absurd demands are acceded to! And yet day and daily there are those ‘experts’ and government representatives, who are ready to enter television studios to defend such insanity.
The report which follows is of a court case in which a professing ‘born again’ mother, Mrs Izzy Montague, is suing a school for refusing to allow her request to have her son excluded from taking part in an LGBT pride parade in which the school was participating.
As is stated, it is the ‘first case of its kind in UK’.
Does that tell us just where society is being led and that the vast majority are indifferent to being thus led asininely, ‘by the nose’!
It is. not just prisons where this evil moral virus is being spread but we see that the state schools have become breeding grounds for this damnable wickedness.
This is not merely something happening in England but it is happening here in Northern Ireland state schools. For a long time now acceptance of ‘LGBT’ perverted practices have been presented to children as normal and must be recognised as such and respected.
Numerous Christian parents, including Free Presbyterians, are content enough to send their children to such schools to be educated in such an atmosphere and environment and have their children imbibe the evil notion that such perversions are but normal.
I say shame on them! They will give an account to God one day for this shameful dereliction of the parental duty to their children and their defiance of God and His law.
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
Headteacher of Heavers Farm Primary told Izzy Montague her son must attend
Daily Mail, 1 February 2023
A devout Christian who claims her four-year-old son was compelled to take part in an LGBT pride parade is suing the school – in the first case of its kind in the UK.
Izzy Montagu, 38, said she was told by the headteacher of Heavers Farm Primary School in South Norwood, southeast London, that her son could not opt out of the event in June 2018.
The school sent a letter to parents on 19 June inviting them to partake in a Pride march and ‘celebrate the differences that make them and their family special.’
A week later Mrs Montague contacted the school ‘and asked for her son to be excused attendance on 29 June as they were concerned of him being involved of a public display of adherence to views which she did not accept.’
Mrs Montague’s request was refused by the headteacher Ms Susan Papas so the parent replied with a lengthy email on 13 July, Central London County Court heard.
Izzy Montague, a 38-year-old devout Christian from London claims her four-year-old son was compelled to take part in LGBT pride parade is suing his primary school on the grounds of discrimination
Central London County Court heard that Heavers Farm Primary School headteacher Ms Susan Papas told Mrs Montague that her son had to attend the lesson
At the start of the eight-day case Judge Christopher Lethem described Mrs Montague and her husband as ‘devout born-again Christians, and they bear a belief that sexual relations should be abstained from or take place within a life-long marriage between a man and a woman and any activity outside those confines is sinful.
‘They also say pride is considered to be the most serious of the deadly sins.’
Mrs Montague attended a meeting with Ms Papas on 19 September in which the headteacher’s daughter wore a t-shirt with the slogan: ‘Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet?’, the court heard.
Giving evidence Mrs Montague told the court, prior to the incident, she had expressed concerns to her son’s teacher about the types of books they were reading in class.
Ian Clarke, representing the school, asked: ‘What books were they?’
Mrs Montague said: ‘There was one reference to a same sex family book.’
‘I believe it’s called The Family Book,’ said Mr Clarke.
‘I can’t remember the exact name, just that was included in the lessons,’ she answered.
‘So you get this letter on 19 June and you see that it is about celebrating ‘the things that make our family special.’
Mrs Montague replied: ‘It felt like it was lecturing me about something to do with British values and somehow we weren’t adhering to British values.’
‘You also say in your witness statement that the letter made a disparaging comment about the attitudes of parents… where does it say that?’ asked Mr Clarke.
Mrs Montague replied: ‘I just feel this letter was really trying to hammer into parents and drive into them something that’s not happened before.’
Mr Clarke said: ‘You say the letter is forcing you into the indoctrination of an LGBT lifestyle, where does it say that?’
Mrs Montague told the court: ‘I don’t know I just felt a topic had come up.
‘I clearly was not in the know about it, but this was the way, in my opinion, to try to indoctrinate it onto us by passing it off that it was part of law or part of British values, or it was part of the national curriculum, it was trying to sell something no one wanted to buy.’
Reading from a blog published by the school on 18 June 2018. Mr Clarke said: ‘This June, the celebration of pride is about learning about the diversity of our whole school community and tackling bullying.’
He asked the parent: ‘As I understand you don’t have a problem of celebrating the diversity of the whole school community and tackling bullying?’
Ms Montague replied: ‘Me personally, it’s not something I would celebrate…… It’s not something I would choose to celebrate.
‘I think it’s good the wider community comes together, and we learn and live together.
‘I don’t know if you mean celebrate as have a party, it’s not something I would attend.’
Mr Clarke asked: ‘Isn’t the school simply using the month of June to celebrate wider issues of diversity and tolerance?’
Ms Montague replied: ‘I believe it’s using pride month and other issues around that time to sell pride month.
‘I think you can easily celebrate diversity without even having anything do with pride month.’
‘So, if they did it on 29 May would we all be sat here?’ asked Mr Clarke
‘If they did any form of celebration of any sexual lifestyles we will still be sat here,’ said Ms Montague
Mr Clarke asked: ‘So, the fact it is pride month is neither here nor there?’
‘A month that celebrates sexual lifestyles Is a problem in any month,’ said Ms Montague
Mrs Montague, supported by the Christian Legal Centre, is suing the school on the grounds of direct and indirect discrimination, victimisation and breach of statutory duty under the Education Act 1996 and the Human Rights Act 1998.
It is the first time that a UK court will scrutinise the legality of imposing LGBT ideology on primary schools.
The hearing continues.