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August 2019

Audio sermons

Kilskeery Independent Christian School assembly talks have been suspended for the summer.
  • Download a zip file of all the studies in the Parables to date, here.
  • See all the KICS assembly talks listed here

Featured series on the Book of Ruth: Truth for Today

Part 31- The default of the other near kinsman Part 32- The other near kinsman withdraws Part 33- Deliverance wrought by Boaz Part 34- Boaz publicly redeems Ruth
(See all the messages in the series here)

All audio sermons can be seen here.


The Williamite wars and the Ulster Protestant, Pt2

The unchanging tricks of Popery

The Lord Jesus Christ makes it clear that Satan is a creature of habit. He is bound by his own depravity. He is given over to opposing a God who never changes. God pursues His eternal purpose without interruption or disturbance. Satan’s malignant nature binds him and enslaves him to doing all he can to oppose God. It is this inflexible implacability we all have observed in Romanism, one of Satan’s chief agencies. It may, for a season, submerge its objectives and ambitions, waiting for a more favourable environment in which to pursue its goals, but it never abandons them.

Rome’s blueprint

History, therefore, presents us with a blueprint of Rome’s present and future strategy by revealing her past activities. No period of history is more fruitful for this purpose than that of the 17th century. Tonight, in the context of the conflict in Ireland in the period leading up to the battle of the Boyne, we shall consider ‘The unchanging tricks of popery.’ Read more

Reading the time on the face of God’s clock Part 2: Violence

The Lord Jesus tells us that “as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be,” Matthew 24:37-39.

The indifference to the spiritual and moral atmosphere that prevailed back in the days of Noah is depicted in the words of the Saviour. Such complacency and apathy were most strange, given the general moral climate of that age. It is a complacency mirrored by today’s laxity regarding the general decline of society’s morals.

Here is what we are told of those days in Genesis chapter 6. “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. . . . . . The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence,” verses 5 and 11. 

The word ‘violence’ in verse 11 is a word the Lord uses to describe the state of mankind back in those days just prior to the flood. Dr Usher’s Chronology, which is highly regarded and respected, dates this period some 1700 years after the creation.
That of which it is first recorded “and God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good,” Genesis 1:31, is now “corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence,” Genesis 6:11.
It does not take long for sin to destroy God’s handiwork and render it perfectly soiled and ruined! It is to be noted that the Lord says in Genesis 6:11 that “the earth also was corrupt before God.” When the order that God has ordained is ‘marred’, ’spoiled’ and ‘corrupted’ then violence bursts forth. Read more

Letter from Rev. Foster to Editor of Belfast Newsletter


If the small emblem of the Parachute Regiment on the sleeves of a few band members is deemed extremely offensive to nationalists, worthy of the heavy-handed intervention of the police and the whimpering overtures of some loyalist leaders in an attempt to placate nationalist complainers, just what does the constant parading of convicted IRA murderers glorying in their terrorist deeds, on our television news broadcasts amount to in the eyes and ears of Ulster’s loyalist community??

The bias of our news media, especially the BBC and the open sympathy of the Civil Service for all things anti-British have pervaded increasingly the atmosphere of Ulster with virtually no response from our Unionist leadership, certainly not the response that this iniquitous campaign demands!

Then what can we expect from a Unionism that has settled for power-sharing with terrorists and adopted the perverted principles of the sodomite community?

God save Ulster from Popery and Perversion!!

Rev Ivan Foster (Retired Free Presbyterian Minister) 

Guidance for the last days!

A message preached by Rev Ivan Foster on Jeremiah chapter 38 in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church at the 44th Annual Day of Prayer, August 18th, 2019.

It is 45 years ago on August 17th, 1974, that the hall here was opened for the proclamation of the Gospel. It had been built by the men and indeed, the womenfolk, who formed the beginnings of the witness here. The following year, there began the custom of holding this season of prayer both as a time of thanksgiving and also of intercession for loved ones and the land!
Times have changed over the 45 years, though we are seeing the increasing apostasy that has now almost totally engulfed the United Kingdom.
In the midst of such departure and defiance of God, we look for a word from the Lord. Read moreor use the player below:

Articles from the Protestant Revival website

Rev John Dickinson: Presbyterian Church should say sorry for barring full membership to sodomites

A sop to sodomy – Church of Ireland minister ‘apologises’ to ungodly LGBT movement at ‘Pride’

Methodist Church votes 5 to 1 in favour of sodomite ‘marriage’

The Ulster Protestant and the Williamite wars in Ireland

Back in 1990, I published a series of messages I had preached in Carrickfergus Free Presbyterian Church. I believe it would be profitable to reprint these messages.

There is an ominous parallel in the ‘de-protestantising’ of Ireland under James II with that which has been happening in Ulster over the last 30 years. Romanists and republicans have come to prominence, through British Government duplicity and also compromising and self-serving so-called Protestants! Evidence of this may be seen in the Civil Service, where recently a senior civil servant was paid a large amount of money as compensation for the distress he has suffered having to walk under a portrait of the Queen! Read more

Helter-skelter in Norwich Cathedral

When I read the following article on the BBC News site this morning, I could not but think that a “Helter-Skelter” within a modern anti-Bible church building is a wonderfully apt illustration of the religion propagated there!!

Norwich Cathedral: Helter-skelter offers new experience

A full-size helter-skelter has been constructed inside a cathedral to give visitors a unique view of the building.

The 16.7m (55ft) vintage fairground ride took four people two days to build in the nave of Norwich Cathedral.

For the first time it allows people to stand close to its medieval roof bosses, believed to be the largest display of their kind in the world.

The Very Reverend Jane Hedges, Dean of Norwich Cathedral, said the installation was “certainly not a gimmick”.

It will be at the cathedral until 18 August.

The term “Helter-Skelter” is often used to describe ‘confusion’. Such indeed is the state of religion in the world today! It is as Jeremiah said of his land some 2600 years ago. Read more

The Church-Corrupting, Money-Grubbing Getty Music Machine

Click here to listen to two messages preached by Pastor Ralph Ovadal dealing with important matters that have profoundly impacted the music and worship of the modern church.

Reading the time on the face of God’s clock! – Part 1: Rebellion against God

As we may look abroad and see the evidences of the passage of the weeks and months of the year in the realm of nature, in the evidence of the physical decline of the human body, not to mention the movement of the hands on our clocks and watches, even so may we look around and note the indications of the passage of time in the lifespan of this world as it is revealed to us in the Bible.

Christian, the Bible is a map by which we find our way to heaven but more than that, it also marks the present position of mankind on the way to the end of the purpose God has for this earth!

Satellite Navigation is not new! Just as I can insert a destination into my Sat Nav and then watch my progress upon its screen as I journey toward my destination, even so I can observe exactly the present position of humanity on its journey toward eternity!

In keeping with my title, the Bible will tell us of the passage of time and the approach of the final hour for this world.

There are given to us in the Bible certain features that will mark the end of this age. These features may be seen in times past, but never to the degree of union and fusion as they will be seen in the last days! Read more

Claudy IRA attack anniversary: Catholic Church, PSNI and NIO silence over ‘new’ files

One of the Claudy bombing families says it is “disappointing but not unexpected” that the Catholic Church, PSNI and Northern Ireland Office have declined to say why they are withholding some 20 boxes of evidence in relation to the atrocity.

The IRA murdered nine civilians with three car bombs in the village just outside Londonderry on July 31, 1972. In 2010 the Police Ombudsman made explosive headlines when it revealed correspondence showing that the RUC, Northern Ireland Office (NIO) and the Catholic Church covered-up the suspected role of South Derry IRA commander and Catholic priest, Fr James Chesney, in the atrocity.

James Miller, whose grandfather David was murdered in the attack, was one of those who attended a simple remembrance ceremony at the village memorial on Wednesday.

“It was really a poignant and sombre event but at the same time it was good to come together with the other families again,” he said. Read more

Belfast defamed!!

How grieving to the true Christian are the God-defying and odious antics taking place in and around the city hall of Northern Ireland’s capital today as the streets will be desecrated by the blatant displays of immorality and depravity is the “Sodomite Pride Parade”!

Sinn Fein, which has championed murder and terrorism as a means of obtaining political power, is now promoting the life-style hated of God, sodomy, and declaring their identity with it and their pride in it! Read more


“Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad,” Isaiah 51:7.

The word ‘mad’ at the end of our text refers to a ‘boastful foolishness’. It is akin to the workings of alcohol on the mind of the drunkard. As the old saying goes: “When the drink is in, the wit is out!”

There is an intoxication sweeping over the world today and manifesting itself in the acceptance of and engaging in that which in former times was considered utterly shameful and obnoxious.

I am referring to the evil plague of ‘sodomy’ and its allied wickednesses. Read more

June 2019

Audio sermons

KICS assembly talks. Current series: “The Parables”

Sunday services

What is sin? June 2nd, 2019. Preacher: Rev. I. Foster, Tyndale Memorial FPC. 

Converted at the cross June 2nd, 2019. Preacher: Rev. I. Foster, Tyndale Memorial FPC.

Featured series on the Book of Ruth: Truth for Today

Part 21- A humble response to God's grace Part 22- The unfolding of God's purpose for Ruth Part 23- Ruth's respect for Naomi Part 24- Ruth's realization of God's providence Part 25- The call to rest Part 26- Preparing to approach Boaz Part 27- Ruth's obedience in approaching Boaz
(See all the messages in the series here)

All audio sermons can be seen here.


Christ denying Non-Subscribing Presbyterian takes over Church of Ireland Gazette

An article from the Protestant Revival website. Read more

Methodist Church report claims God is calling them to hold ‘gay marriages’ 

An article from the Protestant Revival website. Read more

The man in white – a whited sepulchre

In recent times in the USA, there was evidenced a trend amongst some Christians who argued that for a professing Christian to have abiding “same sex attractions” was not wrong in itself and did not warrant a rejection of their profession. They equated such indwelling “attractions” with temptations which befall every Christian.

That view is presently being advanced here in Northern Ireland by one who has unashamedly acknowledged his sodomite disposition and is seeking to have himself accepted as a true Christian in the Biblical sense! 

This is but another attempt by the enemy of righteousness, the devil, to corrupt the truth of God and deceive God’s people into accepting sin as holiness.

It is that spoken of by Isaiah. “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20. 
There is the ‘woe’ of God attending upon such wicked deceptions. Isaiah’s words may very well be applied to the Scribes and Pharisees in Christ’s time, who preferred the evil traditions of their elders, both to the law of God, that is holy, just, and good, and to the Gospel, the good word of God, preached by John the Baptist, Christ and his apostles. 

They may also be applied to the words of the man I denounce in this article. Read more

40th Anniversary of Kilskeery Independent Christian School

It was a most pleasant time in Kilskeery FPC last night as we recalled 40 years of faithful teachers ministering the gospel to boys and girls and setting before them the glorious natural laws and truths of God’s creation!

We had, in attendance, faithful supporters, parents, teachers, past and present and also pupils, past and present. There were some of each category who had been there on the very first day of the school. Indeed, some of the very first pupils now hold positions in the school and daily see their own children sit where they used to sit.

Some of us rejoice to see grandchildren attending the school, aye, and the first of a third generation, great grandchildren, now attends!

It was indeed a night of rejoicing.

Rev. Jonathan Creane, minister in charge of Kilskeery, led the meeting. The school children sang. Revs. David Priestley and Larry Power respectively opened and closed the meeting in prayer. 

We had distinguished visitors such as Rev. John Armstrong, Deputy Moderator of the presbytery who brought greetings to the gathering and also Rev. Brian McClung, who is Chairman of the Presbytery Education Board. He too brought greetings on behalf of all the other Christian schools. Read more and listen to Rev. Foster's message...

An attempt to ruffle some feathers and hopefully bring about a swan song.

A response to a speech by Ulster Unionist Party Leader, Robin Swann MLA at the Pink News summer reception, Parliament Buildings, 20 June 2019.

The term ‘Swan Song’ comes from the fabled song that a dying swan sings! It is commonly used of that act that ends a career. I am hoping that this speech by the Ulster Unionist Party leader, Robin Swann, will demonstrate that he is warbling his last political melody!

I was sent a copy of his speech a matter of minutes ago. It is a speech that utterly contradicts everything that traditional and historic Unionism has stood for!

I am going to quote just part of this abominable diatribe from a man who may rightly be termed detestable because of the views he espouses and publicly enunciates!

The full speech may be read here should anyone doubt the accuracy of my quotations. Read more

Popery in the raw!!!

“And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: for true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand. And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever,” Revelation 19:1-3.

There is almost universal agreement amongst lovers of the Word of God, those who seek to walk in its light, that “the great whore” whose damnation is referred to in these verses, is manifested today by the “Church of Rome”. Doubtless, there is yet a development of this evil amalgam into its latter-day fulness but unquestioningly, Romanism is here referred to. Read more

A further reply to a sodomite

Another letter from Colin Nevin appeared in the Belfast Newsletter of June 11th. Rev. Foster submitted the following reply, outlining the view God holds of the practices Mr. Nevin advocates.


Mr Nevin is exceedingly expert in producing obscurity!

If I am not mistaken, he is now telling us that the word translated ‘men’ in Genesis 19:4 is correctly translated in the Authorised Version though he did say in an earlier letter it should be ‘people’!!

It is difficult, if not nigh on impossible to hold a sensible, never mind profitable, exchange with someone who changes horses mid-stream!

The real core of Mr Nevin’s letter-writing objective is to blind everyone to that which he has blinded himself – namely, that sodomy is abominable thing, hated of God. Read more

Protest at annual pilgrimage to shrine of Mary in Walsingham

This video shows something of a protest at the annual idolatrous honouring of “Mary” in Walsingham, Norfolk, England. Rev Daniel Henderson of Moneyslane FPC is heard preaching the gospel to the foolish popish pilgrims. The protest is organised annually by English Protestant friends of the gospel to protest against the awful idolatry of the event. We salute their faithfulness in a day of declining readiness to stand up for the Lord Jesus.’

How was it David knew instinctively what had to be done when he encountered Goliath???

I have just written this little article as a result of a brief email exchange with one of our younger ministers.

I would like to think it will prompt prayer, amongst Free Presbyterians in particular, for the rising generation of ministers who face the task of fighting with the Goliaths of today.
Let me encourage you to share this article with friends. Read more

Statement by the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster and response from Rev. Ivan Foster

Reaffirmation of this Presbytery’s position on marriage in the light of the increasing abandonment of Biblical teaching on the matter

As apostasy from God and His Word deepens in our nation, all kinds of immorality abound throughout society. The consequence of every aspect of this increasing immorality is that God’s institution of marriage is constantly treated with scorn as a sinful people give vent to their corrupt lusts. Sadly, in a relatively short period of time, there has been an alarming abandonment of the teaching of Scripture on marriage as ordained by God. Read more

“Restating my case on Sodom’s sins”.

This was the title of a letter that appeared in the ‘Belfast Newsletter’ of May 31st from one, ‘Colin Nevin’, in response to Rev. Foster’s response to his previous letter. Read it here.

Rev. Foster has responded again. 

I wish to reply to the rather garbled response of Mr Colin Nevin which appears in yesterday’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’.

The reference in my last letter to the codicil referring to Mr Nevin’s knowledge of Hebrew, was an innocent assumption that the information came from him. I was unaware that the Editor knew him well enough to give the Newsletter readership such a titbit of information!
Mr Nevin’s point about the meaning of the Hebrew word used in Genesis 19 depends upon HIS translation of the Hebrew. It is not how conservative Protestant Hebrew scholars translate the word!!

The Hebrew of the Authorised Version renders Genesis 19:4 as “The men (‘enowsh en–oshe’) of the city, even the men (‘enowsh en–oshe’) of Sodom. . . .” The word (‘enowsh en–oshe’) carries the meaning of ‘man, mortal man, person, mankind’ and is translated ‘man’ some 520 times in the Old Testament!

Mr Nevin would contend that the word translated as “men” is actually “people.” He is wrong! Read more

The Christian, Ecumenism and the Bible

(An article written by Rev Ivan Foster in the late 1980s while he was minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church. Its message is valid still despite the passage of time!!)

The word Ecumenism is derived from a Greek word, EIKOUMENE, which means ‘the inhabited earth’.

We find this word in the following verses. “And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed,” Luke 2:1. “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken,” Luke 21:26.

The word Ecumenism is used today to designate that movement, the aim and objective of which is a united world-wide religious body, ever enlarging to include many religions and not merely those that profess allegiance to Jesus Christ.

Since 1910, when the modern church unity movement began to take its present form, the goal of the movement has become increasingly clear. For the ecumenist it is ONE UNITED CHURCH. The Bible makes plain, however, that the final destiny of the unity movement is the HARLOT CHURCH of Revelation 17. None of those involved with the efforts toward unity is acquainted with the final destination. Christ’s comments on the religious leaders of His day are applicable to today’s ecumenical leaders. “If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch,” Matthew 15:14. The spiritually sightless pilgrims had not planned to end up in the ditch but they did! Paul referred to the religious developments of these last days in II Timothy 3:13. “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” The false prophets are blind to the error into which they lead the gullible. No doubt, they are aware that it is incumbent upon them to depart from the doctrines formerly taught in their respective churches in order to be actively involved in the ecumenical movement. But I do not believe they can have any conception of the final error to which they are travelling. Read more


News review for week ending Friday 10th May 2019

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron, 1 Timothy 4:1-2.

(FP) Church ministers’ dismay in protest over Belfast’s Sunday marathon

Many Christians are getting behind Belfast Marathon Sunday switch

We have to put “ ” around the word Christians for those who openly promote the desecration of the Lord’s Day forfeit the right to use that name!!!

Belfast Marathon: Organisers apologise after course is 0.3 miles too long

That is the second mistake by these organisers of Sabbath desecration!!!

First openly-gay DUP candidate elected

Dissident republican politician Gary Donnelly tops poll in area where journalist Lyra McKee was murdered

This is the reality of the support for murder found in Roman Catholic areas!!!

Once dominant party in Belfast reduced to just two seats

Not a cause for gloating by the DUP but cause to heed the warning!! They have stepped onto the same treacherous path!!!!

IAIN DUNCAN SMITH  issues Tory ULTIMATUM over doomed Brexit strategy – Either May goes or WE MAKE HER

Irexit SHOCK: How Ireland could follow Britain and be NEXT to quit the EU after Brexit

Hamas fires over 200 rockets from Gaza; 4 Israelis wounded, 1 seriously

Gaza conflict: Rocket barrage and Israeli strikes intensify

John McDonnell: No trust left in PM over Brexit talks

Go to the back of the queue!!!!

’I’m ashamed of the Presbyterian Church… we have adopted a model of clerical control, while professing ourselves democratic, we’ve veered into an overly simplistic evangelicalism that doesn’t resonate with ordinary people’

If you care to read it, it is a  conversations between two buffoons. A visit to the zoo would be more profitable!!!

Nature crisis: Humans ‘threaten 1m species with extinction’

The authors of this crisis cannot rectify it. What is being heard is what Paul speaks of in Romans 8:21-23. “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.”

DUP ‘offensive’ remarks claim

If these reports are true it highlights the cowardly nature of DUP supporters who are prepared to mutter their disapproval behind their hands but are unwilling to speak openly!!!

UUP anti-Alliance leaflet cost me my seat, says party’s most high-profile Catholic candidate

Of course, there must be some reason! It cannot be that he just failed!

BREXIT SHOCK: Theresa May in SECRET TALKS over second referendum

NI alcohol deaths are ‘tip of the iceberg’

Despite the deaths, miseries and cost to the public purse, this curse is permitted and promoted almost without censure!!!

Government gave Sinn Fein ‘assurance’ it would pass equal marriage legislation for Northern Ireland

What a ‘citadel of treason and treachery’ Westminster is that it should give undertakings of any sort to the instigators of terrorist murder!!!

Jim Rodgers made a ‘scapegoat’ for UUP poor election performance

Robin Swann, leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, is something of a ‘mute’ when it come to the real issues endangering Ulster!!!

Israel Folau found guilty of breaching Rugby Australia’s code of conduct

Another ‘goal’ for the sodomite lobby!!!

RHI Inquiry: Witness contradicts Máirtín Ó Muilleoir evidence

A Sinn Feiner doing what Sinn Feiners do best!!!!

Ballymurphy inquest: Witness C3 ‘saw civilian gunman shot’

DUP man says Ian Paisley will be ‘turning in his grave’ over gay candidate selection

DUP gay candidate row: Dr Paisley must be turning in his grave, says councillor

If that is the reaction Councillor Finlay expects from the late Dr Paisley, ought not he, Councillor Finlay, be doing some turning himself? Like turning off the path of disobedience to God and on to ‘the old paths’ of separation from rebellion and sin??!!
Some of his reported comments are sadly stupid and anti-Bible but then, as the old saying goes, ‘when you lie down with the dogs you rise with the fleas’!

Jim Wells: Concern ‘at all levels of DUP’ over party’s backing for gay councillor

Simon Coveney and Karen Bradley say Stormont talks are ‘positive’ but remain ‘a challenge’

Note whose name comes first in this headline! The DUP are guilty of yet another betrayal be taking part in these ‘Joint Authority’ talks! Nothing good can POSSIBLY come out of them!!!

LGBT event attended by Arlene Foster returns to Stormont for second year

This is now what now marks and embodies the DUP!!!

Brexit news – live: Theresa May’s hopes for breakthrough fade as Tory MPs demand she gives timetable for resignation

(BBC reporter) Laura Kuennsberg warning to May – PM is ‘sucking OXYGEN’ out of Britain -she won’t survive

The stubborn stupidity of Mrs May is unbelievable!!!

Ballymurphy: Former soldier says discipline of Army prevented more deaths

Prince Charles criticised by official sex abuse inquiry over ‘misguided’ relationship with Bishop Ball

Church of England child sex abuse allegations ‘marked by secrecy’

Let all note that this is what happened when sodomites gain dominance!!!

Danny Baker fired by BBC for tweeting royal baby chimpanzee picture

To believe his excuse you would have to accept that he is the stupidest brute wearing shoes!!!!

Pope Francis issues law forcing clergy to report sexual abuse

Being ignorant of the Word of God, they would need such instructions!!!

Sister of IRA man killed by SAS challenges MoD to distance itself from banner ‘mocking’ Loughall deaths

The brazenness of Republicans beggars belief! Her brother, a terrorist, was shot along with fellow-terrorists while attempting to murder members of the security forces. Annually, in many places, supporters of the IRA celebrate the murder of innocent victims by their ‘brave heroes’ shooting from ambush!!!

Personal priority to stop veterans being unfairly prosecuted – Defence Secretary

Michael Conlan: Belfast fighter apologises over pro-IRA song at New York fight

This is not an apology for using a song supporting the IRA. It is just an expression of some regret that he may have annoyed paying customers!!!

MP is right to defend veterans but matters are even worse than he says

Irish school will employ teachers with basic language skills to help plug subject gaps

This highlights the ‘academic’ value of this ‘eccentric’ waste of men!!!