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News stories

December 2011

A report from Romania

by Mr. Florin Motiu, Oradea, Romania.

A repeated falsehood

It has been said that if you repeat a falsehood often enough it will be believed, at least by some. In the realm of politics, I think that oftentimes the repetition of a falsehood denotes more the state of delusion of the author of the falsehood as much as a desire to have others join them in that delusion! In the aftermath of the striking of the power-sharing deal between the DUP and Sinn Fein/IRA back in 2007, some of the defenders of the DUP betrayal, who professed faith in Christ, sought to justify the actions of their party from the Scriptures. They cited the case of Joseph and Daniel and foolishly, indeed, most improperly, sought to parallel their deal with the murderers of the Sinn Fein/IRA with these two men of God…Read more

The things which will announce, accompany and follow after the return of Christ

Previously published:

  • Part one: Why we should watch for Christ’s return.
  • Part two: What the Christian waiting for Christ’s return should look out for.
  • Part three: Why the Saviour warned of deception in the last days.
  • Part four: Events in Israel which will herald the return of Christ. 
  • Part five: Signs in the heavens.

Part six: The rising again of the city of Babylon.

We here in the United Kingdom have had many a very clear indication of the economic dictatorship that the Bible tells us will arise in this region of the world, over which the Roman Empire once held sway. I am referring to the diktats that have emanated from the bureaucrats of the European Union. They have poked their nose into every area of life within the UK from what we may put in our sausages to how we gauge weights and measurements! Successive weak and subservient Westminster governments have meekly acquiesced in the EU’s demands time and time again. Read more


News stories

Why Irish soldiers who fought Hitler hide their medals

IRA leaders including Martin McGuinness rejected offer to end hunger strikes before final six deaths

IRA leaders outside Maze ‘controlled hunger strike’

KJV’s Greek text ‘doesn’t need updated’ – still the best after 400 years

Hundreds more Church of England members defect to Rome

Priests brawl in Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity – “No one was arrested because all those involved were men of God.” REALLY!!

Crime gangs are ‘top threat’ to Irish State

Most Tories want UK to pull out of Europe

£5 phone credit for jail protesters – “a ridiculous culture of pandering to troublemakers” says Lord Morrow (but Maurice, is that not what power-sharing is all about????)

Claims of Provo infiltration of police are supported

Are the victims of Enniskillen (Poppy Day Massacre) any nearer the truth?

Half of all top IRA men ‘worked for security services’

First Ministers’ office ran up £16m staff bill

Dominic McGlinchey son ‘was Massereene getaway driver’

US judge asks college for IRA-linked files

Adams rejected chance of early end to hunger strike

Editor’s Viewpoint: Dr Paisley and his mysterious ways

Judge orders Boston College to hand over IRA secret tapes

Speak up for Christianity, Cameron tells Archbishop: PM calls on the Church to defend ‘values and moral code’ of the Bible (Does that include the Law of God on sodomy, Mr. Camerson????)

Institutional Dutch Catholic abuse ‘affected thousands’

Cameron won’t be left out in the cold for long – (How present isolation will give way to greater integration!!)

Double agent tells tribunal he heard detective got rid of vital information after bomb attack which killed 18 British soldiers

Kevin Fulton ‘knew RUC officers who passed information to IRA’

Just Why do Sinn Fein Want to Protect the “Dissidents?”

Nephew of Martin McGuinness shot in leg in Londonderry

Tribunal told it was ‘known’ that garda aided IRA

Garda collusion ‘hindered RUC investigations’

Families ‘to meet PM on Kingsmills’ Massacre

Sinn Fein Lord Mayor will host reception in recognition of bus drivers during the Troubles – 40 years after his father was convicted of hijacking one of their vehicles at gunpoint

Hunt for drunk on the run who escaped in Irish police car

Unionist outrage at Sinn Fein Queen ‘insult’

British army defuses bomb close to PSNI station in Keady

Cost of Irish translation rises

Union Jack days numbered at City Hall?

Families vow to hunt down IRA killers in the Republic

Provo bosses let hunger-strikers die – they know who they are and so do I

Carson’s Home Rule opposition began in Enniskillen

Jeffrey Donaldson testifying at Smithwick Tribunal

Irish government-funded factory ‘may have made IRA bomb parts’

Republican ‘confessed to 1930s RUC murder’

Smithwick Tribunal told Army officers phone was tapped

Jim Allister attends Smithwick Tribunal

‘SF/IRA and Irish nationalism are engaged in a constant attack on the fabric of the Union, snipping it apart thread by thread’ – William Ross

Fury over ‘glorification of IRA’ at youth event (An example of the strategy highlighted in the item above)

SF ‘will present awards to Army cadets in future’

Martin McGuinness: Lord Mayor’s Army cadet snub was wrong

Senior policeman’s tip-off to SDLP MP resulted in IRA warned to get out of Derry on eve of Operation Motorman, inquest told

New cold case report concludes eight-man IRA gang opened fire first and SAS team that killed them had a right to shoot back

Enniskillen bomb aimed at civilians, report finds

Smithwick Tribunal to examine bomb attack that killed 18 soldiers

Australia’s governing Labor party backs gay marriage

Muslim ‘Honour’ attack numbers revealed by UK police forces

Captain Terence O’Neill made much the same pitch to Catholics as Peter Robinson is doing now – or Robbo is Terence O’Neill without the lisp!!

Police wants to know why Roman Catholic church did not report a number of allegations of child abuse by priests

Lord Mayor Niall O Donnghaile apologise for ‘offence caused’

Lord Mayor faces ‘summons’ over cadet snub

IRA victim’s daughter Manya Dickinson confronts IRA bomber – he just laughed in her face!

When mask slips we can see DUP has not changed

Report says 40 priests in diocese of Down and Connor accused of abuse

85 priests were accused of abuse – Catholic Church reviews

Gay men with HIV in Northern Ireland hits a record high