Following the distribution of my article — “Free Presbyterian ministers are to help raise funds for an ecumenical organisation, engaged in fellowshipping with and aiding the outreaches of ecumenical denominations”, some have requested evidence of the ecumenical involvement of this organisation.
I must say, that when I received the requests I thought of the saying I heard of old in Belfast when a man responded to a questioning of that which he considered to be very obvious. His response was: ‘Is the Pope a Mickey?’
To ask if Logos Ministries International is ecumenical is the equivalent of asking ‘Is the Pope a Mickey?’!!
A little research will show that LMI cares nothing for the purity of a Christian testimony, the honour of the Saviour, divinely inspired truth or obedience to God’s Word. NO, just the pursuit of a money-raising enterprise which is of their own invention!
‘Logos Ministries International’ has long been involved with ecumenism. It is a clear evidence of the silence of our pulpits regarding the duty of warning people of such dangers, that I have to establish for many the errors of this organisation.
Here are some links to articles that will demonstrate the ecumenical links, local and overseas, of ‘Logos Ministries International’.
Thomas McClean and Alan Dourish enjoyed an excellent morning with the congregations at Corrick Presbyterian Church and Badoney Presbyterian Church yesterday, as they shared about the work of LMI and brought a missional challenge from God’s Word
Sincere and heartfelt congratulations from everyone at LMI go to our Overseas Ministry Partner in South Sudan, James Baak, after his recent elevation to the position of Rt. Rev’d James Baak Nhial, Suffragan Bishop of Lietnhom Area Diocese!
Last Sunday morning, LMI’s Communications Manager, Alan Dourish, was back in his home village of Florencecourt in County Fermanagh, where he spoke at two church services in Druminiskill and St John’s
It will very much be a case of ‘turning back the clock’ for our Co-Founder and Mission Director Thomas McClean this Sunday evening, when he travels to be with our friends at Carryduff Presbyterian Church
Anyone seeking further proof of the corruptions within LMI may search the internet for themselves. Facebook in particular will shows the LMI to have many links with the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, the Church of Ireland and the Methodist Church in Ireland, all of which have been long time supporters of Ecumenism and are riddled with support for unbiblical doctrines and immoral behaviour. LMI is also with Charismatic groups.
LMI is even ‘thrilled’ to have links with Roman Catholic organisations as the following link shows.
We are thrilled to have Ron Huntley from Divine Renovation Ministry with us on Monday 21st October. Ron will be with us all the way from Nova Scotia, Canada to share his experience at Divine Renovation, a Catholic Ministry with a heart for developing missional parishes. This is an afternoon for those in church leadership, especially within a Catholic context.
LMI have made no secret of their links with compromised and ecumenical denominations and groups! Their Facebook publications glory in these links!
Rev Ian Foster (Rtd)
8th August 2024