Read Matthew 13:10-17.
As we start a new school year it is appropriate that we begin a new study. The difficulty for me in choosing a subject is that there are so many subjects in the Bible worthy of our close attention.
However, I have settled on the topic of the parables of the Lord Jesus.
Let us start by asking the question: 1. WHAT IS A PARABLE?
As a youngster I was taught that a parable is “an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.” I don’t think any can fault this explanation. The parables of the Lord Jesus set forth heavenly truths using earthly illustrations. The story of the lost sheep shows this to be so.
The Saviour tells us that parables served a two-fold purpose, Matt 13:10-17.
Parables are meant to HIDE the truth from those who will not hear the Word of God but reject it, verses 13-15.
But it is meant to ILLUSTRATE the truth to those who willingly hear God’s Word, verses 16-17.
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