There is something grossly wrong when a publicly funded organisation, the main function and responsibility of which is to provide impartial public service broadcasting in the UK and the world, takes upon itself the role of the ‘standard-bearer’ for that ubiquitous movement, promoting the perverted activities of that commonly, called the ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender’— a tiny section of society.
I am referring to “The British Broadcasting Corporation”.
One of the articles on BBC Northern Ireland’s website illustrates its taking up this self-appointed role.
The headlines read: ‘Blood on the Dancefloor: The gay police officer murder which shocked NI’.
The article is all the more offensive in that it uses the immoral activities of a policeman murdered in a’ sodomite establishment’ back in 1997.
The murder was carried out by Irish Republicans. To take the man’s life was wrong and it is to be condemned.
But also to be condemned is this specious and feignedly ‘compassionate’ decrying of the crime.
The tears are ‘crocodile’ and the motive is utterly ulterior. Under the guise of sorrowing at the murder is the promotion of the abominable wickedness of sodomy and its allied perversions.
It is wrong that the BBC should engage in this and surely is contrary to the role it is funded to perform. The BBC ought not to be a platform for the cursed wretchedness of a re-emergence of that shame which damned Sodom and Gomorrah!
The citizen is utterly powerless to do anything about such abuse of the BBC’s role and it would appear that few in the realm of the governance of the State, appear in the least interested in using their power to do something!
Perhaps that is because they depend upon the BBC for a promoting of their interests amongst the electorate. There will therefore be no ‘biting of the hand’ that holds a microphone up for their efforts in self-promotion!