This is an article by Rev Miloš Šolc of the Free Presbyterian Church in the Czech Republic.
Rev Šolc has been a long time opponent of the evils of “Contemporary Christian Music”. He is a member of the Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of North America.
In this article he expresses his utter opposition to what the North American Presbytery has decided with regards Rev David DiCanio’s protest against ‘CCM’!
He along with Rev Stephen Hamilton and Rev Andy Foster opposed its decision to depose Rev DiCanio for his protest against ‘CCM’.
His article is a most welcome testimony to the very wrong decision of the NAFPC.
Rev Ivan Foster
I take this opportunity to publicly react to the statement released by the Executive Committee of the FPCNA, informing the churches of the deposition of the Rev DiCanio. After the release of an article by the Rev I Foster under the heading The Free Presbyterian Church at a decisive crossroad, I called the Rev Foster to express my regret that he did not include my name along with the Revs A Foster and S Hamilton, as the third minister who from the outset strongly opposed the proceedings of the FPCNA Presbytery against the Rev D DiCanio.
My words to the Presbytery from the very beginning of the proceedings expressed my grief over where we find ourselves as a denomination. I stated that if we truly understood the gravity of the issue of Contemporary Christian Music that has permeated many of the Free Presbyterian churches in Ulster and most of the young generation, we would be in sackcloth and ashes, praying and fasting, and weeping over how we have fallen; certainly not dissecting the ‘methodology’ of the messenger. We would deal with the grievous message – sin in our midst, and not the messenger. We would understand the issue at hand.
As stated by the Rev I Foster in the above mentioned article, Dr Paisley was often criticised for his ‘methodology’ (as was my grandfather the Rev M Šolc Sr, a mighty servant of the Lord in this land, the Czech Republic; and as I have been). But interestingly enough, the one unifying feature of these critics is that they have no perfect method of their own to offer, since they don’t actually do anything, just as is the case here with the issue of Contemporary Christian Music in our Free Presbyterian churches in Ulster, hence the spread of this carnal, sinful music. And now, when a minister exposes this sin, we condemn him instead. You couldn’t make this up. By doing so, we have accelerated and encouraged the sin, and everything that it brings.
In no way whatsoever do I delight in dealing with this matter, nor do I delight in controversy. Nor do I have any other agenda. I believe that for all those who have stood against these proceedings, it has been a great grief and burden – for me, very personally. My separation from my family church and Baptist denomination for four generations–both my father and grandfather being leading ministers, and I an elder–was on the very issue of Contemporary Christian Music and compromised associations. Here is a very pertinent excerpt from my March 2, 2002, resignation letter:
This is not a rash decision, but something that has been a process for the last number of years. It was just this past Friday that our young people attended a youth rally at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre called Missionfest 2002. There we heard a ‘Christian’ rock band entertain hundreds of youth…If that is what we have to offer to young people who are seeking the Lord or who are trying to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18), we have NOTHING at all! It is secular, it is carnal, it is of the lusts of the flesh, it is irreverent and unholy – it is blasphemous! The Word of God says to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 29:2), and what I witnessed at the above event…to that the Lord could only say as He said by the prophet Amos: “Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs” (Amos 5:23). There is little surprise that our young people are so spiritually weak and unstable, when this is what they are fed. We have all failed in guiding them in purity and truth.
How true these words ring today in the situation we find ourselves in, in the Free Presbyterian Church, some 23 years later! Who would have believed it?
If I have taken a hard stand at a great cost, against my own father, family, former church and denomination, other New Evangelical ministries, on this very matter of Contemporary Christian Music, how could I tolerate or excuse the same sin in my own denomination. What sort of a witness would that be? What sort of a witness would that be to my own wife, sons, and daughter? What sort of a witness would that be to the church here in the Czech Republic to which the Lord sent me to be a watchman to give them warning from Him (Ezekiel 3:17) and to lead them in the faith of the “old paths” (Jeremiah 6:16)? What sort of a witness would that be to those that I admonished for this sin? In this context, it really is a very straightforward matter. Tolerating or excusing this sin would be a betrayal of my calling. It would be the end of this separated ministry. It would be the end of the Lord working in our midst. It would be shameful hypocrisy. A double standard. A respecting of persons. A falsehood. Unrighteousness. “The time is come that judgement must begin at the house of God” (1 Peter 4:17). “How are the mighty fallen” (2 Samuel 1:27).
I wholeheartedly, before God, agree with the response to the FPCNA Presbytery statement on the deposition of the Rev D DiCanio of the Rev A Foster, as published in the aforementioned article by the Rev I Foster. It is an accurate, careful, and biblical summation of these shameful proceedings against the Rev DiCanio, highlighting two key issues: one, the biblical duty of a preacher to publicly expose public sin; and two, the sinfulness of Contemporary Worship Music – an outflow of Contemporary Christian Music. Indeed, the Presbytery of the FPCNA has acted very shamefully, foolishly, wrongfully, and cowardly in this matter, and I fundamentally and completely reject its ratification of the guilty verdicts of both Judicial Commissions and its deposition of a faithful minister of the Gospel. This must come as no surprise to the Presbytery, as the Presbytery itself is my witness, as well as the documentation of the proceedings, that I most firmly opposed it in this matter from the very beginning, both in word and deed. Here I stand, I can do no other. God help me.
Before God, the only Righteous Judge of all things,
In Christ our Lord,
Rev Miloš Šolc
Free Presbyterian Church in the Czech Republic