September 2019

Audio sermons

KICS assembly talks. We have started a new series: “Bright and shining lights in the Bible”
  • Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
  • See all the talks in this series here.
  • Download a zip file of all the recent studies in the Parables here.
  • See all the KICS assembly talks listed here.

Featured series on the Book of Ruth: Truth for Today

Part 35- Ruth a picture of God's grace to the sinner Part 36- Prophetic lessons from the book of Ruth
(See all the messages in the series here)

Man's rebellion against God, Psalm 2:1-3. Preacher: Rev. Ivan Foster, Tyndale FPC Sept 8th 2019.
God's response to man's rebellion, Psalm 2:4-6. Preacher: Rev. Ivan Foster, Tyndale FPC Sept 8th 2019.
All audio sermons can be seen here.


Free Presbyterian minister suggests all Troubles victims should be assessed anonymously and compassionately…….Free Presbyterian moderator responds

A prominent Free Presbyterian minister has suggested all victims of the Troubles – including perpetrators – should be assessed anonymously in terms of compensation.

Rev David McIlveen told BBC’s Sunday Sequence programme: “If someone is in need I believe they should be considered in a compassionate way.”

…The moderator of the Free Presbyterian Church has criticised remarks made by a prominent minister who suggested all victims of the Troubles – including perpetrators – should be assessed anonymously in terms of compensation…moderator Rev Gordon Dane, minister in Crossgar, said Rev McIlveen “does not speak for the church on these matters nor is he as spokesman for the church on any matter”. Read more

Green Pastures Church and donations to it from ‘Wrightbus’, now in administration!

A former Wrightbus employee says ex-colleagues are planning to picket the church associated with the business in protest at how they feel they have been treated. (Belfast Newsletter, 27th September, 2019)

See also the following article on the Protestant Revival website

Green Pastures church welcomes in Bethel heretic ‘prophet’ Havilah Cunnington. This article shows the false doctrines with which this church is associated. Endorsement of such heresy cannot bring down God’s blessing on any associated with such endorsements! 

Patrick Ryan IRA confession: Vatican and church under fire for response to ex-priest’s role in IRA

The Vatican representative in Ireland and church representatives at other levels have been criticised for failing to offer any condemnation on the activities of IRA bomber and former priest Patrick Ryan.

BBC Spotlight this week broadcast an interview with Mr Ryan during which he confessed to working for the IRA while a parish priest in Ireland – and being involved in a string of high-profile bomb attacks in England.

He reportedly left the in 1973 to work full time for the IRA. Read more

IRA Brighton bomb: Patrick Ryan admits link to 1984 attack

The following article was mounted on the BBC/Northern Ireland website on September 24th, 2019.

It is well worth a read, remembering the protection given this man by the Dublin and Vatican authorities!!!! He is called a ‘former priest’ in this article but he was never ‘defrocked’ or removed from the priesthood. He just rsigned from his monkish order rather than take a posting in England where he would have been arrested!!

For more information on Ryan see this Wikipedia article.

This is the Roman Catholic Church into which the ecumenical churches would lead the blinded Protestant people of Ulster!!!

Link to BBC news story
Link to Newsletter report

A baby born in wicked day!

Our Foster family circle has been enlarged of late! We had wee Phebe, a first great granddaughter who arrived on April 13th, born to Lynn and Ivan Jr. and joining her little brothers, Isaac and Joel. Then on September 19th, little Katie Ann was born to Debbie and Stephen, bringing their precious ‘brood’ to five. Katie is our latest grandchild, number 21!

We are thankful to the Lord for such blessings as these little ones. “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD,” Psalm 127:3.

These arrivals reminded me of the anxious and concerned response of my mother when in the 60s and 70s and 80s, we informed her of the prospect of a new arrival in our family. “Oh,” she would lament. “Such an evil world for a little one to be born into!”

Of course back then there was the ongoing daily threat of terrorism in the streets and lanes of Ulster as well as the growing apostasy in the religious realm. Great-Great-Granny Foster (as she would be now) had reasons to be concerned. What would she not think of the world now into which children are born with its ever-accelerating plunge into wickedness, almost unknown some 50 years ago? Read more

Eilis O’Hanlon: Either Gerry Adams was in the IRA or he wasn’t … it shouldn’t be reduced to a question of tribal loyalty

By Eilis O’Hanlon, September 19th, 2019 published in the Belfast Telegraph

According to the news, Linda Dillon is Sinn Fein’s “legacy spokesperson”. We’re just going to have to take the party’s word for it. Most people probably couldn’t pick the Coalisland woman out of a line-up of one, so low is her profile; and perhaps she can’t be blamed for that.

Dillon has only been MLA for Mid Ulster since the May 2016 election and Stormont hasn’t been sitting for most of that time. It can’t have helped her become a household name in Northern Ireland. Read more….

DUP MP supporting local pubs campaign

(Belfast Newsletter, 10th September 2019)

The chancellor should consider cutting beer tax to help boost pubs which are “at the heart of communities,” in constituencies such as Strangford, the DUP’s Jim Shannon has said.

Mr Shannon said he backs the UK-wide ‘Long Live the Local’ campaign as the brewing industry and pubs support 651 jobs, as well as contributing £14.8 million each year, to the economy of the area…..

Having just read this article with sadness of heart at this latest evidence of the spirit of backsliding and worldliness, rampant in the professing Christian Church here in Ulster, I wish to share it with you and underscore how a professing Christian in the DUP has further abandoned the teaching of the Word of God!

He is DUP MP for Strangford, Jim Shannon. Read more

Touch not the unclean thing.

Question: “May Christians who are affiliated to an organisation which endorses the wickedness of sodomy exonerate themselves by claiming that they are opposed to that organisation’s endorsement of sodomy?”

Answer: “ . . . touch not the unclean thing,” 2 Corinthians 6:17.

To one who was engaged in the 1960s and 1970s in a battle with evangelicals within the Presbyterian, Church of Ireland and Methodist denominations here in Ulster on this very question, only then the organisation under scrutiny was not the Democratic Unionist Party but the World Council of Churches, it is amazing to find myself having to repeat and spell out the old arguments for separation to members of the Free Presbyterian Church!

The case against the DUP is that it has endorsed and embraced wickedness and that of a kind that the WCC in its worst days back some 50 years ago, did not accept. Read more

The Ulster Protestant and the Williamite wars in Ireland

Chapter 5: Enniskillen and the battling rector of Kilskeery

I have to say immediately that the resistance to James II that centred in Enniskillen was by no means mounted by Enniskillen men only. The Inniskilleners (the old name for Enniskillen) were made up of Protestant men from the counties Sligo, Mayo, Leitrim, Roscommon, Cavan, Monaghan, Donegal, West Tyrone and Fermanagh. The Protestant community combined into a disciplined and regimented force which not merely withstood the best of James’ military leaders but repeatedly defeated them most decidedly. The actions of the “Inniskilleners” were sparked off, as was all Protestant resistance, by the actions of Lying Dick Talbot, the Earl of Tyrconnel, James II’s Viceroy in Ireland. Tyrconnel had turned 6,200 Protestants out of the army and had thrust Roman Catholics into positions of public trust, most of whom were totally unfitted for the positions they occupied. The French Ambassador, Avaux, said of Tyrconnel’s actions in Ireland, “…the man who served the King of France as Tyrconnel served James II … would have lost his head…”. Tyrconnel’s bigoted actions raised the ire of the Protestant people and ultimately cost James II his throne. Read more

Reading the time on the face of God’s clock, Pt4. Gross immorality

Immorality was ever a feature of the conduct of mankind. As we have seen in our second study, violence showed itself early in man’s history in the murder of Abel by his brother. “And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him,” Genesis 4:8.

In like fashion, immorality, the abandonment of the holy Law of God and the adopting of the lustful impulses of man’s corrupt and depraved flesh as the rule to live by, was swiftly adopted. 

“And Lamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah,” Genesis 4:19. As John Gill, in his commentary, says: “He was the first we read of that introduced polygamy, contrary to the first institution of marriage, whereby only one man and one woman were to be joined together, and become one flesh, Genesis 2:24. This evil practice, though it began in the race of wicked Cain, was in later ages followed by some among the people of God, which was connived at because of the hardness of their hearts; otherwise it was not so from the beginning.” Read more

The Ulster Protestant and the Williamite wars in Ireland

Chapter 4: The seige of Derry

Great weights may pivot on small points. Great events in history often turn on small and insignificant events. The finding of the Comber Letter in December 1688, addressed to the Earl of Mount-Alexander, in which was contained a warning, from an apparently ill-educated person, of a massacre of Protestants planned for Lord’s Day 9th December, was just such an insignificant event. Whether this letter warned of a genuine plot to slaughter Protestants or whether it was a fraud or whether the actions the letter sparked off forced a cancellation of the massacre will never be known. In the end, there was no general slaughter of Protestants but actions were precipitated which saved Ireland from James II and frustrated his plans to Romanise the United Kingdom. Read more

How do we know that the return of Christ is truly near?

An interesting question was sent to me recently as a result of my correspondent hearing me comment on the nearness of the return of Christ in a sermon, “Guidance for the last days”, which I preached in Kilskeery FPC on August 18th, a recording of which can be heard here. I referred to the signs that we see manifesting themselves all around us.

Here is the question asked.

“Is it not however the case that many down through the ages have held that same view believing their time to be the end of the age (now exposed as being an incorrect reading of world events then)?”

A very good and proper question which I welcome for it makes me gather together my thoughts and muster the reasons why I think as I do!! Read more…

Reading the time on the face of God’s clock, Pt3: Drug taking

As I take up the subject of that which is yet another feature of the last days breaking forth before our eyes, may I commend a sermon preached upon the subject by Rev Andy Foster, minister of Penticton Free Presbyterian Church in Canada. I commend it to all our readers. Click here to listen.

1. The reference to drugs and their widespread use in the last days may be seen in Revelation 9:21 and 18:23.
“Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.”
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”

The word ‘sorceries’ in these two verses is a translation of the Greek word: ‘pharmakeia’. It is also translated as ‘witchcraft’ in Galatians 5:20. There it is listed as one of the works (employment, activities) of the flesh. Read more

Rector to walk in Pride parade

A report in the “Belfast Newsletter” of August 31st, highlights the utter apostasy of the Church of Ireland, the Episcopalian sister organisation of the Church of England. Upon seeing the report I could not refrain from writing this brief  expostulation.

That there should be in the ranks of this so-called Protestant denomination such a reprobate as this cleric, Rev Andrew Rawding, and that he is permitted to utter such wicked slanders and to retain his position and to propagate his blasphemy, is evidence enough of the outright departure from the teaching of the Bible that the Church of Ireland professes to believe and stand for!

He stupidly claims that “the very serious mental health implications including self harm and suicide stem from how the church has mistreated LGBTQI+ people.” 

There is a simple truth set forth in the Bible and endorsed manifestly in nature, which states: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting, Galatians 6:7-8. Read more

Follow up report in Belfast Newsletter.

The Ulster Protestant and the Williamite wars in Ireland, Pt3 – Ulster: The battleground for a Protestant kingdom

Whatever concerns Protestants leaders had for future wellbeing of the nation and the Protestant faith under Charles II, these were greatly heightened under James II. While his brother Charles was still alive, attempts had been made to remove James from the ling’s councils because he was an openly avowed Roman Catholic. In 1678 Charles persuaded his brother to cease attending privy council meetings. He also assured the House of Commons and the House of Lords that he was ready to join with them in all the ways and means that might establish a firm security for the Protestant religion. (Lord’s Journals XIII. 345.) It was at this time that an act was passed requiring an oath of those who sat in the two Houses of Parliament which effectively excluded Romanists from sitting in either house until 1829. Agitation over the succession of James to the throne continued until the death of Charles. Read more…