My attention was providentially drawn to an article which has appeared in today’s ‘Irish Examiner’, a newspaper produced in Cork in the Republic of Ireland.
It is rare for me to endorse what a priest of Rome may say but I do endorse what is recorded in this newspaper as a statement from a priest, one Seán Sheehy.
He said on the Sabbath past in his own mass-house that: “sexual sin was rampant, adding that sex between two men and two women was a sin.”
That statement is most certainly true.
I am sure in his celebrating of the blasphemy of the Mass (Article 31 of the Church of Ireland’s 39 Articles), the priest said many erroneous things. However, the statement of his that we have here quoted in the ‘Irish Examiner’ is absolutely true according to God’s holy Word, the Bible, by which all matters of religion are to be evaluated and judged.
Proof of its accuracy was seen in the display of some who walked out in protest!
However, the response of his bishop, Bishop Ray Browne of Kerry, to the statement of the priest was for him to apologise to the sodomite community attending the Mass and all their associates for what was said.
He denied that such a statement was ‘representative of Christianity’. He went on: “The views expressed do not represent the Christian position. The homily at a regular weekend parish Mass is not appropriate for such issues to be spoken of in such terms.”
It may not represent Romanism, as is the case with virtually all you read in the Bible, but in this instance, it did indeed represent the teaching of the Word of God on the subject of marriage.
It is not surprising that a bishop of an organisation which has universally been exposed as the harbourer of pervert priests who were guilty of abusing children, should be opposed to such a statement by a priest in his diocese.
What is surprising is that a priest of Rome should say such a thing as did Seán Sheehy!
But then even Balaam’s donkey spoke the truth! (Numbers 22:28-30).
Here is something of the ‘Irish Examiner’s’ report.
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
Kerry bishop apologises after priest’s controversial sermon in Listowel

At a sermon delivered on Sunday, Fr Seán Sheehy said sexual sin was rampant, adding that sex between two men and two women was a sin
The Bishop of Kerry has apologised after Fr Seán Sheehy delivered a controversial homily at the weekend
The Bishop of Kerry has apologised over a controversial homily delivered to parishioners in a Listowel church on Sunday, saying the views expressed were not representative of Christianity.
Bishop Ray Browne issued a statement on Tuesday morning saying he was aware of “the deep upset and hurt” caused by the contents of the homilies in question delivered over the weekend.
Bishop Browne this morning apologised to all who were offended by Fr Sheehy.
“The views expressed do not represent the Christian position. The homily at a regular weekend parish Mass is not appropriate for such issues to be spoken of in such terms,” he said.