Index to this edition
- Latest news stories
- SERMON: Is there any word from the Lord?
- SERMON: Divisions – the use God makes of them
- The unquenchable power of the Reformation
- My sermon of Dr. Beeke’s errors removed from Sermonaudio
- Dr. Facing-both-ways!!
- Email exchange with Dr. Beeke
- SERMON: What now for the friends of Dr. Beeke?
- SERMON: For whom has Christ reserved a crown?
- Shameful betrayal of the Gospel by Assistant Grand Master of the Orange Order
- SERMON: The essential character of the Protestant Reformation
- Joel Beeke preaches for and publicly seeks closer links with sodomy-endorsing Dutch denomination!
- Editor’s correspondence with ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty, Part 10
Refo500’s ecumenical, pro-Rome agenda!!

(Synopsis of the message preached by Rev Ivan Foster at the ‘Welcome Home’ rally 50 years ago today, Oct 23-16)
“Then Zedekiah the king sent, and took him out: and the king asked him secretly in his house, and said, Is there any word from the LORD? And Jeremiah said, There is: for, said he, thou shalt be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon,” Jeremiah 37:17.
This is the text I preached upon 50 years ago on Oct 23rd, 1966, at the ‘Welcome Home’ rally at Dundonald on the fringes of Belfast. It was organised by the Free Presbyterian Church after the release of Dr Paisley, Rev John Wylie and myself from the Crumlin Road Prison on the previous Wednesday and Thursday. Dr Paisley was arrested a day earlier than John and myself so he was released a day earlier. The meeting was chaired by Rev S B Cooke who was Deputy Moderator.
There is an brief account of the gathering and the opposition it encountered given in “The Revivalist” back then and reproduced on pages 31-32 of “A time to be Remembered”.
I only wish I had some record of the messages preached that day by Dr Paisley, Rev John Wylie or Dr Bob Jones Jr for they would make much better reading than do the words of my brief address. Read more…
UNESCO Denies the Bible’s Record of Israel’s Claim to the Temple Mount!!
The executive committee of UNESCO has ratified a decision to erase Jewish history on the Temple Mount.
It is now the official position to ignore Judaism’s 3,000 year history at the site.
Early this morning, October 19th, the executive committee of UNESCO ratified the decision to erase Jewish history on the Temple Mount. It is now the official position to ignore Judaism’s 3,000 year history at the site.
A dangerous precedent has been set – a UN body is calling Israel “the occupying power” at the Western Wall and essentially denying the historical facts that tie Israel to Jerusalem. It could have serious implications on Israel’s future.
It is time to fight fire with fire. More than 23,000 people have signed our petition demanding the UN explicitly recognize Judaism’s history on the Temple Mount and Western Wall – will you join them?
Click here to add your name and demand the UN explicitly recognize Judaism’s history on the Temple Mount and Western Wall
UNESCO didn’t just erase Jewish history, they erased Christian history at the holy site as well. Scripture says Jesus prayed at the Temple. There’s evidence that Byzantine Christians used the Temple Mount before the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem. But in UNESCO’s resolution, all history – other than Islamic history – was erased.
If we don’t act now, Judaism could lose its place at its most sacred site and Israel’s international standing could be in danger. In the face of this travesty, we must stand up for Israel.
41 US Senators, Representatives and more than 23,000 signers to our petition oppose UNESCO’s anti-Israel resolution. Will you, your friends and your family join them?
Demand the UN recognize Judaism’s historical connection to the Temple Mount and Western Wall
Divisions – and the use God makes of them
“For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you,”1 Corinthians 11:19.
(A message preached at Kilskeery Free Presbyterian weekly prayer meeting, 17th October 2016, by Rev Ivan Foster)
The word ‘heresy’ is derived from the storming of a city and the taking over of it. Divisions come about when the mind and heart has been taken captive by a falsehood, an error. The word ‘division’ verse 18, means “a rent or a tear”, Matt 9:16.
Read more…or listen using the player below.
The Unquenchable Power of the Protestant Reformation
“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him,” Isaiah 59:19.
The Second of four messages preached 20 years ago, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster, to commemorate the glorious Protestant Reformation
Looking back upon history is unfashionable in these ecumenical days. It is nevertheless wise and in keeping with the Word of God. For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope, Romans 15:4. The enemy referred to in our text may be identified from Genesis 3:15. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. The spirit of the enemy of all that is of God is found in the devil and his agents. He is the great adversary of the good and the godly. As the enemy, he has sought the utter destruction of God’s people and the witness to Him and His glory that they bear. He wishes not merely to oppose or hinder but to destroy utterly. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it, John 8:44. To that end he comes in like a flood. Read more…or listen using the player below.
My sermon on Dr Beeke’s errors removed from SermonAudio
I have been informed by Mr Steven Lee of SermonAudio that the sermon I preached on Lord’s Day evening 9th October in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church has been removed from his site.
The sermon was entitled:
Which path will the Free Presbyterian Church choose? Disowning Dr. Joel Beeke’s compromises or Displeasing the Lord of Glory?
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them,” Ephesians 5:11.
Some time ago, a recording by Pastor Ralph Ovadal in which he exposed the errors and compromises of Dr Joel Beeke was also removed.
The reasons given for the removal of my sermon were as follows Read more…
Listen to the removed sermon using the player below.
Dr Facing-Both-Ways!!!
Further Evidence of Dr Joel Beeke’s duplicity
Dr Joel Beeke has gained a reputation amongst many as an upholder of the “Old Time Religion”! In the eyes of his admirers, he is “Mr Puritan”, “Mr Orthodoxy”, “Mr Reformation” or, if I might borrow the title given by the great John Bunyan to another of his characters in “Pilgrim’s Progress, he is deemed to be “Mr Valiant for the Truth”!
Such a view of Dr Joel Beeke is far removed from the truth concerning this man. He is more deserving of the title “Dr Facing-Both-Ways.” Read more…
Email exchange with Dr. Beeke
In my sermon: “WHAT NOW FOR THE FRIENDS OF JOEL BEEKE?” I made mention of an email exchange I had with Dr Beeke in January and February 2013 ( I mistakenly referred to 2014 in my sermon).
I am remounting that exchange from the March 2013 edition of “The Burning Bush” for I believe it to be very relevant to the present controversy regarding Dr Beeke.
The email exchange shows that Dr Beeke was faithfully warned on a number of occasions about the crowd he was running with and he chose to ignore the warnings. The issues were set down in great detail but Dr Beeke made no attempt whatever to deal with them, but, it may be said, simply ran away from them.
It has to be also said that Dr Beeke’s friends likewise chose to ignore the attempts that were made by Pastor Ralph Ovadal and myself to speak to him as a brother.
They put their head in the sand and took no notice of the damning evidence we produced and the very unscriptural attitude adopted by Dr Beeke. Indeed, so supportive were they of him in his folly, they accompanied him in his “turning a blind eye and a deaf ear” to the clear evidence set forth.
Whatever the outcome of this battle for the truth of God and the maintenance of a separated witness in these times of increasing apostasy, none will be able to say that the errors of Dr Joel Beeke were not confronted. Those who sided with him did so despite the truth of God being shone upon his and their folly.
Which path will the Free Presbyterian Church choose? Disowning Dr. Joel Beeke’s compromises or Displeasing the Lord of Glory?
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them,” Ephesians 5:11.
Throughout my ministry I have preached to the best of my ability the Word of God and applied it to those who were caught up in the errors of the ecumenical denominations, in order that they might be aware of what God would have them do in the face of the deceptions and delusions propagated by the devil and his agents. That is the duty of a servant of God.
Now, at the close of my pulpit ministry, I find myself addressing my fellow Free Presbyterians and that with a trembling heart. Read more…
The audio recording of this message was removed from Sermonaudio. You can listen to the message using the player below:
For whom has Christ reserved a crown?
“Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing,” 2 Tim 4:8.
The phrase, “there is laid up” appears in Colossians 1:5. We can see its exact meaning there. “For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the gospel,” Colossians 1:5.
That for which the child of God hopes is the “crown if righteousness” to which Paul refers in our text.
- The child of God is an “overcomer” despite our many falls and set-backs and defeats.
- Our life of victory began at our conversion. 1 John 2:12-15, 4:4-6.
- Our overcoming is due to Christ’s victory, John 16:33.
- Thus we are enabled to overcome sin, Romans 12:21.
- Even when we appear to suffer defeat, we remain overcomers through Christ. Compare Revelation 13:7 and 15:2
- The finale of our overcoming is that moment when we receive the winner’s garland from the hand of the Saviour.
Read more….or listen using the player below
A shameful betrayal of Gospel Truth by Presbyterian minister and Assistant Grand Master of the Orange Order, Rev Mervyn Gibson
He says that Orange Order Orange Order members ‘should be allowed to attend Mass’!
Speaking on BBC Radio Ulster’s Talkback on Wednesday 5th October, 2016, senior Orangeman Mervyn Gibson said he, personally, would like to see the rule which bans members of the Orange Order from attending the Roman Catholic Mass changed.
It is a shameful betrayal of the teaching of the Bible and the whole witness of the Protestant Reformation and the honoured martyrs who died to uphold the truth that the Mass was a blasphemy.
Gibson’s argument for supporting the removal of the rule is stupid and utterly unscriptural. Read more…
The Essential Character of the Protestant Reformation
“I have found the book of the law in the house of the LORD,” 2 Chronicles 34:15.
♦ The first of four messages preached 20 years ago, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster, to commemorate the glorious Protestant Reformation ♦
In this, the first of a planned series of messages commemorating the 16th century Protestant Reformation, I wish to speak upon the character of that great movement which embraced all of Europe and which, to this day, still exercises a profound impact upon the life of our nation.
When I think of that great time of blessing, I am deeply ashamed of the image that Protestantism has today in our land and throughout the world. Much of what is considered Protestantism would be utterly repudiated by the Reformers.
The murder campaign waged by loyalist gunmen here in Ulster is, in the eyes of many, the action of Protestants. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The mindless hatred that is so often featured as an expression of Protestant views is likewise far from being in any way representative of the spirit of Protestantism.
The time-serving politicians of Ulster are seen by many as representatives of the thinking of true Protestants. How saddening that is for any with an understanding of and love for the doctrines of the Reformation. Read more…
Joel Beeke preaches for and publicly seeks closer links with sodomy-endorsing Dutch denomination!
♦ His departure cannot get much worse and leaves his supporters with a stark choice.
♦ How long are some ministers going to continue attempting to whitewash this man?
♦ God’s warning stands sure: “Behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out,” Numbers 32:23.
Most of our readers should be aware of the controversy surrounding Dr Joel Beeke and his links with those whose standing should not be acceptable to the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster. In the past he has shared platforms with pro-sodomite speakers and sold books extolling the sodomite life-style. This can be checked out in Pastor Ralph Ovadal’s article: “The Downward Spiral of Dr. Joel Beeke’s Ministries Continues”.
However, as is the inevitable outcome of compromise, he has gone even further. On a preaching visit to Holland, he preached in pulpits which are occupied by sodomite-supporting ministers. But, not content with such a violation of God’s Word, Dr Beeke used the occasion to express a desire for his church, Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregation, to have formal links with the Restored Reformed Church denomination which has endorsed the dreadful doctrine that a sodomite can be a true believer and even a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ. Read more…
Editor’s correspondence with ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty

Back in 2002, I entered into a correspondence in the pages of “The Burning Bush” with a Roman Catholic priest from Belfast. The correspondence arose after I wrote a letter in reply to an article by the priest in “The Belfast Telegraph” of August 24th, 2002.
I was grieved at such a platform being given to the errors and deceptions of Rome and commented on the priest’s article in a letter to “The Belfast Telegraph.”
It will be noted how our two replies to the priest were edited by the ‘Letters Editor’ of “The Belfast Telegraph” before they quickly closed the exchange after two exchanges.
The Word of God was not liked by that ecumenical newspaper back then and it is still the case. Every effort was made to shield and protect the priest of Rome from the rebuke of God’s Word.
We are republishing the correspondence, which continued for eight exchanges, and appeared in “The Burning Bush” from October 2002 until May 2003, because of the publicity given to the ‘warm relationship’ that was manifested between this priest and Pastor James McConnell during the recent trial occasioned by Pastor McConnell’s pulpit statements about Islam. Pastor McConnell asked ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty to speak on his behalf during the trial.
All this “ecumenical camaraderie” between the pastor and the priest may appear to some to give endorsement of the teachings of Rome and it is for this reason we highlight again the errors this priest, like all Roman Catholic clerics, propagates.
Needless to say, it also highlights the folly of James McConnell!
Read Part 10 of the exchange here.
Latest news stories
Abortion debate: Bloody Sunday relative Liam Wray votes for TUV on abortion
Jim Allister: ‘Dublin lawyer’s IRA killing claims must be investigated’
Latest scalps prove DUP is leading the way in unionism
Ulster Unionists hit by third defection to DUP in just a week
Arlene Foster: Eastwood and Nesbitt are pedalling junk like Steptoe and Son
Foster accuses Dublin government of quietly talking down NI abroad – (Nothing new there!!!)
Flanagan surprised by Foster’s claim of ‘poaching’ investors from North
For nationalists, Brexit now seems to mean ‘Brits Out’
Sinn Fein’s real problem is ghosts from the past, not its media critics
Clintons’ ties to Irish money revealed in leaked emails
Clinton’s campaign in chaos: Details emerge of how aide acted as email ‘gatekeeper’
Hillary Clinton accuses FBI over ‘strange’ new emails review
Donald Trump’s camp now scents blood. Even victory won’t end Hillary Clinton’s nightmare
Michael Gove ‘leaves son at hotel to go to party’
Jesus Christ’s tomb uncovered for first time in centuries in hunt for secrets of how and where he was buried – (This not the Saviour’s tomb but just another of Popery’s myths!!!)
‘We’ve done our bit’ French furious as Theresa May REFUSES more Calais child migrants – (France allowed them into their country – their problem!!!)
More news
October 29
Dublin lawyer: I carried out a mere six or so IRA bombings
UDA boss Dee Stitt now a distraction, says Arlene Foster
UDA boss Dee Stitt threatening Charter NI resignation U-turn over ‘dirty tricks’
Arlene Foster defends DUP stance on gay marriage
Raymond Gilmour: ‘Abandoned’ IRA supergrass lay dead in his flat for up to a week
Hillary Clinton ‘confident’ over new FBI emails probe
Is FBI probe into Hillary Clinton emails seismic shift for US election?
Isis fighters ordered to kill women and children if they try to escape, says former militant
French won’t give us ‘a big house in a big city’ so we want UK, says Calais migrant
October 28
Arlene Foster: ‘Gays are welcome’ in DUP – (Embracing that which God curses can only be considered the DUP plan for its own destruction!!)
Naomi Long slams Arlene Foster over ‘childish’ reasons for gay marriage stance
Attempt to block Brexit in NI courts is rejected
Landmark Brexit challenge dismissed by High Court in Northern Ireland
Defeated Brexit court case campaigner vows to fight on
TUV: Anti-Brexit campaigners must ‘get over themselves’ after court judgement
Orange leader: Parades Commission impeded progress on Twaddell
Hillary Clinton email probe reopens after FBI finds new emails
FBI reopens investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails
October 27
Prison Officer Adrian Ismay murder accused has bail revoked
Ex-UUP head: ‘Jack Straw adds to belief that IRA victims were expendable’
Libya would not have admitted responsibility for IRA terror: Straw
Negotiators ‘decided payout bid for Libyan-directed terrorism would not succeed’
Young UUP councillor quits party which says he’s ‘unlikely to be missed’
Arlene Foster predicts further Ulster Unionist defections to DUP
UDA boss Stitt quits £35k charity job funded by Stormont
Nato prepares to station thousands of troops in Russian border countries
UK economy grows 0.5% in three months after Brexit vote
David Cameron wins award for legislation on gay marriage
Now for IREXIT? Ireland urged to follow Britain’s example and QUIT the EU
Sinn Féin’s Anne Brolly quits party ‘over abortion stance’ – (She leaves because of SF’s support for abortion but she was content to be in it when it came to power via murder!!!)
Union flag which flew for decades in Magherafelt has been taken down – (Time for a verse from, “There’ll always be an Ulster” !!!)
TUV leader hits out at removal of Union flag in Magherafelt
PSNI investigate after republicans circulate image of officer
October 26
Dissidents warn businesses not to serve PSNI officers
PSNI seize gun and ammunition in dissident republican probe
Roman Catholic Church bans scattering of ashes as ‘pantheism’
‘I cannot foresee NI violence due to Brexit’ says ex-taoiseach
UDA chief Stitt wouldn’t be leading Charter NI if I was involved: Donaldson
Ashers gay cake appeal: McArthur family feel ‘victimised’ by Equality Commission
‘Gay cake’: Many patrons say Ashers should have right to refuse
Spain faces condemnation as it prepares to refuel Russian battle group heading to bomb Aleppo
Theresa May ‘issued Brexit warning month before referendum’
Leaked recording reveals Theresa May’s Brexit views
Hollande set to lose French presidency after complaining ‘there are too many immigrants’
October 25
Court seems to criticise Equality Commission over Ashers
On The Runs: Foster raises concerns with prime minister
Sam McBride: UUP-SDLP alliance faces immediate contradictions which could kill it
UUP conference: A dynamic duo … but let’s see if there’s substance beyond the showmanship
We need to have proof that money given to loyalists has been well spent
Newry Mourne and Down District Council will follow review advice on IRA playground
Newry IRA playground name: Equality chief slammed for ‘secret’ meeting
Three killings which left a Border community reeling
Enemies of the state are using skewed justice system to push aside innocent terror victims
Fionola Meredith: Gay cake ruling is all wrong and this is why
October 24
‘Gay cake’ appeal: Christian bakers Ashers lose appeal – (Inevitable given the pro-sodom tide of public opinion!!)
‘Gay cake’ case: Daniel McArthur of Ashers Bakery calls for law change after losing appeal – (Only change will be more laws favouring sodomy!!)
Ashers Judgement – TUV Statement
Comment: If the Ashers gay cake appeal is lost, freedom of religion has been banished – (That has long been on the horizon but few have taken any notice!!!)
DUP to ‘examine’ gay men pardon – (Can that condemned by God be pardoned by men???)
Sky won’t fall down in united Ireland, says ex-MLA Anna Lo – (In truth, Alliance party is a united Ireland party!!)
36 On The Run terrorists linked to 136 incidents, PSNI confirms
Did this meeting seal one of the moral outrages of our age? Photo captures Tony Blair’s despicable deal to ‘unlawfully’ grant indemnity to scores of fugitive IRA murderers – (This was the year power-sharing with terrorists was launched by the DUP!!)
Losing EU subsidies might not be an entirely bad thing
UUP and SDLP form new ‘partnership’ in Northern Ireland
Standing ovation for SDLP leader at Ulster Unionist conference
Mike Nesbitt: Vote me, you get Colum; vote Colum you get me – (Unionist voters take note!!!)
‘Tough’ for Donald Trump to win after comments on women, says Nigel Farage
Catholic priest tells how a doctrinal dispute with Pastor McConnell led to friendship – (“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed,” Galatians 1:8)
David Ford church ruling shows distinct lack of Christian grace from Presbyterians – (‘Christian grace’ never acts contrary to God’s law!!)
Dee Stitt row: MP says loyalist should not be in CEO post
Stormont probes UDA chief Stitt’s ‘homeland security’ remarks – (Likely doing some deep probing with a feather!!)
Adams gives apology to garda who survived 1976 IRA bomb
Outrage over hunger striker’s play at police country club – (Relatives of members of the police murdered by the IRA cannot be happy!!!)
Ex-Army officer weeps as he addresses family of Derry boy shot in back of head
Brother of murdered UDR man Robin Bell recalls deadly IRA ambush as they arrived home
October 22
Ashers gay cake appeal decision is due Monday
Last-gasp Stormont bid to block Brexit set to fail
EU is ‘impossible’ to do deals with, Canada says sparking fears about Brexit negotiations
‘You English are stupid’ Shocked foster couple warn refugee ‘children’ are exploiting UK
Mike Nesbitt won’t rule out another pact with the DUP
Alliance MLA apologises to Attorney General for re-tweeted allegation
MLA Paula Bradshaw tweets early morning apology to Attorney General John Larkin
Dee Stitt: Charter NI head in foul-mouthed rant at government
Joe Reilly Poleglass murder ‘a cold-blooded and summary execution of man in his own house’ – (This what appeasement of terrorists brings about!!!)
Children may have seen cold-blooded killers of Belfast man Joe Reilly
Judge orders boy aged seven ‘living life as a girl’ to be taken from his mother – (Degeneracy reaches new levels!!)
Former police chief Gordon Anglesea found guilty of child sex abuse
Police forces probe scores of sex complaints against officers
18,000 pupils suspended from Northern Ireland schools – teachers sign up for self-defence classes – (Yet another argument for Christian Education!!)
October 21
Poleglass murder bore hallmarks of paramilitary-style attack, say Sinn Féin – (REPUBLICAN ‘paramilitary-style attack’!!!)
Belfast man Joe Reilly shot dead by suspected dissident gunmen
Drugs found during probe into dissident republican activity
Muslim civil war on streets of Britain: Islam divide carries ‘death warrant’, says expert
Patrick Clarke: Independent Councillor banned after sex conviction
Convicted councillor withdraws resignation
David Ford risks further church anger over reform abortion Bill
SF ‘looking for excuses’ after blaming Brexit for halt to traffic plans
BMA tells Stormont: NI has fewer GPs than in 1950s
Brexit could lead to ‘some civil unrest’ in Northern Ireland, says former PSNI Assistant Chief Constable Peter Sheridan – (There is much anti-Brexit agitation being stirred up by the Roman Catholic/Nationalist community!!!)
SDLP leader Colum Eastwood to address Ulster Unionist conference
Tories vetoed election broadcast that portrayed DUP/Sinn Féin as clowns
UDA men break code of silence to tell of membership hell
Bill and Hillary Clinton: True friends of Irish Unity
October 20
Martin McGuinness ‘does not trust’ NI Secretary of State on Brexit – (I would imagine the feeling was reciprocated!!!)
We should close Northern Ireland Troubles files and leave the past where it belongs, in the past – (The murderers would like that I’m sure. Thankfully God does not close His files!!!)
Gay men convicted of now-abolished sex offences to be pardoned – (Nothing changes in the annals of Heaven!!)
DUP minister facing questions over £500,000 ‘Orange halls’ funding
Sixty receive death threats linked to UDA feud
TUV’s Jim Allister attacks SF man’s ‘complacency’ on terror memorials
Dungiven: Shooting was paramilitary-style attack
Man believed to be from Londonderry abducted and shot in Dungiven
Plight of (Birmingham) pub bombings families “unbelievable” – Hillsborough MP
Truth about Birmingham pub bombings may never be told if Theresa May doesn’t act
Ford’s removal as elder ‘doesn’t make Presbyterian Church a cold place’
Zero tolerance of dissent out of step with public thinking – (When the Word of God is abandoned as the “only rule of faith and obedience” Larger Catechism Q. 3, and public opinion is enthroned, then anarchy results!!)
Record number of people with HIV in Northern Ireland – (The harvest of the immorality promoted by liberalism!!)
Concern over ‘love to Gerry Adams’ in Clinton speech – (They are well matched!!)
The English ‘hate foreigners’? As an Irishman here (in England) I disagree
Child refugee checks in Calais have descended into CHAOS, admits migrant charity chief
British Muslim cleric tells government ‘BAN the burka’ claiming head scarf is ‘un-Islamic’
October 19
David Ford removed from Church role over gay marriage stance – (What a message for the FPC which has those who support the DUP policy of funding sodomites!!)
Presbyterian church ousts David Ford from elder post over gay marriage stance
Ex-Alliance leader David Ford removed as elder of Second Donegore Presbyterian Church
Moderator backs David Ford church ruling over gay marriage support
Brexit: Theresa May responds to letter from Arlene Foster and Martin McGuinness
Criticism after PM’s Brexit letter revealed in the media
Northern Ireland’s unionist strongholds against hard border – (Both these ‘strongholds’ are far from the border!!)
Executive handouts not a loyalist slush fund: McGuinness
Sinn Féin protests at British army recruitment at university – (The brazen audacity of popery!!!)
Orange ‘outrage’ at removal of Union flag in Magherafelt – (The rights of the majority here are treated as those of an alien minority. DUP have sold the pass!!!)
I want Adams to apologise for IRA bomb that killed friend, says garda
Sinn Fein Infrastructure Minister Equates Security Forces with Terrorists
Sinn Fein sex abuse debate like Mugabe motion on human rights, claims rape survivor Mairia Cahill
Anger as half of £40m to cut Northern Ireland waiting lists spent elsewhere
Aide to Tory MP held over Houses of Parliament rape claim
Dentists condemn call for child migrants’ teeth to be tested
‘These don’t look like children to me’: concerns raised over ages of child refugees arriving in Britain – (There are none so daft as ‘British do-gooders’!!!
Fury at ‘soft checks’ on child migrants: Adults pretending to be children say aid workers
October 18
Sinn Fein seeks DUP support for public consultation on gay marriage Bill
70% ‘support Northern Ireland abortion law change’ – survey – (That does not change God’s law!!!)
MLAs vote against a motion calling for NI to be granted special status within the EU
SDLP call to kick Prime Minister’s door in over Brexit
Eastwood’s selective style of tolerance could lead to problems for SDLP in future
UUP chief Nesbitt says Brexit will cut Northern Ireland off from rest of UK: says UUP chief Nesbitt
Theresa May to be asked about Brexit at EU leaders’ summit
Residents’ horror after Belfast man is shot six times in legs
ONH (Real IRA splinter group) are being blamed for a shooting in the Poleglass area of West Belfast
West Belfast shooting exposes brutality of dissidents – (That was seen a long time ago!!)
UDA thugs hounded tragic Belfast teen Nathan Ritchie to his death
McGuinness defends UDA linked funding – (‘Birds of a feather etc’ !!)
Bid to end MoD’s gag on the whistle-blower linked to Stakeknife
Identity of British soldier who killed Derry teen Manus Deery revealed for first time
Teen IRA member ‘shot in the back’ by soldiers, new evidence suggests
Mass exodus at Deutsche Bank as it plans to obliterate US jobs amid collapse fears
October 17
Top English policeman uncovers new Stakeknife evidence
Victims reject McGuinness claims that IRA did not target civilians – (What about Birmingham in 1974??)
Irish Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan’s personal tribute to Garda murdered by IRA
Flags on Ormeau road should be ‘removed immediately’, Alliance councillor says
City unites behind pub bombings families – are you listening Prime Minister?
Compensating NI’s child abuse survivors ‘could cost £30m’
The terrifying tale of how Britain’s most secret court imprisoned a grandmother
Theresa May digs in while Dublin opts for the politics of panic over Brexit
Philip Hammond: Chancellor Brexit delay claims denied
‘Soon this town will explode’ German mayor says refugees putting future at risk
Terrorists could use online voter details, warns Elliott
Ivor Bell’s bail conditions varied to allow him to go to Donegal for wedding anniversary
Ivor Bell can leave NI while awaiting Jean McConville trial
Scotland divided on second independence vote
Jeremy Corbyn’s response to anti-Semitism in Labour criticised by MPs
October 14
Hundreds pay respects to prominent Orangeman Drew Nelson
Martin McGuinness urges Government to prove seriousness in dealing with Troubles legacy – (He and many his friends would be in jail if the Government did that!!!)
Were victims of Hyde Park bomb price of Tony Blair’s vanity?
Naomi Long must tread carefully or she’ll lose votes
‘Those who insult Islam MUST DIE’, shocking undercover footage of former Tory candidate
Muslim bus driver ‘put children’s lives at risk’ by stopping for prayer
Lord Bramall ‘receives Met Police apology’ over abuse claims
October 13
Stormont’s top mandarin says Opposition drives Executive parties together
‘I have a bet on that I can get 1,000 people to join Sinn Féin’ – Gerry Adams
Taoiseach must allow north to vote in presidential elections – (What political craziness the folly of repeated compromises have created!!!)
Best tribute to Drew Nelson would be to continue his work, says Orangeman
Republican Dee Fennell defends role in ‘Fr’ Donegan confrontation
Dissident republican thug Dee Fennell’s vodka bender after abusing ‘Fr’ Gary Donegan
‘Fr’ Gary Donegan: I was called a ‘paedophile’ by nationalists
Unionists call for Declan McGlinchey anniversary parade in Bellaghy to be called off
Derry councillor denies telling former IRA prisoner to leave country
Pro-life campaigner given ‘unlawful’ police warnings
Police say they are ‘sick’ of citizens’ NO-GO ZONE fears as terrified Germans beg for help
October 12
Border controls inevitable post Brexit, says former PSNI chief – (Just how many more are going to state the obvious???!!!)
Theresa May dismisses Jeremy Corbyn’s Brexit ‘shambles’ claim
Theresa May signals further doubts over single market membership
Day before EU referendum, DUP ministry only anticipated Remain vote
James Brokenshire cancels DUP breakfast benefit amid concerns from nationalists
World entering era more dangerous than Cold War, former MI6 boss warns
Naomi Long slams ‘arrogant DUP’ and says she no regrets over Union flag protests
Naomi Long’s ‘puerile’ attack on Arlene Foster backfires, says DUP
Alliance stalwart Jones ‘one of many in party happy to stay in UK’
Why psychopaths like Patrick Magee need to be told ‘No’ more often
Raymond McCreesh Park: Grandmother ends legal bid against Equality Commission
Paedophile imam found guilty of abusing two young girls at a mosque absconds to Bangladesh
October 11
Sam McBride: Loss of Orange Order’s strategic modernising thinker leaves a chasm
Desmond Tutu’s testimony proves that you can be ‘religious’ and support assisted dying – (‘Assisted dying’ is a euphemism for ‘murder’!)
Ireland may have to consider leaving EU – (Strange to relate, Ireland was never part of the ancient Roman Empire!!)
Executive Office showing notable aggression towards opposition
SDLP would boycott White House functions if Trump president, says Colum Eastwood – (That will set the USA ‘atrembling’!!!)
Councillor in court on ‘12th’ charges
Fuel fraudsters ‘still spared jail for peace’ – (This policy has seen even murder ignored. The peace the DUP glory in is something to be ashamed of!!)
Orange halls hit 132 times but no answer on the number of convictions
Concerns raised about army and RIRA murder
October 10
Sinn Féin’s hypocrisy following attack on Ardoyne priest
Nearly a century on, slain Catholic B-Special’s grave finally given a headstone
Nelson McCausland MLA, demands police chief ensures dissident ‘recruitment’ mural is removed
Lurgan man accused over dissident republican murder plot is denied bail
Funding to loyalist group (with links to UDA) Charter NI defended
Orange Hall reopens in Co Donegal two years after arson
Man (33) in court accused of having weapons relating to an ongoing UDA feud
Belfast Dean says Mervyn Gibson welcome despite opposition to Catholic canon
US hits back in SF aircraft row
Shoppers to flock North as sterling continues to drop
Sterling’s fall has Border retailers eyeing bleak Christmas
“We spend mind-boggling amounts of public money on the Irish language. Cén fáth?” – (This is an Irish newspaper !!!)
Britain planning to push post-Brexit border controls back to Ireland
October 8
Revealed: US billionaire is funding Brexit legal challenge
All Protestants should avoid the act of blasphemy’: DUP councillor
Orange Order’s inertia is not sufficient excuse for putting off decision on attending Mass – (The campaign continues!!)
Gay pair marry with ‘full backing’ of the Army – (And so the descent into depravity continues!!)
Merkel to BAN EU migrants claiming benefits – a day after attacking UK for doing the same
EXPOSED: Thousands of illegal migrants easily sneak through Britain’s ‘porous’ borders
Question is, what exactly are we getting in return for appeasing the UDA?
Stormont Finance Minister Mairtin O Muilleoir under fire over secrecy on Stormont cash
Experts said Arctic sea ice would melt entirely by September 2016 – they were wrong – (Evolutionists to a man – united in error!!)
Putin ‘sneaks NUCLEAR-capable ballistic missiles into EUROPE’ as WW3 fears escalate
Mum ”would have aborted daughter” if she’d known she was disabled – and now she’s suing NHS – (How casually and callously some can speak of murdering their own child, 2 Tim 3:3!!!)
October 7
Priest to lead Border communities’ protest over Brexit – (This man is a long-time supporter of the IRA. Now we know were ‘anti-Brexit’ camp stands!!!)
North feels ‘forced out of EU’ by Brexit, Bishop warns – (More evidence of Popery’s deceit and lies!!)
Brighton bomber Patrick Magee who tried to kill Thatcher objects to being called ‘terrorist’ – (Better get used to it for their is a worse name awaiting you – THE DAMNED!!)
Second top Orangeman makes Mass U-turn call
Orange Order should end ban on Mass attendance
Ending of Orange Order Mass ban a step closer to more inclusive society – (So the campaign to advance Ecumenism and overthrow the old Protestant values is renewed, thanks to Mervyn Gibson and his compromising friends in the Orange Order!!!)
Public debate muted on axing Order’s Catholic church ban – (All the “Protestant Heroes” are silent, the reproach is too much to bear!!!)
Blinded prisoner Sean Lynch (who blinded himself) rejects apology from prison chief, Sue McAllister
WORLD ON THE BRINK: Russia warns it will SHOOT DOWN American jets amid fears of GLOBAL WAR
October 6
Orange Order members should be allowed to attend Mass: Assistant Grand Master Mervyn Gibson – (What a disgraceful statement for a professed evangelical, signatory of the Westminster Confession of Faith and member of the Orange Order to make. How far and wide the apostasy has advanced!!!)
Orange Order in Mass U-turn call – (It is being proclaimed as an ‘official’ Orange Order call. What says FPC members of the Order??)
Orangeman ‘will not attend’ cathedral service involving new Catholic canon – (Here is the hypocrisy found amongst evangelical Orangemen. The RC canon makes little difference the to pro-Rome atmosphere, existing for decades in the Church of Ireland. Can it be worse that attending an RC Mass-house with which he is happy??!!!)
UUP Orangemen Tom Elliott and Danny Kennedy who defied ban on going to Catholic Mass urge rethink – (Doubtless, they would also back a rethink of the Reformation!!!)
North’s finance minister claims no knowledge of Bryson Twitter exchanges
Nama coaching scandal: Ó Muilleoir denies involvement
Mystery of missing messages between Jamie Bryson and Sinn Fein revealed at inquiry
Naomi Long taking over as acting Alliance Party leader
Ardoyne protestor arrested over confrontation with journalist
Belfast Agreement ‘unaffected by EU vote’, Brexit challengers told
Brexit ship has sailed, government QC tells Article 50 court challenge
‘You CAN’T stop Brexit’ PM takes on Remainers in legal hearing to force vote on EU exit
Brexit: Irish Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan rules out possibility of a border poll
Post-Brexit electronic border is not pie in the sky
Did DUP have a champagne breakfast or just champ? – (Yes or no does change the fact that booze is a feature at some DUP functions and that for some ten years!!)
DUP courts goodwill towards unionists with champagne event – (And forfeits God!!)
GIBRALTAR SOVEREIGNTY SHOCK: Spain unleashes post-Brexit power claim over Rock
Plan for UK military to opt out of European convention on human rights
Prosecution protection ‘could be extended to Northern Ireland Troubles-era soldiers’
PUTIN WANTS WAR: Nato jets from FOUR COUNTRIES intercept Russian nuclear planes off Europe
October 5
Archbishop of Canterbury to meet Pope Francis in defining moment for Christianity – (Departure from TRUTH is seen everywhere in the religious and political spheres of the nation!!)
DUP’s champagne reception hailed as ‘good PR’ – (There is a ‘higher relationship’ that professing believers within the DUP seem to have forgotten!!!)
DUP toasts success of first champagne reception
Nesbitt’s austerity jibe at DUP over its Champagne reception for Tories
Northern Ireland REBELS: Remainers launch legal bid in Belfast to BLOCK Brexit
Enda Kenny must ‘stand up to’ Theresa May on Brexit, say Opposition – (It used to be ‘Britain out of Ireland’ now its Ireland sticking its nose into British affairs!!!)
‘McGuinness will never tell about my sister’s murder’
Sinn Fein and SDLP row over who stood up for underfire Ardoyne priest
Unionist parties will snub all-Ireland Brexit talks with Kenny
Unionist parties to snub Kenny’s all-island Brexit talks
Nama: Finance minister to answer questions on coaching allegations
Corbyn and McDonnell a ‘threat to the Union’, suggests Arlene Foster
Diane James quits as UKIP leader
Diane James quits as Ukip leader after just 18 days as successor to Nigel Farage
UKIP in leadership turmoil after Diane James resignation
Ukip leader quits after 18 days due to ‘insufficient authority’
FREE SPEECH CRACKDOWN: EU orders British press NOT to reveal when terrorists are Muslims
Discussing radical Islam and the migrant crisis does NOT make you a racist, blasts Sarkozy – (Except when your British!!!)
Russia deploys advanced S-300 missile system to Syria to protect against US jet strikes
October 4
Church of Ireland Bishop of Clogher comments on the retirement of Bishop Liam McDaid – (His comments shows the total disregard for the Word of God and the 39 Articles there is amongst C of I clerics. Why do Christians remain is this apostate organisation???)
‘Nationalist’ MP foresees ‘Troubles’ border checks – (Nationalists and Republicans crank up their opposition to leaving the EU!!!)
Are Foster and McGuinness equal to the Brexit challenge?
Anti-Brexit lawyers claim Northern Ireland has veto over leaving EU
Anti-Brexit lawyer claim Northern Ireland has veto over leaving EU
Landmark court challenge to Brexit warns of ‘catastrophic impact’ on Northern Ireland peace process
Theresa May opts for ‘hard’ Brexit
Poisonous Ardoyne stalemate at an end but venom still infects our society
Breakthrough in Ardoyne leaves dissidents isolated
Paramilitary involvement in drugs trade revealed as Operation Torus continues
RBL flags burned by rector replaced
Birmingham pub bombings: Reports of new DNA evidence false and misleading, say police
Labour’s John McDonnell and the link to dissidents
NI sympathy as Colombia rejects deal to put FARC in government – (The people had more wit than the majority in Northern Ireland!!!)
Israeli boycott: Are councillors prepared to give up their iPads?
Israeli boycott Derry councillors told to hand over Apple iPads
Inmates ‘ran riot’ in Maghaberry Jail security breach
Antrim mum’s disgust at son’s role in vile racist abuse hurled at woman
Saudi Arabia’s Princess Hassa flees Paris after ‘ordering bodyguard to kill painter and decorator’ – (An insight into life under a Muslim ruler!!!)
October 3
Birmingham pub bombings: Prime Minister Theresa May supports families’ legal aid bid
New DNA evidence uncovered in Birmingham pub bombings investigation
Brexit: May to introduce EU repeal bill in Queen’s Speech
Theresa May: Article 50 to be triggered before end of March next year
Brexit: PM to trigger Article 50 by end of March
May says Article 50 to be triggered by end of March
Brexit begins: Theresa May takes axe to EU laws
Arlene Foster welcomes Brexit process confirmation
British government ‘taking a leap into the dark’ with no Brexit plan – McGuinness – (So says that well-known fount of knowledge!!!)
Elliott calls for review of system to ensure that driving jobs are publicly advertised – (Following figures showing that Sinn Fein ministerial drivers are far more prone to crashing than their civil service counterparts!!)
Revealed: Whitehall’s plan to rid the country of foreign criminals
In politics, you expect your opponents to massage the truth… I don’t expect it of BBC
Priest and Sinn Féin reps confronted by furious GARC protesters
RC priest, Gary Donegan: Ardoyne protest was like Holy Cross
‘Intolerance’ of GARC members ‘unsurprising’ says MP Dodds
Hardline views grow thanks to Sinn Féin’s new rivals, says DUP man
Tyrone dissidents to the fore of new republican party
Former hunger striker calls on Republicans to ‘rally the forces’ at Tyrone commemoration – (Here we go again!!)
Fuel laundering virtually wiped out, Republic’s taxman claims – (Indeed!!!???)
Fr O’Donnell’s appointment a great step on the road to reconciliation – (Alf, explain how defying God’s Word and and embracing idolatry will better the land!!)
Hungary expected to reject EU’s migrant quota in referendum
Hungary set for landslide win over EU as voters see referendum as huge ‘NO to Brussels’
It’s not just Deutsche. European banking is utterly broken
Rabbi says anti-Semitism is “on the rise” in Northern Ireland – (West Belfast attack not surprising given SF’s anti-Israel stance!!)
October 1
Ardoyne Orange Parade passes off peacefully
Orange Order Twaddell parade past Ardoyne shops passes off peacefully
Camp Twaddell dismantled as parade passes off peacefully
Deutsche Bank shares rebound after reports of $5.4bn settlement
Bulgaria becomes latest EU country to ban burqas in public spaces
European customers ‘boycotting British cars since Brexit vote’
Prime Minister urged to speed up Brexit by Conservative ex-ministers
Brexit earthquake has failed to materialise
It’s official: economy doing fine after Brexit
Duncan Smith tells May ‘stop BEGGING for EU deal & get us out NOW’ in Brexit blueprint
Middle-ranking officers may strike with frontline gardaí (Irish police)
Labour suspends Momentum vice-chair Jackie Walker over Holocaust comments
San Diego police release Alfred Olango shooting videos
Sex, lies and erotic videotape: How could religious conservatives nominate Donald Trump?
China’s WAR WARNING to USA: You will ‘pay the price’ for North Korea anti-missile system
Sinn Fein leader to sue BBC over Donaldson murder claimsSinn Fein’s Gerry Adams to sue BBC over Spotlight Denis Donaldson murder claims
Omagh bombing: European court dismisses Real IRA men’s claim
European Court dismisses Omagh bombing pair’s ‘unfair trial’ claim
Republicans ‘stirring up trouble over flags’
Liam Fox: Brexit is a ‘golden opportunity’ for trade
Cyril Smith child abuse case: No further action
John McDonnell ‘not expected to kneel before Queen’ at Privy Council ceremony – (I’m sure she will survive!!)
Farm subsidies: Payment to Saudi billionaire prince sparks anger – (An example of the cowardly madness at the heart of government!!!)
DUP and Sinn Fein working together to shut out the alternative voices at Stormont
Row erupts after DUP minister changes name of boat from Irish to English
Minister who axed boat’s Irish name ‘bigoted’ and ‘anti-Irish’, says Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly – (What of the original decision to give it an ‘Irish’ name???)
Ex-primary (Roman Catholic) school head on sex attack charge gets bail
System has indulged killer Hazel Stewart enough