October 2014

In this month’s edition…

So how long will it be before we invite the IS jihadis to a white-tie dinner?

Patrick Magee (pictured in Belfast last year) is free and apparently  living a happy and contented life while his victims lie in their graves. While we rage and fret about the terrorist outrages of today, how quickly we forget the horrors of the recent past. Read more

“The continuing assault upon the authority and trustworthiness of the Scriptures”

The continuing assault upon the authority and trustworthiness of the Scriptures: A special “Heart of the Matter” report. A number of audio sound bites are included in this program.

A consideration of the position taken by Dr John MacArthur’s and that of Dr Joel Beeke on this vital issue will be examined.

Click here to listen.

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Proposed Changes to Abortion Law in Northern Ireland

David_FordThe case being made for changes to the law regarding abortion in Northern Ireland that David Ford, Justice Minister in the Stormont power-sharing government and leader of the Alliance Party is pushing, is not new.

The Justice Department is asking for the views of the public on whether abortion should be allowed for women carrying children which would die due to defects anyway, and also it is being asked whether abortions should be available to those who conceived due to incest or rape.

It should be remembered that the decision to abort a baby which is alleged to be suffering from defects, from which it will die after its birth, rests upon the views of doctors, based upon their interpreting of medical evidence supplied by scans etc.

That amounts to the doctors supplanting the role of God! Read more


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Godless Federations

(A message preached at the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony evening meeting held in New Life Presbyterian Church hall (kindly granted) in West Kilburn, London, on Friday 26th September, 2014, by Rev Ivan Foster)

“Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee: the tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes; Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah,” Psalm 83:1-8.

The anti-Israel sentiments expressed here in this psalm have long been desired and if anything are stronger today than ever before. How precise and detailed is the information here given on this federation of nations. Prophecy is history written before the event. This amalgam of haters of Israel will indeed come together in their efforts to “cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance” just prior to our Saviour’s return. Read more

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The Apostasy

A message preached at the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony afternoon meeting held in New Life Presbyterian Church hall (kindly granted) in West Kilburn, London, on Friday 26th September, 2014, by Rev Ivan Foster.

“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God,” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4. Read more

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KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

Each day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Below you can listen to the most recent recordings of the talks to the pupils. Listen to all the posted audio files in this series here.

The Return of Christ, Pt 10
The Return of Christ, Pt 11
The Return of Christ, Pt 12
The Return of Christ, Pt 13
The Return of Christ, Pt 14
The Return of Christ, Pt 15
The Return of Christ, Pt 16

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Latest news stories

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More news

October 31

Stormont crisis talks: Cajole, coax and even bribe, but just make them agree, Gary Hart – (That’s the ‘American Way’ to peace!!!)

Welfare reform will be imposed if Executive collapses: Storey

The little-known suffering of interface Protestants

Sinn Fein student who urged poppy ban an avowed supporter of integrated education – (So what’s new about two-faced liars in Sinn Fein??)

Jerusalem’s Temple Mount closes to all visitors after shooting of Yehuda Glick

Jerusalem holy site closure ‘declaration of war’ – Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas

Police on high alert in Jerusalem after Fatah calls for ‘day of rage’

Northern Ireland parties agree draft budget deal

NI Executive agrees draft budget

Head of the official inquiry into historic child sex abuse, Fiona Woolf letter went through seven re-writes and ‘amended’ details of her link with Leon Brittan

ChildLine refuses four times to back Fiona Woolf as head of sex abuse inquiry

Actress, Maureen Lipman abandons Ed Miliband over Israel

Woman who went blind as a child can now see again – after banging head on coffee table

Taoiseach snubbed by ex-IRA ‘court’

Billions in British aid ‘goes to corrupt nations’, report reveals

October 30

Westminster Education Minister, Nicky Morgan: I’ve changed mind and support gay marriage

New US envoy clarifies ‘one nation’ comment about Ireland – (Paint it as you like, he is pro-United Ireland!!)

Ebola cases ‘declining in Liberia’

Victims Service: A dilemma that raises questions about who gets support, and who doesn’t

Hard-line Jewish leader, who supports the re-building of the Jewish temple, shot in Jerusalem

UVF not targeting republicans, says Billy Hutchinson

Disabled woman’s terror as ‘IRA men’ invade home

MP slams Derry memorial for teen killed by own bomb

DUP leader wants inquiry into claims Sinn Féin covered-up abuse allegations

Mairia Cahill article by SF-linked academic ‘contemptible’

Paramilitaries shot and exiled many alleged sex abusers

Gerry Adams IRA denials down to Provo ‘policing’, says Varadkar

October 29

Northern Ireland’s health minister Jim Wells brands people of west Belfast as lawbreaking skinheads

DUP defends Jim Wells after west Belfast ‘insult’

Pope Francis: Evolution and Big Bang theory do not contradict creationism – (Just remember he is the guy who claims he can turn a wafer into the body and blood of Christ!!!)

Northern Ireland Secretary, Theresa Villiers’ warning to Stormont: Civil servants will take over finances if you fail

11 held as child abuse gang smashed in Manchester

UK benefits a magnet to migrants, says Calais mayor

Queen’s Students’ Union decision to reject Sinn Fein attempt to make Irish unity official policy is a defeat for nationalism

Belfast City Council set to reject plans for two sex shops in city

Mairia Cahill: Republicanism closes ranks over the case that threatens to shatter its myths

October 28

Pro-united Ireland vote at Queen’s University fails

SF councillor calls on Adams to reveal information

Pressure on to reveal why PSNI didn’t pursue Adams

Stormont Executive’s stark choice: £700m of cuts or collapse

Absurdity piled upon farce in ‘talks process’

Dozens of youths attack police in east Belfast with bricks and bottles

Man dies in Dublin shooting: Victim shot in the head in city centre

Sinn Fein family are doomed through secrets and lies

Isis attack on Idlib: Assad’s army leaders ‘slaughtered’ as jihadists nearly take Syrian provincial capital

Anglican priests – 16% are unclear and 2% don’t believe in God, survey finds

Police under fire after David Cameron security scare involving jogger

“Swamped by Migrants” – Michael Fallon has been slammed for saying what we all think, blasts ROSS CLARK

October 27

Former solicitor general Theodore Olson, the Republican lawyer says the Supreme Court has passed “the point of no return” on same-sex marriage.

St Francis Boys’ Home sex abuse inquiry: Man tells of ‘rape’

Irish polls suggest little change in Sinn Féin support – (Not surprising! They who have voted for murder and terror will not be put off by rape!!!)

Comparing Sinn Fein to Catholic church over abuse is ‘ridiculous’: Adams

So much mud now sticking to Gerry Adams that Sinn Fein circling of wagons may be futile exercise

Sinn Fein/IRA must now reveal where alleged sex abusers are living: Burton

Gerry Adams accused of deflecting abuse cover-up claims

Maíria Cahill confirms she was in dissident republican political group but opposed violence

Mairia Cahill: I was in dissident party but it’s all a smear campaign – (This woman supported the violence of Sinn Fein/IRA until she became a victim of it!!)

Murder victim Paul Quinn’s parents call on Gerry Adams to clear his name

VIDEO: Atheism is winning, says Dawkins – (“Tell him, Let not him that girdeth on his harness [armour] boast himself as he that putteth it off,” 1 Kings 20:11 – the day of reckoning has not yet come Mr Dawkins!!)

October 24

MI5 officers ‘won’t give evidence’ in Kincora sex abuse probe

UK told to pay £1.7bn extra to EU

EU makes Britain pay for recovery

Past abuse by IRA is no surprise, given its brutal nature

Adams ‘must apologise’

If Mairia wants an apology she will have to meet Gerry Adams face-to-face, says Sinn Fein MLA

Sinn Féin: Maíria Cahill ‘should meet with Gerry Adams’ face-to-face – (The last time it happened was sooo useful after all!!!)

Martin McGuinness: ‘I believe Maíria Cahill was raped’

Mairia being ‘harassed online by IRA man’ who made her face her alleged rapist in room

Authority of Adams in SF questioned for first time

Dáil Sketch: Mary Lou (SF deputy leader) conspicuous by her absence

Republican prisoners make ‘disgusting and sinister threats’ to medical staff at Northern Ireland jail

Michael D Higgins (Irish President): ‘Change must take place’ in Northern Ireland – (Which means Protestants must accept the will of Romanists!!)

Newtowncunningham Orangemen to meet in GAA hall

October 23

Kingsmills families in justice protest at Stormont

Unreasonable to expect beliefs to be kept out of politics

Robinson calls on Government for full Kincora transparency

Former No 10 chief of staff Jonathan Powell may have perverted the course of justice

Sinn Fein junior minister Jennifer McCann’s role in the spotlight at Stormont – was made aware of the Cahill rape allegations years ago but did not report the matter to the authorities

Gerry Adams asked if he knew the IRA sent suspected rapists to Donegal and Louth

Gerry Adams says IRA ‘let down’ sex abuse victims

IRA covered up sexual abuse, just like Catholic church: Irish PM

Adams challenged on sex row ‘exile’

Mairia Cahill: Gerry Adams admission is a ‘vindication’

Sinn Fein’s treatment of abuse victims is chillingly similar to the Catholic Church – (Like mother like son!!)

More than 80% of Church of Ireland parishioners do not regularly worship – Bishop Ken Good

October 22

Villiers rules Kincora out of Westminster sex abuse inquiry

Robinson disappointed Kincora not included in UK abuse inquiry

Abuse inquiry head Fiona Woolf should resign, lawyer says

Historic child abuse investigation: PM confident inquiry chair Fiona Woolf will act ‘with integrity’ despite connection to former minister under scrutiny

Seven out of 10 people in NI back a relaxation of abortion law – survey – (This is the result of apostasy in ‘Protestant’ churches. Please also see this article)

Adams says he knew of IRA connection to Mairia Cahill abuse claims

Kenny increases pressure on Adams over claims

Adams says Taoiseach and Fianna Fáil leader never asked for his version of events

North’s DPP announces independent review of Cahill case

Irish Justice Minister, Frances Fitzgerald condemns ‘horrendous acts’ in SF to hide sex abuse to keep abuse secret

New victim breaks his silence on ‘kangaroo IRA courts’

I was raped by IRA member and quizzed like Mairia

Oireachtas (Irish) Justice Committee may call in Cahill and Adams

Sinn Féin leader’s infallibility questioned in the Dáil

Tough questions for Adams on child protection

Sinn Féin allegations: There can be no justice while Adams is a law unto himself – (That is how he and Sinn Fein/IRA have been acting for nigh on 45 years!!)

October 21

Oscar Pistorius jailed for FIVE YEARS for killing of Reeva Steenkamp

On the Run scheme: Police Ombudsman criticises PSNI

Analysis: Nesbitt’s U-turn to enter a DUP pact a mammoth gamble

Victims stage Stormont protest

Willie Frazer threatens to sue Government as police budget cuts delay RUC misconduct cases

IRA rape victim calls on Adams to resign

Mairia Cahill says Gerry Adams was recruited into the IRA by her grandfather

Maíria Cahill hails meeting with Peter Robinson

Mairia Cahill: Abuse victims have been frightened into silence

Enda Kenny: ‘Sinn Fein’s attempts to discredit Mairia Cahill utterly despicable’ – (If they do this on one of their own . . . . . ??)

Gerry Adams hits back at Taoiseach Enda Kenny’s claim that Sinn Fein treated Mairia Cahill despicably

Party backs Gerry Adams over Maíria Cahill allegations

Sinn Fein figures ‘colluded’ to hide abuse – Irish Justice Minister

Sinn Fein’s vice president Mary Lou McDonald joins Gerry Adams in admitting she knew about IRA ‘sex abuse courts’

Allegations open potentially damaging debate for Sinn Féin – (Only if you don’t have the republican mindset that nothing Sinn Fein/IRA does is wrong!!)

Ex-IRA member: Cahill’s account of interrogation rings true

Memo to Gerry Adams… Mairia Cahill has not gone away, you know

Slurs about family won’t silence me, says IRA accuser Mairia Cahill

SF throws weight behind DUP bid to criminalise purchase of sex

Stormont bans paying for sex as bulk of our MLAs support clause

Thousands of paedophiles will escape justice, UK crime chief admits

October 20

Ian Paisley: Former NI leader ‘cast influential shadow’

TUV’s Jim Allister: ‘I’m not some ogre that people can’t get along with’

British spies recruited paedo IRA chief: Spooks used pictures of Joe Cahill to ‘turn him’

Piece by piece, the Sinn Fein mountain of lies is starting to crumble, says alleged rape victim

Cahill: Sinn Féin like (RC) Church in terms of abuse secrecy

IRA failed sex abuse victims, says Adams

Adams forced to admit IRA interference in sex cases

Adams on the run from Mairia’s brave stance

Politicians and media guilty of turning a blind eye to IRA murder of Paul Quinn – Peter Robinson and Martin McGuinness never replied to letter asking for a meeting.

DUP’s statement over ‘self-respecting’ unionists not joining talks on Northern Ireland with Irish representatives is a welcome change

Rome mayor registers gay marriages

‘Roman’ Catholic bishops scrap sections on gays in Vatican document

‘Roman’ Catholic bishops veto gay-friendly statements leaving Pope Francis the loser

Villiers: Dublin won’t be involved in talks on NI’s internal affairs

FF leader concerned over Taoiseach comments regarding Northern Ireland

Tom Elliott backs pact with DUP over two key constituencies

Outrage over dissident banner for Stephen Carroll’s murderers

Sinn Fein disgraced

‘I actually worked out what would be the best way to be killed. Shot, not beaten. Quicker’ – (Mairia Cahill’s own account of interrogation by IRA)

Anger as report into Peter & Iris Robinson is delayed

October 18

Strong reaction to Mayor’s subpoenas of preachers sermons against sodomy in Houston, Texas.

Mayor, city attorney distance themselves from sermon subpoenas

Houston City officials try to distance themselves from sermon subpoenas

Pastors to mayor: Don’t mess with Texas pulpits

Ex-adviser: SF’s key issue in budget talks was its chauffeurs

Prosecute anyone who covered up abuse, says McDonald

Abuse survivor is ‘disgusted’ by Mary Lou’s comments

Cahill claims number of women were abused by republicans

Rotherham abuse scandal: MPs want missing files answers

Missing Rotherham abuse scandal files ‘fuel public suspicion of a deliberate cover-up’

Sinn Fein TD: ‘IRA did hold kangaroo courts’

Ulster Hall fitting venue for Paisley memorial, says McIlveen

An uncomfortable day for the DUP

EXCLUSIVE: One million MORE migrants will flood Britain before EU vote, warns Farage

US Judge strikes down Arizona’s ban on gay marriage

October 17

Acrimony and confusion at start of Northern Ireland talks

Crunch talks on future of Stormont: There’s little hope of ‘big five’ parties striking a deal

Mike Nesbitt: Quitting the Executive is an option

Queen’s University students to vote twice over united Ireland

Sinn Fein engulfed by yet another sex abuse scandal as IRA’s kangaroo court exposed by victim

Woman ‘appalled’ at Adams denial of her account of rape conversations

Joan Burton: ‘IRA rape case allegation raises serious questions’

IRA rape claims woman says she’ll meet Gerry Adams … in public

DUP accused of trying to derail inquiry into allegations of improper behaviour by a minister and his adviser after a former minister described another MLA as a thug.

October 16

Irish priest guilty of Chile child abuse

‘Roman’ Catholic Church orders secret sex inquiry into philandering bishop Kieran Conry

Police chief warns of more Rotherham-style abuse cases

DUP boycotts launch and Sinn Fein talks of distrust: Day one of the summit and already it’s unpromising

Stormont talks: McGuinness blasts ‘utter contempt’ of DUP

Our politicians at Stormont couldn’t bake a Victoria sponge never mind balance the books

Bob Stoker: Ulster Unionist former lord mayor to join UKIP

Cahill allegations of rape may result in others emerging

Sinn Féin offers to meet Maíria Cahill over rape claims

Half of Irish electorate supports abolition of blasphemy – (One of the fruits of the exposure of Rome’s wickedness!)

Stormont committee suspended after DUP man calls Allister “a thug” – (Sammy Wilson unites with murderers from Sinn Fein but uses abusive language of a fellow unionist – Strange indeed!!)

‘Thug’ insult row results in NI Assembly committee suspension

October 15

Maíria Cahill: Reaction to IRA rape cover-up claims – (Programme brings shame on the police, also the DUP for being yoked to such an organisation!!)

Once more Adams and Sinn Fein stand exposed

There are more slaves today than EVER before in the history of the world

Almost 10 million NHS admissions in England related to alcohol last year

DUP and Peter Robinson not serious about talks unless they get their own way

‘Sinn Fein blocking Nationalist speaker of the Assembly’ – Bradley

Northern Ireland Assembly Speaker row: When is a deal not a deal?

Speaker row another damning indictment of Stormont

SF should not get key posts if it thwarts good governance – (How about not being in government because of their unrepentant support for terrorism!!)

PSNI is feeling the strain as Sinn Fein immovable

Five murder charges against alleged UVF supergrass – but if found guilty he could get just three years

Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald ordered out of Dáil over ‘bias’ remark

Ian Paisley’s memorial service to go out on BBC radio and TV

USA – New laws give Houston officials rights to examine religious sermons for discrimination against LGBT people

Bishop of Gloucester will face no police action over sexual offences claims

Is Israel losing the support of its traditional allies? – video analysis

October 14

Jim Allister barred from speaking in assembly after clash with Roy Beggs

Freedom of expression suppressed again in Stormont

Analysis: No one knows where unravelling of DUP-SF deals will end

Children’s heart surgery to move from Belfast to Dublin – (With Jim Wells’ backing!)

Irish Republic set to back same-sex marriage by large margin next year

Inside the UVF: Money, murders and mayhem – the loyalist gang’s secrets unveiled

Assembly fails to elect new Speaker

Speaker row: some are saying this might herald Assembly’s last shout

Northern Ireland’s spending crisis not going to go away

Adams as Irish deputy PM? It could happen

Jonathan Powell (Tony Blair’s former chief of staff) is wrong – talks with the IRA prolonged the Troubles

Maíria Cahill claims the IRA interrogated her after she made rape allegation

IRA ‘swore grand niece of Joe Cahill to secrecy’ on sex abuse

Gerry Adams is drawn into IRA ‘sex abuse’ row in BBC Spotlight probe

October 13

SF’s welfare claims exposed in Nolan interview with Alex Maskey

DUP negotiated the ultimate sellout by accepting £100m lifeline loan: Mike Nesbitt

Northern Ireland’s £100m loan from Treasury shows we can’t put our house in order

Brighton bombing: I can’t find it in my heart to forgive the creature Magee, says Norman Tebbit

Brighton bombing: ‘Thirty years on, I still can’t be in the same room as Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness’

Peter Robinson is expected at Ian Paisley’s memorial

Alleged rape victim to tell BBC show of IRA attacker

Gerry tweaks history to suit his rosy IRA memories

Stormont parties split over who will take Speaker’s role

MLAs fail to replace NI Assembly Speaker William Hay

Sectarian attack: Protestant housing estate in the Fountain area, Londonderry, still under siege says councillor

IRA informer names senior Provo in charge of gang who murdered Paul Quinn

October 12

‘Significant’ explosives find in Kinawley, County Fermanagh

Explosives found as ‘dissidents foiled’

Sinn Fein ‘stirring sectarian tensions’ over call for Queen’s University referendum on united Ireland

100,000 Unionists Excluded from discussion regarding their future

God TV in turmoil as tearful TV preacher admits split with husband

UUP says budget deal amounts to ‘sell-out of NI’

Republicans seem unfazed at prospect of Stormont’s fall

Large haul of explosives recovered from farm near Northern Ireland border

David Ford says Kinawley, Fermanagh, explosives threat to community – (Not as big a threat as his proposed amendments to the Abortion Act!!)

Norman Tebbit: I’ll meet Brighton bomber but only if he’ll reveal who ordered the attack

Sinn Fein and the fantasy economics that don’t add up

October 10

Emergency £100m loan from Treasury eases Stormont budget crisis

Stormont’s Treasury bailout ‘the dearest sticking plaster in history’

£100m Treasury loan for Stormont branded ‘farcical’

Poll: Sinn Fein support soars in Republic of Ireland to highest level since 1918

Kinawley: Dissident republican operation now in third day

Catholic teacher training college to fight Stranmillis merger proposals

Sinn Fein ‘stirring sectarian tensions’ over call for Queen’s University referendum on united Ireland

DUP said adviser Stephen Brimstone was ‘toast’ over Red Sky row: whistleblower Jenny Palmer

October 9

Unionism’s spirits lifted by nationalist backlash on parades panel

Ford proposes change in abortion law – (A former Presbyterian elder forced to stand down because of his support for sodomite marriage)

Reactions to new rape and medical defect abortion plan

Jamie Bryson flag protest trial put on hold

Abortions should be allowed in Northern Ireland ‘where foetus has lethal abnormality’ – (So says David Ford’s Dept. of Justice)

Same-sex marriage rights set to expand in USA after landmark court rulings

US court considers human rights laws for chimpanzees

October 8

 Rise in ‘witchcraft’ child abuse

JD Wetherspoon buys landmark Belfast Methodist church site for £800k

Pub chain Wetherspoon buys landmark Belfast Methodist church site for £800k – (A sad and tragic sign of the times and of the curse of the ecumenical gospel!!)

First alleged Isil terror plot on UK foiled amid growing fears of beheadings – (Chickens are coming home to roost!!)

 Ulster Unionist leader calls for urgent action over victims’ funding shortfall

 ‘Sophisticated’ pipe bomb thrown at police patrol outside RC church in Northern Ireland

 Bomb fails to detonate after being thrown at PSNI vehicle

 Convoy Orange hall: Two men face criminal damage charges in Donegal

 West Belfast shooting victim Noel Donnelly (37) in critical condition

Analysis: Willie Hay did not do enough to stand up to the Executive – (And thereby was granted a seat in the House of Lords!!)

 Historical Abuse Inquiry: Pensioner says Nazareth House nuns ‘medieval’

Ebola: Northern Ireland is preparing for outbreak should killer virus spread, say officials

October 7

Jim Wells: NI health minister ‘will not abandon religious beliefs’ in policies

The Kingsmills Scandal and our ‘do nothing’ Justice minister

Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry (HIA): De La Salle order ‘to protect innocent brothers’ from Rubane House – (Rome on the defensive)

(Roman) Catholic children’s home ‘hell on earth’

Kincora Boys Home: BBC Spotlight to broadcast new abuse allegations

NI Assembly Speaker William Hay to retire as MLA

William Hay retires as Speaker of Assembly

McGuinness rejects budget claims

NI peace process warning: US politicians write to leaders

Lord Kilclooney: Direct rule better than current Stormont

Cannabis as addictive as heroin, major new study finds

Church of England vicar denies backing ‘anti-Semitic hate-fest’ in Iran

Founder of God TV Rory Alec steps down following ‘a moral failure’ in his marriage

Convoy Orange Hall: Donegal arson arrests made

Suspicious device at Church may disrupt Mass for first time

October 6

 RC Bishop of Arundel: New revelations about his women lead to more Catholic soul searching

(Sodomite) Gay bishops encouraged to come out in petition by Church of England priests and parishioners

Stormont minister sues Executive colleague as financial crisis deepens

 Foster’s legal action over John Lewis branded a ‘waste of money’

 DUP leader Peter Robinson meets Edwin Poots and Paul Givan after sacking: Cringe worthy moment best of enemies shook hands

Peter Robinson: No conflict of interest over Carl Frampton fight – (Trouble on every side!!)

 Public’s verdict on Stormont politicians: You’ve hit rock bottom

Evangelical Christians urge secular education in Ireland – (What folly! A Biblical Education system is what the Christian should seek for their children)

Catholic primate warns Irish government: No abortion stance change

October 4

 Dutch Health Minister Confirms 45 Euthanasia Deaths of Mentally Ill Patients

Primary school introduces unisex loos – to prevent prejudice against transsexual people – (Some parents disappointed at not being consulted !!!!????)

 Westminster will balance books, warns Alliance MP, Naomi Long

 Services cut for over 3,000 Troubles victims as Stormont crisis deepens

 Stormont poll: Put this mockery of democracy out of its misery right now

 Cross-border condemnation as church targeted as well as Orange hall

 Dissidents hit Donegal Orange hall ‘to stoke up tensions’

 Gardai accused of ‘ignoring’ IRA massacre inquest

Dáil (Dublin’s parliament) row over ‘offensive’ recital of Lord’s Prayer – (Opposition mounts because of Rome’s abuse of children)

 Of course Parliament should have precedence over the ECHR. Now how about over the EU?

October 3

Orange hall in Convoy, County Donegal, destroyed in fire and an attempt made to burn Protestant church

Catholic bishops call for inclusion in talks – (After DUP leaders attend the Mass it is little wonder!!)

Stormont ministers attend north-south council meeting

Enniskillen victim ‘let down by establishment’ – (The truth will never be told for it would involve leaders of Sinn Fein, now in Government with the DUP, in the massacre)

Irish police failing to properly engage with Kingsmill inquest, court told – (Again, there are facts that would condemn Sinn Fein should they be disclosed)

Slim majority in Northern Ireland supports same sex marriage law – (The harvest of ecumenical liberalism in the pulpits!!)

Growing backing for liberalisation of abortion rules in Northern Ireland – (As above!!)

Archbishop of Canterbury’s peace wall prayers for Northern Ireland – (I take it that this was one of the days he believes there is a God!!)

Threat of Treasury taking control of Stormont – but SF not budging

The latest Stormont crisis isn’t really about welfare and it’s not even about spending cuts…

Silence of Sinn Fein ‘shameful’ as body of Disappeared victim removed

October 2

Irish police find body in search for ‘disappeared’ Brendan Megraw

 Gerry Adams: ‘I hope discovery of the body will bring some closure to the family and loved ones of Brendan Megraw – (He was murdered by Adams’ friends in the IRA!!)

 Key Tony Blair adviser claims he helped to write historic Adams speech on IRA

 Growing belief at Executive that it may be very close to implosion

 Treasury warned (by head of NI Civil Service) Northern Ireland Executive ‘to go into red’

 David Ford ‘could quit’ over justice department budget cuts

 Executive ‘away day’ to tackle budget

 Let the people of the Province decide

 Republicans target their victims for a second time

 Ex-SDLP aide: Party will lose quarter of MLAs at next poll

 Dissident posters telling man he had just hours to leave Belfast are slammed

Gay cake row: unionist says he would back bakery if it launched case

October 1
 Irish Republic’s Senator urges Republic government to reverse cuts on Protestant schools

 Republic will have no role in talks about NI affairs – Poots

 Irish government’s role in Stormont talks still not finalised, says NIO

 Jim Allister: Madness to give MLAs tax-raising powers

 Analysis: Talks are a final bid to prevent Stormont’s collapse

 These are the men behind push to give Robbo the heave-ho

Findings ‘sink Sinn Fein’s hopes of referendum on Easter Rising centenary’

September 30

 Republic should have no say in Northern Ireland affairs

 Dublin should have no role in talks, says former DUP MLA

 Allister in talks warning to unionists

McGuinness denies North’s power-sharing government could collapse – (He always was the bearer of good news!!)

 It’s a crime to reject UK’s FBI: Latest example of how dysfunctional Stormont is

 Stormont finances ‘set to go into red’

 ‘There isn’t more money’ for NI – PM

 Strong majority of Northern Irish still favour link to the UK

 Dissidents admit Orange hall bomb

 Child abuse report criticises South Yorkshire Police

 More than 200 boys suffered harrowing abuse in Co Down home run by the Christian Brothers, inquiry told

School principal (a Christian Brother) preyed on children for two decades without ever being caught

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