Index to this edition
- Latest news stories
- The increasing animosity to the gospel in the United Kingdom
- Will the real Joel Beeke please stand up?
- Ireland before the 17th century plantation
- In or out? The European debate
- Pictures of Christ series of Bible studies for Kilskeery Independent Christian School
- Correspondence with Patrick McCafferty. Part 3 of the exchange.
Special series of meetings for young people
Theme: The New Testament Christian – Studies in 1 Thessalonians chapter 1
Covering the following topics:
- The Entrance of the Gospel, Pt 1
- The Entrance of the Gospel, Pt 2
- The Effect of the Gospel & The Example of the Converts
- The Expectation of the Converts
Preached in Kilskeery FPC youth fellowship meetings by Rev. Ivan Foster
“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” (2 Peter 1:10)
The increasing animosity to the gospel in the United Kingdom

A recent news report gave the details of how a Christian magistrate was sacked and then suspended from his position as non-executive director by Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust.
His crime? Mr. Richard Page was struck off after he told the BBC it would be better for a man and a woman to adopt a child!
That is stating a simple truth, long held sacred in this land, in a very mild manner but for this he was removed as a magistrate.
Speaking about his views he said, “My responsibility as a magistrate, as I saw it, was to do what I considered best for the child. My feeling was therefore that it would be better if it was a man and woman who were the adoptive parents.” Read more…
The indifference of men to the agonies of Christ
Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow, which is done unto me, wherewith the LORD hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger, Lamentations 1:12.
(A gospel message preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster, on Lord’s Day morning, 17th January 1999)
What a mountain of triviality occupies the interest of mankind! This is never more obvious than at ‘Easter’ time! Bunnies and chocolate eggs take precedence over the glorious events of the Saviour’s sufferings, death and resurrection.
There are those in the scientific world who are renowned for their knowledge of bugs and beetles, lice and leeches. Some men ceaselessly gaze at the stars in order to catch a glimpse of some unbeknown lump of matter. Others sift the soil and the slime of the earth’s surface in order to discover something new about the creatures that once roamed the earth. The activities of bats and birds, of the antelope and the ant, of the leopard and the lizard have all been studied at length by men consumed with an interest in such things.
But no man has a desire of himself to examine the sufferings of Christ on the cross. When an invitation is given to consider Calvary, all with one consent begin to make excuse. Read more…or listen using the player below.
Will the real Joel Beeke please stand up??
Below is a link to an article by Ralph Ovadal entitled: “The Downward Spiral of Dr. Joel Beeke’s Ministries Continues.”
Pastor Ovadal has once again sounded a faithful, fearless warning to the people of God regarding the false claims made for the ministry of Dr Joel Beeke.
Dr Beeke has surpassed Dr Billy Graham in his heyday of duplicity when the likes of Dr Bob Jones Sn sounded forth a warning against his sinful compromises and cooperation with modernists and liberals. Billy Graham did not show sympathy for, share conferences with or support openly the wicked blasphemies of so-called sodomite ‘Christians’!
Ralph Ovadal shows that Dr Beeke has and continues to do just that.
This is an article every minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ should read and pass amongst their flock.
Ivan Foster (Editor).
Click here to read the article
A brief account of the work of God in Ireland over the last 1500 years
by Rev. Ivan Foster.
The Gospel of Christ came to Ireland over 1500 years ago. Despite many attempts by Satan and his agents God has been pleased to maintain His truth in this land. Following its first planting the Gospel was carried by men whose hearts the Lord had touched into many neighbouring countries: Scotland, England, Wales, France, Germany, Switzerland and further. God has been pleased, in some measure, to do again in these latter days what He did in those distant days. May the land, now associated with terror and strife, become known again by the title it was then given, “The land of Saints and Scholars.”
The history of the Gospel in Ireland begins, to a very real degree, with the story of Patrick. There is much written about Patrick that is entirely fictitious. We can, however, be reasonably sure concerning his faith in Christ and the doctrines that he preached. There exist today two of his writings accepted by all scholars. One is his Confession. From his Confession we learn that his father was a deacon, the son of Potitus, a gospel minister. Where Patrick was actually born is something of a mystery. England, Scotland, Wales and even France all claim to be the place of his birth. In his Confession he tells us that he came from a village called Bonavem Taberniae. Where that village was is difficult now to say. It would appear that the most likely place was somewhere in Roman Britain. Very possibly he came from a place now called Kilpatrick, that is, the ‘Church of Patrick’, near Dumbarten in the Firth of Clyde, in Scotland. Read more…
Ireland before the 17th century plantation
The text of a lecture given at Bangor Free Presbyterian Young People’s meeting by Rev. Ivan Foster
A knowledge of the history of Ireland is a very beneficial and precious thing and that for a number of reasons.
- History displays the merciful dealings of God with our forefathers
- Such a knowledge will do much to expose the lie of Rome that has bred the spirit of Irish nationalism based upon the myth of a pure Irish race that has ever been fervently Roman Catholic.
- It will go far toward removing the feeling of insecurity and of guiltiness at being in Ulster that many Ulster Protestants suffer from as a result of Rome’s persistent lie.
In or Out? The European Debate
Both pro-EU and anti-EU spokesmen have referred to this debate as the most important for a generation! If they but understood, it will prove to be the most important decision the nation has ever taken in its long and colourful history, so filled with highs and lows, advances and retreats, shame and glory.
How well prepared is the nation for such a decision? Sadly, it has never been less prepared to decide upon a course to take which will have eternal as well as temporal consequences.
In the past, or at least in the last 500 years, the nation has had the BIBLE to act as its compass and guide and there have been godly men to proclaim fearlessly its TRUTH about the issue that faced the nation. Read more…
Editor’s correspondence with ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty

Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly
Back in 2002, I entered into a correspondence in the pages of “The Burning Bush” with a Roman Catholic priest from Belfast. The correspondence arose after I wrote a letter in reply to an article by the priest in “The Belfast Telegraph” of August 24th, 2002.
I was grieved at such a platform being given to the errors and deceptions of Rome and commented on the priest’s article in a letter to “The Belfast Telegraph.”
It will be noted how our two replies to the priest were edited by the ‘Letters Editor’ of “The Belfast Telegraph” before they quickly closed the exchange after two exchanges.
The Word of God was not liked by that ecumenical newspaper back then and it is still the case. Every effort was made to shield and protect the priest of Rome from the rebuke of God’s Word.
We are republishing the correspondence, which continued for eight exchanges, and appeared in “The Burning Bush” from October 2002 until May 2003, because of the publicity given to the ‘warm relationship’ that was manifested between this priest and Pastor James McConnell during the recent trial occasioned by Pastor McConnell’s pulpit statements about Islam. Pastor McConnell asked ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty to speak on his behalf during the trial.
All this “ecumenical camaraderie” between the pastor and the priest may appear to some to give endorsement of the teachings of Rome and it is for this reason we highlight again the errors this priest, like all Roman Catholic clerics, propagates.
Needless to say, it also highlights the folly of James McConnell!
Read Part 3 of the exchange here.
Pictures of Christ series
Rev. Foster is engaged in an ongoing series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, i.e. the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.
Each new study will be added as it becomes available and you can listen to new studies using the player below.
Previously published studies in this series can be heard here.
Latest news stories
Senior figures in North back negotiations with dissident republicans – (More evidence that terrorism pays!!)
Dissidents branded ‘pathetic’ after female police officers kicked in head – (Was CS gas used??)
Arlene Foster: ‘No two-tier NI police service’ – (?????)
Jim Shannon: The 1916 Easter Rising rebels were terrorists
Irish President Michael D Higgins pulls out of Easter Rising centenary dinner in Belfast
BBC overboard on Rising coverage
Jim Wells hustings row: Case against woman accused of wasting police time is adjourned
Why march protest veteran Dipper has own questions to answer on parade
Oxford theology students can skip Christianity lessons – (Given the likely content of the lessons, it will be no loss!!)
EU bosses DEMAND European Union flag stars be incorporated into Union Jack
More news
March 31
Baroness Paisley praises Dublin’s Easter Rising commemorations
1916 Rising leaders were ‘egotists’, Arlene Foster says
Easter Rising was ‘dastardly’ fruit of ‘poisonous’ ideology stemming from Fenians to Provos – (Its common source – Roman Catholicism!!)
‘Baying for blood’ of Orange parade officer slammed
Police ‘deeply regret’ any child hit with CS spray during Ormeau Orange Order parade violence
Ormeau clash at Junior Orange march fuels fears of anti-loyalist conspiracy – (Quite simply, police bullies see ‘Loyalists’ as a soft target!!)
Footage shows trouble at parade amid CS spray row
Junior Orange CS incident ‘disturbing’ says Foster
Dr Morris Fraser: Paedophile psychiatrist worked with children after abuse conviction, study finds
“Outrageous and provcative display of republican emblems” in Rasharkin – (Equality and reconciliation is a ‘one-way street’ for Irish republicanism)
Group that murdered warder in vow to kill more staff
Trump says punish women for illegal abortions, then back-tracks
March 30
Belfast parade: Arlene Foster speaks to chief constable after CS spray used during junior Orange event – (Police petrol-bombed in Lurgan and Londonderry by Republicans: No CS gas!!!)
Two 15-year-olds charged with riotous behaviour after PSNI attacked in Lurgan – (It’s good they are going for the top criminals!!!)
Police defend using CS Spray during Ormeau Road Junior Orange Order parade
Unionist anger at police over Ormeau Road parade clash
Police Federation reveal extent of PSNI officer’s injuries after Crumlin brick attack – (Why no CS gas???)
TUV’s John Hiddleston Concerned by Reports of PSNI Conduct at Parade
John Finlay: ‘Softly, softly’ approach to republican parades but not for loyalist ones
The criminal justice system must take on dissident thuggery – (Too busy gassing Protestant youngsters!!!)
Fury as would-be Provo bomber Sean Lynch glorifies IRA as the heirs of 1916 – (It is this that the DUP are in coalition with!!!!)
Political process will not deliver a united Ireland – Billy McKee, founding member of Provos – (In other words ‘republicans still need the bomb and the gun’!!)
Continuity IRA pledges to ‘strike at will’
New IRA warns of more attacks on ‘age-old enemies’ in Northern Ireland
Armed struggle the only thing the British take notice of, says founder of Real IRA – (So much for ‘softly, softly’ unionisms tactics!!)
How YOU pay for Roma gypsy palaces – UK benefits are funding Romanian mansions
EU admits plot for FEDERAL superstate and describes Brussels attacks as an ‘opportunity’
March 29
Nationalists not ‘co-operating with police’ on dissident threat – (This is not news for it has always been so!!)
Significant sums of Provisional Semtex still in hands of dissidents – (Again, this is not news for it was never believed that the IRA had decommissioned!!)
‘We are the unfinished revolution’ republican rally is told
Police rapped over dissidents’ brazen shows of strength in Northern Ireland
Policeman ‘helps’ republican erect tricolour in Belfast – (Can it get any more ridiculous???)
IRA flags at benefits office an ‘attempt to intimidate’
News delivery firm to quit Co Armagh republican area after hijacking
Sinn Féin’s deluded 1916 narrative now cited by dissidents to justify murders
John Bruton, former Irish Prime Minister: His full speech denouncing the Easter Rising
Real IRA boss McKevitt attacks Sinn Féin as he is released from prison
Anti-abortion leaflets woman claims Sinn Fein official assaulted her in village
Jim Allister Comments on Easter Rising Events
Police pelted with petrol bombs in republican area of Lurgan
Officers injured as petrol bombs thrown in Lurgan
DUP’s Arlene Foster wants masked dissident republicans at Easter Rising marches behind bars
Teen asks DUP to explain why they voted against legalising same-sex marriages in Northern Ireland – (Hopefully his local DUP man will answer him. One or two texts from the Bible should be enough!!!)
Police Release Brussels Terror Suspect
Trump: Britain And Europe ‘Not Safe Places’
Fifty of Europe’s most dangerous offenders have slipped into Britain undetected
UK at risk from EU criminals, Vote Leave campaign claims
The persecution of Pakistan’s Christians is not confined to jihadists
March 28
Sacked Christian magistrate Richard Page suspended from Kent NHS trust – “It would appear no longer possible to be a Christian, to state what the Bible actually says and what the Church has believed for 2,000 years, and maintain a role in public life in today’s Britain.”
David Cameron: UK must defend Christian values against terror – (Given his position there is no greater enemy of God’s Truth than this man who rejects every tenet of the Moral Law!!!)
Britain must defend its Christian values against terrorism, David Cameron says
Tory civil war over Europe deepens amid claims Cameron is ignoring Eurosceptic ministers
Leading Irish theologian (RC) condemns Easter Rising as unchristian
Arms race fear in Dublin feud over Provo weapons
PSNI challenged over Lurgan republicans in paramilitary uniform
Lurgan parade involving masked republicans investigated by police
PSNI widow Kate Carroll slams dissident republicans’ Easter Rising show of strength in Lurgan
Lurgan, County Armagh: Petrol bombs thrown and van hijacked and set on fire
Paramilitary uniforms mark Easter Rising parade
Gerry Kelly – Countdown is on to a united Ireland
British Ambassador present as Republic commemorates Rising
Turkey is deliberately ‘unleashing’ Isis terrorists into Europe, says Jordan’s King Abdullah
Suicide bombing kills at least 70 people in Pakistan
Scores killed in suicide blast aimed at Christians in Lahore park
Suicide Bomber Kills 56 In Packed Pakistan Park
Lahore blast: 60 killed and at least 300 injured outside public park in eastern Pakistan
IS Bomber Kills 41 At Football Tournament
Murdered Muslim shopkeeper’s family fear for their lives from hardline Islamic factions
Insurance issues stop cross Border patients using South West Acute Hospital
March 26
Brussels attacks: Nuclear alert after security officer found dead with his pass stolen
Tricolour at Keady church ‘act of intimidation’
Why I politely declined my invitation to the 1916 Easter Rising commemorations
Londonderry crash: Man charged with attempted murder of police officers
EU referendum: 250 business leaders back exit, say campaigners
Brexit peace fears are rubbish: Trimble
EU isn’t working on economic grounds: Trimble
Church (of Rome) accused of deceitfulness as priest who had affair secretly resumes role
Priest resumes duties after affair scandal
Man arrested over ‘religiously prejudiced’ killing of Glasgow shopkeeper
Police drop charge over ‘mealy mouthed reply’ tweet
‘I confronted a Muslim’ tweet suspect no longer charge with race-hate offence
March 25
Ex-CIA director: EU ‘gets in way’ of security services
EU just ‘gets in the way’ of security services, blasts former CIA director
Glasgow mosque leader praises extremist killer
Mosque leader who condemned Brussels attacks sent messages calling extremist ‘true Muslim’
PC GONE MAD: Top MP blasts chocolate firms for dropping ‘EASTER’ from seasonal eggs – (!!!???)
Police urged to clamp down on any terror glorification at Rising events – (And pigs might fly!!)
Unionist defends decision to back SF 1916 event – (No wonder the party he help found a short time ago imploded!!!)
Easter Rising commemorations: The 1991 interview that has come back to haunt Gerry Adams– (Surprise, surprise: Gerry’s two-faced!!!!)
Briton David Nixon killed in Brussels terror attacks
Brussels attacks: Missing Briton David Dixon confirmed dead by his ‘devastated’ family
Protest against clerical sex abuse in the Catholic Church in Dublin today
Brussels attacks: Croydon man charged after tweet ‘confronting Muslim woman over Brussels attacks’ – (Muslim care workers refused to serve old folk bacon sandwiches: No crime there!!!)
Ted Cruz calls Donald Trump ‘a sniveling coward’ for dig at his wife – (The antics in this election is beyond belief!!)
March 24
Sinn Fein’s McGuinness calls on republicans to respect events in unionist culture
Unionist icon Edward Carson mural paint bombed on Belfast’s Falls Road (You may call again Marty!!!)
Gerry McGeough elected president of Tyrone AOH – (“Well known for his strong Catholic views” – jailed for attempted murder- a good RC!!!???)
IS-inspired ‘drive-by’ terror plot: Two students guilty
Integrated education: Where do NI parties stand? (The correct name for this system is ‘Ecumenical Education’!!!)
‘We need a security union’ EU chief Jean-Claude Juncker causes fury with Brussels comments
Migrants spill from lorry after police make shocking discoveries in Kent
Meath (Rep. of Ireland) shooting: Man dies in gun attack
March 23
Prison officer Adrian Ismay’s funeral told of New IRA’s ‘dark deed’
Wife of murdered prison officer Adrian pays loving tribute to ‘my darling Izzy’
Brussels explosions: Eyewitnesses describe blast ‘chaos’
Brussels attacks: Europe is acting as a ‘welcome sign’ to terrorists, warns former Tory leader
Brussels attacks: The EU aspires to be a state but fails to deal with the enemy within
Donald Trump: British Muslims aren’t reporting terror suspects
Proper policing totally lacking in Holylands area in Belfast
Libya’s new stance on IRA terror payouts ‘welcome news’, says UK minister
Death driver Anto Hagans hired by Sinn Fein linked group to repair IRA memorial
John McDonnell attacked in Commons for IRA support
Tory MPs question Labour’s shadow chancellor McDonnell ‘IRA support’ in Osborne row
DUP slams report claiming Northern Ireland would be better off in united Ireland
David Ford has been a total failure
Former Foyle MLA Devenney to stand for Assembly as independent unionist
UUP’s Patterson: Sinn Féin has republicanised St. Patrick
Sinn Fein’s Mary Lou McDonald: I was subjected to very invasive searches by US authorities
March 22
Brussels attacks: Latest updates
Brussels hit by terror attacks on airport and Metro
Brussels explosions: UK police increase presence after attacks
‘Peace process’ entrenched loyalist and republican paramilitary influence – (This the lawlessness of the last days, 2 Tim 3:1.)
DUP MLA denies trying to edge ahead alphabetically on ballot
Gun attack at school gates showed ‘breathtaking recklessness’
Northern Ireland prison visits cancelled ahead of murdered prison officer Adrian Ismay’s funeral
Furore over Orange Order comparison to Ku Klux Klan by Sinn Fein candidate
Apprentice Boys banned from marching around Anglican church
Don’t blame the messenger, Professor Brewer, when nobody is listening to your message
Relatives of Easter Rising dead reject Glasnevin wall
‘Fianna Fail can go into power with Sinn Fein’, says former Tanaiste Mary Coughlan
March 21
Irish terrorist Gerry Adams whines on Twitter about US airport security
Gerry Adams’s US snub ‘linked to IRA report on criminality’
An administrative input error or just a good call?
Daughter of poppy day victim in appeal
IRA dissidents out to hijack 1916 commemorations
Ruth Patterson: Emma Pengelly name change ‘smacks of desperation’
1916 Easter Rising: David Ford declines to attend commemoration of ‘violence’
Alliance councillors seemingly at odds with leader on 1916 events
Once again, the Freedom of Information Act reveals dubious practices at Stormont
Casement Park fiasco big kick in teeth for Sinn Fein
Australians want to keep the Queen
March 19
Adrian Ismay death: Christopher Alphonsos Robinson charged with murder
Adrian Ismay remembered by community rescue teams across Northern Ireland
Jim Allister: Ismay murder is straight from the Provo terror book
Iain Duncan Smith quits over planned disability benefit changes
Iain Duncan Smith quits Cabinet over ‘indefensible’ benefit cuts
Iain Duncan Smith quits: David Cameron ‘puzzled’ by resignation
Cameron’s ‘Extraordinary’ Exchange With IDS
‘A dark day for Europe’: EU reaches agreement to send refugees back to Turkey despite legal concerns – (Morality, truth and legitimacy mean nothing to EU leaders!!!)
A&E now ‘overwhelmed’ says top doc as he calls for army of medics to be sent in
Officers bailed over Police Federation fraud allegations
Steady decline in number of Protestant civil servants concerns Orange Order
Gregory Campbell: Those who caused our bloody past will not be allowed to erase their part in it – (By being allowed into government by the DUP the erasing has begun!!!)
A ‘Coward’s End’ For Europe’s Most Wanted Man
France seeks swift extradition for Paris attacks suspect, Salah Abdeslam, a French national
Six questions shameless Omagh bomber Seamus Daly must answer
Queen’s and Ulster Universities to take “robust action” following St Patrick’s Day disorder in Belfast’s Holyland area – (‘Robust’ is about to be redefined!!!)
How the British ‘lost’ the Easter Rising
March 18
Attorney General: Easter Rising was profoundly wrong and undemocratic – (He is Northern Ireland’s first Roman Catholic Attorney General!!)
Gerry Adams’s White House party refusal escalates to top Obama aides
Now Sinn Féin claim TD Ferris was ‘held for hours’ at Boston airport
Delusions of grandeur for Adams as SF choose to forget their past US favours
St Patrick’s Day celebrations in Belfast marred by IRA chants – (Really! That is merely the heart of the event sounding forth!)
Belfast St Patrick’s Day trouble: Eleven arrests across city – (The lawless ‘Holyland’ of Belfast is another area from which Protestants were driven out!!!)
Holylands trouble: Police warn of long-term consequences
Belfast council blasted for scrapping Holylands CCTV
Ismay murder: ‘Don’t believe the propaganda: guards are the ones being mistreated’
Arlene Foster disgusted by dissidents who celebrated killing – (I can recall reports of RC nurses cheering on their ward at news of soldier’s death!!!)
SF stance on jail officer murder ‘nauseating’
How Many Times Did Provo Prisoners Celebrate Murder?
Jim Allister hits out at McGuinness nominations to Independent Review of Paramilitary Activity
Adrian Ismay death: condemnation is cheap if mainstream republicans still justify own misdeeds
Muslim care home staff stopped elderly residents having bacon sandwiches, report finds – (Imagine the reaction if the reverse took place!!)
BACON BAN AT CARE HOME: Muslim staff REFUSED to serve patients bacon sandwiches
Kurdish woman shot dead at wedding for refusing to marry her cousin
Republic of Ireland – Fears jailed Liam Keane will seek revenge after release next week
‘Murphy should appear at Kingsmills inquest’
Edwin Poots: Verdict helps restore faith in judiciary
Police Federation of England and Wales investigated over fraud allegations
March 17
NI prison officer death ‘murder inquiry’
Murder investigation launched after Adrian Ismay post mortem
Prison officer Adrian Ismay trained alleged bomber in lifesaving techniques, it is claimed – (Such treacherous betrayal of kindness has been common throughout the ‘troubles’!!)
Lurgan ‘dissident republican’ sent for trial over bomb planted at school
‘Practice what you preach Martin’ – (A waste of time since McGuinness and his like are unconscionable!!)
Gerry Adams refused entry to White House St Patrick’s Day reception – (Would you let him into your house???!!!)
US Secret Service says sorry to Gerry Adams for security ‘error’
Court victory for Poots over gay blood ban – (Now will the DUP back his stance??)
Analysis: Basil McCrea had the chance to build a significant movement, but he blew it
Basil McCrea bows out with no final dig at nemesis John McCallister
Priest abuse claims ‘not passed on to police by Archbishop Carey’, inquiry told
Lord Carey might have delayed investigation into church sex abuse for 20 years, inquiry hears
Islamic State flag found near the body of gunman named after Brussels shootout
March 16
Prison officer Adrian Ismay injured in Belfast bomb attack dies
Prison inmates taunt officers over Adrian Ismay death
Good Friday murder plot to shoot prison officer uncovered by police intelligence
Attack on prison officer the latest in a spate of violent dissident activity
Brussels on high alert after anti-terrorism raid leaves one dead
Manhunt After Brussels Anti-Terror Raid
One gunman killed after shootout during Brussels raid linked to Paris attacks
‘We owe peace in North of Ireland to EU’, says former Irish President Mary McAleese – (Republican lies and more lies!!)
Brexit a ‘world of Danger’- Sinn Fein MEP
Mandelson EU exit claims ‘just plain nonsense’
New IRA plot carnage for 1916 centenary
East Tennessee celebrates iconic Ulster-Scot Sam Houston
Concern over rival republican events in Coalisland on Easter Sunday
Relatives of 1916 rebels criticise plans to remember British soldiers
Decision on Lisnaskea Irish speaking school may have been ‘political’
O’Dowd school buildings cash shows Irish obsession: DUP
Victims’ shock at ‘peace’ cash for McCreesh council
March 15
EU referendum: Brexit campaign has the edge as Telegraph poll – (Its far from over yet!!)
‘Car bomb’ explodes in Berlin, killing driver
Deadly Car Bombing In Central Berlin
Stinging rebuke for Angela Merkel in German elections
How long can Angela Merkel stay the most powerful woman in Europe?
CON AIR: Couple who flew migrants into UK for a DAY to claim £1.6m in benefits facing jail
Have a border poll now to show Sinn Fein just how far away unity really is
Hasty U-turn can’t hide fact the Sinn Fein mask slipped
Sinn Fein charging £10 for tricolours to celebrate Easter Rising – (Still gangsters at heart!!)
DUP split over Mid Ulster Assembly seat
Armed officers guard courtroom as man faces murder bid charge
Gang led by ‘Mr Big’ issues chilling threat to dig up body of murdered IRA boss Alan Ryan
How survivor of IRA Manchester bomb finally got help from NI victims groups
NI 21 leader Basil McCrea tells Belfast Telegraph he is ‘to quit politics’
‘Disillusioned’ NI21 leader Basil McCrea to quit politics
I’m finished with politics, says Basil McCrea – bombshell announcement sounds death knell for NI21
Alliance pamphlet ingites furious row among councillors
‘St Patrick’s Day has about as much to do with being Irish as Christmas has to do with Jesus’
Teenage car thief who killed police officer during chase was only just out of prison, court hears – (He should never be out again!!)
March 14
Boris Johnson urges Obama not to intervene in EU debate
Americans would never accept EU restrictions – so why should we?
Boris Johnson accuses Barack Obama of ‘outrageous and exorbitant hypocrisy’ over EU row
Angela Merkel’s party suffers in German state votes as she faces most serious challenge to her power
UUP and SDLP leaders hint at a future together in Opposition
Manchester IRA survivor at Stomont to mark terror victims’ day
The OFMDFM phantom project which never existed – (One of the many bluffs that the DUP pulled since 2007!!)
Auditors flagged up concerns over scheme paying Stormont spin doctors
McCreesh council got EU peace cash to ‘tackle sectarianism’ – (That’s our money the EU is paying out!!)
Translink awarded legal costs over ‘vexatious’ religious discrimination case
It is an extraordinary situation that former IRA chiefs can lecture victims – (‘Extraordinary’ doesn’t come close!!!)
Dublin weigh-in murder: Meath gun find and arrest ‘linked to hotel shooting’
Sinn Fein calls for Ireland reunification poll if UK votes to leave EU – do you agree?
The frank confessions of an unrepentant lackey
UUP warns of forming official opposition after elections
Prison officer bomb accused yawns in court as charges read
‘We want to know how IRA got Garda file on my murdered brother
JP sacked over same-sex adoption views plans legal action – (What a shame when doing right is seen as bringing the law into disrepute!!!)
Magistrate sacked in gay adoption row to sue Michael Gove
Jeremy Corbyn and the mosque leader who blames the UK for Isil
‘Mama Merkel’ faces first test of migrant crisis handling as elections loom
March 12
Oklahoma Senator Introduces Bill to Criminalize Abortion as First-Degree Murder
Belfast bomb: Man charged with attempted murder of prison officer
MEP slams Taoiseach on Garda-IRA collusion
Jim Molyneaux family dismayed at ‘close relationship’ claims made by Christopher Luke
‘We’ll take Merkel to court over migrant chaos’ Furious Sweden hits out at Germany
Blow for David Cameron as Tory MEP who brokered EU deal backs Brexit
Government officials ‘hid stats proving there are a MILLION extra EU migrants in Britain’
Bid to ban Muslims from replacing UK law with Sharia courts to be put before MPs TODAY
Fear of upsetting EU stops us sending home foreign criminals, claims Tory MP
Four-fifths of dissident attacks thwarted: top PSNI man
‘Vast majority of attacks’ stopped in campaign against dissident republicans
March 11
Migration fears not racist – Archbishop of Canterbury
Welby: ‘Anxiety over migration is reasonable’
Education minister opens Irish school with only 15 pupils – (An example of the bias found in Sinn Fein controlled ministries!!)
Durkan says sorry… but apology fails to quell row over crass ‘elephant in the womb’ abortion joke – (Inexplicably stupid and coarse!!)
Barra McGrory: Number of Troubles-related prosecutions ‘likely to be very low’
Professor slams ‘conflict journalism at its worst’
MP warns over McGuinness appointing members of body on paramilitary activity
Northern Ireland stinks of people not quite breaking the law – (There’s a right old stink from those who have and who do flagrantly break the law!!!)
Riot fears as loyalists given go-ahead for huge Easter Monday march in Lurgan
Dissident republican activist denies encouraging support for IRA
Event to remember Scots soldier trio lured to death by IRA
Commemorations for three soldiers murdered in infamous honeytrap killings – (An example of ‘women’s lib’ – republican-style!!)
Woman, 35, arrested in Belfast by detectives probing bomb attack on prison officer
Woman freed after police quiz over bomb attack on prison officer
Anger at claim that 22 police officers working on Bloody Sunday but none on Enniskillen – (Read the untold story of the ‘Enniskillen Bombing’ here)
President Higgins: ‘Don’t allow violence take root’ – (What an eejit! Violence has been growing and flourishing in Ireland for centuries!!!)
Uncritical take on 1916 Rising by schools very concerning – (It is what Roman Catholic children have always been taught!!)
Country with no leadership as Taoiseach resigns post
Leading economist Jim Power: Brexit could be good for Ireland
Gardai raid home of former Sinn Fein councillor who quit party ‘over bullying’
Gardai raid home of Sinn Fein Mary Lou McDonald’s former political ally
Councillor left over ‘personality clashes’ within the party, says SF
Michael Noonan ‘kept Stormont committee in dark over proposed Nama payments’
Questions still linger over Nama deal in the North
Unanswered questions around Nama and Project Eagle deal
March 10
‘How can McGuinness lecture victims conference on the past?’ – (Why was he, a chief victim-maker, be invited and why did people sit and listen????)
The Sun stands by ‘Queen Backs Brexit’ story as newspaper claims they knew more than they published
Britain warned it wields no power in German-dominated EU
Government’s actions towards terror victims ‘are totally unacceptable’
If terrorists win damages, we must try to recoup it for victims
IRA Semtex victims must get damages as other Libyan victims did
Family of boy shot by Army say ‘shame on PPS’
‘Further review of soldier case is not on’ against backdrop of entire Troubles
Dissident Republican terrorists ‘recruiting messengers of death’ in Larne: Sammy Wilson
Top DUP men support bringing back death penalty
Nelson’s Pillar – Vandals, not nationalists
Election looms amid Fianna Fáil dissent over coalition deal
March 9
Gerry Adams is endorsed for Taoiseach post with IRA’s blessing
Gerry Adams will stand for office of Taoiseach
SF councillor clarifies views on violence after unionist anger – (Lies and more wriggling!!)
Arlene Foster exerts her authority over Jim Wells selection in South Down
Injured prison officer one of 32 on IRA target list stolen from Prisons HQ
Special Criminal Court rules the arrest of a man accused of IRA membership was unlawful
The unending anguish of the Troubles’ forgotten victims
EU referendum: Brexit ‘could make policing slower and more costly’, says PSNI chief – (I wonder is that REALLY possible??!!)
Casement Park emails prove minister Ni Chuilin’s aides knew about safety risks
Gross dereliction of duty – Assembly relied on self-certification by Sinn Fein over £700,000 research bill – (Cheating pupils allowed to mark their homework!!)
Kenneth Clarke ‘failed to act’ over Lord Janner and Cyril Smith child abuse tip-offs
Migrant merry-go-round: Turkey deal ‘could bring hundreds of thousands MORE to Europe’
March 8
Republic of Ireland ‘afraid of UK leaving’ EU – DUP – (I believe that Bible prophecy indicates that Ireland will eventually leave the EU!)
Unionist rival slams UUP’s pro-EU move, SDLP hails it
MLAs back down over bid to compel Nama witnesses
Ex-IRA boss one of 19 members of SF ruling body – (‘Ex-IRA boss’ is presently Stormont’s Deputy First Minister !!!)
Fury as SF’s Tony McCaul says return to violence cannot be ruled out – (Murder will ever be deemed justifiable by Irish Republicans!!)
New IRA the deadliest of the dissident republican groupings
Backlash over Army pension for IRA bomber Michael Dickson
Daughter of IRA Hyde Park bomb victim denied legal aid
Boris Johnson insists ‘nobody has been gagged’ as he overturns EU vote edict
Turkish refugee deal is just another reminder that the EU means immigration
March 7
‘IRA’ claim responsibility for murder bid on prison officer
Belfast bomb: Dissident republican ‘new IRA’ claim prison officer attack
‘New IRA’ claims east Belfast bomb attack on prison officer
PSNI arrest four suspects over prison officer murder bid
Schoolgirl sex assault man is walking tour guide in Northern Ireland town
Carnfunnock Country Park: ‘Terrorist hide’ including bomb parts and explosives found
‘Dissident republican link’ to Carnfunnock Country Park explosives find
Concern voiced ahead of Easter Rising event in Stewartstown/Coalisland area
West Belfast: Second bomb found during security alert
Labour anti-Semitism row threatens to divide the Party
Labour leader Corbyn ‘tries to cover up past’ by deleting Eurosceptic articles
SF’s rise in the Republic slows
Thomas “Slab” Murphy is being treated like a god by fellow inmates since being jailed – (So much for men’s choice of a ‘god’!!!)
Arlene Foster: EU subsidies waning
Mixed reactions in DUP as Jim Wells gets nod to stand in South Down
Why (Roman) Catholics can’t agree on Brexit – (Interesting acknowledgement that Romanism spawned the EU!!!)
FIVE DECADES OF EU FAILURE: Dossier finds 43 UK U-turns over 43 years of Brussels rule
Tom Elliott MP: I’ve backed party’s pro-EU stance… but am undecided
Derry H-Block memorial is ‘illegal’ say DRD – (Will anything be done with it? Not likely!!)
DUP to press DPP over terror memorial in Lurgan
Arlene Foster: ‘First Minister will be me or Martin McGuinness’
TUV is the Only Party Opposing McGuinness as co-First Minister
Outrage as IRA bomber is set to be handed state-funded armed services pension
Hospital suspends consultant who stopped (Muslim) surgeon operating while wearing headscarf
Apologetic PSNI chief reverses decision over police memorial plaques
Prison officer bombing: ‘This is part of republican campaign inside jails’
Provo Semtex used to maim prison officer – (So much for the much vaunted ‘decommissioning’ by the IRA!!)
Don’t let a meddling Labour MP scrap ‘God Save the Queen’
Basil McCrea cleared by Bain…but committee has concerns
Ben Lowry: Now even that wretch Seamus Daly is blaming the Brits
EU referendum: Boris Johnson condemns BCC boss suspension
BCC boss resigns over ‘Brexit’ support
There is no conspiracy. The EU is completely open about its superstate plan
Cameron in NI cut an isolated figure compared to Boris
March 5
Anger at claim that 22 police officers working on Bloody Sunday but none on Enniskillen
Decriminalise prostitution, says Jeremy Corbyn – (Babylon draws nearer!!)
British Chambers of Commerce boss reportedly suspended over Brexit comments
Business chief suspended after coming out in favour of Brexit
PM under pressure over immigration by pro-Brexit ministers
Ulster Unionist Party supports staying in EU
Police warn of upsurge of attacks ‘to commemorate 1916’
Head of prison officers’ union: peace process does not apply to us
Miracle prison officer and wife did not die in booby trap bomb intended to murder
Inquiry on child abuse turns to Catholic-run group of homes
Child abuse inquiry to focus on Good Shepherd Sisters institutions
SF proposes ex-hunger strike campaigner to chair Irish Dail
Paisley Jnr racked up expenses debt of over £27,000 on official credit card
March 4
East Belfast: Prison officer injured after bomb explodes under van
Bomb explodes in east Belfast: Prison officer and another injured by device planted under van
Prison officer injured in car bomb explosion
Attorney General to intervene in gay cake appeal
Ashers case: ‘A £36.50 cake has spawned bills totalling £100k-plus’
GAA approach to 1916 proof it is far from open to us all
EU referendum: Iain Duncan Smith ‘troubled’ by Remain conduct
Remain campaign trying to bully British people – IDS
Iain Duncan Smith: Remain campaign is trying to ‘bully’ Britain into staying in EU
Nama: Frank Cushnahan breaks silence but refuses to address allegations
PSNI commanders warned over removal of police memorials
Moving police memorial a bid to ‘airbrush RUC from history’
Tina McKenzie lifts lid on NI21 blackmail, conspiracies and a toxic leadership feud
Casement ‘farce’ claim after Sinn Fein Sports Minister Ni Chuilin walks out
Ulster Unionist MLA calls on DUP minister to act on ‘illegal’ 1916 monument in Lurgan
Lurgan memorial to terrorism must be pulled down
Military veterans to ‘march for justice’ to Stormont
March 3
Storm over ‘illegal’ 1916 memorial
Nato chief: Vladimir Putin ‘weaponising’ refugee crisis to ‘break’ Europe
MLAs back plans for a Stormont Opposition, as Sinn Fein warns against creating ‘Frankenstein’s monster’ – (They would !!!)
‘No election grudge match against DUP’ – Ruth Patterson
NI21 row: Claims against Basil McCrea were a ‘political conspiracy’
Bryson ‘astounded’ at sentence over threats
If we can’t get justice for Omagh bombing, then let us get the truth
Mary McAleese remarks betray her soft nationalist view of history – (I’m not sure her nationalist views were ‘soft’!!)
The beggar with a sports car: death threats for man filmed getting into Audi TT – (This the madness of society today!!)
EU referendum: France issues Calais migrant crisis warning over British EU referendum – (And so the pressure mounts!!!)
March 2
Grassroots Fianna Fáil members prefer Sinn Féin coalition to Fine Gael
Irish PM Kenny performs massive U-turn as he opens door to Fianna Fáil
Reign of Gerry Adams nears end, but the new order won’t tolerate the old ways – (Really! Terror has been married to Irish republicanism for centuries!!)
Gardaí examine possibility of Real IRA retaliation to Vincent Ryan murder
Republicans from across Ireland to attend the funeral of Vinny Ryan
Another vile show of RIRA pageantry on the way
Dissidents are raking it in from pay-offs by crime gangs peddling heroin on our streets, MLA says – (Gangsterism -the true nature of Irish republicanism!!)
Pressure mounts on PSNI over RUC memorial’s new ‘photocopier’ site
Old weapons found in Belfast Orange hall
Home Rule UVF arms cache discovered in Belfast Orange Hall
Omagh bomb case against Seamus Daly collapses
Omagh bomb: Murder case against Seamus Daly collapses
The moment Seamus Daly walked free from Maghaberry Prison
Martin McGuinness: I’ll reveal details of my IRA past as part of any information retrieval process – (With about as much honesty as ‘Slab’ Murphy’s Tax Returns!!!!)
March 1
EU sets October 2016 as date for visa exemption for Turkish citizens – (This invasion will impact upon UK if it votes to STAY IN on June 23rd!)
Visa-free deal with Turkey to trigger ‘new refugee influx’ to EU – Bundestag Vice-President
Adams open to prosecution if he resigns: Moloney
Republic practices democratic options denied in Northern Ireland
RoI ‘will have no government by time of 1916 centenary’ – (One has to see the hand of God!)
(Roman) Catholic priest Fr Stephen Crossan ‘caught snorting cocaine in Nazi room’
PSNI probing cocaine storm cleric Fr Stephen Crossan
Co. Cork priest who ‘hired Continuity IRA’ to threaten nephew loses appeal
Cardinal: Catholic Church Failed Abuse Victims – (That is putting their iniquitous behaviour very mildly indeed!!)
Nama deal: Frank Cushnahan claims he was due ‘fixer fee’ over £1bn Nama deal
BBC reveals illegal ‘fixer’s fee’ admission from Nama adviser Frank Cushnahan
Former DUP man, Devenney turns down UUP
Dublin shooting: ‘Associate of slain Real IRA boss Alan Ryan critical’ after Finglas attack
Vincent Ryan shooting: Brother of slain Real IRA boss Alan Ryan dies after Finagles attack
Brother of Real IRA man Alan Ryan dies after Dublin shooting
David Cameron: Enniskillen bomb probe is up to unit yet to exist
Hungary election body endorses referendum question on migrants quota – (Worried about Hungary’s sovereignty!!!)
Migrants storm Macedonia border as tensions boil over
Police Use Tear Gas At Greece-Macedonia Border
Fierce clashes as France clears Calais ‘Jungle’ camp
February 29
Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy: Sinn Féin stand by alleged former IRA leader after tax sentencing – (That tells you what a ‘good republican’ is like)
Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy facing civil case as agency aims to recover unpaid tax of up to £4m
Spanish MEP slams terrorists who act as victims and peacemakers – (We know how you feel!!)
Police question ex-paras over Bloody Sunday shootings – (Nothing done about the IRA murderers masquerading as politicians!!)
The three Irish parties vying for power – each with a very bloody past
Fine Gael and Fianna Fail under pressure to forge alliance after indecisive poll
Irish election: Enda Kenny admits coalition will not return
Irish Election casualties: The big names gone and those on the brink of missing out on 32nd Dail
IRA victims’ views on SF results
Ben Lowry: Like it or not, power at Stormont has helped sanitise Sinn Fein in Republic – (Blame the DUP for that!!)
A child’s right not to be indoctrinated in religion is daily flaunted in schools – (No complaints about ‘indoctrination’ in Evolution!!)
Steven Agnew interview: Stay in the EU to reform it – (Only someone really ‘green’ would push this notion! UK has accomplished no reforms so far!!))
Streets of Belfast packed for murdered Orangemen parade
We won’t let IRA victims be airbrushed from history: ex-UDR man
Gerry Adams to Brian Stack sons: ‘You’re brave men to come here’
Teebane Memorial floral tributes damaged in attack
Don’t be taken in by Project Fear – staying in the EU is the risky choice
EU referendum campaign: David Cameron visits Northern Ireland
EU referendum: Leaving EU a stride into the light – Duncan Smith
Iain Duncan Smith – No10 can sack me but the EU fight is too important to back down
Nine deceptions in our history with the EU – (The greatest deception has yet to come!!)
World economy stands on the cusp of another crash, warns Lord Mervyn King