April 2016

Index to this edition

NEW BOOK: Encounters with Christ

Encounter_cover_croppedimage“Encounters with Christ”, by Ann Foster, is a Bible-based record of some notable miracles of healing wrought by the Saviour during His earthly ministry. He healed multitudes, giving sight to the blind, casting out devils, cleansing the lepers, causing the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, the maimed to be whole, the palsied to recover and imparting life to the dead. These miracles were always accompanied by earnest prayer, a consciousness of need and faith on the part of the one who sought healing. They also illustrate vital gospel truth. Sinners are spiritually blind, controlled by Satan, unclean, lame, maimed, paralysed and dead as a result of sin and they desperately need the spiritual healing and deliverance which Christ alone can give. They too must come with a deep consciousness of their sin, earnestly seeking salvation and believing that Christ alone can save.

The book also details some notable conversations with individuals. Again gospel truth is illustrated. In the Lord’s conversation with the woman of Samaria, He revealed to her the depth of her iniquity and His identity as the Messiah. The sinner must realise and acknowledge his sin in the eyes of a holy God and recognise Christ as God’s only anointed Saviour. In His conversation with Nicodemus, He stressed the necessity of the new birth even for a self- righteous sinner, spoke of His death on the cross, using the symbol of the uplifted serpent in the wilderness, to secure eternal life for His people.

However, not all who were healed were saved. Some, like Malchus, accepted healing for his severed ear, but rejected Christ’s message. Not all who talked with Christ, like the rich, young ruler, heeded His instruction to leave all and follow Him if he wished to obtain eternal life. Mercifully, Nicodemus was born again, despite all appearances to the contrary, for we find him at the cross with Joseph of Arimathea, carefully removing Christ’s body, wrapping it in spices and fine linen, laying it in the tomb and rolling the stone to the door.

To order a copy click here

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The Church’s defender in the day of attack

wave“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him,” Isaiah 59:19. (Read 1-21)

This statement is set in a prophetic context. It will undoubtedly find its final fulfillment in the day referred to in verse 20, the day of the Redeemer coming to Zion.

Revelation 11:1-15 is a record of the Holy Spirit raising up a standard in the very face of Antichrist’s flood of persecution against Jerusalem and its elect people in the last 42 months of this age.

But this statement embodies a general principle of truth which is clear to all. What is said of the Spirit of God acting against the enemy in the latter times is true of all occasions when the enemy attacks.

There is nothing new about the devil’s attacks nor is there anything new about God’s reaction. There never was a day in which the devil did not seek to come in like a flood. It is not a question of if but when.

In our day it is clear he is doing just that. Our text contains instruction and hope. Here is a foresight of his plans.

Listen to the message using the player below

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The Fire at Windsor Castle — was it the Finger of God?

windsor-fire“For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken,” Ezekiel 38/19 (Read Amos 4/6-13)

(A message preached by Rev Ivan Foster some quarter of a century ago and worth remembering as the Royal house and the nation rejoices at the Queen’s 90th birthday)

Fire is both the symbol and the substance of God’s wrath and judgment. The first and the final references in the Bible indicates this to be so.

“Then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the out of heaven;” Genesis 19:24, and

“But the fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death,” Revelation 21:8.

The recent fire in Windsor Castle should be seen as a testimony of divine displeasure against the sin of the Royal family in particular and the nation’s in general.

The Royal family took the name Windsor from the Castle’s name at the time of the first World War to conceal their links with German royalty. Their family name is Saxe-Coburg Gotha. The castle is the favourite abode of the Queen. The fire started in the Queen’s private chapel.

The religious and spiritual affairs of the Royal family are undoubtedly subjects of divine disapproval.

Listen to the complete message using the player below.

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48th anniversary of Rev. Ivan Foster’s ordination

IF2Saturday 20th April (1968) was an important day for the Free Presbyterian Church and for County Fermanagh. On that day, Rev. Ivan Foster was ordained as the first minister of the first Free Presbyterian Church in the county.

For many years apostates, fearful of the effects of a strong Gospel preaching church upon their iniquitous intrigues, sought to keep us out of Fermanagh. However the Lord opened up the way, and what God opens no man can shut. As a result Lisbellaw Free Presbyterian Church was opened. Since this work commenced the devil and his agents have been busy, but their desires to bring to nought this gospel witness have miserably failed.

It was with great joy that the Presbytery of Ulster ordained Mr. Foster and installed him in Lisbellaw, The two ministers who, along with him spent three months in prison at the hands of a politico-ecumenical plot, took a major part in the ordination service. Dr. Paisley preached the main message and Rev. John Wylie (Coleraine) preached the charge to the newly ordained minister. Read more

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Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

Lord’s Day Services April 17th, 2016.

“And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus,” 2 Timothy 3:15.

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The Message The Methodist Conference Would Not Allow Me To Preach

by Rev Ivan Foster

mossleyThis sermon was printed in the “Revivalist”, July-August 1967. The message had been preached in an ‘After Church Rally’ in Mossley Orange Hall, 18th June 1967.

I must confess that I have never been asked to preach at the annual Methodist Conference in Belfast. Nevertheless, when I read some of the statements contained in sermons preached at this conference it was abundantly clear that any men with a message of truth would not be welcomed at this affair. I quote for example a guest speaker at the conference, Dr. Alfred Martin. In Tuesday, 13th June’s issue of the “Newsletter” we read the following words concerning the obedience of Methodists to the spirit of false ecumenism – “Already you have made it clear that if loyalty to Christ and obedience to his EXPRESSED COMMAND AND SPIRIT are called Romeward trends by knaves seeking a trap for fools then you are willing to be misunderstood.” Read more

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Christian Institute in cooperation with Humanists and The Peter Tatchell Foundation, a pro-sodomite anti-Christian organisation

CIThere is one particularly unalterable law laid down by the Lord as to how His TRUTH is to be defended and His CAUSE maintained.

It is expounded for us by Zerubbabel and Jeshua, the Jewish leaders in charge of the rebuilding of the temple, in response to the suggestion by “the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin” that they would join in and help in the labour of rebuilding God’s house. Read more

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Editor’s testimony

Ivan Foster2On 5th April 1964, Ivan Foster was converted to Christ. As a twenty-year-old, his feet were already set firmly on the downward road to hell when God broke in upon his soul most unexpectedly. Within one week he was under the ministry of Dr Ian Paisley who was then in the zenith of his pulpit power. What blessed days they were for the young convert!

On 5th January 1965, he began studies for the gospel ministry in the Free Presbyterian Theological Hall. He will always be thankful that one of his lecturers was Pastor James Kyle Paisley, father of Ian Paisley. He was ordained to the ministry and installed as minister of Lisbellaw Free Presbyterian Church on April 20th, 1968.

There followed wonderful times of mercy and blessing which saw four new congregations formed within a short time, including one in Co. Monaghan in the Republic of Ireland and a part played in the formation of Newtown Square Free Presbyterian church in USA, now Malvern FPC, Pennsylvania.

But while the last fifty-two years hold many blessed memories for Ivan Foster, including that happy day he married Ann Beattie on March 8th 1968, no day can feature more clearly in his heart than that of the day when he became, by God’s everlasting mercy, a child of God!

Just after his retirement in 2008, he was invited to give a word of testimony in Mullaglass Free Presbyterian Church on November 11th. He had to return on March 8th to complete that testimony.

Below are the two messages entitled: “Once I was blind!”

May the Lord be pleased to bless it to your heart and to His glory.

(Errata in Part 2: 1979 should be 1978 @ 45 mins 48 secs. Cecil Menary should be Cecil Harvey @ 53 mins 23 secs.)

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Joel Beeke’s attitude to sodomy inadvertently substantiated

beekeAn incident was related to me just yesterday which unwittingly serves to show how the influence of Joel Beeke’s attitude toward sodomy, as exposed by Pastor Ralph Ovadal in his article “The Downward Spiral of Dr. Joel Beeke’s Ministries Continues”, is widely shared by so-called evangelicals.

I was told of a young Christian being invited to a youth testimony meeting by a fellow Christian some twelve months ago. Being a little anxious regarding the church in which the meeting was taking place, the person felt that because of the nature of the meeting, a testimony meeting, little harm would come of accompanying a friend.

However, one of those testifying spoke of herself as being a sodomite but nevertheless a Christian! Read more

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Editor’s correspondence with ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty

Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly
Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly

Back in 2002, I entered into a correspondence in the pages of “The Burning Bush” with a Roman Catholic priest from Belfast. The correspondence arose after I wrote a letter in reply to an article by the priest in “The Belfast Telegraph” of August 24th, 2002.

I was grieved at such a platform being given to the errors and deceptions of Rome and commented on the priest’s article in a letter to “The Belfast Telegraph.”

It will be noted how our two replies to the priest were edited by the ‘Letters Editor’ of “The Belfast Telegraph” before they quickly closed the exchange after two exchanges.

The Word of God was not liked by that ecumenical newspaper back then and it is still the case. Every effort was made to shield and protect the priest of Rome from the rebuke of God’s Word.

We are republishing the correspondence, which continued for eight exchanges, and appeared in “The Burning Bush” from October 2002 until May 2003, because of the publicity given to the ‘warm relationship’ that was manifested between this priest and Pastor James McConnell during the recent trial occasioned by Pastor McConnell’s pulpit statements about Islam. Pastor McConnell asked ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty to speak on his behalf during the trial.

All this “ecumenical camaraderie” between the pastor and the priest may appear to some to give endorsement of the teachings of Rome and it is for this reason we highlight again the errors this priest, like all Roman Catholic clerics, propagates.

Needless to say, it also highlights the folly of James McConnell!

Read Part 4 of the exchange here.

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster is engaged in an ongoing series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, i.e. the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

Each new study will be added as it becomes available and you can listen to new studies using the player below.

Previously published studies in this series can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ Pt 45
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 46
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 47
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 48
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 49
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 50
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 51

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Latest news stories

Labour anti-Semitism row: Jeremy Corbyn to launch inquiryJeremy Corbyn facing ‘coup attempt’ over anti-Semitism row as ministers hold talks with plotters

How the Labour Party embraced an ideology that has race hate at its heart – (Writer could have added his support for the murderers of the IRA!!)

Deal reached to pave way for Republic of Ireland minority government

Historic deal to see first FG Taoiseach re-elected

Ireland Agrees New Government After Nine Weeks

Derbyshire police tried to keep Polish rapist’s name secret

Election Diary: UUP and DUP both claim Coulter’s backing – (Rev Robert Coulter is a retired minister of the ecumenical Irish Presbyterian church, he’s well used to facing both ways!!)

DUP candidates in photo row were ‘on a solo run’

Vote for us to Keep SF Out Claim Some – But Will they Give SF Speaker’s Chair in First Act?

SF ex-minister’s tweet on Syria bomb is “ironic”

Feared ‘guns for hire’ now offering services to Hutch gang

(Dublin) Regency Hotel ‘Flat Cap’ suspect flees Strabane home

EU military police carry out ‘extremely WORRYING’ civil unrest crisis training

1,100 bombs and shootings in 10 years: The figures that prove terrorism hasn’t gone away – (“Peace Process” is a wicked sham and a mere means used by DUP to get into power at any price!!!)

If we can’t see the difference between victim and perpetrator, we have lost our way as a society


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More news

April 29

DUP deny division in Mid Ulster as Magherafelt councillor backs ‘new kid’ Buchanan for Assembly elections

Executive has failed by its own standards but is set to be returned

Paramilitaries control NI communities with muscle and fear

NI Politics: 15 Retiring MLAs in line for ‘resettlement grant’ worth almost £500k

Why I called Ken Livingstone a ‘Nazi apologist’ by Labour MP John Mann

Ken Livingstone branded ‘VICIOUS’ by ex-aide as Labour anti-Semitism row rumbles on

MPs Demand Corbyn Acts Over Anti-Semitism Row

Jeremy Corbyn insists ‘Labour has no anti-Semitism problem’ and suggests critics ‘nervous’ of his power as party suspends Ken Livingstone

Madeleine McCann ‘abducted during botched burglary’

Syria: Aleppo in ‘catastrophic’ situation, says UN

April 28

Same-sex marriage tops Sinn Fein manifesto pledges

Pro life groups slam Lord Steel’s call for abortion reform in NI

Heart of SDLP campaign torn apart live on air

Peter who? Has the DUP really forgotten its former leader?

Arlene Foster’s fury at SF celebration of IRA gunman accused of trying to kill her father

Republican Facebook page labels killers of Michael Barr as ‘subhuman criminal scum’

(Roman) Catholics main victims of Northern Ireland republican terror groups

Almost 80% of dissident republican targets are (Roman) Catholic

Former Real IRA terrorist in new group extorting cash from building site workers

‘Paramilitary’ gang threatens householders

Stakeknife ‘unlikely to ever face prosecution’

Top spy ‘Stakeknife’ allegedly linked to 50 killings ‘unlikely to ever face prosecution’

Labour MP suspended over ‘anti-Semitic’ comments

Labour suspends Ken Livingstone in anti-Semitism MP row

Livingstone Suspended Over Hitler Comments

Ex-US House Speaker ‘A Serial Child Molester’

Revealed: Britain’s borders left exposed as screening system crashed twice in 48 hours

Corbyn faces anti-Semitism turmoil

Naz Shah to be investigated by Labour’s National Executive Committee following suspension over anti-Semitism row

April 27

Peter Tatchell urges next Stormont assembly to overturn same sex marriage ban – (This this is the man with whom the ‘Christian Institute’ is in coalition – see here)

Couple wins custody battle over surrogate mother who refused to give baby to two gay men

Sorry President Obama, but mind your own business with regard to our EU vote

Ted Cruz: Post-Brexit Britain would be at front of the line for trade deal if I am US President

Yes, it does matter who’s the next First Minister, and I don’t want it to be Martin McGuinness – (Why does the DUP nominate McGuinness as Deputy FM??)

Dublin pub shooting victim named as ‘NI dissident’

Labour MP Naz Shah resigns as aide to shadow chancellor after controversial comments on Israel emerge

TICKING TIME-BOMB: Greece set to run out of cash by MAY pushing Europe into ANOTHER crisis

Hungary’s Prime Minister: Islamisation is BANNED by our constitution

Open borders allow Isil sleeper cells into Europe and UK capable of carrying out Paris-style attacks, warns US intelligence chief

Isis has terror cells operating in England, US intelligence director warns

Provo myths do not fool anybody but their own rank and file

PSNI probe into masked republican march as more pictures emerge

April 26

Dublin: Two men dead after separate overnight shootings

Tyrone man with dissident links shot dead in Dublin

Tyrone dissident Michael Barr shot dead in pub ‘victim of Dublin gangland feud’

Gardai probe Kinahan-Hutch feud links after two men shot dead

Bloodshed in the capital: Two men killed in separate gun attacks overnight

A dissident republican ‘Flat Cap’ pal blasted to death in city pub execution

Escalation of frightening gang war strikes fear in community

Killer dragged from house fire as shotgun rounds found in bag

New armed Garda unit will begin in June, says Garda Commissioner

Dissident death threat for Belfast drug baron on disability allowance as he fails to pay protection – (This is the ‘peace’ that the Stormont Agreement brought!!)

Gerry Adams calls on all parties to publicly reject armed groups – (The man has a brass neck and head as well!!!)

What does SF do when its day just won’t come? – (It has a day coming which is very different from the one it boastful anticipates!!!)

Boston College subpoenaed for Anthony McIntyre interviews

Fury over masked republicans at Belfast Easter Rising parade

South Belfast: Ruth Patterson v Emma Little Pengelly in fierce tussle for unionist hearts and minds in constituency

April 25

Election Diary: Six UUP candidates back 1967 Abortion Act

Adams will put cult before country as FF leader Martin ensures centre holds against SF

DUP campaign to ‘keep Arlene as First Minister’ slammed by TUV

Gerry Adams’ ard fheis tribute H Blocks Provo inmates riles Arlene Foster – (Why? SF held these views when the DUP first entered power-sharing with them in 2007!!)

Arlene Foster tells of tears for ‘tender, caring’ young nun Clare Crockett killed in Ecuador quake – (What is worthy of tears is that the young woman was engaged in spreading the errors of Rome and that Arlene Foster puts her on par with evangelical missionary!!!)

SF MEP and ex-IRA prisoner Martina Anderson: ‘Republicans planning for reunification’

Watch as masked dissident republicans parade through streets of Dublin

Sinn Fein overhauling rules over politician pay: Set to end average industrial wage for members of Irish parliament

Ex-squaddie hits out over review into IRA bomber’s shooting

Oklahoma Lawmakers Pass Bill That Would Revoke Medical Licenses of Abortionists

US Methodist church performs gay wedding in act of ‘civil disobedience’

Barack Obama’s views betray a ‘woeful ignorance’ on the impact of the EU on Britain’s security, says Armed Forces minister

EU referendum: Who cares what US wants? – Farage

Cameron’s new EU deal criticised as a ‘sham’ by top Tories

April 23

Prison staff at Maghaberry warned they could be murdered at any minute

We must face down the extremes within loyalism and dissident republicanism – Martin McGuinness – (The ‘pot calling the kettle black’!!!)

Police Ombudsman recommends officer should be disciplined over ‘appalling young loyalists’ tweet

Some questions that Seamus Daly has still not answered about Omagh

Orange lodge to mark 1916 Easter Rising in Cavan commemoration

It’s now time for Sinn Fein to say sorry for IRA’s role in helping Nazi warplanes obliterate large parts of our city

‘We don’t work for Germany!’ ECB lashes out as ‘interfering’ Merkel loses patience with EU

Lord Owen (former British Foreign Secretary) tells Wales to get out of the coming ‘United States of Europe’

Backlash after Barack Obama EU referendum intervention

Is an EU army REALLY happening? Now Michael Fallon calls for MERGE with British forces

Pro-Brussels Gordon Brown admits Britain is buckling from EU migrant levels

Students threaten to split from NUS over new president – (They ought to do more than threaten!!)

April 22

Britain unlikely to go to war on its own again, Defence Secretary says – (Only fight alongside EU allies: See Revelation 17:12-14)

Queen’s 90th birthday: Nation celebrates historic milestone

Birthday greetings for Queen from Orange and unionist leaders

An outpouring of affection for the Queen as she turns 90

Convicted sex offender to front BBC youth talent show, says DUP MP – (We only assume that there is sympathy within the BBC for such wickedness!!!)

MP Paisley claims BBC allowing sex offender to host youth talent show

ISIS executes 250 women who refused to become SEX SLAVES for jihadis

Fresh doubts over whether SF will cut corporation tax

Irish president’s celebration of Casement ‘endorsing a myth’

Abortion: ‘Ridiculous’ that NI operates under 1861 termination law, says Lord David Steel – (He will answer one day for the millions of unborn murdered since his liberalising 1967 abortion Act!!!)

April 21

Queen’s 90th birthday: Monarch becomes UK’s first nonagenarian sovereign

Beacons glow as Northern Ireland marks Queen’s big day with a shining example of harmony

The Queen’s birthday: Her Majesty shares the spotlight with great-grandchildren in official portrait to mark her 90th birthday – (We will not see her like again!)

Ardoyne priest praises Orange lodges for ‘generosity’

Bafflement at move to re-ignite criminal probe against RUC men – (Given who the Attorney General is, it is not really surprising!!)

Dodds’ concern over Larkin police decision

Border Security: Third of jihadists who plotted UK atrocities slipped in and out of country with ease

Fermanagh and South Tyrone: Sinn Féin debacle could benefit SDLP

North Antrim: TUV to take on DUP for hearts and minds of unionist vote

DUP under attack by ex-member Devenney

David Black murder charge man Damien McLaughlin fails to overturn court order for him to stand trial

Brother appeals for information 23 years after IRA murder of Pomeroy man

Policewoman punched and kicked to the ground during Easter Rising commemorations trouble in Lurgan, court hears

DUBLIN – At last, a government may have been cobbled together

April 20


IRA’s ruling army council still exists, but has ‘wholly political’ focus – (That’s why its called an ‘Army Council’!!)

Terrorists in government is an encouragement, not a discouragement, to more terror – Jim Allister

Republican north Belfast is at mercy of a ‘monster created by SF’ – (Made worse by their hypocritical condemnation of the very terrorism they pioneered!!!)

New IRA blamed after man shot in legs in Derry

Londonderry shooting victim was due in court – (Drugs turf war!!)

‘Violent dissident republican groupings’ responsible for Londonderry paramilitary-style attack

‘Violent dissidents’ blamed for Derry shooting

It was Fianna Fail that insisted that we accept SF in power – (So much for the free choice of the Ulster people!!!)

DUP Mid Ulster dispute evident in odd posters

Nesbitt taunts Dodds as unionist election battle hots up

PPS asked to review decision not to prosecute police for shooting of IRA man – (Scandalous!!)

Attorney General calls for rethink over IRA man’s case – but PPS could refuse

TUV’s Reilly Critical of Colum Marks Announcement

Brighton and Hove City Council writes to parents regarding their children – ‘Choose your gender… aged four’

Michael Gove sets out post-exit UK-EU trade vision

Pro-EU camp ‘treating voters like children,’ says Michael Gove

Informer may be called in Kingsmill inquest

Islamic State ‘Sending More Fighters’ To Europe

Nato raises ‘justified concern’ that Isil is plotting nuclear attack on Britain

Jihadists ‘planning beach massacre using bombs under sunbeds’

Teenager spared jail for revenge attack against paedophile

SECRET PLOT EXPOSED: EU in stealth plan to set up ARMY by merging German and Dutch forces

April 19

Londonderry shooting: Man critical after gun attack in city – (These shooting take place in republican areas)

Inquiry into sexual violence in schools – (This the result of brutalising sex education)

Hardline anti-Orange campaigner released in street murder probe

Michael McGibbon murder: Arlene Foster calls on public to assist police investigation

Vile murder of butchery shows to world true injustice of paramilitary ‘justice’

Father of murder victim Gareth O’Connor accuses Sinn Féin of “hypocrisy” over condemnation of Ardoyne killing – (I should think so. Note the silence of Unionist politicians!!)

Time to stop the dissidents and their barbaric crimes

Westminster human rights committee urged to prioritise ending Northern Ireland’s abortion ban – (It is now a ‘human right’ to murder unborn children! Isaiah 5:20)

Muslim jail chaplains ‘distributing hate literature’

April 18

Presbyterian Church in Ireland strongly affirms its anti-abortion stance in wake of minister’s views

MLA candidate speaks out saying she is ‘not scared to break unjust abortion laws’ – (Police stand by as law is flouted!!)

Michael McGibbon murder: Man arrested over alleyway gun attack

Republican ‘Dee’ Fennell held over Michael McGibbon murder

Michael McGibbon: police arrest man (34) on ‘suspicion of murder’

North Belfast shooting: Michael McGibbon, 33, dies from his injuries

Man (33) dies in suspected paramilitary shooting in Belfast

Wife made desperate attempt to save murdered taxi driver husband

Spalding murders: Two children aged 14 charged with killing school dinner lady and her daughter

Britain faces ‘economic rupture’ if we leave EU, says Government

Angela Merkel is now silencing German satirists to please Erdogan. This is what the EU has wrought

Irish Ministers fly to Britain as fears grow over Brexit

Former police ombudsman Nuala O’Loan accuses Irish media of virulent anti-Catholic bias

DUBLIN – Gangland gunmen ‘highly trained in weapons’ and outnumber Garda’s Emergency Response Unit

Gardai fear trouble as Sinn Fein and dissidents plan Dublin rallies

Europe can’t allow likes of Sinn Fein to delay crucial anti-terror laws

Gerry Adams ‘cannot accept’ IRA war was illegitimate, says Fianna Fail leader Martin

DUP and UUP in real needle match: Election heats up at last as parties clash over the transfer of votes in May

April 16

North Belfast shooting: Dead man named as Michael McGibbon (33)

Northern Ireland Office denies claims over sex abuse allegations

Belfast Blitz: ‘Mother and child were speared to wall of bomb shelter’

Belfast Blitz: ‘We could hear the exploding bombs and were terrified’

Belfast Blitz: Air raid sirens sound again as city pays tribute to those who perished

Five held after West Midlands police uncover terror cell ‘with links to Paris attacks’

Senior Presbyterian cleric calls for abortion law to be relaxed – (Two-fold evidence of Presbyterian apostasy!!)

Mike Nesbitt under fire on two fronts

We are losing our ability to combat gangs, warn gardaí

Two men appear in Dublin court charged with possession of homemade explosives and IRA membership

EU referendum: Boris Johnson accuses Barack Obama of ‘hypocrisy’

Boris Slams Anti-Brexit ‘Prophets Of Doom’

Dublin’s lights used by Luftwaffe for Belfast Blitz, says historian

Priti Patel interview: It’s not ‘racist’ to worry about immigration

April 15

The Belfast Blitz: Two men, who were just boys at the time, recall their incredible escape on the night that terror rained down from the skies

Mike Nesbitt not excluding chance he may be First Minister

Nesbitt prepares to lead UUP back into Executive

I’d rather stick needles in my eyes than vote DUP, says UUP candidate

North Antrim: TUV may fall just short of grabbing second seat

Election Diary: If I return to Stormont alone it’s a failure, says Allister

Cocaine mule Michaella McCollum’s ex-boyfriend facing drug dealing trial

‘Children threw petrol bombs’ in Derry

‘Republicans are indoctrinating their children like ISIS’ – Chair of North’s Police Federation

Man arrested over murder of Paul Quinn in Co Monaghan as garda begin land dig

Quinn parents are left shattered after van trail runs cold

Barack Obama to intervene in EU referendum with ‘very candid’ warning over Brexit

Fear is David Cameron’s ally in the EU referendum – and it’s working

EU referendum: ‘Leave’ campaign winning key arguments as official campaign starts

US Secretary of State John Kerry says US Navy destroyer could have shot down Russian warplanes

April 14

TUV Manifesto Launch – Time for Straight Talking, Principled Politics

NI Assembly election: TUV in British ministers proposal

Billy Dickson’s new party South Belfast Unionists joins the fray

Belfast East: Major tussle in store between DUP and Alliance

Labour rebels defy party to set up new Northern Ireland party

UUP backing a single education system as ‘a virtual inoculation jab’ against sectarianism – (This is a total fallacy, an ecumenical delusion!!)

Dublin: Men arrested after new IRA explosives find

Gardai quiz pair over suspected New IRA bomb plot after explosives found in car

€10,000 seized as ‘two significant New IRA’ suspects’ arrested in cash handover

Gardai launch search near border over Paul Quinn’s 2007 IRA murder

Ex-IRA man disowns his past but wants ‘Repent’ sign over stormont – (We have no information on the genuineness or otherwise of this man!)

Family of murdered IRA informer protest against inquest delays

‘Migrant crisis will be repeated’ EU boss admits ALARMING numbers are to enter Europe

Drivers violently beaten with STICKS and ROCKS by gang of UK-bound migrants near Calais

April 13

Why the (Public Opinion Researcher) ICM poll of British Muslims shows we need to defend our values more than ever

Eurozone crisis ‘pushing migrants to UK’

Italy on the BRINK: Emergency rescue fund set for banks amid fears of ANOTHER Euro crash

Blue plaque for Ulsterman who designed dollar symbol

Blue plaque honour for Tyrone man who invented dollar sign and helped finance the American Revolutionary War

Kincora abuse probe disarray as second witness Colin Wallace rules out testifying

Allister and McGuinness among latest politicians to publish tax returns

CRJ projects net £2.5m in funding since 2007 despite republicans support for policing – (Republicans bleed the public coffer under any pretext!!!)

Convicted IRA bomber Sean Kelly says he is victim of ‘political policing’ – (He would!!!)

DUP’s Adrian McQuillan stands by Traveller comments

IRA victim’s father bids for new inquest over claims British agent Freddie ‘Stakeknife’ Scappaticci ‘played central role’ in son’s murder

Women and children not specifically targeted with rubber bullets: ex-major

‘Pages missing’ from military log after boy killed by rubber bullet

Review will not be held into death of soldier from Warrington – police confirm – (It seems that there is never the same diligence shown over IRA murders!!!)

April 12

Misnomers and myths abound in Sinn Fein telling of 1916

Monk’s gang hold talks with INLA

Northern Ireland politicians make tax affairs public

Panama Papers: First George, then Boris, then Jeremy – it’s tax transparency day in the Commons

Election Diary: No publicly funded libel insurance for new MLAs

Ukip leader’s U-turn after urging deportation of doctors for parking tickets

April 11

Kathryn Smith jailed for stamping daughter Ayeeshia to death – (A product of this godless age and Godless preaching!!)

David Cameron’s real crime is the damage he has done to our system of government

Why we should welcome a Jesuit in an Anglican pulpit – (Just included this headline in order to show the idiocy and blindness of this ecumenical Presbyterian elder!!)

SDLP poised to ‘re-examine all decisions’ on IRA park name

Third councillor in Tyrone leaves SDLP

Former US House Speaker Dennis Hastert abused at least four boys, prosecutors say

US presidential candidate Sanders trip to Vatican conference causes dust-up

Ann Travers: ‘The day my sister was killed by evil men 32 years ago is with me forever’

The day the IRA tried to bomb the Queen: Provos’ failed bid to kill Monarch at Sullom Voe is a forgotten episode in Scots history

Abortion issue may impact on closely fought assembly seats

Michaella’s lies: ‘Sectarianism’ and Ibiza escape claims are exposed – (Lies flow freely and readily from the likes of her!!)

April 9

Archbishop of Canterbury discovers biological father is not Gavin Welby – (John 8:44 comes to mind!!)

Mother stamped toddler to death after authorities failed to spot abuse – (One of many daily examples of unbelievable cruelty: Luke 17:26; Genesis 6:5, 11; 2 Timothy 3:3)

Campaign for murdered Scottish ‘honey trap’ soldiers

Ulster Unionist councillor, Derek Hussey to continue in politics after third drink-driving conviction

Dutch voters reject the EU elite

Kincora Boys Home Belfast: Sexual abuse victims will not be part of UK-wide Goddard inquiry, court rules

Panama Papers: David Cameron’s approval ratings drop below Jeremy Corbyn’s as he faces inquiry into undeclared stake in offshore trust

Mother of IRA Kingsmills victim to challenge decision to name Newry playground after IRA hunger striker Raymond McCreesh

Pope urges Catholic faithful to be guided by conscience, not rules – (Both Pope’s rules and the conscience are depraved!!)

All Muslims have duty to inform gardai of any suspected potential terrorist threat, Imam of Ireland’s biggest mosque says

Enda Kenny slams Fianna Fail for rejecting ‘full partnership government’

Pat Leahy: Fianna Fáil has many reasons to reject Enda Kenny’s offer

Ex-Australian PM tells Britain: Get out of EU because you have LOST your sovereignty

April 8

Twaddell camp began after dissident rioters were appeased – (The old, old story!!)

Shankill bomber Sean Kelly released in Conor McKee murder investigation

Owen Carron challenged to return to Northern Ireland by Enniskillen woman who lost parents in Enniskillen bomb

Tribute to Herron family slain by IRA incendiary device unveiled at Dromore Orange Hall

Michaella McCollum has mended her ways and is on the path to redemption, says Archbishop Walsh – (Old mother Rome to the rescue!!)

IRA Maze escape movie plea by son of warder Brian Stack

Panama Papers: David Cameron admits he did have a stake in father Ian Cameron’s offshore investment fund – (Finally!!)

PM Admits Owning Shares In Dad’s Offshore Fund

David Cameron faces backlash after admitting he had a stake in his father’s offshore trust

PM Evaded Question But Has Not Avoided Damage

Panama Papers: David Cameron’s worst week as Prime Minister as he admits he profited from father’s offshore trust

Tories at war over EU ‘propaganda’ leaflet as MPs threaten to ‘grind Government to a halt’ in protest at David Cameron

Relatives’ dismay as PSNI chief admits Enniskillen prosecutions look unlikely – (Cover-up with a capital ‘C’)

Chief Constable to be pressed on masked men at parades

Answers needed from Unite union over its banner at republican march

Nobel peace laureate Máiread Maguire describes Easter Rising as ‘ethically and morally wrong’ – (Really worth celebrating then!!)

April 7

Michaella McCollum’s Facebook posts hailing dead IRA men as heroes – (She’s not a ‘bad person’ she says!!!!)

Maze breakout movie will turn IRA terrorists into heroes, claim angry unionists – (What has Stormont turned at least one of them into???)

Shankill bomber Sean Kelly arrested in relation to murder

Shankill bomber arested in Conor McKee murder probe

Revoke Kelly’s Licence NOW – TUV

Dissident republican prisoners released to ‘attend Easter Rising commemorations’ – (No two-tier justice of course!!!)

Prisoners ‘participated in 1916 demos’ on temporary release

Action Needed on Illegal 1916 Memorial in Carnlough

Nationalists need to support the state against dissidents – (There is what should be done and what will be done!!!)

Council motion reeks of politicking

DUP pledges to stop “squandering money” on Irish language schools – (In a round about way this is an acknowledgment of past folly!!!)

DUP red faces over former ‘INLA’ man in picture – MP Shannon and councillor not told republican robber was in frame for photo op – (Why red faces when the DUP are pictured every day with those who make the ‘INLA’ man look small fry indeed!!!!)

Abortion pills: Housemate speaks of guilt over ‘baby in bin’ – (This is the another side of the ‘sob’ story pushed by many in the media!!)

Woman who reported housemate to PSNI over home abortion says: “She put a baby in a bin, that’s breaking the law”

Co Tyrone man charged with giving woman drugs to procure an abortion

Woman who used abortion pills has ‘nothing to be ashamed of’ – (Such are today’s moral standards: killing of a baby is not something to ashamed of!!)

It’s 2016 – and still women in Northern Ireland are punished for having abortions – (Because it entails the murder of an unborn child!!)

Asad Shah death: Man admits killing shopkeeper because he ‘disrespected’ Islam

Complaints received about police handling of Junior Orange Lodge disturbance

Christian NHS worker who gave religious book to Muslim loses appeal over ruling – (“Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you,” 1 John 3:13.

Man escorted from easyJet flight after passenger said she did not feel safe – (I wish that rule applied in Ulster where there are many who make us feel unsafe!!!!)

April 6

Panama Papers: offshore firm set up by Cameron’s father was moved to Ireland in year son became PM

Panama Papers: three questions David Cameron must answer

Mississippi passes law allowing businesses to refuse gay couples

Kincora: Why London must not be allowed to suppress the awful truth

Loyalists threaten repeat of flag protests over ‘two-tier policing of parades’

Loyalists protest over CS spray incident at Orange Order parade

‘Cronyism’ within SDLP blamed for councillors’ leaving

SDLP say resignation of Patsy Kelly ‘comes as no surprise’

SDLP ‘undermining non-violent credentials’ by backing dissident vote

DUP red faces over former ‘INLA’ man in picture – MP Shannon and councillor not told republican robber was in frame for photo op

Continuity IRA issue death threat to Glens of Antrim ‘drugs gang’

Kingsmill massacre: Judge and survivor call for information

Kingsmill massacre survivor calls on gunmen to come forward and clear their conscience – (That begs the question: have they a conscience??)

Ex-soldier ‘moved’ by event to honour colleague murdered by IRA

Paterson pleased ‘opinion is moving towards an EU exit’

Claims Brexit could hit peace process denounced as disgraceful during debate in Belfast – (It would be hard to hit such a ‘ cobwebby’ entity!!!)

– (Further evidence of the discounting of the value of a human life!)

Female front line soldiers experiment ‘will be paid for in blood’

Leaked papers allege fraud at De La Salle College in West Belfast

April 5

Latest: Teebane bombing memorial outside Cookstown attacked for second time within weeks

Update: Teebane widow is “lost for words” after vandals attack memorial

Teebane Memorial Attack – More than Paint Needed to Whitewash Provos

New INLA gang forced to flee crime summit at Regency Hotel

Masood Azhar: The man who brought jihad to Britain – (Indication of the sympathy there is within Muslim community for his views!!)

Sharia law jail: Muslim extremists make entire prison block ‘no-go zone’ of TERROR CELLS

Missing migrants scandal: Now Merkel loses track of HALF A MILLION refugees

Conviction of woman for having abortion ‘shows need for NI law to change’ – (There are those who applaud murder of the worst type!!)

RTE refuse to say if they paid Michaella McCollum fund as outrage over interview grows

20 unanswered questions for Tyrone drug smuggler Michaella McCollum

Panama Papers: Tory ex-Attorney General tells David Cameron to come clean about family’s tax affairs as Jeremy Corbyn accuses PM of ‘pussyfooting around’

David Cameron under pressure to say whether or not his family has money in tax havens

Hiding money in Panama is ‘breaking the law’, tax expert says

Panama Papers: 12 world leaders linked to offshore dealings – and the full allegations against them

Obese mum weighing 27-stone asking public to fund £10k gastric band operation is preparing for luxury cruise holiday – (This is where the godless philosophy of today will take us!!!)

27 stone obese mum books CRUISE then asks YOU to fund £10k operation to lose weight

April 4

Ex-Presbyterian moderator at unveiling of 1916 memorial wall

Michaella McCollum’s new look is supposed to portray an image of purity – I don’t buy it

Ormeau Road parade: Unionist councillors meet top cops

Britain ‘cannot possibly absorb’ number of EU migrants expected, Cabinet minister

Isil plotting to use drones for nuclear attack on West

Fears grow over security of Falkland Islands on anniversary of 1982 invasion

Falkland Islands left with no Royal Navy warship protection for first time since 1982 conflict

Wear a balaclava – Willie Frazer’s advice on how to blend in while in south south Armagh – (And you must wear an “I’m an IRA man” label before you will be arrested!!)

Wear a balaclava – Willie Frazer’s advice on how to blend in while in south south Armagh

Hundreds attend Ballymena UDR memorial ceremony

Aggressive beggars on Belfast streets ruined trip, says English family visiting city

Majority of Scots ‘are not religious’ – (Part of the UK’s rejection of the gospel for which it will pay dearly!!)

April 2

ACC challenged over PSNI response to republican parades

Tribute to family cruelly slain by IRA set to be unveiled

Memorial to be unveiled marking 40 years since murder of Protestant family

Exposed: UK School Promoting Extreme Islam

Unionists ‘shudder’ at scenes from the Junior Orange parade: UUP and DUP

‘I was lucky I didn’t lose my sight’ says 12-year-old boy caught up in CS spray incident at Orange Order Ormeau Parade

Memorial to fallen police officers returned to original position – (There a lot of things that need restoring to their original position within the police force!!!)

A sense of injustice about parades and the handling of the past

I’ve zero sympathy for drug smuggling spoilt brat Michaella McCollum

Ex-DUP MLA Paul Berry in bid to return to Stormont

Spence family slurry tragedy: ‘At times the grief and pain has been so huge it has been hard for me to breathe’

‘Jobs for the boys, nepotism and misogyny’ drives councillor out of Sinn Féin

Sean Lynch: ‘We are on the path to a united Ireland’ – (May God spare this undeserving land from such an event!!)

Arlene Foster: Why I did not go to the Dublin centenary event

Arlene Foster’s fury as SF MLA hails ‘man who shot her father’

Taoiseach’s surprise I didn’t go to 1916 events is baffling, says Arlene Foster

Easter Rising: Presbyterian Church to be represented at Glasnevin ceremony – (Given its ecumenical record that is not surprising!!)

Sinn Féin exhibition on 1916 jumps to tribute to the Provisional IRA

Veterans march to Stormont for fair deal from politicians


April 1

Senior figures in North back negotiations with dissident republicans – (More evidence that terrorism pays!!)

Daughter of Enniskillen victims slams Owen Carron’s cold dismissal of 1987 atrocity – ‘he saw lives as expendable, now he cowardly hides behind the law down south’

Dissidents branded ‘pathetic’ after female police officers kicked in head – (Was CS gas used??)

Arlene Foster: ‘No two-tier NI police service’ – (?????)

Arlene Foster says Northern Ireland ‘doesn’t have two tier policing system but there are concerns out there’

Ormeau parade: DUP councillor shared image of police officer and branded PSNI officers ‘bootboys’ over Junior Orange Order Parade

Jim Shannon: The 1916 Easter Rising rebels were terrorists

Irish President Michael D Higgins pulls out of Easter Rising centenary dinner in Belfast

BBC overboard on Rising coverage

Jim Wells hustings row: Case against woman accused of wasting police time is adjourned

Why march protest veteran Dipper has own questions to answer on parade

Oxford theology students can skip Christianity lessons – (Given the likely content of the lessons, it will be no loss!!)

EU bosses DEMAND European Union flag stars be incorporated into Union Jack

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