Archives for

World news

February 2016

Index to this edition

Special meetings for young people

(Though all are welcome!)

Theme: The New Testament Christian – Studies in 1 Thessalonians chapter 1

  • March 4th: The Entrance of the Gospel
  • March 11th: The Effect of the Gospel
  • March 18th: The Example of the Converts
  • March 25th: The Expectation of the Converts

Each meeting held at 8:00 p.m. (DV) in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

 Preacher: Rev. Ivan Foster

“Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.” (2 Peter 1:10)


Giving their Kingdoms to the Beast – The Present and Future Course of European Nations

Roman_Empire_Trajan_117ADby Rev. Brian McClung

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled, Revelation 17:17

Leaving aside the particular details of what David Cameron has negotiated, or not, one overriding truth is very evident, namely, that there is a continuing desire among European nations for the centralising of power. Keeping also in mind that the reality of what has been negotiated will be somewhat different to the ‘spin’ that the Prime Minister and his spin doctors will present to the electorate over coming days, this desire to centralise power will not be given up easily or willingly.

Read more… (link to Sound of an alarm blog)

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A Tribute to the grace of God in the life of Mrs Jacqueline Johnston

Given at her funeral service in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church, by her former minister, Rev Ivan Foster, 16th February 2016.

“Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings,” Isaiah 3:10.

Read more…

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Election of the new moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Rev. Frank Sellar

An insight into the moral state of that denomination

“O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned,” Matthew 12:34-37.

At this time of the year, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, an ecumenical denomination which long has had cordial links to Rome and the other international bodies that make up modern apostate Christendom, holds its annual election to choose the next Moderator of its General Assembly.

Normally, in order to maintain tranquility within its ranks, the office alternates between one who is clearly an ecumenist/liberal and one who is not quite so clearly an evangelical with the emphasis on the ‘jelly’ as Dr Paisley used to say in his heyday! Read more

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UNBELIEF and understanding prophecy

bible_image“Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself,” Luke 24:25-27.

I was speaking with a friend the other day about the whole business of prophecy and the opposition mounted against the position held by those of us who simply believe, quite literally, what the Bible teaches about the last days and the return of Christ. In our discussion, I referred to the scene on the “Road to Emmaus” when the two despondent disciples were confronted by the Lord Jesus. As we talked it occurred to me that the Saviour put His finger on the cause of the difficulties the disciples were having with the events surrounding the Saviour’s death and resurrection. He said to them : “O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken.” Read more

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Rome propagates the devil’s lie ever more brazenly

RC Priest Brian D'Arcy
RC Priest Brian D’Arcy

by Rev Ivan Foster

The British press has been filled with the news of the death of well-known television and radio personality, Sir Terry Wogan. He was born a Roman Catholic in Limerick, in the Irish Republic, in 1938 but he moved to England after a time working for RTE (Raidió Teilifís Éireann) as a newsreader and announcer to work for the BBC in the1960’s. He quickly became a household name, branching into television where he hosted many programmes.

As is invariably the case, there was a rush of people to say how well they knew him, how close they were to him etc, etc. One of those who did so was a Roman Catholic priest from Co. Fermanagh. His name is Brian D’Arcy.

A report of what D’Arcy had to say was given in the “Belfast Telegraph” of January 31st, 2016. The report carried the headline: “Terry Wogan was an atheist but spiritual, says Father Brian D’Arcy”

Read more

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Why we should love the Jewish people

auschwitzHolocaust Memorial Day 2016.

The substance of two school morning assembly messages given in Kilskeery Independent Christian School, by retired minister and school administrator, Rev Ivan Foster, on 27th and 28th January

“Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed,” Genesis 12:1-3.

It is clear from the first words spoken to Abraham, from whom sprang the Jewish people, that he and his descendants would be those about whom there would a division of opinions. There would be those that would “bless” them and there would be those who would “curse” them!

Those that “bless” them would be blessed of God and those that “cursed” them would be cursed of God.

They were, in heaven’s eyes, a very special people….Read more

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Editor’s correspondence with ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty

 Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly

Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly

Back in 2002, I entered into a correspondence in the pages of “The Burning Bush” with a Roman Catholic priest from Belfast. The correspondence arose after I wrote a letter in reply to an article by the priest in “The Belfast Telegraph” of August 24th, 2002.

I was grieved at such a platform being given to the errors and deceptions of Rome and commented on the priest’s article in a letter to “The Belfast Telegraph.”

It will be noted how our two replies to the priest were edited by the ‘Letters Editor’ of “The Belfast Telegraph” before they quickly closed the exchange after two exchanges.

The Word of God was not liked by that ecumenical newspaper back then and it is still the case. Every effort was made to shield and protect the priest of Rome from the rebuke of God’s Word.

We are republishing the correspondence, which continued for eight exchanges, and appeared in “The Burning Bush” from October 2002 until May 2003, because of the publicity given to the ‘warm relationship’ that was manifested between this priest and Pastor James McConnell during the recent trial occasioned by Pastor McConnell’s pulpit statements about Islam. Pastor McConnell asked ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty to speak on his behalf during the trial.

All this “ecumenical camaraderie” between the pastor and the priest may appear to some to give endorsement of the teachings of Rome and it is for this reason we highlight again the errors this priest, like all Roman Catholic clerics, propagates.

Needless to say, it also highlights the folly of James McConnell!

Read Part 2 of the exchange here.

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster is engaged in an ongoing series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, i.e. the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

Each new study will be added as it becomes available and you can listen to new studies using the player below.

Previously published studies in this series can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ Pt 31
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 32
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 33
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 34
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 35
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 36
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 37

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Latest news stories

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy: Sinn Féin stand by alleged former IRA leader after tax sentencing – (That tells you what a ‘good republican’ is like)

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy facing civil case as agency aims to recover unpaid tax of up to £4m

Spanish MEP slams terrorists who act as victims and peacemakers – (We know how you feel!!)

Police question ex-paras over Bloody Sunday shootings – (Nothing done about the IRA murderers masquerading as politicians!!)

Will Jim Wells run against the DUP in Assembly election? Controversial MLA is in standoff with his party

The three Irish parties vying for power – each with a very bloody past

Fine Gael and Fianna Fail under pressure to forge alliance after indecisive poll

Irish election: Enda Kenny admits coalition will not return

Irish Election casualties: The big names gone and those on the brink of missing out on 32nd Dail

IRA victims’ views on SF results

Ben Lowry: Like it or not, power at Stormont has helped sanitise Sinn Fein in Republic – (Blame the DUP for that!!)

A child’s right not to be indoctrinated in religion is daily flaunted in schools – (No complaints about ‘indoctrination’ in Evolution!!)

Steven Agnew interview: Stay in the EU to reform it – (Only someone really ‘green’ would push this notion! UK has accomplished no reforms so far!!))

Streets of Belfast packed for murdered Orangemen parade

We won’t let IRA victims be airbrushed from history: ex-UDR man

Gerry Adams to Brian Stack sons: ‘You’re brave men to come here’

Teebane Memorial floral tributes damaged in attack

Don’t be taken in by Project Fear – staying in the EU is the risky choice

EU referendum campaign: David Cameron visits Northern Ireland

EU referendum: Leaving EU a stride into the light – Duncan Smith

Iain Duncan Smith – No10 can sack me but the EU fight is too important to back down

Nine deceptions in our history with the EU – (The greatest deception has yet to come!!)

World economy stands on the cusp of another crash, warns Lord Mervyn King



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More news

February 27

Ford to resign as Justice Minister after May election but will stay on as Alliance leader

Former Irish President Mary McAleese is slammed over ‘ignoring’ Dublin’s IRA role – (Dublin ‘created’ the Provisional IRA!!!)

Anger as RUC memorial plaque moved from station’s public area – (Will it be moved back? Hardly! That might upset republicans who are frequent ‘visitors’ to police stations!)

RUC Plaque torn down in Strand Road Police Station – TUV statement

NI Attorney General: Brexit could improve rights

IRISH ELECTION – Exit poll shows Fine Gael and Labour heading for a meltdown

Election 2016: Irish Times exit poll shows Coalition well short of overall majority

Republic of Ireland’s new era as hung Dail predicted

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy: Alleged ex-IRA chief sentenced to 18 months in jail for tax evasion

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy sends statement from prison cell, denying he has wealth and properties – (Given his record of truth-telling, he must be very, very rich!!!)

‘Justice has been done’ says First Minister Arlene Foster as Slab Murphy spends his first night in prison

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy jailed over tax like Chicago gangster – (The cell door of hell will slam one day on this unrepentant mastermind of murder!!)

Nothing to say Adams, Mary Lou? Stony silence from Sinn Fein as ‘good republican’ Murphy is jailed

Reporters intimidated as ‘Slab’ left polling station: NUJ

Former Provos dominate 10 gangs running €3m-a-week cigarette racket

South Belfast murder: Police say fatal gun attack ‘part of criminal feud’

Stephen Carson murder: Police rule out paramilitary link in Belfast Walmer Street shooting

Hussain brothers jailed in Rotherham abuse case, 19, 25, 35 years – (Which is what should have happened to Jimmy Saville had he not been protected by BBC!!!

Tory MP accuses top US politician of being IRA sympathiser – (He is but one of many!!)

‘IRA sympathiser’ John Kerry can’t be trusted to comment on EU referendum after supporting IRA gunman, says Jacob Rees-Mogg

Boris Johnson urges Cabinet ministers who backed In campaign to ‘think again’

Sinn Fein has blown 10 seats with Gerry Adams as its leader, claims Bertie Ahern

Savile abuse: Jim’ll Fix It producer ‘warned staff over children’ – (Which begs the question: ‘Why was he employed at all by the BBC???)


February 26

Irish Election – ‘Gerry wants you to forget everything as you vote today’

Gerry Adams shuns questions on convicted tax cheat Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy

Hypocrisy of Gerry Adams’ rivals in Republic now votes are at stake shameful

Alleged ex-IRA chief Thomas Murphy faces sentencing for tax evasion

South Belfast murder: Man killed in gun attack

Murder probe after man shot in south Belfast

Scots council rejects plans to fly Irish tricolour to mark Easter Rising

‘Atmosphere of fear’ at BBC allowed Jimmy Savile to commit sex crimes, report finds – (An epidemic of wickedness is evident in today’s society)

Irish government attempts to extradite ‘senior IRA man’ over alleged child abuse

Former IRA leader to fight extradition on abuse charges

Alleged IRA abuse suspect did ‘deal’ on Disappeared

Criticism from Sinn Fein won’t change DUP minds on Brexit

Michael Howard: David Cameron’s reform bid has failed – it’s time to go

Omagh bomb: Seamus Daly appears in court accused of 29 murders

Family of Bobby Sands attack graphic novel about IRA hunger striker

Arts Council defends £5k in funding for Bobby Sands book – (Public money used for pro-terrorist propaganda!!!!)

Lotto cash for Bobby Sands comic book helps Sinn Fein rewrite history


February 25

Proposals for Northern Ireland’s four main churches to jointly run some schools – (Ecumenism hasn’t gone away you know!!!)

Faith Mission caravan used by missionaries burnt to ground at Dernawilt near Fermanagh/Monaghan border

Muslim says Pakistanis ‘burying heads in sand’ as six found guilty of Rotherham sex abuse

Jimmy Savile report: BBC staff ‘knew of complaints’

BBC management ‘aware’ of Stuart Hall’s sex abuse on premises

Another crack at ‘bogus Irish’ craic after stirring Gael force storm

Trainee teacher guilty of not revealing husband’s IS plans

Falling like dominoes: Now Dutch wants own EU vote & Czechs say they might leave

Downing Street admits Brexit ‘scaremongering’ letter WASN’T signed by ex-military chief

EU referendum: Iain Duncan Smith claims Cameron’s deal will do nothing to reduce migration as Government fails to meet net migration target

Cameron dealt MAJOR blow by poll as Brexit campaign gains majority favour

Isis plane attack: Egypt admits ‘terrorists’ downed Russian Metrojet flight from Sharm el-Sheikh for first time

Brexit still a big gamble for sceptics of unionism – (Parts of this article makes sad reading indeed!!)


February 24

DSD Minister, Lord Morrow, challenged over benefits for injured paramilitaries – (This makes sad reading as we see how far political ambition will destroy a sense of wrong!!!)Morrow challenged over benefits for injured terrorists

DSD Minister Cannot Dodge the Immoral Outworkings of Latest DUP-SF Deal

Unionists hit out over council’s ‘funding bias’ towards Irish language

Dramatic picture of police officer pointing gun at man’s head

Armed police swoop on murder bid suspects

EU reforms ‘not legally binding’ – Michael Gove

Revealed: Two thirds of British voters are Eurosceptics – but they aren’t convinced we should leave – (Suspecting it is wrong but staying in! How foolish!)

Watchdog slams NI Events Company collapse

Fine Gael TD Regina Doherty receives death threats after radio clash with Adams

Gerry Adams claims he is fit to be Taoiseach despite associations with IRA

Pattern of cover-up shows Sinn Féin not worthy of high office

SF ‘will be in government in Republic’ – Adams

To see what a mess Sinn Féin would make in government, have a look at the North

Police use new powers to seize ‘New IRA’ money


February 23

Bill Irwin: Former DUP councillor admits 23 fraud charges

Ex-DUP office manager pleads guilty to Assembly oil fraud

Man to stand trial over Co Fermanagh explosives and weapons find

Regency attack machine guns ‘stolen from an IRA arms dump’ – (More of Adams’ lies exposed – he claimed ALL IRA arms had been destroyed!!!)

NIO brands Villiers resignation call ‘ludicrous’ – (But then, who is more ludicrous then Martin McGuinness??)

Gerry Adams suggests SF’s EU stance based on border

Why some of the biggest companies in the UK didn’t sign the pro-EU letter

Brexit threatens £425 million in EU Peace programme grants to Northern Ireland – (And so the economic blackmail and terrorism begins!!!)

Mary Lou McDonald urges Gerry Adams to give information on SF members alleged to be involved in murder of prison guard to gardai

Fianna Fáil attacks Gerry Adams over Brian Stack murder – (Hypocrisy! – Fianna Fáil ministers helped launch the Provisional IRA back in the ‘60s!!)

SF calls for Dail Spad pay cut… after blocking that at Stormont

Sinn Féin reject spad policy inconsistencies – (Nationalist view has always been – ‘If its British money, SQUANDER IT!!)

Left-wing, Anti-Austerity Alliance-People Before Profit (AAA-PBP) is ready to vote for Adams as Taoiseach in Dublin


February 22

Queen Elizabeth has ‘felt God’s faithfulness throughout her reign’

EU referendum: Cameron sets June date for UK vote

We’re out! SIX ministers head straight for the Brexit as Cameron announces EU referendum for June 23rd after late-night ‘deal’ in Brussels

Theresa Villiers joins campaign to leave the EU

Boris Johnson says UK is better off outside the EU

People in NI disgusted at ‘language and lies’ directed at Sinn Féin – McGuinness -(Only those who vote for murders!!)

DUP to recommend leaving EU to voters

DUP confirms it will campaign for UK to leave EU in referendum

Sammy Wilson – Our future lies outside the EU

Nothing to Lose but Our Chains – Jim Allister, TUV

EUROPE DISINTEGRATES: Now Germany threatens SANCTIONS against EU states over migrant chaos

Westminster bill will ban Stormont overspending

Migrants ordered to leave Calais Jungle camp before bulldozers move in

Third attack on an Orange hall in a week

‘Nationalists must now accept some Union flag displays’: Alliance

Motorists from Republic of Ireland dodge £610k in speed fines as PSNI can’t trace them

Adams under fire after ‘car crash’ radio interview on SF tax policies

Son of IRA victim calls on Gerry Adams to drop duo

Adams admits he has names of the alleged Stack killers

Gerry Adams fails to quiz colleagues on murder claims

Four men (claiming to be from the IRA) armed with hammers attack Belfast house

‘There is no justice’ Outrage as boy, 4, is sentenced to life in prison for ‘murder’

Irish election – Fine Gael up two but Sinn Fein plummets in latest poll

McCabe (murdered Garda) family: ‘Stop the rise of Sinn Fein’


February 19

Cameron ‘ready to walk away’ if demands not met at EU summit – (It’s not likely that he will walk too far!!!)

Brexit talks run through the night with no agreement

EU Referendum: ‘Much to be done’ to secure an EU deal for Britain as it is ‘tough going’ for David Cameron in Brussels

Arlene Foster denies attending Easter Rising commemoration in Dublin

Arlene Foster: Easter Rising talk a serious historical reflection

Assembly expenses: Possible charges over DUP’s Lord Hay expenses inquiry

Standards chief is criticised by DUP over Wilson ‘snub’

Jim Wells complainant charged with wasting police time

Boxer, Manny Pacquiao ‘respects’ Nike withdrawal in same-sex marriage row – (Sodomites will tolerate no contrary opinions!!!)

Blue plaque honour for unionist Sinclair behind the Ulster Covenant

Easter is about Christ, not Rebellion – So Why are Protestants Concerned about Services?

Church welcomes talks over 1916 event closures

US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders petitioned Thatcher over Hunger Strikes – (Supporter of IRA terrorist obviously!!)

Bernie Sanders made plea to Thatcher on behalf of IRA hunger strikers

Family of murdered GAA player refuse to attend killer’s inquest

Tight security in place ahead of Hutch funeral

Heavily armed gardaí to patrol Eddie Hutch funeral

‘Dissidents in NI could join Dublin gangland feud’

Tyrone house connected to gangland hit suspect raided

‘Punishment style shooting’ in west Belfast

Co Tyrone Orange Hall attacked twice in two days

Child rapist and murderer wins €6,450 after European court ruling


February 18

TUV alone refusing to sweep murder under the carpet

SF salary arrangement within rules: Assembly

Prominent republicans Duffy and McCrory released on bail

1916 Easter Rising: Arlene Foster attends Dublin debate

Arlene Foster attends Easter Rising event in Dublin

Fears of further violence following Eddie Hutch funeral with grenades and AK-47s at gangs’ disposal

Sinn Féin’s ‘orchestrated campaign’ of intimidation against RTÉ

How bullying RTÉ worked for Sinn Féin at the last election, so the party is at it again

General Election 2016: Sinn Fein claim RTE are refusing to broadcast interviews with Gerry Adams

Gerry Adams denies misleading public on water charges

Gerry Adams flounders under intense questioning on Sinn Fein plans for additional tax on salaries over €100k

Victim’s sister slams ‘betrayal’ by Sinn Fein election candidate Chris Andrews – “Branded a “liar” and a “hypocrite” by family of innocent Dublin man murdered by IRA member.”

EU summit: Leaked document shows no agreement on David Cameron’s reform deal as rift with rest of Europe widens

Jews know that a boycott is just the beginning

EU migrant surge has seen 1m come to Britain in the past five years


February 17

Stormont expenses: ‘Assembly should move to Westminster system’

The £150,000 paid to Sinn Fein must be reclaimed for taxpayers

Expenses controversy raises questions about one of the most secretive funding systems in the democratic world

Six-man hit team identified by Garda

CoI ‘disappointment’ at ‘ forced’ closure of churches for Dublin 1916 parade – (Romanists in Belfast riot when Orange parades PASS near to their church buildings!!!)

Police begin probes into 50 murder bids on ex-soldiers by IRA

Prime Minister to write to MP after request for bomb investigation

Garda snipers to monitor Hutch’s funeral as church swept for bombs

Garda reduced to being security men at drug dealer funerals

Adams takes counsel from ‘his amigo Slab’, says Dublin’s deputy PM, Joan Burton

Dublin’s deputy PM accuses Gerry Adams of displaying ‘amnesia’ in relation to Jean McConville murder

Secret Arkinson files ‘name man INLA grilled over Arlene and bogus tip-off source


February 16

Arlene Foster rejects police chief Hamilton’s idea to draw line under Troubles

Stand-off in Stormont expenses row

Escalating row over expenses threatens integrity of Northern Ireland Assembly

DUP and SF close ranks amid expenses criticism

Strong speculation Alliance leader David Ford to step down for peerage

Labour politicians agreed to vote against the move next month to fly the Irish Tricolour over a Scots council

Dissident republican terrorists claim to have more than a tonne of Semtex explosive

Republican says he is wrongly connected to Dublin gangland killing

Adams: ‘Don’t worry about ex-IRA member as justice minister’

‘Sinn Féin figures killed Portlaoise Chief Prison Officer Stack’- says his son – (The truth of Sinn Fein’s criminal activities will yet come out!!)

Sinn Féin dismiss ‘access to bank account’ claim

Ignore the mythology, rewriting and reinvention – the SF project has failed

Mairia Cahill refused witness protection

TG4 debate in Irish cancelled over Joan Burton’s and Gerry Adams’ lack of fluency – (Laughable!!!)

Sinn Fein election hopes may be casualty of Dublin’s gang war

Brendan Smyth abuse: Victims of paedophile priest want to sue Catholic Bishop over alleged failure to prevent attacks on children


February 15

Attorney General could vote to leave European Union

Army on standby as Daniel and Christy Kinahan Jnr arrive in Ireland ahead of funeral of Regency Hotel victim David Byrne

Dublin weigh-in shooting: NI dissident republican ‘was one of six gunmen’

NI dissident ‘thought to be part of (Dublin) gun team’

One of the killers in Dublin gang hit ‘Tyrone dissident’ – (Why blur his face in the photograph??!!)

Assembly Commission ‘wrong over £150k expenses by Sinn Féin’

MLAs ‘wrong to clear Sinn Fein in dispute over expenses’

Gerry’s ex-IRA pal is new SF boss in North

Shock as Sinn Fein surges in new poll as govt parties lose ground – (It could be that the pigeons will indeed come home to roost!!!)

Sinn Fein Northern chair steps down and replaced by Gerry Adams’ ex body guard – (IRA does control Sinn Fein!!)

If it’s so great up North, Gerry, why not go back?

Assad ‘will be removed by force’ if peace talks fail, Saudi Foreign Minister says

Enniskillen relative: chief constable reduced me to tears

Real collusion in past ‘between IRA and UDA’ – (Birds of a feather etc, etc!!)

Arlene Foster: Republicans must not be allowed to shift blame

Sinn Féin TD ‘does not have full confidence in Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy conviction’

Murphy ‘at the heart of terror for years’

Mary Lou unimpressed with ‘really stupid questions’ about Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy

SNP councillors behind Irish flag vote – (SNP are political ‘cousins’ of Sinn Fein!!)

Britain takes ‘thousands of migrant children’ into care

Terrified Calais resident reveals Jungle has Muslim-only zone where police CANNOT patrol

MIGRANT WARNING: Child refugees could become ‘attackers of tomorrow’, German politician claims


February 13

Sinn Féin MLAs who claimed almost £700,000 in expenses ‘did nothing wrong’

Anger as Sinn Fein MLAs are cleared over expenses claimed

Irish medium schools ‘placed on pedestal’: DUP – (The outright favouritism shown to “Irish” schools would not be allowed in any other country!!)

Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy to be sentenced for tax evasion on February 26

Assembly Believes Paying Rent to Non-Existent Societies is “admissible”

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad vows to retake whole country

Belfast woman: ‘My abortion has haunted me all my life – nothing will ever replace losing my baby’ – (I question the “Christian” parents bit!!)

Dublin Mob have five murder cars ‘ready to go’ for next gangland hit

Dublin murders: The bloody drugs feud at the heart of the city’s turf war

Gangland response shows SF hypocrisy – McCabe relative – (Garda McCabe was murdered by the IRA 20 years ago!)

Ten ways you’ve FAILED Britain, Mr Cameron: Brexit campaigners blast PM’s ‘feeble’ EU deal

Iraqi refugees in Finland returning home due to ‘chilly weather and hostile locals’ – (That is not the response of those who feared for their lives!!!)

EUROPE TERROR WARNING: Another ISIS attack WILL happen, warns French PM

Armed militia groups ATTACK migrants in Calais Jungle as race tensions reach boiling point – (Sentimental press gave rise to such resentment!!)

Chilling claims ISIS have ‘gained NEW WEAPONS’ as they ‘shoot down Libyan jet’

Saudi Arabia sends troops and fighter jets to military base in Turkey ahead of intervention against Isis in Syria

BBC investigation shows paedophiles ‘swapping sick images of children in Facebook groups’

February 12

Scots council could fly Irish tricolour for 1916 Easter Rising – (Well maybe!!??)

Gregory Campbell welcomes Villiers’ challenge to republicans over atrocities

Pressure politicians, victims of the Troubles are told

Suspended DUP man Devenney ‘to run and split vote’ – (Nice guy!!!)

Phil Flanagan takes legal action against assembly’s insurers

SF has access to bank account for MLA Flanagan’s salary

‘Slab’ Murphy to be sentenced for tax evasion – (He has ‘evaded’ more than tax payments over the years. Praise God for the Day of Judgment!!)

Gerry Adams: I won’t be at Slab’s sentencing – (Rats and sinking ships come to mind!!)

Gerry Adams: Nobody is interested in Sinn Fein plans to close Special Criminal Court

SF won’t be credible until it shakes off the mantras from old days of State subversion

Dublin reporters warned lives ‘at risk’

INM journalists receive ‘outrageous’ threats from Dublin criminal gangs

DUP lodges formal complaint over Sinn Fein councillor’s joke selfie with Queen

Jim Wells ‘sexism’ row: Second complaint after altercation with Sinn Fein MLA Megan Fearon

Ross Hussey stands by Jim Wells after ‘sexist’ comments

Jim Wells to sue Sinn Fein MLA over tweet following ‘I can’t cope with women between eight to 80’ remark

Northern Ireland abortion reform: MLAs clash after amendment vote is defeated

£80bn wiped off FTSE 100 this week as world markets gripped by panic

Dan Walker’s creationism is an affront to reason, science and logic – (This is the bigot opinion of a Bible-denier!!!)


February 11

Abortion: MLAs vote against legalisation in fatal foetal abnormality cases – (We are glad that the land has been spared, at least for a season, yet further defiance of God’s law!)

Arlene Foster’s confident candour shows those affected by the Troubles need not hide hurt

DUP: Former MLA Maurice Devenney suspended from party

Don’t prosecute Molloy over Brits murder tweet, says ex-soldier

Fennell to stand trial accused of IRA support after Lurgan graveyard speech

Jim Wells ‘sexism’ row: Second complaint after altercation with Sinn Fein MLA Megan Fearon

Complaints about Jim Wells are ridiculous, say rivals

Willie Frazer explains ‘Fenian-looking’ Facebook comment

Birmingham pub bombings: police told to release any evidence of forewarning

Police accused of failing to act over probe into IRA lynch mob murder of Army corporals David Howes and Derek Wood in Belfast

Latest gang killings most embarrassing chain of events for gardaí in 20 years


February 10

DUP requests working group on abortion debate – (The issue needs no further direction than that of the Bible. Is this a signal that indicates a change is likely???)

Ulster Unionists consider joining next Stormont Executive – (Political ‘will o’ the wisps’ or ‘yo-yos’!!!)

Fermanagh and South Tyrone selection ‘major embarrassment for Sinn Féin’

Sinn Fein MLA Lynch was IRA man injured during SAS ambush where McElwaine was killed – (We all ‘rub shoulders’ every day with such gangsters!!)

Historic (Roman) Catholic service at Hampton Court – (Ecumenists dismiss it as of no significance but it is just another step toward reunion with popery!!)

Child abuse inquiry: Survivors accuse government ministers of ‘complicity’

Arlene Foster distances herself from creationism – (Sadly, she indicates her liberal church upbringing in the ecumenical Church of Ireland)

Police probe ‘Brit murderers’ tweet by Sinn Fein MP after Syria bombing vote – (Hope they are more successful than they were when investigating republican murders!!)

Sinn Fein’s Michelle Gildernew in frame for return in Fermanagh

‘Gerry Adams is soft on law and order’ – (Given his track record, that is hardly surprising!!!)

Gerry Adams: ‘I’m not soft on crime… I am one of the few Oireachtas members who has been shot’ – (How hypocritical can you get????)

Now Sinn Féin wants to scrap anti-terror laws when in power – (Well, turkeys don’t usually vote for Christmas!!!)

As murder returns to Ireland, so does the Sinn Fein nightmare

There are double standards – and Sinn Féin’s standards

Dan Walker to become the new face of BBC Breakfast – but he won’t work on Sundays

February 9

FM speaks of ‘difficulties’ in dealing with Martin McGuinness

Martin McGuinness called IRA man who shot my dad a saint – but we can still work together, says DUP’s Arlene Foster

Man shot dead in Dublin ‘reprisal’ for boxing murder

Eddie Hutch, brother of crime lord ‘The Monk’ killed in Dublin gangland feud

All out war: Brother of the Monk shot dead at home considered ‘soft target’

Who are the Hutch gang? A profile of the Dublin criminals

Irish premier Enda Kenny suggests not all IRA weapons were put beyond use – (Really!!!???)

Sinn Fein deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald clarifies Gerry Adams’ comment over Dublin hotel gun attack

What stops Mary Lou from stating obvious about Adams?

Gang murder and ‘Slab’ sentencing have Sinn Féin in hole it just can’t stop digging

They Haven’t Gone Away You Know – Why Doesn’t UUP Document Mention the IRA?

Provo told IRA victim’s brother: ‘You Indians know how we feel’

Docklands bomb survivors urge Met to investigate ‘Slab’ Murphy, on 20th anniversary of IRA outrage

London bombing victims want probe into ‘Slab’ Murphy

‘Panic situation’: Asian stocks tumble amid fears of new global recession

Quit the EU to SAVE our NHS: Top cancer doctor says migrants are bleeding it dry

Jailed for 143 years: Depraved gang of Asian men who raped and abused 13-year-old girl

February 8

Dublin weigh-in murder: Continuity IRA claims murder of David Byrne

Continuity IRA claims responsibility for boxing weigh-in murder

‘Gangland’ does not exist, says Adams as he defends SF plan

Kevin Doyle: Adams’s muddled response was a bizarre audition for Taoiseach

Adams claims Special Criminal Court ‘doesn’t work’

US congressman: Adams warned of IRA threat before bombing

A vote for SF is a vote for Slab in all but name

Deepcut army barracks death: new evidence shows soldier may not have killed herself

David Cameron to consider calls for Teebane and Enniskillen (IRA massacres) probes

Orange Order dismisses claim of end to Drumcree protests

OFMDFM threatened with legal action by one of its own quangos

FM recalls Paisley support during child’s heart scare

Arlene Foster: My deep admiration for a monarch who still inspires after 64 years on the throne

Former Sinn Fein Council Chairman points to selection ‘irregularities’ – (If they do this on their own, heaven help their opponents!!)

Arlene Foster interview: ‘Peter said he won’t tell me what to do’ – (Could be he doesn’t know!!!)

Red faces after gardai ‘recycle’ Semtex boxes

Dublin boxing weigh-in shooting: Six involved in murder of David Byrne

Critic refuses to quit Vatican sex abuse commission

Police didn’t know about Shankill bomb: Former top officer

February 6

88-year-old takes court action over the naming of a playground after IRA man linked to her son’s murder

EXCLUSIVE: Dramatic moment gunmen storm Dublin hotel – (Dublin has become a little Sicily!!)

Dublin boxing weigh-in shooting: Victim was David Byrne

Dublin Regency Hotel attack: Gardai hunt man disguised in dress and blonde wig after fatal shooting at Drumcondra boxing weigh-in

Arlene Foster blasts bias of republican calls for ‘full disclosure’

MLAs must reject growing pressure to liberalise abortion

Docklands Bomb: IRA bombed its way to talks table with Canary Wharf, claims former US Congressman Bruce Morrison – (Most of us have said that long ago but were ignored!!!)

Debt, defaults, and devaluations: why this market crash is like nothing we’ve seen before

I feel such a fool for giving David Cameron the benefit of the doubt on his EU deal

‘If the Brits want to leave, let them’ says President of the European Parliament

February 5

Terrorists on a Par with their Victims and Treated More Favourably than Traffic Accident Victims

Denials by IRA man said to be agent ‘AA’ sound familiar

Jim Allister warns of ‘false IRA trail’ over Shankill RUC claims

Arlene Foster supports Shankill bomb victims’ quest for truth

150 soldiers press PSNI to probe IRA attacks on them

Probes into IRA assets ‘were blocked for peace process’ – (This has always been the price of ‘peace’ – placating terrorists!!!)

Service to mark 20th anniversary of London Docklands bombing

Video: Watch Sinn Fein’s bizarre Strictly fundraiser promo, featuring IRA commander Sean ‘The Surgeon’ Hughes

Willie Frazer joins chorus of anger over ‘Strictly IRA’ dance night

IRA victim’s father’s hurt over SF fundraiser

Anger over Sinn Fein’s support for ‘Slab’ Murphy

Mary Lou McDonald stays silent on support for Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy – (She knows better than to object!!)

Sinn Fein’s McDonald evades question over ‘Slab’ Murphy

Terror accused was out on licence when arrested

Gerry Adams’ brother takes rape appeal case to European court

Former NI Secretary of State Shaun Woodward comes out as gay – and daughter Ella’s delighted – (How could things have gone right in Stormont with such wickedness in power???)

BBC Question Time audience member savages Eurosceptic cabinet ministers for refusing to speak out

Fire service criticised for buying £300,000 vehicle to rescue obese people

February 4

New Presbyterian Church Moderator: Some of clergy I admire most are gay – (That tells you all about the man who was voted for by all 18 out of 19 Presbyteries!!!)

Headteacher mocked over ‘evolution is not a fact’ tweet – (It is a fact that evolution is not a fact!)

Calls by 150 ex-soldiers to probe Troubles attacks on them could ‘bring PSNI to a standstill’

Ashers appeal live: Appeal against ‘gay cake’ ruling dramatically adjourned after intervention by Attorney General Larkin

Actor Conleth Kane and DUP councillor in Ashers bakery spat

Sinn Fein MLA Phil Flanagan to pay UUP’s Tom Elliott almost £50k in compensation for falsely implying he shot people

Brexit: DUP ‘likely to campaign for British exit’ in EU referendum

Opposition – An Elementary Part of any Truly Democratic Legislature

Republicans guard against return to pure democracy

Analysis: Deep-seated nationalist fear behind SDLP’s late opposition wobble

McGuinness a Europhile chancer, claims Sammy Wilson

Brexit Northern Ireland impact ‘would be small’, MPs told

Ex-IRA man disputes claims Stakeknife was ‘stood down’ in 1990

The cover up of collusion continues on all sides

‘Slab’s not up for election’, quips irritated Adams

Attitudes harden towards refugees from Syria and Libya, BBC poll suggests

Outrage at Sinn Fein’s Strictly fundraiser video featuring IRA commander Sean ‘The Surgeon’ Hughes

February 3

‘Gay cake’ case: Ashers bakery appeal discrimination decision

Ashers bolstered by 8,000 strong petition ahead of appeal

Bakery in gay cake dispute ‘wants to protect family businesses’

‘Reject this pathetic deal’ Nigel Farage slams PM for ‘utter surrender’ to EU dictatorship

Five senior ministers ready to campaign for Brexit as David Cameron faces questions over EU deal

Pro-Europeans shouldn’t exaggerate the significance of David Cameron’s EU deal – (That’s hardly likely since they ever live to ‘exaggerate’!!)

Sammy Wilson says Del Boy would be embarrassed by David Cameron’s ‘dodgy’ EU deal

Stormont minister Bell gets it badly wrong on EU question – (Is he up to his job???)

DUP-run department rebuts Sammy Wilson’s ‘Taliban’ jibe

Stormont opposition plans could undermine Good Friday Agreement, says Sinn Fein – (What a strong argument in favour of an ‘Opposition’!!

DUP minister Emma Pengelly still has no special adviser

Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle may overrule Michelle Gildernew deselection

Shankill bomb victims’ daughter Michelle Williamson ‘has long given up hope of getting justice and now just wants the truth’

British soldier says ‘Slab’ Murphy ordered killing of ‘many people’ – (Well, Gerry Adams did say he was a ‘good republican’!!!)

Sinn Féin’s Gerry Adams says there should be no ‘hanging’ of Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy until after his sentencing – (Does Gerry think he should be hanged???)

Danny Morrison: IRA ‘stood down’ Scappaticci in 1990

British army admit UDA killer was former member of UDR

PUP’s Winston Irvine at centre of historical inquiry into four murders

Is Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams an evil warlord or a boy who did not grow up?

February 2

EU referendum blow for Cameron as Brussels ‘waters down Britain’s demands in every area’ – (Just to let him know who is uncharge!!)

EU refuses to give David Cameron the four-year ban on EU migrant benefits he asked for

German pensioners ‘attacked by migrants after defending young woman’

Mystery over Michelle Gildernew’s demise and future

Patterson helps stir pot as Assembly race becomes more interesting

Mystery of Nairac proves how truth is casualty of war

Former Orange Lodge chaplain speaks at Catholic Church – (Whatever he was formerly, he is presently an ecumenist and traitor to the gospel!!)

Gay cake’ couple: ‘We don’t hate anyone. It’s done out of love for God’

Ashers support rally: ‘Christian faith is under fire’

Gay rights campaigner’s U-turn over Ashers welcomed (by The Evangelical Alliance)

Jesus Christ Superstar and Voice contestant Jeff Anderson in court on child sex and voyeurism charges – (Blasphemy is an ally of such sins!!)

Britain is losing its religion, but nobody seems that bothered – (They will be one day!!!)

James McDonagh murder: Police officer charged in Toomebridge inquiry

Well-being survey: Northern Ireland ‘tops table for happiness’

Ted Cruz: Who is the Republican US Senator who defeated Donald Trump in Iowa and what are his policies?

February 1

UK scientists have been given the go-ahead to genetically modify human embryos – (Where will this end???)

British scientists granted permission to genetically modify human embryos

Terry Wogan was an atheist but spiritual, says Father Brian D’Arcy – (Another of Rome’s ‘Forked-tongued’ lies by an evil deceiver!!!)

Tareena Shakil: British woman who took toddler to Syria sentenced to six years in jail for joining Isis

Gay rights group organises protest at meeting to support Ashers

Ashers gay cake court case couple say they have done nothing wrong

Flanagan in, Gildernew out following second Sinn Fein selection convention

Michelle Gildernew’s political future in doubt after Sinn Fein prefers Flanagan to fight Fermanagh

Former Sinn Fein propagandist Danny Morrison defends £200k compensation

McGuinness plays down compensation reports

IRA man accused of rape ‘threatened to expose informants to stop retribution’

No political progress until victims’ issues dealt with, son of slain RUC man says

Republicans plan to use legacy inquests to justify their murders

McGimpsey retires amid UUP tensions

Former top IRA official questioned over Birmingham pub bombings

Irish National Caucus lies must be challenged – (Hardly by the “Belfast Telegraph” which in the past was happy to report similar propaganda!!)

Adams branded as ‘tainted’ by SF election candidate on Twitter

The 1916 dead have left us our Fenian fools and liars

All must pay their taxes, from rich companies to border fuel dealers

Almost half of all British people support national service for young men, poll finds

January 30

How long before the IRA blames La Mon and Enniskillen on the Brits?

Ex-soldier asks PSNI to investigate series of IRA attacks on him during the Troubles – (All this stems from a placating terrorists rather than prosecuting them!!!)

UUP under fire in Haass talks ‘amnesty’ row – (‘No pursuit of lawbreakers’ is a logical position for a sodomite to take!!)

Transgender baptisms offered at Greater Manchester church – (Nothing else could be expected from an ungodly Unitarian church!!)

Arlene Foster’s fury at US video describing Orange Order as supremacists and claiming anti-Catholic discrimination is rife in Northern Ireland

Murdered GAA star’s family call for change in law

DUP’s Jim Wells still in dark over South Down candidacy

Roman Catholic seminary student ‘sought sex with baby girl’

Anti-Islamic group Pegida Ireland to be officially launched at rally in Dublin

One in five (southern) Irish graduates has no more than basic grasp of language and numeracy

Legal action against soldiers ‘could undermine Britain on the battlefield’ warns chief of general staff

EU leaders: ‘No link’ between Cologne sex attacks and migrant crisis – (Whitewash. That will solve the problem!!)

Now EU leaders say Cologne sex attacks had NOTHING to do with migrant crisis

Labour MP refuses to apologise after comparing Cologne attacks to a night out in Birmingham

British mother found guilty of joining Islamic State and encouraging terrorism

Tareena Shakil guilty: Woman who took toddler son to Syria to join Isis convicted

Russian plane crash: Egyptian airline mechanic allegedly detained in connection with Sinai attack


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December 2015

Index to this edition

CHRISTMAS – The Facts and the Fiction

xmasA look at what many believe to be a ‘Christian Festival’
by Rev. Ivan Foster

Scripture makes clear why the Son of God was born of a woman in Bethlehem nearly 2000 years ago. “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” I John 3:8.

He came to destroy the very works which are the chief means used by the majority in Christendom to celebrate His birth.

‘Christmas’ – a Roman Catholic term referring to a celebratory Mass in honour of Christ – is that section of the year in which pagan activities are freely and unashamedly indulged in and all in honour of the incarnation of the Son of God.

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The ambiguities of Pastor James McConnell

Patstor_mcconnellIt is a little disconcerting to say the least to watch Free Presbyterians taking a prominent role in supporting Pastor James McConnell, as he appeared in a Belfast court on the charge of making “grossly offensive” remarks about Islam in his pulpit back in May 2015.

Undoubtedly, ‘Free Speech’ is on trial at this time but that vital issue will be subverted and any support given will be seen as an endorsement of James McConnell and his rather dubious beliefs and practices.

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Reflections on Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

By Rev Ivan Foster (Retd).

bible_imageThe book of the Revelation was penned by John under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost at the end of the 1st century AD i.e. some 1900 years ago.

The essential character of Christianity, its message, its philosophy and its code of conduct, NEVER CHANGES for its “author and finisher” is Christ the unchanging and unchangeable One.

As we briefly consider something of these two chapters in Revelation it is essential that we, and preachers especially, bear this in mind.

These two chapters contain messages to the seven churches in Asia: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea. These churches were all in the area which we now call Turkey.

The messages were direct communications from the ‘Great King and Head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ.’

They were intimate and detailed, indicating the knowledge the Saviour has of His people.

That in itself should cause us to tremble. The favourite lie of the devil is that “The LORD shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it,” Psalm 94:7. These chapters show that to be a great deception!

I have but three main points which I desire to make and they are directed chiefly at ministers today.

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Can Mervyn Storey’s actions in heading a Stormont Department which funds sodomy and blasphemy be defended or excused?

stormontMervyn Storey remains an elder in the Free Presbyterian Church, despite his links with recent controversies regarding the funding of ungodly activities, activities which are deeply offensive and blasphemous.

That would suggest that there are those who believe that what he did was without sin and involves no transgression of God’s Word.

There has been no public response by Storey to criticisms of his actions in these matters. Nor, indeed, have any of those who have gone “from house to house” tattling out empty, spurious excuses for the man, had the courage to openly answer the case made against him.

Of course, this was the pattern adopted by those who sought to defend poor Dr Paisley’s decision to enter a power-sharing government with Sinn Fein/IRA back in 2007.

Such a tactic is in itself an unwitting admission of the weakness of their case.

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dirty_handsWhy does Dr Joel Beeke’s Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary share accreditation with Roman Catholic colleges??

An interesting fact regarding Dr Joel Beeke’s Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary has just come to light, thanks to research done by the Editors of “Banash” website, Sharon Kirker and Marie O’Prey.

The Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary has received accreditation from ‘The Association of Theological Schools’.

The Association website has this ‘blurb’ by way of introduction to just what it is.

“More than 270 graduate schools of theology in the United States and Canada form The Association of Theological Schools. Member schools conduct post-baccalaureate professional and academic degree programs to educate persons for the practice of ministry and for teaching and research in the theological disciplines. These schools differ from one another in deep and significant ways, but through their membership in ATS, they demonstrate a commitment to shared values about what constitutes good theological education. Collectively, ATS member schools enrol approximately 74,500 students and employ more than 7,200 faculty and administrators.”

Read more…

The above article is feature on the latest edition of “The Heart of the Matter” broadcast by Pastor Ralph Ovadal of ‘Pilgrims Covenant Church’.
Listen to that broadcast here.

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Pictures of Christ series

Rev. Ivan FosterRev. Foster is engaged in a series of studies in Kilskeery Independent Christian School morning assemblies in which he deals with the theme, “Pictures of Christ in the Bible”, the descriptions and types of Christ given in the Scriptures.

You can listen to these studies using the player below. Each new study will be added as it becomes available.

Previously published studies in this series can be heard here.

Bible pictures of Christ Pt 19
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 20
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 21
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 22
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 23
Bible pictures of Christ Pt 24

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Latest news stories

Ian Paisley ‘felt betrayed’ by DUP and Free Presbyterian Church, says wife

Seamus Mallon’S Attack on peacemaker John Hume leaves a sour taste

Former SDLP mayor and republican internee Pat McCarthy accepts MBE

Bomb scares: ‘Garden shed’ terrorism may seem amateurish but these devices are deadly and part of our daily lives

Declassified files: Robinson’s resignation as DUP deputy leader ‘paid off handsomely’

New York RC Archbishop, a Taoiseach and an angry face-off over IRA violence and ‘genocide’

Declassified files: Government rejected Hermon plea to outlaw Sinn Fein

Investigation begins as drug dealer shot dead near Dublin pub

Man shot dead outside Dublin pub only recently released from prison

Irish State Papers: Gardaí ‘grossly negligent’ in Kerry babies inquiry

Ancient Irish had Middle Eastern ancestry, study reveals – (The Garden of Eden to be exact!!!)

European court stops Ireland deporting alleged Isil recruiter

Britain pays EU ‘£1BILLION EACH MONTH’: Yet another reason we should quit the eurozone

New Year’s Eve: All leave cancelled for armed police in London amid unprecedented security operation

GERMANY – Rising tensions over EU migrant influx exposed as TWO THIRDS of Germans expect ISIS attack

Husband, 86, appears in court accused of shooting wife dead at a care home – (The tragedy is the inevitable result of the teaching of Evolution. Being mere animals putting us out of our misery is kind!!!)

Filipino priest suspended for riding hoverboard during Christmas Eve mass – (Surely it falls short of the ‘blasphemy of the mass’ – as the 39 Articles teaches – in which he frequently engages!!)

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More news

December 30

The IRA tarnished the very word republican: Seamus Mallon – (And yet SDLP voters consistently transferred votes to Sinn Fein/IRA!!!)

Ex-SDLP leader accuses DUP of bullying UUP out of north-south bodies

Next year critical for SF as elections loom on both sides of the border
Prince Charles donated money to RC church at centre of march furore – (We always knew where his loyalties lay!!)

Schools violence: Police called out ten times every day

Prince of Wales gives £2,000 to marching disputes church – (The church which objects to loyalists walking past on the street outside a few time each year!!)

Unionists slam cost of dissident policing in wake of parades figure – (Protests are costly to police, not parades because of the violent opposition of Romanist!!)

Police force ‘dragging feet’ after finally confirming it will interview ex-Provo

Eamonn McCann: Mother Teresa not such a good role model – (This is from the pen of one born into the Londonderry RC community and was a prominent ‘Civil Rights’ activist in the 60s-70s!!)

Dublin judge bans Irish man from driving for 80 years – will be eligible to drive again when he’s 104

Man accused of recruiting people in Ireland to participate in ‘Jihad’ resisting deportation, court told

UK Police warn of ‘looting’ in wake of floods

It’s not mean-spirited to think aid cash would be better spent at home


December 29

Costly beliefs: State squeezes last penny from bakers who defied lesbian-wedding cake order

Thatcher thought Anglo-Irish Agreement ‘gave Irish all the glory, none of the headaches’ – (It was a sell-out by the British government but it was also a judgment upon a people which had forsaken God’s truth and which continues to do so!!)

NIO memo noted tensions and conflicting wings at top of DUP in 1988 – (The rot began as far back as that!!)

‘Steam has run out’ of Ian Paisley, but Peter Robinson is ‘a dangerous man’

Islam and Christianity stand for peace, harmony and human development, says Imam – (The devil’s promotion of deceitful ecumenical Syncretism)

Anger as Northern Ireland bomb squad deals with 700 security alerts in the last three years – (No mention of how much that all cost!!!??)

Sinn Féin wants to maintain misery in Ireland, former Irish Labour leader Pat Rabbitte claims

National Archives 1985: John Hume sought talks with the IRA Army Council

Declassified files: Hume wanted to talk to IRA Army Council – (It was they that really called the shots and they still do!!)

Declassified files: Paisley vowed never to talk to SF; McGuinness pledged to fight on

Killing of loyalist was bid ‘to rebuild IRA support’


December 28

Dear Santa letter from 1932 turns up in Belfast archive – (An indicator of true poverty and the wickedness of today’s ingratitude amongst children!!)

Seamus Mallon: Sinn Féin ‘played John Hume like 3lb trout’-(Hume’s nationalism made him more ready to be hooked than most trouts!!!)

Belfast: Man arrested after police car fired at

Bomb casualty in plea for victims to be recognised

Tributes to reporter who unmasked Slab Murphy – (He did a good job on Martin McGuinness as well!!)

Sinn Fein defends criminals in general election campaign team

Don’t blame Sinn Fein for undermining law, they’re only following orders – (This a hard-hitting article in a Republic of Ireland newspaper!!)

The real ‘teddy bear’ in Adams’s closet isn’t cuddly

RC Archbishop Diarmuid Martin: Ireland becoming ‘increasingly ambiguous in its understanding of God’

EU referendum: Michael Howard says ministers should have free vote

EU chiefs ‘plan to bombard voters with propaganda’

Spectacular footage of successful Russian bombing of Islamic State’s oil-smuggling rackets into Turkey

Austrian police warn of risk of fresh terrorist attacks in European capitals

Hundreds evacuated and swathes of UK underwater as rivers reach record levels – (Will no one ask “WHY”??)

UK Flooding: video demonstrates the scale of devastation as ‘severe’ warnings issued for England and Wales

Absurd foreign aid NEEDS to be spent at home on flood-hit Britons

Hundreds of prisoners including murderers and sex offenders released by mistake

Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven – (These unscriptural, false comments are said to “enhance” the pope’s “progressive reputation”)

You won’t hear it, but news from Afghanistan is bad. Very bad.

Jeremy Corbyn not trusted to safeguard national security by 71% of Britons

ISIS plan to bring back slave trade in the West leaked in chilling terror booklet – (Such a trade is predicted in Scripture, Revelation 18:13!!)


December 26

Fears of rift among republicans as ‘Slab’ loyalists blame SF for not shielding him from the law – (The basis of the ‘peace process’ becomes ever more wicked and sinister!!)

How much longer must this foostering over Sinn Féin and its IRA links go on

Real IRA could launch one-off attacks on mainland Britain, ministers warned

Prison service apologises to police widow over failure to reveal her husband’s killer had been freed

Father-of-two becomes latest victim of Troubles – 20 years on

Teacher arrested following probe into claims she praised the IRA on social media


December 25

Slab’s conviction shows how deep criminality runs within the Provos – (The author of this article is in the DUP and in coalition with Sinn Fein/IRA – he ought to know his subject!!!)

A monument to Irish men who died fighting for the British has been vandalised

Queen’s Christmas Day message: Monarch quotes from Bible to address a nation shaken by year of atrocities – (Sadly, not the KJV!)

Queen to refer to ‘moments of darkness’ in Christmas speech

Isis faction of terrorist group Al-Shabaab linked to foiled Kenyan bus attack

Shocking march of the far-right across Europe as migration fears reach fever pitch

British Muslim family banned from US flight were linked to ‘extremist’ Facebook page


December 24

Reflect on Christian values, David Cameron says in Christmas message – (Strange words from a pro-sodomite, pro-abortion politician!!!)

DUP defends deal with Sinn Fein after Adams’ IRA comments – (They would defend an agreement with the devil!!)

Irish Justice Minister defends non-jury court – (Claims Adams should know “better than most” why it is needed!!)

‘Slab’ terror court here to stay, Adams warned

IRA spy ring watching Leinster House holds the key to Sinn Féin’s outlook

Raid on Murphy lands uncovered cross-Border oil pipe in outhouse – (A ‘good’ republican smuggler!!!)

IRA victim’s parents horrified by Sinn Fein backing for ‘Slab’ Murphy – (I never cease to be surprised that victim’s families are surprised at the cruelty of Sinn Fein/IRA!!!)

PSNI face probe after suspect in a brutal robbery escapes at court

Role of Dublin priests in Rising must be acknowledged – Dublin RC Archbishop Diarmaid Martin – (Seamus Murphy, a Jesuit priest and a philosophy professor at Loyola University in Chicago called it an unjust war!!!)


December 23

Gardaí believe ‘Slab’ Murphy case may trigger Sinn Féin-IRA split

People who were in the IRA not criminals, says Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams – (That is the view of those leading the power-sharing administration as well!!!)

Fury after Gerry Adams claims IRA members not criminals – (Is there fury amongst the DUP power-sharers?? I don’t think so or they would quit immediately!!)

Sinn Fein chief Adams blasted for claiming IRA were not criminals

IRA Not Criminals Say Adams – What now for the “Fresh Start”? – TUV statement by Jim Allister

Mary Lou: ‘I’ve met Slab three times. He’s a very nice man’

Republican support for the rule of law depends on who is accused of breaking it

Martin McGuinness supports new cross-border task force that he says will relentlessly tackle the ‘scourge of criminality’ – (Who would believe this admirer of ‘Slab’ Murphy!!??)

Mask slips to show cancer at heart of SF – Defending Adams’ defence

Foster sets out her vision for future in message to party – (“People left behind” – Yes, Arlene, those who could not go along with the immorality of joining with terrorists in government!!)

All change at Stormont: Almost 30pc of MLAs not standing for re-election – (I wonder why???)

Probe into (Scotland’s) ‘Provo princess’ primary school teacher

Irish Catholic priest: 1916 Rising was an unjust war – (Where does that place all those who celebrate its participants etc???)


December 22

Tax fraudster ‘Slab’ Murphy hailed by McGuinness for peace process role – (How can power-sharing Unionists continue to promote a “peace” that was engineered by Murphy and murderous republicanism??)

‘Slab’ Murphy and gang ‘betrayed’ by prosecution, says source – (And so the ‘whitewash’ starts!!)

Now Mary Lou backs ‘good republican’ Slab

Compare and contrast: Mary Lou on Ansbacher accounts – and on Slab

Adams launches astonishing attack on (Irish) DPP Loftus

SF reaction to ‘Slab’ Murphy trial part of ‘persecution complex’

Provo reliance on illicit funds ‘forced Adams to back Slab’

Parents of IRA murder victim Paul Quinn disgusted at latest Adams stance

Sinn Féin doublespeak and denial re-surface in wake of Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy verdict

Analysis: Murphy defence exposes Sinn Féin contradictions

French border guards ‘colluding’ with gangs smuggling migrants into Britain, MEP claims

Task force gears up to tackle cross-border crime

No Austerity for GAA When it comes to Government Funding

Let us speak out on EXIT from EU or we QUIT: PM warned of gag on Eurosceptic ministers


December 21

Gerry Adams says Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy was treated unfairly – (How many poor victims in South Armagh were treated ‘unfairly’ by the IRA??)

Adams claims Thomas “Slab” Murphy unfairly treated

Gerry Adams under fire after he leaps to defence of Provo godfather Murphy

Gerry Adams had little choice but to stand by ‘Slab’ Murphy – (If the present ‘Peace Process’ is built on Murphy, a man with a murderous reputation, then it it is an evil contrivance indeed!!)

Instead of feting criminals, Adams should ask himself just why ‘Slab’ didn’t get a jury trial

SF leader Gerry Adams faces political scorn after he backs up criminal – (That is all he has ever done!!!)

Adams slammed after claiming ‘Slab’ Murphy is a ‘good republican’

Gerry Adams insists tax fraudster Thomas “Slab” Murphy is a “good republican” – (He has every mark of such!!!!!)

Sinn Fein is again left reeling as Adams fails to cut ties to criminals

Adams paints a picture of his morally decrepit criminal gang of fools – (Maybe the light is dawning for those long beguiled by Sinn Fein!!)

‘Slab’ conviction cannot be hailed as a victory over cross-border crime

Armed (English) Police ‘Want To Go Back To Patrol Cars’

Armed police to be given more protection over shoot to kill

Cameron to review legal protection of shoot-to-kill police officers

EU referendum: David Cameron already planning pro-Europe dossier to keep Britain in the Union – (The deceitfulness the politicians!!)

Air France bomb: Kenya confirms explosive device found in toilets of plane carrying 473 people from Mauritius to Paris

Air France emergency landing: Six passengers questioned after BOMB found in plane toilet

Air France Boss: Bomb Alert Was ‘False Alarm’

Lord Janner dead: Former Labour peer found unfit to stand trial for alleged child sex abuse dies aged 87 – (There is a Higher Court which can’t be avoided, Hebrews 9:27)

Sinn Fein won’t support anti-terror laws following Paris attacks

Ex-Sinn Fein treasurer and his brother jailed for stabbing


December 19

MP fury as 40-pupil Irish school replaces college axed over low numbers – (Life under Sinn Fein!!!)

Irish school approved for 38 pupils on site closed for having ‘only’ 140

SF TDs silent over Adams’s links to IRA tax dodger

Adams response to Murphy conviction shows ‘SF not fit to govern’

Gerry Adams under fire over ‘Slab’ support

Auditors’ concern over cash to MLA’s bouncy castle enterprise

Analysis: Foster’s rise makes unionist unity more plausible than ever

Arlene Foster speaks out about IRA attempts on her and her father’s life

Virginia Schools Shut Over Arabic Assignment

Mother Teresa To Be Saint As Miracle Approved – (Just where in the Bible is this ridiculous practice taught???)

December 18

Arlene Foster is first woman elected as leader of DUP

Arlene Foster becomes Northern Ireland’s first female DUP leader

New DUP leader Arlene Foster sets out vision for the future

North’s new First Minister survived an IRA bombing

Arlene Foster: I’d accept no prosecutions if Provos told who put bomb under school bus

PSNI officers disciplined over Peadar Heffron bomb attack failings

Garda Kingsmills information ‘raises more questions than answers’

Migrants launch ‘unprecedented’ attack on lorry drivers at Calais

UK Government accused of cover-up as data suggests million EU migrants unaccounted for in Britain

Sinn Fein – IRA Panel has Zero Credibility

Farmer accused of being senior IRA commander convicted of tax fraud

Gerry Adams refuses to condemn Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy after tax conviction – (‘Birds of a feather’ etc . . . .!!)

Adams won’t say if ‘Slab’ is still ‘good republican’ – (Well, he has all the credentials!!!)

‘Untouchable’ IRA godfather was lionised by Sinn Féin

How IRA turned south Armagh into a fuel complex

Damage done by Murphy’s activities will take decades to clean up

Sinn Féin integrity brought into critical focus -Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy convicted

Tax dodger ‘Slab’ Murphy could get slap on the wrist

Tax fraudster Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy faces five years in jail for illegal empire

Independent TDs offer €5,000 each in failed bid to secure bail for IRA suspect


December 17

Majority of Catholics back Union Flag on designated days

Protestants slain by rogue Para unit deserve justice too

NI abortion law ‘incompatible’ with human rights – (Once again, man’s law is elevated above God’s Law!!)

Judge fails to back ending of Northern Ireland abortion ban

Northern Ireland’s abortion law ‘incompatible’ with Human Rights Act – judge’s landmark declaration puts onus on Stormont

Unborn Have Human Rights – Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister

Asbestos from Brighton bomb kills detective

This is trial by Stephen Nolan, exclaimed rattled McConnell

Judgment reserved over preacher in ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon – (Having an RC priest as a character witness was doubtless deemed a smart move by Pastor McConnell!!)

Pastor James McConnell Islam remarks case judgement reserved

Judgement reserved in ‘heathen Islam sermon’ Pastor McConnell trial in Belfast

Russian strikes on Syria opposition ‘helping IS’ – UK foreign secretary Philip Hammond

Turkish MP who claimed sarin gas was delivered to Isis in Syria through Turkey faces treason charges


December 16

Abortion: Judge to determine scope of Northern Ireland law – (The ‘Judge of all the earth’ already has laid down the law on this matter!!)

Top British General thought the Irish (nationalists) were ‘shocking old cry babies’ – (And clearly implied that some RC priests were IRA propagandists – he was right!!)

Pastor James McConnell: Judge rejects bid to end Islam remarks trial

After the drama of Monday, McConnell case settles down for legal details

Syrian refugees: First families arrive in Northern Ireland

Christopher Meli murder: Teenagers charged with murder of father-of-one

Five teenagers arrested in Christopher Meli murder probe

(Irish) Police searching land after dissident republican arms dump discovered

‘AK47s and mortars’ found during dissident republican searches (in Co Louth)

Terror attack threat in Northern Ireland still ‘severe’, warns Theresa Villiers

Paisley: Dissidents being squeezed by security services

Bomb ‘planned for Londonderry hotel police recruitment event’

Northern Ireland interfaces: More residents want peace walls to stay

Syrian refugees arrive in Northern Ireland

Muslim Nations Form Coalition To Fight Terror

Saudi Coalition Could Lead To Greater Conflict

Saudi Arabia assembles 34 Muslim country coalition to fight ‘terrorism’ – but there’s no mention of Isis – (Rather significant!!!)

Turkish MP, Eren Erdem claims Turkey supplied Isis with sarin gas materials for chemical weapon attacks

Hackers trace ISIS Twitter accounts to the (UK government) Department of Work and Pensions

Cruz Emerges As Trump Rival Ahead Of Debate


December 15

Foreign aid scandal: Iran, China, Zimbabwe.. why is YOUR cash given to foreign dictators?

Sharia in the UK: The courts in the shadow of British law offering rough justice for Muslim women

Inside Britain’s Sharia courts

Young boys attacked ‘because they were Protestants’

‘DUP remains focused despite change at top’ – Campbell

Martin McGuinness reckons he can get on with just about anybody – (Better look out those he can’t get on with!!!)

Big challenge awaits Foster as DUP leader and First Minister

Jenny Palmer to stand for Stormont on UUP ticket

Order your popcorn now … unionist battle is going to be some spectacle

McGuinness call for probe into McConnell sparks laughter in court

Case against ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon Pastor James McConnell hangs on just five words, his QC tells Belfast hearing

At last, the courts defend our right to expose hoodlums

Video – Donald Trump shakes hands with Sinn Fein leader months before IRA Canary Wharf bomb

Three charged with Christopher Meli’s murder

Police (in England and Wales) ‘overwhelmed’ by domestic abuse cases

EU referendum: UK exit on knife edge as poll shows British public now 50/50 over leaving


December 14

Catholic bishop’s ‘lovely’ day with Apprentice Boys in Londonderry – (Ecumenical exercise and it looks like Protestants fell for it!!)

Pastor James McConnell goes on trial over ‘satanic Islam’ sermon

Pastor McConnell arrives for trial over Islam sermon

Fact – D’Hondt still exists proof Fresh Start is nothing of sort

Flags: What do you want to see flying on your local council building?

‘Divine wrath claimed IRA lives’

Sinn Fein not committed to an anti-austerity left wing government (in Dublin)

Prosecutions Prepared Against Illegal Muslim Schools

Downing Street denies Cameron ready to drop EU migrant benefit demands

Donald Trump in front as panic sets in among Republican party establishment

Bradford councillors rebel after health and safety officials order toaster to be removed over fire fears

Gay clergyman banned from taking services after marrying partner 


December 12

NI gay blood ban likely to be lifted if advisory group recommends

‘DUP climb down’ on gay blood welcomed – (Sad reading!!)

Senior PSNI officer suspended following HM Revenue and Customs probe

Senior Catholic cop suspended during probe

The British soldier who joined 1916 Easter Rising on leave – (That is called ‘treason’ everywhere but in Ireland!!)

Robinson jokes ‘Tiocfaidh ár Lá’ with McGuinness – (Obviously taking lessons from Gregory Campbell!!!)

Katie Hopkins backs Donald Trump: ‘We have lost control of some areas’

Donald Trump: More UK Muslims join IS than UK army

Enrique Marquez, former neighbor of San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook, reportedly spoke of ‘sleeper cells’ to patrons at his job

Angela Merkel is doing more damage to the future of the West than Donald Trump

IRA victims attack Tony Blair over ‘whitewash’ evidence

Stephen Pollard: Labour now allies itself to terrorists and ISIS fraudsters

Assault rifles part of arms haul found near Roslea


December 11

SF minister gives £160k to Irish language centre

Donald Trump: petition to ban presidential candidate from the UK becomes most popular ever

Trump says UK politicians should THANK him and Britain is ‘trying to hide Muslim problem’

DUP’s Arlene Foster one woman who was born to be a leader

‘Release more classified Troubles files’ call from former soldier

Police called to probe DUP MLA Paul Girvan’s ‘gypsy’ comment – (Interestingly, ‘Daily Mail’ calls Tyson Fury the boxer, a ‘gypsy’!!)

Man accused of blackmail ‘claimed to be from the UDA’

‘Fr’ Gerry Reynolds defended Gerry Adams’s stance on IRA questions – (The old Roman Catholic deceit of ‘Mental Reservation’!!!)

RE needs to be renamed, include non-religious viewpoints and focus less on indoctrination – (Remove all BIBLE TRUTH from it in other words!!!!)

Jeremy Corbyn and the conman accused of funding Islamic State: Labour leader stood up for fraudster

Jeremy Corbyn helped secure bail for conman stealing £1million from elderly to FUND ISIS

Germany heading for financial MELTDOWN set to sink the EU, says leading expert

School orders parents to fill in consent form for kids CHRISTMAS PARTY amid religion fears – (Is Donald Trump right???!!!)

‘Trump is right!’ Police say parts of Britain ARE no-go areas due to ISIS radicalisation

As the petition to ban Donald Trump reaches 400,000, here’s who has been let into Britain


December 10

Victims groups criticise ‘abject failure’ over Troubles legacy

Troubles victims use newspaper ad to attack Goverment over legacy issues

Motion Passed Condemning Attempted Removal of National Anthem From Remembrance Service

Travellers deemed more worthy of preferential treatment than military personnel in NI, says Sammy Wilson

Murder probe into death of IRA spy: Irish police following ‘definite leads’

Irish police blame legal logjam for 17th adjournment of IRA spy inquest

Denis Donaldson killing: Family to take European court action

Video: Donald Trump attends Sinn Fein fundraiser amid anti-IRA terror protests in 1995 – (Sort of explains the character of the man!!)

Britain’s power grid at risk of ISIS terror attack which could KILL thousands

Police finally set to interview former IRA chief over Birmingham pub bombings

Sinn Féin holds no ‘moral compass’, claims (Irish) Labour minister

‘Labour-IRA attitude’ under scrutiny as Young Fabians invite former terror commander to be guest of honour at Christmas party

Lee Rigby killer Michael Adebolajo sues over teeth lost in prison – (Unbelievable!!!)


December 9

Watch: Campbell – You lack credibility; McGuinness – I hope you stay here to enjoy power-sharing with us

Robinson wins damages over false blocked peerage claims

Private Eye owners pay damages to Peter Robinson

Arlene Foster still favourite despite break-up of DUP dream team

Arlene Foster signals ‘business as usual’ for DUP if she takes over

DUP old guard rallies behind Foster as 30 propose her for leader

Dodds decision reflects waning local influence of MPs

Up to 50 murders allegedly linked to a British spy in IRA ‘included state agents’

PSNI ‘has no appetite’ for Stakeknife probe

Elliott intervenes to have poppy ban lifted

GAA club formed honour guard at paramilitary funeral because deceased was a former member – (Any feeble excuse covers sympathy with terrorists!!!)

Now Adams leaves door open to coalition with (Irish) Labour

Republic’s leader condemns ‘political misconduct’ highlighted by journalists

When Jeremy met Gerry


December 8

Nigel Dodds rules himself out of DUP leadership contest

Nigel Dodds ‘did not face pressure’ to drop DUP leadership bid

Nigel Dodds rules himself out of DUP leadership race

Analysis: In the end, Dodds just didn’t want DUP leadership enough

Arlene Foster puts name forward to lead DUP

Arlene Foster ‘humbled’ by colleagues’ support for DUP leadership

Robinson says over 75 per cent support Foster

Foster ‘may be Robinson’s preferred heir’… but Wilson will not rule out DUP leader bid

DUP’s Arlene Foster sitting pretty as Dodds rules himself out of race to succeed Robinson as leader

DUP man Moutray to step down from the Assembly

IRA killers at Loughgall ‘died under judgement of God’

McGuinness rejects ‘surrender to Westminster’ criticism over welfare powers

Jim Allister Exposes McGuinness’ Hypocrisy on National Security and “the Past” – (A very good question and the usual silent response!!!)

‘Renua Ireland’ leader, Lucinda Creighton attacks SF over ‘Army Council links’

New home defence law ‘incompatible with human rights convention’, judges told

Leytonstone attack suspect Muhaydin Mire appears in court on attempted murder charge

SF’s muddled response to McCabe murder shows confusion on party line

Sinn Fein edifice shakes as signs of dissent surface

Kingsmills survivor refused legal representation during inquest – (The right to question witnesses is too big a risk for the establishment to take!!!!)


December 7

Ian Paisley’s brother dies in Canada

Adams will do anything to be Taoiseach in 2016

Leytonstone terror attack: Muhaydin Mire charged with attempted murder

North desensitised to ‘extreme violence’, conference told

Call to change Northern Ireland school worship system – (The ‘worship’ in state schools is utter ecumenical!!)

Mandatory Christian prayers in schools ‘should be axed’ – (In a way it marks the departure from all that is ‘Christian’!!)

Britain is no longer a Christian country and should stop acting as if it is, says judge

Schools offered £30,000 extra funding to hire and promote gay and transgender teachers – (Evidence, if more was needed, that the judge is right!!)

Catholic priest will back ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon cleric McConnell in court – (That should win him his case!!)

December 5

Enniskillen: Threat against DUP minister Arlene Foster sparks security alert

Suspect device close to homes of loyalist band members

Device was ‘primed to explode’ at a PSNI recruitment meeting in Derry hotel

‘No evidence’ to link Co Tyrone man to attempted murder of policeman in 2008

Coroner appeals for Kingsmills witnesses and information

Brother of IRA Disappeared man Brendan Megrew: ‘He was shot in the head by someone facing him, his last few moments must have been terrifying’

Irish Deputy Prime minister, Joan Burton won’t ‘jeopardise’ country’s future with Sinn Féin deal

Make Fr Reynolds’ vision of a united Church a reality – (Here is evidence of the treachery of Ecumenism and the sell-out of our Protestant heritage currently taking place!!)

FBI investigates California shooting as act of terrorism

Paris attacks ringleader ‘had UK connections’


December 3

Syria air strikes: RAF Tornado jets carry out bombing

Britain bombs Syria: Tornado jets target Syrian oil field 57 minutes after Commons votes for airstrikes

UK Syria air strikes ‘successful’ in bombing Isil oilfield as Labour descends into open warfare over Hilary Benn’s historic speech – latest

San Bernardino shooting: ‘Husband and wife’ suspects dead and named as Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik after 14 killed in California – latest

Pearse McAuley sentenced to 12 years for attacking his ex-wife

Pearse McAuley: A violent terrorist with a lengthy record – (Just your average republican!!!)

Man charged with Castlederg bomb attack on (Roman Catholic) policeman

Former priest Henry Moloney guilty of sex assault on pupil

Sammy Wilson rules out DUP leadership bid

Nama inquiry: Sammy Wilson to appear before Stormont committee

Martin McGuinness defends Sinn Fein pact with the DUP

Weapons find raises questions over PIRA decommissioning

Victims’ champion raps party held for fugitive IRA man – (When will Unionists learn that Sinn Fein/IRA has been pretending a “change of heart” from their terrorist days!!!)

Fury over Sinn Fein Molloy’s ‘Brits’ murderers jibe

Widow of murdered RUC officer ‘disgusted’ at complaint by husband’s killer – (It merely displays the unrelenting, evil disposition of the republican mind!!)

Does IRA killer Seamus Kearney have no shame? Anyone with decency would be begging forgiveness – (The answer is a simple NO!!!)

Even by murky nature of British black operations in Ulster, the MRF was an enigma

What next on the past?

Cameron ‘hypocrisy’ on same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland

Friends of Sinn Féin raised $60,000 in six months – (The same ‘friends’ who raised money for Sinn Fein/IRA to aid their terrorism!!)

Micheál Martin – leader of Fianna Fáil party – dismisses Sinn Fein coalition talk

December 2


Syria air strikes vote: David Cameron tells Tory MPs to ignore Jeremy Corbyn and ‘terrorist sympathisers’ by voting for bombing

Taxpayers Demand Sinn Fein-IRA Repay Irregularly Claimed Benefit Money

Convicted Colombia Three member Celebration Underscores Sinn Fein-IRA Terror Links – (SF does not really try to hide its links with terror because the DUP will not challenge them and jeopardise the power-sharing gravy train!!)

Irish anti-terror police find assault rifles in Co Monaghan arms dump

AK47s and mortars found in dissident searches

Suspected dissident republican arms dump found by Irish police

Seized arms were stolen from Provos by dissidents – (Stolen or handed over???!!!)

Finds show not all Provisional’s arms put beyond use

Trade unionist challenged on air over dissident past – (He previously refused to condemn those who support armed violence)

Gerry Adams won’t rule out Sinn Féin-Fianna Fáil coalition

SF keener on coalition than it has admitted so far

NI abortion law: Ruling could allow terminations for girls under 16

Shameless IRA killer Seamus Kearney reports his victim’s widow to the police

December 1

NI abortion law ‘breaches human rights’

Abortion Ruling – Courts Should not Seek to Legislate

TUV’s Allister vows to expose Stormont ‘greed and squander’

Jeremy Corbyn rolls over in face of shadow cabinet opposition and gives free vote to Labour MPs on Syria air strike

Labour MPs to get free vote on Syria

Labour MPs will get a free vote on whether the UK should launch air strikes in Syria

Syria air strikes vote on Wednesday, says David Cameron

Syria air strikes: Extra RAF planes to be sent to base as Britain prepares for war against Isis

PM Calls Syria Airstrikes Vote For Wednesday

Sinn Fein’s politics are as outdated as the party’s leaders

Shooting victims ‘had failed to turn up to be shot’ – (Tut, tut – these people who won’t keep their appointments – what an inconvenience!!!!!)

Two men shot in legs in west Belfast

Planners ask for Castlederg IRA memorial ‘equality’ assessment

McGuinness pays tribute to Fr. Gerry Reynolds – (If Sinn Fein/IRA thought highly of him – enough said!!!)

Life as a judge in Britain: ‘I think I’ve heard it all – then a case shocks me with a new level of depravity’ – (The Bible clearly warns of such, 2 Tim 3:1-9)

Back to the top

March 2011

Prayer and revival

By Edwin Colley, a pastor in Alabama, U.S.A. This message was given last year at a Baptist Conference in the United States. This article appeared in Watching and Waiting, the quarterly publication of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony and is published here by permission.

Will There Be an End-Time Revival?

By Edwin Colley, a pastor in Alabama, U.S.A. This message was given last year at a Baptist Conference in the United States. This article appeared in Watching and Waiting, the quarterly publication of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony and is published here by permission.

Unity of European states draws nearer

Excerpt: “Just as eurosceptics always feared, monetary union has led to a state of affairs where – in order to “save the euro” as Mrs Merkel puts it – Europe’s ancient states find themselves having to accept a quantum leap towards political union and a degree of subjugation that would not have been tolerated otherwise.”

Click here to read the entire article.

Earthquake in Japan Moves Honshu Island 2.4 Meters

The news article linked below prompts a remembering of the following words that prophesy events that will occur in the days before the Saviour’s return. “And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” Revelation 6:12-17, KJV.

Click here to read the story.