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New Calvinism

June 2017

Why I have closed my account with SermonAudio

As of 30th May, 2017, I have requested that SermonAudio close my account. I am not sure just when the closure will take place as that is in the hands of SermonAudio. However, I will no longer mount sermons there. Instead, my own website The Burning Bush will now house all my sermons. It has long been the home of my articles and news links. Gradually we will mount the 1376 messages I had on SermonAudio on my own site.

I think that I am correct in saying that our sermons were among the first that were mounted on SermonAudio when Mr. Steven Lee opened his exciting new venture. I recall him heading off home to the United Sates with a large box of old cassette recordings of early sermons preached by me here in Kilskeery, many hundreds of which have been downloaded over the years. I am ever mindful of the introduction SermonAudio gave me to a multitude of believers across the world. Read more

Anti-abortion groups hail judges’ ruling that politicians should decide law

Appeal court ruled that abortion law in Northern Ireland should be left to the Stormont Assembly and not judges. Political manoeuvring at Westminster soon cut short the rejoicing over this decision!!

Read the Newsletter report here.

Chancellor: Government to fund abortions in England for women from Northern Ireland

It is clear that the DUP’s “moral position” on abortion has not in the least influenced the British Government. Are professing Christians in Stormont happy with the murder of the unborn being the price of the financial benefits obtained from the UK Prime Minister.

Read the ITV news report here.

Irish Language Act Would Deliver Key IRA Green Book Objective

Read the TUV statement by Jim Allister  here.

Studies in Ezekiel Chapters 25-28

The Visions of the Judgment of the Nations around Israel (Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyrus)

Preached at a meeting of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony in London, June 23 2017, By Rev Ivan Foster

These 4 chapters detail the judgments of God which befell the nations around Israel at the hand of Babylon back some 2600 years ago.

Three of the chapters deal with Tyrus. I believe that what is here read is a picture, a foreshadowing of the future judgments of God against the Antichrist and his allies.

The Bible says that: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun,” Ecclesiastes 1:9.
Such a statement is entirely logical.

Man is unchanging in his spiritual disposition and constitution.

Contrary to the Evolutionist’s silly notion that man is on an upward moral path, in truth man is ever on the sinful, depraved downward path. It is only by God’s constraining providence that mankind has not long ago plunged into unspeakable depths of universal darkness and the damnation that will follow.

No, man being the same he ever seeks out the same sinful paths as did his forefathers.
God being the same, and He is, “For I am the LORD, I change not,” Malachi 3:6, His response to sin has ever been the same.

When nations sin as nations have before, then the judgments that will follow such sin will again be as the judgments of the past.

The chapter 25 deals with the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Edomites and the Philistines. I do not intend examining each declaration of judgment against these nations for that would require more time than is available to us tonight.

I wish to highlight important features in these chapters. Read more

Watch a video of this message here.

Some Cardinal Principles of Prophetic Interpretation

By Charles T Cook

(This article is taken from the second issue of Watching and Waiting, May 1919).

1. Prophecy is never given to satisfy curiosity, but to inculcate some needful moral and spiritual lesson (Daniel 9:2-3; Daniel 10:18; Luke 21:28; 2 Peter 1:19; 2 Peter 3:14).

2. Prophecies of events still future will be fulfilled on the same principle as those which have already come to pass. (The following prophecies concerning our Lord Jesus have been literally fulfilled: Micah 5:2; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 53:7-9; Psalm 16:8-11. The following prophecies will also be fulfilled literally: Zechariah 12:10; Zechariah 14:3-4; Matthew 24:29-31. Prophecies concerning Israel’s scattering have been fulfilled literally, so also will be the promises of regathering: Jeremiah 30:3; Jeremiah 31:7-10; Isaiah 14:1-3; Amos 9:14-15). Read more

Priest at Belfast school quizzed pupils about sex – report criticises child protection failings

It is to be noted that the fact that this is a Roman Catholic controlled school is not immediately made clear in the report!! Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

DUP secures ‘Military Covenant’ for veterans in Northern Ireland, Paisley claims

It was always a source of shame that soldiers from Northern Ireland serving in the British Army were not treated the same as soldiers from the other parts of the United Kingdom. read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Weakened Tories good news for Libya-IRA victims: Empey

Read the Newsletter report here.

Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not ‘a magician with a magic wand’

Popery is a system which has long spoken out of ‘both sides of its mouth’ and is ever engaged in preaching ‘the lie’ while calling it ‘the truth’ and thus deceiving millions about eternity !!!

Read The Independent’s report here.

Jeff Dudgeon: I have long battled with the DUP over gay rights, but I do not find them hostile now.

Something every Free Presbyterian supporter of the DUP should reads and note!!

Read the Newsletter report here.

DUP urged to ‘change its position’ on LGBTI issues by Scottish Secretary

Read the Newsletter report here.

Cash, not moral issues, likely to be driving force of DUP support for May

The price of power!!!

Read the Newsletter report here.

Talk about hypocrisy, Sinn Fein cosied up to DUP when it suited

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Election results 2017: DUP and Sinn Féin celebrate election gains

The graph shows a very divided Ulster!!

Read the BBC news report here.

SDLP and UUP lose Westminster seats

Read the BBC news report here.

General Election 2017 result live: Theresa May brokers deal with DUP to form new government

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Jim Allister: Finucane cannot masquerade as campaigner for truth and justice while carrying flag for IRA’s political wing

Read the Newsletter report here.

Even after Enniskillen massacre, Corbyn and the hard left would not condemn the IRA

Read the Newsletter report here.

Dublin Police foil huge dissident Semtex bomb plot

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

Corbyn went out on limb with Provos all the time, claims peer

What a disaster for the UK if this “useful idiot of the IRA”, as one RUC officer called him years ago, is elected Prime Minister and what a commentary on the wit of the people of England if he is their choice!!!

Read the Belfast Telegraph report here.

See also Labour’s wriggling over its past meetings with terrorists is enough to make your hair curl, no matter what Abbott says

‘Workmate led us to a slaughtering match’

“The sole survivor of the Kingsmills massacre says he is “horrified” that a workmate who usually travelled on the minibus ambushed by the IRA in south Armagh may have set them up to be murdered.”

This would not be the first time that such treachery was manifested. A young republican in Castlederg blew himself up fixing a bomb to the car of a workmate who had often shared his lunch with him!!

Read the Belfast Newsletter report here.

Read a Belfast Telegraph report here.

February 2015

Index to this edition

Principles abandoned – God’s Truth Betrayed

storey_cross_3The Corrymeela Community objectives have been defined so: “The Corrymeela Community is a Christian community whose objective is the promotion of reconciliation and peace-building through the healing of social, religious, and political divisions in Northern Ireland. It runs programmes aimed at establishing a shared society defined by tolerance, where differences are resolved through dialogue in the public sphere and where there is equity, respect for diversity and recognition of interdependence.”

In one word CORRYMEELA means ECUMENISM with its old objective of REUNION with ROME.

Read more


bible_imageAn outline study of the Book of Jude by Rev. Ivan Foster

Part 2: The fight we must engage in

There never was a time when the ‘FAITH’, that is the doctrines of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, has not been under attack!

Every generation since Adam has witnessed the devil’s assault upon God’s truth. The assault has taken many forms and many strategies have been employed by that Master of Wiles, the devil. Paul said that “we are not ignorant of his devices,” 2 Corinthians 2:11. Of course this is perfectly true, since the wicked mind of Satan and his unceasing efforts to overthrow God’s Kingdom are fully revealed in the Holy Scriptures. We have no excuse for ignorance or unpreparedness but, sadly, such is our carelessness and slackness, our deafness and heedlessness of God’s Word that we fail to take due notice of the information given us.

Read more

The voice of betrayal from the past which warns us to be on guard against such happening again!!

BillyGraham_PopeAt the beginning of his preaching career, Dr Billy Graham had the endorsement and support of Fundamentalist leaders such as Dr Bob Jones and Dr John R Rice.

Indeed, he had the support and prayers of millions of Bible-believers around the world.

But then came departure on his part in the form of his entering into fellowship with those whose theology was deemed liberal. He incorporated such men into his organisation and they became a prominent part of his crusades.

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Below is a video detailing the course of compromise Billy Graham has followed.

Disclaimer: We cannot endorse everything produced by the source of this video

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SermonAudio amongst sponsors of ‘Gen2 Leadership Conference’ which has chosen a man clutching a crucifix as one of its promotional photos.

Gen2 logoDoes it really matter?

The following are matters of grave concern when it comes to the use of a crucifix, especially by professed Bible-believing Protestants.

1. The sign of the cross. While the sign of the cross has come to be almost universally accepted as a Christian symbol…

Read more

Article updated with a response from Sermonaudio

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KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

Each day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Below you can listen to the most recent recordings of the talks to the pupils.

Please pray for this work amongst children since it depends entirely upon the Lord for its continued witness.

Listen to all the posted audio files in this series here.

The Return of Christ, Pt 39
The Return of Christ, Pt 40
The Return of Christ, Pt 41
The Return of Christ, Pt 42
The Return of Christ, Pt 43
The Return of Christ, Pt 44
The Return of Christ, Pt 45

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Latest news stories

‘Border regions losing faith in PSNI’ – Conor Murphy – (Since when did ‘Bandit Country’ ever have faith in the police????)

Booby-trap poster bomb victim Francis McCabe is stable in hospital – (Which is more than could be said for the hundreds of SF/IRA victims over the years!!)

Crossmaglen: Police appeal after Frank McCabe Jr injured in bomb

Alleged CIRA members were plotting policing board attacks, Belfast court hears

Don’t be fooled by the words, always judge Sinn Fein by their actions – (The same goes for the DUP!!!)

‘Jihadi John’ Emwazi’s Old Schoolmate: ‘He Was Like Any Of Us’ – (Really !!!!!!)

Gritter lorry driver attacked by masked gang after refusing to take suspected bomb to Derry police station

Northern Ireland police win latest round in battle to hear Boston College tapes

Victims demand SDLP leader, Alasdair McDonnell meeting over McCreesh play park

Sinn Féin government would involve ‘rule of fear’ – (Let the DUP take note!!)

40 million items a year under free prescriptions in Northern Ireland – (It wouldn’t be hard to guess where the majority of them went!!)

Boris Nemtsov: ‘I’m afraid Putin will kill me,’ politician said weeks before being shot dead

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More news

February 26

NI secretary warns of ongoing ‘severe’ threat from dissidents

Sinn Fein ‘targeted by Crossmaglen poster bomb’ – (SF condemn the bombing yet it is the means by which they came to power!!!)

Man seriously hurt by blast ‘is the victim of a criminal campaign of intimidation’ – (Galatians 6:7, “Sow – Reap”)

SF attempts to explain how welfare figures didn’t add up – (Does anything about SF add up???)

The next time a politician squeals about ‘Tory cuts’ someone should point them towards poll – (Less than 16% in NI think Stormont is better than Direct Rule from London!!)

Time will tell if DUP-Catholic Church ‘alliance’ is vote winner

Just 16% of Belfast Catholics go to Mass, says diocese survey

Eoin Morgan DEFENDS right not to sing National Anthem before England (cricket) matches

Row after hospital boss said Savile ‘had no free access’

Jimmy Savile scandal: Anger as no one is blamed for allowing abuse in hospitals

Sinn Fein man Cathal O hOisin’s tears for his baby with fatal abnormality as he urges a ‘humane’ change to abortion law – (One has to gently ask would it have been better to have murdered the baby than let it die naturally?)

MI5 blunders that allowed Jihadi John to slip the net

February 25

‘Gay cake row’: Catholic Church supports DUP conscience clause

RC Church group meets DUP, SDLP on freedom of conscience Bill

Unlikely allies as the Catholic Church backs DUP Conscience Clause Bill

Christians ‘discriminated against’ says Catholic Bishop

Alasdair McDonnell ‘swore at Martin McGuinness’ in heated row

IRA burned people to death too – Letter.

This is no way to run democracy

‘Blind eye’ shown to fuel laundering due to peace process – Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin

We should have been there for Raymond McCreesh play park vote: SDLP

February 24

DUP’s William McCrea spent 30 hours a week as clergyman rather than an MP – (The moral dilemma!!)

Gay cake row’: RC Bishop to meet NI first minister on DUP clause

Accused priest weeps at porn hoard

Father of Down’s Syndrome child challenges ‘atheist’ Prof Dawkins

IRA murderer – Raymond McCreesh Park: SDLP unhappy with ‘no shows’ in Newry vote

Unionists vow new vote on McCreesh park name

SDLP showing courage and cowardice in equal measure

‘Twentieth attack’ on memorial to soldiers

Anti-democratic petitions of concern are a real cause for concern

UUP councillor quits, saying he sees no future for established parties

Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw have whip withdrawn over ‘sting’

Sir Malcolm Rifkind security committee role questioned

Islamic State Abducts 90 Christians In Syria – (Likely Greek Orthodox or a similar denomination)

Following beheading of 21 Coptic Christians in Egypt, Islamic State kidnaps 90 Assyrian Christians in Syria

MPs reject backbench bid to amend abortion laws (to explicitly ban abortion on the grounds of gender)

Schoolboy Oisin McGrath death: File sent to prosecutors

File to be sent over Fermanagh schoolboy death

Call to ‘Probe police’ over Rotherham abuse

‘Blind eye’ turned to illegal border activity, claims Fine Gael TD in Irish Republic

Former terrorists still as powerful as ever

War With Ukraine ‘Unlikely’, Says Putin

February 23

Provos’ new ‘dirty war’ on 60,000 households

IRA fuel smugglers poison drinking water at Irish border by dumping lethal toxic waste

Provo criminals haven’t gone away

SDLP leader: My councillors were wrong on IRA park vote

I’m sorry, says ex-RUC officer at centre of Chelsea racist fans row – (He has got to save his job as director of a worldwide human rights organisation !!??)

Chelsea fan caught up in ‘racist incident’ is former policeman and now a human rights group director – (For how long??)

Ex-RUC man denies being racist following Paris train incident

Lessons in doublespeak from a looking-glass land

Conservatives suspend Sir Malcolm Rifkind after ‘sting’

Sir Malcolm Rifkind and Jack Straw strongly deny wrongdoing

Welfare Reform: ‘DUP and Sinn Féin have sold out Northern Ireland’s most vulnerable’

Dublin still dragging its feet on Kingsmills massacre – Jim Allister

Irish Health Minister Leo Varadkar: Gerry Adams is a ‘self-serving phoney’

Taoiseach fails to rule out FG and SF in coalition

Taoiseach Enda Kenny backs same-sex marriage

Enda Kenny appeals for Yes to same sex marriage

Yoga and Indian head massages lead to Satanism, says Northern Irish priest

Pope Francis urged to discipline Catholic priest who called yoga ‘work of the devil’

MPs balk at banning practice of aborting babies for their gender – (Once started the downward spiral continues)

Pastor questions why UDR man wrongly accused of murder denied compensation

Islamic ‘radicals’ at the heart of Whitehall – What hope for the defeat of ISIS when government can’t safeguard itself!!)

Islamic State is still receiving significant financial support from Arab sympathisers

Russian bombers threatening Britain could hit passenger aircraft

Pope to mafia: repent and be saved – (What a joke!! Never was the mafia, like the IRA here, ever excluded from the fold of popery.)

Child sex scandal council hires ‘mentors’ linked to muslim hard-liners

February 21

Barney McGinley wedding killing: Man on murder charge

Scottish Kirk Moderator meets Pope Francis – (He tells ope told that Scotland would welcome him with “open arms” – different view from old John Knox!!)

USA – Gay pastor’s children refused entry to Christian school – (What bare-faced effrontery sodomites have!!)

Former Megachurch Pastor Rob Bell: A Church That Doesn’t Support Gay Marriage Is ‘Irrelevant’

Presbyterian Church (USA) Battles as it Votes on Whether to Redefine Marriage to Include Same-Sex Couples – (Christian, Remember the words of Christ: “But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed,” Luke 17:29-30.)

Southern Irish voters poised to back gay marriage: Opinion polls

Call for BBC and iTunes to shun song for PSNI murder duo

Pope Francis dismisses convicted Lisburn paedophile priest James Martin Donaghy from priesthood

Child abuser awarded £20,000 damages after being ‘named and shamed’ on Facebook paedophile page in first case of its kind

Internment in the ‘70s: Protestant internees to sue UK state

Alasdair McDonnell goes to ground over SDLP’s Newry park decision

Former soldier admits bomb charges

February 20

Alasdair McDonnell foetus comments criticised by Dr Samina Dornan – (The arrogance of this woman is sadly all too common – doctors do not know everything. They are not God!!)

SDLP councillor: Why I support naming park after IRA man – ( For ‘man’ read ‘mass murderer’!)

Third extension to produce Brimstone report

£700m Civil Service exit scheme not needed, says TUV – (Oh I’m sure that the DUP will find some Gaelic cause to spend it on!!)

Average of 20,000 Public Servants Leave Each Year – So Why is NI Borrowing £700m? – Jim Allister

‘This will be my last Traveller wedding’, says priest who married youngsters after fatal shooting

NI Sec. State, Theresa Villiers in fresh bid to resolve north Belfast parades issue

Ukraine: UK and EU ‘badly misread’ Russia

Britain cannot defend itself against Putin’s military might, top brass warn

Britain would ‘struggle’ in a war against Russia, former defence chiefs warn – (Where are you Winston Churchill?)

DUP pursuing judicial review over TV debate snub

Alerts end with two bombs found in Londonderry

Londonderry pipe bombs: Police investigating ‘loyalist groupings’

Birmingham pub bombings: David Cameron in pledge over secret documents

UDR soldier cleared of Catholic murder: ‘I’ve suffered far more than the guys who were found guilty and were then compensated’

Sinn Fein petition leaves DUP’s conscience clause dead in the water

DUP: Sinn Fein preventing open debate on conscience

SF TD insists IRA ‘not involved’ in cross-Border crime – (Same men, same set-up – just a name change!!)

Cold and calculating Gerry Adams is never a twit

Dublin premier, Enda Kenny rules out coalition with Fianna Fáil or Sinn Féin

Multi-faith school: A new way of sharing, rather than integrated education – (Basically unchristian and unbiblical, Ephesians 5:11 etc.)

February 19

Revealed in full: The Stormont Castle Agreement which preceded December’s deal

DUP’s Stephen Brimstone: DSD report recommends disciplinary investigation

Sinn Féin ‘will block conscience clause bill’ in assembly – (Not surprising for an utterly hypocritical party which backs murder – how can DUP continue as their partners??!!)

Castlederg Republican parade: DUP accuse police of ‘wilful blindness’ as court case is dismissed against organiser

Nottinghamshire care home abuse not investigated, claims social worker

Kate Carroll shocked at chart bid by song for husband’s killers

Irish to be made first language in Northern Ireland council

SDLP backs ‘Irish first’ policy days after missing IRA park vote – (The whole issue highlights the anti-Protestant campaign within Irish Nationalism)

Irish Language Used to Alienate Unionists

Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’new logo launched but unionists want rid of bi-lingual wording

Protestant and Catholic church leaders plan Northern Ireland’s first multi-faith school – (The cancer of ecumenism is what is destroying Ulster)

Fugitive Brockwell ‘s flight from justice comes to bloody end on Belfast street

Pope Francis: Gay people get VIP seats at papal audience – (That which God calls an ‘abomination’, Leviticus 18:22, the pope glories in and honours)

Putin will target the Baltic next, Michael Fallon, British Defence Secretary warns

Ukraine crisis: Russia is a threat to other Baltic states, warns Defence Secretary Michael Fallon

February 18

Oisin McGrath: Youth, 17, rearrested over schoolboy death

Oisin McGrath death: Police re-arrest teenager on suspicion of manslaughter

Derry estate alert: Bomb was designed to kill say police

Stephen Brimstone: DSD deadline over DUP adviser report

Robinson denies document shows he negotiated on parades

All I want is justice, says Kincora victim

Orange Order says it uses land funds to ‘counter republicans’ illegal proceeds’

VIDEO: CCTV footage of IRA victims’ memorial garden being vandalised

Catholic church ‘scum’ graffiti doesn’t really bother us, says Belfast priest

Omagh bombing: trial of suspect Seamus Daly will go ahead

Rev David McIlveen: Dr Paisley wasn’t treated with respect and dignity he deserved

Gerry Adams refuses to rule out becoming Taoiseach after next General Election

February 17

Primary pupils need sex-and-relationships education, say MPs

Sex education ‘should be made compulsory in primary schools’ – (This can only lead to further moral decline as have such educational ventures in the past)

Executive didn’t want more debt – days before it agreed £1bn loan – (Obviously men of resolve!!)

Secret Stormont Castle Agreement Exposes DUP and UUP Bluster on Parading

Benefits cheat told to pay back £100,000 … at £10 per week – (Case follows SD Minister Mervyn Storey’s announcement of a push to tackle benefit fraud)

350 badly injured victims of Northern Ireland Troubles may get allowance – (Pension payments to be presided over by those who caused the injuries!!

Kincora children trafficked throughout UK, claims former resident Richard Kerr

MLA backs Ukip’s Farage on ‘peace process a loathsome surrender’ remark

Cork RC priest guilty of sex assault

February 16

Nigel Farage called Northern Ireland peace process ‘utterly loathsome’

‘Raymond McCreesh park name forces everyone in Northern Ireland to face hypocrisy of nationalists’

IRA man McCreesh ‘more worthy than Nobel winners’

Crisis-hit Tesco to axe up to 10,000 jobs – (Financial support for sodomite causes wasn’t such good idea then!!)

Kincora scandal: Abuse victim seeks Judicial Review over MI5 link to Belfast boys’ home

Woman left children aged 10 and 13 home alone for THREE WEEKS while she went to Nigeria

February 14

Victims campaigner, Ann Travers slams SDLP over IRA playground

Naming playground after IRA man “obscene” – victim

Unionists to fight ‘IRA playground’ decision by SF

Alasdair McDonnell has lost control of SDLP, claims Martin McGuinness

Sinn Fein MEP’s Cyprus comments ‘irony at its worst’: Campbell

St Mary’s Saved RC College , Enniskillen Collegiate Sacrificed

Behind the Lines: Hezbollah, Iran, Syria join forces near Golan ‘buffer zone’

February 13

Oisin McGrath: Condolences for family of Belcoo schoolboy

Tributes for Oisin McGrath as schoolboy (13) loses his fight for life

Frightening cost of welfare deal will hit services, warns Allister

Newtownbutler wedding: Police ‘know’ who carried out shooting

Wedding guest killers should turn themselves in, say police

Sinn Fein MP Michelle Gildernew: Unionist votes got me elected

SF under pressure to clarify abortion stance

Farry fury at slapdown as parties veto cuts to funding for teacher colleges St Mary and Stranmillis

TV election debates: DUP’s Peter Robinson confident on challenge

SF’s own figures show there will be benefit cuts

Play park honour to IRA hunger striker Raymond McCreesh stays, says council

Public support for bakery business at centre of ‘gay cake’ row

February 12

Sinn Fein’s Irish Language Bill is ‘lifted from PIRA aims’

Newtownbutler (Gypsy) wedding shooting: Man in 60s dies – (“I went on ahead with the wedding” says RC priestl!!)

Bride carries on with traveller wedding after guest shot dead – (It could only happen in Ireland!!)

Wedding guest dies in gun attack, teen couple marry 10 minutes later in Fermanagh (RC) church

St Michael’s College (RC), Enniskillen: Oisin McGrath critically injured (following incident at the grammar school)

Schoolboy Oisin fighting for life after incident at St Michael’s College

Details of how Stormont will ‘top up’ benefits remain sketchy

Rivals pile pressure on Sinn Fein over ‘U-turn’ on welfare reform

More than 6,000 families getting equivalent of £34k from benefits

Welfare reform: Penalties for benefits cheats to be more lenient in Northern Ireland

Muslim population in England and Wales rises by 1m

Number of ‘Muslim’ children in Britain doubles in a decade

Escape from Boko Haram: what the survivors saw

Let National Crime Agency off leash to catch fuel smugglers: UUP Minister, Danny Kennedy

February 11

HIA inquiry: Nun was ‘never prosecuted’ over complaints

Welfare reform: Assembly members due to resume debate on bill

West Belfast Tops List for Families on £26,000 in Benefits – (By far the most are Republicans!!)

DUP defends mass veto of attempts to change welfare bill

Unionists brand Irish language bill ‘pointless and dictatorial’

Ulster Unionist chief Nesbitt accuses Sinn Fein of ‘rolling over’ on welfare

Irish language act: Stormont business would be translated and courts heard in Irish

Irish abortion law: Fatal foetal abnormality bill rejected

Belfast man cleared of rioting during 1971 Ballymurphy unrest

Northern Ireland braced for more bomb alerts in run-up to general election

Israel’s Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu: I am not looking for fight with Obama over Congress speech

Grandfather’s body could be exhumed after relatives of Muslim buried alongside complain he was an unbeliever

Germany rejects Greece’s demands for $11 billion of Second World War reparations

Saudi Arabia executions ‘extraordinarily high’ as state executes 28 people in five weeks

Personal chauffeurs and episcopal mansions – life for Church of England’s good shepherds

Church of England questioned over ‘lavish’ spending on bishops’ homes

February 10

Martin McGuinness: ‘Group considered attack against me using a rocket launcher’ – (“ . . . whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap,” Galatians 6:7)

Martin McGuinness ‘warned of rocket attack death threat’ – (“ . . . all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword,” Matthew 26:52.)

Sinn Fein chief McGuinness defiant over dissidents’ rocket plot to kill him – (“Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed,” Genesis 9:6)

Self-important Gerry Adams detached from any reality

Sinn Feiner Michelle Gildernew: ‘It’d be hard to persuade me to take up my Westminster seat’

MLA urges Equality Commission cuts – (“ . . . because it is pursuing an anti-Christian agenda.”)

‘Shame on those who propped up Equality Commission’ – Jim Allister

Ulster victims to rally in Dublin

Kingsmill memorial vandals must be brought to justice

Plans for Eisenhower sign halted over bi-lingual policy

The DUP conscience clause is about fundamentalists, not Christians

John O’Dowd: Catholic primary teaching requirement ‘should go’

Teenage Islamist fanatic ‘caught on his way to behead a British soldier’

Councillor threatened with BEHEADING after organising counter-demonstration to anti-Islam march

Suicide bombers ‘defecting from Isis’ and fleeing to Turkey or rival militant groups

Ukraine crisis: Europe’s borders cannot be ‘redrawn with the barrel of a gun’ says Barack Obama

February 9

Gerry Kelly OTR story challenged by Lord Empey

SNP, Plaid Cymru and Ukip support DUP’s case for inclusion in TV poll debate

Alliance closing in on DUP lead in East Belfast, insists Naomi Long

East Belfast: Who can quash this overwhelming sense of disenchantment?

Kingsmills massacre: Police say attack on memorial is ‘hate crime’

Kingsmill memorial: Victim’s brother angry over paint attack

Kingsmills memorial attack ‘gratuitously offensive’

Why 1916 Relatives should shun Sinn Fein

Terror suspects arrested every day in UK as police call for extra funding to cope with Isil threat – (The price of unrestricted immigration??!!)

‘Russia’s growing threat’: After Ukraine, fears grow that Baltic states could be Vladimir Putin’s next targets

McAleese hits out at Pope over smacking of children – (Physical punishment of children has Bible not pope for its authority – Proverbs 22:15, 29:15!!)

Hunt: Sweeping reforms to end ‘NHS cover up culture’

Prince Charles tells British Muslims ‘if you live in our country, abide by our values’

February 7

‘Gay cake’ case: Allister bid to cut quango’s funding by £500,000

Pagan slams religion in political life – (It’s paganism in public life is the real problem!!)

‘More know Ulster-Scots than Irish’

Abortion: SDLP Outburst may be calculated move to wrest votes off SF

Abortion law: David Ford accuses SDLP of talking ‘nonsense’ – (Cases on record where doctors recommended abortion only for baby to be born perfect)

Asian PC under investigation over Rotherham sex abuse scandal dies in crash

Karak, Jordan: Where one pilot is mourned and another is praised for joining ISIL – (The Muslim chaos!!)

Obama considers release of secret sections of report on Saudi Arabia ties to al Qaeda

February 6

Bill to create a Stormont Opposition passes key hurdle

Fears over dissident drugs war after three pipe-bomb attacks in Belfast

Warning on conscience clause bill

Social Development Minister Mervyn Storey given courts warning

Stormont welfare ‘top-ups’ revealed ahead of Assembly debate – (Rightly called “a cheater’s charter”. The price the DUP is willing to pay to keep SF onboard)

Green Party councillor quits over its stance on terrorist groups

East Belfast: DUP leader Peter will join Robinson on campaign, vows candidate

Stephen Fry “astonished” by reaction to his tirade about God – (Refuse to ice a cake to his liking, and see his reaction!!!!)

February 5

1/3 of DUP MPs Miss Crucial Commons Vote on 3 Person Babies

Rotherham Council’s leadership resigns following damning child sex abuse report

Rotherham council ignored child abuse by Asian gangs because of ‘misplaced political correctness’, report concludes – (Whatever you do don’t mention RACE!!!)

Goddard inquiry: Northern Ireland will not be included in child abuse investigation

UK anti-Semitism hit record level in 2014, report says

Larne: TUV votes against ‘anti-God’ witch-hunt plaque

Presbyterian Church ‘will have a female moderator’ – (Irrespective of what God says in His Word – what an indication of its apostasy!!!)

DUP on course to win lost seat, but it’s no certainty

East Belfast: Disillusioned with Peter Robinson and benefits of peace

War with Isis: If Saudi Arabia isn’t fuelling the militant inferno, who is?

February 4

OFMDFM has as many special advisers as whole Welsh government

DUP will not seek to be part of Westminster coalition if it holds balance of power

Maghaberry dissident inmates told prison officers they’d be murdered, reveals Ford

Maghaberry death threats ‘should end concessions to republicans’

Willie Frazer pressing ahead with Dublin victims’ march

Gerry O’Carroll: ‘Love Ulster’ is coming back? Well, I predict another riot

‘Property of the UVF’: East Belfast caught in the grip of the racketeers

Analysis: Government likely to extend NCA, despite SF’s opposition

NCA must not have to pay heed to ‘community impact’

Presbyterian moderator elect Ian McNie ‘would have concerns about woman leader’ – (Why not state what the Bible says about women ministers – It’s WRONG!)

New moderator foresees woman leader – “I will be part of the church that is involved in that.” – (That’s consistency for you!!!)

February 3

Phil Flanagan, Sinn Féin, apologises over ‘provocative comment’ – (Well, one doesn’t defy the ‘powers that be’ within Sinn Fein!!)

Irish republican dissidents end standoff with prison staff in Northern Ireland

Colin Duffy behind the stand-off at Maghaberry Prison

First Minister Peter Robinson has said the DUP is consulting legal teams over the leaders’ debate controversy.

DUP ready for legal battle over TV election debates

National Crime Agency: Stormont stalemate over anti-gangster unit appears at an end

National Crime Agency: SDLP to support extension to Northern Ireland

IRA sex abuse allegations: Cross-border inquiry not ruled out

If residents say ‘no’ to Orange parades, what is there left to talk about?

Police defend low clear-up rate on Orange hall attacks, as only seven charged

Glenanne gang: Notorious death squad ‘fuelled by collusion’

Female Catholic claimed bias … after female Catholic got job she wanted

Hamilton’s department censured for refusal to answer FoI requests

Debating Chamber Not the Court Room Should Decide on Abortion Issue – (Read our article on the matter)

Secret halal slaughterhouse film reveals ‘horrific’ animal abuse – (We await the reaction of the ‘Animal Rights’ lobby to see if they will go up against the Muslims on this issue!!)

February 2

East Belfast: Peter Robinson’s DUP facing real grudge match to wrest control from hard-working Alliance MP Long

East Belfast: Battle lines drawn as DUP admits it was wrong on Union flag leaflets

Police on alert over Belfast feud fears after shooting is blamed on dissidents

Dublin Councillor warns that Loyalist Willie Fraser’s ‘Love Ulster’ march through Dublin will “probably” turn violent

Taoiseach Enda Kenny rules out Sinn Fein coalition – (Dublin insisted that SF be in a coalition in Northern Ireland – HYPOCRISY!!)

Date set for Ashers Bakery gay marriage cake case

Church of Ireland won’t take stance on gay marriage vote: (female) rector – (Not surprising given its liberal/ecumenical theology)

Like Pearse (a leader of 1916 Irish rebellion), McGuinness is misleading followers – He told a SF meeting that a united Ireland is imminent. He’s deluded

IRA smugglers behind Aussie cigarette racket

Language row: Let’s not waste cash on translations, but don’t lose these precious tongues

Ulster-Scots: Parents must be encouraged to speak it at home to their children

Gardai to question IRA sex abusers shielded by Provos

Time to break republican chains of omerta (code of silence) is now

Nationalists and unionists vote to save Malvern Primary school from axe

Grammar school supporters must resist SF onslaught

Remembering the Holocaust and recalling why we could never vote SF

Prince Charles the saviour of the nation? A new book highlights concerns about how political he will be when he eventually becomes king

January 31

Belfast shooting, Oldpark Road: Man is critically ill

Abortion: SDLP opposes changes to Northern Ireland law

Westminster ‘paedophile ring’: Sir Peter Hayman named in secret file – (He was “focus of a report into ‘unnatural’ sexual behaviour in the 1980s”)

Margaret Thatcher warned of paedophile scandal, secret documents reveal

Kincora: The man who wants to lift the lid off one of the darkest secrets in Ulster’s past

Hezbollah confirmed Israeli suspicions that it was establishing greater military presence near the Syrian-Israeli frontier on the Golan Heights

Jordan ‘could fast-track execution’ of Isis prisoners if hostage fighter pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh is killed

Raving Loonies next if DUP gets place in TV debates: Clegg

Sinn Fein’s abstentionism a relic of long-dead and buried republican past

Language row as Sinn Fein unveils policies on Irish and Ulster-Scots – (Just another way for Sinn Fein/IRA to squander tax-payers’ money!!)


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April 2013

Ralph Ovadal and Ivan Foster hold a conversation to mark the 150 anniversary of the Ulster Revival of 1859

Use the player below to listen.


Rick Warren’s ideal strategy for the Church

He expresses his view on this subject in an interview with Christianity Today.

Christianity Today – What is the ideal strategy for the church?

Rick Warren – Working with moderate Muslims.

Click here to read article on

49 years ago this month. . .

On 27th March 1964, I along with a good friend, was travelling from Belfast by train to Portrush, Co Antrim, to join with the many other young people in a weekend of worldly activities. I was 20 years old and unconverted and as dark as hell’s midnight!

On that train journey, we encountered a young lady, Hazel, and her friends. They were Christians travelling to a Christian convention in Portrush. During the 1-hour non-stop journey they witnessed to us of the Saviour and our need of His saving mercy.

I did not listen. Rather I argued and verbally abused the girls with rather uncouth language. So much so that when I providentially met Hazel in downtown Belfast, some two weeks later, she ran into the C & A department store to avoid another meeting when she spotted me approaching her in Donegal Square! I followed and when I caught up with her and told her that I had been converted 10 days after she and her friends had witnessed to me – on April 4th – she almost fainted with astonishment!

It is my pleasure to share with you, on this day of happy and grateful memories, the story of God’s mercy to me in this recording made in Lewes Free Presbyterian Church just one year ago. Use the player below to listen!

“Christian Rapper” uses explicit language which causes some controversy

You may well need an interpreter to understand the mutilated syntax that purports to be English grammar in one of the articles we have listed here but it seems to be a defence of the uncouth and totally unchristian and unscriptural language employed by this so-called “Christian Rapper”, one of those so beloved of the modern “New Calvinists” of the John Piper camp. Read the Christian Post report

The following two videos will help the concerned Christian to understand the depths of the departure from the “old paths” along which many prominent so-called Fundamentalists such as John Piper and John MacArthur are leading the flock of God by promoting these gibberish-spouting “hip-hoppers” as servants of Christ.

Read the rest of this story

Video #1: Lecrae says he’s not a gospel rapper but a Hip Hop artist

Video #2: John MacArthur’s Master’s College Facebook page features ‘gospel rap’ artists.

Joel Beeke has also been guilty of promoting this satanic delusion as this quote from his blog illustrates.

“October 25, 2012 By Joel Beeke

A new rap song by Propaganda has caught the attention of a number of Christians in the blogosphere (lyrics here). It styles itself as a series of questions to a pastor who loves to quote the Puritans, criticizing them for their culpability in the slavery of African-Americans. The rap repeatedly uses the phrase “your precious puritans” in a way that is ironic, to say the least. It is sad that “precious” becomes a piece of sarcasm, for the Lord Himself said to His people that we are “precious in my sight” and “I have loved thee” (Isa. 43:4). To his credit, Propaganda promotes the gospel of Christ in other raps, and says that he has learned a lot from reading the Puritans. But his rap song forcefully portrays them as deeply flawed men, profoundly guilty for their participation in the Atlantic slave trade and slave economy. (

Below is a video of Propaganda ‘promoting the ‘gospel of Christ’.

This is not a setting forth of the gospel. For Dr Joel Beeke to say that this man is a gospel witness is a shameful and deceiving statement. What a contrast is the clear, succinct, easily comprehended, Spirit-inspired statement: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” John 3:16, KJV; or Paul’s response to the jailer’s anxious enquiry: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house,” Acts 16:30-32, KJV.

Is this endorsement of Jason Petty (the rapper’s real name) by Dr Beeke an acting out of the philosophy of “infiltration” which I understand he favours rather than the Bible’s truth of the believer separating from all that is contrary to true holiness?

Does Dr Beeke believe that it is “hip” or “cool” or ”with it” to speak well of the modern phenomenon of “hip-hoppers”? Is this his keeping in with the religious “in crowd” as he did with John Piper etc., when “New Calvinism” was emerging?

To give his approval to such coarse and uncouth mouthings as this man manufactures and call it the gospel is wrong, deceitful and degrading to the Son of God, His work of redemption and the Word of God.

Is this not a repeat of Jehoshaphat’s mistake? “And Ahab king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat king of Judah, Wilt thou go with me to Ramothgilead? And he answered him, I am as thou art, and my people as thy people; and we will be with thee in the war,” 2 Chronicles 18:3, KJV. How wrong to mingle ourselves with the forces of Ahab and affiliate ourselves with his cause. That is made very clear in the message the Lord sent to Jehoshaphat after his allying himself with Ahab. “And Jehoshaphat the king of Judah returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD,” 2 Chronicles 19:1-2, KJV.

This is what Dr Beeke has done in promoting this “rapper” and calling his incoherent nonsense the gospel. At best Jason Perry’s outpourings are a parody of the gospel. Dr Beeke has allied himself with that which is not of God.

There was a time when the devil was required to disguise himself in order to be welcomed amongst God’s people. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 11:14, “And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” How dark is the day when Satan can send his agents amongst Christians undisguised and they are welcomed and embraced as servants of God? Is this not what Dr Beeke would encourage us to do when he speaks of this man as a gospel witness?

Rap artist Propaganda complimented by Dr. Beeke
Propaganda, the rap artist complimented by Dr. Beeke for promoting the gospel of Christ.

What a day of confusion has come upon the professing church of Christ. Do we not see with a vengeance that of which Jude and Paul spoke?

“For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. . . . . But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit,” Jude 1:4, 17-19, KJV.

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was,” 2 Timothy 3:1-9, KJV.

May the Lord Jesus, in mercy to His poor people, open the eyes of our understanding that we may discern the signs of the times and obey His Word and turn from such blasphemous deceits and delusions.

– Rev Ivan Foster
Updated 27th March 2013

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