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The Runaways

A new book by Mrs. Ann Foster

From the introduction:

Why is it that men are so prone to run away from God?

One has only to read the Bible to see the great and continual hostility of man to God and His Word. We see it over and over again in the history of the children of Israel.

They had witnessed the mighty works of God in Egypt, the ten dreadful plagues, only three of which affected the land of Goshen where Israel dwelt, and His ultimate deliverance of them from Egyptian bondage.

They had watched the miraculous dividing of the Red Sea, the walls of water providing protection from the pursuing armies of Pharaoh as they crossed over dry-shod. These same walls of water brought destruction to the chariots and death to the horsemen, foot soldiers and the proud king of Egypt as they were totally engulfed.

They were there when God came down on Mount Sinai with the glorious manifestations of His presence. They heard the thunder, saw the lightning and heard God’s voice speaking out of the fire. However, despite such a demonstration of God’s glory and power, they set up and worshipped the golden calf, while Moses was still in the mount receiving the tables of the law. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, accused the rebellious Israelites, under Moses’ leadership, of idolatry in these words: ‘Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them’ (Acts 7:43). They ate daily of the manna and drank water from the rock, yet they constantly murmured against God’s gracious and faithful provision.

Neither miracles of mercy nor terrible judgments prevailed to turn them from disobedience to God.

Price £6 plus postage.

News review for week ending Friday 10th May 2019

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron, 1 Timothy 4:1-2.

(FP) Church ministers’ dismay in protest over Belfast’s Sunday marathon

Many Christians are getting behind Belfast Marathon Sunday switch

We have to put “ ” around the word Christians for those who openly promote the desecration of the Lord’s Day forfeit the right to use that name!!!

Belfast Marathon: Organisers apologise after course is 0.3 miles too long

That is the second mistake by these organisers of Sabbath desecration!!!

First openly-gay DUP candidate elected

Dissident republican politician Gary Donnelly tops poll in area where journalist Lyra McKee was murdered

This is the reality of the support for murder found in Roman Catholic areas!!!

Once dominant party in Belfast reduced to just two seats

Not a cause for gloating by the DUP but cause to heed the warning!! They have stepped onto the same treacherous path!!!!

IAIN DUNCAN SMITH  issues Tory ULTIMATUM over doomed Brexit strategy – Either May goes or WE MAKE HER

Irexit SHOCK: How Ireland could follow Britain and be NEXT to quit the EU after Brexit

Hamas fires over 200 rockets from Gaza; 4 Israelis wounded, 1 seriously

Gaza conflict: Rocket barrage and Israeli strikes intensify

John McDonnell: No trust left in PM over Brexit talks

Go to the back of the queue!!!!

’I’m ashamed of the Presbyterian Church… we have adopted a model of clerical control, while professing ourselves democratic, we’ve veered into an overly simplistic evangelicalism that doesn’t resonate with ordinary people’

If you care to read it, it is a  conversations between two buffoons. A visit to the zoo would be more profitable!!!

Nature crisis: Humans ‘threaten 1m species with extinction’

The authors of this crisis cannot rectify it. What is being heard is what Paul speaks of in Romans 8:21-23. “Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.”

DUP ‘offensive’ remarks claim

If these reports are true it highlights the cowardly nature of DUP supporters who are prepared to mutter their disapproval behind their hands but are unwilling to speak openly!!!

UUP anti-Alliance leaflet cost me my seat, says party’s most high-profile Catholic candidate

Of course, there must be some reason! It cannot be that he just failed!

BREXIT SHOCK: Theresa May in SECRET TALKS over second referendum

NI alcohol deaths are ‘tip of the iceberg’

Despite the deaths, miseries and cost to the public purse, this curse is permitted and promoted almost without censure!!!

Government gave Sinn Fein ‘assurance’ it would pass equal marriage legislation for Northern Ireland

What a ‘citadel of treason and treachery’ Westminster is that it should give undertakings of any sort to the instigators of terrorist murder!!!

Jim Rodgers made a ‘scapegoat’ for UUP poor election performance

Robin Swann, leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, is something of a ‘mute’ when it come to the real issues endangering Ulster!!!

Israel Folau found guilty of breaching Rugby Australia’s code of conduct

Another ‘goal’ for the sodomite lobby!!!

RHI Inquiry: Witness contradicts Máirtín Ó Muilleoir evidence

A Sinn Feiner doing what Sinn Feiners do best!!!!

Ballymurphy inquest: Witness C3 ‘saw civilian gunman shot’

DUP man says Ian Paisley will be ‘turning in his grave’ over gay candidate selection

DUP gay candidate row: Dr Paisley must be turning in his grave, says councillor

If that is the reaction Councillor Finlay expects from the late Dr Paisley, ought not he, Councillor Finlay, be doing some turning himself? Like turning off the path of disobedience to God and on to ‘the old paths’ of separation from rebellion and sin??!!
Some of his reported comments are sadly stupid and anti-Bible but then, as the old saying goes, ‘when you lie down with the dogs you rise with the fleas’!

Jim Wells: Concern ‘at all levels of DUP’ over party’s backing for gay councillor

Simon Coveney and Karen Bradley say Stormont talks are ‘positive’ but remain ‘a challenge’

Note whose name comes first in this headline! The DUP are guilty of yet another betrayal be taking part in these ‘Joint Authority’ talks! Nothing good can POSSIBLY come out of them!!!

LGBT event attended by Arlene Foster returns to Stormont for second year

This is now what now marks and embodies the DUP!!!

Brexit news – live: Theresa May’s hopes for breakthrough fade as Tory MPs demand she gives timetable for resignation

(BBC reporter) Laura Kuennsberg warning to May – PM is ‘sucking OXYGEN’ out of Britain -she won’t survive

The stubborn stupidity of Mrs May is unbelievable!!!

Ballymurphy: Former soldier says discipline of Army prevented more deaths

Prince Charles criticised by official sex abuse inquiry over ‘misguided’ relationship with Bishop Ball

Church of England child sex abuse allegations ‘marked by secrecy’

Let all note that this is what happened when sodomites gain dominance!!!

Danny Baker fired by BBC for tweeting royal baby chimpanzee picture

To believe his excuse you would have to accept that he is the stupidest brute wearing shoes!!!!

Pope Francis issues law forcing clergy to report sexual abuse

Being ignorant of the Word of God, they would need such instructions!!!

Sister of IRA man killed by SAS challenges MoD to distance itself from banner ‘mocking’ Loughall deaths

The brazenness of Republicans beggars belief! Her brother, a terrorist, was shot along with fellow-terrorists while attempting to murder members of the security forces. Annually, in many places, supporters of the IRA celebrate the murder of innocent victims by their ‘brave heroes’ shooting from ambush!!!

Personal priority to stop veterans being unfairly prosecuted – Defence Secretary

Michael Conlan: Belfast fighter apologises over pro-IRA song at New York fight

This is not an apology for using a song supporting the IRA. It is just an expression of some regret that he may have annoyed paying customers!!!

MP is right to defend veterans but matters are even worse than he says

Irish school will employ teachers with basic language skills to help plug subject gaps

This highlights the ‘academic’ value of this ‘eccentric’ waste of men!!!

News review for week ending Friday 3rd May 2019

“But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming,” Psalm 37:11-13.

Rally in support of Bloody Sunday soldier

Veterans ‘could bring UK to a standstill over prosecutions’ Belfast rally told

Fr Martin Magill says NI politicians felt pressure at Lyra McKee funeral

The ‘ecumenical messiah’ who delights to bask in the media spotlight and ‘blow his own trumpet’!!!

New Northern Ireland talks process to begin on May 7

‘Joint Authority’ in operation and the DUP completely subservient!!!!

DUP gay marriage stance ‘not up for debate’ despite lesbian candidate

This is an exercise in prevarication!!!! It just cannot be denied that it is NOW DUP policy to select and sanction a sodomite candidate, spending members’ money to have her elected, claiming that she is an ‘excellent candidate’ and that their supporters should vote for her!

Such endorsement of sodomy can only advance its evil objectives just as surely as promoting the sale of booze will produce drunkenness!!!

DUP-Free Presbyterian tension as party’s gay candidate choice moves it further from church roots

These misgivings stated in this article are felt by many FPs who deeply grieve over these facts!!!

Arlene Foster asked priest to pray!!!!

‘Not in my name’: DUP councillor hits out at party running gay election candidate

But Mr Carson as long as you remain in the DUP, THE NEW PARTY DIRECTION IS IN YOUR NAME!!!!

Sri Lanka bombings: 15 die in blast during raid on suspected hideout

Fifteen people including six children were killed when suspected Islamist militants blew themselves up in a raid, police said. What a devil-inspired religion!!!

Police face questions on how ATM raiders evaded arrest despite patrol giving pursuit

Latest brazen ATM raid will ‘embarrass’ PSNI

I find that hard to believe!!!!

Antrim cash machine theft foiled by police

Rev David McIlveen ‘won’t vote DUP’ due to openly gay election candidate

Republicans say that they reject a hard border yet they created one

Smirking criminals boast prison is like ‘Butlins (UK Holiday Camp) with bars’ as they bask in sun

Sri Lanka attacks: Face coverings banned after Easter bloodshed

If PSNI had shot gunman who murdered Lyra, the cry would be: ‘shoot to kill’

How true! The first to cry would be those loudest in their lamentations at the shooting of Lyra McKee. Two-faced doesn’t come near describing them!!!

The UK government has allowed republicans to paralyse government in Northern Ireland

Belfast City Council should urgently reconsider its decision to hold the marathon on the Lord’s day

Witnesses baffled as police ‘in no rush’ to chase ATM raid gang

50mph speed limit on police car ‘let ATM raid gang flee’

Senior officer declines to answer crucial questions

Stalemate at Stormont blocks legal reform for PSNI high-speed chases

We really are led by ‘donkeys’ – with apologies to all of the asininus family!!!

Labour has sizeable lead over Tories: opinion poll

That is hardly surprising!!

Calls for same-sex marriage to be legalised in the north in memory of murdered journalist Lyra McKee

What a wretched memorial to leave behind!!!

Same-sex marriage referendum in Northern Ireland could break political impasse – Fianna Fail

Of course it will. Just as pouring petrol on a fire puts it out!! Let us all offend God some more. That is bound to help!!!

Police reopen investigation Airey Neave murder

Gardaí call for armed units across the country as gang feuding spreads

REALLY!! Yet Dublin is ever lecturing Northern Ireland on the subject of getting rid of the gunman!!!!

UK should exercise ‘caution’ over Chinese firms like Huawei, Jeremy Hunt (British Foreign Secretary) warns

US may withhold intelligence from UK over Huawei 5G plans

Victims’ lives ‘torn apart’ after rape by alleged IRA man

Victims of ‘IRA rapist’ Seamus Marley speak of suffering

Rapist and ‘IRA member’ is a good Christian, pastor tells court

Alleged IRA man jailed for seven years for rape and sexual assault

What a vile and wicked organisation is Sinn Fein/IRA and the so-called ‘pastor’ is little better!!

This evil criminal was sheltered by the IRA and is currently living as an open sodomite, claiming to be a ‘born again Christian’.

That may impress some idiots but it will not impress the ‘Judge of all the earth’, Genesis 18:25!!!

Dublin urged to ‘butt out’ after fresh Stormont talks announced

It was the DUP which made Dublin part of our affairs when they embraced the ‘power-sharing with Sinn Fein/IRA deal’ !!!

Get a sense of humour, DUP man blasts Sinn Fein over burning leaflet Facebook post criticism

Shankill bomber Kelly pictured canvassing for Sinn Fein

Sinn Fein ready to do business on powersharing deal, leader says

This republican ‘witch’ is using the the blackmailing threat of ‘joint authority’. Who would wish to see her like in power again in Northern Ireland? No party will share power with her in Dublin! Why should we have to have Sinn Fein/IRA in power in Belfast!!!????

Sinn Fein calls for Plan B if Stormont talks fail

Sodomite marriage and an Irish Language Act are the price that Sinn Fein will demand for the restoration of ‘power-sharing’!!!

Brexit: Rees-Mogg responds to Ahern border criticism

J R-M says that Ahern is telling lies!!!

Sinn Fein man says Lyra’s murder ‘besmirches name of IRA’

Of course, the IRA, having murdered hundreds of innocent people before this event, had an ‘untainted’ name heretofore!!??

Pro-IRA graffiti at Lyra McKee murder scene warns ‘informers will be executed’

Prepare for Earth to be hit by meteor in your lifetime, says Nasa chief

The book of the Revelation had something to say on this matter some 2000 years ago! Revelation chapter 8.

Irish scholar backs loyalist bandsman in bid to be elected for DUP

‘Confusion’ is the word that comes to mind!!!!

Enniskillen bomb campaigner Aileen Quinton stands for Brexit Party at European election

May raises hopes of deal to end impasse at Stormont

If this is correct then we are in for another act of betrayal!!!!

Defence Secretary’s sacking highlights ‘dysfunction at heart of UK Government’

Gavin Williamson sacking: PM says security council leak matter ‘closed’

Gavin Williamson: Now he’s told to ‘go away and shut up’

Government will cooperate with police if probe into Gavin Williamson-Huawei leak is launched

More trouble and confusion for this blighted government!!!

Challenging the political voice of the New IRA

Footage emerges of Continuity IRA firing shots at Easter commemoration

Local elections: Main parties hit by Brexit backlash in polls

New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern engaged to Clarke Gayford

What a morally ‘up-side down’ world we live in when ‘living in sin’ has become totally acceptable!!!!

IRA victim’s son asks Sinn Fein MP: Why won’t you condemn my dad’s murder?

Live election results: SF’s McElduff could top poll – DUP’s first openly gay candidate on course to be elected

It is a true reflection of both parties and the moral state of politics in Northern Ireland.

A Sinn Fein mocker of the IRA’s Kingsmills massacre and a DUP woman who is a sodomite – these are the headline-makers of today!!!