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July 2015

Index to this edition

Prayer Requested for New Nepal Constitution

Rev. & Mrs. Wesley Graham
Rev. & Mrs. Wesley Graham

At present the political parties in Nepal are debating a new constitution that includes anti-conversion laws and underscores decades-old religious tension. If ratified, the result could be a likely crackdown and severe persecution for dozens of Christian ministries serving there. It is feared that if this new constitution is adopted in its present draft form there could be great restriction on the freedom the Christians to share their faith with others.

The constitutional language in question states, “[…] any act which may be contrary to public health, public decency or morality or incitement to breach public peace or act to convert another person from one religion to another or any act or behaviour to undermine or jeopardize the religion of each other is not allowed and such act shall be punishable by law.”

The Nepalese government continues to seek input from its citizens before the Civic Relations and Constitution Recommendation Committee of the Constituent Assembly receives the final constitution draft on July 23. The government plans to finalize the constitution by mid-August. Violence erupted between police and protesters in southern Nepal when government officials held a public meeting to gain citizen input to the constitution, according to news reports from the region. The protesters threw chairs at the deputy prime minister.

This isolated country between India and China historically has been a Hindu nation, and most protesters are demanding a return to that status. Nepalese monarchs advocated Hinduism, and the people believed their monarchs were the reincarnation of Vishnu, a Hindu god.

Please pray that the government may adopt a constitution which allows Christians freedom to express and declare their faith

To learn more visit the FPCoU Mission Board website

“The Frightening Prospect Facing the Cause of God in Ulster! ”

Jeremiah 12:7-11.

A sermon preached by Rev Ivan Foster in Newtownabbey FPC on Lord’s Day evening, 19th July, 2015.

Man is the same today as he was back in the times of the OT.

The Lord remains the same because, He is “infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth. ”

The sin of men today therefore brings the same response from the Lord as ever it did.
The analysis of man’s condition and the only cure given by the Lord was accurate a thousand years ago and more and remains effective still.

That being so, we can scan the future in the Bible’s records of the past. What happened to Israel following its backsliding and sin will likewise happen to the converted Gentiles today.

It is for this reason that we can look at these verses and see what lies ahead of Ulster’s Christians if there is not a taking heed of the lessons laid down for us. We may say with Paul: “for our sakes, no doubt, this is written, ” 1 Corinthians 9:10.

The consequences of backsliding and defiance of God is most terrible indeed! Hear what God says. “I have forsaken mine house, I have left mine heritage, ” Jeremiah 12:7-8.

The wonderful promise of Hebrews 13:5 must never be abused. That is not a promise without conditions. Disobedience of God is not ignored by Him.

The true believer will never be so wholly forsaken of God as to lose his soul but sin will cost us the presence and blessing of God just as it cost David such. Psalm 51:11-12.

That is the inevitable cost of sin in this life! Ulster’s Christians are facing a future void of these joys and blessings if there is not a heeding of the decline taking place amongst us.

The Greek crisis in the light of prophecy

greek-flag-burning-1 (1)The Book of Daniel was, like all Scripture, given for our instruction and edification. “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand,” Revelation 1:3. “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” Romans 15:4.

The Author of Daniel chapter 1 with its record of the stand taken by the young Hebrew captives against the attempts of the Babylonian king to have them conform to the ways of their captors, and of chapter 3, with its wonderful account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s refusal to bow before the golden idol and their being cast into the fiery furnace, only to be miraculously preserved by the Lord, and chapter 5 with its rather chilling description of God’s mysterious written warning to Belshazzar which appeared on the wall of his palace during a wicked banquet, and chapter 6 where we have Daniel’s encounter with the lions in their den, is also the Author of chapters 7-8, 10-12 with their end-time prophecies. Read more

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roman_soldierAn outline study of Jude – an important little book for today.

By Rev Ivan Foster.

Part 6: Believers warned of the apostasy from the beginning

“And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him,” Jude 1:14-15.

Enoch would have preached while Adam was still alive. Therefore he was a man who preached to the earliest generations of men. It is clear that the end-time apostasy occupied the thoughts of the earliest believers. That in itself should cause Christians today to place a higher emphasis upon the study of what the Bible has to say about the end-times and the development of the lawlessness which the Bible consistently testifies will manifest itself just before the Saviour’s return. Read more

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Mohammedanism: What Is It?

by E J Poole-Connor

islamAlthough this was written about 50 years ago, the information supplied by Mr Poole-Connor is useful in view of the present situation in the world.

(Taken from the introduction to the article in the Watching & Waiting magazine of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony, 2002)

In a day when the Prime Minister, Mr David Cameron, is so foolish and ignorant of history (willingly or otherwise) as to say that “Islam is a religion of peace” (Daily Telegraph, 26th June 2015) the following article, though some 60 years old, will prove enlightening and helpful to believers today.

Islam has not changed. The cruelty of the ISIS organisation is not new. That will be made clear in this well documented article. Read more….

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KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

Listen online to all the posted audio files in this series here.

This series is now complete and we are pleased to offer a FREE CD with all 72 parts in MP3 format. Please contact Rev. Foster to order your free CD. You can use the contact form below.

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Latest news stories

Stormont welfare reform: Patient may already be dead by time antidote is found

Tensions high as Army joins PSNI in Londonderry home raids

Sinn Fein concern over Londonderry Army searches ‘illogical’

Unionists hit out over proposal for a neutral flag at Stormont

Jean McConville murder: Republican Ivor Bell will find out in October if he is to stand trial

I won’t be gagged says Mairia Cahill as lawyers fire off a warning to festival over her lecture

Irish Appeal court clears last legal obstacle to same-sex marriage

Greece crisis escalates as IMF witholds support for a new bail-out deal

Barter booms in cash-strapped rural Greece for the first time since Nazi occupation

RC Priest performs exorcism from a helicopter to banish evil from Italian town where several churches have been robbed and defiled. (Should have taken a flight over the Vatican!!!!)

House of Lords: 20 peers claim £1.6m during past five years – and never speak in debates

Ultra-Orthodox man stabs six people at gay pride march in Jerusalem

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More news

July 30

Gerry Adams accuses David Cameron of ‘arrogance’ over comments about ‘seeing off the IRA’

Adams says ‘IRA undefeated’ comment to mark ceasefire

Danny Morrison: A united Ireland by 2016 is impossible

Flags in Ballymena an ‘attempt to raise tension’ – TUV councillor

Stormont tricolour probe still incomplete after two months – (More evidence of Unionist powerlessness!

Unionists demand probe into Catholic school’s extra pupils

DUP condemns plans for loyalist parade glorifying UDA killers

Belfast residents evacuated from homes as bomb squad deal with suspected pipe bomb

Printer was ‘working with IRA’ while running counterfeit banknote operation, court told

Loyalist bandsman in ‘induced coma’ after assault

Sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents in UK, figures suggest

MH370 search: debris found ‘is from Boeing 777’

July 29

DUP slams Martin McGuinness for Washington trip during Stormont crisis

Political structures hanging by thread

Do the public even care if Stormont collapses? – (Established by lies and maintained by deceit it only managed to put terrorists in power!!)

Loyalists allowed to hold parade glorifying notorious UDA killers

Gerry Adams says the ‘IRA was never defeated’ – (That is about as true as him saying he was never a member of it!!)

NI gay marriage ‘a matter of time’ – Adams – (Terrorism and perversion are companions!!)
BBC documentary on Bob & Alma McAllister and family and their experiences in the Congo rebellion of 1964.

Calais migrants crisis deepens as man killed when 1,500 try to storm Channel Tunnel

Calais crisis: Man crushed to death by lorry after migrants attempt to enter Channel Tunnel

July 28

Northern Ireland denied extra welfare aid ahead of US Stormont talks

Let referendum decide who is a Troubles victim: Campaigner

Republicans to hold protest during policing debate

Radio controlled bomb ‘hidden in advertising’

Ardoyne bomb was planted in advertising board, court hears

Lord Sewel resigns from House of Lords after drug claims

US Boy Scouts chiefs end ban on gay adults

July 27

Villiers considering probe into Provos’ 1987 murders of top judge and wife

Victims’ group queries claim ex-RUC banned from Troubles’ probe

Satanic group unveils controversial Baphomet sculpture to cheers of ‘Hail Satan’

In a world where Martin McGuinness can meet the Queen… surely McClean can acknowledge her anthem

The Greek debt crisis threatens 70 years of peace – (What some men fear the future holds!)

Ex-TA soldier accused of bomb hoax at Gerry Adams’ home

Equality Commission challenged over IRA Newry park name row

Lord Sewell resigns and faces police inquiry after ‘snorting cocaine with prostitutes’ – (What a moral cess-pit Westminster has become!!!)

Lord Sewel quits as Lords deputy speaker after drug claims

Lord Sewel to face police probe over newspaper drug claims

Terror victims demand Tony Blair testify to MPs over Gaddafi deal

UK child abuse inquiry must look at Kincora

Widow of Helmand soldier ’embarrassed’ by official heel-dragging over aid for NI military veterans

Banner denouncing homosexuality at A1 near Dromore

Sectarian row fan taken off jet avoids a prison term

Tens of thousands of under-age girls given long-acting NHS contraceptives without the need for parental consent

July 25

Aylesbury child sex abuse case: Six (Asian) men found guilty of child abuse on a ‘massive scale’ at Old Bailey

Aylesbury child abuse trial: Barnardo’s raised fears in 2008

Aylesbury child sex gang: Barnardos claim local authorities knew about victims years before perpetrators arrests

House of Commons Speaker John Bercow defends £31,400 travel and accommodation expenses

East Belfast DUP MLA Robin Newton: Kincora’s exclusion from UK child abuse inquiry is unforgivable

‘Up to four politicians from two parties’ linked to Nama scandal

(Roman) Catholic Primate meets pro-gay faith groups

RC Church backs down on its threat to ‘boycott’ civil part of weddings

Judge overrules Home Secretary Theresa May and allows convicted terror prisoner to be freed

Welcome home, ‘son’: Barack Obama lands in Kenya

Barack Obama accused of interfering in British politics after recommending UK remain in EU

Indian PM backs call for Britain to pay colonial damages

[he] [/hr]

July 24

Stormont minister ignored officials for six months to delay FoI request

New Victims’ Commissioner, Same Old Problem With the Definition – TUV statement

Paramilitary funerals show fragility of peace

Councillor rejects SF’s ‘cynical’ offer to return to party

Man denies charges of harassing Maíria Cahill

Restrictions placed on Dungiven republican parade

Northern Ireland Secretary of State Theresa Villiers rejects Kincora abuse inquiry request

I met Britain’s spymaster at Kincora, says abuse survivor

Labour push for Kincora abuse to be investigated in paedophile inquiry

Ex-NIO health Minister the subject of child abuse files

DUP Orangeman helps ill nationalist mother in her battle to win back DLA

July 23

McGuinness for U.S. crisis talks

Revealed: Woman who’ll take up Victims’ Commissioner role… as £75,000-a-year post finally filled

Kincora boys’ home allegations in new cabinet papers

Child sex abuse inquiry: Leon Brittan among senior figures named in files found after child sex abuse review

Westminster child abuse allegations: MP with ‘penchant for small boys’ gave his word he was not a paedophile, newly discovered documents show

Spy chiefs warned Thatcher government about ’embarrassing’ sex abuse claims

Spy chiefs warned Thatcher government about claims MP had ‘penchant for small boys’

Government files prompt fresh Kincora inquiry calls

MI5 ‘helped Margaret Thatcher cover-up paedophile Tory MP’s activities’ new documents reveal

Key Westminster figures named in newly released child abuse files

San Francisco could be hit by massive earthquake ‘any day’, says USGS scientist

July 22

Greece: Unwanted Children Abandoned In Crisis – (Such cruelty can never be justified)

Sinn Fein leaders Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness hold talks with David Cameron

SF accused of ‘threatening’ rhetoric after meeting PM

Stormont at the point of ‘imminent collapse’ – (Says McGuinness and boy is he happy!!)

Pressure mounts amid Stormont finance gloom

NI budget black hole ‘to be hundreds of millions more’

Welfare reform is popular, and is needed in N.Ireland

TUV slams ‘secrecy’ over public sector staff exit scheme

Left-winger Jeremy Corbyn is on track to lead (British) Labour party

Tony Blair attacks Jeremy Corbyn as poll puts him on course to become Labour leader

Tony Blair: Labour could spend 20 years out of power if Jeremy Corbyn wins

Police search INLA funeral scene for bullet casings as family defends terrorist show of strength

Police admit O’Hara funeral mistakes, claims DUP

INLA show of strength: Populist soundbites and 1980s rhetoric from councillor who stood by as shots were fired

Comment: (RC) Church’s silence on military display at funeral is alarming

End the appeasement of loyalist gang bosses

Councillor ‘far from impressed’ by SF decision to temporarily lift expulsion

Legal threat not linked to freeze in councillor’s expulsion, say Sinn Féin

July 21

Welfare reforms ‘will bring down the Stormont Assembly’ – (It is its own corrupt and deceitful foundations which will bring it down!!)

Welfare costs risk making Northern Ireland as bankrupt as Greece

Put the Assembly clowns on notice … do a proper deal or be shut down

Castlederg band protests at police line

Outrage as INLA takes over streets in show of strength

DUP councillor compares funeral to ISIS parade

Pressure mounts on police over INLA funeral

McGuinness told he was “not welcome” at funeral

DUP meeting with PSNI ‘disappointing’

Sectarian graffiti in Newtownabbey condemned

Labour hopeful Jeremy Corbyn’s links to Sinn Fein, Hamas and Hezbollah

Family of girl freed by police from under car on Twelfth lodge a complaint… against police – (Republican’s inveterate hatred of all things British!!)

US secretary of state, John Kerry says Iran vow to defy US ‘very disturbing’

Immigrants more likely to claim benefits, be jobless or on low wages, says report

July 20

Peggy O’Hara: Police seize items in investigation over paramilitary displays

Outrage as INLA takes over streets in show of strength

Masked republicans at Londonderry funeral of hunger striker’s mother

Peggy O’Hara: Edel Kelly defends paramilitary funeral – (Of course they did!!)

Police lured to dissident republican double-bomb trap in Armagh

Lurgan bomb attack was ‘designed to kill’ police, says PSNI

Gerry Adams condemns Armagh explosive device ‘designed to kill police’ – (How did it differ from the bombs his bunch of murderers planted???)

Remembering the victims of Bloody Friday

McClean labelled ‘scum’ for not taking part in God Save the Queen – (Republican bitterness runs deep!!!)

James McClean turns his back for national anthem igniting calls for him to quit English football

James McClean warned by West Brom boss Tony Pulis after refusing to acknowledge British national anthem

July 18

Syriza U-turn (in Greece) a harsh lesson for Sinn Fein

Greece debt crisis: Reforms ‘going to fail’ – former Greek finance minister Varoufakis

Man (24) is charged with brutal sectarian murder of tragic Paul McCauley

Tim Farron, new Liberal Democrat leader and professing evangelical, avoids saying whether he sees gay sex as a sin

IRA Victims call on Labour hopeful to state IRA view

Loyalists need to restore reputational damage – Kyle

Loyalist rioters are yet another generation failed by unionist leaders

PSNI review “loyalist” and “republican” crime comments

July 17

Northern Ireland facing direct rule for five years, warns Ian Paisley

‘Graduated response’ was a sham, says DUP man – (How could the word of ‘unionists’ who share power with IRA/Sinn Fein be trusted???)

Twelfth 2015: Third night of rioting in north Belfast – loyalists ‘trash’ retirement home, ‘wreck’ own community

Pensioners tell of terror as loyalist teens go on rampage in Belfast

Twelfth 2015: Belfast violence leaves the Orange Order badly wounded

Belfast Orangeman: Order highly irresponsible at Ardoyne

Allister makes further observations on NAMAgate

Isis claims responsibility for a rocket attack against an Egyptian navy ship in the Mediterranean Sea

Sinn Fein needs to explain position on austerity

Female officer suspended in collusion probe

July 16

Anguish Haunts Northern Ireland’s Retired Terrorists – (It has only begun and without true repentance will continue eternally!!!)

NAMA scandal: Wallace source ‘100pc certain’ money for NI politician

Wallace can’t keep making sensational claims then refuse to elaborate further

Jim Wells gay row: ‘I never lost faith, even in dark place’

Jim Wells: I was hung out to dry over something I didn’t say. Now I want to restore my reputation

Police quiz people who made Jim Wells anti-gay remarks tape

Man shot in chest ‘through kitchen window’

Fury as shots fired over coffin of hunger striker Patsy O’Hara’s mother Peggy

Angela Merkel comes out against gay marriage

Greece debt crisis: Tsipras facing eurozone deal revolt

Golden Dawn MP furiously tears up papers in Parliament over bailout deal

Greece Passes Austerity Laws In Critical Vote

‘Auschwitz book-keeper’ Oskar Groening sentenced to four years

Riot car murder bid charges: Man is granted bail

Twelfth 2015: Orangeman regrets ‘attempted murder’ car incident that broke 16-year-old girl’s pelvis, is granted bail

July 15

Iran nuclear deal: Peace in our time? Not with this shoddy agreement

Sixty Britons killed after joining Isil fighters in Syria and Iraq

Omagh: Masked men rob priests at gunpoint – (By Roman Catholics!!)

Priest assaulted during Belfast cathedral robbery – (By Roman Catholics!!)

New loyalist terror group threatens police and Parades Commission – (At least there is only 3 of them!!!)

North Belfast: Policeman’s ear virtually severed in violence

Twelfth 2015: The moment a policeman’s ear is severed by masonry during Belfast riot

Officer struck by bottle lost a tooth, says Police Federation

Twelfth 2015: DUP leaders condemn north Belfast rioters

Londonderry: Nationalists as young as 10 petrol bomb PSNI

Twelfth violence: Petrol bombs thrown at police in Derry as Orangemen are attacked by youths

Ardoyne crash: Man questioned about attempted murder

Twelfth 2015: Man arrested over attempted murder after girl hit by car at Ardoyne riot
Ardoyne crash driver is prominent Orangeman

Fermanagh Orange chief’s dismay at Belfast thuggery

July 14

Iran nuclear agreement ‘reached’ – diplomats in Vienna


A telling cartoon from “The Times of Israel”!!

Iran ‘Seals’ Nuclear Deal With World Powers
Greece debt crisis: Tsipras faces eurozone deal battle

Celebrations on the Battle of the Boyne’s 325th anniversary

Ardoyne: Teen girl trapped under car and 11 officers hurt as violence erupts at Belfast flashpoint

First Minister condemns Twelfth attacks on police

Twelfth celebrations: Buses attacked with stones in Greysteel – (by republicans!)

DUP slams claims that Robinson is to resign by Christmas

The fate of Peter Robinson – and of the Assembly – is in Sinn Fein’s hands

Light hearts and prodigious drinking mark the Twelfth – (A sad observation from an Irish newspaper but all too true in many instances!!)

Loyalist band defends breaching ban on music at Catholic church in Belfast

Former SF councillor to sue over expulsion

Adrian Cochrane-Watson: ‘I respect the gay community… they have stayed at my B&B’ – (How to ingratiate yourself with the Ulster Unionist party!!!!

Stormont will compel witnesses to Nama hearings

OFMDFM claimed key document sent to NAMA didn’t exist

July 13

‘I am a follower of Christ’: US County clerk resigns rather than issue gay marriage licenses

Treasury warning letter to Stormont power-sharing administration

London taking powers from North of Ireland totally unacceptable, McGuinness says

Sinn Fein aligns itself with economic illiteracy and chaos

Greece debt crisis: EU summit cancelled as talks continue

Rift between France and Germany as Hollande attacks German ‘Grexit light’ plan

Greece debt crisis: Eurozone summit ‘reaches agreement’

Retreat by PM Cameron ‘shows the strength of DUP hand’

By day, at heart of counter-terror policing. And by night, preacher of Islamic extremism – (Britain’s folly!!)

Effigies of Bobby Sands, Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness ‘placed on Ballycraigy bonfire’

Attack on Union Flag pole in Augher ‘won’t break neighbourly spirit’

Ardoyne residents to defy Parades Commission restrictions

Stormont probe into NI21 leader Basil McCrea sex claims set to collapse

Northern Ireland authorities refuse to reveal details of paedophile with links to former government adviser on national security grounds

Archbishop of Canterbury ‘promises sex abuse inquiry’

Church of England could return to defrocking rogue priests after child abuse scandals

Jean McConville’s daughter still hopeful of seeing Gerry Adams in court

Priests robbed at gunpoint at home

Analysis: Robinson uncannily echoes the wounded Paisley

Drop case against ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon pastor James McConnell, urges National Secular Society

July 11

Nama deal: Peter Robinson says no-one in family or party hoped to benefit from sale

Nama deal: Peter Robinson says he is not aware of any evidence that any politician was trying to profit from sale of Northern Ireland property

Former Stormont Finance Minister, Simon Hamilton, Needs to Explain Cerberus Meeting

NAMA: £5m fee was for one man who wasn’t a lawyer

Belfast murders: Second man dies after ‘sword’ attack

Greece debt crisis: MPs back bailout reform plan

Treasury warning letter to Stormont

Vatican ‘abuse’ accused in hospital

Vatican Official Taken Ill Before Abuse Trial

Republican bid to deny Orange culture is a denial of history

Battle of Britain 75th anniversary: The staggering numbers behind the four-month war over UK’s skies

July 10

Muslim who praised IS drove case against ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon Belfast pastor McConnell – (That’s justice for you!!!)

Pastor McConnell’s prosecution defies logic

National Crime Agency to investigate bribery claims over biggest Northern Ireland property deal

Frank Cushnahan ‘to have been paid £5m from Cerberus-NAMA deal’

Sinn Féin welcomes re-routing of Castlederg parade

Belfast residents fear whole street could go up when massive bonfire is ignited

Belfast police name suspect in sword murder of senior loyalist Colin Lindsay

Colin Lindsay killing: Man, 46, charged with murder of loyalist

‘Mindless cowards’ who stole Union flags in Cookstown ‘not backwards in accepting British currency’

Adams will not face prosecution in McConville case

Sammy Wilson’s derision after SF MEP hails crisis-torn Greece

Greece debt crisis live: Syriza U-turns, but will Greek opposition parties sign off on austerity for bailout deal?

Time Sinn Fein put up or shut up

Woman ‘shaken’ by GAA stadium pressure

July 9

Jim Wells interviewed by police over election hustings comments

Jim Wells attends police interview over gay abuse comments at election event

New Amnesty International poll shows majority of Irish (Republic) people in favour of legalising abortion

Greece news live: 96 hours to do a deal as leading economists now predict Grexit

Eurozone ministers to consider Greek request for financial support

SF praise for Greece ‘sends shiver down spine’

Trustee fears ‘obscene festival’ in Narrow Water Castle in Co Down

McGuinness kept in dark over Robinson’s Quayle meeting

NAMA scandal: PSNI probe, but SF says judicial inquiry may be needed

Tughans: Ian Coulter hired Gareth Robinson

Peter Robinson could face grilling in Dail over sale of Nama’s £1.3bn loans book

Henry Joy McCracken: Rebel hero, and a man not afraid to murder – (Such was in keeping with his unitarian views!!!)

DUP man calls for Union Flag removal

Nazi flags at bonfire ‘shameful’ – Robinson

Ex-head of counter-terror: UK should lay on charter flights to Syria for jihadis

Exclusive: Oregon bakery’s fight for religious freedom

July 8

Greece debt crisis: Greek future in the euro slips into deeper uncertainty as Alexis Tsipras arrives at emergency talks without a written plan

NAMA scandal: Allister’s 21 key questions

No signs of life at Gareth Robinson’s publicity-shy PR firm

Peter Robinson could face grilling in Dail over sale of Nama’s £1.3bn loans book

NAMA scandal: Still no PSNI investigation

Secret Cerberus meetings between Peter Robinson and ex-US Vice President

NAMA scandal: DUP deny major Robinson U-turn months before Cerberus deal

Dissident violence is appeased through renewal of parade ban

SF minister under fire on Irish language jobs

Orange hall attacks like something done by Nazis or KKK: GAA hero

‘Sinister’ sectarian image condemned, but authenticity questioned – (Could be an attempt to distract from burning of Orange Halls by republicans!!)

Row erupts as TUV man says GAA shouldn’t get council funding because organisation “intertwined with terrorism”

Sunday was ‘the most miserable day of the week’ before shopping, Tory minister says – (What a wicked view of the benefits of the Lord’s Day, Mark 2:27)

July 7

Peter Robinson’s linked to law firm at centre of financial scandal

Too many questions surround sale of €5.7 billion worth of property loans in Northern Ireland

NAMA scandal: Still no PSNI investigation

Public overwhelmingly rejects Troubles amnesty: poll

Westminster budget to propose longer Sunday trading hours

Threat of violence ‘rewarded’ as Ardoyne Twelfth parade blocked

Farmer savagely beaten after refusing to bow to dissidents’ extortion

‘My son was forced into Tunisia rampage’

Germany refuses to let Greece off hook

Greece debt crisis: Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande issue Athens with 24-hour ultimatum to avoid crashing out of the euro

Cleric said to be behind Tunisian beach massacre is living on benefits in Britain – (An example of the ‘madness’ that grips our government!!)

Iran nuclear talks: Tehran tells UN – lift ballistic missile embargo or there will be no deal

Pervert doctors are still allowed to practise despite convictions for sex attacks and child porn

July 6

Almost 70pc support for gay marriage in NI – (This is the fruit of liberal doctrine in the pulpits of ecumenical churches!!)

Orangemen to hold Stormont protest

The IRA, not state, practised shoot-to-kill, says Maginnis

Dublin TD knows name of Northern Irish politician at centre of £7 million scandal

Nama property sale: Mick Wallace ‘not certain’ of politician’s identity

Allister says ‘immediate questions need answered on ‘NAMAgate’

Medics to face abortion death trial

Four Orange halls targeted in one week

Police let pair fly Isil flag outside Parliament

A Greek ‘icon’

Greek turmoil set to shake global markets out of complacency as sell-off looms

EU warns of Armageddon if Greek voters reject terms

Greece referendum reaction: EU mulls next steps as vote threatens biggest crisis in its history

Greece debt crisis: What does a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ vote in the referendum really mean?

Sinn Fein is panicking as its brothers wreak havoc in Greece

Mid Ulster TUV man dismisses McCrea claim over unity candidate

Dissident republican terrorist godfather, McKevitt does not deserve early release from prison

Dissident republicans running brutal border extortion racket

July 4

Pope in plea for Christian unity

Families of three IRA men take legal action against Lord Maginnis

Former top Orange Order official writes for Sinn Fein paper An Phoblacht: Warns republicans to stop ‘poking unionists in the eye’

Sectarian graffiti discovered AGAIN on memorial dedicated to Scottish soldiers murdered by the IRA

Enough words, we need action against Orange hall arsonists

McGuinness: An honour to be likened to Greek politicians – (That says it all!!!)

Man charged over ‘Willie Frazer assault’

Man charged with attacking high-profile loyalist victims’ campaigner Willie Frazer

July 3

Peter Robinson warns Sinn Fein to face up to tough decisions or leave the Executive

Peter Robinson accuses Sinn Féin of ‘pathetic posturing’

Stormont parties are given warning of Greek-style crunch

Greece debt crisis: What happened to democracy when it’s a case of ‘Vote Yes or else’?

IRA victim’s daughter calls for Villiers meeting

Continuity IRA chief’s wife tells inquest: I don’t know why anyone would want to harm him – (Just shows how ‘terror’ is normal for some!!)

Omagh victims slam TDs over McKevitt release calls

Paisley’s MP credit card suspended after £6.5k debt

£7m in offshore bank account for NI politician, Dail told

TUV calls for full Investigation into Cerberus Saga

TUV leader raises concerns over Wallace allegations

Right to die: Belgian doctors rule depressed 24-year-old woman has right to end her life

July 2

DUP slams Adams on Stormont claim

Northern Ireland politicians as bad as the Greeks, says Theresa Villiers

SF lay WW1 wreath at flagless cenotaph

Sinn Fein may join Somme events

So important whole island remembers its Somme heroes – Irish Foreign Minister

Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald categorically denies former Sinn Fein councillor’s bullying claims

McDonald denies SF row in her back yard

Defamation case against RTÉ by former archbishop settled at High Court

David Cameron: English MPs will never be ‘overruled’ by those in Scotland again

Consider Syria IS strikes, UK defence secretary urges MPs

Family of 12 feared to have travelled to Syria – (All are doubtless to be deemed ‘vulnerable’!!!!)

July 1

Children who say homosexuality is ‘wrong’ could be viewed as extremist threat – Education Secretary – (Only one view is permissible!!!)

Smacking must be banned to bring UK into line with international law – report to UN insists – (Demolishing of all Biblical morality in UK is underway)

Sammy Wilson: DUP block censure motion over ‘thug’ jibe

DUP blocks vote on ‘thug’ comment – (That’s democracy for you!!!)

DUP Take “Most Wimpish of Actions” Following Thug Complaint

Kingsmill massacre: Survivor in legal action threat over inquest

Bernadette Smyth: Anti-abortion protester ‘will not be restrained’ court rules

Analysis: Bizarrely, Sinn Fein welcomes court judgement against its department

BBC ignoring the pollution caused by IRA fuel crime – Letter

Turkey poised to send troops into Syria for first time

Isil beheads two women and crucifies men

Wave of deadly attacks hit Egyptian North Sinai security posts

Wave Of Attacks Kill 30 Soldiers In Egypt

Greece Defaults As It Fails To Pay IMF €1.5bn

Five abuse victims to take legal action against (Irish) State

June 30

TUV launches bid to cut number of Special Advisers at Stormont

TUV tackles SPAD excesses

Peter Robinson: Ulster Unionist leader Mike Nesbitt needs a course on finance for dummies

DUP to block censure motion against Sammy Wilson

Attack on Willie Frazer: man freed by police

Willie Frazer attack accused vows to defend his name

Remembering two brutal murders in central Belfast

Video: Petrol bomb causes smoke damage to Protestant mission hall near Tobermore

Searching for the mysterious ‘mad monk’ who fought for — and was killed by — the IRA

PPS: ‘I am right to prosecute McConnell’

IRA victim’s son disgusted at Sinn Féin Lord Mayor for 1916 centenary

Bernadette Smyth harassment conviction thrown out

Anti-abortion campaigner Bernie Smyth wins harassment appeal against Marie Stopes clinic director

Anti-abortion protester Smyth to open women’s clinic in wake of appeal victory

Texas Calls Same-Sex Marriage A ‘Lawless Ruling’ – (Lawlessness a feature of days before Christ’s return, 2 Thess 2:7 ‘iniquity’ = ‘lawlessness’)

So-called Islamic State beheads two women in Syria

Ex-DUP aide David McConaghie denies ‘toilet cam’ voyeurism charge

Secret camera in DUP toilet contained 216,373 pictures and videos

Tunisia attack: ‘Paralysed’ police let gunman run amok for half an hour, says witness

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January 2015


Index to this edition


A conference of confusion

G3-2015-1024x558We commend to our readers Pastor Ralph Ovadal’s clear exposure of those who masquerade as defenders of the Bible when they are in fact those who have long carried on a campaign to undermine the Word of God by promoting modern Bible translations.

Pastor Ovadal examines the 2015 G3 Conference on the theme of “Battle for the Bible”, planned for January 22nd – 24th, at Pray’s Mill Baptist Church, Douglasville, Georgia, USA.

Click here to listen to the report.

It is sad that this exercise in hypocrisy is supported by many who ought to know better and who formerly stood with those who upheld the Authorised Version of the Holy Scriptures.

Click here to see a list of those organisations which are “Exhibitors” at this conference.

Doubtless it will disappoint and grieve many who “tremble at His word” (Isaiah 66:5), to read the names listed. Today, the “evangelical camp” contains those who are known for their Neo-evangelical and New Calvinist views as well as those who are noted for their support for and promotion of so-called “Contemporary Worship”, “Holy Hip-Hop” and “Reformed Rap”

It is sad to see that Sermonaudio heads the list of “Exhibitors”!!

May God intervene to prevent another Billy Graham debacle with the resultant shame and reproach brought upon the cause of Christ and confusion and defeat visited upon faithful Christians who have once again been misled and betrayed.

The Editor.

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roman_soldierAn outline study of Jude – an important little book for today.

By Rev Ivan Foster


When this book was written is not readily ascertained. However, it is widely believed to have been written at least 30 years into the apostolic age – somewhere around 65 AD. It was likely written before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

The reason why it was written is easily seen from the verses 3-4. “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The epistle greatly resembles the 2nd chapter of 2 Peter. This in itself indicates the concern there was amongst the first generation of apostolic preachers and pastors regarding the inroads of false teachers and false teaching. Paul’s warnings in Acts 20:28-30; 1 Timothy 4; 2 Timothy 3 as well as numerous other warnings scattered throughout the New Testament epistles serve to highlight this threat facing the early church.

We are inclined to think of those days of Holy Ghost power as somewhat idyllic days. They were in truth no such thing. Persecution and satanic attacks through false teachers were the norm. Read more

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What the Bible says about drugs and terrorism

2473024500000578-0-image-m-18_1420549779168 (1)The article below comes from the Daily Mail of January 6th. It highlights a link between drug-taking, wickedness, violence and terrorism.

The Muslim terrorists, ISIS, have shocked the world with their displays of barbaric cruelty toward innocent victims, kidnapped in order to induce appropriate responses to their demands from Western nations not to mention those they deem their enemies.

The act of cutting someone’s throat in such a cold-blooded manner as the ISIS terrorists have done, can be done only under the influence of drugs, satanic possession or both!

The Word of God, always ahead of the events unfolding in these days, prior to the end of this age, refers to the use of drugs in three places.

  • “Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,” Galatians 5:20.
  • “Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts,” Revelation 9:21.
  • “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived,” Revelation 18:23.

Read more

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Mervyn Storey, Minister for Social Development in the Northern Ireland Executive, tried to distance himself from funding of sodomites

1280757771-free-presbyterian-protesters-demonstrate-against-belfast-gay-pride_400328In answer to questions regarding the squandering of £3 million “on many undeserving projects” by the Department of Social Development, tabled by Mr Jim Allister MLA, an unnamed department official sought to shield Mr Storey from all blame regarding the funding of sodomites organisations.

Here is what was disclosed in an article in the Belfast Newsletter in its report of the Department of Social Development’s reply to Mr. Allister.

“The answers received revealed that amongst the spend: £1,064,546.17 was spent on GAA clubs, with £273,000 spent on one club alone in Strabane, Strabane Sigerson’s Club; £1,134,100.33 was spent on Irish language groups; £138,997.78 was spent on a republican ex-prisoners group, Tar Anall; £83,176.18 was spent on the Bloody Sunday Trust; £259,087.93 was spent on Carrick Hill Residents Association; and £231,681.00 was spent on LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transexual) projects, including £170,000 to support the Strabane & Lifford LGBT group alone, and annual subventions to Belfast Pride.” (See a full news report here)

We want to emphasise the fact that “£231,681.00 was spent on LGBT projects, including £170,000 to support the Strabane & Lifford LGBT group alone, and annual subventions to Belfast Pride.”

While Free Presbyterians denounce and protest against the “Belfast Gay Pride” parade, Mr Storey, a Free Presbyterian elder, is engaged through his Department in funding the same wickedness!

His unnamed official did seek to shield Mr Storey. It was reported in the Belfast Newsletter: “Political considerations do not form any part of the assessment and the minister does not have, and does not wish to have, any role in funding decisions.”

That is patent poppycock! Read more

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The Islamic Religion of Peace Destroys a Thousand Churches

crescent-200When we see “Christians” referred to in many articles quoting from figures obtained from worldly organisations, we should bear in mind that few agencies or organisations distinguish between true Biblical Christianity and those who claim to be “Christians” but who embrace doctrines and practices which are entirely unscriptural and therefore unchristian.

The term embraces Roman Catholicism, Eastern and Greek Orthodox churches and many other branches of Christendom. Here is an example of the breakdown of those who would come under the term “Christian” taken from Wikipedia’s analysis of Nigeria’s religious community and it illustrates what we are saying. “Nigeria is a society with Christianity, Islam and Traditional African religion being professed. According to recent estimates Christianity is practiced by 50.5% of the population. (19.9% Protestantism, 12.3% Churches of Christ, 10.1% Anglicanism and 8.2% Catholicism). Islam is the second greatest religion by 43.5% consisting of 95% Sunni Islam and 5% Shia Islam. 6% of the Nigerian people practises Traditional African religion.”

However, having said that, the wicked cruelty of the Muslim slayers of those who profess Christianity is in no way diminished. They are of those referred to by the Saviour in John 16:2. “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. ” Theological differences matter not to these evil, devil-inspired killers. Anyone remotely linked to the worship of the God of the Bible is anathema to them and worthy of death.

The following article, which was sent to us by friends in Australia, is worthy of close consideration. Read more

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crownA look at God’s means of rescuing and reviving the cause of Christ amongst us as it is suggested to us in 2 Chronicles chapters 22 and 23.

by Rev Ivan Foster.

It is sad to realise that the lasting impact of the life of that good man, Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, was one so contrary to the overall testimony of the man. At the beginning of the divine record of his life it is recorded of him.

“And the LORD was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father David, and sought not unto Baalim; but sought to the LORD God of his father, and walked in his commandments, and not after the doings of Israel. Therefore the LORD stablished the kingdom in his hand; and all Judah brought to Jehoshaphat presents; and he had riches and honour in abundance. And his heart was lifted up in the ways of the LORD: moreover he took away the high places and groves out of Judah,” 2 Chronicles 17:3-6. Read more

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KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

Each day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Below you can listen to the most recent recordings of the talks to the pupils.

Please pray for this work amongst children since it depends entirely upon the Lord for its continued witness.

Listen to all the posted audio files in this series here.

The Return of Christ, Pt 31
The Return of Christ, Pt 32
The Return of Christ, Pt 33
The Return of Christ, Pt 34
The Return of Christ, Pt 35
The Return of Christ, Pt 36
The Return of Christ, Pt 37
The Return of Christ, Pt 38

Latest news stories

Belfast shooting, Oldpark Road: Man is critically ill

Abortion: SDLP opposes changes to Northern Ireland law

Westminster ‘paedophile ring’: Sir Peter Hayman named in secret file – (He was “focus of a report into ‘unnatural’ sexual behaviour in the 1980s”)

Margaret Thatcher warned of paedophile scandal, secret documents reveal

Kincora: The man who wants to lift the lid off one of the darkest secrets in Ulster’s past

Hezbollah confirmed Israeli suspicions that it was establishing greater military presence near the Syrian-Israeli frontier on the Golan Heights

Jordan ‘could fast-track execution’ of Isis prisoners if hostage fighter pilot Muath al-Kasaesbeh is killed

Raving Loonies next if DUP gets place in TV debates: Clegg

Sinn Fein’s abstentionism a relic of long-dead and buried republican past

Language row as Sinn Fein unveils policies on Irish and Ulster-Scots – (Just another way for Sinn Fein/IRA to squander tax-payers’ money!!)

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More news

January 30

Sir Winston Churchill’s funeral marked 50 years on

Ten years on, still no justice for Robert McCartney

BBC, ITN and Sky reject DUP election debates call

Opinion: Debate about a debate has propelled NI on to the political agenda

Row over Michaella’s prison transfer costs are to be paid by UK after Dublin campaigned for her return here

Belfast knife murder: Police probe reports killer was shouting pro-Islamic slogans

A ‘creeping cultural acceptance’ of anti-Semitism is sweeping Britain, warns Cabinet Minister

Charlie Hebdo attack: War of ideas hots up as French police quiz eight-year-old

Sharp rise in halal abattoirs slaughtering animals without stunning them first – (Let’s hear the ‘Animal Rights’ people take up this issue!!!)

Take a stand against Poots, ex-DUP councillor urges Robinson

Dissident bomb accused allowed to visit boyfriend in custody

Majority against royals at 1916 events

January 29

BBC rejects demands by the Democratic Unionist Party to be included in election debates

BBC chief dismisses DUP’s call on debates

TV election debates: BBC rejects DUP demand to be included

Conservative Party tweet taunts Labour over Sinn Féin story

Sinn Fein dragged into Conservative pre-election swipe against Labour

Labour-Sinn Fein deal claim ‘rubbish’

Daithí McKay: ‘Bomb left at home’ of Sinn Féin MLA

Historical Enquiries Team says neighbours involved in Kingsmills massacre

PSNI not included in New York St Patrick’s Day parade

Pope Francis ’embraces transgender man in meeting at the Vatican’ and tells him there is a place for him in the Catholic Church – (But is there a place in Heaven??)

Irish border illegal fuel gangsterism ‘is now out of control’

Ian Paisley Jr Comments Show DUP Didn’t Get What They Demanded

Conspiracy of silence that shields Tory Kincora paedophile a symptom of State’s sordid double deals

January 28

Alexander Litvinenko ‘assassinated to stop him exposing Vladimir Putin’s links to organised crime’ – (We have had such politicians for a long time here in Ulster!!!)

Ex-housemaster guilty of sex abuse

Sinn Fein may take Westminster seats to counter influence of DUP, says YouGov president

IRA comfort letters likely to contain more errors

Historical Enquiries Team report says neighbours were involved in Kingsmills massacre

Protestors demand funding for St Mary’s Roman Catholic teachers college

‘Ongoing delays allowing my son’s killer to go back on run’

Gerry Kelly should resign, says murder victim’s father

Man accused of storing explosives is ‘deeply involved’ with dissident republican, court hears

Unionist bid to scrap John O’Dowd’s Irish-medium school fails

Senator James Heffernan accuses Sinn Fein of protecting Detective Garda Adrian Donohoe’s killers

January 27

‘Not in the Bible’: Vicar tries to derail consecration of first female bishop

Gerry Kelly defends role over On The Run letters following halted inquest

Gerry Kelly ‘must reveal all he knows’ about murder – (THAT IS LIKELY TO HAPPEN!!!)

Sinn Fein letter role probe urged

Murder inquest halted in OTR letter row

Irish-medium school for 14 pupils a step closer after vote 

January 26

Libby Lane: First female Church of England bishop consecrated

Gareth O’Connor murder suspect got On the Run letter – (Hand delivered by Gerry Kelly!!!)

Murder inquest halted in OTR letter row

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly passed OTR letter to murder suspect

Leon Brittan sex abuse allegations: Two claim they were child rape victims of late Tory peer

United Ireland ‘inevitable’ if the next three elections go the right way, claims Martin McGuinness

Where’s our seat in TV debates?

Mother charged over David Black murder: Woman accused of supplying false alibi to suspect in prison officer death

Detectives have enough evidence to nab the gang who murdered Garda Adrian Donohoe two years ago

One of two main suspects in Garda Adrian Donohoe murder working in IRA’s illegal fuel trade – (What a ‘Mafia-style’ organisation the Republican movement is!!!)

UUP MLA Danny Kennedy dismisses Adams’ denial over ‘republican water pollution’

Ten years after the IRA murdered Robert McCartney, his sisters voice their frustration that his killers have walked free

Man arrested over ‘guns and bomb parts’ at Belfast house

No crime to belong to Islamic State, al-Qaida or IRA, says Green party leader – (Sounds like it is a ‘crime’ to belong to the Green Party!!)

Fianna Fail Senator Averil Power ‘absolutely’ rules out sharing power with Sinn Fein

January 24

Peter Robinson outrage over TV debates – NI the only region excluded on BBC and ITV – (But is not our place in the Union most secure, Peter???)

Election 2015: NI parties not included in TV election debate plans

Exclusion of DUP from UK TV election debate ‘inexplicable’ – (Ask your friends in SF. They will explain it to you Peter.)

DUP leader Peter Robinson turns his back on the policy to create more integrated schools

Robinson climbdown a sad day for future of our children

Sex assault Tory MP visited Kincora boys’ home, claim retired detectives

No Leo Varadkars amidst caveman politics at Stormont 

Labour’s NI candidate ban fundamentally undermined Miliband’s Ulster visit

Dublin challenged to cooperate over Kingsmills

January 23

DUP leader Peter Robinson to write to BBC and ITV over party’s exclusion from general election TV debates

Lord Kilclooney: Ulster Unionists should form opposition

Northern Ireland can’t afford the astronomical cost of an Irish Language Act

Stormont deal aids republican re-write of history

Northern Ireland ministers to discuss cutting the number of Stormont offices from 12 to nine

Still no Gardai disclosure on Kingsmills after one year

‘We just want to bury him with Mum and Dad’

SF pork barrel politics can’t stop progress

Petition calls for Catholic ceremony for Richard III

Christian extremists steal statue of Celtic sea god from mountain top in Northern Ireland

Doomsday clock: We are closer to doom than at any time since the Cold War, say scientists – (What little these ‘wise’ men know of how this age will end!!)

January 22

Ten councils flying Union flag every day of the year amid legal threats – (How safe is the Union when it becomes illegal to fly the national flag!!!??)

Omagh bomb campaigner wins right to challenge public inquiry refusal

Challenge to Omagh bomb decision

Jim Wells: I back Edwin Poots’ gay blood ban

Republic of Ireland to vote in May on whether to allow same-sex marriage

Britain faces ‘very high level of risk’ from Isil terrorists, Foreign Secretary says

January 21

Iraq War report ‘delayed until after UK election’ (That’s ‘democracy’ for you!!)

Iraq panel delay ‘incomprehensible’

Former government minister brands postponement of six-year Iraq War inquiry ‘a betrayal’

Westminster Sex claim file found among archives

Nine hurt in Tel Aviv bus stab attack – (Hamas praised the attack as “brave”!!)

Mass stabbing on Tel Aviv bus by Palestinian ‘terrorist’

Stormont racks up huge debt of £1.8billion – (That is over £1000 per man, woman and child. Stormont really works!!!)

Academic says Stormont deal asks UK to make full disclosure on past – not Dublin – (Typical DUP sleekitness!!)

Deal does not press Dublin to come clean on Troubles role, say victims

Enniskillen Collegiate School Scandalously Failed by Politicians

DUP’s Robin Newton elected as deputy speaker

Ex-MI6 chief Sir John Sawers: We cannot stop terrorism unless we spy on innocent people

SDLP, Alliance and UUP should show some courage and leave the Executive

‘Irish dissident groups influenced by Taliban and Isis’

On The Runs: Man to appear in court on attempted murder charge despite receiving government “comfort letter”

Will they get away with murder? Two years on from slaying of Garda Adrian Donohoe – (The same organisation has done in Northern Ireland for nigh on 50 years!!)

January 20

Row erupts as Craigavon votes to fly Union flag

1978 Copter crash was due to IRA gunfire – report

1976 – Revealed: How the Army foiled an IRA propaganda coup after terrorists shot down helicopter

Official says he didn’t know Downey was wanted by police when he signed OTR letter

Claim that PSNI said they checked Hyde Park bomb suspect

Dissidents slammed after gunman opens fire inside Telstar Bar

DUP and Sinn Fein happy to do without other parties

Mairia Cahill brands Gerry Adams a liar and a disgrace – (He is that and much, much more!!)

Catholics don’t have to breed like rabbits, says Pope Francis – (Which seems to suggest that they have done so!!)

Sir Terry Leahy: Tesco ‘eroded customers’ trust’ – (Maybe it was not so wise to sponsor sodomite organisations!!!)

PM David Cameron defends letter to Islamic leaders

Is Irish minister Leo Varadkar on track to be first gay Taoiseach

IRA bomber Donna Maguire’s fury over Spanish arrest – ‘Angel of Death’ denies involvement in £10m international fraud case

Mervyn Storey’s investigation of Springfield Road property transactions must be thorough – TUV

January 19

Irish dissident groups learning from Taliban and Isis, police officer warns

KATE HOEY MP: Victims wanted answers from Blair and want justice

Comfort letters to IRA fugitives still haunt Blair

There is very clear distinction between victims and actors: Villiers

On his first day, SF Speaker appears 
to be partisan – (Does that really surprise anyone? He fully supported the IRA murder campaign as a loyal member of SF)

Unionists need to think longer term – (Gregory, the DUP stopped thinking back in 2007!)

Provos dumping cancer-causing toxins into river – (That is not likely to bother murdering terrorists such as the Provos!!)

Is Sinn Féin Catholic? Its embrace of abortion says ‘no’ – (What about their long-term embrace of murder & terrorism, what does that say???)

Praying with a Muslim colleague ruined my career, says Christian NHS worker – (Anything remotely like witnessing for Christ is anathema under this Westminster regime)

State ‘should offer parenting lessons to every family’ – (Casting aside the Bible is the source of this ignorance!!)

Anti-Christian prejudice: The last acceptable form of bigotry

Boko Haram ‘kidnap 80 people including children’ in Cameroon

January 17

SF U-turn as party commits to Stormont Opposition

New Council to use English and Irish on its vehicles

DUP attacks Nesbitt over role in schools closure row – (The ‘blame game’ has begun while Protestant school children lose out!!)

Fianna Fail TD, Eamon O Cuiv again gives succour to dissident terror

Sinn Féin abortion policy compatible with my Catholicism says Martin McGuinness – (He always was content with the murder of the innocent!!)

Red Sky row: DUP fails to agree councillor’s apology after five attempts

[hr] [hr]

January 16

Belgium terror raids: Killed suspects had police uniforms, Kalashnikovs and bomb-making kit

Terror in Europe: Cops swoop on ‘Jihadis’ in Germany and Paris following Belgian shoot-out

Police in Paris, Berlin make arrests in anti-terror raids after Belgian plot thwarted

Jim Allister accused of bullying DUP adviser Stephen Brimstone

DUP Spad: I can’t say if party told me not to answer

TUV exposes more squander by Dept of Social Development

Poots challenge on gay blood ban ruling hit by delay

William Hay: Former NI Assembly speaker denies expenses allegations

Archbishop condemns new abortion plan for North

Britain could be in line to get first ‘gay’ school

Plans drawn up for Britain’s first lesbian and gay school

Enniskillen bomb victim rejects Blair claims that OTR scheme was key to peace

Tony Blair and John Major betrayed the people of Northern Ireland

Language Act is a no-go as long as Sinn Fein uses Gaelic as cultural weapon

Docklands bomb victim to debate with Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams

Adams must not underestimate victims: Frazer

Could Gerry Adams face Willie Frazer in a public debate? Sinn Fein in negotiations

Unionists want ‘opt in’ for Union Flag driving licences

January 15

DUP at ‘all-time low’ after Sinn Fein Speaker vote

Face it: most of us don’t know a thing about Northern Ireland – (In light of Blair disclosures, few here know what is going on either!)

Willie Frazer to debate with Gerry Adams

Irish TD, Eamon O Cuiv, repeats prison officer murder claim

Ex-IRA commander Paddy Joe Rice, held over murder of Jean McConville, dies

Dirty deal where end justified the means for ex-PM

Nigel Farage claims that Muslims are running UK ‘ghettos’ according to Sharia law – (Does that remind you of anything? Republican areas for instance!!)

Nigel Farage criticises FGM and sharia courts in UK

Saudi Arabia’s history of hypocrisy we choose to ignore

Saudi blogger faces next 50 lashes as government ignores global protests

Satellite images reveal devastation of Boko Haram massacre in Nigeria

Al-Qaeda in Yemen admits responsibility for Charlie Hebdo attacks and warns West of more ‘tragedies and terror’

Isis ‘execution video’ purports to show 10-year-old boy shooting dead two ‘Russian spies’

The new anti-Semitism: Majority of British Jews feel they have no future in UK, says new study – (Ezekiel 11:16-17, 36:24, 37:21)

January 14

OTR letters: Tony Blair says NI peace process could have collapsed without scheme – (That which is built on such a foundation must be evil!!)

Blair OTR Comments Expose Process’ Heart of Darkness – TUV

Blair says that without IRA ‘comfort letters’, SF may have quit peace process – (Further evidence of the unprincipled character of Sinn Fein)

Blair finally faces Commons over his on-the-run scheme for IRA suspects

Be careful with Northern Ireland, Blair warns Downing Street

Tony Blair: Apology to Hyde Park IRA bomb victims after ‘On The Run’ letter blunder

What are we to make of Tony Blair now?

Former Assembly Speaker Hay takes seat in Lords

Setback in bid to stop closure of Enniskillen grammar

Hopes of National Crime Agency breakthrough as SDLP signals change in stance

Irish language bill to be published

Kincora and the secret service: Three men willing to tell all they know may never get the chance

Licence flag block ‘devolved matter’

January 13

The DUP supported speaker, Mitchel McLaughlin, claimed Jean McConville’s murder was ‘not a crime’

DUP backs SF Speaker… but four MLAs missing

Sinn Féin’s Mitchel McLaughlin elected as NI Assembly speaker

DUP and Sinn Fein votes secure first republican Assembly Speaker

First republican speaker Mitchel McLaughlin elected with DUP backing

DUP’s walk of shame through lobbies to elect Sinn Fein Speaker

Tony Blair bid to avoid IRA letters questions is ‘insult’ to victims

Blair ‘Cornered’ Over Northern Ireland Letters

Isis cohorts hijack US army websites

Over 1,600 women died in Magdalene laundries — over double figure cited by McAleese report

American Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke blames paedophile priests on ‘radical feminists’

Máirtín Ó Muilleoir – new face of Sinn Fein or smilier version of same old same old?

Orange Halls attacked 227 times since ‘09

Killed over a grudge: UDA thug ordered murder of dad-of-five Brian McIlhagga

Ex-RUC men cleared over perverting justice

Prime Minister snubs Birmingham pub bombings campaigners

January 12

Mitchel McLaughlin is expected to be elected as Stormont’s first Sinn Féin speaker

DUP set to back first republican house Speaker

Militant Islam terror threat similar to IRA, says ex-Royal Irish commander

RC Archbishop in abortion law row

People know the consequences: Opposing view by a radical Muslim cleric

Ulster Muslim leader sorry for ISIS remark – (One has to be sceptical about his honesty!!)

France divided despite uplifting rallies

It is lazy to say Paris terror attacks have nothing to do with Islam,UK government minister, Sajid Javid says – (To say nothing of it being utterly deceitful!!)

Rupert Murdoch claims Muslims must ‘recognise and destroy growing jihadist cancer’ or ‘be held responsible’

Nigeria’s forgotten massacre: 2,000 slaughtered by Boko Haram, but the West is failing to help

Nigeria: bomb blast kills at least 19 at crowded market in Maiduguri

Prince Andrew: I have been foolish over friendship with Jeffrey Epstein: a convicted sex offender – (Foolish is hardly the word!!)

Hundreds of bodies strewn in the bush in Nigeria after Islamic extremist attack by Boko Haram

Amnesty International call for inquiry into allegations of abuse in Mother and Baby homes in Northern Ireland

Call to halt any funding for Islamic Centre after member’s ISIS remarks

Irish Presbyterian figures stress little appetite for gay Presbyterian debate – (They do have an appetite to remain in fellowship with the apostate Church of Scotland!!)

Gay clergy: Scottish minister tells of exodus of Presbyterians

All-Ireland reach for new Troubles murder unit

NI well and truly has its snout in the trough: advisor

January 10

Paris shootings: Police hunt for grocery shop gunman’s girlfriend Hayat Boumedienne

Paris shootings: Manhunt for wife of supermarket gunman who escaped deadly siege ‘by pretending to be a hostage’

British Muslims react to Charlie Hebdo attack – Audio File – (Some justifying the murders to a degree)

Belfast muslim’s praise for Islamic State’s rule in Mosul

Nigeria: 2,000 feared killed in Boko Haram’s ‘deadliest massacre’

Dublin priest receives standing ovation after saying he is gay during Mass – (So the moral quagmire deepens and spreads)

Belfast to have five quarters instead of four after Sinn Fein complain west Belfast is left out– (Anything SF wants, SF gets!!)
Uncertainties remain despite Stormont House Agreement

Stormont a toothless bribery-machine, UUP leader claimed

January 9

Irish and Scottish Kirks split on gay issue – (But the Irish Presbyterian Church remains in ‘cordial,’ fellowship with this abominably apostate church)

Jewish Agency reports 20% rise in British moves to Israel – (The return continues. Ezekiel 11:16-17, 36:24, 37:21)

Nothing in the Stormont House deal for unionists – (An apt summary!)

Alliance Party ratifies Stormont House Agreement – (Of course they did!!)

Jenny Palmer says she was ‘bullied’ by DUP advisor Stephen Brimstone – (Sammy Wilson continues to defend the indefensible!!)

Red Sky contracts row: Party tried to damage my integrity, says DUP councillor Jenny Palmer

I won’t fight Tom Elliott for seat, says Stephen Gault

ENGLAND – Ex-head in court on ‘sex charges’

Al-Qaeda plotting attack on Britain

Charlie Hebdo attack: Hundreds of elite armed police comb woodland in the hunt for two suspects

Muslin terror group Boko Haram kills dozens in Nigerian town of Baga after killing 10,000 last year

Letter bomb sent to PSNI from Irish Republic

January 8

Paris murders compared with IRA’s newspaper attack

Events in Paris show Adams ‘editor at gunpoint’ remark no joke – Mairia Cahill

UK’s security committee ‘Cobra’ to meet following Paris murders

Paris Charlie Hebdo attack: it could happen in the UK

French police identify three suspects after terror attack in Paris leaves 12 dead

French police arrest seven in Charlie Hebdo terror swoops – two injured in second attack in Paris

Second Paris shooting leaves two police officers seriously injured

Charlie Hebdo: What do we know about suspects Said and Cherif Kouachi who allegedly shot 12 people dead

Israel’s Foreign minister Liberman: Paris attack shows Islamic Movement in Israel must be outlawed

Tony Blair bows to demands to give evidence about on the runs

Victims: did Blair subvert democracy with OTR letters?

Consent principle seems to operate on nationalist terms – (Almost exclusively on their terms!!)

Tory MP warns against DUP coalition

North west council offer to family of attacked Catholic officer

January 7

Northern Ireland first as Sinn Fein’s Mitchel McLaughlin to be named as Stormont Speaker

Latest Pantomime Farce at Stormont – TUV statement

Israel, Palestinian Authority wrestle with road closures, power outages as storm gains momentum – (Such winter weather is one of the reasons we do not believe that God would have ordained that Mary would have to make the long journey to Bethlehem for the birth of the Messiah at this time of year)

Cameron blocks North officials from giving evidence – (Now that would be a ‘cover-up’!!)

Ian Paisley: On-the-run probe refusal fuels fears of cover-up

On the Runs hearing: Summoned NIO officials expected to appear

Woman, 19, denies ‘dissident bomb factory’ charges

Nazareth Lodge nun beat me with strap for wetting bed, says victim (89)

Edwin Poots’ ban on gay men giving blood shaped by belief, court hears – (That is what decides all men’s actions!! – “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life,” Proverbs 4:23, KJV.)

Edwin Poots’ gay men blood ban ‘influenced by religion’

Gay row MBE councillor hits back at celebrity critics – (The language of the critic says it all – foul mouth from foul heart!!)

UK public must wake up to risks of CCTV, says surveillance commissioner

January 6

Shot Ulster missionary saved by ‘Hand of God’

39th Anniversary of the Kingsmills Massacre – TUV slams “legal absolution for selective confession”

UUP warns over deal ‘uncertainty’

UUP refuses to endorse deal over ‘uncertainties’

Paedophile priest Brendan Smyth abused children in care of nuns

Historical Abuse Inquiry told paedophile priest Fr Brendan Smyth abused children in Belfast care homes

Children ‘washed in toilets’ at Birmingham care home

Jamie Bryson must prove he didn’t know flag protests were unlawful – (What happened to ‘Innocent until PROVED guilty’??)

SF only party to back deal and UUP cautious– (SF’s endorsement speaks volumes!!)

Abortion laws need adjustment, says Justice Minister David Ford – (Please also see our article on earlier proposals to change the abortion law)

Jesus trial site ‘found’: remains of Herod’s Palace discovered near Tower of David in Jerusalem

Maze hunger strike: Prison chaplain absolved Government of blame

January 5

Rampant squander on GAA, Irish language and LGBT (sodomoite) groups under DUP ministry – TUV – (Check the two links in the article to see Stormont’s answers.)

Kingsmills massacre: Families mark 39th anniversary

Peter Robinson says Theresa Villiers ‘broke word’ over parades panel

DUP’s partner in Government, SDLP Minister Mark Durkan ensures NI drivers won’t have British flag on licences – (So much for DUP’s assurance that our position in the UK is secure!!!)

Union Flag ban on licences down to our minister: SDLP

Sisters of Nazareth homes focus of abuse inquiry

Leading children’s doctor filmed ‘snorting cocaine’ before going on call

Over 150 cases of child abuse in the Scouts have now been reported — and it’s only likely to get worse

Five Irish arrested by Spanish police in smuggling swoop – (Including convicted IRA bombers, Donna Maguire and Leonard ‘Bap’ Hardy)

Ex-IRA bomber Donna Maguire in scam probe

Birmingham Mail Says: West Midlands Police chief Chris Sims must act on pub bombings admission from ex-IRA chief

Birmingham pub bombings: Police vow to ‘review’ claims in book by ex-IRA chief

Danske Bank economist, Angela McGowan: NI politicians should be ‘more honest’ about budget cuts

Simon Hamilton and Danske Bank chief economist Angela McGowan in war of words over effects of austerity

Lucinda Creighton announces plan for new Irish Republic political party

Prince Andrew sex claims ’emphatically denied’ by palace

Thatcher confidant sexually abused boy and police covered crime up

Nigel Farage says Ukip would get rid of foreign NHS workers who ‘can’t speak English properly’

Mountbatten murder shook US senator’s support for IRA – (For how long and to what degree???)

January 3

Time for the North to consider a federal deal with Dublin? – (Is this the next item on the Republican agenda!!!???)

Orange Order welcomes idea of church forum – (This shows the ecumenical mind-set of the Orange Order’s leadership!!)

Will Stormont crumble under the weight of massive debts?

Prince Andrew named in underage ‘sex slave’ case

Prince Andrew ‘categorically denies’ woman’s sex slave claims


Why the bye ball for Sinn Fein over 1957 IRA attack commemorations? – (In plain English: ‘Why does the press ignore IRA commemorations which glorify terrorism??)

Republican Pearse McAuley faces further time in prison after being charged with assaulting wife

Dublin prime minister, Enda Kenny is urging caution on IRA abuse inquiry

January 2

DSD squandered £3m on irrelevant projects: Jim Allister – ( Such as sodomites -£231,681.00. Present minister is FPC elder, Mervyn Storey!!!!)

Stormont House Agreement: Deal does not alter fact Assembly is seriously dysfunctional

Ukip seeks U-turn over no Union flag on Northern Ireland driving licences

Ukip anger at flag on licence decision

New Year Honours: DUP politician Maurice Mills who blamed Hurricane Katrina on gay people awarded MBE by Queen – (2 years after his condemnation, his party, the DUP, became involved in funding sodomites in Northern Ireland!!!)

Churches and loyal orders must forge greater links – (As if it was not close enough to the ecumenical churches!!!)

Gay, pro-choice loyalist Julie-Anne Corr Johnston breaks mould of Ulster politics – (More importantly she has broken the Law of God and will answer for that!!)

Dowra affair papers show huge rift between RUC and Garda over 1982 arrest of Fermanagh man

RUC’s reluctance to remove DUP protestors alarmed officials in 1986

Willie O’Dea won’t rule out FF coalition with Sinn Fein

Tory peer: ‘English votes’ placing pressure on Union

January 1

Peter Robinson wanted ban on Sinn Féin in 1985 – (Whatever SF were in 1985 they were much worse in 2007 – a backflip supreme!!)

First serving sex-change Church of England vicar dies – (Bishop of Swindon, Lee Rayfield, said: “She was a really true priest”!!!)

John Mann MP says scale of historical child abuse claims ‘too many for state’ – (Shades of the wickedness of ancient Greece and Rome!!)

UK Embassy hosts same-sex wedding

Top civil servant proposed all-Ireland anti-terror police force

December 31

Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald: No Sinn Féin regrets over Cahill case

Maria Cahill blasts Mary Lou McDonald’s treatment of abuse as “shameful”

Ian Paisley: powerhouse unionist who eventually shook hands with nationalists

A fresh flag row has erupted on the edge of 2015.

Troops were on standby for two contentious 1986 Orange parades

Hume compared Unionists to ‘whites in Alabama’

Secret review after IRA raiders kill detective

Anglo-Irish Agreement a triumph of persistence and backdoor diplomacy – (Read that as “wearing down weaklings and underhand dealings!”)

State papers: Peter Robinson’s ‘cynical manipulation’ of events ‘a threat to Ian Paisley’

NIO feared that Paisley might push for an independent NI

Paisley condemned attacks on RUC after Robinson would not

And the winner of Brass Neck of the Year is… Barack Obama

Westminster paedophile inquiry ‘may be doomed’

Fiona Woolf, lawyer who quit sex abuse inquiry, makes New Year Honours list amid fury

Sir David Attenborough: Humans may be an endangered species – (As an atheist, Attenborough does not know how correct he is but there is “may” about the matter!!)


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