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November 2017

New audio sermons

Adams has ‘lost touch with reality’ over IRA: Beattie

Read the Newsletter report

Praise for the IRA at its ard fheis shows why Sinn Fein is far from being a normal party

Read the Belfast Telegraph article

Germany ‘contrived’ to release IRA bomber

With such a disposition as this it is no wonder Germany is so malevolent toward the UK with regards to ‘Brexit’!!! Read the Newsletter report

Stormont talks: Sinn Féin says no basis for them to resume

Read the BBC news report

TUV – “Dublin Bully Boys must be faced down”

Read the TUV statement

Tánaiste (Deputy Prime Minister) Frances Fitzgerald resigns from (Dublin) Government

Dublin Premier, Leo Varadkar, after saying a mere few hours earlier that he was standing by his deputy, will have more than Northern Ireland and Brexit to think about now with Sinn Fein snapping at his heels!!!!! Read the RTE news report


Ruth Dudley Edwards: Gerry Adams’s hate campaign against the Protestants of Ulster shows no sign of slowing

This lady is not a Protestant nor is she a Unionist but rather a citizen of the Republic of Ireland! Read the Belfast Telegraph report

“Are we nearing the end of the age and how close is Christ’s return?”

By Rev Ivan Foster

When considering such a question as this, we must carefully bear in mind the words of the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:42: “Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.”

Setting a date upon the Lord’s return is utter folly in the light of these words and even more so in the light of Mark 13:32. “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.”

There are those who use this verse in Mark 13 as an argument against the study of prophecy since, they claim, even the Lord Jesus does not know the day of His return. Therefore it is useless for us to search the Scriptures for indications of when He will return, since He would not have been able to give us such information!

To me, such a notion that the verse is teaching that Christ is in ignorance of the day of His return is quite ludicrous and contrary to, indeed it is nothing short of a denial of, the truth regarding the deity and the Godhead of Christ. Read more…

You can also listen to a message on this subject here.

Irish deputy PM no confidence motion could force election

After huffing and puffing in a threatening manner against Northern Ireland and trying to use the Brexit issue to promote the cause of a ‘united Ireland’, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, an unashamed sodomite, has found trouble in his own backyard!!!

“Thus saith the LORD, Be not afraid of the words that thou hast heard, wherewith the servants of the king of Assyria have blasphemed me. Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall hear a rumour, and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land,” Isaiah 37:6-7. Read the BBC news report

John Cushnahan: Gerry Adams never condemned the divisive terrorism of the IRA

John Cushnahan is a former Alliance Party leader and Fine Gael MEP. Read the Newsletter article

Adams may be stepping down, but the boys in the back room have not gone away, you know

Read the Belfast Telegraph article

(Roman Catholic) Church informed on bomb memorial ‘a year in advance’

The deceitfulness of Rome is again highlighted but she is unaffected by shame or disgrace. Read more

Enniskillen families’ fears ‘not allayed’ by Catholic Diocese statement over memorial

Rome’s jesuitical sophistry continues!! Read more

Enniskillen bomb: Poppy on memorial ‘stopping Catholic church’ allowing it on its land

ROME – as anti-British as ever!!!! Read more

Jim Allister: It is telling that no-one was brought to justice for Enniskillen IRA bomb

Read the Newsletter article

Enniskillen memorial uncertainty ‘hurtful’ says victim’s son

Read the BBC news article

As both reports above indicate, nothing highlights the intransigence of Popery and the utter folly of Ecumenism than the “Poppy Day Massacre” and its aftermath

Enniskillen: ‘I am still in shock about the lauding of Martin McGuinness’

Read the Newsletter report.

Two more articles which must be read!

Enniskillen: 30 years of pain and heartache…but still no closer to justice

Read the Newsletter report.

Enniskillen: How a murderous act of desecration sent shockwaves around the world

Read more here.

An event that must never be forgotten though all attempts by the police to catch the murderers has ceased long ago!!

As the 30th anniversary of the “Poppy Day Massacre” approaches let us remember the victims and their shameful betrayal by the cover-up of the dreadful crime by the British Government, Sinn Fein, the Ecumenical Churches and the Royal Ulster Constabulary. Read more

Lurgan priest Monsignor Hamill resigns after ‘historical complaint’ probe

“A Dromore diocese spokesman said the complaint was “upheld”, but they were unable to give further details.” Read the Irish News report

Sinn Fein ‘glorification of terrorism’ an obstacle to deal, says Arlene Foster

It should not merely be an ‘obstacle’ but the fact Sinn Fein members carried on a terrorist campaign for 30 years, the very insurgents now being glorified, should forever rule out any power-sharing alliance with them!!! Read the Newsletter report

Evangelical quits Church of England leadership over ‘heretical’ stance on sexuality

While we commend this lady for her actions, we must say that the command of Holy Scripture is not “move toward the gate of the camp” but rather: “Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach,” Hebrews 13:13. Separating from a committee of the apostate Church of England does not fulfil this commend. There must be an utter separating from all fellowship with it. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,” 2 Corinthians 6:17. Read the Daily Telegraph article

Adams ‘inverting history’ of peace process: ex-SDLP leader

How many lives has he not turned upside down never mind the ‘inverting’ of history??? Read the Newsletter article

Francie Molloy: I won’t quit Sinn Féin over abortion

It has been rightly noted that the party which rose to power through murder will not baulk at the murder of the unborn! Read the Irish News report

Northern Ireland to leave EU on same terms as rest of UK – DUP’s Arlene Foster

Read the Belfast Telegraph article

Gerry Adams to stand down as Sinn Féin leader next year

Read the BBC News report

I have a particular affinity with IRA victims: Gerry Adams

This is the most bewildering and baffling statement from a man given to obfuscation, a man who most see as the direct cause of the murder of many hundreds of innocent people, Protestant and Roman Catholic, British and Irish!

What has just been said about Robert Mugabe can truly be applied to Adams – “He is mad”!!!! Read the Newsletter report

Victim’s sister wants answers from Adams

“The thought of Gerry Adams “walking off into the sunset” to enjoy retirement after a career defending the IRA is “outrageous” said the sister of a Birmingham bomb victim.” Read the Newsletter report

Sammy Wilson: The welcome demise of Mugabe and Adams

“This weekend has been a bad one for presidents and a good one for those who are sick and tired of suffering under their destructive leadership.” Read the Newsletter article

DUP outrage over abortion changes

The DUP continues to enter political alliances with the enemies of the Bible and then complains when they act out their wickedness!! Read more

Michelle O’Neill (Sinn Fein leader in NI): I support liberalising Sinn Féin’s abortion policy

These are the people the DUP go into league with!! Read more

Shock at offer of free abortions for NI minors

Read the Newsletter article

Alliance Party to oppose Easter lily move

Read the Newsletter article

Dublin has to face down British and DUP if it wants Executive back: Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams

No longer ‘power-sharing’ but ‘Dublin take-over’ is Sinn Fein/IRA’s objective. This has ever been its long-term objective!! Read the Belfast Telegraph article

Protestant cleric praises James McClean over poppy stance in Remembrance Sunday sermon

The cleric is no more a ‘Protestant’ than is Gerry Adams!!!! Read the Belfast Telegraph report

Almost £6k in pension contributions paid for former MLA Caitríona Ruane while still speaker

The lid lifted just a little on the ethics of Irish republicanism!!!! Read the Irish News story.

Australians vote in favour of legalising same-sex marriage

While we feel shame at Australia’s decision and for the actions and attitudes of all who think likewise here in the UK,  it is not so with those who vote “Yes” to this evil thing!
“Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith the LORD,” Jeremiah 6:15.

There will be a visitation for this, more terrible than men can conceive. “They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed,” Luke 17:27-30. Read the ITV news article.

‘Are we saying that Christians cannot do social work in NI?’

That is just what the Northern Ireland Social Care Council is saying and it is in line what Church and  State agencies have been saying for some time! The age of Antichristianity draws nearer!! Read more

Annual Remembrance Day service in Omagh disrupted by IRA bomb left near the cenotaph

Read more

Westminster sex scandal: Theresa May calls for ‘culture of respect’

This is the Prime Minister who seeks to promote sodomy and the various perversions allied to it and said that the Toriy party has been wrong on gay rights in the past (See here)!!!

Such sowing must bring a bitter harvest – Galatians 6:7-8.

The web of lies that entangles Ulster

“No lie is of the truth,” I John 2:21.

The synopsis of a sermon preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church on Sabbath evening, September 11th, 1994, By Rev Ivan Foster

(A warning issued 23 years ago of the deceit and lies at work on the subject of ‘peace’ in Ulster!!)

There are times when the finger must be pointed and the lie exposed. The cause of truth in a time of deception demands that a most vigorous witness be maintained. When there is a babble of voices proclaiming the lie the servant of God must be all the more strident in order to ensure that his voice rises above the lie. We live in just such a day. The fabric of national life is riddled with the woodworm of deception and falsehood. Politics, religion, business, every strata of the nation’s affairs is corrupted by untruths. A great deception is being wrought especially upon the Ulster people in the realm of religion and the constitutional future of our province. Read more…or click here to listen.

SF fails to set out alternative to prevent public sector implosion

Their objective is the downfall of Northern Ireland and that has always been known, even in 2007 when the DUP most perversely entered a power-sharing agreement with them!! Read more

Dodds calls for direct rule ministers to be appointed in weeks if deal isn’t agreed

Back where we started after 10 wasted and detrimental years, the effect of which likely can never be undone!! Read more

New Stormont battle as DUP calls for imminent move to direct rule

Sinn Fein’s present strategy is not the re-establishing of power-sharing at Stormont but the introducing of some form of ‘joint rule’ by London and Dublin.

They seek to create a crisis by ever stymieing the ‘Stormont talks’ with the DUP and from the sidelines, calling  for Dublin and London to intervene in concert and replace Stormont Rule.

Sinn Fein has ever sought to undermine Northern Ireland’s Union with Great Britain and this was the reason behind their push for ‘power-sharing’ in 2006 at which the DUP, in its greed for power, jumped. Now power-sharing has run its course so Sinn Fein is presently pushing for a further step in its long term plan to destroy Northern Ireland but now by creating a further crisis.  Because their 30-years of terrorist tactics failed and ‘power-sharing’ did not produce the fruits that Republicans hoped it would, the latest objective is joint Dublin-London rule, a short step from a Dublin take-over. Read more


May 2014

Why no similar outcry when the Bible was recently mocked and Christians offended?

Recent days have witnessed an outpouring of condemnation directed towards Pastor James McConnell, minister of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in Belfast, over his comments in a sermon about Islam. We have had the ‘former’ IRA commander and Joint First Minister, Martin McGuinness, along with the moderator of the ecumenical Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Rev Dr Rob Craig, voicing their opposition. An assortment of others from the secular and ecumenical classes, including Alliance’s East Belfast MP Naomi Long; MLAs Anna Lo, Alex Attwood, John O’Dowd and Danny Kinahan; Shadow Northern Ireland Secretary, Ivan Lewis, Northern Ireland Secretary, Theresa Villiers and Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamon Gilmore, have all come out to join in the chorus of condemnation as they castigate Paster McConnell for his comments. When you have these types of individuals arrayed against you, what you say must indeed be the truth. A man is known by those who oppose him, as much as by his friends! Read more

A ridulous outburst by Anna Lo and her cohorts

The media are conducting a witch-hunt in Ulster in the wake of the comments made by Pastor James McConnell about Islam and certain aspects of Muslim behaviour. Read more

Francis the Pontiff Speaks Against the Most High

By Richard Bennett and Robert Nicholson

In keeping with Pope Francis’s identity his upcoming visit to Israel is the perfect vehicle to move forward his objective. The unfolding of this religious drama is intended by the Papacy to present Pope Francis on the real world stage as a great reconciler in promoting peace in a land riven with racial conflict and ideological confusion. The May 24-26 trip to Amman, Jerusalem and Bethlehem will mark the 50th anniversary of a landmark trip there by Pope Paul VI in 1964, the first by a pope in modern times. Subsequently, Pope John Paul II visited in 2000 and Benedict XVI made a visit to the region in 2009.2 However, since Benedict XVI’s visit, considerable destabilizing changes in the region have added incentive to this latest opportunity for the Papacy. Read more

Speaking out against Islam and annoying its allies and sympathisers

There has been quite a stir in the Northern Ireland press, following the publicised statements by Pastor James McConnell of Metropolitan Tabernacle Church in Belfast. While having serious issues with Pastor McConnell’s theology in the past, what he has said in general about the faith of Islam is Biblical and correct. Read more

How British tax payers’ money is wickedly squandered on “Ne’er do wells”

Article by a Conservative MEP, Daniel Hannan. Read more

One in four people around the world are anti-Semitic and only half are aware of the Holocaust, warns survey.

Read more…

Will Jean EVER get justice? Gerry Adams goes free after four days of questioning over widow’s 1972 murder – but claims HE’S the victim of ‘sinister British forces’

Sinn Fein boss Gerry Adams warned the son of IRA victim Jean McConville that he faced a ‘backlash’ if he revealed who killed his mother, it was claimed this morning. Michael McConville said he took the Republican leader’s warning as a ‘threat’ and backed off. Mr Adam’s allegedly made the veiled warning as a report was being drawn up into claims Mrs McConville was an informer for the British government. Read more

Latest news stories


More news

Kyle Paisley: Peter Robinson’s Muslim comments ‘condescending’

Joint TUV – UKIP Statement – 100,000 Unionists Cannot Be Ignored

DUP: Dineen Walker apologises for calling Anna Lo racist

DUP councillor Dineen Walker calls Anna Lo a racist in bizarre Facebook outburst

FM in private apology over Islam remarks

Muslim leaders ‘accept Robinson apology’

First Minister Peter Robinson must go or Stormont will be a sham

Peter Robinson Islam row: Business leader fears long-term trade damage as First Minister’s remarks are broadcast all over the world

Peter Robinson Islam row: Doctors may quit health service – (SinnFein/Muslim windup – wait a week or two and count just how many left!!!???)

Let Evangelical Protestants be Evangelical Protestants

Anna Lo to quit NI politics over disillusionment – (Nothing to do with the hammering she received at the polls recently of course!!)

Woman sentenced to death for apostasy ‘forced to give birth in prison with her legs chained’ – (This is Islam under the light of International scrutiny – no compassion)

Bomb explodes in hotel lobby

Relief as appeal by killers of PC Stephen Carroll fails

FIANNA Fail leader Micheal Martin facing split in FF as TDs urge deal with Sinn Fein

Pope Francis’s unfriendly visit to Israel

Peter Robinson faces backlash after saying he ‘wouldn’t trust’ Muslims (First Minister says he wouldn’t trust Muslims guilty of terrorism, how come he entered a coalition with Sinn Fein!!??)

Clash over anti-Islamic preacher

Northern Ireland’s Peter Robinson caught in religious row after defending preacher’s ‘evil Islam’ sermon

First Minister does not ‘want to insult or cause distress to local Muslims’

Robinson ‘never meant to insult Muslims’

Robinson clarifies Islam remarks

Anna Lo ‘considering leaving Northern Ireland’ after Peter Robinson gives backing for ‘Satanic Islam’ sermon pastor – (What a loss that would be???)

Northern Ireland first minister defends pastor who described Islam as ‘satanic’

Robinson and McGuinness clash over Pastor’s Muslims remarks

Silence on Garda-IRA collusion ‘damning indictment’ on Dublin

Ukip branch chairman: ‘London is being ethnically cleansed of white people’

Pakistani woman stoned to death by her Muslim family for marrying the man she loved – (If they do this on their own . . . .?)

Pastor James McConnell: The other side of ecumenism – (Christian parents with children at state schools please take note!!!!)

Republic of Ireland has questions to answer over the IRA

ENGLAND – Controlling Muslim husband who forced wife to convert to Islam and before he killed her while she was pregnant is jailed for 17 years

I renounced Islam, so my family think I should die

Stormont TUV thorn ‘sharpened’

SF resumes march towards strength on both sides of border

Talkative Priest Goes Silent

Peter Robinson backs Pastor James McConnell over Islamic remarks

First Minister Peter Robinson backs controversial preacher Pastor James McConnell who denounced Islam as ‘spawn of the devil’

Family of Lord and Lady Gibson demand an inquiry

Solicitor, John McBurney calls for border killings to be re-investigated

“Silly wee man” – Archbishop of Canterbury to meet Pope in Rome next month

Forty years on: what has changed?

Police probe Basil McCrea sex claims

A History of the First World War in 100 Moments: Massacre of the innocents – the day 21,000 British men walked bravely to their deaths – (5,500 Ulster officers and men killed – see Wikipedia article here)

Lord Trimble calls for inquiry into Lord and Lady Gibson’s murders

Unionists burst into song at Dodds result – (It has to be remembered that in years gone by it was the verse of a hymn that was sung rather than a sadly outdated party song)

Alarm bells for the DUP as their vote is eclipsed by Sinn Fein

Euro result: DUP and SF win comfortably but strong vote for TUV and Ukip

Euro result: DUP and SF win comfortably but strong vote for TUV and Ukip

Comment: Nationalist politics is lacking ‘a Jim Allister’

Online petition launched as Banbridge council bans gay sex painting

Stunned (Dublin) Coalition gets rude awakening on risk of ignoring threat of Sinn Fein

NI21 leader Basil McCrea takes legal action

Divided we fall: NI21 chiefs Basil McCrea and John McCallister can’t bear to be in same room

Muslim school turned away new governors after the council launched a take-over following persistently poor teaching and management

Presbyterian moderator slams Pastor’s Islam comments

Pastor James McConnell: Powers of darkness won’t silence me

Alarm bells for the DUP as their vote is eclipsed by Sinn Fein

Three gay politicians on newly elected Belfast City council – (This the fruit of apostasy and compromise with ecumenism)

British jihadists make up the largest foreign contingent of one of the most violent terrorist groups in Syria

Pope Francis prays at Western Wall – (Muslims are his ‘dear brothers’!)

Why you cannot dismiss Islam as ‘spawned in hell’ – (Comments of an ecumenical nitwit)

Sinn Fein emerges as biggest party in Northern Ireland – DUP claims most seats

Sinn Féin tastes electoral success north and south of the Irish border

IRA moonshine operation smashed by Customs officers

Ukip storms European elections

Lib Dems call for Nick Clegg’s head

Five men held after suspected bomb found in County Louth

Possible dissident bomb plot foiled by gardai after cars searched in Co Louth

Slovak parents fail to block adoption by gay couple – (How sad that the failures of the parents should should bring such an affliction on the children. The Word of God stands true, Exodus 34:7)

NI21 European candidate Tina McKenzie quitting politics

NI21’s McKenzie refuses to answer News Letter questions

NI21 row: Call for McCrea to step aside after alleged sex victim goes public

NI21 boss Basil McCrea rocked by sex claims from up to nine women

NI21 split amid allegations against McCrea of inappropriate sexual conduct

TUV result ‘sends out a clear message to rest of the country’

Day One: NI Election As It Happened

Day Two: NI Election Results

Claudy blast compensation claim ‘hopelessly out of time’

 NI21 implodes amid allegations against Basil McCrea

 NI21 row: Basil McCrea denies allegations

NI21 leader denies sex allegations

 NI21 in turmoil as European candidate McKenzie quits party

 Sinn Fein upbeat as established parties brace for backlash in Irish Republic

 Ukip ‘earthquake’ rocks Labour and Tories in Elections 2014

 Nigel Farage: ‘The Ukip fox is in the Westminster hen-house’

Why Are the Irish (Roman Catholic republicans) Increasingly Siding With Palestine Over Israel?

NI21 party rejects ‘unionist’ label, will redesignate in Assembly

NI21 in chaos as deputy leader says party is dysfunctional

NI21: Basil McCrea challenges John McCallister on ‘dysfunctional’ claim

Unionists round on SF’s Anderson in Euro debate

By next week, the political landscape of this country will have changed forever

Gerry Adams: I’m very relaxed about most Sinn Féin supporters thinking I was in the IRA

Ballymurphy families: Were same soldiers involved on Bloody Sunday?

Public favours royal attendance at 1916 celebrations

Pastor James McConnell’s Islamic remarks investigated by police – (His reported comments are absolutely correct. God condemns ALL religions outside Biblical Christianity as wicked and will bring damnation upon their adherents.) “And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,” 2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8, KJV.

Firebombs on Bat Mitzva Girls’ Bus, Only Arutz Sheva Reports It – (other media silent!!)

Belfast Telegraph online vote puts TUV’s Jim Allister top of the poll

MyVote: Belfast Telegraph’s online survey ends with some surprising results

TUV Gives Unionists Opportunity to Give Their Verdict

Peter Robinson asks Sinn Fein to ‘hold hands up to IRA cowardice’

Jean McConville’s notorious IRA killing is just the thin end of a grisly wedge

Adams defends Sinn Féin’s McConville comments

Majority of (Rep of Ireland) voters believe Gerry Adams was in IRA

Could unionist turn-off from politics help the SDLP return to Europe?

One of ‘Colombia Three’ has weapons conviction quashed

Historical Abuse Inquiry: Sisters of Nazareth congregation admits abuse at homes

Bishop ‘took nuns for granted’

Same-sex marriage backed by Church of Ireland bishop

Church of Ireland bishop backs same sex marriages

Sex change drugs ‘to be offered to nine-year-olds’

Apostasy case: Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey calls on British Muslim leaders to back the right to convert from Islam

Shinners’ Stepford Wives can’t just plead ignorance

Despite SF’s claim that Adams is asset, poll shows it would do much better without him

IRA diesel smugglers fail to crack colourless marker

Hyde Park IRA bomb suspect John Downey probed over links to two murdered UDR soldiers

Election results may surprise and Jim Allister is the one to watch

McConvilles take heart from voters who doubt truth of Adams’s denial

Outrage at decision not to provide signs for war graves

Eisenhower remembered in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh

Half of voters believe Adams was involved in McConville murder

Stop raising Maze debate, says Diane Dodds

Nesbitt: Maze showed that UUP can force DUP U-turns

Gardai on alert as RIRA plans fertiliser bomb

Climate change science has become ‘blind’ to green bias

Victims of loyalists and IRA sue UK and Dublin

Derry trio jailed for transporting bomb

Kevin McDaid murder: Beaten to death… five years on family still wait to see his killers in court

Gerry Adams to take legal action against Independent Newspapers

DUP’s justice fears over claim sex case police briefed Gerry Adams

‘Insensitive’ Gerry Kelly remark on Maze after Balmoral visit

Sinn Fein slow to slam racketeers in south Armagh

Why are DUP Still Dodging Victims Issues?

Allister Welcomes DUP Clarification on Vote-Splitting Scaremongers

Eisenhower’s visit to Enniskillen – 1944

David Trimble: Civil servants almost scuppered the peace process – (What “Peace Process”??)

Trimble denies knowledge of on-the-runs scheme

Jean McConville: The murder still haunting republicans after 42 years – (Liam C would not understand but it will haunt them for a lot longer than 42 years)

Adams’ arrogance may be his downfall – (Inevitably yes, “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18, KJV.)

Bitter row within British Labour over Troubles amnesty

Sinn Féin on course to be big winner in elections – south of the border.

Key issue is whether voters still believe Adams

Brother’s sex abuse case comes back to haunt Gerry Adams – (Evidence of pro-Sinn Fein elements in the PSNI)

Police briefed Gerry Adams on paedophile brother Liam’s case before trial: claim

Jim Allister Reminds Public of Sinn Fein Euro Candidate’s IRA Pedigree

DUP set to dominate local government: Election forecast says Northern Ireland’s largest party to retain position

Personal morals do have a place in politics, says NI21 candidate – (That should bar the majority of candidates from standing!!)

Nigel Farage urged to explain Ukip candidacy of Orange Order man

Bitter bust-up in Assembly over Sinn Fein racist attack claims

Documentation obtained by the UUP after a protracted battle with OFMdFM is a timely reminder of what the DUP and Sinn Fein would have done with £18 million of EU funding at the Maze

Orange Order slam McGuinness’ claims as ‘ludicrous’

Nationalists closing in on overall majority as unionist vote splits

Jean McConville not big poll issue, says SF hopeful

Gerry Adams made a meal out of his arrest

Sinn Féin caught out making up the numbers

TUV man challenges DUP over Sinn Fein

‘Northern Irish’ ministers should be on Council of Ministers, say Sinn Fein

Probe into 1982 IRA murder of UDR man hailed

Irish police: Damning Guerin report published

Garda faces third major corruption probe in a decade

Some Catholic priests are still being allowed to continue ministry despite admissions of wrongdoing

Boston College’s dirty deal a slap in face to victims

Boston College to be sued over Belfast Project tapes

Time for Lord Bew to come clean on the Boston College tapes fiasco

Bloody Sunday soldiers could be prosecuted with anonymous witnesses

Provisional IRA activist linked to hotel bomb find

Dublin: Man charged in connection with Lucan bomb find

Adams can’t stay in character as a statesman for long

‘On-the-run’, Owen Carron, defends role as border school principal

Arrest galvanised Sinn Féin election campaign says Adams

Car bomb found at country retreat ‘made in Belfast’: Vehicle with Northern Ireland number plates containing milk churn

Martin McGuinness accuses Peter Robinson of ‘cowardice’

Martin McGuinness accuses Peter Robinson of ‘cowardice of the worst kind’ over loyalist attacks in east Belfast

DUP anger at DFM’s ‘cowardice’ allegation

Seamus Ruddy: Sister says family know names of killers

NI women not entitled to free NHS abortions in England says High Court

Ex-Fianna Fail mayor slams QUB poppy row

Officers linked to heroin dealing claims Independent TD, Luke “Ming” Flanagan

No Pensions for injured IRA terrorists

Protestant churches unite in call for new body to support controlled schools – (Why some of in the FPC believe in Christian Education)

Top cop Assistant Chief Constable Drew Harris faces wrath over Gerry Adams arrest – (What’s new? the same republicans spent their time trying to murder policemen of all ranks!!)

‘It is deeply damaging to single out distinguished officers like ACC Drew Harris’

Letters: Truth will out as a leopard cannot change its spots

IRA man’s brother disgusted at Sinn Fein treatment of McConvilles

On the Runs: 95 of 228 republicans linked to 295 murders

On-the-run letters men are linked to 200 deaths, says senior police officer

Irish Justice Minister Alan Shatter resign

‘Graft’ scandal claims third scalp

Former Co-op boss and suspend Methodist minister Paul Flowers admits drug possession

‘Crystal Methodist’ pleads guilty over drug charges

TUV launches its election manifesto

Vatican to beatify Pope Paul VI after recognising ‘miracle’ that he cured an unborn baby of an untreatable illness

Is this the lost citadel of the King David who beheaded Goliath? Or is it just another attempt to extend Jewish control in East Jerusalem?

IRA fugitives given ‘letters of comfort’ are linked to 300 killings

Five ‘On The Runs’ under investigation for Troubles killings

Revealed: 100 IRA terrorists who were told by police they will not be arrested are linked to THREE HUNDRED murders

PSNI chief Matt Baggott to face questions over ‘on-the’run letters

Jean McConville murder: Man, 56, arrested in Antrim – (Is this another police farce which only adds to family’s grief and torment?)

Prosecutors in Gerry Adams case may have to consider public interest – (It is always in the public interest to punish murderers)

Gerry Adams insists Sinn Féin fully committed to policing – (Yes, now when it is reasonable to assume he will not be prosecuted!!)

Gerry Adams’ arrest leaves Sinn Féin/PSNI relations strained – (How sad when they were such friends before hand!!!!)

DUP planned to seek Sinn Féin’s expulsion from Executive over police support warning – (If that were true, they would still have grounds to dissolve their union with Sinn Fein)

Bids to debate Adams’ arrest rejected – (This shows the true state of the DUP’s thinking)

Until Troubles-era crimes are dealt with in a co-ordinated way there will always be allegations of political policing

Bobby Storey: ‘Enforcer’ is a key ally of Gerry Adams

Boston tapes academic Anthony McIntyre: Adams not interested in dealing with past

Jean McConville’s daughter tells of fears over 40 years after IRA killing: I’m relieved my mother hasn’t been forgotten

Peter Robinson: a vote for TUV is a wasted unionist vote – (I would rather waste my vote than vοtε for deceit, power-sharing with murderers and treachery)

DUP leader Robinson has Adams and Allister on his mind

Assistant garda chief in shortlist for top job at PSNI – (Republicanising of Ulster continues)

Police tell Gerry Adams’ wife of death threat to Sinn Fein chief

‘Death threats for Adams and Storey’

Adams ‘will not face any charges’: Sinn Fein president set to escape trial over McConville murder ‘due to lack of evidence’

Matt Baggott rejects Sinn Féin police arrest claims

Omagh bombing activist to advise Jean McConville’s family over Gerry Adams

Michael McConville says Gerry Adams threatened a “backlash” if he named his mother’s murder suspects

We all sympathise with the McConville children now, but back in 1972 nobody cared

Mountbatten bomber key member of Sinn Fein candidate Carthy’s team

Comment: Outrage at Adams arrest? Most of west Belfast didn’t care

Gerry Adams release will not make fallout go away, you know

Peter Robinson: Sinn Fein’s nauseating conduct unacceptable

Key figures ‘upping the ante’ over Boston College tapes

Sinn Fein will not blackmail police, warns Peter Robinson

McConville son in ‘backlash’ claim – “Gerry Adams threatened him with a ‘backlash’ if he released the names of those he believed were responsible”

McConville case ‘interference’ concerns

Sinn Féin trying to blackmail police over Gerry Adams, says first minister – (Why then does he stay in a coalition with a blackmailer???)

Seven ex-DUP men pledge their support for TUV

Will Jean EVER get justice? Gerry Adams goes free after four days of questioning over widow’s 1972 murder – but claims HE’S the victim of ‘sinister British forces’

McConville fight for justice goes on as Adams freed

Jean McConville’s son urges independent murder probe

Adams alleges ‘malicious’ campaign against him

Adams returns to campaign trail

Freed Gerry Adams: the IRA has gone, the past is past

Video: Martin McGuinness blames anti-Sinn Fein police for Gerry Adams arrest

Gerry Adams arrested: Action ‘entirely appropriate’ says Stormont justice minister David Ford as police get more time to quiz Sinn Fein leader

Norman Tebbit – Gerry Adams arrested: the grim stories of the Troubles are still coming out

Sodomite bishop Gene Robinson to divorce

IRA’s omertà (code of silence) is not as watertight as it used to be…

Sinn Fein’s reaction to Adams arrest sending wrong message

Adams ‘supports PSNI’ after release – (Have you heard the one about Goldilocks and the three bears!!!)

Authorities bow to IRA/Sinn Fein pressure in Adams cop out

The secret royal pardons for IRA terrorists: MP attacks ‘cover-up’ after it’s revealed 365 people have been given amnesties in Northern Ireland since 1979

Mercy is the Very Thing Terrorists Didn’t Show


November 2012

The road back from national backsliding

An article based upon a message first preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by Rev Ivan Foster on Lord’s Day evening, 11th December 1983 and again in Markethill Free Presbyterian Church on Lord’s Day morning, 18th November, 2012

The protests and warnings surrounding the Enniskillen massacre

An introduction to the four sermons – “The Enniskillen bombing of 25 years ago”. At 10.45 am on Lord’s Day 8th November, 1987, an IRA bomb, planted in an empty building belonging to the Roman Catholic church, exploded without warning and killed 11 Protestants gathered to watch the Remembrance Day wreath-laying ceremony at the war memorial beside the East Bridge. One victim of the bombing, Mr Ronnie Hill, lay in a coma for 13 years before he died, the twelfth victim of a most wicked crime. Read more

The shots that awaken sorrow.

Comment on the murder today of prison officer, Mr David Black. Read more

The Remembrance Day Massacre in Enniskillen

The reprint of an article written by Rev. Ivan Foster, at the time minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church, immediately following the IRA bombing in Enniskillen on 8th November 1987. Over 50,000 copies of this article were distributed at the time of the massacre. Read more

Selected news stories

Sinn Fein’s All-Ireland dilemma over abortion laws

Footballer Anthony Stokes joins Real IRA supporters at party for slain terror chief

Highest-ever HIV diagnoses in gay men

Seven new HIV cases a month in NI

DUP leader Peter Robinson is out of step with a significant section of grassroots party members on key issues such as abortion and contentious parades, a poll has found.

BBC inquiry into Jimmy Savile scandal ‘to stay secret’

Ballymena councillor David Tweed guilty of child abuse

Tweed guilty of 10 sex abuse charges

Sir Cyril Smith: Former MP sexually abused boys, police say

Britain should vote on leaving EU, Italian prime minister Mario Monti says

Resurgent leader wants to cement his legacy (by further abandoning of “outdated dogmas”)

Pipe bomb thrown at PSNI vehicle in west Belfast

Ronan Kerr murder: Arrest of man in Milton Keynes

Murphy may be a witness in Sinn Fein libel case

Omagh man arrested in England in Ronan Kerr murder probe

More Chaos in Dysfunctional Executive

Peter Robinson pledges to ‘facilitate Opposition’

Widespread police search in terror investigation

Ronan Kerr murder: Searches in Omagh and Cumbria

Robinson: DUP’s moral stance won’t stop growth – (Weasel words camouflage moral shift)

History made as Irish minister addresses DUP conference

Strategy to end division on way, says Robinson

Boundary shake-up ‘bad for unionism’

Committee passes vote to remove Union Flag

UKIP couple have foster children removed from their care because of the party they belonged to

UKIP fury over foster children move

Council defends taking foster children away from UKIP members

Pressure on C of E grows over women bishops

Pressure piles on church to vote again on female bishops

PM faces big revolt on gay marriage

£150K payout is ‘the cost of Sinn Fein bigotry’

Playground named after IRA gunman Raymond McCreesh

Ann Travers: Time to tell all about my sister’s murder

Jesus Christ ‘should be downplayed in school’

Gay marriage could be approved within weeks thanks to David Cameron and Nick Clegg

PM Cameron warns priests of turbulence after church votes no to female bishops

Ann Travers gives evidence

Ann Travers: Flashbacks of sister’s murder after McArdle appointment

Murder victim’s sister was ‘terrified’ facing Sinn Fein MLAs

Ruane should condemn Mary’s murder

First women bishops in Church of Ireland ‘cannot be far off’

Sinn Fein’s Caitriona Ruane challenged over Opposition remarks

Leaders to launch spin offensive after ‘poor press’ coverage

Jesus Christ ‘should be downplayed in school’

Gay marriage could be approved within weeks thanks to David Cameron and Nick Clegg

PM Cameron warns priests of turbulence after church votes no to female bishops

Ann Travers gives evidence

Ann Travers: Flashbacks of sister’s murder after McArdle appointment

Murder victim’s sister was ‘terrified’ facing Sinn Fein MLAs

Ruane should condemn Mary’s murder

First women bishops in Church of Ireland ‘cannot be far off’

Sinn Fein’s Caitriona Ruane challenged over Opposition remarks

Leaders to launch spin offensive after ‘poor press’ coverageJim Wells avoids ban over Sinn Fein murderer claims

Row shines light on Stormont corridors

UUP’s John McCallister in bid to force legal Opposition at Stormont

Parties consider electoral pact

Stalemate the best we can hope for

Church of England warned over women bishops

Pakistan drops blasphemy case against Christian girl

Irish Government Minister to address a DUP conference.

Jim Allister: UUP and SDLP just doormats

Allister claims Northern Executive an ‘anti-democratic, dismal failure’

IRA slept in SDLP supporters’ houses in city: claim

Sandy Row boxers ‘put out of sport’

Unionists more pro-life than nationalists: campaigner

Church of England to vote on women bishops

Top female cleric urges backing for ‘imperfect’ women bishops deal

Prisoners to get the vote regardless, Government human rights adviser says

Stormont without opposition is absurd – Allister

Jim Allister’s rare praise for DUP

Willie Frazer steps down from victims’ group Fair

‘No place in TUV for terror-linked figures’

Huge backing for Union Flag

Judge irked by lawyer for Sinn Fein in libel case

Sinn Fein’s O’Dowd demand over IRA inquest

‘Taken to task for doing nothing wrong’: worker demoted for opposing gay marriage was unlawfully punished, judge rules

All eyes on ‘game-changer’ Welby as Church faces final showdown on women bishops

Plymouth Brethren takes charitable status case to tribunal

How two outbursts in corridors of Stormont snowballed in a full-scale Assembly row

Jim Wells must not be censured

Sinn Fein must accept that IRA “war” was unjustified

IRA victims’ fury as top SDLP man rejects Libyan compensation claims

David Tweed suspended from TUV while on sex charges trial

Allister attempts to widen Historical Abuse Bill to include Clerical Abuse

Free Education for Pupils and Students from the Republic Costs You Over £13 Million a Year

Sinn Fein MP reveals struggle with depression (She is a staunch supporter of the IRA’s terror campaign!!)

DUP’s Jim Wells faces expulsion over McArdle row

Sinn Fein mayor slams attacks on Apprentice Boys halls

DUP and Sinn Fein ministers clash over public spending review

Mayor signs David Black book of condolence after first opposing it

Council parties clash over Union flag leaflets

Alliance Party ‘disgusted’ at DUP/UUP flag policy leaflet

Chilling warning from Terry Spence of the Police Federation on dissident threat

Gangland boss on run in Spain after Ryan murder

Libya unlikely to pay compensation to victims of IRA

DUP MP praises Obama victory

Stormont to vote on whether to exclude DUP’s Jim Wells

Ballymena Councillor David Tweed on trial for child abuse

Sandy Row Boxing Club not eligible for funding says Sinn Fein’s Ní Chuilín

Woman dies after abortion refused in ‘Catholic country’

Questions Marie Stopes Clinic does not want to answer

David Black: ‘new IRA’ group claims it murdered prison officer

‘IRA’ group admit responsibility for murder of prison officer David Black

(Roman Catholic) Fans criticised after boos break Remembrance silence

Dungannon Sinn Fein councillors vote against book of condolence for murdered prison officer David Black

‘Booby trap’ bomb found near city school – UTV Live News

US Presidential election shows why Tories must back gay marriage or lose power, George Osborne warns

In a symbolic move, Irish leader Enda Kenny remembers war dead at Enniskillen service

Willie Frazer confirms he will stand for Mid Ulster seat

PSNI downplay suggestion of a fresh investigation into 1987 Enniskillen bomb

Half of British voters ‘would chose to leave the EU in referendum’

Sinn Fein arrest protest staggering, says Fianna Fail leader

Parades Commission places no restrictions on republican march – “double standards”!

Enniskillen bomb survivor hopes for justice

How accounting in five Stormont departments is just not adding up

Former postman slams ‘hypocrisy’

Fiery clashes as MLAs debate Brush motion

David Black’s family decline McGuinness funeral offer

David Black funeral: Killers ‘bloodthirsty criminals’

Jim Allister’s Assembly speech on murder of prison officer

TUV slams protests over IRA court case

Robert McCartney murder: Padraic Wilson granted bail

SDLP votes in support of Brush after voting for his would-be killer!

Banbridge Council passes motion condemning Curran’s remarks

Anger at nationalist support for dissidents

Dissidents issue threats at weekend rallies

M1 ambush: Just a matter of time before another attack, warders warn

Adams’ weak rebuke buoys Provo fairy tale

Police to examine new Enniskillen bombing report

Prison officer murder: two suspects freed by police (Surprise, surprise!!)

Duffy and other Lurgan man freed in Black murder probe

ANALYSIS: Targeting of an Orangeman

Sinn Fein Support for Terror as Clear as Ever

New BBC row over Newsnight ‘paedophile’ politician probe

Senior political figure threatens to sue BBC over paedophile claims

Attack on prison officer was well-planned, says expert

David Black murder – Irish police make arrest over prison officer attack

Being an Irish republican means never having to say you’re sorry

Senior Sinn Fein member faces IRA terror charges

Church of England rift over women bishops ‘may last years’

David Black murder – two arrests over prison officer attack

Dissident republican Duffy arrested over M1 murder

Republican Colin Duffy arrested in hunt for M1 ambush killers of prison officer David Black

David Black murder: ‘Son drove past scene of killing’

Long-serving Northern Ireland prison officer murdered in motorway ambush in suspected dissident republican attack

Northern Ireland prison officer ambush prompts fears of sectarian shooting war

Officer’s widow wants ‘no retaliation’

Dublin link to the savage murder of prison officer

Robert McCartney murder: Leading republican faces charges

Sinn Fein man held over Robert McCartney murder

Veteran prison officer shot dead

Terror ambush victim David Black was nearing retirement from prison service

Shot prison officer named as David Black from Cookstown

Murder of Prison Officer – comment by TUV leader, Jim Allister MLA

Association of Catholic Priests saddened by bishops’ ‘snub’

David Cameron suffers stinging defeat over EU budget

NHS millions for controversial care pathway