August 2017

Parties are ‘useful idiots’ on Irish: Jim Allister

One must agree with Mr Allister and think of the ancient proverb: “Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad!”

Paul used similar words of the so-called wise men of this world which admirably suit the Unionists in Stormont for they long ago forsook the counsel of God’s Word for their own folly. “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness,” 1 Corinthians 3:19.

Read the Newsletter article here.

Adams stance on Irish language a further pointer to direct rule

Read the Newsletter report here.

Declassified files: Paisley and Molyneaux ‘prepared to make massive concessions

Sadly, the readiness to make concession was not shared with their party faithful!!!!

Read the Newsletter report here.

Please clarify: did native Americans have a say in establishment of America?

An interesting letter in response to typical Irish Republican lies!

Read the letter to the Editor of the Newsletter here.

Judge dismisses Northern Ireland same-sex marriage case

Read the BBC report here.

Judge who dismissed same-sex marriages challenges says courts cannot change law

This is good news indeed. However, we tremble at the thought of this matter being in the hands of the unprincipled politicians at Stormont to whom staying in office ranks above every other consideration!!

Read the Newsletter report here.


Looking back on life, we become aware that behind the decisions that were made in years past where many interwoven influences and events, all of which served to move one’s mind in a certain direction and bring about a crossroads decision that had a major impact upon our future life.

So it was with me and my wife Ann concerning Christian Education. I am going to employ the letters A, B and C in the three points I wish to set before you.

I. We were ALARMED as parents by what children were being taught in the state school.
My wife trained to be a teacher of French, German and Latin but because of her membership of the Free Presbyterian Church was unable to obtain a post. Her experience in Enniskillen Girls Collegiate School illustrates this well. She was invited to take up a post and even introduced to some staff members as a new appointee. The headmistress then, seeing her engagement ring, discovered that she was to marry me. When she returned to the school a few days later to prepare for teaching she was told that the school committee had not endorsed her appointment. That was the sort of discrimination carried out against Free Presbyterians back in 1967!

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The chief constable is using the term ‘equal marriage,’ which is politically loaded

A very good letter to the Editor of the Newsletter but we can have little expectation of a sensible, truthful reply from the Chief Constable of what is now a seriously compromised and discredited police force.

Read the letter here.

Alex Kane: DUP is preparing to change direction once again

How contemptible to be such a slave of public opinion as to abandon Christian principles loudly and repeatedly professed!!

Read the Irish News column here.

Prince George ‘gay icon’ claim sick and outrageous: MLA

This exposes the true nature of the sodomite. IT IS the source of paedophilia though the sodomite lobby vehemently deny this.

Read the Newsletter report here.

Read a Belfast Telegraph report here.

Pastor John MacArthur Answers: Is It Sinful to Provide Services for a Gay Wedding?

John MacArthur fails to distinguish between business encounters with sodomites unawares and that of knowingly and consciously becoming involved in the promoting and endorsing of sodomy as was the case with the Ashers Bakery.

Paul has a word on this matter: “I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat,” 1 Corinthians 5:9-11.

Albert Barnes explains these words so: ‘In my direction not “to company” with them, I did not mean that you should refuse all kinds of intercourse with them; that you should not treat them with civility, or be engaged with them in any of the transactions of life, or in the ordinary intercourse of society between man and man, for this would be impossible; but that you should not so associate with them as to be esteemed to belong to them, or so as to be corrupted by their example. You are not to make them companions and friends.’

Read the Christian Post report here.

A poor deceived mother defends her depraved sodomite sons

Comments on a mother of sodomite sons open letter to Jim Wells

Read the newspaper article here

How Jim Wells answers the letter addressed to him by a mother of two sodomite sons is entirely his affair and I do not seek to answer for him. However, the woman makes some very foolish and erroneous claims regarding God’s attitude to sodomy. These must be confronted and refuted for they are very wrong and entirely blasphemous.

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‘Fairy curse’ behind dips in Irish road – Danny Healy-Rae

Pagan lunacy alive and well in popish Ireland!!! Read the BBC news report here.

There’s nothing wrong with being gay, says DUP councillor

What say the professing Christian fellow DUP councillors?!

We know what God says about this matter:

“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them,” Leviticus 20:13.

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind (sodomites), nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.

If there is nothing wrong with being “gay”, to use the euphemistic term so loved of those who hate the Bible’s description of this wicked lifestyle, why does God declare that they will not enter heaven unless they repent and forsake this wickedness???

Read the Newsletter report here.

Read a Belfast Telegraph article here.

DUP MP’s ‘surprising’ Pride message

The main issue in this article is the support for the sodomite ‘Gay Pride’ parade by DUP ‘new girl’, Emma Little-Pengelly. She defies God’s Word when she says that that sodomites should “be able to live a proud life”. There should be no pride taken in disobeying God and embarking upon a lifestyle so repugnant to God.

Her view is an indication of the DUP’s swing toward supporting the sodomite call for ‘marriage’ rights. She has been prominent since her introduction to the DUP ‘upper echelon’ and her election as a Westminster MP.

As stated in a previous news link, the signs are there that the DUP will soon shift its position.

As a professing Christian, Jim Wells, quoted in the article, will have to do more than express ‘surprise’ at her attitude. Utter condemnation is called for at the very least.

To remain faithful to God, his sojourn in the DUP must end soon. That is the challenge for the Christians within the DUP’s ranks of elected representatives and supporters??

Former DUP councillor, Ruth Patterson is quoted as saying: “At the end of the day, who are we to judge anyone and the way they live their lives?” Christians use the same authority to condemn sodomy as is used when condemning murder and terrorism, something Ruth Patterson has not been slow to do, the Word of God!

Read the Newsletter report here.

Further reading:

Martin Luther, Catholicism and the Practice of Sodomy

by Ian Brown

Is it true that Martin Luther, in his denunciations of the Roman Catholic Church, claimed that Popes and priests commonly practised sodomy?


In fact, Luther’s statements on this subject made John the Baptist’s accusation against Herod’s adultery seem trivial compared to the corruption among the Roman clergy. Read more

Letter of protest to Chief Constable

Below is a letter from Rev Ian Brown of Martys Memorial Free Presbyterian Church Protesting to Chief Constable at the presence of serving officers in the sodomite parade in Belfast.

Martyrs Memorial Church
4 August 2017

Dear Chief Constable Hamilton,

Though previous participation by serving officers in your police force in the annual ‘Gay Pride’ parade through Belfast City should have prepared me for this year’s new development of officers parading in the uniform of the PSNI, I am still extremely shocked.

Irrespective of who is the designated target I have no desire to see hate crimes of any nature being committed or defended within my country, however the nature of the police involvement in this event generates serious concern on a number of levels.

Respect for public decency
In any other circumstances, the inappropriate attire and activities of a significant number of those who have comprised this parade on all former occasions would constitute a gross infringement of public decency. The overt and vulgar sexual imagery that has been typical of the previous parades your officers have policed in the past should have alerted you to the fact that this is not an appropriate event with which any of your personnel should identify while in official uniform. To reach a decision that there is justification for some of your officers and vehicles becoming an integral part of a parade that has annually displayed placards containing vicious verbal assaults on true biblical religion and mercilessly castigated political figures in our province is nothing short of an outrage and besmirches the reputation of the PSNI which is meant to behave as a politically neutral organisation.

Expectation of true equality
It is not at all reassuring to Bible-believing Christians to note that responses to earlier letters of complaint appear to invoke the actions of other police forces in the United Kingdom which have explained participation in similar events as being based on a policing purpose – especially since a significant number of those police forces have been to the forefront in recently attempting to prosecute Christian preachers on the basis of alleged hate crimes when they have merely mentioned the verdict of Holy Scripture on the practice of homosexuality. The resources invested in these vacuous cases and the almost invariable rejection of them by the judiciary simply serve to emphasise the incredible bias inherent in many of our police forces in addressing this issue. The policy being pursued by the PSNI at this event has the effect, not of equalising our society, but of elevating a miniscule percentage of it into a special category that is afforded privileges and protections not available to others. By so explicitly tying your uniform and badge to this special interest grouping will undoubtedly further ostracise those who mount a legitimate protest against what the Bible teaches is a promotion of moral decadence.

I send this letter with little expectation that the practice which you have adopted with respect to this parade will be altered. However you should be reminded that the Word of God is the ultimate unalterable authority and, no matter how you express your identification with a practice that He so consistently condemns, His sovereign purpose will inevitably hold sway in the affairs of men; Jeremiah 14:10: “Thus saith the LORD unto this people, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore the LORD doth not accept them; He will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sins.”

Yours sincerely,

Ian Brown.

Minister, Martyrs Memorial Free Presbyterian Church, Belfast.

Leo Varadkar: (Dublin Prime Minister) NI same-sex marriage ‘only a matter of time’

The ground is being prepared for a total political sell-out on this issue. All the major political parties in NI are in favour of this wickedness with the exception of the DUP, which at best can be seen by its present silence, as becoming ever more equivocal!

The Traditional Unionist Party has raised its voice of opposition.

There is nothing equivocal about God’s Word on this matter and it ALONE is our rule of faith and practice.

Sadly, there is no real organised, concerted opposition by Christians to the sodomite campaign.

Read the BBC news report here.

Photos of Free Presbyterian protest at sodomite parade in Belfast, 5th August 2017.

Letter to Belfast Newsletter in response to former senior police officer’s support for sodomite marriage and participation of policemen in “gay parade”!! (which he seems to have ignored!)


Former Assistant Chief Constable Alan McQuillan, speaking in favour of PSNI members participating in this year’s sodomite “Gay Pride” march and also in support of sodomite marriage, says: “people should have the right to live as they want” (Belfast Newsletter, 4th August 2017).

That is a strange sentiment for an ex-senior police officer! Read more

A Message from 31 years ago which is still relevant today: Christian Schools and the Future of Free Presbyterianism

A message preached by Rev Ivan Foster at the 2nd Seminar on Christian Education, held in Martyrs’ Memorial Church, Belfast, as part of the annual Easter Convention, March 29th, 1986.

“If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore,” Psalm 132:12.

In 1978 the Presbytery of Ulster of the Free Presbyterian Church heard a request from Rev. Ivan Foster to consider the need for Christian schools. Following a discussion a delegation of ministers and elders met officials of the Department of Education.
The outcome of the meeting was a recommendation to Presbytery that permission be granted to any church that wished to start a school. The Presbytery agreed in principle and appointed a Presbytery Education Board, chaired by Rev. Foster, to supervise the new missionary enterprise.

In September of the next year, Kilskeery Church started the first Free Presbyterian school.

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PSNI chief ‘should step in’ over uniformed officers in Gay Pride parade says Jim Allister.

It is distressing to note the silence of professing Christian politicians on this matter and we are thankful for the stand taken by Mr. Allister. Read the Newsletter report here.

PSNI chief: Uniformed officers should march in Gay Pride parade

Society’s anti-christian, pro-sodomite bias epitomised in Deputy Chief Constable Drew Harris’s comment regarding policemen in uniform taking part in an anti-sodomite march!!!!

“However, he said the PSNI was “unlikely” to allow uniformed officers to take part in a Christian march that expressed a view that homosexuality was a sin.”

Where is the voice of the Christian Police association??? Read the Newsletter report here.