The following article has appeared in today’s Belfast Newsletter.
This decision by the ‘Parades Commission’ indicates the sympathy with which everything linked to the ‘LGBT lifestyle’ is held by those in power. All that the ‘LGBTites’ do and desire is held to be ‘sacrosanct’ by those who come under the umbrella of the ‘status quo’!
Increasingly, over the last decade in particular, the perverted campaign mounted by those who would live in utter defiance of all things decent and that ordered by the God of Heaven, have been given carte blanche regarding all they wish to see the rest of society, the vast majority of society, concede to them.
Their views and evil practices have been enshrouded in legal protections and sanctions.
Basically, it is deemed a ‘hate crime’ to say of them and to them what the Lord, the Judge of all the earth, Who alone can only do right? (Genesis 18:25), has said is the unalterable and eternal consequences for those who give themselves to this wickedness.
In truth, though the ‘Pride’ organisers would never believe this, it is the greatest kindness that could be shown to these defiers of God when thy are plainly told from God’s Word of the harvest that awaits them for their rebellion!
Little do the ‘Parades Commission’ realise that they are denying, not the Christians who wish to witness against this wicked event, but a merciful warning from those who are wrongly deemed disturbers of the peace and potential instigators of disorder, to those parading and flaunting God’s Law!
What is happening bears out the recent headline in the ‘Times’ newspaper.
Civil servants are losing faith in Christianity
August 17 2023, 7.00pm.
We have become a nation of fools!
“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good,” Psalm 14:1.
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
Foyle Pride: United Christian Witness protestors believe Parades Commission broken new ground in moving ‘a Christian witness’ due to ‘threat of violence’
Protestors against the Foyle Pride parade believe the Parades Commission may have broken new ground in moving “a Christian Witness” to a different location due to “the threat of violence”.
By Philip Bradfield
Belfast Newsletter – 21st Aug 2023.
The Parades Commission has imposed conditions on the United Christian Witness group which plans to protest at the Foyle Pride parade in Londonderry on Saturday.
Two groups and one individual have been granted permission to protest at the parade.
United Christian Witness – which intends to protest to “declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ which states that the LGBT lifestyle is a sin and not to be celebrated” – had applied to protest at Guildhall Square where the Pride parade will culminate and celebrants gather for music and entertainment.

The Parades Commission has decided that the protest must now take place at Richmond Chambers in the Diamond, that it must not follow the parade and should disperse by 3pm.In its ruling, the commission said that it “… believes that, should the protest take place without conditions, there may be an adverse impact on community relations, on community life and a potential for public disorder.”
It said that representation was received from a number of sources immediately after last year’s parade, expressing “significant concerns about the conduct of the protestors”.
“The behaviour complained of was viewed as unnecessarily provocative and risked escalating into public disorder and a breach of the peace. Concerns have been raised about the location of the protest in Guildhall Square.
“This is the point of dispersal of the parade and, last year, resulted in protestors coming into direct contact with parade participants and festival goers.
“Representations were received confirming this aggravated the risk of public disorder. In consideration of all the information and evidence, the Commission has determined that, should the protest take place at the notified location, there is a substantial risk of public disorder.
“The Commission has determined that the protest must be located on the footpath outside Richmond Chambers, located in the Diamond. The Commission also emphasises the requirement for the protest group’s compliance with its Code of Conduct.
“The Commission is satisfied that the conditions imposed are necessary, proportionate and fair.”
However the group naming itself as United Christian Witness strongly criticised the ruling. In a post on social media it said that the commission “has forced a Christian Witness to be moved due to the threat of violence or potential public disorder”.
It added: “In Northern Ireland we are well aware of such actions being taken in relation to Loyal Order Parades, Loyalist Parades or even Republican Parades but the Gospel outreach is now being treated in a similar manner.
It seems in Northern Ireland there is now a new battleground which traditionally was between Catholic and Protestant Culture but is now between Born Again Christians and the LGBT Political movement.
“This is rather strange because the Gospel witness causes no harm to anyone, the LGBT movement have a strap line ‘Love is Love’ yet it seems this love is only afforded to those who agree with them.
“Where is the tolerance? Where is the Love? Peace, Justice and Real Love can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ and this is whom we wish to share on the streets of Northern Ireland and further afield.”
The Parades Commission has been invited to comment.
Foyle Pride is also being approached for comment.