This sermon by Dr Paisley in his heyday, the Sabbath morning of 25th May 1969, was sent to me by Rev Stephen Hamilton a few days ago. I felt that there was no better way to start a new month than by sharing it with you all.
Brother Hamilton says that he was ten-years old when it was preached and that he would have been at the service with his parents. What a privilege was enjoyed by those present to hear such preaching.
As I listened to the sermon from almost 56 years ago, I rejoiced to hear again the setting forth of the doctrines of ‘the whole counsel of God’, rarely heard today.
I was especially touched by his mention in his closing prayer of his planned visit to ‘Trillick’, that Sabbath afternoon. I can remember well that gathering in a field belonging to the Wilson family, just over a mile from the church that is now here in Kilskeery, for I took part in the meeting.
I solemnly listened with thanksgiving to the boldness and knowledge and discernment, evidenced in the message, that was so common amongst us back in those days.
But as I listened to what I can rightly term ‘prophetic’ utterances by the servant of God long ago, regarding the consequences of unfaithfulness and departures from ‘the old paths’, my heart trembled for the Free Presbyterian Church today.
The picture that Dr Paisley paints of the repercussions that follow drifting and retreat from the ‘good way’, is evidenced before the eyes of those prepared to honestly assess our present spiritual condition.
But the essence of what the sermon sets forth is the means by which we can recover our former faithfulness and power and blessing.
Dear Christian, listen prayerfully and humbly to this sermon, preached under the blessing and power of God.
Ivan Foster