You are Invited …

Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church

Special Week of Meetings

On the theme of:


April Lord’s Day 16th – Friday 21st

Lord’s Day 11.30 am – Rev James Porter

(Interim Moderator)

7.00 pm – Rev Gordon Ferguson

(Former member of Lisbellaw FPC)

Monday 8.00 pm – Rev John Woods

(Former member of Kilskeery FPC)

Tuesday 8.00 pm – Rev Brian McClung

(Minister of Newtownabbey FPC)

Wednesday 8.00 pm – Rev Gordon Dane

(Former member of Lisbellaw FPC)

Thursday 8.00 pm – Rev Ivan Foster

(Founding minister of Kilskeery FPC)

At this service he will mark the 55th anniversary of his ordination and installation in Lisbellaw FPC, Saturday April 20th, 1968. He had pioneered that work from February 1967.

Friday 8.00 pm – Rev John Armstrong

(Minister of Dungannon FPC and Moderator of the Presbytery)

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1.

All are welcome to the services
or to join in via Facebook