WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS – The differing views of men and the Lord!

Gregory Campbell, MP East Londonderry


“‭Now‭ the Spirit‭ speaketh‭‭ expressly‭, that‭ in‭ the latter‭ times‭ some‭ shall depart from‭‭ the faith‭, giving heed‭‭ to seducing‭ spirits‭, and‭ doctrines‭ of devils‭;‭ ‭Speaking lies‭ in‭ hypocrisy‭; having‭‭ their‭ conscience‭ seared with a hot iron‭‭;‭ ‭forbidding‭‭ to marry‭‭, ‭and commanding‭ to abstain from‭‭ meats‭, which‭ God‭ hath created‭‭ to‭ be received‭ with‭ thanksgiving‭ of them which believe‭ and‭ know‭‭ the truth‭.‭ ‭For‭ every‭ creature‭ of God‭ ‭is‭ good‭, and‭ nothing‭ to be refused‭, if it be received‭‭ with‭ thanksgiving‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 1 Timothy 4:1-4.

“‭This‭ know‭‭ also‭, that‭ in‭ the last‭ days‭ perilous‭ times‭ shall come‭‭.‭ ‭For‭ men‭ shall be‭‭ lovers of their own selves‭, covetous‭, boasters‭, proud‭, blasphemers‭, disobedient‭ to parents‭, unthankful‭, unholy‭,‭ ‭without natural affection‭, trucebreakers‭, false accusers‭, incontinent‭, fierce‭, despisers of those that are good‭,‭ ‭traitors‭, heady‭, highminded‭‭, lovers of pleasures‭ more‭ than‭ lovers of God‭;‭ ‭having‭‭ a form‭ of godliness‭, but‭ denying‭‭ the power‭ thereof‭: from‭ such‭ turn away‭‭.‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

“‭I‭ charge‭‭ ‭thee‭ therefore‭ before‭ God‭, and‭ the Lord‭ Jesus‭ Christ‭, who‭ shall‭‭ judge‭‭ the quick‭‭ and‭ the dead‭ at‭ his‭ appearing‭ and‭ his‭ kingdom‭;‭ ‭Preach‭‭ the word‭; be instant‭‭ in season‭, out of season‭; reprove‭‭, rebuke‭‭, exhort‭‭ with‭ all‭ longsuffering‭ and‭ doctrine‭.‭ ‭For‭ the time‭ will come‭‭ when‭ they will‭‭ not‭ endure‭‭ sound‭‭ doctrine‭; but‭ after‭ their own‭ lusts‭ shall they heap‭‭ to themselves‭ teachers‭, having itching‭‭ ears‭;‭ ‭And‭ they shall turn away‭‭‭ ‭their‭ ears‭ from‭ the truth‭, and‭ shall be turned‭‭ unto‭ fables‭.‭ ‭But‭ watch‭‭ thou‭ in‭ all things‭, endure afflictions‭‭, do‭‭ the work‭ of an evangelist‭, make full proof‭‭ of thy‭ ministry‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬  2 Timothy 4:1-5.

“‭This‭ second‭ epistle‭, beloved‭, I‭‭ now‭ write‭‭ unto you‭; in‭ ‭both‭ which‭ I stir up‭‭ your‭ pure‭ minds‭ by way‭ of remembrance‭:‭ ‭that ye may be mindful‭‭ of the words‭ which were spoken before‭‭ by‭ the holy‭ prophets‭, and‭ of the commandment‭ of us‭ the apostles‭ of the Lord‭ and‭ Saviour‭:‭ ‭knowing‭‭ this‭ first‭, that‭ there shall come‭‭ in‭ the last‭ days‭ scoffers‭, walking‭‭ after‭ their‭ own‭ lusts‭,‭ ‭and‭ saying‭‭, Where‭ is‭‭ the promise‭ of his‭ coming‭? for‭ since‭‭ the fathers‭ fell asleep‭‭, all things‭ continue‭‭‭ as ‭they were‭ from‭ the beginning‭ of the creation‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬  2 Peter 3:1-4.



We must build a better future for our people, those we agree with and those we disagree with.”

(Gregory Campbell, Democratic Unionist Party MP, just elected ahead of the Sinn Fein candidate by 179 votes)

When illness overtakes a loved one, amongst their friends there is the hope and prayer that a recovery will take place and a healing wrought by the mercy of the Lord. But as deterioration continues, it becomes evident that recovery is becoming less likely for, in the providence of God, life’s ‘allotted span’ is coming to an end.

For the child of God of course there is the glorious hope of being carried into the immediate presence of the Lord and the end of all of earth’s woes, trials and sorrows.

It is not so for those who must face death in their sin. For them it is as was the case with the rich man in the Saviour’s account of his death. “‭T‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭he rich man‭ also‭‭ died‭‭, and‭ was buried‭‭;‭ ‭and‭ in‭ hell‭ he lift up‭‭ his‭ eyes‭, being‭‭ in‭ torments‭,‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Luke 16:22-23.

This world is as the ‘rich man’, a rejector of the merciful offer in the gospel of Christ. Christ plainly stated the eternal destinations of the believer and the unbeliever. “‭He that believeth‭‭ on‭ the Son‭ hath‭‭ everlasting‭ life‭: and‭ he that believeth not‭‭ the Son‭ shall‭‭ not‭ see‭‭ life‭; but‭ the wrath‭ of God‭ abideth‭‭ on‭ him‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ John 3:36.

Mankind is collectively travelling down the dark path that ends in hell for, with the exception of the small remnant of believers amongst the nations, there is a universal rejection of the Word of God and an increasing embracing of every form of perversions and evil practice that depraved man can invent.

After some 6000 years of mercy rejected I believe the ‘day of grace’ for the sinner in this age is drawing to a close. Of that inescapable day, both for individuals and for mankind generally, the Lord has repeatedly warned throughout the scriptures.

“‭Because I have called‭‭, and ye refused‭‭; I have stretched out‭‭ my hand‭, and no man regarded‭‭;‭ ‭but ye have set at nought‭‭ all my counsel‭, and would‭‭ none of my reproof‭:‭ ‭I also will laugh‭‭ at your calamity‭; I will mock‭‭ when your fear‭ cometh‭‭;‭ ‭when your fear‭ cometh‭‭ as desolation‭‭‭, and your destruction‭ cometh‭‭ as a whirlwind‭; when distress‭ and anguish‭ cometh‭‭ upon you.‭ ‭Then shall they call‭‭ upon me, but I will not answer‭‭; they shall seek me early‭‭, but they shall not find‭‭ me:‭ ‭for that they hated‭‭ knowledge‭, and did not choose‭‭ the fear‭ of the LORD‭:‭ ‭they would‭‭ none of my counsel‭: they despised‭‭ all my reproof‭.‭ ‭Therefore shall they eat‭‭ of the fruit‭ of their own way‭, and be filled‭‭ with their own devices‭.‭ ‭For the turning away‭ of the simple‭ shall slay‭‭ them, and the prosperity‭ of fools‭ shall destroy‭‭ them.‭ ‭But whoso hearkeneth‭‭ unto me shall dwell‭‭ safely‭, and shall be quiet‭‭ from fear‭ of evil‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Proverbs 1:24-33.

Ulster, after a generation of plain warnings of the wickedness of ‘Ecumenism’ and its drive to reunite Protestantism with Popery, has persisted in following the deceivers and charlatans who lead the main denominations away from God and His Word.

Ulster is today eligible for the dreadful denunciations which fell on Judah from the lips of Jeremiah, God’s servant.

“‭Moreover the word‭ of the LORD‭ came to me, saying‭‭,‭ ‭Go‭‭ and cry‭‭ in the ears‭ of Jerusalem‭, saying‭‭, Thus saith‭‭ the LORD‭; I remember‭‭ thee, the kindness‭ of thy youth‭, the love‭ of thine espousals‭, when thou wentest‭‭ after‭ me in the wilderness‭, in a land‭ ‭that was‭ not sown‭‭.‭ ‭Israel‭ ‭was‭ holiness‭ unto the LORD‭, ‭and‭ the firstfruits‭ of his increase‭: all that devour‭‭ him shall offend‭‭; evil‭ shall come‭‭ upon them, saith‭ the LORD‭.‭ ‭Hear‭‭ ye the word‭ of the LORD‭, O house‭ of Jacob‭, and all the families‭ of the house‭ of Israel‭:‭ ‭thus saith‭‭ the LORD‭, What iniquity‭ have your fathers‭ found‭‭ in me, that they are gone far‭‭ from me, and have walked‭‭ after‭ vanity‭, and are become vain‭‭?‭ ‭Neither said‭‭ they, Where ‭is‭ the LORD‭ that brought us up‭‭ out of the land‭ of Egypt‭, that led‭‭ us through the wilderness‭, through a land‭ of deserts‭ and of pits‭, through a land‭ of drought‭, and of the shadow of death‭, through a land‭ that no man‭ passed through‭‭, and where no man‭ dwelt‭‭?‭ ‭And I brought‭‭ you into a plentiful‭ country‭, to eat‭‭ the fruit‭ thereof and the goodness‭ thereof; but when ye entered‭‭, ye defiled‭‭ my land‭, and made‭‭ mine heritage‭ an abomination‭.‭ ‭The priests‭ said‭‭ not, Where ‭is‭ the LORD‭? and they that handle‭‭ the law‭ knew‭‭ me not: the pastors‭‭ also transgressed‭‭ against me, and the prophets‭ prophesied‭‭ by Baal‭, and walked‭‭ after‭ ‭things that‭ do not profit‭‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Jeremiah 2:1-8.

“‭Hath a nation‭ changed‭‭ ‭their‭ gods‭, which ‭are‭ yet no gods‭? but my people‭ have changed‭‭ their glory‭ for ‭that which‭ doth not profit‭‭.‭ ‭Be astonished‭‭, O ye heavens‭, at this, and be horribly afraid‭‭, be ye very‭ desolate‭‭, saith‭ the LORD‭.‭ ‭For my people‭ have committed‭‭ two‭ evils‭; they have forsaken‭‭ me the fountain‭ of living‭ waters‭, ‭and‭ hewed them out‭‭ cisterns‭, broken‭‭ cisterns‭, that can hold‭‭ no water‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Jeremiah 2:11-13.

Who can deny that the same pattern of rejection is evident in Ulster over the last half century!

I suggest the thoughts of ‘a better future for our people’ in the wake of the general election that has just taken place, with the resultant fallen crowns and humbled egos of many who dared to fly in the face of God’s truth and who defied the Holy Scriptures, are akin to that born of the blindness afflicting Judah in the days of Jeremiah!

I believe that it is vain and foolish to speak of ‘a better future for our people’ in the wake of the international defiance of God that is everywhere evident. Building ‘Babylon’, for that is what nations and false religions are busily engaged in at present, will NOT bring about ‘a better future for our people’! Rather, such boasts and claims display an ignorance of the plain warnings of God — that what a man and a nation sows it will reap (Galatians 6:7-8). Our land is enthusiastically embracing those practices which God abominates and following the false prophets of ecumenism and popery and the other cults and religious ‘deceits’ dear to foolish men, and it can only lead down the road to a Christ-free future!

The DUP of Mr Gregory Campbell, has abandoned its former avowed belief in God’s truth and has pursued the promotion of the vilest of today’s innovations. Within its ranks sodomy, lesbianism and the various derivatives of these two perversions, have found support. At least one of its local council representatives is a pervert yet she has been repeated endorsed by the party and its followers. The recent election surely was a demonstration of God’s disapproval of the DUP’s defiance of Him!

Such a party cannot lead a people to ‘a better future for our people’ but rather to will lead them to a disastrous confrontation with the Lord of Glory which can have only one outcome for those who put their trust in such empty and deceitful and arrogant claims.

The devil, when he tempted the Saviour, took “‭‭‭‭‭him‭ up‭‭ into‭ an exceeding‭ high‭ mountain‭, and‭ sheweth‭‭ him‭ all‭ the kingdoms‭ of the world‭, and‭ the glory‭ of them‭;‭ ‭and‭ saith‭‭ unto him‭, All‭ these things‭ will I give‭‭ thee‭, if‭ thou wilt fall down‭‭ and worship‭‭ me‭.‭ ‭Then‭ saith‭‭ Jesus‭ unto him‭, Get thee hence‭‭, Satan‭: for‭ it is written‭‭, Thou shalt worship‭‭ the Lord‭ thy‭ God‭, and‭ him‭ only‭ shalt thou serve‭‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Matthew 4:8-10. The Saviour recognised the emptiness of the devil’s promise and the blasphemous nature of his demand and dismissed him with a rebuke from God’s Word.

To speak of building ‘a better future for our people’ on the basis of the rebellious, God-defying policies of the Democratic Unionist Party, or any other of the schemes blinded men are claiming will bring better times, is to attempt to build a house upon sand. When the inevitable “‭‭rain‭ descended‭‭, and‭ the floods‭ came‭‭, and‭ the winds‭ blew‭‭, and‭ beat upon‭‭ that‭ house‭; and‭ it fell‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬,”‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭ ‭great‭ will be‭‭ the fall‭ of it‭, ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬Matthew 7:27.

Mankind’s plans for “‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭Peace‭, peace‭; when ‭there is‭ no peace‭‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ (Jeremiah 6:14) will have a much publicised end. God has plainly told us how the vain efforts of those who reject Christ’s Word and try to build ‘a better future for our people’ will end.

Here is but one such revelation.

“‭And‭ after‭ these things‭ I saw‭‭ another‭ angel‭ come down‭‭ from‭ heaven‭, having‭‭ great‭ power‭; and‭ the earth‭ was lightened‭‭ with‭ his‭ glory‭.‭ ‭And‭ he cried‭‭ mightily‭ with‭ a strong‭ voice‭, saying‭‭, Babylon‭ the great‭ is fallen‭‭, is fallen‭‭, and‭ is become‭‭ the habitation‭ of devils‭, and‭ the hold‭ of every‭ foul‭ spirit‭, and‭ a cage‭ of every‭ unclean‭ and‭ hateful‭‭ bird‭.‭ ‭For‭ all‭ nations‭ have drunk‭‭ of‭ the wine‭ of the wrath‭ of her‭ fornication‭, and‭ the kings‭ of the earth‭ have committed fornication‭‭ with‭ her‭, and‭ the merchants‭ of the earth‭ are waxed rich‭‭ through‭ the abundance‭ of her‭ delicacies‭.‭ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭And‭ I heard‭‭ another‭ voice‭ from‭ heaven‭, saying‭‭, Come‭‭ out of‭ her‭, my‭ people‭, that‭‭ ye be‭‭ not‭ partakers‭‭ of her‭ sins‭, and‭ that‭‭ ye receive‭‭ not‭ of‭ her‭ plagues‭.‭ ‭For‭ her‭ sins‭ have reached‭‭‭‭‭ unto‭ heaven‭, and‭ God‭ hath remembered‭‭ her‭ iniquities‭.‭ ‭Reward‭‭ her‭ even‭ as‭ she‭ rewarded‭‭ you‭, and‭ double‭‭ unto her‭ double‭ according to‭ her‭ works‭: in‭ the cup‭ which‭ she hath filled‭‭ fill‭‭ to her‭ double‭.‭ ‭How much‭ she hath glorified‭‭ herself‭, and‭ lived deliciously‭‭, so much‭ torment‭ and‭ sorrow‭ give‭‭ her‭: for‭ she saith‭‭ in‭ her‭ heart‭, I sit‭‭ a queen‭, and‭ am‭‭ no‭ widow‭, and‭ shall see‭‭ no‭ sorrow‭.‭ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭Therefore‭‭ shall‭‭ her‭ plagues‭ come‭‭ in‭ one‭ day‭, death‭, and‭ mourning‭, and‭ famine‭; and‭ she shall be utterly burned‭‭ with‭ fire‭: for‭ strong‭ ‭is‭ the Lord‭ God‭ who‭ judgeth‭‭ her‭.‭ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭‭And‭ the kings‭ of the earth‭, who‭ have committed fornication‭‭ and‭ lived deliciously‭‭ with‭ her‭, shall bewail‭‭ her‭, and‭ lament‭‭ for‭ her‭, when‭ they shall see‭‭ the smoke‭ of her‭ burning‭,‭ ‭standing‭‭ afar‭ off‭ for‭ the fear‭ of her‭ torment‭, saying‭‭, Alas‭, alas‭, that great‭ city‭ Babylon‭, that mighty‭ city‭! for‭ in‭ one‭ hour‭ is‭‭ thy‭ judgment‭ come‭‭.‭ ‭And‭ the merchants‭ of the earth‭ shall weep‭‭ and‭ mourn‭‭ over‭ her‭; for‭ no man‭ buyeth‭‭ their‭ merchandise‭ any more‭,‭”‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Revelation 18:1-11.

Here are the politicians and the merchants who swallowed the lie of the devil and pressed it upon their supporters, suffering the consequences of their rejection of God’s truth.

Mr Campbell is a professing Christian and it is all the more reprehensible for him to speak of building ‘a better future for our people’ by the putting into practice the policies of his party when those policies bear all the marks of the ‘Babylonianism’ which God says has it nemesis in everlasting damnation.

Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
Saturday 6th July 2024