The Christian’s Past, Pt2
Scripture: Eph 2:1-3
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1. In the company of sinners. Verses 2-3. Among whom etc. Notice the words “we all.” Two companies of people in this world. “And being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them,” Acts 4:23. Psalm 1:1-2.
2. In the course of this world. We lived according to the ways of the age we were in. We follow the crowd. “Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind,” verse 3.
3. In the control of Satan. Verse 2. This is an alarming and sinister truth. The devil rules the hearts of men. He is the “prince of this world,” John 14:30. He is the “god of this world,” 2 Cors 4:4. “And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” 1 John 5:19. The picture is of an infant cradled in the arms. So sinners lie contented in the arms of the “wicked one.” How willingly sinners follow Satan’s devices and deceits to the damnation of their souls.
Being “children of disobedience” we became “children of wrath.”
1. Note that we are by nature children of wrath. The phrase means “by birth.” We were born sinners under the wrath of God. This is the result of Adam’s transgression. We have inherited his sinful nature and the condemnation under which his fall brought all his posterity.
2. A right understanding of this truth we cause the sinner to see their need of Christ. Christ is not an accessory without which we can get along very successfully. No, being under God’s wrath we need a Redeemer Who can deliver us from that wrath.
3. It explains why Christ suffered at the cross. He endured what His people deserved to endure. The sufferings of Christ were more than that which was visible to man. He bore the wrath of God for His people.
Reject Him and you will bear that wrath throughout eternity.