The Lost Sheep, #11.
Scripture: Luke 15:1-7.
Stream or download The Parables #87
I. Notice what the Lord did in order to find the lost sinner.
1. He had to ‘leave’ the 99. What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? To ‘leave’ is like the setting up of a home. Matt 19:5.
2. Just who are the 99? They are commonly considered other members of His flock, believers in other words. I am not so sure that this is so. Others consider them the ungodly who consider themselves in no need of redemption.
I reject both views.
I believe that we have a picture of the Saviour leaving His Father’s house and those wonderful heavenly, angelic creatures who are sinless and therefore in no need of repentance, in order to come to earth to save His elect.
Consider these verses:- Hebrews 12:2-3; John 17:5, Philippians 2:7. Here is the Saviour leaving behind His glory and the glorious company of Heaven. The angelic hosts are his flock which He has created and loves as well, Col 1:16.