The sodomite leader of the Irish Republic demonstrates the sanctimonious humbug of Irish republican politics.
A BBC report on a recent spat sparked by a Sinn Fein motion of no confidence in the Irish Justice Minister, had this headline.
Sinn Féin unfit to lead due to IRA past – Varadkar
The report states:
“Mr Varadkar called for a sense of proportion, balance and unity in times of crisis.
“The Sinn Féin motion of no confidence was a political stunt. Unnecessary and counterproductive,” he said.
“Sinn Féin has talked a lot about the horrific events unfolding in the Middle East and rightly so. But they will not acknowledge war crimes that may have happened in this country,” he continued.
“Crimes committed in our name by terrorists the Irish people always rejected. Crimes like the Enniskillen and Warrington bombings in which children were killed.” The taoiseach also noted the IRA murders of Garda Jerry McCabe, Patrick Kelly and Brian Stack.
“That’s why we cannot have a Sinn Féin taoiseach, why we cannot have a Sinn Féin justice minister and why we cannot have a Sinn Féin defence minister in the next government or any government,” he added.”
The old adage is, ‘What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander’. That is considered fair and proper but that is not so with Irish politics. What is enforced upon Ulster by the London government at the insistence of Dublin, is here utterly rejected by the Irish Republic’s government.
It must be stated that Sinn Fein/IRA is indeed totally unfitted for government but WHY does Dublin then insist that it be given such a position over those it had terrorised for a generation?
It is simply a case of bitter hatred overriding common sense, a refusing to accept what it seeks to enforce on others!
Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
6th December 2023