Audio sermons
KICS assembly talks.
- Bright and shining lights in the Bible. Kilskeery Independent Christian School will be fully reopened from Monday 31st August and Rev Ivan Foster will continue his School Assembly messages each Tuesday and Thursday DV, starting from from Tuesday 1st September.
- Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31, Part 32, Part 33.
See all the talks in this series here. - Download a zip file of all the recent studies in the Parables here.
- See all the KICS assembly talks listed here
Featured sermon series: The unsearchable riches of Christ.
Studies in the Epistle to the Ephesians
See all messages in this series here.
Recently Added Sermons
Pestilences, one of the marks of this agepreached by Rev. Brian McClung on Sun Sep 27, 2020 with audio and video
Pestilences prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ
preached by Rev. Brian McClung on Sun Sep 27, 2020 with audio and video
Watch Kilskeery Free Presbyterian services live online here
‘Annual Conference Weekend’
(Curtailed due to the ongoing Covid-19 epidemic)
Lord’s Day September 27th
11.30 a.m. and 7.00 p.m.
Guest Preacher: Rev Brian McClung (Newtownabbey FP Church)
Subjects: “Pestilences, one of marks of this age” and “Pestilences prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ”
All are welcome at these services at which social distancing will be observed
Watch the services live online here
Sacked Christian in court
Below is a follow-up to the matter of the lady sacked from her position in a Church of England primary school in England.
The matter is now before a court and this report gives some coverage of the court proceedings. There is a need for Christians to take heed to the spirit that is enveloping the nations and the rejection of Bible religion that is the result.
Note how this woman’s views are called “extreme” and “reactionary” by both the barrister representing the school. Read more…
Further evidence of perverts in control
The following article appears in the Belfast Telegraph of September 21, 2020.
It should be read and prayerfully noted by every Christian and we should all learn from it the direction that things are going in.
This ‘pro-perversion’ movement is no mere transient innovation or passing fad on the part of those who are slaves to that which is ‘politically correct’!
No, it is the latest manifestation of humanity’s departure from God and its rebellion against the order He has ordained.
Anyone who objects to these departures from what is natural and seeks to uphold God’s ordinances will be summarily made to suffer the wrath of the perverted establishment. Read more…
Cookstown ‘anti-sodomite’ protest
Here is a report of yesterday’s Free Presbyterian protest against the shameful pro-sodomite parade in Cookstown, led by the shameless Church of Ireland ‘minister’, Andrew Rawlings.
It is encouraging that amidst the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic there are still those ready to ’Stand up, stand for Jesus’! It is especially heartening to see quite a few young people supporting the witness.
May the following report be a blessing on this Sabbath Day.
Free Presbyterians to Protest against Sodomites
The following article appeared in today’s ‘Belfast Telegraph’.
It reveals the plans of perversion-supporters in Mid-Ulster, led by Church of Ireland ‘minister’, ‘Reverend’ Andrew Rawding, to mount a protest parade in Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, on Saturday 19th at 3.00pm, in support of the moral plague of sodomy that is afflicting the world.
Free Presbyterians plan a counter-protest. Please pray that many will support the effort by their presence and for the Lord’s blessing on their witness against the actions of those who seek to promote the wickedness of sodomites and their allied degenerates. Read more…
Sodom embraced and sanctioned
Below are two articles on the same shameful subject – the nation’s rush to embrace and sanction the wickedness which damned Sodom!!
One report contains the announcement of and the words of rejoicing over the fact that from today a change in the law permits ‘religious ‘same-sex marriages’ in Northern Ireland.
The second report contains a warning from a Christian politician, Mr Jim Wells.
Christian, please take heed to “the signs of the times” as the saviour demands of us, Matthew 16:1-4. The sky is darkening and “the night cometh, when no man can work,” John 9:4.
It is time for God’s people to heed the exhortation of Paul in Romans 13:11-14. Read more…
The ‘tears’ of Martin McGuinness
The following is a report in ‘The Belfast Telegraph’ of a new documentary on the life of Martin McGuinness which is to be shown on RTE on this Wednesday evening. It will serve to show that he was a hypocritical liar who lived to murder and terrorise.
I found it especially grieving that the wife of the late Dr Ian Paisley was quoted as saying: “Baroness Eileen Paisley, the widow of former DUP leader Ian Paisley, with whom McGuinness formed an unlikely friendship, said he “did his best to bring peace and reconciliation and succeeded in a large measure.”
She recalled how he had been “tearful” as he paid his respects to her husband following his death in September 2014. “He bowed his head over the coffin and said to me that he had lost a friend,” she said.
“I thought that said more than anything else that could be said.”
I find these words so impossible to understand, coming especially from one who claims to believe the Bible! For the tears of Martin McGuinness at the coffin of Dr Paisley to be considered in any way genuine, one would have to have seen tears shed over the coffins of the many, many innocent victims, Roman Catholic and Protestant, whose deaths he was responsible for! Read more…
Veteran doctor who lost tribunal after disagreeing with transgenderism ‘disturbed’ by new rules for NI workers
A doctor who found himself out of a job after objecting to transgender terminology says he is “very disturbed” by new rules which effectively compel Northern Irish civil servants to use such terms.
Dr David Mackereth, a Christian physician of 31 years’ experience, said such rules will not end with the Northern Ireland Civil Service, but are likely to start appearing across all workplaces.
He was speaking after the News Letter revealed this week that in 2019, while there was no government in place, officials altered the rule book for the civil service so that all 23,000 workers must use whatever “names and pronouns” a transgender individual wants – and breaching the policy can lead to disciplinary action. Read more…
Northern Ireland Civil Service leaders aid the defiance of God which the so-called ‘Transgenderism’ movement engenders!
The newspaper report that spurred me to write, makes alarming reading. Use transgender pronouns or face possible dismissal: new guidelines for NI’s 23,000 civil servants.
Without any apparent authority, bureaucratic pen-pushers can change the terms of employment for some 23,000 individuals and require them to submit to an ungodly diktat or face the sack!
We are moving ever nearer the day when the profession of Christ and His Law will be outlawed. Read more…