This article on the BBC Northern Ireland website, just could not go by without comment.
I don’t think I have ever seen such appalling, shameful and duplicitous views expressed by a woman!
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster.
Kellie Armstrong: Assembly member left physically sick by abusive images
The following are extracts from the BBC article.
“A Northern Ireland politician said she was left physically sick after receiving images of aborted foetuses moments after being elected.
Police said they were investigating the messages received by Kellie Armstrong.
The Alliance politician, who has spoken about suffering 13 miscarriages, had to leave the count centre to compose herself after receiving the images.
Kellie Armstrong, seen here celebrating with Alliance Party leader Naomi Long, was the first MLA elected in Thursday’s historic election
She said she had been checking her emails and social media messages shortly after her election was announced. ‘I opened what I thought was just another message, making sure I was covering off anything constituents were in contact about,’ she said.
‘There were a lot of congratulatory messages coming through, and then I saw the images.’
‘I don’t need taken back to a time when I was seeing my own children who had died in that sort of state.’”
There is in the BBC report that which requires a comment or two!
(1). How can showing pictures of the abuse suffered by innocent, unborn babies murdered by abortion, be considered abusive?
If that were so, the BBC and other news outlets, are guilty of a similar ‘crime’ by their nightly video reports of the horrific abuse wrought by Russian soldiers upon innocent civilians in Ukraine!
(2). If these images are so disturbing why does Kellie Armstrong support the process and the procedure which brings about such disturbing results as those images pictured?
There is an unreasonableness and an irrationality about such a position that beggars belief!
Kellie Armstrong campaigning for a more liberal abortion law in Northern Ireland
(Left to right) Adrianne Peltz of Amnesty International, Kellie Armstrong of the Alliance Party, David Ford of the Alliance Party, Claire Bailey of the Green Party and Patrick Corrigan of Amnesty International, deliver a petition of 45,000 signatures calling on a change on Northern Ireland’s abortion laws, to the steps of Parliament Buildings in Belfast. This was back in 2016.
(3). Furthermore, if, as she states, she has undergone abortion and does not wish to be reminded by these horrific images of the fate of innocent children suffering at the hands of abortionists, how can she possible explain her pro-abortion stance?
I believe it utterly shameful that this woman publicly expresses, without the least apparent misgivings, such inhumane views.
(4). I would wish to remind her and all like her, that there is a day when she will see, even more graphically, the results of her abortions.
I will give a number of verses just to illustrate that this is a day of which God often refers to in His Word which surely suggests that He would have us ever remember this truth and live in obedience to His Holy Word in the light of that day!
“And he shall judge the world in righteousness, he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness,” Psalm 9:8.
“For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil,” Ecclesiastes 12:14.
“Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead,” Acts 17:31.
“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God,” Romans 14:12.
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad,” Corinthians 5:10.
Note these words in that last verse: “Every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”
Kellie Armstrong happily associates herself with placards which say: ‘MY BODY MY RIGHTS’. She and all who have campaigned under such a banner will discover it was not ‘HER BODY’ to do with as she pleased. She will have to give an account to Christ the Judge regarding that wicked process which she has championed, the pictures of the result of which so offended her, showing her as they do the dreadful death abortion inflicts upon the unborn.
Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
10th May 2022