The odious system of Romanism is set forth in this report, sent to me by a friend.
One question springs to mind suggested by the Pope’s remark. It is : ‘Just how much is too much’?
His words clearly indicate that there is within the Roman Catholic ‘Church’ an acceptable level of sodomy’!
That is utterly opposed to the mind and will of God and indicates that Rome is in truth, a system of ‘antichristianity’!
Everyone guilty of that lifestyle is deemed in God’s eyes as ‘an abomination’. “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination,” Leviticus 18:22.
Paul list this evil as a block to heaven, I Corinthians 6:9-11. It ought to be noted that Paul indicates that such a sin can be pardoned and the guilty delivered by the grace of God.
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster
Pope Francis ‘shocks bishops with remark about gay trainee priests’
The pontiff is alleged to have said there was too much ‘frociaggine’, which translates as ‘faggotry’, among those training for the priesthood
‘The Times’ — Monday May 27 2024, 10.15pm,
Corriere della Sera, Italy’s bestselling daily, confirmed the report, citing bishops who said the Pope’s comment was met with incredulity by the audience. They claimed, however, that it was clear that the Pope, who is Argentinian and was speaking in Italian, was unaware of how offensive the word was in Italian.
The question from bishops about homosexual men entering seminaries followed debate on the subject at a meeting of bishops in November in Assisi, where it was agreed to change the rules, La Repubblica reported.
Up for debate was a previous regulation issued in 2005, which banned men from entering seminaries if they practised homosexuality, had “deeply rooted” homosexual tendencies or supported “gay culture”.
In Assisi, bishops tried to develop a policy since rules from 2016 were deemed subjective and hard to apply. Encouraged by Francis’s noted comments about homosexual people when he said “Who I am to judge?” in response to a question about gay people in 2013, bishops pushed to loosen the regulations, allowing people with homosexual tendencies to enter seminaries as long as they followed the rule of celibacy, La Repubblica reported.
Despite objections from conservative bishops, a majority at the Assisi meeting approved the new rule, which was sent to the Vatican where it is waiting for final approval.
At the May 20 meeting at the Vatican, however, “two or three” bishops asked Francis how they should react if an openly gay candidate applied to enter a seminary.
Francis stressed that the Catholic Church welcomed homosexual people but said they should not be allowed to train for the priesthood due to the risk they would continue to practise homosexuality and be forced to lead a double life after entering the church. He was repeating an argument he previously made in 2018.
He then allegedly added that there was “too much faggotry” in Italian seminaries.
In the 2019 book In the Closet of the Vatican, the French author Frédéric Martel claimed that 60 to 70 per cent of trainee priests in Italian seminaries were gay. He suggested they were conflicted over their homosexuality due to conservative upbringings and hoped to avoid the issue by starting a celibate life.
The church teaches that homosexual acts are “disordered” and Francis has opposed gay marriage but has approved of gay civil unions.
This year the Vatican faced rebellion from conservative bishops around the world after it said priests could bless gay couples, albeit not during the celebration of a civil union between partners.