July 2012

Separation – A doctrine in need of reiteration

Leviticus 20:1-8. This is the substance of a message preached by Rev Ivan Foster on a recent visit to the Czech Republic and Romania.

Separation is no new doctrine. It is not the invention of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster or any other separated denomination.

You are not necessarily living a separated life just because you attend a separated church. There are many who attend services in a denomination which espouses a proper Biblical and separated position regarding the ecumenical movement and the worldly music that increasingly pervades the worship of many churches and yet they themselves do not embrace a holy separated walk with God. They are no more separated unto the Lord than was Judas Iscariot who was associated with the Lord Jesus during the most of His earthly ministry. Read article…

The Second Advent

by Bishop J. C. Ryle.

In language that is both uncomplicated and unambiguous, Bishop Ryle deals with a subject that is so relevant for the Church of Christ today. The indifference of many toward the Bible’s teaching on the Second Advent, the slumbering and sleeping of many regarding the Saviour’s return and the inconsistencies of those who reject a literal interpretation of Scripture prophecies are all dealt ably and graciously by the great man.

“Exclusive Psalmody” — is it commanded of God?

The substance of a submission by Rev. Ivan Foster in his debate with Rev. Angus Stewart of Covenant Protestant Reformed Fellowship, Ballymena, on 14th January 2005. (reprinted from 2005) Click here to read.

Report of Rev. Ivan Foster’s visit to Czech Republic and Romania

Below is an audio report of Rev. Foster’s recent preaching trip to the Czech Republic and Romania. This report was originally broadcast as part of a Heart of the matter programme.

Some photographs from the trip.

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