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KICS assembly talks. Current series: “Bright and shining lights in the Bible”
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- See all the talks in this series here.
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Featured sermon series: The unsearchable riches of Christ.
Studies in the Epistle to the Ephesians
Part 101: Spiritual warfare pt 10; Part 102: Spiritual warfare Pt 11; Part 103: Spiritual warfare Pt 12.; Part 104: Spiritual warfare Pt 13; Part 105: Spiritual warfare pt 14; Part 106: Spiritual warfare pt 15; Part 107: Spiritual warfare pt. 16; Part 108: Spiritual warfare Pt. 17; Part 109: Spiritual warfare Pt 18; Part 110: Spiritual Warfare Pt 19.; Part 111: Spiritual Warfare Pt. 20; Part 112: Paul's concluding words
See all messages in this series here.
Recently Preached Sermons
The soul, a treasure to be guarded, Pt 3preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Fri Jan 22, 2021
The Testimony of Abraham
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Fri Jan 22, 2021 at the January 22, 2021 meeting of the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony (audio and video)
The soul, a treasure to be guarded, Pt 2
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Thu Jan 21, 2021
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The calamity of rejecting the Biblepreached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Mon Apr 1, 2002
The power of the living Bible
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Mon Mar 25, 2002
The Bible's teachings apply to all mankind
preached by Rev. Ivan Foster on Mon Mar 18, 2002
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The betrayal continues
The following article taken from the BBC Northern Ireland news site, highlights the betrayal of Northern Ireland’s Unionists by the deceitful, lying British Government.
The British Army does not now have the freedom to move between Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland. If anything underscores the treacherous impact of the ‘Brexit’ arrangement our British Government made with the EU, in order to placate the Irish Government, Sinn Fein and the stupidity of the DUP when it called, at the behest of money-grabbing merchants, for a ’soft border’, this is it!
Christians need to recognise the gradual shifting of our Province out of the United Kingdom into a United Ireland.
As such, it is a fulfilment of prophecy. Neither Scotland nor the whole of Ireland were part of the old Roman Empire which will, by God’s decree, form the territory of the future Antichristian empire.
Christian – God is on the throne! “…for every purpose of the LORD shall be performed against Babylon, to make the land of Babylon a desolation without an inhabitant,” Jeremiah 51:29.
- Brexit: NI Protocol ‘obstructs free movement of military’
- See also our article: “Northern Ireland – effectively dispelled from the UK!‘
Ian Paisley criticised over ‘Catholic IRA’ comment
(UTV news report) A DUP MP has faced criticism from parliamentary counterparts after linking the IRA with Catholicism.
Ian Paisley’s reference to the sectarian murder campaign by the “Catholic IRA” drew critical responses from fellow members of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee.
Mr Paisley was questioning Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis on legacy issues and was asking him if he was going to push the Irish Government to do more to secure justice for IRA killings in border areas during the Troubles.
“Today is Holocaust Memorial Day where we remember victims of Holocaust and also other genocide around the world and in Northern Ireland of course we remember the border campaign and the genocide of sectarian murder where the IRA, the Catholic IRA, murdered Protestants at the border,” said North Antrim MP Mr Paisley. Read more…
Abortion and the new vaccine for Covid-19.
Here is a link to an article on the issue of the use of tissue from aborted babies in the process of manufacturing the Covid-19 vaccine by the leading pharmaceutical companies, presently supplying the UK with the vaccine.
It is written by Dr John Piper, pastor of a Baptist Church in the USA. Sadly, while agreeing with what he writes on this matter, I cannot endorse the general stance of him on most issues. He is what is termed a ’New Calvinist’. As such, he is very much NOT a Biblical Calvinist of the old school. His theology is of the modern kind, embracing elements of ecumenism, new-evangelicalism etc.
(Here is a critique of his views, taken from the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland magazine)
I issued a warning regarding the man’s spiritual folly back in 2013. Here is a link to that article.
Having said all that, what he says regarding the Covid-19 vaccine is correct and should be noted by Christians.
Republican defiance and disregard for others!
On the day that it was announced that another 16 people had died from Covid-19, pictures have emerged of an IRA funeral in Londonderry where hundreds defied the pandemic regulations and assembled and marched en mass to the burial of Eamon McCourt, 62, who reportedly died with Covid-19 and was buried yesterday. McCourt is believed to have shot and killed one of his own compatriots.
The BBC, The Belfast Newsletter, Ulster Television News and other news sites carried pictures of the funeral and the comments of those who condemned republicans, including members of Sinn Fein, one of the parties at Stormont which brought in the regulations so blatantly defied!
The police have announced an investigation but since we are still waiting for them to act in the wake of the much more blatant violation of the Covid funeral regulations last August which involved Sinn Fein leaders Mary Lou McDonald and Michele O’Neill, along with other notorious figureheads from the days of IRA terror and murder, we do not hold out much hope of action.
It is one thing to impose heavy fines on ‘party goers’ but a very different thing to bring Sinn Fein members to justice!
- Late IRA man Eamonn McCourt ‘killed one of his own comrades by mistake’
- Covid-19: ‘Two or three’ Sinn Féin councillors at republican funeral
- Large crowds at republican funeral ‘abandoned Covid-19 duty to our community’ says Colum Eastwood (SDLP leader and MP)
- Police probe after crowds gather at republican funeral
No friend of Ulster!
The headline on today’s “BBC Northern Ireland” news site says it all!! Michelle O’Neill: Joe Biden ‘will be a good friend to us’
Biden will be no friend of Ulster. Of that we can be sure. O’Neill’s assertion is proof enough of that fact!This supporter of all things ‘Irish Republican’, who once responded to a
BBC reporter’s request for a quick word by retorting that he was Irish to the BBC’s New York correspondent Nick Bryant. Bryant requested ‘a quick word for the BBC’. “The BBC?” Biden retorted: “I’m Irish.”
The fact that such a response immediately sprang to his lips is an indication of what lies at the very surface of this man’s feelings toward all things British. Smiles cannot disguise his animosity! Read more…
The utter apostasy of the Church of Ireland
The substance of this article was drawn to my attention by an anonymous letter received yesterday. I felt that its contents were worth examining and enlarging upon.
Hence this article. What an unbelievably evil time we live in!
The measure of a person’s spirituality may often be gauged by what it is they tolerate!
Lot, the nephew of Abraham, is deemed a miserable backslider who would not even be deemed that, were it not for what is written of God in 2 Peter 2:7, where it is stated regarding him: “ . . . . just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked.” Here he is called ‘just Lot’ or ‘justified’ Lot. A man who, despited his shameful backsliding, was ‘justified by his (Christ’s) blood,’ Romans 5:9. Proof of his regeneration is seen in that he was “vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked.” The word means ‘to be afflicted, to suffer’. The word is translated “oppressed” in Acts 7:24. This is the only other place the Greek word kataponeo appears in the New Testament. Read more…
“The Testimony of Abraham” – a Study in Prophesy
Rev. Ivan Foster, preacher
The Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony was not be able to hold the January meeting in London and consequently, this month the service was a virtual event, and was broadcast on the internet.
We are thankful to say that friends all over the world were able to listen in.
The theme for our meetings this year continues with the emphasis to the fact that ALL the prophets witnessed to the Second Coming of Christ (Acts 3:21) and the subject for this month is ‘The Testimony of Abraham.’
Click here to view the sermon notes.
No place for dissent
In John 6:15 we read: “When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.”
The Lord Jesus was very much aware of the thoughts of men and acted so as to deter their ill-advised plans. We may learn from Him and, as much as in us is, be acquainted with the thoughts of men and act accordingly.
I was made to think along these lines when I noticed the headline I quote in the following article. I sincerely trust you find these few thoughts helpful.
“And he (the False Prophet) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,” Revelation 13:16-17. Read more…
Martin McGuinness a ruthless torturer who personally shot victims
There was nothing ‘new’ about McGuinness in his latter days, despite the efforts of the DUP to whitewash him in order to justify their entering into a ‘power-sharing’ arrangement with the terrorist organisation, Sinn Fein/IRA, that he led.
To the end of his days he was an unapologetic IRA terrorist and was buried as such!
The ‘Irish’ wording declares him to have been buried as an IRA ‘volunteer’! The word Oglach is Irish for ‘volunteer’ while Oglaigh na hEireaan means ‘Volunteers of Ireland’, the name the IRA called itself. Read more…
The old paths
“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein,” Jeremiah 6:16.
I sent this verse to some friends earlier today as we were recalling former times.
Later I found my heart pondering just what the verse said and decided to share with you the following few thoughts. I trust that you find them helpful.
These words were uttered by Jeremiah when the populace, under the guidance of false prophets, were suffering the consequences of their folly. These evil prophets offered what appeared to be a good way but it brought nothing but a terrible harvest.
“They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace,” Verse 14. Read more…
His hand is not removed from off the nations
I am pressed in my spirit to send out this article.
The nation is astir again as an even more severe lockdown is imposed in England, Scotland and Wales, and here in Northern Ireland we await similar restrictions to be imposed. Yet in truth, there is no real understanding of what is taking place. There is no seeing that the Lord is at work.
As long as that pertains, there CAN be no easing of the present distress.
Please consider the few thoughts we have put together.
“ . . . His hand is not removed from you,” 1 Samuel 6:3.
The Covid-19 virus is proving to be more than merely similar to the ‘common ‘flu’ as some, even Christians, would have us all to believe! Read more…
Runaways, Rebels, Redemption and Revival blessing
This recently published book by Mrs. Ann Foster is now available for download as a PDF.
Why is it that men are so prone to run away from God? One has only to read the Bible to see the great and continual hostility of man to God and His Word.
We need look no further than our own hearts to discover a natural hostility to Christ and the Gospel. Believers must acknowledge to a man that we all held out, some for longer than others, against the strivings of the Holy Spirit until at last He overcame and won our hearts.
What is the reason for man’s deep inborn hostility to God, to His Word and to His Son that fills the hearts and imbues the actions of every human being, born of natural generation into this world? We must trace it to its source, the sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve. There we find the wellspring, the fountainhead of the iniquity of man and his aggressive antagonism to ‘all that is called God, or that is worshipped’ (2 Thess. 2:4). That antagonism will, of course, reach its fulness and climax in the person of the Antichrist. (Excerpt from the Introduction).
Northern Ireland – effectively dispelled from the UK!
Here is a most important article, based upon a speech in the Stormont Assembly by Mr. Jim Allister, TUV leader, on Wednesday 30th December, 2020.
It brings out the betrayal of our heritage of which the DUP are guilty by their nefarious kowtowing to Boris Johnston and their surrender of a proper establishing of the border between Northern Ireland and the EU along the legal and historic border separating Northern Ireland from the Irish Republic.
They joined with republicans in not wanting a ‘hard border’ and this at the behest of greedy businessmen who baulked at the possibility of increased expenses which the establishing of the legitimate border might mean. Added to this, the DUP supported the cries of the Irish republicans against an establishing of the traditional border as the line of demarkation because it would set back their plans to remove that border and thus further their aim of a United Ireland. Read more…
This is the Finger of God
An article from the pen of J C Ryle, the first Protestant Bishop of Liverpool, at the time of an outbreak of a cattle plague in England in 1865. It makes timely and interesting reading in the light of the Coronavirus plague and provides us with much godly counsel.
Look at the words which form the title of this article, and consider them well. They were spoken by heathen men more than three thousand years ago. They fell from the lips of Egyptian magicians when one of the famous plagues came on the land of Egypt. Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God: and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said, Exodus 8:19.
It would be well if Englishmen were as wise as these Egyptians. There is an evil amongst us that demands our serious attention. It forces itself on our notice, whether we like it or not. It has seized the nation by the throat, and will have a hearing. That evil is the cattle plague. Read more…
Covid-19 vaccination
I am re-issuing the two articles below, first mounted at the beginning of December, highlighting the use of foetal tissue in the development and testing of the vaccines being issued by our Government at present.This surely must be of particular concern to Christians.
The second article,“Some facts about Covid-19 vaccines and foetal tissue” is very helpful in the present controversy. The short article is produced by a ‘Pro-Life, anti-abortion’ organisation called: NI Voiceless. They say of themselves: ‘we are people of all religious convictions and none.’ I share it with you for I know that Christians are most anxious to obtain facts about the manufacture and make-up of the ‘vaccines’ that will soon be offered to them. I think that this article may be a help. I found one particular paragraph of great interest:
“Foetal cell lines can be used in two ways in bringing vaccines to market. They can be used in the production of the vaccine or it can be produced in a different kind of cell line but then tested on foetal cell lines after production. Of the eight vaccines ordered by the EU and UK, five were either developed in foetal cell lines or tested using them, including the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine that has been approved by the UK. The table that follows, based on data collected by the Charlotte Lozier Institute, summarises the facts about foetal cell line use for these eight vaccines. It also demonstrates that it is possible to make vaccinations against this awful virus without using cell lines. That is what CureVac, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur, and Valneva have done. We congratulate their approach.”
I am gratified that it appears that there are companies which do not use foetal tissue in the manufacture of a vaccine. On the basis of this information, a Christian may insist that they will only accept a vaccine from one of the above named companies which do not use foetal tissue in the manufacture of their vaccine. I trust that the whole article is a benefit and guide to you all.
The above scene reminds me of the words of an old hymn:
The mercies of God What a theme for my song
Oh I never could number them o’er
They’re more than the stars in the heavenly dome
Or the sands of the wavebeaten shore
For mercies so great, What return can I make
For mercies so constant and sure
I’ll love him, I’ll serve Him with all that I have
As long as my life shall endure.
The year that is drawing to a close bears testimony to the Lord’s great mercy to us amidst the trials and sorrows that many encountered. May the new year which is opening before us bring to yet further manifestations of His love and may we say as the hymn writer puts it: I’ll Love him and serve Him with all that I have, As long as my life shall endure.