“Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in their hearts,” Psalm 28:3.
Nothing informs better us of the character of an enterprise or an individual than the persona of those who support them and press the claims of either upon the public.
On that basis the character of the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ is most corrupt indeed. Consider those who are its chief ‘cheer leaders’!
We will start with Joe Biden, the most unfitted President that the United States of America has ever had! The apostle Paul said: “Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment,” 1 Timothy 5:24. John Gill says of these words: “Some men are such open and notorious sinners, that there is no need of any inquiry about them, or any examination of them; or any witnesses to be called to their character, in order to pass judgment concerning them.”
Is that not the case with Joe Biden. There are millions in the USA who would shout out, ‘Amen’ to that summary of the character of their President.
He is a supporter of abortion, sodomy, transgenderism and all its affiliated perversions and a professing ‘faithful’ Roman Catholic! He openly rejoices in the company of IRA terrorists who have been part of a murderous plague on Protestants and Roman Catholics in Northern Ireland and in the Irish Republic, which is the effective base of its operations.
A man, who if ‘halos’ could be awarded by men, would have been given one by the besotted devotees of the ‘GFA’, is former US Senator, George J. Mitchell. He was, amongst other things, the chairman of The Walt Disney Company from March 2004 until January 2007. However, being an expert on ‘Mickey Mouse’ and ‘Goofy’ was not his only claim to fame, though I feel he has made ‘goofs’ of quite a few Unionists here!
Virginia Roberts Giuffre, the accuser of Prince Andrew, is a woman who has long claimed that disgraced financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein forced her to have sexual relations with powerful men, and named Mitchell as one of them in documents unsealed on August 9, 2019 (a day before Epstein’s death) by a Federal court in the Southern District of New York. The papers included affidavits and depositions of key witnesses in a 2015 lawsuit that Giuffre filed against Epstein and his associate Ghislaine Maxwell. Giuffre accused the two individuals of sex-trafficking her to high-profile individuals, including George Mitchell, in the early 2000s while she was underage. Mitchell denied ever having met or spoken with Giuffre, and stated that he became aware of Epstein’s criminal prosecution only through the media.
On November 30, 2021, Epstein’s former pilot Larry Visoski named Mitchell as one of the people he recalled flying on one of Epstein’s private planes, but claimed to have never seen sexual activity nor indication that such activity had taken place.
We are indebted to Wikipedia for that information which has been pretty well buried from the view of the public. I wonder how many of the promoter’s of the ‘GFA’ knew this?
Who would wish to stand over and stand up for that which that man’s hands had touched?
Tony Blair is also a chief backer of the ‘GFA’! After all, its deceits and fraudulence is very much from his pen!!!
Blair was one of the key authors of the ‘GFA’ and the side deals which accompanied it, namely, pardons for ‘on the runs’ – who were exclusively republicans. It has been stated in a letter submitted to the ‘Belfast Newsletter’, that everything that has flowed from 1998 has been a one way street – concession after concession to republicans!
One cannot expect anything else from a man who concealed his leanings toward popery while he occupied the office of British Prime Minister but who, upon ending his tenancy of 10 Downing Street, immediately converted to Romanism.
He showed all the absence of integrity that is all too common with that religion.
Another set of deceivers who have arrived in Northern Ireland to peddle their chicanery, is that corrupt couple, Bill and Hillary Clinton. That they can show their faces anywhere, given their matrimonial track record, is an indication of their brash and shameless disposition. Neither can trust the other, and that is understandable. That alone should stop anyone taking their recommendations seriously. Accepting a smiling handshake from Vladimir Putin and accepting his advice on ‘good neighbourliness’ would be a more prudent act!
And then there is Bertie Ahern, the ‘artful dodger’ of Dublin politics. This former leader of Fianna Fáil, one of the main Irish Republic’s political parties, was a central figure in the formulation of the ‘GFA’. However, in 2012 he resigned from his party for it appears the exposure of his unethical ‘shenanigans’ was drawing near so he jumped rather than be pushed.
Wikipedia has this entry under his name: “In 2012, the Mahon Tribunal found that Ahern, while not judged corrupt, had received money from developers and the Tribunal disbelieved his explanations of those payments. Fianna Fáil proposed to expel politicians censured by the tribunal, but Ahern resigned from the party prior to the expulsion motion being moved.”
Now, how would anyone doubt the commendation of the ‘GFA’ from such a ‘virtuous’ being as Bertie?
The Ulster Unionist Party, in company with that which has its origins as an offshoot of it, the Alliance Party, certainly sing the praise of the ‘GFA” from the one hymn sheet! And little wonder, for they are the acolytes of the Ecumenical ‘False Shepherds’ who have invaded and disseminated themselves throughout the mainline, so-called Protestant, denominations. Toadying to the religious ‘high priests’ of modernistic and liberal theology, is the chief feature of these two political entities!
The list of those pressing the ‘GFA’ upon us here in Ulster includes, of course, the ‘Roman Catholic Church’. It is that organisation containing a host of perverted priests worldwide and numerous victims and tortured families. Here in the island of Ireland, it has given sanctuary to IRA weaponry and concealed the part played in the terrorist campaign in Ulster by an unreckoned number of priests such as Patrick Ryan and James Chesney. Chesney was an IRA ‘quarter master’, involved in the bombing of Claudy in CO. Tyrone, on 31st July 1972 and which resulted in the murder of nine and the injuring of thirty civilians. He was shielded and sheltered by his Cardinal, William Conway, and secretly moved across the border into Donegal and out of the jurisdiction of the Northern Ireland police and courts.
Such is the treachery of the cold-blooded ‘Church of Rome’!
A recent headline in the ‘Irish News’, a nationalist Belfast newspaper, read: ‘Service of Recommitment’ at Clonard to mark anniversary of Good Friday Agreement’. This ‘service’ was held in ‘Clonard Monastery’!
What greater underscoring of the evil of this agreement could there be than an endorsement by a pagan rite, conducted within the premises of an organisation commonly known within historic Protestant ranks as ‘Antichristian’?
In this small corner of the United Kingdom, we have seen democracy cast aside in favour of terrorists in government; we have seen the elevation of Sinn Fein/IRA by Presidents and Prime Ministers and plaudits heaped incongruously upon the head of Adams, McGuinness and O’Neill, even while they continued to salute the murderous deeds of their compatriots in the IRA.
The ‘Good Friday Agreement’ is well named for it optimises the dark spirit of the Satanic betrayal of the Saviour. He Who was the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, (John 14:6) was betrayed to His enemies by way of an arrangement which largely foreshadowed the foul political document of 1998. The ‘GFA’ is like the ‘covenant’ referred to in Matthew 26:15, where we have the agreement Judas made with the haters of Christ. “And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.”
The advocates of the ‘GFA’ would sell Ulster just as cheaply as Judas sold the Saviour.

We attach here a link to the reported comments of Mr Jim Allister, KC, leader of the Traditional Unionist View on the hypocrisy of the American’s seeking to brow-beat Unionists to surrender to the Irish Republican agenda!
USA ‘demands colonial rule’ for NI says TUV leader Jim Allister
Rev Ivan Foster (Rtd)
19th April 2023