Archives for

Roman Catholicism

November 2016

Index to this edition

Countering the Counterfeiters

countefeit_cashAn examination of Galatians 1:4 conducted over four Sabbath mornings in Tavistock Free Presbyterian Church by visiting preacher, Rev Ivan Foster (Retired)

“Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father,” Galatians 1:4.

There is only one Gospel and it is that taught by the Saviour to His apostles and that which they preached to the world. It is fully revealed to us in the Bible, especially in the New Testament.

It is a gospel ever under attack from the one Paul refers to in 2 Cor 4:4. “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

That attack in ongoing today; indeed, we are told by the Lord that it will intensify in the days before the Saviour’s return. “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils,” 1 Tim 4:1.

The diligence shown by the devil is seen in that the Galatian churches have come under attack from him very shortly after their formation. Note verse 6. “I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel.” I believe that I can say with certainty that the work in Galatia was no more than 10 years old!

Read moreor listen to the recorded messages using the players below.

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stormontTraditional Unionist Voice MLA, Jim Allister received no support whatever from any professing Christian in the Assembly and therefore his amendment to the Bill fell.

I read with dismay the reports of the debate in Stormont on the Bill brought forward by the Executive to posthumously pardon sodomites convicted of violations of the law in the past.

I was particularly saddened that it would appear that Jim Allister, the Traditional Unionist Voice leader, was the only voice raised in opposition to this iniquitous proposal. The failure of Christians to stand with Mr Allister, and I am thinking of Free Presbyterians in particular, is heart-breaking for one who recalls the various statements and protests that the Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church issued in the past and of the witness borne within our Province and much wider afield to the condemnation of God upon this wickedness and the warnings of the dire consequences on any people or nation which embraced and endorsed this evil.

Through the efforts of the DUP in Stormont, that which God has repeatedly condemned and manifested His wrath against, has been legitimised and validated. Sodomy is now accepted by the DUP and all its members, including Free Presbyterians, through this decision which validates sodomy, thereby shaking a fist in God’s face and wickedly defying Him and His holy Law.

When I issued the first edition of “The Burning Bush” back in 1970, I would never have believed the day would come when I should have to write such words!

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20. Read more

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Dutch pastor insists he was right to ‘come out of the closet’.

Insight into the Dutch denomination Dr Joel Beeke is anxious to promote closer links with!!!

A minister in the Restored Reformed Church (HHK is the acronym from the Dutch form of the denominational name) Dustin Burggraaf, recently gave an interview to the Reformed Daily newspaper in the Netherlands. It was published on November 12th, 2016. He also published a fuller form of the interview on his own website. There follows below a translation of the version of the interview he has on his website rather than the version which appeared in print.

This matter is of great interest simply because Dustin Burggraaf came out as a homosexual in April 2014. He announced that decision in the same newspaper and the original report of that event is also posted on his website. Read more

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Sodomites welcomed to the Lord’s Supper by many Dutch Protestant Churches

The following articles are translations of reports on Dutch websites detailing a recent survey of views in several Dutch reformed denominations on the subject of homosexuality. The reports give an insight in the general state of mainline Reformed Churches in Holland, and even of some that would claim to be more conservative. The reports give alarming evidence of the rapid advance of the sodomite agenda within the ranks of professing Christianity. This is evidence of the great apostasy at work that the Saviour warns of, Luke 17:28-30.

This research provides valuable context for our recent article on the compromise of Dr. Joel Beeke in preaching for HHK congregations in Holland. Read more

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The Timeless Relevance of the Protestant Reformation

reformers_wall“And the LORD of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt,” Isaiah 10:26.

The final message in a series commemorating the glorious Protestant Reformation, preached 20 years ago, on November 3rd, 1996, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster.

In our text, there is a demonstration of the unchanging nature of God and of His mode of operation. This is a prophecy of the destruction of the Antichrist, given by the Lord through Isaiah some 750 years before the birth of Christ. The Lord states that He shall act against the Antichrist as He acted against the Midianites, some 1250 years before Isaiah’s day, and as He acted against the Egyptians some 250 years prior to that. Three thousand two hundred and fifty years and three thousand five hundred years respectively have passed since the two incidents mentioned in our text and yet more years will pass before the prophecy is fulfilled, but when God acts in fulfillment of this prophecy, it will be in a display of very, very old-fashioned power. The lesson that we draw from this is that God has not changed nor will He ever change. As He acted in the days of Pharaoh, in the days of Gideon, so He will act in the end of this age when He puts down Antichrist and his minions.

This being so, the Bible’s record of God’s words and dealings with men is of unique and timeless relevance. The record of His dealings with mankind that is contained in the uninspired writings of men, while not to be trusted and obeyed unquestioningly, nevertheless provides us with a record from which we may learn much about heaven’s purpose for this world. Read more…or listen using the player below.

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Encouraging the wife to ‘beautify her face’!!!

makeupI have heard it said that the incident in Ruth 3:3 has been used to justify a woman attempting to make herself beautiful by the means of makeup!

Before coming to the text, it appears to me that any woman who sets out to ‘improve her appearance’ from its normal state, is acknowledging something rather astonishing! It surely must mean that she is conceding she is in need of improvement!

Brave indeed would be the man who makes that suggestion to his wife. It would give the impression that he is having second thoughts on the wisdom of the choice he made when he asked her to marry him!

I recall hearing it said that Dr Bob Jones, the founder of Bob Jones University, once offered some advice on the subject of make-up to female students in the University. “If the barn door needs painting, then paint it!!”

Such a course of action it would appear was being offered to those females who felt that they had a face like an unpainted barn door. Read more

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DUP members give a lead in defying God and His law!!!

stormontJustice Minister Claire Sugden has announced in Stormont that “she has secured approval of fellow Executive ministers in the DUP/Sinn Fein-led administration to extend to Northern Ireland the provision for pardons in the Government’s Policing and Crime Bill.” (Belfast Telegraph, 8/11/16).

The DUP denied its involvement in the funding of sodomites for the first year or so of the ‘Power-sharing’ executive’s life. It berated anyone who dared to state the truth as a ‘liar’!Then it was finally acknowledged by Peter Robinson that funding had taken place. That funding has continued with DUP former minister Mervyn Storey, in a statement at the beginning of 2015, acknowledging that his department had given money to sodomite organisations. (See Mervyn Storey, Minister for Social Development in the Northern Ireland Executive, tried to distance himself from funding of sodomites)

This latest decision takes the matter much further, for this is something that the DUP in conjunction with Sinn Fein have initiated. When the DUP in 2007, through the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister, took over the funding of sodomites, they were continuing a scheme which had been initiated by the last Secretary of State before power-sharing, Peter Hain.

They cannot hide behind the skirts of a Westminster politician this time and blame him for the shameful enterprise.

This the DUP are fully implicated in from its inception. Read more

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DUP’s Downward Path

screen-shot-2016-10-30-at-12-26It is strange how that a turning of the back upon God brings about a reversing of a person’s moral values!

News reports claimed that the DUP leader, Mrs Arlene Foster, had recently stated in a BBC report on 28th October 2016 that “Gays are welcome in DUP” – (Read the report here).

Sadly, as far as I know, there was no protest by members of the DUP to that announcement. There may well have been and I sincerely hope there was but I never saw any reports of any objections from within the ranks of the DUP where there are many who profess to be Christians.

In 1977, Dr Ian Paisley, the founder of the party, launched a campaign aimed at stopping the decriminalising of sodomy in Ulster. It was called: “Save Ulster from Sodomy.” Read more

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The Glorious Legacy of the Protestant Reformation

latimer-ridleyStand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage, Galatians 5:1.

The third of four messages preached 20 years ago, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster, to commemorate the glorious Protestant Reformation

Nearly 500 years have passed since the beginning of that remarkable occurrence we call the Protestant Reformation. Such a distance in time permits us to examine thoroughly the effect of that great spiritual and social upheaval.

The sacred record of the gospel’s impact upon the city of Samaria (Acts 8:5-8) ends with a wonderfully expressive statement. And there was great joy in that city. That was the legacy that was left behind after a time of spiritual blessing. What was left behind in Europe after the Reformation had taken place? To answer such a question fully would require volumes of historical data and comment. To answer it in the course of a sermon requires us to concentrate upon one central aspect of the effects of the Reformation. Read moreor listen using the player below.

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Latest news stories

Gerry Adams claims Stack murder names row being ’twisted’ by media

Adams criticised over claims about murder suspects by victim’s son

SDLP, TUV quiz Adams over murder

Ex-MLA Daithi McKay quits Sinn Fein

Adams obliged to end confusion over murder

DUP councillor: Evangelicals should speak out against papal visit – (But don’t follow the example of the DUP’s failure to act against the validating of sodomy at Stormont!!!)

DUP’s Wilson says some diseases affect far more than AIDS

DUP’s Bradley ‘disappointed’ by Wilson’s AIDS comments

DA estate is price of ingrained criminality, says DUP’s Sammy Wilson

Drugs claim loyalist’s son months after UVF man Campbell died of overdose

Hamilton: There was bias in RUC’s investigation of UVF bar bombing

Derry Four: duo of former Police Ombudsman staff reported


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More news

December 1

Jim Allister was isolated in gay pardon debate – (The whole issue shames Ulster Christianity!!!)

UDA boss Dee Stitt ‘lied’ on his Charter NI application

Foster: It would be illegal if I sacked Dee Stitt

‘Not legal’ to direct charity chief’s sacking over UDA allegations, says Foster

McGuinness’s impotence over Dee Stitt affair shows us that DUP dominates the Executive

Probe launched after third death at Maghaberry Prison

DUP’s Wilson says some diseases affect far more than AIDS

Support for Scottish independence below referendum vote: poll

Johnny Adair: ‘PIRA fought a justified war’ – (This shows just where this gangster’s loyalties lie – with those of the same mindset as himself -MURDER!!!)

‘Ireland may quit EU,’ says Farage – and only a fool would dismiss him

Leave voters’ patience is starting to wear thin as they fear betrayal

Muslim families sending children to Catholic schools – (How surprising !!??)

Adams names NI SF suspect

Senior republican who killed Brian Stack ‘disciplined’ by IRA – Adams – (Ah well, that’s ok then. No need for the police to act. This is the party that ‘supports’ law and order in Stormont!!!)

(Roman) Catholic priest’s daughter Déarbhla shares incredible story of love and pride

Bishop of Leeds: Some Christians too scared to talk about faith in public – (Is that what happened the DUP in Stormont on Monday ???!!)

November 30

No government can offer eternal forgiveness and pardon – (Sadly this statement avoids any mention of the disgraceful failure of Christian DUP MLAs to oppose this ‘offer of pardon’ and endorsement of sodomy!!!)

News of the papal visit has obscured the pardons for gays – (This is much nearer the target!!!)

DUP Sports Minister, Paul Givan, should protest about Fifa response to remembrance display

DUP minister Givan criticised over Fifa poppy row

Pictured: DUP met Hamas too – Sinn Fein slams ‘unionists’ hypocrisy and faux outrage’ – (What a bunch of time-serving hypocrites they are!!!!)

Arlene Foster is right to meet the Pope if he visits Northern Ireland – (Not if the historic Protestant creeds are correct regarding this man, and they are!!!)

Presbyterians clash over expected visit by Pope Francis

Why Pope will be welcomed to Northern Ireland by all people of faith – even if his message falls on deaf liberal ears

Sturgeon confirms Scottish talks on free abortions for Northern Irish women

Brian Feeney: Arlene Foster lacks Ian Paisley’s independent streak – (And his early views on sodomy!!!)

Sinn Fein chief Gerry Adams in united Ireland pledge to Orange Order

Adams under pressure from Sinn Féin colleagues after murder link

Gerry Adams under fire as IRA victim’s son denies revealing names of suspects

IRA accused linked to DNA evidence found at car bomb site in Newry

Jeremy Corbyn And John McDonnell Wanted IRA To Win

German intelligence officer ‘arrested over Islamist plot’ raising fears the spy agency has been infilitrated

Brexit may ‘NEVER HAPPEN’ because the EU has ‘marginalised’ Britain, Polish MP claims

November 29

Pope Francis ‘to visit Northern Ireland in 2018’ – (As if Ulster hadn’t enough trouble!!!)

Pope will visit Northern Ireland, says Martin McGuinness after 2018 papal trip to Republic confirmed

First Minister Arlene Foster to meet Pope Francis if he visits Northern Ireland as head of state – (Surely it must become obvious to even the most blind that there has been a seismic shift in the position of the DUP!!!)

Arlene Foster – I will meet the Pope if he visits Northern Ireland

Arlene Foster vows to meet Pope during expected visit to North

Free Presbyterians ‘will protest’ Pope’s visit

DUP MLA, Robin Newton tried to get PSNI money for Charter NI before he was Assembly Speaker

Report ‘recommends abortion law change’ – (More woes for our land)

SF’s difficult ‘psychological’ conversation needs to be with its own voters

Adams names Sinn Féin figures in email to Garda chief on murder

Six men are arrested in west Belfast over paramilitary-style shootings

Man jailed for role in Ardoyne paramilitary shooting

IRA man ‘caught with explosives’ days before visit by Prince Charles

Winston ‘Winkie’ Rea to be charged over 1991 murder of two Catholic workmen

November 28

Theresa May faces new Brexit legal challenge over single market withdrawal

Rectors reject portrayal of Protestantism as ‘watered down Catholicism’ – (The Church of Ireland most certainly is ‘watered down Catholicism’!!!)

Fidel Castro was a strong supporter of Irish hunger strikers and Bobby Sands – (What a reunion that has been !!!!)

Gerry Adams: Fidel Castro sent Christmas card every year – (Both likely celebrants of the ‘birth of Christ’!!!)

SF man is considering a Famine memorial at Stormont

IRA member suspect in ‘attempt to bomb Shell HQ’ at just 16

Sinn Fein seek reconciliation, yet they insist it can only be achieved in a united Ireland

Threat posed to (Irish) State by republican subversives ‘tangible’

Police pelted with missiles trying to stop stolen car in west Belfast

Jim Allister: I would have voted for Trump despite his flaws and Robinson’s demise was poetic justice

Jim Allister vows to fight on as he attempts to rally TUV

Flyers threatening ‘PSNI informers’ posted in East Belfast

Jewish students accuse Cambridge of hushing up anti-Semitic attack

My hero! Corbyn’s misty eyed tribute to brutal dictator Fidel Castro who butchered 100,000 – (In keeping with his admiration for IRA murderers!!!)

Fidel Castro’s death exposes yet again the double standards of the BBC

Cuban flag raised over Free Derry Corner

Gerry Adams to travel to Cuba for Fidel Castro’s funeral

DUP veteran hits out at praise for Fidel Castro

DUP attacks Sinn Féin for meeting Palestinian militant group Hamas – (Why?? These have ever been Sinn Fein’s friends??)

DUP outrage as Sinn Fein delegation meets leader from Hamas

Donald Trump attacks Hillary Clinton over Wisconsin presidential vote recount

November 26

Nationalist anger at Arlene may become a problem for Sinn Fein

Stakeknife probe ‘will look at IRA role’

Wisconsin to recount US election votes as Trump shapes his White House team

Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro dies aged 90

Football sex abuse scandal: Top clubs ‘made secret payments to keep victims quiet’

Stormont buried easier health targets in unpublicisied document

Jude Collins on the Talkback row: ‘The Orange Order has been divisive’ – (Being opposed to Popery and its doctrines and policies is not hatred of Roman Catholics. Indeed it is a kindness to them to expose Popery!!)

DUP man calls for action over fresh IRA memorial

‘Irish border issue’ must be settled before Brexit talks, says next EU president Joseph Muscat

Brexit agreement ‘impossible’ within two-year period allowed by EU’s founding treaty, says Irish PM

Italy NEXT to reject establishment as protest vote set to WIN referendum, shock poll finds

Germany needs a trade deal with the UK more than we need a trade deal with them

Turkey’s president Erdogan threatens to open Turkey’s borders to Europe in protest at EU

‘SEND THEM BACK’ Bulgarian PM orders mass deportations after rioting migrants trash camp

Half of asylum seekers complain UK housing funded by YOU is ‘completely inadequate’ – (It really is beyond a joke!!)

If John Major likes referendums so much, why didn’t he hold one on Maastricht?

Tony Blair can’t stop Brexit. He’s the one who caused it

Derry solicitor Damien McDaid denies legal aid fraud

Kathleen Cuthbert, modest heroine who was part of code-breaking team that helped defeat the Nazis

November 25

‘Heading for retirement? They wish.’ TUV’s Jim Allister dismisses Arlene Foster remark

If TUV is a one-man band, can it survive without Jim Allister around?

Jim Allister: The ‘angry man’ of politics on why brickbats don’t bother him, how he (eventually) wooed his wife and what he does to get away from it all

Taoiseach Enda Kenny ‘can’t wait 20 years’ for united Ireland

Is it appropriate for clergy to be in attendance when statues to dead terrorists are unveiled?

Nama accused of treating parliamentary inquiry with contempt

First Minister Arlene Foster urged to ‘pressure’ Peter Robinson into giving evidence to Dublin Nama inquiry

Nama: Arlene Foster urged to intervene after Peter Robinson ‘flatly contradicts’ Martin McGuinness

Paul Givan: DUP sports minister’s first appearance on GAA pitch – (I’m sure he avoided a pitch named after an IRA murderer!!)

HMP Bristol: Substance abuse blamed for ‘protracted rage’

David McNarry: Why I stormed out of the BBC Talkback studio

Record number of super-injunctions in place in Northern Ireland

Police are fighting more than 100 organised crime gangs, MLAs told – (The harvest of a policy which turned a blind eye to paramilitary crime!!!)

Army just muddled through Northern Ireland Troubles without a plan, says general – (Army not allowed to act by Westminster politicians!!!)

Tony Blair says Britain’s EU exit can be stopped

Sir John Major says there is a ‘perfectly credible’ case for a second referendum

‘Now kick out Juncker!’ Pressure on EU chief as Merkel says Schulz exit must spark ‘reset’

Syrian family settlements opposed by Traveller community in Mayo

Irish cabinet minister slams Vice Prez Mike Pence on gay remarks

November 24

‘Gloomy’ economic predictions are wrong, pro-Brexit MPs say

Eurosceptics attack ‘doom and gloom’ Autumn Statement predictions as experts say ‘forecasts are always wrong’

Hammond’s fiscal blunder almost guarantees a hard-landing

SCHULZ EXITS: Martin Schulz QUITS EU as he ‘makes bid to OUST Angela Merkel in Germany’

Norwegian PM declares migrants cannot use religion to say no to jobs

Jim Allister: I regret sitting with UDA and UVF representatives

Sinn Fein’s idea of reconciliation ‘fatally flawed’

Martin McGuinness: Unionism has ‘psychological problem with reconciliation’ – (It is impossible to be reconciled with ‘unrepentant killers’ !!!)

‘New IRA’ bomb stored in attic after failed attempt to kill police, court hears

New evidence places RUC officers at scene of fatal west Belfast assault

Jail warders were scum, says Belfast UDA boss and charity chief Dee Stitt

Kieran Conway: Ex-IRA member ‘should be extradited to UK’

Lawyer Kieran Conway’s IRA crimes claims are raised with PM

Son of man cleared of Omagh bombing admits explosives charge

Money spent on Buckingham Palace’s upkeep is well spent

IFA will ‘robustly defend’ Fifa poppy disciplinary charges

Fifa poppy ban: Disciplinary action opened against Wales and Northern Ireland after ‘fans were wearing poppies’

Anger grows over Fifa’s probe into Northern Ireland poppy tributes – ‘unfair, shameful and outrageous’

Historic treasure trove of Assembly artefacts languishing in storage – (More placating of republican murderers!!!!)

NI Human Rights Festival: Anti-abortion talk sparks row – (Bible’s teaching must not be set forth!!!)

Premature baby left to die alone in sluice room, report reveals – (“Without natural affection”, 2 Timothy 3:3.)

Mothers and babies died at NHS trust plagued by errors – review

November 23

Taoiseach criticised for “gushing tweet” and manner towards Trump and Pence

Kenny should hold his tongue on Pence

Basque audience ‘surprised by legitimisation of NI terror’ – (Thanks to the treachery of the DUP!!!)

Bill to pay IRA victims from Libyan assets passes Lords

Jo Cox murder accused Thomas Mair found guilty of killing MP

Jo Cox murder: Far right fanatic Thomas Mair given whole-life sentence after being guilty of killing Labour MP

Hillary Clinton may STILL become President after ‘evidence PROVES US election was rigged’

Northern Ireland Brexit split widens as Sinn Fein’s McGuinness calls for consent motion

Secretary of State slammed for Parades Commission decision

Reappointment of Failed Parades Commission

45,000-strong Northern Ireland abortion reform petition handed in at Stormont

Northern Ireland poppy display subject to FIFA disciplinary action

Lough Foyle’s British whether we like it or not: CFCE

Labour MP who reignited territorial row says UK has no Lough Foyle claim

Gay cake case set for the highest court in UK

November 22

Victims and the peace process – (Well worth a studied read!)

Troubles victims should get special pension payments, campaigners claim – (Best viewed in the light of the previous article by Prof Patterson!!)

Tycoon: DUP demanded £30,000 a month to back my Brexit campaign

Arron Banks: DUP ‘strongly denies’ Brexit funding claims

Fighting talk, but Foster and McGuinness duck some of the big issues

Charter NI controversy should not overshadow positive contribution by loyalist paramilitary figures: Martin McGuinness – (‘Birds of a feather etc, etc!!’)

Police arrest 81 people linked to illegal republican parade in Lurgan

Smiling killer of PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll pictured at his wedding behind bars

Pictured: Smiling cop-killer marries bride behind bars

Moment besotted English penpal wed police killer in Northern Ireland jail and tore her family apart

Ruling is reserved on whether to report RUC officers over Pearse Jordan shooting

Scotland’s offer to give abortions to Northern Irish women shames Stormont – (Rather, it shames Scotland!!!)

DUBLIN – Horrific hammer assault is linked to INLA drugs row

Buckingham Palace £370m refurb ‘a bargain’ at £6 per person says DUP’s Jim Wells

Brexit: Theresa May risks Tory row after suggesting UK may still be in EU after 2019

‘You caused this!’ Merkel blamed for thousands of migrant deaths in the Mediterranean

EUROPE TREMBLES: Brussels in crisis as Le Pen storms into shock poll lead over rivals

Health minister claiming rent for office owned by MLA’s husband

Garda chief confirms use of Gmail address for official business

Garda Commissioner admits using private email account to access files

November 21

New group to help LGBT Presbyterian Church members – (No Bible-based church will have “LGBT members”!!!)

Irish Premier Kenny raises issue of undocumented Irish with US Vice President-elect Mike Pence

Trump demands apology over the booing of Mike Pence

Uncertainty and anxiety now rule US politics

Ruth Dudley Edwards: The old-school Irish-American certainties are in the grave

Sinn Fein and DUP threaten Irish Brexit deal

Theresa May seeking transitional Brexit deal to avoid ‘cliff edge’

First and Deputy First Minister vow to just ‘get on with the work’ with ‘no gimmicks’

Assembly Speaker apologises “unreservedly” for handling of Charter NI question

Stormont Speaker Robin Newton apologises ‘unreservedly’ for blocking Charter NI Assembly Question after being linked to charity

Former Ulster Unionist MP backs Micheal Martin over his anxiety about the impact of Brexit on the Irish Republic

PSNI’s inaction over UDA leaves it open to ridicule

Co-opted Sinn Féin councillor stayed on Social Investment Fund group as community representative

SIF operating exactly as intended – Jim Allister

Why both DUP and Sinn Fein must stop cosying up to dangerous people

Belfast republican memorial to be investigated by Housing Executive

Council plans 12-week consultation for Carnlough Easter Rising stone

Provo killers owe closure to families of ‘Disappeared’ – (That is only a small part of the “debt of blood” these murderers have incurred!!!)

Why Labour supports families of the Birmingham pub bombing victims

PSNI officer’s killer set to wed in Maghaberry jail

Catholic priests in Ireland: A ‘lost tribe’ – (An indication of changed times in Ireland!!!!)

Pope allows all priests to absolve ‘grave sin’ of abortion – (He usurps that which is God’s prerogative alone!!!)

Kilmainham Gaol a ‘sacred place’, says Archbishop Martin – (Rebellion: Sacred to popery!!!)

Tony Blair brands Corbyn a “nutter” as he lines up shock return to UK politics – (Takes one to know one!!!)

November 19

Authorities told ‘wise up and act’ over IRA lawyer Kieran Conway

Martin McGuinness equivocal over whether he’s discussed special status plan with Arlene Foster

‘Best Brexit talks yet’, say Enda Kenny and Arlene Foster

NI leaders and Taoiseach pledge to get best Brexit deal

‘I don’t accept that the whole of Lough Foyle is under UK jurisdiction’ – Foreign Affairs Minister

Lough Foyle dispute ‘needs to be resolved together’

Daughter of priest delivers poem at the arrival of his remains to Co Derry church following his death

Flags and parades body’s ‘independent’ chairman is DUP appointee to SIF group

Donald Trump’s sister supported IRA fight for Irish unity in case she handled – (Obviously an adherent of Irish nationalism and its long campaign of terror!!!!)

Donald Trump’s sister attacked US government over plans to deport Belfast republican

Donald Trump settles university fraud lawsuits for $25m

Anger after Daily Express confuses Ireland and Northern Ireland on Brexit tea caddy – (As if the mainland cares in the least!!!!)

Mick Wallace has ‘no evidence’ for claims of malpractice – Nama

Major garda operation launched at Irish ports to fight Isis terror threat

Supreme Court’s most senior judge urged to stand down from Article 50 legal hearing over wife’s anti-Brexit Twitter posts

MPs slam ‘BIASED’ judge due to rule on Brexit Court Appeal after wife’s anti-Brexit tweets

Justin Welby: It’s time to stop saying Isil has ‘nothing to do with Islam’ – (Who gave him a kick in the seat of his pants???!!!)

‘Stop saying ISIS has nothing to do with Islam’ blasts Archbishop of Canterbury

Fury as Turkey votes to make child rape LEGAL for men who MARRY their victims

November 18

Sturgeon considers giving NI women access to Scots NHS abortion service – (Scotland has departed far from Knox’s Bible Protestantism!!!)

Scotland could offer Northern Irish women access to free abortions

Nicola Sturgeon ‘happy’ to explore possibility of helping Northern Irish women obtain abortions in Scotland

Women from Northern Ireland ‘may be granted access to NHS abortion services in Scotland’

SNP’s Sturgeon told to butt out after abortion row ‘invite’ to Northern Ireland women

TIME TO GO: Sinking Sturgeon faces growing calls to RESIGN over shambolic Brexit threats

Dee Stitt: Arlene Foster won’t back calls for UDA leader to stand down

ANALYSIS: ‘Iron Lady’ of unionism made to look weak by defiant UDA boss

A year after Stormont House, Willie Hay describes paramilitaries as leeches still begging off their own communities

Northern Ireland First Minister Arlene Foster refuses to back calls for UDA boss Dee Stitt to quit Charter NI

Consultation on new Easter Rising memorial for Carnlough

Memorial to IRA murder victims vandalised – (The ‘spirit’ in Ulster in miniature: Rebels and terror honoured, murder victims dishonoured!!)

Secret war with IRA: ‘Dublin’s failings facilitated prolonged IRA campaign’

Donald Trump could make Sinn Fein ally Peter King counter-terror chief in White House – (He wouldn’t be the first terrorist sympathiser to hold high office in Washington!!!)

Donald Trump continues to build controversial team that has appalled Washington insiders

Donald Trump’s team causes deep concern in Washington

‘The Disappeared’: Kevin McKee and Seamus Wright ‘shot in the head’ – (These are the crimes which still cling to Adams, McGuinness and Co!!!

‘The day they (the IRA) took my brother they took my mother too’ – (How can the perpetrators of these heinous crimes be accepted in government???)

Family of IRA ‘Disappeared’ man Wright plead for information

SF’s McCann Announcement Reminds Public of Impact of Ann’s Law

Cancer girl, 14, is cryogenically frozen after telling judge she wants to be brought back to life ‘in hundreds of years’ – (Little did she know that such an event is already guaranteed!! – John 5:28-29.)

Victims’ group withdraws from historical child sex abuse inquiry

Sex abuse inquiry suffers fresh setback as survivors group quits

Alliance call for Irish language role at city council – (And its says it is not a ‘nationalist’ party!!!???)

Henry Reilly quits TUV just a year after joining

Civil service not ready for ‘enormous job’ of delivering Brexit, says O’Donnell

Brexit revives territorial dispute between UK and Ireland over Lough Foyle

Frank Cushnahan was peddling Nama assets overseas, parliament told

TD Mick Wallace raises fresh allegations around controversial €1.4bn Project Eagle sale

Frank Cushnahan peddling Nama assets abroad

TDs hit out at ‘hands-off’ McGuinness over Project Eagle deal – (He has maintained a ‘hands off’ position on matters more serious than fraud – TERRORIST MURDER!!!)

Welcome to Northern Ireland, where you can have any view that you like on abortion – just so long as it’s pro

EU Commission reveals plans for ‘travel tax’ on British citizens after Brexit – (The bitterness of pro-Romanist Europe toward the UK is alive and well!!!)

November 17

Secret war against IRA: ‘If there was murderous collusion, how did the IRA leaders survive?’ – (Collusion or no collusion, how DID they survive????)

After two days, Stormont’s ‘no comment’ on bid to get major event to Belfast

Martin McGuinness gives evidence to Dublin committee probing Nama deal – (How shameful that McGuinness can claim the ‘high ground’ over the DUP, the Party that used to have the motto – “The truth shall make you free”, in this matter!!!)

Pro-gay marriage cake case to go before Supreme Court

Christian campaigner Simon Calvert calls for law change after Ashers gay cake case ‘mistake’

UDA chief Dee Stitt handed final written warning by Charter NI board over homeland security comments

Northern Ireland doctor with almost 3,000 child sex abuse images spared jail

Why the Church and I no longer sing from the same hymn sheet – (Why will people not see the underlying motives behind such ongoing changes??)

Traffic warden forced to flee Northern Ireland town after threats – (It is to be noted that this is a republican town !!!)

Claim Brexit can’t be triggered without consent of Northern Ireland public a fantasy, court hears

Foster won’t attend any future All-Ireland forums on dealing with Brexit

Children ‘dressed in IRA uniforms marched through Belfast on Remembrance Sunday’ – (Shades of ISIS!!!)

Children in paramilitary uniform is a bad idea… however you dress it up

Catholic grammar school embroiled in bitter spat over RAF recruitment tweet

Sinn Fein MLA talking ‘nonsense’ over RAF Loreto Grammar row – (Nothing new there then!!!)

Nama: McGuinness says Robinson ‘excluded’ him from sales process

Dispute over what Sinn Féin knew of Nama sale

Ex-Nama adviser Cushnahan ‘very close’ to Peter Robinson

Protestants to attend republican anti-abortion meeting – (This is an ecumenical venture further compromised by the its links with Sinn Fein supporters who endorse terrorism!!!)

November 16

We raise up statues to terrorists, but where is the memorial to victims?

Angela Merkel signals key concession on freedom of movement as Canada warms to ‘particularly special’ relationship with post-Brexit Britain

NI First Minister will not attend Brexit forums despite meeting with Taoiseach

DUBLIN – Petition calling for a united Ireland in light of Brexit is rejected

Brian Feeney: Nationalist silence on PSNI recruitment is a disgrace

Loyalist supergrass Gary Haggarty reveals UVF plotted to raid PSNI station for weapons

Paedo doctor threatened by terrorists

Loyalist Dee Stitt back at work as chief executive of Charter NI despite furore

Sinn Fein protest over RAF cadets’ grammar school visit

UVF victims featured in the supergrass trial could get multi-million pound compensation pay-out

‘Despicable and vile attack’ on war memorial in Glenavy is condemned

Ireland used as base to smuggle Ukrainians to UK

Secret war with IRA: ‘Pretence of an undefeatable IRA had to be maintained … more people had to die’ – (All for McGuiness and his fellow terrorists to end up in power!!!!)

Alliance MLA David Ford dispute sees Presbyterian minister step aside

Busmen’s Mission flourished under his gifted leadership

After vocal complaint, Stormont’s tiny parties could get more say

GREECE IN FLAMES: Riots in Athens at Obama’s visit as Greeks scream ‘Barack go home’

German Chancellor Angela Merkel hints at a rethink over EU free movement rules

November 15

DUP man calls for action over fresh IRA memorial

I am not answerable to Dublin inquiry into Nama sale, says Peter Robinson

Could Irish republicans now sit in House of Commons?

Sinn Fein MLA demands police probe bugging claim

Ballycastle councillor facing new charges over July 12 parade incident

Secret war with the IRA: ‘No agent had a licence to kill’

Secret war against the IRA: ‘You cannot have transparency and secrecy at the same time’

‘There is no plan’ for Brexit, leaked memo says – (Lies and deceit are endemic in government today!!)

Theresa May’s Government has no Brexit plan, leaked memo says

Britain has ‘no plan for Brexit’ says leaked memo

BREXIT ON THE BRINK? Leaked memo predicts SIX MONTH delay as Cabinet clashes – (The confusion and befuddlement in British politics is a judgment from God, Isaiah 29:14!)

TDs to consider united Ireland and Scotland

Questions still unanswered about the DUP’s non-aggressive pact with SF

Parochial house of prominent priest in Fermanagh targeted in sectarian attack – (“Not a nice thing to happen,” he says yet he has repeatedly back the IRA murder campaign!!!)

Loyalist killer who sold fuel for republican smugglers – (Loyal to only one thing – ‘Criminal Greed’ !!!)

UUP MLA Roy Beggs: I wouldn’t be surprised if UDA faction re-armed

Projects linked to UDA boss Jimmy Birch in line for £500k from Belfast council

GERMANY ON EDGE: 200 homes and mosques RAIDED by anti-terror cops in ISIS crackdown

BBC to ‘air Muslim Friday prayers as its coverage is too BIASED toward Christianity’

November 14

The Collins brothers: Waterford tribute to tragic WW1 family – (Sad that the bitterness of the Irish Republic’s anti-British animosity denied this family the honour it deserved for 100 years!!)

LOUGHGALL: How the SAS wiped out ‘invincible’ IRA unit in just 10 minutes – (But from political interference the rest of the IRA would have met the same justifiable fate!!!)

First Minister Arlene Foster and Taoiseach Enda Kenny lay wreath at Enniskillen Cenotaph

Nigel Farage reveals Donald Trump’s team has ‘reservations’ about Theresa May’s Government

Nicola Sturgeon to offer olive branch in letter to Donald Trump

Shameless Sturgeon writes to Trump days after blasting him and NOT receiving a phone call

Leaked memo reveals UK planning to exploit Donald Trump’s inexperience

Theresa May facing Cabinet backlash over refusal to deal with Nigel Farage despite his links to Donald Trump

Donald Trump vows to immediately deport 3million illegal immigrants

Many Sinn Féin supporters in US unsettled by Trump victory

Common ideological threads link Donald Trump and the DUP

Housing Executive gets rent from IRA memorial site in north Belfast

UDA member speaks out about threats and criminality

Ballymoney gun attack: Man seriously injured

Police at scene of serious incident near Ballymoney

Children in paramilitary uniform take part in republican parade

‘Children’s Commissioner must act on children in terror uniforms’

Was IRA Hunger Striker Bobby Sands as Romantic a Figure as ‘66 Days’ Paints?

PSNI whistleblower tribunal adjourned after ‘critical’ document appears ‘out of the ether’

(Dublin Education) Department’s Irish language proficiency criticised

November 12

Armistice Day: Two-minute silence held across country

Hundreds attend Belfast City Hall Armistice Day ceremony

Is Donald Trump the modern-day Andrew Jackson?

Anti-Donald Trump protest: Man shot dead during rally in Portland, Oregon

One person ‘shot multiple times’ at Trump protest – ‘African American’ suspect on the run

Special Branch officer’s insider view of Northern Ireland’s ‘secret war’

Claudy bomb: Victim’s brother “no confidence” in legacy plans

DUP Irish language decision ‘motivated by hate’, says McGuinness – (The number of Sinn Fein MLAs who can speak Irish is small and even less can read it!!!)

DUP minister defends his department over Magherafelt Union flag removal

Officers ‘told lies over killing of IRA man’

Tebbit addresses terror victims at Westminster

Eirexit: Could Ireland follow Britain out of the EU?

Ireland REFUSE to speak to Nicola Sturgeon over her plans to thwart Brexit

November 11

Concerns over pardons for convicted NI gay men – (Those DUP members who are opposed to the move need to speak out NOW!!!)

‘Christmas lights should not be on before Remembrance Sunday’

Unionist backlash after Presbyterian moderator brands bonfires ‘sinful’

Donald Trump critic Colum Eastwood ‘happy’ to carry INLA man’s coffin but boycotts White House, says Sammy Wilson

SDLP’s Eastwood and McDonnell at odds over Trump White House visit

SDLP leader Eastwood must get real over Donald Trump

Comment: Trump, the secular fundamentalist who, like Paisley, shook establishment

Top aide to President-elect Donald Trump, Ex-New York mayor Rudy Giuliani does not rule out Clinton investigation

Donald Trump and Theresa May vow to ‘strengthen’ Special Relationship in phone conversation – but not before he spoke with nine other world leaders

Church of Ireland volunteer jailed for 13 years for sexually abusing boys

Abuse survivor criticises St Patrick’s (Church of Ireland) Cathedral

Bakers in pro-gay marriage cake row seek ruling on Supreme Court appeal

MPs from all parties prepared to vote against triggering Article 50

Migrant sex attacks against children in Sweden could escalate, officials warn

November 10

Same-sex bill was halted by DUP, says Minister – (This issue will be the next to confront the DUP on its path of compromise!!)

SDLP leader won’t congratulate ‘fanatical’ Trump and will boycott White House – (Boy, that should send Washington into a spin!!!)

After Trump wins, Irish Taoiseach Enda Kenny rows back on rhetoric about tycoon

Enda Kenny questioned when he’ll meet Trump to tell him he’s ‘racist’

Former Trump critic Kenny ‘will work with new man in the Oval Office’

‘A dark day for America’: Irish in US respond to Trump victory – (These are Gerry Adams’ crowd, so beloved of the Clintons!!)

Donald Trump backlash begins as protests against US election result sweep across America

DUP Colr. calls for republican statue to be removed from cemetery

Green energy scheme whistleblower ‘ignored’ after reporting abuse claims

EU in stand-off with Turkey over membership bid

Why adoption is now mother of all debates about Christianity

November 9

US election 2016 result: Trump beats Clinton to take White House – (A nation gets whom they deserve!!!)

Donald Trump elected President of USA

2016 US election watch live: Donald Trump elected 45th president of United States – ‘Time for us to come together’

How eight years of Barack Obama created Donald Trump

End of EU? Brussels devastated over Trump’s win as Schulz admits life will be ‘harder’

Gay men set for NI pardon after justice minister announcement – (This is a direct defiance, a calculated repudiation of God’s law where condemnation of sodomy is called “wrong” by the DUP and which reflects on all its members!!!)

Gay pardons get backing in Northern Ireland

Pardons for convicted gay men gets backing in Northern Ireland

Plans to pardon gay Northern Ireland men a step closer – (Justice in NI now entails a repudiation of God and His Law!!)

Justice minister defends delays in ‘difficult work’ of tackling paramilitaries – (She does have her priorities – keep the sodomites happy !!!)

Queen unveils new portrait by NI artist Colin Davidson

Belfast man who painted the Queen tells of the huge burden he felt

IRA supergrass makes deathbed claim saying McGuinness ‘begged him’ to return to Derry

Sinn Féin TD pay move ‘nakedly populist’, says Donohoe

SDLP Economy Spokesperson Sinead Bradley calls on DUP to provide evidence of ‘investment poaching’

Gerry Adams confirms party’s MPs will not take part in Brexit vote

DUP MLA slammed for Facebook post comparing Bloody Sunday and Brexit

DUP councillor denies suggestion that she mocked refugees

November 8

‘Border Fox’ O’Hare facing extradition court in Belfast

‘Slab’ Murphy unfairly jailed for tax evasion, lawyers tells appeal

Islamic school loses High Court challenge against Ofsted special measures

US Election: Live results – Clinton and Trump focus on swing state in final bitter hours – (There are those who rest in the sovereignty of God: Psalm 46!!)

Trump vs Clinton: America chooses its 45th president

Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump? America goes to the polls in the most divisive election in history: Tuesday US election briefing

CPS ‘afraid to tackle honour crimes for fear of causing unrest in Asian communities’

Child sex abuse image cases soar by 300% in Northern Ireland – (2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13!!)

SDLP and Sinn Fein in war of words over claims of ‘secretive’ decisions

Northern Ireland secretary: UK government will accept supreme court ruling on Brexit

Parade opens controversial IRA memorial – (Misery of their own making!!)

Fingerprints found in Wexford house match those of IRA membership accused

‘State fails to prove killing of IRA man was lawful’ – Inquest – (Given the circumstances, there would be NO controversy in most countries!!!)

Janet Reno allowed Irish ‘deportees’ to remain in U.S.

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams honoured as New York names street after Easter Rising – (The photo indicates a really illustrious setting!!!!)

Sinn Féin to increase its TDs’ annual pay by €2,500 – (The serfs were complaining!!!)

Arlene Foster: Faith communities experiencing ‘chill factor’ after Ashers ruling

The Supreme Court is ‘HIGHLY UNLIKELY’ to overturn Brexit ruling, warns top lawyer

No court ruling can change the basic fact of Brexit: Britain will leave the EU – (Only to rejoin its replacement – so says the Word of God!!)

May ‘clear’ she expects to trigger Article 50 by March 2017

November 5

US election: Americans left with no good choice, says leading evangelical – (A bit like Ulster then!!!)

‘It’s going to be especially close’ Obama admits Trump COULD WIN US Presidential election

Fox News Poll: Clinton ahead of Trump by two points

Irish jihadist Khalid Kelly dies in suicide bomb attack while fighting in Mosul – ISIS claims

Theresa May urged to calm ‘chilling’ backlash after High Court Brexit ruling

Anti-Brexit parties would win 150 fewer seats than pro-Leave parties at a general election, analysis suggests

‘Ireland should LEAVE EU before it’s TOO LATE’ Anger as Dublin faces HUGE membership bill

Hilary Benn insists Parliament WILL ‘uphold will of the people’ and trigger Article 50

BURKA BAN: German state plans to outlaw Islamic garb ‘to show we are a democracy’

November 4

May to tell Jean-Claude Juncker Brexit plans not derailed by court

‘No-one said MPs had right to VETO Article 50’ Law expert warns against betraying Brexit

O’Dowd responds to Foster claim – (How hypocritical coming from one who back an IRA campaign which utterly disregarded the Word of God!!!)

Sammy Wilson: The arrogant elite will use this ruling to try to prevent Brexit

Brexit: We will unapologetically vote against any proposal to leave EU, says SDLP leader Colum Eastwood

Our two MPs will vote to trigger Article 50, says pro-remain UUP

Taoiseach Enda Kenny: The onus is on all of us to recognise the reality of Brexit and work together

Protestants have renewed faith in police: survey

Police examining Provo turned lawyer Kieran Conway claims over IRA operations involvement

Self-confessed IRA bomber claims PSNI have ‘no evidence’ to extradite him

Police must pursue case despite IRA gunrunner’s death: Jim Allister

November 3

Prospect of early general election increases after High Court rules Government cannot trigger Article 50 without parliamentary approval

The High Court ruling on Brexit should never have happened – judges should stay out of politics

Brexit may not mean Brexit for the North – McGuinness – (McGuinness keeps up his sniping at Brexit!!)

Dublin Brexit talks a ‘gurning session’ says Sammy Wilson

Sinn Fein ‘Brexit’ motion at council voted down by unionists

There are major difficulties marrying the philosophies of the UUP and SDLP

Bangor Protestant Boys flute band members fined for breaching St Patrick’s music ban

Jamie Bryson hits out at band’s St Patrick’s Church prosecutions

Charter NI ‘dealing with matter internally’ as MP claims UDA boss Dee Stitt steps aside

IRSP warn police ‘playing with fire’ after series of house raids on members

Disappeared family ‘just one call’ from finding brother’s remains

Prime Minister Theresa May says Fifa’s poppy stance ‘utterly outrageous’

England and Scotland players to wear poppy armbands in defiance of Fifa

Football poppy row: Fifa accused of double standards – (Just pro-republican prejudice !!!)

Bank of England stages post-Brexit u-turn as it hikes growth forecast for 2017 and keeps interest rates on hold – (How totally unreliable are these ‘experts’!!!)

November 2

Enniskillen bomb victims still striving for justice: Elliott

Tory peer in Lords attempt to secure Northern Ireland gay pardons

Audio shows new DUP man likened Gregory Campbell to ‘a complete robot’

Arlene Foster phones husband of La Mon victim to apologise for DUP conference song stunt

Dungannon Hockey Club’s net loss as two goalies refuse to play in huge Sunday game due to faith

Stormont ‘Silent Walk’ to remember the Disappeared

Provo turned lawyer must be probed over claims, says Hussey

Found dead: Millionaire stockbroker turned IRA gunrunner Mike Logan who agreed to give evidence against top Provo

Intimidation by paramilitaries leaves more than 400 people homeless in year

Donald Trump overtakes Hillary Clinton for first time since May in ABC poll

US election: Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton in poll for first time since May in wake of email scandal

Market jitters over Trump fears as Clinton attacks heckler who called Bill ‘a rapist’: Wednesday US election briefing

If I disagreed with Presbyterian Church teaching on marriage, I’d stand down as a minister, says Rev Brian Kennaway

Outrage as David Attenborough says British people were NOT WISE enough for Brexit vote – (Sadly, they weren’t wise enough to reject his ‘evolutionist’ nonsense!!!)

Sharia law being administered in shop basements, MPs told

REVEALED: Sharia courts dish out ‘justice’ from Britain’s shop basements, top expert warns

WAR ON THE STREETS OF PARIS: Armed migrants fight running battles in the French capital

November 1

Jim Allister: Retrospective gay pardons may be illegal in Northern Ireland – (They certainly would not be legal in the Highest Court of all!!!)

UUP ‘defector’ blames Nesbitt’s new policies

NI’s first lady on crest of wave as good times roll on for Arlene – ( Wherefore let him (or her) that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall,” 1 Cor 10:12!!)

Sam McBride: Foster may have averted the next flag protest before it even began

Alliance and UUP hit back at First Minister’s accusations

Foster: Eastwood and Nesbitt are pedalling junk like Steptoe and Son

Informer Gilmour’s death made my day, says SF councillor – (Given the IRA’s record of murder he has had very many ‘happy days’!!)

An Irishman’s Diary: ‘No Pope Here!’ – A protest march in Armagh in 1968

Muslim women complain about Sharia inquiries

Iraqi PM warns Islamic State to ‘surrender or die’ in Mosul

SHOCK CLAIM: Clintons are a ‘CRIME FAMILY’ as bad as the GAMBINO MOB, ex-FBI chief says

October 31

Abortion debate: Bloody Sunday relative Liam Wray votes for TUV on abortion

Jim Allister: ‘Dublin lawyer’s IRA killing claims must be investigated’

Latest scalps prove DUP is leading the way in unionism

Ulster Unionists hit by third defection to DUP in just a week

Arlene Foster: Eastwood and Nesbitt are pedalling junk like Steptoe and Son

Foster accuses Dublin government of quietly talking down NI abroad – (Nothing new there!!!)

Minister expresses ‘deep concern’ at claims Dublin is ‘trying to poach investment, undermine economy in North’ in wake of Brexit

Flanagan surprised by Foster’s claim of ‘poaching’ investors from North

For nationalists, Brexit now seems to mean ‘Brits Out’

Sinn Fein’s real problem is ghosts from the past, not its media critics

Clintons’ ties to Irish money revealed in leaked emails

Clinton’s campaign in chaos: Details emerge of how aide acted as email ‘gatekeeper’

Hillary Clinton accuses FBI over ‘strange’ new emails review

FBI obtains warrant to search emails as Hillary Clinton’s 12-point lead over Donald Trump ‘wiped out’: Monday US election briefing

Donald Trump’s camp now scents blood. Even victory won’t end Hillary Clinton’s nightmare

Michael Gove ‘leaves son at hotel to go to party’

Jesus Christ’s tomb uncovered for first time in centuries in hunt for secrets of how and where he was buried – (This not the Saviour’s tomb but just another of Popery’s myths!!!)

‘We’ve done our bit’ French furious as Theresa May REFUSES more Calais child migrants – (France allowed them into their country – their problem!!!)

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July 2016

Index to this edition

Another letter challenging Ivan Foster’s article on Joe McCann

ThebelfastnewsletterThis also appeared in the “Belfast Newsletter.” Below is the letter and Rev. Foster’s reply.

I feel compelled to address some of the falsehoods in Rev Ivan Foster’s lengthy letter (July 27).

1. The Rev talks about Roman Catholics – the term Roman used as a derogatory term by some unionists to describe their Catholic neighbours, most of who, including myself, have never been to Rome. Protestants in days gone bye would not darken the door of a chapel. Thankfully that has changed and visa versa.

2. What Rev Foster do you describe as Roman Catholic terrorism? Let me knowRead more

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Newspaper correspondent takes issue with Rev. Foster’s words about IRA man Joe McCann

ThebelfastnewsletterThe following letter appeared in “The Belfast Newsletter” on July 25th.

I felt that I had to answer it because of its reiteration of the lies by which the IRA sought to justify its campaign of murder and terror.

I give first the letter from a “Mr Paul Shore” of Dublin and then my reply which has been submitted to the Editor of “The Belfast Newsletter”.

I just feel moved to write a few lines in response to Ivan Foster’s short piece on his memories of the death of Joe McCann (July 23).

He opines that Mr McCann chose “the gun instead of Christ” and seems to feel elevated enough to pass judgement on the aforementioned’s eternal soul.

As a native of Ulster, I couldn’t help but recall a dim memory of Mr Foster sporting a red beret as a founding member of ‘Ulster Resistance’ which, if my memory serves me well, had no qualms in collaborating with loyalist murder gangs in procuring arms and threatening violence….Read more

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Doing what angels are not allowed to do

bible_imageActs 5:19-20

A message preached in Kilskeery FPC, 1st June 1986 by Rev. Ivan Foster

The sect of the Sadducees correspond with those today who say that everyone has a right to speak and do as they wish!

This apparently liberal attitude took on its true face when they encountered the preacher of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then they became very illiberal!

In the passage before us they are filled with indignation and imprison ALL the apostles for doing that which should fill all men with joy and gratitude. The apostles’ crimes are listed in verses 12, 14-16.

“And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch. . . . .And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.) Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. There came also a multitude out of the cities round about unto Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.”

This clearly gives us the pedigree of the Sadducees. They were the devil’s offspring!

Listen using the player below:

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I wept over IRA death, says Paisley associate

Northern Ireland daily newspaper features story of 1966 imprisonment of 3 Free Presbyterian ministers

By Sam McBride

Joe_McCannA former DUP firebrand Assemblyman and Free Presbyterian minister has told how he wept when he heard that an IRA man had been shot dead by a paratrooper.

Writing in today’s News Letter, the Rev Ivan Foster recounts how when he was jailed with Ian Paisley half a century ago he struck up an unlikely relationship with Official IRA man Joe McCann.

The Rev Foster – who was seen as one of the most uncompromising DUP members and who at one point in the 1980s was the Fermanagh commander of the quasi-military Third Force – said that he had explained his faith to the young IRA man and that they had discussed their religious views while working in the Crumlin Road Jail.

The Rev Foster, who represented the area in Stormont during the 1980s, said that the Falls Road-born paramilitary had been a “dedicated IRA man”.

Recalling the moment when he heard of the 24-year-old’s death, the Rev Foster said: “I freely admit my heart was filled with grief and I shed tears over the sad fate of that young man.”

The Rev Foster – who in 2007 used his pulpit to denounce Dr Paisley’s moves towards power-sharing with Sinn Fein – also said that the period around their jailing had been pivotal to the growth of the Free Presbyterian Church.

Read the feature story here (link to Belfast Newsletter website)

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Joe McCann, IRA gunman, and his three months under the gospel

mccann_2by Rev Ivan Foster

The death of IRA man, Joe McCann, is once again in the news. Attempts are being made to put on trial those soldiers who were involved in the firefight when Joe McCann was shot by paratroopers.

McCann (24) was commander of the Official IRA’s third Belfast battalion. In February 1972, McCann was involved in the attempted assassination of Ulster Unionist politician John Taylor. He was regarded by the security forces as a dangerous terrorist. McCann was shot by soldiers in disputed circumstances in Joy Street in the Markets area, close to his home, on April 15, 1972.

One of the men, Soldier C, is a grandfather from Hampshire, England, who served with distinction for 23 years. “How can this be justice?” he asked. “It is a disgrace. I was doing my duty in Northern Ireland, trying to protect the public and keep the peace. Now I am being thrown to the wolves.” Read more

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A New British Prime Minister — “Same Old Same Old”

theresa-mayIn her first speech as Prime Minister, Mrs Theresa May gushed in her admiration of her predecessor, David Cameron following his political demise. Cameron wished to be remembered as one who promoted ‘same-sex marriage’. The ‘Telegraph’ reported the matter thus: “In a clear bid to define the legacy that he will leave behind him, he spoke of his pride at . . . . introducing gay marriage,” 13th July 2016.

What a shameful, wicked, God-defying, self-dictated political epitaph! The spirit of Cameron, very prevalent in British politics for a number of decades now, ever since openly sodomite politicians were considered suitable for high public office by the British voting public, is set to continue in Mrs Theresa May’s government.  Read more

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A YOUNG Earth – An OLD Truth

ArkSome Comments on remarks on the Bible’s account of creation by deceived and deceitful Evolutionists

By Rev Ivan Foster

Recently, the opening of a “Noah’s Ark” theme park by Dr Ken Ham, founder of “Answers in Genesis” organisation, aroused the ire of evolutionists who so hate any setting forth of the Bible truth of a 6-day creation and a young earth view.

The following comments were published by The Telegraph of 8th July 2016.

“Nathaniel Jeanson is a Harvard-educated biologist. For the past year, he has been involved in a spectacular $100 million project, designed to educate and astonish the world.

His project, however, has left many scientists in despair. Read more

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Securing the future by remembering the past, Part 2.

Psalm 78

(Preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church, Lord’s Day morning, 3rd July 2016.

In the first part of this message, preached three weeks ago, we sought to highlight how sinful it is to forget the mercy that the Lord has displayed toward us in His past dealings with us.
The main point I made then was:


We take up the message again and wish you to observe that:


The word ‘hide’, verse 4, means to ‘conceal, to cut off’, Exodus 9:15. What God did to Pharaoh, this we do to our children when we ‘cut off’ God’s truth from them.

1. Consider just what is the duty of fathers. This refers to natural fathers as well as the ‘fathers’ of the church, the elders. “Shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done,” verse 4. You must be well acquainted with such ‘wonderful works’ before you can teach them to your children.

Read more

Listen using the player below:

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A tribute to one of the many – an uncle we never met.

George_Foster_Lily_editedUncle George Forster (the spelling of the surname was changed for some unknown reason in the early part of the 20th century) was the fourth child of Leslie and Mary Jane Forster. He was born at the family farm at Ballymackilroy, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh.
He joined the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers while underage. He served in Dublin during the 1916 Easter Rising before going to France.

He was killed in action at Savy Wood, close to the village of Savy which is a few miles from St Quentin, in Picardy, France.

A younger brother, my Uncle William, told me the story of how, when he was in training, having just joined the Royal Ulster Constabulary in 1922, he met a former British Army captain who had also joined. On learning my Uncle’s surname, he related how he had a sergeant served under him in France by that name. It turned out it was Uncle George. The captain was able to relate the circumstances in which Uncle George was killed. The captain was leading one half of a patrol with Uncle George leading the other on 1st April, 1917. Uncle George was going down one side of Savy Wood and the captain going down the other. They had nearly met up when a German shell killed Uncle George. Read more

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Europe in Bible Prophecy

EU_flagThe subject of Europe is very prominent in the news at present and that interest has only increased not diminished since the outcome of the EU referendum has been decided.

We are constantly being told by all political leaders what this result means?, what is going to happen now? and where it will all lead? It seems that everyone has an opinion to give or a statement to make on the subject! All of which has only led to greater confusion, division and uncertainty.

But the question that should concern us as Bible believing Christians is – What saith the Scriptures? What does the Word of God have to say on the subject of the future of Europe? That should be our response to every situation and subject in life and our nation’s membership of the European Union should be no different. Read more

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Editor’s correspondence with ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty

Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly
Pastor James McConnell and the RC priest Patrick McCafferty with whom he is most friendly

Back in 2002, I entered into a correspondence in the pages of “The Burning Bush” with a Roman Catholic priest from Belfast. The correspondence arose after I wrote a letter in reply to an article by the priest in “The Belfast Telegraph” of August 24th, 2002.

I was grieved at such a platform being given to the errors and deceptions of Rome and commented on the priest’s article in a letter to “The Belfast Telegraph.”

It will be noted how our two replies to the priest were edited by the ‘Letters Editor’ of “The Belfast Telegraph” before they quickly closed the exchange after two exchanges.

The Word of God was not liked by that ecumenical newspaper back then and it is still the case. Every effort was made to shield and protect the priest of Rome from the rebuke of God’s Word.

We are republishing the correspondence, which continued for eight exchanges, and appeared in “The Burning Bush” from October 2002 until May 2003, because of the publicity given to the ‘warm relationship’ that was manifested between this priest and Pastor James McConnell during the recent trial occasioned by Pastor McConnell’s pulpit statements about Islam. Pastor McConnell asked ‘Father’ Patrick McCafferty to speak on his behalf during the trial.

All this “ecumenical camaraderie” between the pastor and the priest may appear to some to give endorsement of the teachings of Rome and it is for this reason we highlight again the errors this priest, like all Roman Catholic clerics, propagates.

Needless to say, it also highlights the folly of James McConnell!

Read Part 7 of the exchange here.

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Sturgeon left HUMILIATED as poll finds Scots WANT to remain part of Britain despite Brexit

Islamism is an attack on our civilisation – this must be recognised, not evaded

Isis training children of foreign fighters to become ‘next generation’ of terrorists – At least 50 British children are believed to be among those living in the group’s territories

Muslims Refuse To Bury Priest Killer Kermiche


More news

July 29

I’m no threat, says first Catholic canon to take up ecumenical role at Belfast CoI cathedral – (He is a clear indication of the apostasy of the C of I and its total departure from the Word of God!!)

Online child sex abuse investigation identifies 523 potential victims – (What shameful failure by parents that allows their children to be approached via the Internet!!!)

Juncker ALLOWS Switzerland to CURB immigrant influx in shock EU move boosting Brexit hopes

Angry mourners confront Muslims who chant ‘Allahu Akbar’ at Munich shooting memorial

Merkel rejects calls to reverse refugee policy

MERKEL’S MIGRANT MISERY: One of Angela’s own MPs blasts her ‘NIGHTMARISH’ immigrant policy

IMF admits disastrous love affair with the euro, apologises for the immolation of Greece

Embarrassment for Christine Lagarde and IMF as Fund’s own watchdog slams its eurozone record

Clinton vows to be president for ‘all Americans’

Donald Trump is flirting with electoral disaster – and treason – by inviting Russia to dig up Hillary Clinton emails

Complaint to police after officers put spit hood over man’s head during arrest

Body Cam Footage Released Showing Arizona Cop Shooting and Killing Woman Holding Small Pair of Scissors – (Two headlines for the sake of comparison!!!!!)

‘People in the UK need to WAKE UP’ Soldier fighting ISIS issues urgent warning to Britain

Islamic preacher shouts ‘Allahu Akbar’ in police officer’s face during extraordinary street confrontation

July 28

Belfast’s St Anne’s Cathedral (Church of Ireland – Anglican) appoints Catholic priest as canon for first time – (Will C of I stalwarts still maintain that there is no ‘Romeward trend’!!!)

Sinn Féin cumann chairman repeats leadership contest call

Do not ‘relegate’ victims, Troubles campaigner tells Executive

Northern Ireland businesses being fleeced of thousands of pounds every month by paramilitary extortion gangs

Let’s be thankful we jumped the sinking ship called Europe

“They are all pigs of the one sow’s litter!”

France church attack: Second suspect in priest killing named

DNA tests confirm identity of second man in priest killing

Why the brutal slaughter of a French priest is a reminder of rank barbarism closer to home in Northern Ireland

Rep of Ireland is ‘making same mistakes as Germany and France’ on terror

Garda and military intelligence step up their monitoring of jihad sympathisers

Supreme Court rules against Named Person scheme – (Irrespective of man’s law, it was a violation of God’s order for the family!!)

Peer facing 80p court case feels ‘set upon’ since bestiality row

Teen accused of killing mum in bike crash also suspect in gang attack on young dad Christopher Meli – (Highlights the feral character of elements of the younger generation today!!)

Australian police investigate Vatican treasurer over abuse allegations

Obama: Hillary Clinton More Qualified Than Me and her husband Bill – (Boy! What sort of a nasty piece of work does that make her????)

July 26

RAF Marham abduction attempt: E-fits released of suspects

Police reveal e-fits of suspects wanted over RAF Marham attempted abduction

Hillary Clinton secures historic Democratic nomination for US president

UK churches told to review security after France murder

British security services warn attack on UK is ‘very likely’ as churches on terror alert after Normandy priest murder

Normandy church TERROR: ISIS knifemen made priest, 84, KNEEL as they slit his throat

Normandy church TERROR: ISIS knifemen made priest, 84, KNEEL as they slit his throat

ISIS knifemen ‘forced French priest to kneel and filmed themselves slitting his throat in horror church attack’

Normandy church knifeman was convicted terrorist on electronic TAG

Why did no one act? Normandy Catholic church was on ISIS terror ‘hit list’ found LAST YEAR

98 per cent say NO to EU deal: Forget talks with Brussels and quit NOW, urges new poll

Spain & Portugal face BILLIONS in FINES as Juncker pushes PUNISHMENT on beleaguered states

Two held in Ireland over murder of British spy Denis Donaldson

Denis Donaldson: Two Donegal arrests over 2006 killing

July 25

Two knifemen ‘shot dead’ by French police after taking hostages in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray church

Hostage Killed As Knifemen Attack French Church

JAPAN – Sacked man who stabbed 19 patients to death ‘thought disabled should be killed’

Ex-SDLP councillor blasts MLA Daniel McCrossan over Ross Hussey support message

Jim Wells: Woman admits wasting police time over Downpatrick hustings event

Woman guilty of wasting police time over Jim Wells Downpatrick hustings event

Brexit means Brexit, Theresa May tells an unimpressed Martin McGuinness – (Hmmm!!!!)

Theresa May is preparing a Brexit fudge which will disappoint everyone

Bad luck, Martin McGuinness: Theresa May and Arlene Foster will ensure Brexit does not lead to a united Ireland – (Hmmm again!!!!)

Brexit: Theresa May to meet Irish PM Enda Kenny for talks

Ex-justice minister Ford among group set to mount legal challenge over Brexit – (What a useful being David Ford is!!!)

Time to hit paramilitary criminals where it will really hurt… in their pockets

Gun attack in republican Belfast district branded ‘shameful’

Police under investigation over handling of Lord Janner child sex abuse claims

Germany Bomber Pledged Allegiance To IS

RAF Marham Attacker Headbutted By Victim

Unionists remember victims of IRA’s Black Friday bombardment of Belfast

Football squad based near massacre site hail ‘new dawn’

July 23

Welcome to Drum – the only Protestant village in Republic of Ireland – (Coragarry FPC is just outside Drum)

GERMANY BOMB HORROR: 12 injured as Syrian asylum seeker blows himself up outside wine bar

Ansbach explosion: Syrian asylum seeker kills himself and injures 12 in bombing

Machete-wielding Syrian refugee kills woman and injures two in Germany – (“The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence,” Genesis 6:11)

Syrian Refugee Wielding Machete Kills Woman

Knifeman ‘has killed woman and wounded two others in Germany’

Munich gunman ‘planned shooting attack for up to a year’

Tory MPs react with fury as EU leaders consider UK ’emergency brake’ on free movement – (Brexit or no Brexit in the end there will be ‘no Brexit’!!!)

Anger at EU deal to STOP Brexit: Merkel, Hollande & May’s plan to keep UK in single market

‘We don’t trust her’ Theresa May faces Tory revolt if she FAILS to curb migration from EU

Angela Merkel’s open door has left her fighting for survival

Dover misery could last for two more days as holidaymakers are left stranded overnight after French put one border guard on duty – (Why would anyone wish to be in an affiliation with such a despicably vindictive nation!!)

French facing accusations of triggering Dover chaos in ‘revenge’ for Brexit

Dover traffic: Police warn of 10-hour delays after French officials ‘understaff’ border

Dover port: Police warn of 10-hour delays after French officials ‘understaff’ border

Dover delays: Queues cut but delays ‘could last for days’

Thousands of Turkey coup prisoners ‘raped, starved and hogtied’

SAS troops poised to EVACUATE Britons from Turkey amid fear of SECOND military coup

Russia Escapes Total Ban On Rio Athletes – (What do rules matter. The show must go on, money is at stake – lots of it!!!)

Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church targeted in second arson attack within days

Secretary of State tells of ‘sadness’ after second arson attack on Presbyterian church

Ross Hussey: UUP MLA apologises for sending naked photos – (What is wrong with some overpaid, overfed dissemblers is set forth in the Bible: “Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness . . . ,” Ezekiel 16:49)

UUP issue statement after Ross Hussey MLA apologises for ‘terrible error of judgment’ – (The ‘private life’ his party says he is entitled to would have had him rejected at the polls had Unionists known about it!!!)

Belfast and Dungannon: ‘Possible link’ between armed burglaries

Enda Kenny and Micheal Martin’s cavalier attempts at electioneering suit unionism very nicely

Wise up and stop beating the tribal drum on unity – (Yes, it does tend to make the Irish natives restless!!!)

Adams must stay on as leader to keep Sinn Fein out of power

All hail Caesar Adams… but his time at helm is almost over

If Provos got rid of Semtex, why are we still discovering it? – (McGuinness, Adams etc deal in lies as well as murder!!)

Northern Ireland peer Lord Maginnis: I’ll go to jail over 80p train ticket

July 22

I wept over IRA death, says Paisley associate

Time to accept EU result, UUP tells McGuinness

Brexit: ‘No hard Irish border’, says Taoiseach Enda Kenny

‘There will be no hard Irish border’: Taoiseach

Munich shooting: Nine dead in Olympia shopping centre rampage as police say shooter fled and killed himself

Nine dead and children injured in Munich shopping centre shooting

Munich shooting: German-Iranian gunman targeted children outside McDonald’s, as nine killed in terrorist massacre

Munich shooting: Nine dead in shopping centre rampage as police say likely shooter fled and killed himself

MUNICH SHOOTING LATEST: 10 dead including ‘Iranian’ gunman & 16 hurt after attack

Angela Merkel BACKLASH: Fury erupts at German leader amid Munich shooting rampage

Gay marriage on Isle of Man now leaves NI more isolated, claims campaigner

Italy’s economic woes show exactly WHY EU wanted Britain to stay, says ROSS CLARK – (Don’t worry, Scotland will bail them out!!!!)

IMF head Christine Lagarde to stand trial over Tapie payment

IMF head Christine Lagarde to stand trial over £330m payment to tycoon

The liberal hysteria over Brexit shows exactly why we need to leave

Dervock Young Defenders bus burned outside Orange hall – (This is the band that should be banned according to Sinn Féin MLA Daithí McKay. This ought to make him happy at least!!!)

Ballycastle Twelfth fracas band has bus torched at hall

DUP distances itself from MP’s breastfeeding views – (Everybody must tow the PC line or be ostracised!!)

Sammy Wilson says breastfeeding Commons MPs ‘voyeuristic’ and not motivated by need to feed baby

30,000 take part in our united Ireland border poll – here’s how they voted – (Another instance of the ‘Republican Propaganda’ grapevine getting to work!!)

I’m telling your dad: Northern Ireland born MP Conor McGinn incredible claim after Jeremy Corbyn objected to interview comments

Corbyn faces ‘bully’ accusations from Labour MP

45 female Labour MPs write to Jeremy Corbyn demanding he does more to stop ‘disgusting’ abuse from supporters

Alone in his bunker, Jeremy Corbyn plots the downfall of everyone who’s humiliated him. It’s a long list

SAS outpost in Syria ‘bombed by Russians just hours after troops left’

July 21

Why Enda Kenny’s lack of respect to Arlene Foster over all-Ireland talks on borders is contemptible

I gasped at the bad timing of Kenny’s ill-judged musings about a border poll

Hoping to see a united Ireland? Time travel is a lot more likely

Irish Social Protection minister, Leo Varadkar claims border poll could undermine relations with North

Talk of Border poll ‘silly right now’, says SDLP leader
Dodds welcomes Secretary of State’s rejection of calls for border poll

Political leaders come and go but Gerry Adams clings on

Blueprint on paramilitary crime far too weak: Former Justice Minister David Ford

Plan dismissed as ‘weak wish list’

Paramilitary action plan critics ‘throwing mud’ says Justice Minister Claire Sugden

DUP MP: McGuinness should be more even-handed on Troubles inquests

Irish-American Gerry Adams associate Peter King is Donald Trump backer

Cruz Refuses To Be ‘A Servile Puppy’ To Trump

Soldier suspected of teen’s killing ‘also plotted to kill Gerry Adams’

July 20

Border Poll Fantasy

NI Sec of State, Brokenshire tells Commons: No need for border referendum

Paramilitary Report Farcical

855 ex-soldiers quizzed over Troubles deaths in ‘politically-driven witch-hunt’ – (PSNI should be utterly ashamed of it willingness to be the tool of republican-inspired campaign!)

After 33 years is it time for Gerry Adams to go away, you know?

Is Gerry Adams an asset or a hindrance to the Sinn Féin project? – (Silly question!!!)

Tory MPs delighted as May ‘wipes the floor’ with Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has turned Labour into a ‘laughing stock’ as leader launches campaign to hold on to power with 180,000 new members

Theresa May brutally slaps down SNP pleas to remain in EU at first PMQs

Remain peer’s plea to listen to Leave side of EU debate

The EU is COLLAPSING due to open borders, Dutch MP tells Trump supporters

Act NOW to save Italy: IMF issues URGENT warning as Italian debt reaches ‘ALARMING’ levels

Margaret Thatcher demanded halt to Asian men bringing second wives to Britain, newly-released files reveal

‘We have to limit immigration to take back control’, blasts German politician

RAF serviceman threatened with knife at Marham base of anti-Isil squadrons

Knifemen try to ‘kidnap’ RAF Marham serviceman outside airbase housing Tornados bombing ISIS in ‘possible terror attack’

Thunderous boos for Ted Cruz as he refuses to endorse Donald Trump

Ted Cruz’s non-endorsement might cripple Donald Trump’s entire candidacy

Erdogan Declares State Of Emergency In Turkey

July 19

After Brexit, Northern Irish politics will again be dominated by the border

Now Northern Ireland jumps on Brexit-bashing bandwagon and calls for re-united Ireland – (That is “Republicans” in NI!!!)

Brexit both an opportunity and a threat for SF

Sinn Féin’s poll slide raises questions for Gerry Adams

Police to get more cash to tackle paramilitary crime

May hopes for ‘frank and open’ EU talks with Merkel

Ford blasts DUP ‘hypocrisy’ on EU farm funds plea

Donald Trump Secures Republican Nomination

Angela Eagle withdraws from Labour leadership election – (Headless chickens!!!)

MPs clash over border concerns in wake of Brexit

Turkey fires tens of thousands in coup plotters hunt

Turkey sacks 24,000 teachers and government employees amid Erdogan’s crackdown

PSNI response to Billy Wright poster row dubbed ‘disgraceful’ – (The poster is shameful but few RomanCatholics ever complain of the many memorials that glorify the multitude of IRA terrorist murders!!!)

Memorial to soldiers killed by IRA under attack again – (Not too many RC complaints about the like of this!!!)

Police investigating after Narrow Water memorial vandalised

July 18

Satanic prayer disrupted at council meeting

German train attack: Afghan refugee ‘had IS flag in room’

Police kill Afghan teenage axeman who attacked passengers on German train

Kenny opens up Pandora’s Box on North that could have seismic effect – (Republicans will use any situation to promote their objective of a united Ireland!!)

Enda Kenny: Brexit talks ‘must consider possibility of future border poll’

Martin McGuinness issues Brexit warning to new NI Secretary

Foster-McGuinness split over Brexit widens

First call by a Sinn Fein official for Adams to resign as leader

Sinn Féin TD says Adams may not be leader by next election

Warder murder accused took part in Ardoyne anti-parade protest

Ex-para who may face court over IRA man’s death slams justice system – (This is the IRA man to whom we witnessed during our 1966 3-months jail term!)

Belfast bomb parts accused ‘has multiple IDs’

MPs vote to renew Britain’s Trident nuclear deterrent by large majority

MPs vote to renew Trident: Jeremy Corbyn suffers biggest rebellion of his leadership as Britain’s nuclear deterrent backed by 472 to 117

‘Transfer thousands of Trident jobs to Ulster’

Ex-SNP leader Gordon Wilson says Yes Scotland should be resurrected

July 17

Three Police Officers Shot Dead In Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge Killer Was A Decorated US Marine

At least 6,000 people have been detained in Turkey after a failed military coup

Turkey coup attempt: World leaders warn President Erdogan not to use uprising as excuse for crackdown as more than 6,000 arrested

You thought Erdogan was bad before? The worst of Turkey’s leader is yet to come

Turkey’s coup may have failed – but history shows it won’t be long before another one succeeds

Turkey may no longer be a viable partner in fight against Isis following coup attempt, says French foreign minister

Six members of one family killed in Nice Attack

Lorry Killer ‘Visited Scene Twice Before Attack’

Brother Has ‘No Regrets’ For Killing Selfie Star – (Muslim ‘brotherly love!! Whose sin was greatest??))

Uncle accused of murdering niece days before she was going to convert to Christianity – (There is no tolerance shown by paganism!!)

SF grassroots call for Adams to ‘get off the stage’ and step down – (Mr ‘All-Powerful’ will not like that!!!)

Gerry Adams rejects calls to ‘get off the stage’ and stand down – (Didn’t I tell you!!!)

Gerry Adams will be allowed to choose his time to go – (We will see!!!???)

Discussions under way to set up new anti-agreement republican party

At the Belfast Field, strong support for UK’s vote for Brexit

Loyalists don’t need lectures in bigotry from those liberals who gleefully demonise them

Kris Hopkins: New NIO minister survived two IRA attacks

New Garda-PSNI task force targets Provo smugglers – (‘They haven’t gone away ya know’ !!!)

INLA Godfather faces internal war as dissidents cash in on gangland feud

Sinn Fein quiet on McGuinness ‘Provo medal’ – (That is one medal none can wear with pride!!)

Sinn Fein refuses to say if Martin McGuinness got IRA medal

Brexit vote: NI first minister says ‘whole of UK is leaving EU’

Nicola Sturgeon accepts she has a veto over Brexit timing in comments which will infuriate Tory Right

Scotland can’t have veto over any Brexit deal, insists David Davis, Brexit Secretary

UK offered Brexit free trade deal with Australia

May: Australia seeking post-Brexit free trade deal

Boost For May As Australia Seeks Free Trade Deal

MP to challenge BBC over funding for Bobby Sands film

It is nonsense to say that you can never militarily defeat an ideology

July 15

At least 90 killed in attempted military coup in Turkey

Turkish President Erdogan appears in Istanbul to denounce army coup attempt

May RULES OUT triggering Article 50 early just days after insisting ‘Brexit means Brexit’

BREXIT BY 2018! Davis reveals timetable for Britain’s independence from Brussels

Theresa May speech laying out plans to scrap the Human Rights Act re-surfaces on the internet

Nice attack: Bastille Day lorry driver Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel who killed 84 ‘linked to radical Islam’

IS Urged Vehicle-Ramming Attacks In 2014

Why jihadists stalk the French Riviera

Nice is a very different city to Paris or Lyon – and a clever choice for igniting race war

Ben Lowry: It is not good enough just to keep saying ‘Islam is a religion of peace’

Gerry Adams told to step down by Sinn Féin cumann chairman

July 14

Bastille Day attack in Nice

Live updates: Bastille Day lorry attack leaves 84 dead

Massacre In Nice: 84 Die As Truck Hits Crowd

Nice terror attack: Driver who killed 84 on French Riviera was criminal known to police

Unionists outraged as public money used to fund film about Bobby Sands’ IRA hunger strike – (Price of putting ‘terrorists in government’ !!!)

9/11 report: Secret 28 pages showing possible Saudi links ‘to be released in days’

James Brokenshire ‘honoured’ to become Northern Secretary

Reaction as James Brokenshire replaces Theresa Villiers as Northern Ireland secretary

Brokenshire’s Home Office experience will be much needed in NI

DUP’s Edwin Poots ‘couldn’t care less’ about bonfire criticism

Cameron a hypocrite on Bloody Sunday: Eamonn McCann

Michael Copeland: ‘Mr Corbyn – the IRA were not freedom fighters, but terrorists’

Philip Hammond: ‘No separate EU deal for Scotland’

July 13

Theresa May to hand out more jobs in first cabinet

Surprise appointment in PM Theresa May’s cabinet

Boris Johnson’s appointment as Foreign Secretary has not gone down well in the United States – (If Obama is annoyed it must be OK!!)

Dublin PM, Kenny now wants Brexit to start ‘as soon as possible’ as he talks to May

If Merkel won’t listen, then it may be time for Ireland to cut its own deal with the UK – (A change of tune!!)

Ireland needs May as an ally – Changing times

Brexit means Brexit, for the UK as a whole

McKay calls for Dervock band to be banned from future parades – (Sinn Fein would dictate the colour of shoes marchers wear!!!)

Independent councillor Padraig McShane released on police bail after Twelfth confrontation

Orange Order lambasts ‘unaccountable’ parades body

DUP silent on criticism of senior figures at bonfires – (Who goes to bonfires now to be dictated by republicans!!!)

Bonfires are now more about underclass defiance than loyalism

Republican youths attempt to burn Union flag during standoff in Belfast – (Anybody apologising??!!!)

DUP’s Jeffrey Donaldson: No one did more to end terrorism in Northern Ireland than Tony Blair – (An absolute dupe making payments for his knighthood!!!)

Donaldson defends Tony Blair over his role in NI – (As one of those who helped promote Blair’s “Peace” that is not surprising !!)

Ex-PM’s legacy here is one of instability – LETTER

Suggestion of ‘hypocrisy’ in SF call for south Armagh crime action – (Sinn Fein’s ‘hypocrisy’ was always more than a mere ‘suggestion’!!)

West Belfast – (Republican) : 16 petrol bombs are seized by police after attack of ‘sheer recklessness’

‘Gag’ order: FBI confirms special secrecy agreements for agents in Clinton email probe

July 12

Theresa May will stop migrant crisis: New PM vows she will end free movement from EU

‘Grave concern’ over Theresa May’s accession

May’s past statements on Ireland are worrying

Irish PM Kenny leaves Merkel talks empty-handed after ‘special case’ snub

Merkel REFUSES special deal for Ireland after fears Brexit could cause border tensions

Another Orange hall vandalised in run-up to Twelfth

Twelfth: Newtownstewart marchers hear ‘scheming’ nationalists condemned

A successful Twelfth around the Province gives hope for future

It lost referendum, but Remain will fight by any means to thwart EU exit

Orange Order chief: We need God in our lives, not indyref2

July 11

In pictures: Twelfth of July Orange Order parades begin peacefullyUUP MP Danny Kinahan apologises over bonfire Irish tricolour Twitter picture – (WHY????)

When you cross-reference Theresa May’s speech with her voting record, it’s as if she didn’t mean anything she said

How the skulduggers succeeded in bringing an end to Andrea Leadsom’s campaign to be prime minister

Theresa May plans her top team as David Cameron chairs his final Cabinet as prime minister

Northern Ireland First Minister Arlene Foster urges swift Brexit after Theresa May is confirmed as Tory leader and PM-elect

Theresa May will drive Tory members into the arms of Ukip – Norman Tebbitt

Furious Tory members defect to UKIP in protest at Theresa May’s victory

Theresa May forced to defend views on Sharia Law as she prepares to enter No 10

Angela Eagle’s ‘windows put through’ hours after Labour leadership challenge announced

Canada’s Anglicans reject gay marriage by just one vote

Single beat outside Catholic church ‘must be on small drum’ – (Bands will be required to march in carpet slippers next!!!!)

Kinahan gunman on bicycle abandons hit on Gerry ‘The Monk’ Hutch’s brother

Chilcot inquiry: Black ops in Iraq caused split between US and UK

China has ‘no historic rights’ in South China Sea, rules Hague tribunal

July 10

Theresa May set to be UK PM after Andrea Leadsom quits

Tony Blair was a conman even back in those heady peace process days

John Prescott: Ex-deputy PM says Iraq War was illegal

Prescott Says ‘Illegal’ Iraq War Will Haunt Him

Shamed Tony Blair faces CONTEMPT vote in parliament over Iraq War

Eagle To Challenge Corbyn For Labour Leadership

Jeremy Corbyn threatens to sue his own party if they refuse to automatically put him on the ballot paper as Angela Eagle prepares to oust the Labour leader

Leadsom camp hits back in motherhood row

‘I’ve been under attack, it’s been shattering’: Andrea Leadsom apologises to Theresa May over motherhood comments and admits furore has left her hurt

‘I feel I’m not allowed to grieve because I chose to kill my child’ – How Sarah and Andrew’s journey to Britain was the hardest decision they ever had to make – (How blind is modern society to the realities of abortion!!!)

Paedophile priest had links to other infamous child abusers

Hillary may not have been charged – but the public will not forget the email scandal

IMF says EU on brink of collapse and ‘untenable’ Euro may have to be SCRAPPED

‘We’re out the door’ Ireland could be next to leave EU as IREXIT campaign group launched

Lawyers claim Brexit result is not legally binding

Adams should do a Farage and ‘Gerrexit’

IRA and INLA at war on capital’s (Dublin) streets

Cork Council should replace wreaths – Somme ceremony undermined

Derry: Bomb and components found in Creggan and Galliagh searches

Drumcree: Brethren defy Parades Commission ruling by 11 minutes

July 9

‘Prayer vigil will let terrorists off the hook’ – victim

The Somme: How the News Letter reported the unfolding horror from the front line during this week in 1916

Top DUP figures ‘privately hoped for pro-EU vote’ – (Spineless wimps who are totally unworthy to be the descendants of those mentioned in the report above!!)

Chilcot said brokering of deal by British Army in Iraq with enemy militia was ‘a humiliation’ – in Northern Ireland it was known as peace process – (Such is the deceit and corruption of truth within politics!!!)

Nato’s united front under threat after Greece signs arms deal with Russia

Sammy Wilson condemns failures on the watch of DUP colleagues

Belfast City Hall protest calls for Tony Blair to face criminal charges over Iraq war – (Anti-British hatred clouds the true issue of the Iraq war!!!)

Dallas Sniper ‘Upset’ Over Black Shootings

Dallas shooting suspect stated he wanted to ‘kill white officers’

‘Officer Down’: Who Were The Dallas Victims?

Killings of black men by US police officers lead to ‘revenge’ shootings across America

Gardai quiz ex-IRA thug over Regency attack

Former army officer criticised at Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry

Wreaths laid to commemorate Battle of the Somme in Cork dumped in river

Brexit’s ugly sense of superiority

How ugly scourge of ageism after Brexit is a slur on our older people

July 8

Police in standoff with suspected sniper after four Dallas officers killed during protest; three others in custody

Live updates: Five police officers shot dead in Dallas protests

Despite Iraq we must remember Blair’s peace role, says DUP’s Donaldson – (“Blair’s Peace” was as deceiteful and bogus as “Blair’s War” though the DUP will never admit that!!!!)

Tony Blair thought he was the MESSIAH and often wore MAKE-UP, ex-PM’s former friend claims – (Some in the DUP appear to share his view!!!)

Tony Blair was “drunk on his own self-importance” when he ordered the invasion of Iraq

Cleric defends Maze ‘forgiveness’ prayer vigil plan – (This man belongs to a popish ‘Anglican Society of St Francis’ so it is little wonder his views are utterly unbiblical!!!)

Hunger striker Bobby Sands’ diaries movie Sixty Six Days blasted as ‘deplorable’ by unionist McCausland – (Glorifying of terrorist murderers and self-immolators can be nothing else!!!)

Investigation into Hilary Clinton emails reopened

Noah’s Ark replica built for £62million by Christians who believe world is 6,000-years-old opens – complete with DINOSAURS

July 7

IRA man Ivor Bell to face trial in connection with Jean McConville murder

Jean McConville murder: Veteran republican Ivor Bell to stand trial

Fox News Bill O’Reilly: Obama’s ‘Deep Emotional Ties’ Make Him ‘Sympathetic’ to Islam

Asad Shah death: Man admits killing shopkeeper because he ‘disrespected’ Islam

Chilcot report: Tony Blair didn’t tell truth about WMDs, the deal with Bush or the warnings of fallout – how UK went to war in Iraq

Tony Blair’s reputation lies in tatters in the wake of the report into the Iraq War

Gaunt, hoarse and haunted: Tony Blair looked a broken man

Calls Grow For Blair To Face Legal Action

Chilcot: Jeremy Corbyn apologises for Labour leader Tony Blair going to war in Iraq

Gove campaign manager apologises after urging May backers to block Leadsom

Michael Gove’s campaign urges Theresa May supporters to block Andrea Leadsom in Tory leadership race

Ethnic cleansing fears remain

Jamie Bryson: DUP dissenters leaked me Nama claims ‘in coup against Peter Robinson’

Burka ban for Muslims enforced in Switzerland with fines of as much as £8,000

July 6

Conservative leadership election: Theresa May wins more than half of MPs’ votes as Stephen Crabb pulls out and Liam Fox is eliminated

‘Not part of my country’ Katie Hopkins slams Theresa May over her ‘support’ for Sharia law

Kenny’s all-Ireland Brexit forum proposal a ‘shambles’

Arlene Foster and Martin McGuinness split on proposed all-island Brexit forum – (I would hope they differ on many things!!)

Sam McBride: Ten ways Stormont can immediately start preparing for Brexit

Fury over DUP Wilson’s ‘fascist’ jibe – (Truth hurts!!!)

EU demands Britain pays £12 BILLION into Brussels budget despite Brexit vote

Dublin Gun attack linked to internal INLA dispute and the Kinahan-Hutch feud

I’m a humanitarian activist, says accused in Jim Wells case – (A better name is an ‘Eejit’!!)

The tide is starting to turn on cross-border shopping as Sterling slides

Iraq sees worst bombing since invasion with 250 deaths

Chilcot Inquiry: Judgement day for Tony Blair as Iraq war report is due to be published after seven-year wait

Long-awaited report into Iraq war to be published

Soldier’s Family: Blair ‘In Denial’ Over Iraq War

Chilcot Report: Parents of major killed in Iraq say Blair must now face legal action

Iraq War Glossary: Who’s Who And What’s What

Patient ‘lay dead’ in London A&E for ‘hours’ before being found as hospital’s services branded ‘inadequate’

July 5

Frazer slams planned forgiveness vigil, saying: ‘Killers must repent first’– (‘Ecumenical forgiveness’ far removed from Bible’s teaching on the subject!!)

Child abuse inquiry chairwoman Susan O’Brien QC resigns – complaints of government interference in the probe

DUP leader dismisses idea of all-island Brexit body

Arlene Foster and Martin McGuinness split on proposed all-island Brexit forum

Taoiseach’s plans for all-island forum on Brexit torpedoed by DUP First Minister

Brexit: Taoiseach forced to scrap plans for North-South ‘All-Ireland forum’

Brexit: DUP MP Sammy Wilson likens those calling second EU vote to ‘fascists’

Chaos may reign, but the reality of a Leave vote should not be ignored

Andrea Leadsom: I can deliver fairness for people who struggle

We Conservatives are all Leavers now. We must unite to build a new and better Britain

EU demands Britain pays £12 BILLION into Brussels budget despite Brexit vote

Fury over legal bid to BLOCK EU exit: Top lawyers in threat to referendum vote & DEMOCRACY

‘Devious’ Nicola Sturgeon plots Brexit bank raid in bid to move financial hub to Scotland

Back to the top

July 4

Sammy Wilson: Hysterical, arrogant Remainers should accept verdict of people

Disparaging Leave voters reflects badly on Remain supporters

I voted to stick with EU, but the demonisation of those who went the other way is an insult to democracy

Angela Merkel ‘to oust Jean-Claude Juncker’ as Europe splits deepen over Brexit response

Austria warns it will LEAVE EU if Turkey wins controversial Brussels bid

Latest (Dublin gangland) feud victim was long-time member of Provisional IRA – (“Then said Jesus unto him. . . . all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword,” Matthew 26:52. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap,” Galatians 6:7)

Survey shows 70% support for same-sex marriages in Northern Ireland – (An indication of the growing ignorance amongst the younger generation!!)

FBI Grill Hillary Clinton On Emails For Hours

Michael Gove defends remarks he made in 2000 about Good Friday Agreement negotiations

Michael Gove defended over Good Friday Agreement report

Pro and anti-abortion rallies draw thousands into Belfast

July 1

Battle of the Somme: Bugle sounds Advance at Enniskillen Castle – (The same bugle that was used on this day 100 years ago!)

Somme Centenary: Thousands gather at Ulster Tower in solemn salute to the fallen

Ireland and the Somme: The battle in numbers

UK falls silent, exactly 100 years after Somme offensive began

Battle of the Somme: Northern Ireland ceremonies mark 100th anniversary

Battle of the Somme: How newspapers brought news of casualties home

Kincora: M16 document claims at least one agent was ‘aware of abuse’

Senior MI6 officer quizzed over note claiming agent aware of Kincora sex abuse

SF and SDLP will fight tooth and nail to stay in EU

Ombudsman to probe death of IRA commander – (How wrong such an enquiry is – he who deals in death should die, Genesis 9:6.)

Tories in turmoil as claims of treachery engulf leadership contest

Tory Leadership race: Boris Johnson’s hopes for top job come crashing down as Michael Gove plants the knife

Theresa May’s Tory leadership bid backed by top cabinet ministers

END OF EU? Uprising continues as top Hungary minister says ‘we want OUT of European Union’

June 30

Live updates: Boris Johnson rules out Conservative leadership bid

Shocks In Tory Leadership Contest

Boris Johnson announces he will not run for Prime Minister as Michael Gove declares his bid after claiming his colleague ‘cannot provide the leadership’

Somme carnage touched every village in Northern Ireland

How The Somme Made Northern Ireland

Tory leadership: Johnson and May to enter contest

Tory leadership contest enters Big Beast Day

May Launches Tory Campaign With Swipe At Johnson

Corbyn to face Labour leadership challenge from Angela Eagle – (Eagle is a lesbian, coming out in a newspaper interview in September 1997 – Wikipedia)

Horrified Labour MPs receive death threats over refusal to back Corbyn

PM says legal advice is clear – Scotland and NI bound by Brexit vote

If you’re unhappy with Brexit move across the border – Frazer

Europe FINALLY talks on migration: French say UK could have trade deal AND border control

Taoiseach Enda Kenny intervenes on behalf of Scottish government in their bid to stay in the European Union – (Another pointer to the ethnic links between Irish Republic and the Scottish Nationalists!!!)

Ukip brands Enda Kenny as “trouble-making messenger boy” for Scotland talks

Nicola Sturgeon’s hopes of keeping Scotland in EU hit by Francois Hollande and Spanish PM Rajoy

Arlene Foster: No regrets over backing Brexit, but we all need to move on

DUP’s ‘terrorist benefits’ furore

Complaint after BBC ‘fact check’ describes IRA bomber as ‘political prisoner’

Kingsmills inquest: I may not have long to live, says widow pleading for answers

Carrickfergus: Man shot in legs at Dunluskin Gardens

December 2014


Predictably getting the siege all wrong

ATT2by Australian commentator Bernard Gaynor who has a background in military intelligence, Arabic language and culture and has returned from three Iraq deployments.

The following article, though written for Australian readers in the context of the recent tragic events in Sydney, can be easily understood by readers here in the United Kingdom where the same stupid and blind “head-in-the-sand” attitude is adopted and propagated by the “liberal political elite” in the face of an even greater Muslim threat than that which faces Australia.

It is the spirit of Neville Chamberlain gone mad!!

Australia has woken to the devastating news that two hostages died in the Lindt Café last night. Like all Australians, my thoughts and prayers are with the families of those now grieving. Read more

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The birth of Christ . . . WHEN and WHY?

The substance of a sermon preached on Lord’s Day 23rd December 2002, in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by Rev. Ivan Foster.

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief, 1 Timothy 1:15.

This is a timely topic since we are surrounded by the many evidences of the world’s celebration of the birth of Christ. It has to be said that many people have expressed reservations about the nature of the celebrations and whether they really have any relationship to the coming into the world of the Son of God. I suppose you do not have to search very far to see the reasons for such concerns. That the police and the various authorities, linked with safety on the roads, should be required to make special appeals at this time of year to try and curtail people from drinking to excess in celebration of Christmas, does raise the question of whether such activity is in keeping with a marking of the birth of the Redeemer of men from sin. Very obviously, it is not. Read more

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Rick Warren – the Champion of Reunion with Rome

By Rev Ivan Foster

Good friends in Australia sent me a link to a video (watch it below) featuring Rick Warren pleading the cause of cooperation and unity with Popery.

As I watched the video I was carried back to the earlier days of Ecumenism when people like the late Dr Michael Ramsey, the Archbishop of Canterbury from 1961 until 1974, was one of the chief apostles of Unity with Rome. Rick Warren fills the shoes of Ramsey very well indeed. Indeed, this so-called “Evangelical Pastor” “out-Ramseys” Ramsey when it comes to promoting the cause of Rome.

He takes upon himself the task of defending Rome’s doctrines of Mariolatry and explaining away the differences that the Reformers highlighted and declared to be marks of a system of Antichrist.

The video, put out by the “Catholic News Service”, not surprisingly, has the Saddleback Church minister attempting to explain away Rome’s idolatrous system. He is clearly seen telling Protestants that they have it all wrong and then going on to claim that Rome and Protestantism hold the same views on the Trinity, the Bible, Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ and he even defends and seeks to justify the use of prayers to the Virgin Mary and the saints! Read more

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How God makes saints: The pope’s way and God’s way compared.

Dec1401a“And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins,” Ephesians 2:1.

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]n Lord’s Day, November 23rd, 2014, the Pope, as arrogant as any that ever went before him, despite the media’s depiction of him as a ‘humble man’, took upon himself the power to ‘make’ some new saints!

These are the words he employed during the ‘ceremony’.

“We declare and define Blesseds Giovanni Antonio Farina; Kuriakose Elias Chavara of the Holy Family; Ludovico da Casoria; Nicola da Longobardi; Eufrasia Eluvathingal of the Sacred Heart and Amato Ronconi to be Saints and we enrol them among the Saints, decreeing that they are to be venerated as such by the whole Church.”

Read more

KICS assembly talks on the Return of the Lord Jesus

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]ach day In Kilskeery Independent Christian School, the afternoon begins with an assembly centred upon a study of God’s Word. On September 2nd, the school began its 35th year.

Rev Ivan Foster, retired former minister of Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church and former Administrator of the congregation’s Christian school has been asked to conduct the Tuesday and Thursday assemblies this year.

He has chosen as his theme – “The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ”. Below you can listen to the most recent recordings of the talks to the pupils.

Please pray for this work amongst children since it depends entirely upon the Lord for its continued witness.

Listen to all the posted audio files in this series here

Part 25 - The Return of Christ, Pt 25
Part 26 - The Return of Christ, Pt 26
Part 27 - The Return of Christ, Pt 27
Part 28 - The Return of Christ, Pt 28
Part 29 - The Return of Christ, Pt 29
Part 30 - The Return of Christ, Pt 30

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Latest news stories

Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald: No Sinn Féin regrets over Cahill case

Maria Cahill blasts Mary Lou McDonald’s treatment of abuse as “shameful”

Ian Paisley: powerhouse unionist who eventually shook hands with nationalists

A fresh flag row has erupted on the edge of 2015.

Troops were on standby for two contentious 1986 Orange parades

Hume compared Unionists to ‘whites in Alabama’

Secret review after IRA raiders kill detective

Anglo-Irish Agreement a triumph of persistence and backdoor diplomacy – (Read that as “wearing down weaklings and underhand dealings!”)

State papers: Peter Robinson’s ‘cynical manipulation’ of events ‘a threat to Ian Paisley’

NIO feared that Paisley might push for an independent NI

Paisley condemned attacks on RUC after Robinson would not

And the winner of Brass Neck of the Year is… Barack Obama

Westminster paedophile inquiry ‘may be doomed’

Fiona Woolf, lawyer who quit sex abuse inquiry, makes New Year Honours list amid fury

Sir David Attenborough: Humans may be an endangered species – (As an atheist, Attenborough does not know how correct he is but there is “may” about the matter!!)


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More news

December 29

DUP MP William McCrea wanted ‘Libya-type airstrikes’ against Dundalk and Drogheda

RUC tipped off the Garda about Robinson’s ‘invasion’ of Clontibret

Dublin wanted Divis Flats demolished to reduce influence of Sinn Féin

Former Dublin Justice Minister, Alan Shatter declares war on Sinn Fein ‘fascists’ and party ‘bully-boys’ – ‘a fascist party dressed up in sheep’s clothes’ -(What a pity the DUP can’t see this!)

Provo and UVF thugs join forces in crime

Pearse McAuley charged after wife stabbed in County Cavan

Adams rewriting of Provo history sees McAuley-types lionised by SF

Papers show pressure before London buckled over Anglo-Irish pact

New York police chief backs officers in growing revolt

Assisted dying must be legalised, demand key figures – Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury amongst them

December 27

DUP facing a rough ride as it ponders whether to back Sinn Fein Speaker

DUBLIN PAPERS: Thatcher feared Asian rising – (Dublin has an even greater say in NI affairs now thanks to the DUP)

DUBLIN PAPERS: Fitzgeralds slammed plan to redraw NI border

DUBLIN PAPERS: Taoiseach pushed for several police forces in Northern Ireland

Thatcher warned of ‘civil war’ in North over any Anglo-Irish power-sharing deal

Vatican disinclined to invest in ‘poor’ states like Ireland – Dublin sounded out Holy See about possibility of investment in mid-1960s

£2bn loan deal for Northern Ireland branded ‘a Third World bailout’

McCabe IRA killer to face more garda questions on stabbing of his own estranged wife

SF crisis after garda killer held over wife’s stabbing

Pearse McAuley charged after wife stabbed in County Cavan

Pearse McAuley has long history as top Provo

Islamic State fighters are moving ever closer towards Israel

Northern Irish police may refuse to march behind Martin Galvin on St. Patrick’s Day

IRA’s Marita Ann arms shipment ‘betrayed by mole’

December 26

TUV commentary on the Stormont House Agreement – (This commentary highlights the utter betrayal of Historic Unionism in the face of Republican aggression by the DUP and UUP)

Provo killer Pearse McAuley placed under armed guard after wife is stabbed

‘Ireland is very close to the Pope’s heart – I think a visit here is possible’

‘Alcohol saturated’ areas soar as measures fail to dilute late-night drinking culture

December 25

Detective Garda Jerry McCabe killer (IRA man Pearse McAuley) held after wife is stabbed

Garda killer Pearse McCauley quizzed after former SF councillor stabbed in house in Kilnaleck, Co Cavan

West Belfast, Springhill deaths: New inquest into army killings of July 1972

‘This is not Ferguson’: Black mayor defends white officer who shot dead teen

EXCLUSIVE: Ice in the Arctic and Antarctic is ‘not melting’, says global warming expert

December 24

Stormont deal covers parades, justice, culture and more

Stormont crisis talks: Deal done, but there’s still blanks to be filled

Sinn Féin leaders will commend deal to party members

Northern Ireland politicians stumble over flags and marches

After Weeks of Talks Stormont Remains Unfit for Purpose

PSNI could walk behind Martin Galvin at St Patrick’s Day parade in New York

December 23

‘Investigate deaths linked to child sex ring’ – Labour MP calls for investigations into deaths of men who tried to “blow the whistle” on alleged Westminster sex ring

Child abuse inquiry must ‘investigate historic murders of men with child abuse evidence’ – (The moral quagmire at the heart of Westminster!)

Labour MP, Simon Danczuk: child abuse inquiry is being deliberately sabotaged by Government

Terrifying reality of ISIS mission to ‘enthusiastically kill hundreds of millions of people’ revealed by first Western journalist allowed inside brutal regime

51 per cent want to leave the EU! Poll result sparks new demands for early referendum

Northern Ireland devolution ‘at risk if parties do not solve contentious issues’

Robinson: We all need to stretch ourselves for the deal to be done – (More a case of ‘twisting’ than ‘stretching’!!)

Man told Continuity IRA chiefs where prison officer goes rambling with his kids, court hears

Jail for woman who had explosives gear in car, but she’ll walk free in months – (Hardly worth the cost of trial!!!)

On-the-run dissident Tommy Diver taunts police from Thailand

Row over proposal to name mini-park after Prince George

Candlelit vigil held in support of Raymond McCreesh Park – (An illustration of Irish Republican thinking – Murderer’s name OK but a baby’s name anathema)

Commission defends Ashers and IRA play park actions – (This appointed ‘quango’ is representative of the thinking in Stormont)

Education Minister John O’Dowd approves Irish language school with just 15 pupils – while 2,500 teaching staff face the axe

Sinn Fein expenses row: Caral Ni Chuilin forgot to say she paid relative £11,320

Stormont talks: An eleventh week of talking, and still it goes to the wire

December 22

Inside Isis: The first Western journalist ever given access to the ‘Islamic State’ has just returned – and this is what he discovered

Analysis: PM gets little out of Stormont proposal, other than a quieter life

Northern Ireland talks: Ministers hold conference call with David Cameron

Robinson and McGuinness discuss talks progress with PM

‘Paedophile’ dossier naming MPs and peers handed to police

Five Westminster paedophile rings probed by Scotland Yard

Soldier investigated ‘for touching Taliban suspect on nose with piece of paper’ – (Here in Ulster we have unrepentant murderers in government!!!)

KATE HOEY: ‘Tony Blair must be accountable’

Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby ‘trying to bridge gay marriage split’ – (Pity England with such a fool as spiritual leader)

Mairia Cahill scandal makes serious dent in Sinn Fein support – (Doubtful since murder, terrorism and robbery did not!!!)

Northern Bank heist was a brazen crime carried out by an IRA on ceasefire

Paul Givan: Conscience clause MLA a politician on a mission

Quaker DUP man backs Fry in row – (A ‘fly in the ointment’ indeed!!!)

Christian printer who refused gay magazine backs conscience clause Bill

Soldiers killed at Derryad, near Lisnaskea, remembered 25 years on

What’s good for Venezuelan goose isn’t good for Irish gander – To Sinn Fein, people power and free speech are applauded only if exercised by the left

Schools under fire over nativity plays – (Merely the birth of new myths!!)

December 20

10 Years On From Northern Bank Robbery – Still No Sign of IRA’s “Ill-gotten Gains” – Jim Allister, TUV

Stormont ‘breakthrough’ after threat to suspend talks

Northern Ireland parties request £2bn from David Cameron

Welfare reform deal ‘agreed’ after ‘step change’ in Stormont talks

Stormont Executive parties agree deal on welfare reform – paper sent to Government

Grassroots unionists angry at ‘graduated response’: Berry

Unionists claim ‘B’ word exposes peace process as ‘a facade’

Equality row intensifies as DUP responds to Fry’s ‘bigots’ jibe – (Fry’s opposition depicts the Sodomite’s deceitful and wicked hatred of truth)

Sinn Fein silent on Willie Frazer debate call

Bernie Smyth cautioned after protest outside Marie Stopes centre in Belfast

Bernie Smyth cautioned for court order breach

December 19

Westminster paedophile ring: Police investigate murders of three boys

‘Tory MP killed boy during sex attack’: Police investigate 1970s murders of three boys

BBC’s current affairs programmes ‘failing to address radical Islam and other tough topics’ – (It is not hesitant about mocking BIBLE CHRISTIANITY!!)

Gay cake row in US leads to legal action just like Ashers

Stormont: Face facts agreement has failed

Franciscan order of monks investigation finds millions of euros missing

Sinn Fein needs to rethink its unrealistic stance on welfare reform

Teenager shot in leg by three masked men in west Belfast

Pair charged with terrorism offences after ‘IRA meeting’

Irish school move ‘widely opposed’ – (SF Education Minister approved school “contrary to guidance of departmental officials and host of educational experts”)

Nuala O’Loan resigns medical ethics committee over Northern abortion law move

December 18

NI talks deadlocked over Cameron’s financial package

Secretary of State, Theresa Villiers refutes claim Whitehall trying to put debt on Belfast

Stormont draft budget ‘does not really balance’ – PwC

Stormont business advisers – PricewaterhouseCoopers’s damning verdict on Stormont draft budget sparks sharp exchanges

Explosives seized by armed Garda detectives in major blow against dissidents

Gardai foil NI Christmas shoppers bomb plot

Belfast woman accused of trying to kill a PSNI officer with a pipe bomb declared herself “at war with the police”

Newry: Two men charged over dissident republican terror

Political fallout over Irish language use in new council

Why is Irish language divisive issue in Northern Ireland? – (Because the IRA made it the language of sedition and murder!!)

£26m IRA bank haul ‘still out there’

“Gerry Adams was a mendacious, lying b . . . . , Martin was the one we all respected,” says Kieran Conway, former IRA director of intelligence

UUP’s ‘serious questions’ on Dublin’s Troubles role

Stephen Fry says DUP conscience clause bill is ‘sick’ – (Sodomite that he is, that is not surprising!!)

Stephen Fry slammed by DUP over gay cake row comments

Country church building (Church of Ireland) in Cushendun to become village hub

Reverend sorry for Santa gaffe – (One thing a modern cleric must never do is ‘tell the truth’!!)

Parents boycott church after reverend says Santa is not real

December 17

First female bishop (in Church of England) named as the Reverend Libby Lane

Roman Catholic midwives lose abortion case at UK Supreme Court

Roman Catholic midwives must supervise abortions, Supreme Court decides

4-year Al Sweady inquiry clears British soldiers of murder and torture claims

Police criticised for secrecy bid over sex grooming gang

Irish PM, Enda Kenny says Adams ‘won’t let’ McGuinness do North deal

Sinn Fein: McGuinness rejects Taoiseach’s claim as ‘laughable’

Time to waken up to the reality that Sinn Fein has no interest in good government – TUV – (Indeed, the destruction of NI has ever been their objective and Stormont power-sharing was just a means to that end)

Miriam Lord: Gerry taken aback as Enda points finger at SF

Stormont opposition plans outlined to parties and could be put in place as early as March 2015

SF delivers bottom line on welfare reform

Fianna Fáil leader, Micheál Martin: The IRA ‘calls the shots’ in Sinn Féin

Sinn Fein sells ‘fascism with a human face’ – (If you can call either Adams or McGuinness human??!!)

Gerry Adams tells Sinead O’Connor to contact Gardai over abuse claims

1000 letters of support for Raymond McCreesh Park handed into Newry Council – (No diminishing of support for murderers there then!!)

SF’s Mary Lou McDonald may be forced to correct Dail record on probe

December 16

Traditional Catholics ‘in DUP dilemma’ – (If the DUP has moved nearer to Rome than they have moved far away from the BIBLE!!)

NI discord leaves government at risk, warns NI Secretary of State

PM ‘could boost Northern Ireland aid package’ if agreement is reached

David Cameron prepared to provide funds if we agree welfare deal: Peter Robinson

OFMDFM unit costs £170,000 for three full-time staff

Sinn Fein campaign to keep ‘Raymond McCreesh’ playground – named after an IRA man linked to the Kingsmills massacre

IRA ‘child rapist’ is a suspect in murder of missing US tourist Annie McCarrick

Senior IRA man killed missing Irish American top cop claims

Huge questions posed as Sinn Fein moves towards taking power in Irish Republic

Sydney siege: Australia pays tribute to victims killed in Martin Place Lindt cafe shootout

David Cameron: Siege could have happened in the UK

Taliban school attack ‘horrifying’ – 84 children murdered

Pakistan school attack: 126 Taliban hostages feared dead – latest

Garda Comments on Kingsmill Massacre Inquest Challenged

Women sold as sex slaves in Islamic State markets, says UN official

Israel tries to head off UN resolution calling for West Bank withdrawal in two years

Probe after shots are fired over coffin of an INLA man

December 15

Casement Park redevelopment: Stadium planning approval unlawful

Suspected jihadist holds dozens hostage in Sydney cafe as tense standoff continues

Sydney siege: Five escape cafe as undisclosed number of hostages held by armed man are forced to display Islamic flag

John Humphrys: Sheltered, liberal BBC staff did not interrogate immigration for fear of appearing ‘racist’

SDLP: Victims ‘see right through’ SF on IRA’s role – (It might be said that people ‘see right through’ SF and behold the IRA!!!)

Sinn Fein are willing to collapse Stormont for votes in Dublin, claims Mike Nesbitt

First minister says PM could improve financial package

Northern Ireland talks: A wasted trip for the deal that never was

Did no one tell David Cameron and Enda Kenny that Northern Ireland’s political leaders can only agree that they disagree about everything?

Sinn Fein’s duplicity damaging

Adams needs to make tough compromises, says Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan

Sinead O’Connor: I was repeatedly molested as a child by a member of Sinn Fein -(The ‘head case’ has just become a member of Sinn Fein!!!????)

Mairia Cahill: ‘I felt like I’d been kicked when Sinead O’Connor joined Sinn Fein’

Nothing compares to super Shinner Sinead O’Connor

Rep of Ireland’s Early recognition of Palestinian state expected

The Provos got so much cash from Northern Bank heist they could not handle it

IRA man a ‘person of interest’ in disappearance of Annie McCarrick

[HR] [/HR]

December 13

NI leaders condemn Cameron’s cash offer

David Cameron bails out as Stormont summit ends in embarrassment

North talks: Leaders’ exit a sharp shock to the body politic

Downing Street defends Cameron departure

PM’s early exit speaks volumes on the state of this process

Time to face up to terminal failure of mandatory coalition – Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister

Adams decries ‘amatuerish and ham fisted episode’

Stormont expenses: Taxpayers should have the money which was fraudulently claimed by MLAs reimbursed

Drugs gang chief linked to both loyalist and republican factions, court hears – (Birds of a feather etc., etc!!!)

December 12

BREAKING NEWS: No deal in NI talks, says Prime Minister

At Stormont, an atmosphere of hope and friendship has turned poisonous and divisive – (No change there then!!)

David Cameron leaves NI talks without a deal but promises ‘financial fire power’

Dissident IRA supporter picked as (New York’s) St. Patrick’s Day aide to Grand Marshal Cardinal Dolan

HIA inquiry: Catholic Church admits ‘catastrophically’ failing child abuse victims

Kingsmills massacre suspects given OTR letters

IRA victims: Why is Dublin blanking Kingsmills inquest?

Israel slams Dublin’s backing for Palestinian state

Pope Francis snubs the Dalai Lama at Nobel Peace Prize event

UK citizenship granted without ‘good character’ checks says watchdog

December 11

Israeli and Palestinian officials issue conflicting accounts of autopsy on PA minister

NI talks: David Cameron ‘determined to secure political agreement’

TUV warns against financial spin over the Chequebook Summit

UUP concerned about ‘parallel talks’ – (It is all ‘happiness and light’ up there!!)

SDLP threatens to pull out of talks and warns: Don’t take us for granted – (As I said, it is all ‘happiness and light’ up there!!)

Concerns that smaller parties being sidelined

South Armagh farmer denies drumming up support for IRA in churches – (They mean a monastery and a RC chapel!!)

High-profile Union flag protester Jim Dowson fails in legal attempt to have prosecution halted

SF condemn ‘cowardly’ arson attack – (Likely dissidents giving SF some of their own medicine!!)

NI abortion law: NIHRC to begin legal challenge

Former health minister Edwin Poots condemns ‘bully boy behaviour’ on abortion

Scout Association faces increase in historical sex abuse claims

Continuity IRA ‘planned to smuggle weapon inside loaf’

Secret recordings of Continuity IRA terror plot meetings revealed plans to smuggle weapon inside loaf of bread, court hears

Christian voters left in a quandary – Letter.

BBC Spotlight and Research Services Ireland – Political chicanery which DUP minister needs to expose

Tony Blair summonsed to give evidence over IRA comfort letters scheme

‘Disrespectful’ Blair summoned by MPs over OTR letters

December 10

Dublin expresses ‘cautious optimism’ on North deal

DUP: We haven’t negotiated on parades

Parties deny breaking an agreement not to negotiate over parades

The Unanswered Question for the DUP on Parading and the Talks

Unionist graduated response revealed

Birmingham pub bombings: Ex-IRA chief admits ‘we did it – and I am ashamed’

Ashers showed need for a legally defined conscience right

I feel for Ashers, says publisher who wouldn’t print gay magazine

Tony Blair on the run from Commons inquiry, claims Paisley

December 9

Unionism’s coalition on parades collapses in acrimony

TUV and UKIP withdraw over Ardoyne parade impasse

Ligoneil stance sacrificed over Talks – Joint Statement by Jim Allister and David McNarry

DUP: We haven’t negotiated on parades

McGuinness in ‘all or nothing’ warning over cross-party talks

Peace fund may help Stormont impasse, says Sinn Fein

US believed FBI mole passed secrets to IRA in Thatcher murder plot, files reveal

Hundreds turn out to join Derry republican commemorations – (McGuinness led the commemorations of the death of 4 terrorists)

DUP politician calls for ‘reasonable accommodation’ for religious believers

Platform: ‘Conscience clause’ can help promote tolerance and respect – (there is a Law that commands us not to “respect” wickedness: Ephesians 5:11)

Gay cake aftermath: Sinn Fein are ready to torpedo DUP’s conscience clause – (Of course they are, being allies of the sodomites and abusers)

Rainbow Project accuses DUP of plan to ‘legalise discrimination against LGBT people’ in Northern Ireland with conscience clause – (Their spirit is that disclosed in Genesis 19:4-10)

Stunts can’t hide Sinn Fein secrets

Is the real Mary Lou lost in blind loyalty to Adams?

December 8

Lib Dem and Tory ‘cracks appear’ in UK coalition government – (Maybe they should follow they advice they give Stormont and hold some ‘talks’!!)

UK Coalition civil war deepens as Lib Dems fight back

UK Coalition leaders trade blows over plans for economy

Shutters may come down on Stormont if Sinn Fein doesn’t cut deal on welfare reform

MLA takes BBC to task after Spotlight’s expenses claims

Drumcree: Orangemen ‘proud to be still carrying torch of protest’

Irish government ‘will be challenged over IRA link’

Green Party candidate in Brighton ‘justified’ IRA bomb

Abusing rape victims doesn’t win elections

‘Migrant benefits built my £60k mansion. It’s like FREE money,’ boasts Romanian gypsy

December 6

David Cameron and Enda Kenny to ‘clear their diaries’ to join all-party political talks in Northern Ireland

Enda Kenny should stay at home – TUV

Donaldson: No deal unless Dublin opens up on Troubles

When will London show courage to slap down Dublin?

Samuel Morrison: There is a better way for Northern Ireland to be governed in the interests of both Unionists and Nationalists

Unionist anger at police ‘intolerance’ towards loyalists as flag row raged

Hundreds of millions of euros have been found ‘tucked away’ in accounts of various departments of the Holy See – (Here’s an excuse other gangsters should try!!)

RC Priest sentenced for stealing funds

In his own words: ‘McGuinness was in charge’

Gay Cake: DUP MLA to launch Private Member’s Bill to introduce ‘conscience clause’ into aspects of equality law

Maíria Cahill allegations: Sir Keir Starmer opens prosecution cases review

Cahill controversy has little impact on SF support

Unionist figures make renewed demand for transparency on Dublin collusion

December 5

Vatican finds millions ‘tucked away’, says Cardinal Pell

Hamas leader, Khaled Mashaa says Netanyahu is playing with fire by allowing Jews on Temple Mount

‘Roman’ Catholic Church cuts links with adoption service over same-sex ruling

Garda had IRA moles in 1970s, says ex-Provo

Garda tipped off IRA army council about raid, former Provo intelligence chief reveals

Calls for probe on collusion claims by former IRA man

Corporation tax in jeopardy as Sinn Fein issues a shopping list, including Irish Language Act

Judge throws out bid to overturn block on putting Irish signs on Belfast street

Freckleton vicar and daughter held over newborn baby murder

Vicar and family held in baby murder probe – but police end sex offences quiz

Sinn Fein tops poll in Republic of Ireland as Fine Gael plummets to third place – (Murder, terror and concealment of child abuse means nothing it seems!!!)

Irish Times/IpsosMRBI poll: support for Gerry Adams declines in wake of his response to Mairia Cahill allegations – (Maybe some cannot support such a deceiver)

Israeli authorities bar Adams from entering Gaza

Vicar bailed over baby death

Assembly rules fail to deal with double claiming – TUV

Westminster ‘VIP paedophile ring’ inquiry in crisis as child sex abuse victims slam Theresa May

[hr] [\hr]

December 4

Irish police colluded with IRA during Troubles, says former IRA member

Gardaí and Dublin elite colluded with IRA, says ex-insider

Hillary Clinton is cashing in on her fantasy peace process

‘Tax powers depend on talks’ – Chancellor Osborne – (More Westminster bribery)

TUV unconvinced by ‘poisoned carrot’ of tax devolution

Corporation tax: Carrot or stick?

First Minister blames failure of other parties for Corporation Tax delay

Executive ineptitude is responsible for this mess: MLA

Willie Frazer: My cancer tumour has disappeared

US fundraiser Friends of Sinn Féin reports slump in donations

UUP to propose motion on Gerry Adams’ ‘Trojan horse’ remark

Why won’t Mary-Lou (Sinn Fein deputy leader) name the IRA sex abusers?

Sinn Féin picks and chooses approach to whistleblowers

December 3

Cash from Dublin would give it more right to be at talks: Ukip – (In other words, Unionists can be bought!!!)

Confusion over UKIP policy on sex education – (And just about everything else as well!!!!)

Ukip’s Nigel Farage in school sex policy gaffe

Ireland accuses UK of torture as new ‘Hooded Men’ probe is sought

TUV Comments on Irish Government and Hooded Men Case

SF disputes on-air resignation of claimed party member after Kelly backs informers

Ex-mayor of Limavady Sean McGlinchey freed after he is quizzed by detectives investigating ‘shootings and threats’ – (Well, they did hold him for a day!!)

Dungiven: Sinn Féin’s Sean McGlinchey released unconditionally

Police release Sinn Fein councillor Sean McGlinchey

Moy man challenges government over loyalist killing of his parents

Loyalist flags protest: 37 jailed amid 55,000 ‘incidents’ says report

December 2

Poland will block bid to slash EU migrant benefits, minister warns – (Is there no end to the madness of EU thinking???)

Birmingham’s first Islamic school ‘spent £1m of public money on school in Pakistan’ – (Britain is more easily robbed than a drunk in the gutter!!)

Northern Ireland police say major attacks (from dissident republicans) are ‘strong possibility’

Sinn Fein councillor arrested in paramilitary activity probe – How long do you think they will keep him in????)

Jean McConville murder: Police forced to free ex-IRA boss (and leading Sinn Fein member) Bobby Storey after learning of immunity – (This is justice St Andrews’ agreement style!!)

Disappeared victim’s family ‘hopeful’ as dog aids search

TUV may be more than its leader, but all speak with master’s voice

TUV chief Jim Allister hints he may not run for MP in 2015

Jim Allister: Why was it left to the BBC to expose expenses abuse?

Analysis: Jim Allister’s challenge is to replicate what Farage has done to Ukip

Graffiti on George Duddy’s Coleraine home is ‘hate crime’ police say

DUP mayor’s fear at gun reference in ‘Curry My Yougrt’ graffiti attack

MLA spending panel ‘short on teeth’

Taoiseach’s aide claims he got phone threat from Sinn Fein member after Mr Kenny met rape victim Mairia Cahill

The name Paisley may yet still hold sway in the DUP

December 1

A forgotten Christian martyr – Jane Haining: The Scot who died in Auschwitz

THE FORGOTTEN EXODUS – The evils of post-’48 exodus from Arab lands

Syria crisis: US-led coalition warplanes bombard Isis capital with 30 air strikes in Raqqa

Arab-Israelis Are Joining ISIS

Conservative former environment secretary, Owen Paterson, questions whether David Cameron can deliver on proposals set out in speech

DUP has a sore neck from looking over its shoulder at TUV, says Jim Allister

Jim Allister slams Irish role in talks

Jim Allister: Stormont executive will collapse

A twin-track approach? We profile minister Kyle Paisley

Threat made on Gerry Adams’ life

The Provos and its ‘loony chief’ who still dictate to SF – Good Friday Agreement secret deal allows Provos to accumulate fortune to bankroll political wing

Agreed candidate ‘could win seat for unionism’

Assembly report into the Robinsons censors previously published news articles

Standards Commissioner questions Iris Robinson’s honesty

Iris Robinson affair: Something seriously wrong with system of culpability

Sinn Fein Belfast Brigade will decide when or if Mary Lou replaces Adams

November 29

Iris Robinson in ‘serious breach’, and Peter Robinson cleared, says committee

Mental health problems to blame for Irish Robinson error: Peter

Jim Allister defends working with ‘unrepentant terrorist’ PUP leader – (The difficulty of keeping your “garments unspotted” in politics!!)

Slavery levels in UK ‘higher than thought’ – between 10,000 and 13,000 victims

Councillors invite Gregory Campbell to meeting

SF did not politicise Irish language: Adams

Irish language row: Ulster Scots Centre opening attendees ’embarrassed’ by DUP MP Gregory Campbell’s ‘curry my yoghurt’ comments – (So says Sinn Fein!!!)

Terror charge woman found guilty over car boot find

Kerry chairman of Republican Sinn Fein faces terrorism plot charges

Fury of pub bombings campaigner after Prime Minister says he understands her grief

Taoiseach: we may need cross-border inquiry for IRA sex abuse

Mairia’s abuser has disappeared ‘into the smoke’ – McGuinness

Mary Lou McDonald: ‘All of us in Sinn Fein are of good character and integrity’ – (As are all who support murder, robbery and terror as a means to political advancement!!!!)


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