Archives for


November 2013

Jeremiah 30 – The future fulfilment of its prophetic teachings

By Rev Ivan Foster

I recently was at a meeting in which Dr John Douglas was preaching the first message in a series entitled: “The Land and the Book – God’s future dealings with Israel.” He introduced his subject by saying that Jeremiah chapters 30-33 are a mini “Apocalypse”. The parallel is there for all to see! The opening words of Jeremiah 30:1 remind us very much of Revelation 1:1. Just look at the opening verses of both portions and you will see a link. Read more

The Land and the Book: God’s future dealings with Israel

A special series of messages by Dr. John Douglas

preached in Newtownabbey Free Presbyterian Church, November 2013.

Subjects include:

  • The great tribulation, Jeremiah 30
  • God’s covenant with Israel, Jeremiah 31
  • The title deeds of the land, Jeremiah 32
  • The message in the old bones and two sticks, Ezekiel 37
  • The removal of the veil, Zechariah 12
  • Israel in the millennium, Isaiah 66

Click here to listen to/download the series of messages.

Not a word of regret . . . not a word of apology . . . . but every attempt to justify, explain away and glorify  . . . the killers

The following is a speech delivered by TUV leader Jim Allister during yesterday’s (5th November, 2013) debate in Stormont’s Parlimentary Buildings, Belfast, on terrorism in the Castlederg area. It highlights essential points regarding the IRA terrorist campaign, the perpetrators of which are hailed as heroes by Martin McGuinness and his fellow Sinn Fein leaders. Read more

The two great cities of Scripture

By Rev Ivan Foster

This is a message given at one of the monthly meetings of The Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony in London, 26th January 1992.

I wish to state very clearly that I believe God has an eternal purpose. Of course, such a doctrine is not new amongst those who support the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony. The Westminster Confession of Faith states in chapter 3, paragraph 1, “God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of His Own will freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass.” The decree of God embraces all things that shall ever come to pass. Nothing comes as a surprise to God. Nothing ever happens that is outside His decreed will. Read more

Missionary report from Spain

by  Rev. Lyle Boyd.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have remembered us in prayer and have sacrificed in supporting us for the past twenty-seven years, labouring in the land of Spain. We are indeed indebted. Read more

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Crossmaglen security alert ‘an elaborate hoax’

Crossmaglen security alert continues into fourth day

Dissent group, Oglaigh na hEireann claims bomb responsibility

Belfast council workers fear for safety over Irish flag

Villiers confirms there will be no inquiry into IRA Enniskillen bombing – (Why was not one person even interviewed over this massacre? Is it because exposure would topple “peace” process??)

Murders have no sell-by date, says Jim Allister

Conviction for Constable Proctor Murder Shows folly of Amnesty Call

Family hails ‘justice process’ after convicted IRA man found guilty of murdering RUC officer John Proctor

Murder conviction ‘vindictive’ – SF (Another example of Sinn Fein’s perverted view of justice and truth)

Conviction prompts fresh commentary on past

Garda ‘collusion’ report delivered

Smithwick report on Garda-IRA collusion allegations to be handed to Irish Government

Jim Allister: I would be at flag protest if it didn’t clash with TUV conference

If things fall apart in the North, don’t blame the flag protesters – (If things fall apart in the North, it will be because ‘Peter Robinson and his ilk have short-changed them for years and now don’t want to know them at all’)

Formal complaint made about RUC’s handling of Claudy

John Proctor 1981 murder: Seamus Kearney convicted

The injured: forgotten casualties of the Troubles

Crossmaglen alert: Object abandoned near electricity pylons

Paramilitarism is hideously grounded in base criminality

Suspicious device left beside north-south electricity connector

Family appeal to find ‘third Birmingham pub bomb’ – lost by the police!!

Liam Adams’ conviction ‘too little, too late’, says daughter he raped

As Liam Adams is convicted, focus turns to what SF leader knew

‘There was no tension or animosity’ between Liam and Gerry

Gerry Adams ‘knew of other abuse’ – Micheal Martin, leader of Fianna Fail

Other cases ‘dealt with internally’ by Sinn Fein

Republicans ‘like (RC) Church’ in dealing with abuse: Martin

Former Irish minister’s criticism of PSNI “harassing” innocent people in battle against republican terrorists could be misinterpreted by some who will support dissidents

‘Under threat’ DUP MLA speaks out

Liam Adams jailed for raping and abusing daughter

Former PSNI chief brands dissidents ‘wannabe Provos’ (More apt to call them ‘former provos’)

Terrorist immunity may be price to pay for truth about atrocities, says victims’ solicitor

Was Gerry Adams in IRA? It’s irrelevant, says McGuinness – (Further evidence of the meaningless nature of ‘TRUTH” to Sinn Fein!!)

David Cameron does not have the ‘guts’ to restrict migrants, Ukip says

David Cameron in pledge to restrict benefits for immigrants

At last, David Cameron reveals a crackdown on new EU migrants

Nationalists must support efforts to prevent a massacre

DUP does U-turn by voting for designated flag days at Down District Council

Ecumenical service for ‘pilgrim of peace’ Fr Alec Reid – (The man who revealed his true character by calling Gerry Adams a man “sent by God”)

Party conference: Teach creationism in science class – 40% of DUP – (Needless to say it will never happen – light and darkness cannot occupy the same space!)

Rapist Adams could serve 8 years

Supreme Court rules in favour of sodomites

Ecumenists and DUP representatives at RC priest Alec Reid’s requiem Mass

The return of police vehicle checkpoints to Belfast: PSNI responds to terrorist bombs with ‘very visible’ presence over Christmas

Nightmare of man who drove across Belfast with a huge bomb in the back seat of his car

Northern Ireland police chief warns of dissident attacks in runup to Christmas

Concern at surge in use of IRA proxy bomb tactic

MLAs almost united on ‘Fr’ Alec Reid and Victoria Square bomb

Paul Quinn’s mother tells Haass post-Good Friday Agreement victims must be remembered

Even the Germans agree! Cities beg Angela Merkel not to allow Bulgarian & Romanian influx

A priest on the podium as Robinson prepares DUP troops for election battle – (Surely this must challenge the loyalties of those who profess faith in Christ within the DUP)

Most Catholics opposed IRA violence, says priest at DUP Conference

No distinction between loyalist and republican violence, says Robinson

Analysis: Robinson takes plaudits but Sammy Wilson’s absence raises questions at DUP conference

Paramilitaries are loyal only to crime, Peter Robinson tells DUP (And yet he entered a coalition with the Sinn Fein/IRA)

Are they relics of St Peter? The Vatican says it doesn’t matter – (So says the system built on lies and which propagates deceit!)

“Father” Alec Reid: ‘Gerry Adams was a man sent by God’ – (That statement truthfully tells us more about the priest of Rome than do the lying eulogies of ecumenists and apostates)

Sinn Fein leader Adams was sent by God, said Fr Alec Reid

Car bomb partially explodes in Belfast city centre

Video: Dissident republicans blamed for partial car bomb explosion in Belfast city centre

‘I would forgo court to quiz IRA man who killed dad’

UKIP warns Haass talks will not benefit unionists

Victims are part of the present – and their voices must no longer be ignored

History written by gunmen who glory in their bloody deeds

Van driver told to take package to Strand Road police station

New TV3 documentary challenges Gerry Adams

Sinn Fein lining up Mary Lou McDonald to follow Gerry Adams as president

Man in 70s arrested in shooting probe

Doctor Who, the DUP and the Commons – (DUP MPs honour a programme which was atheistic, anti-God and evolutionary)

Gerry Adams apologised to IRA Disappeared victim Jean McConville’s family

McConville son speaks of ‘Adams apology’

Corruption rife in the Pakistani community, says Government’s chief legal adviser

Dominic Grieve, government’s chief legal adviser, ‘sorry’ for minority corruption remark

JFK assassination: President’s man came from Tyrone to Texas

Jean McConville’s son speaks of ‘Adams apology’

Mum’s weekly flight to Ireland to visit grave of son ‘Disappeared’ by IRA

Killer Sinn Fein adviser no longer working at Stormont

Amnesty wants probe into British army ‘death squad’

Col Bob Stewart and Nuala O’Loan call for ‘Army killings’ investigation

Army not above the law and can be probed, says Donaldson after Panorama revelations

Why doesn’t Panorama investigate the IRA’s secret hit squads?

Ian Paisley: Larkin has gone beyond his brief in Troubles ‘outburst’

ANALYSIS: In proposing an amnesty QC might have stopped it happening

Old Bailey bomber Marian Price guilty of providing phone used to claim the murders at Massereene Army Barracks

The Lord will judge Darkley gunmen – pastor

School wrote to parents telling them their eight-year-olds had to attend workshop on Islam – or be branded RACIST on their permanent record

Under fire housing minister Nelson McCausland accused of ‘wriggling’

McGlinchey pleads guilty to purchasing ‘Massereene’ phone

Time to make a change and rid education of Sinn Fein ministry

Parades Commission allows 10,000-strong loyalist flag protest to go ahead

Undercover soldiers ‘killed unarmed civilians in Belfast’ – (That is IRA men!)

Secret army unit killed unarmed nationalists, BBC Panorama claims – (That is IRA men!)

Bus driver ordered to take bomb to Derry police station

Bus driver in police bomb ordeal

Dissident republicans blamed for planting bomb on bus in Derry

Darkley 30 years after terrorist gun attack: Justice will be done, says pastor

Gay marriage in Scotland backed in principle by MSPs

Victims united in outrage at Larkin proposals

No way, Mr Larkin

Kenny and Cameron rally against end to Troubles prosecution

Politicians and police react to John Larkin’s Troubles proposals (Where did the eejit Larkin come from? – O yes, he was appointed by Robinson and McGuinness!!)

TUV leader: Murder has no sell-by date

Ulster amnesties just bring more bloodshed

John Larkin’s appalling comments follow the logic of the Belfast Agreement’s ‘unseemly and immoral sham’

Susan McKay: Call to halt Troubles inquiries is an insult to families of dead

NI attorney general John Larkin calls for end to Troubles prosecutions

Attorney General John Larkin: It’s time to call halt to all Troubles cases

Can we draw line under Troubles murders like Attorney General John Larkin suggests?

Criticism of Attorney General’s calls for end to Troubles prosecutions

Troubles prosecutions call slammed

Call to end Troubles prosecutions ‘wrong’

TUV denounces Attorney General’s amnesty call

Not everyone will like John Larkin’s radical call to halt Troubles cases… but it can’t be ignored

Old Bailey bomber Marian Price’s phone used to claim Massereene killings, court told

MLAs heap pressure on Gerry Adams over Disappeared

Assembly supports motion on Disappeared

Republicans ‘lying through their teeth’ about Disappeared, claims Poots

Nelson McCausland accused of disrespecting Assembly after refusing to answer allegations that he misled MLAs

Church Of England Backs Women Bishops Move

Northern Ireland assembly to debate fate of IRA victims

We know things that could undermine Northern Ireland peace process, say retired police officers

Ex RUC’s plea to Haass: ‘History must not be rewritten to equate police with criminals

Sinn Fein accused of ‘bad faith’ over publishing paper on its submissions to envoy Richard Haass

Sinn Fein Haass paper calls for truth commission (because TRUTH is a meaningless concept to Sinn Fein/IRA)

Tebbit: IRA Ceasefire was motivated by fear of imminent arrest (Far removed from the miraculous change of heart and mind it has been declared to be by the friends of power-sharing)

Jamie Bryson ‘delighted’ media ban has been lifted

Ulster Volunteer Force is no longer on ceasefire, police warn

Northern Ireland Assembly Speaker William Hay to stand down (Likely standing down in order to step up!!!!)

Claudy bombing: Police must probe claims after emergence of new evidence

Birmingham pub bombings: Paddy Hill hands over evidence to family

Assembly Speaker William Hay says three MLAs ‘used offensive remarks’ – (Read the report and see if you anything offensive or untrue was said by Mrs Allister MLA or Mr Elliott MLA??)

MLAs warned over debate standards

NI21 party could radically reshape politics but cannot be all things to all people

Sinn Fein event lauds prolific IRA killer

Boy, 15, shot in Northern Ireland

Co-op Bank ex-boss Paul Flowers, who is a methodist minister, ‘filmed buying drugs’

Former chairman of the Co-op bank, Reverend Paul Flowers, ‘uses crystal meth and crack cocaine’

Ex-soldier’s book claims Sinn Fein’s Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness were on list to ‘shoot-on-sight’

Official IRA’s terror trip to North Korea

IRA bomb victim family want inquiry

Call for new Claudy probe after IRA bombers named

Calls for inquiry into British shoot-to-kill policy in Ulster

Exposed:_ The army black ops squad ordered to murder IRA’s top ‘players’

Same-sex marriage to be legalised in Scotland despite public opposition

Charges against union flag protester Jamie Bryson withdrawn

DUP ran 47 Maze visits: Party accused of ‘ill-conceived charm offensive’ on peace centre

Victims’ families sue over UVF Glenanne gang collusion claims

Irish Premier, Enda Kenny, rejects that government could have done more to halt IRA

EU funding for cross-border bridge withdrawn

Education Minister facing questions about why findings of survey on cross-border education were not discussed at an inter-governmental meeting

Victims of IRA Terrorism from GB, Republic and Northern Ireland to Feature at TUV Conference

Northern Ireland A&E departments treat children for effects of alcohol

James ‘Whitey’ Bulger’s, US mobster convicted of 11 murders, and his IRA links

Gerry Adams – Past and present

Nelson McCausland ordered me to alter contract talks memo: civil servant

Nelson McCausland has questions to answer

Northern Ireland’s parties and politicians are lining up for Euro election bloodbath

Flag group’s backing for renewed protests

Hunger striker defends Adams over Disappeared – refuses to say whether Adams was in the IRA

Smithwick Tribunal: Bob Buchanan’s son asks if tribunal was worth it

McGuinness wrong over IRA’s civilian victims – Letter

Executive Ducking and Diving to Save Sinn Fein Blushes on Ann’s Law

Labour made a ‘spectacular mistake’ on immigration, admits Jack Straw

Jack Straw: Labour made mistake letting Poles in early

Britain faces a liver disease ‘epidemic’ because of heavy drinking

Glenanne Gang: Collusion raised in Commons by Foyle MP Mark Durkan

Loyalist killings linked to Ulster Defence Regiment should be investigated ‘thoroughly’, says British minister

God bless. I love you. Watch yourself’… last words of wife to RUC officer John Proctor just before he was shot dead

RUC officer Buchanan did not have a lax attitude to security, says Smithwick probe son

Slain RUC man’s family: we felt used politically and hadn’t sought probe into collusion

Flag rioters jailed after suspended sentences judged ‘unduly lenient’

Northern Ireland Troubles victims ‘treated as political embarrassment’ (The Status Quo will not suffer Sinn Fein to be embarrassed in case Stormont topples!!!!)

Sinn Fein Belfast mayor: Attending Armistice Day commemoration hardest decision of my career (WHY ????)

Gerry Adams faces growing Republican criticism

Councillor quits Sinn Féin amid ‘serious fractures’

Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson tells IRA memorial event SF wants a ‘branch in every parish’

Corrupt American firms give to party war chest

What will the future hold for increasingly split unionism?

Bombers who tried to murder former policeman have direct link to Provisional IRA says Hussey

New dissident group vows to wage a campaign of violence

Amnesty International is ‘perpetrator centric’

RUC man murdered 32 years ago after he visited wife and newborn son in hospital – man on trial

Taxpayer could be forced to hand thousands of pounds to foreign paedophile

Video: Soldier returns to scene of Ballygawley Bombing for Remembrance

Jean McConville ‘killer’ is named

Jean McConville’s daughter urges Gardai to probe claims

Should McConville murderers be tried as war criminals?

Sinn Féin’s problem is not so much with the past as with the truth

Gerry Adams: Poots ‘to be pitied not scorned’

US firms helping SF build war chest to fight 2014 elections

Haass process likely to see Dublin brought in to help resolve standoff, says McNarry

MoD ‘knew Belfast man Christopher Quinn was innocent’

Adams under pressure as McConville’s daughter says IRA murder should be treated as war crime

Will McConville controversy sink Adams?

Former policeman and 12-year-old daughter escapes bomb attempt

Vigilant ex-officer thwarted blast

Poots cleared over judicial attack

Christian preachers, buskers and peaceful protesters could be driven off the streets under draconian new powers designed to clamp on anyone deemed “annoying”

Exit from Stormont Executive on agenda for SDLP

SF members guilty of ‘moral cowardice’ on Disappeared

Gerry Adams playing well in the US, but not Ireland

Why disillusioned republicans breached IRA’s code of secrecy

7,500 apply for just 100 PSNI officer posts … and one in three is Catholic

Sinn Fein MLA Gerry Kelly cancels Maze Prison book event after outcry

Robinson: I have never talked to McGuinness about Enniskillen bomb

Assembly to debate Disappeared documentary

Victims reject McGuinness claims that IRA did not target civilians

Sinn Fein denies Anglo (bank) tapes a smokescreen for Adams

Outrageous Comments from McGuinness on IRA Terror

Martin McGuinness refuses to condemn IRA ‘human bomb’ attack in 1990 dubbed the ‘work of Satan’ by Catholic bishop

Pressure mounts on Gerry Adams over Disappeared

Gerry Adams has become a liability to Sinn Fein – it’s time for him to go

‘Sinn Fein supporters must now be questioning if Gerry Adams can continue as leader’

‘Disappeared’ spotlight back on SF leader

Gerry Kelly urged to cancel book signing near Massereene murder site

Sin, salvation – and Ian Paisley: the life of Trevor

Was priest’s role in The Disappeared a bystander to evil or a pawn in the IRA’s game? (No mention of the failure of the priest to inform the police of the crime he was witness to)

NI21’s Tina McKenzie: My politics are very different to my IRA terrorist dad’s

Deputy First Minister says civilians died where IRA made ‘ mistakes’ and were not deliberately targeted – (What a lie in the light of the La Mon bombing and the many others like it)

Ex-Provo: Republican movement damaged by Disappeared revelations (We repeat: How can the DUP, and especially those professing Christians within its ranks, continue in their coalition which such a gang of cold-hearted, ruthless killers??)

Brother of Disappeared teen demands McGuinness meeting after describing his offer to help as “unsatisfactory”

Irish Premier, Enda Kenny call to Gerry Adams on disappeared

Adams and the IRA criticised following documentary on the Disappeared

SF Dáil Éireann Deputy Pearse Doherty says party are fully behind Gerry Adams after ‘Disappeared’ documentary

Edwin Poots in ‘paedophile-protecting’ taunt at Gerry Adams

Gay blood donor ban: DUP Health Minister Edwin Poots erupts over row

Liam Adams ‘should get at least 15 years’ for raping daughter

Gerry Adams to speak at Sinn Fein’s New York fundraiser

Lisa Dorrian: Disappeared Jean McConville’s son urges unionist leaders to press loyalist paramilitaries over what happened to missing woman

Provisional IRA boss accuses Gerry Adams of murder of mother of 10: Tape recording only released after death of leader claims Sinn Fein president ordered 1972 killing – (How can the DUP, and especially those professing Christians within its ranks, continue in their coalition which such a gang of cold-hearted, ruthless killers??)

Stop or Leave the Chamber – Stormont’s Attitude to Attempt to Raise the Disappeared

Viewers react to Adams’ denials in Disappeared interview

‘BBC documentary on the Disappeared and Gerry Adams reminds us of Sinn Fein’s unfitness for government’

Martin McGuiness says Brady and Adams cases ‘not the same’

The Disappeared: IRA secret killings and burials ‘cruel and unjustified’ says Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness

Gerry Adams asked what he knew about the Disappeared

‘Disappeared’ spotlight back on Adams

Irish theologian tipped to be Catholic Church’s first female cardinal

Irish Premier, Enda Kenny, to give gay marriage vote green light

PUP man on policing board made sinister sectarian speech in disguise

UVF criminal gang will destroy us if not dealt with, says PUP man

PUP needs new leadership to have any chance of progress

‘Loyalists shot pensioner in the back’

Lord Falconer’s (buddy of Tony Blair) right-to-die bill a ‘blank cheque’ for suicide, says Baroness Butler-Sloss

‘How can a human do this to another human?’ Son of IRA victim Jean McConville says he still has nightmares about her violent abduction and murder 40 years on – (and how can the DUP, and especially those professing Christians within its ranks, continue in their coalition which such a gang of cold-hearted, ruthless killers??)

Don’t equate killers with innocent victims, warns Orange Order leader

Bonfire Night (5th November) should be banned because its ‘anti-Catholic’, say campaigners

Police ‘Cover-up’ over VIPs who abuse children in care

The IRA’s ‘disappeared’ return to haunt Adams

Gerry Adams suffers “grotesque amnesia” over alleged role in the Disappeared

Time for Gerry Adams to say goodbye

Gerry Adams pressed in Disappeared documentary over alleged role in Jean McConville death

Gerry Adams ordered Jean McConville killing, says ex-IRA commander on tape

Jean McConville’s daughter recalls mother’s abduction by IRA

Jean McConville’s son: IRA tried to silence me days after they killed my mother (Yet Adams, McGuinness, Kelly etc glory in the deeds of these murderous thugs)

Priest prayed with ‘Disappeared’ man hours before he was ‘executed’ by IRA – (But he never informed the police of the murder!! How can so many Irish people trust the Church of Rome??)

Ban court witnesses from giving evidence in veil, says Ken Clarke, former justice secretary

Irish police: Components for a massive dissident bomb in Co Monaghan

Smuggler with links to IRA now ‘number one’ Garda’s Criminal Assets Bureau target

Irish Priest faces sex abuse inquiry

Counter-terrorism police hunt missing suspect

Doherty and McDonald out front as SF seeks Adams successor

Family’s frustration as Prison Officer, David Black’s killers still at large one year on

Catholic Church might reinvent itself as Fianna Fáil has done, says priest (What a scam popery is!!)

Haass’s Dublin mission under fire from unionists (Though DUP & UUP leaders happy enough it seems)

Why is Dublin Involved in Haass Talks?

IRA victims accuse Haass of refusing to meet them

‘Hundreds of women may have aborted perfectly healthy babies’ after NHS staff at a major teaching hospital routinely failed to make vital checks

Loyalists ‘left behind’ in peace process led to flag protests – Jonathan Powell

Escalating series of bomb attacks, hoaxes and disruptions that underscore rising tensions

Police hold sixth man over ‘dissident plot to kill loyalist Johnny Adair’

Private memorial service at Maghaberry one year on from David Black murder

Blair felt inquiry into Enniskillen bomb would have slowed peace process (It always has been a case of “peace” at the cost of justice and truth)

Fuel laundering plant in South Armagh raided and 73,000 litres seized (Again, no report of any arrests!!)

Majority of Orangemen say Stormont is failing

Gay marriage issue as contentious as ever among Ulster public

Belgium considering whether to allow sick CHILDREN to end their own lives through euthanasia if their parents approve

Amnesties could play a positive role in North’s reconciliation process

Letter bomb: Reminder of threat that the dissidents still pose

How on earth did letter bomb addressed to Theresa Villiers get all the way to Stormont?

Greysteel: Killer’s apology too little, too late, says MLA

Greysteel: A night no one wants to talk about

Stormont gay marriage debate position ‘unacceptable’

Sinn Fein’s Gerry Kelly: Dissidents think I’m the worst quisling, and I’m a hate figure for unionists… but I don’t regret my life

Christian values must not sway courts, says top judge

Rare Italian ‘San Gennaro’ collection of gems said to be worth more than England’s crown jewels

IRA Old Bailey bomber turned Sinn Fein politician accused of cashing in on ‘shooting guard’ with book on Maze prison break