Archives for

Methodist Church

October 2006

Articles from the October 2006 edition.

Pope infuriates Muslims and then backs down

Further evidence of the folly of the Orange Order in Fermanagh

Council cemetery where all are buried according to Muslim ritual

Some items of interest from The Burning Bush of August 1988

“Christian Voice” director arrested and charged for protest at sodomite Mardi Gras

Free Presbyterian Government and Morals Committee statement on the arrest of Mr. Stephen Green of “Christian Voice”

Former Methodist leader repeats his claim that the IRA has disarmed

Dr. Paisley insists that the IRA must be completely dismantled

Police band refused to play the Irish Republic’s national anthem

Christian education—the only response to a God-given parental duty

November 2005

Articles from the November 2005 edition.

Priest Alec Reid voices official Roman Catholic view of Protestantism

No coalition with Sinn Fein—Bertie Ahern

Widow of an RUC reservist murdered in 1981 to be new “victims commissioner”

Five year ban on Nationalist councillors

Irish government inquiry uncovers over 100 allegations of sexual abuse by priests

Presbyterian minister takes Alec Reid to task

Irish Methodism’s departure from God’s word

Earthquakes—God’s messengers of judgment

December 2004

Articles from the December 2004 edition.

The spiritual bankruptcy of Irish Methodism

Priest acknowledges himself to be “an evil, sick, cunning and sneaky man”

Garda officer was the IRA mole responsible for the murder of two senior RUC men

DUP councillor vows to fight Irish language school

Blair deal will allow IRA to retain some weapons

The apostacy in North America

Faith Mission bookshop challenged on its sale of The Passion of Christ

Honouring the Father by hearing the Son

The Burning Bush subscription list