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Christian living

July 2014

The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and the wicked abuse of children.

“ . . . . instruments of cruelty are in their habitations,” Genesis 49:5.
“ . . . . the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty,” Psalm 74:20.

There can be no greater example of man’s cruelty than the abuse of children. Humanity universally has a natural affection for its young. Even the animal kingdom manifests such tenderness. Have we not all watched in wonder as the fearsome lion, the terrifying crocodile and many other savage creatures display a kindliness toward their young, so uncharacteristic of the reputation they have earned for themselves? Read more…. or use the player below to listen.

Euthanasia in the news….

Recently, some leading clerics have come out in favour of changing the law so that those terminally ill may choose to end their lives. We are remounting two printed sermons from May 2004 and another from May 2006. They deal with the vitally important issue of death. Both were preached in Kilskeery Free Presbyterian Church by the then minister, Rev Ivan Foster.

1. Death: a leap in the dark or a step of faith?

Click here to read more…or listen to the audio below.

2. Euthanasia: Is it really a good death?

Click here to read more…or listen to the audio below.


Rewarding the violent and punishing the lawful

“Unionists quit talks, warn of potential for violence, but urge peaceful protest after Ardoyne decision”

“Peter Robinson: Parades Commission ruling is threat to institutions”
These are but two of the local press headlines following the walk-out by loyalist politicians from talks with the Parades Commission on the issue of parades and flags. Read more


The importance of the prayer meeting

The enemy and the prayer meeting

“And he shewed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him,” Zechariah 3:1.
We can gauge the importance of prayer in many ways, none better than its impact upon the enemy and the enemy’s attitude toward it.
The enemy fears and resists most that which threatens and damages him. Read more


Latest news stories

Shots fired at Northern Ireland police car in Derry cityDerry gun attack on PSNI ‘the work of maniacs’

Maze prison (prisoner control) regime must not return: Givan

‘No flag is worth a man’s life’ – Kingmills massacre victim in plea after friend Ossie Bradley drowns in lake

NI Housing Executive employee charged with terror offences

Woman ‘tried to identify’ PSNI protected witnesses

Palestine official invited to Fermanagh hunger strike event – (This shows where Irish Republicans sympathies lie in present middle-east troubles)

Stormont budget: DUP and Sinn Féin ‘reach agreement’ on monitoring round

DUP and Sinn Fein in new war of words over welfare cuts

Stormont budget: DUP and Sinn Féin ‘reach agreement’ on monitoring round

WW1 centenary commemoration taking place in Dublin

British ambassador praises spirit of first World War (Irish) commemoration

Ebola: UK border staff ‘unprepared’ says union leader

Border staff ‘unprepared’ to spot Ebola cases arriving in UK

Nato ‘unprepared’ for Russia threat, say MPs

Orange Order plans memorial to brethren killed during the Troubles

Prince Philip’s former aide charged with sex assault on girl aged 12


More news

July 30

Watchdog acts over Stormont’s refusal to answer questions

Jim Allister: I’ll take advantage of OFMDFM ruling – (Information Commissioner’s Office dismissed attempt by Robinson and McGuinness to fob off questions they could not agree an answer on)

Stormont’s Duplicity Exposed

‘Kind-hearted Ossy was loyal, not sectarian’

 ‘Dignity of IRA victims in contrast to hunger strike march organisers’

East Belfast racist attacks ’orchestrated’ to spread fear

Racist attacks on Romanian immigrants blight East Belfast

Sinn Fein outspends political rivals while UUP makes £94k loss

First World War fallen to be remembered in Northern Ireland 100 years on

Stop Church sacking gay vicars who marry, says senior Tory

July 29

Answering Assembly questions would undermine Assembly, leaders claim

David Cameron’s migrant benefits crackdown to be investigated by European Commission

Man dies in Bessbrook lake at centre of tricolour row

Pensioner drowns trying to remove tricolours: Man thought Bessbrook pond flags were ‘insult to Kingmills massacre victims’

Scotch-Irish pioneer marked by Blue Plaque

Fury at Sinn Fein mayor’s ‘boycott Israel’ call

Newry mayor : Unionists call for apology over Gaza letter

Practising (Roman) Catholic Ruth Hunt heads gay rights group Stonewall

Sinn Fein and SDLP wrong to oppose National Crime Agency

Coleraine Mayor George Duddy’s home attacked

July 28

MH17 crash: Black boxes show plane suffered ‘massive explosive decompression’ following shrapnel hit

Thatcher’s bodyguard says he warned her about underage sex rumours about close aide amid claims senior ministers were named in dossier

Nicky Morgan appoints gay rights campaigner as special advisor

Thatcher ‘told of sex party claims’

Thousands scale Croagh Patrick in Irish holy mountain climb – (The old superstitions prevail)

Unionist Lord Kilclooney under fire as he attacks Israel’s blitz on Gaza

Hundreds join Belfast Gaza protest – (“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee,” Psalm 122:6)

Violence breaks out during Gaza protest march in Cardiff

Probe Dublin’s ‘secret IRA amnesty’: Victim’s solicitor

Blair urged to attend MPs’ probe into on the runs

Marie Stopes clinic head Dawn Purvis left frightened for her safety by pro-life charity chief, court told – (Strange how easily frightened are those engaged in the slaughter of the unborn!)

Unionists hit out as UN condemns crimebuster ban

July 26

Sinn Fein rails at Mike Nesbitt over victims’ body comments

Fears over OTR inquiry powers

Bobby Sands’ agent Owen Carron speaks at hunger strike event

Show compassion for IRA victims in Derrylin, urges MLA Tom Elliott

Decisions on Northern Ireland budget cuts may be put off until autumn

UN criticises Northern Ireland’s failure to sign up to National Crime Agency

Dana brother cleared on all sex abuse charges

A niece and a sister of Dana continue their civil legal action against her in Dublin’s High Court

Tory MP says astrology is good for the health

July 25

Dana’s brother John Brown found not guilty of two counts sex abuse – verdicts on three more charges yet to come

Call for return of 1916 Tricolour from Imperial War Museum

Simon Hamilton jumped gun on budget plan, says Sinn Fein

THREE republicans including Mountfield man Francis Mackey have been detained by authorities at a Canadian airport

‘Cover-up to protect politicians after abuse claims’

DUP minister Nelson McCausland has to quit, insist fellow unionists

Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister silence on ministerial code

Catholic Church defrocks 52 priests for sex abuse

Sudan ‘apostasy’ woman Meriam Yahia Ibrahim meets Pope

Plaque tribute to ‘Moses of the Scots-Irish’

UN attacks Irish abortion rules

July 24

Propaganda oblivious to Jewish tears as it stokes the fires of anti-Semitism

Vehemence of anger against Israel shocking

Loyalist paramilitary gang ‘shot man by appointment’ in Derry

The ‘Boston College Tapes’ Document Northern Ireland’s Murderous Past

McCausland goes to ground as calls for him to quit grow

Nelson McCausland: Minister denies misleading DSD committee

McCausland deliberately misled the Assembly, inquiry determines

Time and again, the DUP threatened to sue – but didn’t – (This does bring into questions their denials of guilt!!)

In an other democracy McCausland would have to resign, says Jim Allister

Public wants legal threat to bakery over gay marriage cake dropped, says poll – (Poll also reveals the impact of sodomite propaganda on younger generation)

Police officer faced punishment for ‘eating an ice cream as he drove’ – (The lunatics have taken over the asylum!!)

Haven’t they suffered enough? Now MH17 victim’s wife is forced to cancel his credit cards because they were being USED by thieving pro-Russian rebels

Sudanese mother who was put on death row for marrying a Christian arrives in Rome to meet the Pope – (This makes clear the character of the woman’s “Christianity”)

July 23

Unionists stand together in urging Theresa Villiers to back Belfast Telegraph plan to resolve parade crisis

Michael Martin (Fianna Fáil leader) and Leo Varadkar (Fine Gael spokesman) reject idea of coalition with Sinn Féin

Public cannot trust Sinn Féin until it starts telling the truth – Leo Varadkar, the Dublin health minister

I’m proud to be from Northern Ireland: Rory McIlroy – (Though he will represent the Republic of Ireland at the Olympics!!!)

Church of England to use positive discrimination to boost women bishops – (There is no question of them using the Bible !!!)

July 22

MH17: ‘You killed 298 people, Russia. We demand the truth’

Bodies of MH17 victims and black boxes handed over after deal struck with rebels

Israel hits hundreds of targets in Gaza as soldier is confirmed missing

Dana breaks down in dock as she denies being involved in a cover-up of brother’s sexual abuse

Parties need to tell the truth

Location for hunger strike commemoration confirmed

Victims reassured Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry won’t be axed after cash threat ‘nightmare’

Opinion: Hamas take lead from Hitler

July 21

DUP MP Jeffrey Donaldson’s anger over (Dublin’s) IRA ‘amnesty’ claim

Answers demanded over ‘IRA amnesty’

DUP wants clarity over McDowell on-the-run remarks

First John Downey – now second IRA court case could collapse over OTR comfort note

Parliament was deliberately deceived on OTRs, says former Labour MP

Analysis: Dame Hallett undermined by her verdict on the misleading Peter Hain

‘My father was a sexual predator like Jimmy Savile’ says son of former Tory MP

Raid on a children’s home topples reputation of secular saint Mama Rosa

(Cardinal) Sean Brady among clerics who tried to blame me, says abuse victim

Police investigate historical sex abuse claims against Lord Tonypandy

Willie Frazer ‘threatened’ at Belfast pro-Palestinian rally

July 18

SF slammed for ‘wrong message’ in hunger strike parade debate – (This report highlights the inhumanity and cruelty of RC supporters of the IRA)

Outlaw terrorist memorials: Families of terror victims

Victims kept in dark over IRA comfort letters – report

Tony Blair and ministers lobbied for amnesty for IRA suspect

On the Runs scheme ‘not amnesty and lawful’ says judge

Inquiry blames ‘systemic failures’ after IRA suspects were wrongly told they were not wanted by police

Hallett report: Sinn Fein says amnesty claims ‘a unionist myth’

On-the-runs: A grubby deal and a shambles, but not a secret – (Then the DUP did know about the deal !!)

Report Fails the Robinson Test – Will he now go OTR on his Promise?

Russian rebel leader boasts shooting down Malaysia Airlines jet

Ireland confronts past treatment of unmarried mothers

Judge Yvonne Murphy to head mother and baby homes’ inquiry in Ireland

Dana’s brother John Brown testifies at Harrow Crown Court

July 17

Revealed: The secret ‘arrests’ of IRA fugitve on the runs

 IRA suspects handed ‘comfort letters’ to remain anonymous despite review

 Assisted suicide ‘death squad’ docs

 ‘It’s a very personal decision’ Care Minister backs change in law on assisted dying

 GAA referee jailed for child sex abuse

 Ex-aide to PM in court over images

 ‘Victim’ spoke out after Dana said on TV claims were lie

 Kincora abuse scandal: Now it’s no longer merely a Northern Ireland nightmare

 Kincora: ‘Highest profile people connected to abuse’ claim

 Cyril Smith: ‘evidence of sex abuse’ was overruled CPS report shows

 PSNI probes female teacher’s relationship with Antrim schoolboy at St Benedict’s College, Randalstown

 UDR memorial site desecrated

 Victims hit out at 10,000 strong hungerstrike parade

 IRA victim hits out at ‘sick’ hunger strike parade through Derrylin

Michelle Gildernew: ‘Unionists were considered in Derrylin parade’

July 16

IRA victim hits out at ‘sick’ hunger strike parade through Derrylin

On-the-Runs: Use of intelligence intercept evidence in UK courts would have enabled prosecutions against many Troubles murder suspects, says ex-minister

Irish priests and nuns are now ‘facing extinction’

Kincora victim: ‘NI home should be part of UK child abuse inquiry’

660 arrest over accessing online child abuse images

660 Paedophone suspects arrested

OTRs row: Lady Justice Hallett’s report to give clarity on who knew what about Sinn Fein deal

UUP leader calls for Kincora Boys Home to be included in abuse inquiry

Full story of Kincora Boys’ Home in east Belfast yet to be told, says child sex abuse victim

Kincora: MI5 knew about it but did nothing, that much is certain

Metropolitan Police officer was moved ‘from child abuse inquiry’

Scotland Yard detective ‘removed from paedophile probe after naming politicians’

Now it’s revealed Barbara Castle drew up dossier on VIP paedophiles: File seized by Special Branch ‘heavy mob’

Londonderry security alert: Bomb found in Enagh

Paisley Jnr pays tribute to ‘devout Christian’ businessman Dr Alistair Hanna – (This ‘devout Christian’ was behind the opening of Bushmills Dunes golf resort which will promote Sabbath-breaking and also was a chief promoter of the ecumenical “Alpha Course”)

Sinn Fein councillor: Return stolen Union flag now

Equality Commission gives Ashers Bakery extra time

Religious leaders unite to condemn assisted dying law

Syria conflict: Isis marches further into Syria tipping the balance of power in the civil war

July 15

Church of England General Synod backs women bishops – (Further step on road of apostasy)

Church of Ireland female bishop praises England for landmark vote

Baroness Butler-Sloss steps down from child abuse inquiry

Westminster child abuse inquiry: Theresa May under fire over appointment of Lady Butler-Sloss

Child abuse inquiry: Theresa May under fire over appointment of Lady Butler-Sloss

‘Nonsense’ to suggest Robinson about to retire, says Arlene Foster

Don’t fall in Sinn Fein’s web of spin

July 14

DUP minister Nelson McCausland slammed after he accuses MLAs of ‘a witch-hunt’

The Twelfth:Moral stance of Asher bakery applauded at Limavady

Unionist politicians pledge to step up political campaign against Parades Commission

Soldiers’ memorial damaged in Belfast

Tony Blair must explain IRA ‘comfort letter’ deals, say MPs

Paedophile inquiry could have second chairman following controversy over judge’s links to the establishment

Church of England braced for new sex abuse claims

More child abuse cases will emerge in Church, warns Archbishop of Canterbury

Women bishops: Archbishop Welby ‘hopeful’ on vote

Assisted dying: Desmond Tutu signals support

July 12

Abuse inquiry: Baroness Butler-Sloss criticism rejected

Child abuse inquiry boss ‘tells victim she won’t uncover church misconduct’

No major incidents as Orange Order holds Twelfth parades

Ardoyne parade: Police ready to act, but hope they won’t have to

One in three PSNI officers on duty to be in north Belfast

Unionist plans will only create uncertainty and fear, says SDLP

Orange Order’s country cousins can teach Belfast’s brethren a real lesson

Parade row began in 2012 when dissident riots were rewarded

Bonfires lit across Northern Ireland ahead of 12th marches

DUP claims statue on bonfire was a ‘social media spoof’

50,000 to go on the march at 18 Orange 12th parades

Ashers Baking Company: ‘Gay cake’ raised in House of Commons

UK imams condemn Isis in online video

Petition to leave bakery alone is gathering pace on the web

Cake Row Exposes Where Real Intolerance is Coming From

Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey: ‘I support assisted dying’

July 10

North Belfast: Unionists call for inquiry into ‘parades impasse’

Ardoyne parade: Unionist leaders including Peter Robinson call for legal inquiry into north Belfast march dispute

Parades row: details emerge on ‘graduated response’

North Belfast: Reaction to unionists’ parades inquiry call

Orange Order: We can’t guarantee parade protests will be peaceful

Senior TUV member calls for ‘evidence of graduated response’ – (in truth, it is likely that the Orange Order, riddled by Ecumenism as it is, will prove yet again that it is a ‘broken stick’!)

Councillor urges Rasharkin and Dunloy to be included in parading talks

After hours of critical Ardoyne parade talks, just 25 words from Stormont

MP slams PSNI over ‘IRA parade’

IRA comfort letters could fuel more killings, warns father of terror victim

Sister of bombing victim tells of her OTR letters anger

Law chief John Larkin blasts Theresa Villiers’ block on Loughgall inquest

RC Bishop seeking information from school on Bobby Sands awards

Dodds: Need for ‘conscience clause’ to protect Christians

Gay cake case is used to call for a change to the law

July 9

Pope says “a Christian without the Virgin is an orphan” – (God says: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” 1 Timothy 2:5)

Pope Francis Meets Evangelical Delegation – (James Robison and Kenneth Copeland plus others)

Sodomite Elton John praises ‘wonderful’ Pope – (Claims Christ would favour ‘gay marriage’ – He will learn soon how wrong he is!!)

Executive calls for ‘lawful’ Twelfth

Unionists need to show their gameplan

Dublin – Idea of alliance with SF makes Labour blood boil

Why we should be wary of Sinn Féin in government

Gay marriage cake row: Equality quango asked no questions before condemning bakery, says baker

Gay marriage cake row: Stand firm, gay rights storm Christian B&B proprietors urge bakery

Brother of paedophile inquiry judge was accused of ‘cover up’

July 8

Ashers Baking Company: ‘Gay cake’ row could end up in court

Asher’s Baking Company faces court for refusing order for gay marriage cake

Northern Ireland bakery refuses to make gay Bert and Ernie wedding cake

Child abuse claims: Evidence ’20 key people involved’

Home Secretary, Theresa May launches major new inquiry into child sex abuse allegations

Child abuse inquiry must look at Kincora Boys’ Home, says Amnesty International

 Abuse victim urges Pope to sack head of Catholic Church in Ireland Sean Brady over his handling of allegations

Compulsory Christian school assembly should be scrapped – Church of England education chief

Orange Order chiefs march to camp Twaddell in north Belfast, but keep ‘graduated response’ protest plans secret

Ardoyne determination by Parades Commission Totally Irrational

UUP formally request to discuss Ardoyne ruling at executive meeting

Kennedy pessimistic that Executive will discuss Ardoyne parade dispute – Sinn Fein ‘not open to talking with other parties’ on upcoming parade

Ardoyne (republican) protest threat dropped

Minority frontier communities stand by their culture

Human kindness and heroism shine out from North’s Kingsmill atrocity

July 7

DUP and Sinn Fein in new row over republican Speaker of the Assembly

Talks walkout wrong: McCallister – (A man to be heeded given his impeccable wisdom !!!????)

Orange Order vow to up the ante in protest at Ardoyne ban: We’ll have effect on Northern Ireland ‘governance’, says Grand Secretary Drew Nelson

Orange Order leader asks Higgins to attend parade

Significant drop in Irish numbers of priests and nuns

Jean McConville’s daughter: ‘If I give up fighting, they’ve won’

Lord Brittan says historical rape claim ‘wholly unfounded

July 5

SF accuses DUP of yielding to hardline elements over parade

Unionists stay tight-lipped on proposed plan of action

Ardoyne parade: ‘We are at boiling point… this sends out wrong message’

‘The parade takes five minutes to pass, five minutes of respect’

Peter Robinson and Mike Nesbitt agree decision to ban parade should be accepted and urge any protests to be legal

IRA charges after Robert McCartney family campaign

MP tells of fears over republican ceremony

PSNI blitz on ‘New IRA’ and east Belfast UVF thugs in full swing

Leading republican ‘told Robert McCartney’s sisters his killers should get a bullet in the head’

Republic’s Orangemen go on the march

Orangemen in Rossnowlagh, County Donegal for annual parade

New teaching (Dublin) institute sparks religious row

July 4

Rolf Harris jailed for five years and nine months

Iris Robinson probe challenge withdrawn

Parades Commission defend their determination

Pan-unionist boycott begins, with warning of more

Order in appeal for calm after ‘preposterous decision’

Unionists’ protest stance condemned

Donaldson says loyalist parade response ‘will be peaceful’

Commission ‘dragged migrants into arch dispute’ – Polish Consul

Fresh fears that Northern Ireland’s Stormont government could topple

TUV Comments on Parades Commission Decision and Unionist Response

TUV Challenge Terror Award to School Children

North-South meeting postponed in face of unionist boycott

Northern Ireland unionists urged to return to talks after parade ban walkout

Geoffrey Dickens ‘said paedophile dossier was explosive’

Fears terrorists will target planes with computer and human bombs

John McCallister on Basil McCrea: ‘We will never be friends again… this has been the most toxic experience of my life’

Basil McCrea’s ego was a problem: John McCallister

Sinn Fein defends mural depicting IRA hunger striker Kieran Doherty’s funeral in west Belfast

Sinn Féin slammed for failure to support WWI commemoration

July 3

Unionists in talks walkout protest over parade decision

Orange Order parade barred from part of Crumlin Road on 12 July

Unionists quit talks, warn of potential for violence, but urge peaceful protest after Ardoyne decision

Loyalists urged not to burn Pope effigies on Eleventh night bonfires

Parties unite to condemn IRA gunmen mural

Nelson McCausland: Committee votes that ‘deliberately misled’

John McCallister confirms NI21 exit

NI21 to lose half its public funding as deputy leader McCallister quits

Tighter security for flights to US

SF stance on welfare an ‘outrage’: Robinson – (Hardly surprising for a party which came to power via murder and terrorism!!)

Five unionist groups – including DUP and UUP – make united call to let north Belfast parade through

Backing for ex-Primate’s comments on victims

Derry family distraught as son joins Syria’s rebels

Rowan Williams: how Buddhism helps me pray – (“But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking,” Matthew 6:7.)

Nick Clegg: allegations of Westminster paedophile ring are ‘police matter’

Pope Francis makes exorcisms official Catholic practice as demon-fighting priests recognised under canon law

July 2

Sinn Féin meeting David Cameron at Downing Street

Understaffed, lonely, checking under the car for bombs – what it’s like policing the Irish border

Thousands attend Somme Commemoration

More parades and more bands, but Order says ‘culture war’ is real

Fresh probe into fatal garda shooting of IRA raider

Change the definition of ‘victim’, says top CoI man

Former French president Sarkozy ‘faces charges’ amid probe

March 2013

Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) minister converts to Rome

For 8 years Jason Stellman was an ordained minister in the PCA. He converted to Rome in 2012. His experience is a solemn and timely warning about the dangers posed by those evangelicals – even ministers within Reformed churches –  who are soft on Rome and co-operate with her in ecumenical organizations of various kinds. Many prominent evangelicals signed the Manhattan Declaration endorsing the ‘christianity’ of Rome. To this day many ministers do not see the need to separate from such men but feel at liberty to preach with them in various conferences or work with them in other ways. Most recently we have highlighted the errors of the deeply ecumenical Refo500 organization which involved co-operation with Rome at every level.

You can read Jason Stellman’s personal account of his conversion to Rome here. There is also an audio link to an MP3 recording of his testimony.

Patrick, Apostle of Ireland

The story of his life as told by himself.

Providence has preserved for us two documents written by Patrick. Both of these documents, Patrick’s Confession and Patrick’s Letter, are accepted as genuine by both Protestant and Roman Catholic historians. Patrick wrote in Latin, the language of the scholar of his day. Read more

Pope Francis I has opened his pontificate with an idolatrous act

I was most surprised to read the headlines in the “Belfast Telegraph”, once known amongst Protestants as the “Belfast Bellylaugh”, early this morning,Thursday, 14th March. It is a newspaper renowned of old for its support for all things ecumenical and popish. Read more….

John Piper prays that God will appoint next Pope!!!

We are thankful to God for the exposing of the ecumenical wolves in sheep’s clothing which is taking place at this time. First it was Rick Warren and now it is John Piper. It is plain that they are among those who have drunk of “the wine of her (the system of antichristianity) fornication,” Revelation 17:2, KJV. Read more

Rick Warren prays for new Pope

Link to article on

The cruelty of compromise

Compromise in the Christian life and in the Christian church is simply departure from the clearly revealed demands of God’s word. The demands of God’s word for holiness, separation from the world, separation on a corporate and ecclesiastical level from apostasy and disobedient brethren, etc. are set aside by compromise. Sadly, this process of setting aside is often made-over as a spirit of loving concern to reach out to others. That which is evil and deadly is therefore often masqueraded as good and desirable.

Yet there is a savage cruelty about compromise. Link to article on

An exchange of E-mails with Dr Joel Beeke on the subject of his fellowshipping with those from whom he ought to be separated.

In reaction to Dr Beeke’s response and the ongoing rather dishonest and devious campaign by Dr Beeke’s defenders, I have decided to publish the email exchange that I had with him. I have concealed the names of third parties and a private phone number referred to in these emails. Read more

Thank you, Dr Murray!!

The article entitled “Jesus the Ecumenical Separatist” was written by Dr David Murray. He is a close colleague and associate of Dr Joel Beeke. The article appears on his blog. Now I feel thankful to Dr Murray for writing this article for the simple reason that in it he sets down the unscriptural philosophy which he and Dr Joel Beeke espouse. Dr Beeke is frequently on platforms with New Calvinists, Ecumenists, Roman Catholic and Orthodox priests, Charismatics etc. Dr Murray has been known to likewise share platforms with those from whom he should be separated.

It has been impossible to get Dr Beeke to commit himself to giving an explanation in writing of the position he takes. Though his activities have been challenged on a number of occasions, Dr Beeke has not stated why he believes he can act so. He has declined to commit to writing any response to the challenges mounted.

Now, thanks to Dr Murray, we have their position expounded. I am thankful to Rev Stephen Hamilton for his examination of Dr Murray’s article and that examination follows. Read more

Standing With Christ in the Day of Battle

“Fight the good fight of faith,” 1 Timothy 6:12. “Then the spirit came upon Amasai, who was chief of the captains, and he said, Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse: peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers; for thy God helpeth thee. Then David received them, and made them captains of the band,” 1 Chronicles 12:18.

The child of God is a warrior. He takes after His Heavenly Father Who is a man of war. “The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. Pharaoh’s chariots and his host hath he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea,” Exodus 15:3-4. “Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle,” Psalm 24:8. Read more…

Matthew 18:15-17 and the public rebuke of sin

Very often the first response to any public witness against sin, or the public censure of a Christian who has sinned publicly, is an accusation that to make such a public denunciation is contrary to the Saviour’s teaching in this passage. Usually it is asserted that there cannot be a public censure of sin until private overtures have been made to the offender. This has the effect of diverting attention from the original error and focuses attention on the one trying to protest against it. But what does this passage teach? Is it addressing the matter of public sin at all? Link to article on



More news

Release IRA tapes says Jean McConville’s daughter

RAF Chinook helicopters stood down by Department of Agriculture (Sinn Fein employ Irish Republic’s helicopters instead – and DUP acquiesces!!)

DARD stops using RAF helicopters

No 400th birthday party for Londonderry (More SF anti-British hatred)

Dissidents daub McGuinness’ home in black paint (Shades of what the Provos did on Gerry Fitt)

No barrier over Catholic and Protestant schools merger

Flag protest leader freed on tough bail conditions

Roman Catholic and Church of Ireland archbishops to lead walk through Dublin

Pope Francis to wash offenders’ feet on Maundy Thursday (much easier than ridding his ‘church’ of the stains accumulated over the centuries)

Why did call for snow help from RAF take four days? (The high cost of Sinn Fein’s anti-British bigotry)

Brazilian doctor ‘killed up to 300 to free up beds in intensive care’

Labour council tells families to take in a foster child to avoid benefit cuts (What a motive for what should be an act of love!)

G8 security assessed amid bomb plot

Real IRA victim’s sister says mother died of broken heart

Army called to examine beer keg in Rosslea, Co Fermanagh

‘Beer keg’ examined in Fermanagh alert

Father jailed for killing five-week-old daughter in fury at failed football bet

One of the nastiest and most immoral political acts in modern times

Irish (Roman) Catholics continue to flee the church

Nesbitt: Euro election deal depends on DUP

Sinn Fein concedes on Advisors Bill – SDLP

Republic must address failure to protect lives in border area – Kenny Donaldson

More anti-Britishness from SF – Sinn Fein councillor attacks Red Arrows return to Northern Ireland

Bomb found was meant for G8 host hotel, claims dissident IRA group

Terror group claims car bomb was meant for Northern Ireland G8 summit

Police chief plays down claim that bomb target was Lough Erne Resort

Dissidents compromised by intelligence successes but still determined to strike

Northern Irish actress (niece of SF’s Conor Murphy) given four year prison sentence for her part in film bid scam

Sinn Fein select Francie Molloy replacement – a convicted IRA murderer

Another Provo Promoted by SF

EU finance ministers approve Cyprus bailout deal, funded by bank assets seizure

Diana funeral marked return to ‘Catholic’ England, Archbishop

Parents to blame for unruly behaviour in the classroom say teachers (took them a long time to learn that!!)

Teachers blame poor parenting for increased chaos in the classrooms

Women hooked on online betting up from 44 per cent

Secret DUP-UUP unity paper wanted one party

Sinn Fein will have to consider ditching Adams for fresh face

Talks bid to scupper ‘terror shrine’ at Maze

Names of these four men will go down in ignominy (Question is : will there be room on the already long list of dishonourable?)

Jim Allister blasts Culture Minister for ‘ignoring’ Charter anniversary

Sinn Fein Contempt for All Things British Exposed Again

Jim Allister’s Spadework has put Stormont advisers in spotlight

Outburst ‘shows Robinson rattled over coverage of Americas trip’

Bomb ‘destined for Fermanagh police station’

Car was carrying bomb to PSNI station in Fermanagh – likely Lisnaskea

Car bomb ‘destined for PSNI station’

Cardinal Keith O’Brien was in long-term sodomite relationship, claims ‘partner’

Shamed cardinal Keith O’Brien had long-standing relationship with male accuser: claim

Gardai suspected of cash theft

‘Business as usual’ for former IRA boss’s fuel-laundering operations

Tax case of Thomas ‘Slab’ Murphy put back until year end

Ann Travers hails progress to stop advisor roles for killers

Grief stricken mother of murdered Massereene soldier dies

HET nearing probe into IRA murder of corporals

Pressure on police over Omagh bombing as two men found liable for second time

Republic must address failure to protect lives in border area – Kenny Donaldson

Advisor bill passes consideration stage

An attempt to ban killers and other serious criminals from serving as ministerial advisers has cleared significant hurdle in Stormont

British government apology over man killed by soldiers

Warder ‘scarred for life’ by IRA killings

Police ‘protection’ of celebrities ‘allowed serial abusers Cyril Smith and Jimmy Savile to escape prosecution for decades’

Police hid files on celebrity suspects

Argentina’s Kirchner raises Falklands with Pope Francis

Hillary Clinton endorses gay marriage ‘personally and as a matter of policy’

Mid Staffs nurse claimed a patient was asleep when she had already died, court hears

IRA border campaign ‘was ethnic cleansing’

Police officer tells of fury at orders to stay put in RUC station as they watched the murder of two soldiers

Sinn Féin MP, Conor Murphy’s actress niece in multi-million gangster movie scam

Irish politician’s shocking IRA torture revelations from beyond the grave

Special report: The damning documents that show new Pope DID betray tortured priests to the junta

Archbishop of Canterbury:does not drink alone for fear of becoming an alcoholic like his father

Catholic Church is ‘irredeemably corrupt’, David Starkey claims

IRA boss Murphy tipped off ahead of Garda raid

‘Slab’ Murphy was tipped off about cross-border police raid

Illegal empire filled IRA coffers

Victims’ group calls for Maze rethink

‘Forgotten’ IRA victim Jillian remembered at service

Jillian’s loss still raw 25 years on

Suspects ‘on way to bury guns in Republic’

IRA victims renew call for Taoiseach apology

Sinn Fein walk out of Newry policing partnership meeting in protest at IRA charges

Cardinal: Paedophilia – psychological illness and not “a criminal condition” (So much for repentance and change)

Paedophiles are psychologically ill, not criminal, says Catholic cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier (See Deuteronomy 32:31-33)

Government ignored warnings on hospital death rates that could have saved 20,000 lives, says top health adviser

Thousands more NHS deaths could have been prevented, government adviser says

Leading unionists split over plans at Maze site

Mortar bomb found near Belfast police station ‘failed to go off’

Vatican denies Dirty War allegations against Pope – (and so the cover-up begins)

Prime Minister at odds with pope over Falklands

Dissident death threat to Willie Frazer hours after release

Video: Willie Frazer says no cause is worth prison

Cardinal Keith O’Brien being sued by alleged abuse victim

Roman Catholic priest accused of sexual assault reveals he is secretly married

Argentina basks in papal glory – but what about Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s support for a murderous dictatorship?

Pope Francis may do great things, but radical change won’t be one of them

Suspected mortar ‘pointed at police station’

SF presses for release of IRA bomber

Pope Francis: Church leaders in Northern Ireland welcome appointment

Union flag protests: campaigner Willie Frazer granted bail

Willie Frazer granted bail

Anger at lack of arrests after 19 illegal fuel raids across 10 Irish counties

Jim Allister Speaks In Defence of the Unborn

Christian group urges legal move on abortion in NI

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles pays £6.7m abuse settlement

Man who took part in IRA funeral awaits fate

Jamie Bryson moved to loyalist wing of prison for ‘safety’

Pope Francis branded Britain ‘usurpers’ over Falklands conflict

Coleraine DUP claim ‘police bias’ over white-line protests

Sinn Fein MPs sitting pretty despite refusal to take seats

Gardai to block RIRA military display at funeral

James Glynn: The life of an Irish policeman (Captain AC Lendrum, mentioned in the article, came from Klskeery)

Major cross border operation against illegal fuel trade

300 officers in cross-border raids on criminal gangs

DUP and UUP discussed merger

NI Assembly fails in bid to change abortion law – voting record

Tom Elliott: I didn’t sanction Unionist merger talks

Jim Allister censured for IRA comment

Terror victims remembered at Stormont

Rick Warren asking God to guide in the election of Antichrist

Dissident bomb ‘detonated by mobile phone’

Robinson welcomes Justice chief’s vow to restore confidence

Allister offers Stormont opposition advice to UUP

MLAs debating abortion amendment at Stormont

Petition amid Stormont abortion debate

British tradition of voting on Thursday could be overturned by Europe

Stop wasting millions translating leaflets into foreign languages, Eric Pickles tells English councils – (Take note Stormont!!)

TUV Leader speaks on Unionist Unity

Queen to sign equal rights charter (but Queen withholds personal endorsement because of her apolitical status)

Unionist anger is growing in Limavady claims politician

Three charged in Dublin over Peter Butterly murder

North Belfast bomb blast ‘was attempted murder’

Police were targets of M5 blast

Provos on the rise while gardai struggle to hold Thin Blue Line

Flag protestors told of ‘political bias’ by PSNI

Yesteryear’s pan-unionist and nationalist blocs are returning

Father Alec Reid reveals how he tried to save two British soldiers killed in one of the most shocking episodes of the Troubles – (Have you heard the one about Goldilocks and the three bears ???)

Family of IRA victim criticise SF award for gang driver

Two Stormont ministers clash – Poots hits out at Ford on abortion

Church of Ireland bishop, Rev Harold Miller, elected co-chairman of the Anglican-Methodist International Commission for Unity in Mission

Convicted IRA man suspected of laundering money from Northern Bank robbery in Belfast ordered to pay £600k in Irish tax probe

Sammy Wilson hits out at Judge remarks in Bryson case

Aftermath of rioting in Newtownabbey

Five police officers hurt during rioting in Newtownabbey

Record low turnout in Mid-Ulster by-election

Five men arrested after ex-Real IRA leader shot by rival group in Rep of Ireland

Mid-Ulster by-election: campaign eerily quiet as IRA murder victim’s son faces alleged killer in polls

Mid Ulster election – unionist Lutton will not shake Sinn Fein man Molloy’s hand even if he wins

Mid Ulster test for unionist unity

Flag protest group issues rallying call

Anger after suspect out on bail goes to IRA event

Judges ‘must act without external influence’

Londonderry mortars: Bombs ‘within minutes’ of launch

Jamie Bryson’s mum claims he is ‘a scapegoat’

Parts of Unionism has lost confidence in police: Robinson

Unionists ‘think police are biased’ (Just like the DUP!!)

Union flag dispute: Baggott defends PSNI impartiality

Northern Ireland: Terrorist attack foiled in Londonderry just minutes before mortars due to be fired at police station

Northern Ireland police hail ‘major coup’ after foiled IRA mortar plot

Tip-off from gardai helped stop rocket attack on police station

Jim Allister Exposes SF Double-Speak on Londonderry Bomb

LATEST: Frazer and Bryson in same prison cell

DUP & Sinn Fein united against loyalist people – Jim Allister refused opportunity to raise Judicial double standards in cases of Willie Frase and Jim Dowson

Stormont Refuses Discussion of Double Standards on Bail

Frazer hecklers disrupt Assembly session

Adams repeats: I was never in IRA – No it is not April 1st!!

Nurse’s CPR refusal sparks outrage in USA

Vatican accused of cover up over Cardinal Keith O’Brien’s ‘sexual conduct’

Gay marriage will destabilise family life, sociologist warns parliament

Kennedy to meet Baggott over ‘political policing’

Cardinal Keith O’Brien admits that his moral conduct had “fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal”

Cardinal Keith O’Brien faces Vatican sexual conduct inquiry

Cardinal O’Brien makes ‘sexual conduct ‘admission as new gay accusations emerge

Londonderry bomb alert: four mortar bombs found in van

Police arrest three men as they foil ‘planned bomb attack by Republican dissidents’

Roman Catholic bishops back abortion bill amendment

Was Mother Teresa not so saintly after all? Researchers spark controversy by claiming her care of the sick was ‘dubious’ and handling of cash ‘suspicious’

Jamie Bryson remanded in custody over Belfast union flag protests

Bryson refused bail as he appears alongside former BNP man

‘Willie barred from media’ – his wife’s forthright comments to the media.

Nigel Lutton not ready to shake hands with man named by an MP in Parliament as being linked to his father’s murder

Bryson ‘refusing food and water’ while in custody

Jamie Bryson due in court on flag protest charges

Jim Dowson arrested in union flag protest probe

Republican charged over IRA investigation following murder

Republican bailed over McCartney probe must not contact witnesses

Different treatment of two men from South Armagh is bringing our system of justice into disrepute

Detectives arrest ‘The Surgeon’ in connection with IRA’s probe into killing of Robert McCartney

David Cameron faces backlash from Conservative right as Ukip attract votes from ‘blue-collar Tories’

David Cameron must toughen up, say senior Tories

Flag protest: Willie Frazer refused bail by judge

Willie Frazer charged with possession of taser

Willie Frazer calls for arrest of Martin McGuinness

Frazer charged, Bryson arrested

Voters’ questions for Nigel Lutton on Union Flag protests vanish from web

Police chaplain ‘forced out after criticising gay marriage’

May 2011

A common but costly mistake

A look at the recent election results and its aftermath, by Rev Ivan Foster

The mistake I wish to highlight is that referred to by the Lord in verse 21 of Psalm 50. “Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself.”

The Democratic Unionist Party is awash with self-congratulations and jubilation in the wake of the recent elections. An example of that jubilation may be seen in the reported victory speech by Mr. Paul Frew, MLA for North Antrim. Mr. Frew said: “I would like to dedicate this victory to the real power, that being God for he (sic) has the glory. Many of our opponents and the media highlighted the fact that we were praying for victory, that is very true.” “The DUP works hard but we pray harder and we have a strong Christian ethos in the party which is needed because when people lean on us we lean on the Lord.” Ballymena Times, 10th May 2011. More…


Reasons why the Great Tribulation and the revelation of the Antichrist must precede the rapture of the Church.

(An address given by the late Pastor James Kyle Paisley at an Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony Conference at Highgate Road Chapel, London, in April, 1947.)

Foreword by Rev Ivan Foster

The recent folly of Dr Harold Camping in predicting that the “secret rapture” of the Redeemed would take place on Saturday 21st May 2011 has highlighted the most important event for which the people of God are required to watch and wait.

The failure of Dr Camping’s prediction has given the unregenerate opportunity to laugh and mock. Doubtless, it has confirmed many in their unbelief.

However, let all recognise that poor Dr Camping, a very elderly man, acted very foolishly and in complete defiance of God‘s Word.

“But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is,” Mark 13:32, 33, KJV. The day of the return of Christ cannot be calculated or predicted by man. Dr Camping should have known this for he made a similar foolish prediction back in 1994…More