April 2020

Audio sermons

KICS assembly talks. Current series of KICS studies: “They were Bright and Shining Lights.”

  • A word about the coronavirus
  • Bright and shining lights in the Bible: No new messages currently being added due to school closure. See all the talks in this series here.
  • Download a zip file of all the recent studies in the Parables here.
  • See all the KICS assembly talks listed here

Featured series on the Book of Ephesians: The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

Part 24- But God... Pt2 Part 25- But God... Pt3

(See all the messages in the series here)

A message from God in a virus by Rev. Andy Foster. A message preached in Penticton FPC.

The stand of the Free Presbyterian Church. A message preached by Rev Ivan Foster at the 40th anniversary of Armagh Free Presbyterian Church on 15th October 2005

Sovereign Grace Advent testimony 2020 Spring Conference

Because of the Covid 19 ‘lockdown’ and the restriction on public gatherings, the two services were broadcast on the internet. The following messages were preached by Rev. Brian McClung (Newtownabbey FPC):
‘The Testimony of Moses to Christ’
‘The Testimony of David to Christ’


Happy birthday Capt. Moore!

“The Burning Bush” would wish to join with those honouring a 100-year-old Second World War veteran who raised £32,000,000 for the NHS and who showed to this generation something of the spirit of doggedness and courage of our fathers and grandfathers which enabled them to bear patiently the hardships and deprivations of 1939-45.

The mural was organised by Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) Squadron Sergeant Major (SSM) Mark Smyth RLC based at Aldergrove Flying Station. WO2 Smyth said: “Having watched his amazing achievement from Captain Tom over the past few weeks and the way in which he conducted himself with great humour and enthusiasm, we wanted to pay tribute to him on his 100th birthday as a fantastic example of selfless service to the Nation.”

See a full tribute on the BBC news to Capt Tom Moore.

Fury as Sinn Fein MP Gildernew praises IRA man who ‘tried to murder’ Arlene Foster’s father

Here is an article from the‘Belfast Telegraph’ of April 27th, in which a senior Sinn Fein member, former Stormont Power-Sharing ‘Minister’ and Westminster MP for Fermanagh/South Tyrone, Michelle Gildernew, is reported as praising and honouring one of the IRA’s most infamous killers, Seamus McElwain.

McElwain was shot by the SAS in 1986 as he and another man attempted to lay a landmine in an attempted ambush of a security force patrol.
Michelle Gildernew, a true Irish Republican ‘harpy’, posted a tribute to the IRA killer on her ’Twitter’ account. She said: “Remembering Óglach Séamus McElwain who was killed by British forces on this day in 1986 near Roslea, Co Fermanagh. “Fuair sé bás ar son Saoirse na hÉireann” The Irish phrase translates as: “He died for Irish freedom.”

DUP MLA, Mervyn Storey, commenting on Gildernew’s tweet, said: “Thankfully we live in better times . . . ”
While he was correct in condemning Gildernew, I resent strongly Storey seeking to make some pro-power-sharing propaganda from the incident.

The times are not truly better since McElwain’s ‘buddies’ are once more in power in Stormont, thanks to Storey and his DUP pals, and wielding even greater influence over our affairs.

The daily press here in Ulster reveals the advancing influence of Sinn Fein/IRA and the back-to-the-wall retreat of Unionism as a result of the power-sharing arrangement and the elevation of the supporters of Irish Republican murder and terror to positions in government once more.

Mervyn Storey is less vexed about Gildernew’s posting than he is keen to white-wash his compromise and that of his party.  If he and his like were not so keen on ‘feathering their own nests’ through the money they receive as Stormont MLAs, Sinn Fein/IRA would not be in government today!

What goes around comes around!

The following article appeared on the BBC Northern Ireland news website. When I read the headline I immediately considered a parallel plague that we here in Northern Ireland suffered for over thirty years and which had its origins in the evil philosophy which drives the party of which Mary Lou McDonald is the present leader.

I am of course speaking of the Provisional Sinn Fein/Provisional IRA terror campaign which stretched from the year 1969 up until – well some would say with good reason – the present time with the evil activities of the ‘Dissident’ republican terrorists, who are but the ‘rump’ of the ‘Provos’, using the weaponry they never ‘decommissioned’, despite their claims and those of Ecumenists to the contrary. Read more

The sad silence in today’s news reports.

While listening to the daily reports of the deaths of more and more people from Covid-19, and the many, many interviews with the grieving family members of the latest victims, there is naturally a going out of our heart-felt sympathy to those suffering such losses. The nation is in grief today and that to a degree not seen since World War II.

However, there is one feature of the many scenes of grief which I, and I am sure all true believers, will have noted with sorrow of heart. It is the fact that there is virtually no mention whatever of the Lord or any words regarding the passing of friends and loved ones which would indicate the slightest knowledge of what is entailed in death!

Family and friends attending our death bed may appear to be a most essential thing, bu,t in truth, such can really render no help or comfort whatever. Indeed, whatever comfort may be derived is false and empty if not accompanied by the grace of God and will evaporate the instant death approaches. Read more

The blame game!!

Increasingly our news reports are taken up with representatives of various government agencies, media spokesmen and women, armchair ‘experts’ of every shade and the voices of critics in profusion – all busy pointing fingers in various directions as they seek to apportion blame, where they feel it belongs, in the wake of the startling and frightening extent of the Covid-19 plague becoming known.

Doubtless, mistakes, many mistakes, have been made in the battle against the virus. Very often, petty professional and political jealousies have lain at the heart of the inefficiencies which seem to have marked the responses to Covid-19. An example of this was seen in the media reports of the infighting and jockeying that went on amongst Cabinet ministers as a number sought to take the place of Boris Johnston the Prime Minister, when he fell ill with the virus.
Where such an atmosphere is present mistakes will most definitely ensue.

As I have listened to the ‘blame game’ being played in News programmes, I must say I have grown somewhat ‘heated’ and sought to take part in the debate by irately addressing the broadcasters (to no effect)!

What I wanted the ‘blame-layers’ to do was simply consider a little history! Read more

“Former IRA man’s expose´of: “The IRA, the Catholic Church & Big Lies”.

While we do not endorse all within the article we believe it makes instructive reading. Read more

God’s kindness amidst trouble

“Truly the light is sweet, and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the sun,” Ecclesiastes 11:7.

I am sure I speak for many Christians when I say that the above verse, part of my daily reading this morning, is especially relevant and applicable today.

As one of those under the strictest ‘lockdown’, involving 4 months of ‘self-isolation’ (which is likely to be extended since the confusion amongst the ranks of those leading the nation at this time of crisis is troubling, to say the least, and does not augur well for the future), the wonderful spell of sunshine has been a special blessing.
In the midst of trouble, we happily rest upon the unfailing provision of our God and Saviour. We are exhorted not to worry or fret. “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:6-7.

The word ‘careful’ means quite literally ‘to be full of care, to be anxious’. We are not to be full of care but rather, we are to be full of faith: “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you,” 1 Peter 5:6-7. Read more


Back to school missionaries from Free Presbyterian Church given an even tougher mission in Africa

GRAEME COUSINS finds out about the efforts of missionaries from Ulster in lockdown in the east African nation of Uganda.

Building a school in a developing country is a tough enough task, but with the world in lockdown due the coronavirus pandemic a group of missionaries from Northern Ireland have shifted their focus to feeding the starving.

Uganda, like most other countries is on lockdown, though the east African nation is yet to experience any deaths due to Covid-19.

However should the virus take hold in Uganda it could have devastating impact with the health service there unequipped to cope with an outbreak.

Read more (link to Belfast Newsletter article)


We ask this question in the light of the DUP’s rejection that the virus is a judgment from the hand of God. It has been widely reported that the DUP does not believe that the present plague troubling virtually the whole world, the Coronavirus, is a judgment sent of God.

For the Christian, a few verses from the Bible will settle this matter and indicate that the DUP is utterly wrong, AGAIN!

1. “Shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?” Amos 3:6. The obvious answer to that question is ’NO’! Read more

O come quickly Lord Jesus!

“Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus,” Revelation 22:20.

These words contain a PROMISE and a PLEA. Here are the last words of Christ to His people at the close of the holy canon of Scripture and the earnest prayer of John, the writer of the final book of the Bible, expressing what has been and is still the earnest longing of the people of God.

It has ever been the longing of believers, in every age, that the Lord Jesus return to this earth in power and great glory. Jude indicates this by quoting from the words of one who preached to the very first generation of mankind.

“And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him,” Jude 14-15. Read more

A very express word from the Spirit

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith….”

Today, as part of my daily reading, I read the above verses. The word ‘express’ appears only here so that this is a very unique and specific utterance of the Holy Spirit for the people of God in the ‘latter times’!

The term ‘latter times’ is likewise unique in that it appears nowhere else in the Bible. There is the parallel phrase, ‘the last days’ (Genesis 49:1, Isaiah 2:2, 2 Timothy 3:1, etc.)
The days that will come at the close of this age are often the subject of the Holy Spirit’s considerations. We would do well to consider them for we, as a generation, are above all before us, the nearest to those referred to by the Lord.

There are many of us who believe that this generation is indeed the generation whose offspring will likely see the close of this age!
In the verses above it is clear that the Lord, above all generations that have been born, has a word for those living at the end. It is a word of WARNING and a word of INSTRUCTION! Read more

Sinn Fein’s backwards approach to Covid-19 outbreak proves lengths it will go to show disdain for UK

by Ruth Dudley Edwards, Belfast Telegraph, 13th April 2020

Why does the party slavishly urge obedience to the World Health Organisation, asks Ruth Dudley Edwards.

Among all the questions to ask Michelle O’Neill about Sinn Fein’s health policy concerns is her new-found enthusiasm for the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Here are just a few. How does she feel about the WHO’s disastrous failure to inform the world of the coronavirus threat in early January? Why did it repeat the Chinese Government’s lie about there being no evidence of human-to-human transmission?

Why did its director general Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus praise China for its transparency when there was no doubt of a cover-up and the silencing of whistleblowers? Why, as late as March, was Ghebreyesus saying that the “stigma” of calling this virus Chinese – which it was – “was more dangerous than the virus itself”? Read more

The Bible or The Traditions of Rome

The following is the text of an e-mail message we received from a visitor to our website and the answer we sent to him. We thought both would be of interest to all our readers.

A Further response and the editor’s reply is included

Dear Sirs,

I live in a an area that is mostly Roman Catholic. However, when I leave my own geographic area I continually meat many people who are members of many Protestant denominations. Most of the Protestants I have met are sincere Christians who make outrageous statements about The Roman Catholic Faith.

At first, I considered what was being said and took it to heart. I began to study and research what they said. Are they telling the truth about the Catholic Church. After all if they believed in something so strongly maybe they were right. Read more

The cure is worse than the disease!

“A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished,” Proverbs 27:12.

It was reported on the ‘Fox News’ website that President Donald Trump said on 23rd March that he wants to reopen the country (the USA) for business in weeks, not months, and claimed, without evidence, that continued closures could result in more deaths than the pandemic itself. “We can’t have the cure be worse than the problem.” This was echoing a midnight ‘tweet’ on the previous Sunday evening. in which he said: “We have to open our country because that causes problems that, in my opinion, could be far bigger problems.”

As I considered his use of this old adage, I thought that such a response has long been the response of millions to the cure for sin that is offered to lost mankind in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The wisdom of such a reaction by President Trump to the coronavirus pandemic is questionable and many have said that he is utterly wrong.

Whether he is or not can be argued over ad nauseam but regarding the response of the majority of mankind to the gospel there is no question but they are wrong when they deem God’s cure to be worse than the disease of sin. Read more

Social distancing rule flouted by Republicans

The following letter appeared in today’s ‘Belfast Newsletter’.

It is a response to the recent reports of Republicans flouting the ‘social distancing’ that all are supposed to adhere to when attending funerals. (See news report here)
The letter should be read carefully by all Unionists. It highlights how our future and our liberties were sold into Republican hands. It really is time that Unionists saw the betrayal that was wrought twenty-two years ago when we weres sold out for a ‘mess of political pottage’!!

The fiasco that is Stormont today is illustrative of the total emptiness of the “Belfast Agreement” and its update, “The St Andrews Agreement”. The latter gave birth to today’s power-sharing, when the DUP, deceitfully and that for their own political and monetary gains, entered into power-sharing with Sinn Fein/IRA. Read more

Huge Pro-Life Response to NIO Abortion Consultation Disregarded

Jim Allister speaks for the unborn.

1. Statement by TUV leader Jim Allister, March 25th 2020:
“The data published by the Northern Ireland Office today shows that there was a huge response to the consultation on abortion. Over 21,200 responses were received – with a massive 79% registering their general opposition to any abortion provision in Northern Ireland beyond that which was permitted.

“I commend the many groups and individuals who took the time to respond to consultation making clear that they supported the life of the unborn. The number of responses illustrates that in spite of the noise generated on social media and the pro-abortion bias of much of the mainstream media Northern Ireland remains a Province which values the most vulnerable – unborn children. Read moreor watch Jim Allister speak in the Assembly on abortion regulations using the player below.

Pro-abortion campaign in Northern Ireland

An issue about which Christians in Northern Ireland should pray is the terrible campaign by pro-abortionists here in Ulster. Not only has Westminster imposed the most liberal abortions laws upon us, chiefly at the behest of Sinn Fein sympathisers, it has to be said, but now the Alliance Party’s only Westminster MP, Dr Stephen Farry, is calling for the recent decision to make available a pill for expectant mothers in England to use at home, to bring on the abortion of a baby to be extended to Northern Ireland.

The BBC reported recently: “Patients in England can now have home abortions during the Covid-19 outbreak, the government in England has said. Abortion Policy has changed several times during the current pandemic. Women and girls wanting to terminate an early pregnancy were first told the service would be available but that decision was then retracted. Now, the government has decided patients can take two pills at home instead of going to a clinic to avoid exposure to coronavirus.” Read more

Trump says PM’s coronavirus approach could have been ‘very catastrophic’

It is irritating to have to read the words of the world’s leading buffoon regarding the UK’s dealing with Coronavirus, given the stupid utterances of the man in recent times.

See also: Trump’s shifting views on China and coronavirus raises long-term concerns

If ever a person personified the truth of the ancient saying : “They whom the gods would destroy they first make mad!” it is Donald ‘Chump’ !

This ‘wag o the wall’ world leader, who recently told America that the coronavirus crisis would all be over by Easter and Americans would all be back to work and then, virtually in the next breath, said that 200,000 dead Americans would be a ‘great’ result in their fight against the CV, has voiced criticism of the UK’s efforts to curb the pandemic.

Now I am no advocate of the wisdom or ethics of Boris Johnston but I certainly resent criticism from such an idiot as Trump, especially  given his record in recent days, when even his own medical advisors are embarrassed by his idiocy !

In truth, the organising of a ‘government’ machine, with all its competitive personalities seeking at a time like this to advance their own standing and political status, to run in unison and harmony is a task no human can successfully handle.

It would take a Joseph (Genesis 48:38-39) to cope with today’s modern bureaucracy!

There is a leaving out of the Lord in the thinking of all governments. That is the mark of this age and the apostasy which is quickly ripening for judgment.

Leading doctor warns north must ‘harmonise’ with south to win coronavirus battle

This article from the Irish News reports a statement from a Republican/Nationalist medical doctor, in which he makes this point. It is an example of the ideologically driven agenda followed by such, even in the midst of the dangers and distresses of the coronavirus crisis.

Protestants and Unionists can never let down their guard for, as ever, the old rally cry of popish Irish Nationalism is unchanged! It used to be “England’s difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity” and the implications of that evil mindset is easily transferred to today’s difficulties.

There is nothing that Irish Romanism will not use in order to seek to further its cause of severing Northern Ireland from the rest of the United Kingdom. The spirit that was seen in 1916 ‘Easter Rising’, when Irish terrorists seized the opportunity to engage in rebellion at a time when the rest of the British Isles along with its allies, were engaged in a dreadful war with Germany. At that time, many tens of thousands of Irish men were engaged in that war with Germany within the ranks of various British regiments. Indeed, many brave Irishmen sacrificed their lives in that struggle. At such a time, embryonic Sinn Fein and others rose up in a treacherous but short-lived act of rebellion in Dublin.

Sadly, the deceived and deceitful ecumenists have so poisoned the minds and hearts of their flocks that few amongst the main denominations have an awareness of Rome’s wicked deviousness and treachery. They, like poor dumb sheep, embrace every lie of the devil spouted by their religious leaders and follow on down the road to their own destruction!

May God quicken and awaken His own people to these dangers and stir them to pray and revive our pulpits to proclaim with fresh power the old truths of God as they are set forth in the Bible and which He was pleased to spread by His faithful servants amongst the nations in bygone days, and in more recent times, of reformation and revival here in Ulster. God save us from popery!

DUP councillor blames coronavirus pandemic on ‘God’s judgment’ for legalising abortion

See ITV news report here.

The sad thing is that though Mr Carson speaks the truth of God on this matter, he is a member of a political party that has helped spread acceptance of the very sins that he says have brought down God’s judgment upon the nation!

Many Christians have got very excited about Mr Carson’s comments BUT while his condemnation of these sins is commendable, he is soiled with them himself, given his political allegiance!

His party is in a political coalition with the chief pro-abortion party in the Stormont Assembly, Sinn Fein, as well as with the SDLP and the Alliance Party, both of which are pro-abortion. Read more


Ballymena DUP councillor John Carson apologises after blaming coronavirus pandemic on ‘God’s judgement’ for legalising abortion and same-sex marriage

This is a follow-up to an article I circulated just an hour or so ago.

He has apologised for saying that the coronavirus was sent of God as a judgment for the support given to same-sex marriage and abortion.

He didn’t need to go on the ’Nolan Show’ to be made a fool of. He managed that himself.

“As wax melteth before the fire” so melted the courage of this mighty man of valour!

The following report of this sad event appeared in the ‘Irish News.’ Mr Carson is pictured there with his party leader, Mrs Arlene Foster. In the picture he is seen very close to her but following his comments the party distanced itself from him. He, in turn, made a grovelling apology in order to crawl back into the party’s ‘good books’.  Like all turncoats, he will find that is just not really possible. No one likes a ‘yellow belly’! Read more