This report, taken from the Belfast Telegraph, has brought back many memories of dark days long ago. The terrorist attack on Mountain Lodge Pentecostal Church in Co. Armagh took place on my 40th birthday, 8th November 1983.
The Kenny family lived a mere couple of hundred yards from us, on Garvary Hill, on the Tempo Road out of Enniskillen, when I was minister of Bethel FPC. I was familiar withMr and Mrs Kenny as part of the Christian community in Enniskillen.
The miraculous escape of Mrs Edith Kenny and her daughter and many others that night was a wonderful example of the mercy of God experienced by a multitude during those years of Irish Republican’s murderous terrorism.
It does not take too much insight to see the same spirit of murder at work in the recent Hamas attacks on the Jewish civilians in Israel on October 7th past.

Terrorism worldwide, irrespective of what name it goes under, is everywhere the spawn of the one who was a “murderer from the beginning,” John 8:44, the devil!
Here is that picture in the article of the Kenny family back then.
Sincerely in Christ’s name,
Ivan Foster