The growing stench of death from the DUP camp

Blossom End Rot

It seems that each day brings a fresh revelation of the corruption and depravity that has taken over the DUP.

Here are the latest signs of the death of this party!

Ivan Foster

How can any denomination that fears the Lord tolerate within its membership those who support a party which rejoices in that which the Lord abominates and tolerates the use of the foulest of language from one of its leading MPs??

A Question for the Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church and members of the whole church.

How can anyone who professes to love and fear the Lord remain in membership of the DUP?

A question for those who stain themselves by mingling with this party which has abandoned every semblance of the morality it once professed.

DUP MLA Pam Cameron shares her delight at attending best friends’ gay wedding

DUP MP accuses Joe Biden of having ‘f*** them’ attitude to Afghans after troops decision

“‭Wherefore‭ come out‭‭ from‭ among‭ them‭, and‭ be ye separate‭‭, saith‭‭ the Lord‭, and‭ TOUCH‭‭ NOT‭ THE UNCLEAN‭ THING; and‭ I will receive‭‭ you‭,‭” 2 Corinthians 6:17